
by SolomonSinclair

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Those rogues who become shinobi are those who specialize in the art of striking like a viper and disappearing like a shadow and are as slippery as an eel when forced into combat.

As hard to pin down as a playful summer breeze, they are nevertheless as deadly as an autumn typhoon.


3rd-level Shinobi feature

Your talent with striking from out of the corner of the eye grants you a new way to use your Sneak Attack. You can use your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Stealth) check against a creature you can see contested by the target's Wisdom (Perception) check.

If you succeed, you can use your Sneak Attack against that target even if you don't have advantage on the attack roll, but not if you have disadvantage on it. If the target cannot see you when you make this check, you have advantage on the check.

When you hit a creature that failed this check with Sneak Attack, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn.


3rd-level Shinobi feature

While you prefer to strike from the shadows, sometimes you are forced into combat where you make use of a unique style of fighting that relies almost solely on deflecting incoming blows.

When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to your Dexterity modifier times your rogue level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you regain your reaction.

Chasing Shadows

9th-level Shinobi feature

Your supreme agility allows you to attack with the speed of an arrow in flight. When you take the Dash action, you can use your Deathblow feature as part of the same action.

If you moved at least 15 feet towards your target before using your Deathblow feature, you have advantage on Dexterity checks until the start of your next turn.

Flowing Water

13th-level Shinobi feature

The skill you demonstrate while deflecting attacks takes on the appearance of a beautiful dance. When you use your Deflect feature and reduce the damage to 0, you can make a single melee attack against the attacking creature as part of the same reaction.

Additionally, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier times your rogue level.

Shinobi Execution

17th-level Shinobi feature

You have mastered the art of taking down the unaware
like a mist of ravens. When you hit a creature with your Deathblow feature, your Sneak Attack dice become d12s.


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