These strange creatures are originally from the Far Realms. Occasionally, they manage to reach the material plane and take control of the bodies of humanoids. While they are extremely vulnerable in their natural state, they can be very dangerous once they infect a host.
Corrupted Nature Table
d6 | Physical sign of corruption |
1 | Your veins are bloated and black. |
2 | Your eyes glow with a strange eerie light. |
3 | Your skin becomes covered in patches of slimy ooze. |
4 | Your tongue is abnormally long and strong. |
5 | Whenever you talk, two voices speak instead of one. |
6 | Your skin is clammy and cold to the touch. |
Parasite Traits
Your Parasite has the following traits.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2 and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. If you are replacing your race with this lineage, replace any Ability Score Increase you previously had with this.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Deep speech.
Creature Type. You are an Aberration.
Size. You are Medium or Small (this depends on the Host Body you choose, see below).
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Mind blast. You know the Mind Sliver cantrip, and can cast it without any material, somatic or verbal components. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints with this cantrip, it falls unconscious but doesn't die.
Natural Shape. Your natural shape is that of a tiny worm-like aberration, this shape uses your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores, but your Strength score becomes 1, and your Dexterity and Constitution scores are reduced by 5. In your natural shape, you have 1 hitpoint, a walking speed of 10 feet and a climbing speed of 10 feet. While you are in this form, you cannot wear or carry items or equipment, speak verbally or cast spells other than the one gained from your Mind Blast feature. If you remain in your natural shape for 24 hours without finding a host body, you die.
Host Body. When you create this character, you have already found a host body. Choose a race from among the playable races. You gain the following elements of that race: any climbing, flying or swimming speeds it had, and you are its size and appear as one of that race. You lose these attributes if you change host or if your host body dies. As an action, you may leave your host body and revert to your natural shape, which appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of your host body, if you do your host body falls into a coma until you return to it.
GWENT- Parasite by Bogna Gawrońska
Abhorrent Survival. Whenever you would die, if your body isn't destroyed then only your host body dies and you revert to your natural shape, and appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of your dead host body.
Parasitic Infection. You may perform an 1-hour ritual to claim a different host body. To do so, you must remain within 5 feet of the creature whose body you want to take control of for the duration. Additionally, that creature must be a small or medium humanoid, and it must either be willing or be incapacitated and have 1 or less hitpoints for the duration of the ritual. When you finish the ritual, the new body becomes your host body as your natural shape moves into it and takes control of it, and your old host body withers and dies. Doing this ritual doesn't change your ability scores or features as your new body warps to conform to your characteristics, however you do gain any climbing, flying or swimming speeds the host body possesses and you become small or medium depending on the host body's size. You have advantage on Charisma (deception) checks you make to pretend to be the creature whose body you have taken control of.
Telepathy. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.