Tarantula Rouge V2

by Databank

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Rogue: Tarantula V2

The tarantula is sometimes called a slow creature. But it's always got a plan. It walks with purpose. And is never seen until it's too late. Dropping on their prey from heights unseen and sinking venom into its victim. Then pulling their prey back to the web weaved burrows. these powers have been growing within you and now have begun to manifest.

Dropping Ambusher

3rd-level Tarantula feature

Your body has adapted to stick to surfaces, a skill you use to pounce on others. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and may move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free.

When you are directly 5 feet above an enemy you may drop down and make an attack. You are immune to fall damage from this distance. Upon a successful drop attack you may deal an extra 1d6 of damage. You may deal this damage once per round.

At 9th level the damage increases to 2d6 and distance you can fall increases to 10 feet, 3d6 and 20 feet at 13th level, and 4d6 and any distance at 17th.


9th-level Tarantula feature

You now produce a natural venom. Your unarmed strikes now count as a finesse weapon and deal piercing damage.

When you hit a creature with a melee attack they must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equl to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution Modifier. Upon a failure the target takes 1d6 poison damage + your Constitution Modifier and are poisoned. Upon a success they take half damage and are not poisoned. They may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.

You may only use this ability once per round. The poison damage increases to 1d8 13th level and then 1d10 at level 17.

Spider Experienced

13th-level Tarantula feature

Your body has changed to become more arachnid-like. Your climbing speed increases by 10 feet. You are resistant to poison damage. This increases to poison immunity at 17th level.

Webbing Skill

13-level Tarantula feature

You begin producing a natural silk you can use for purposes. You gain the following benefits:

  • You may use your action cast Web. It lasts for 1 minute.
  • You may spend 1 hour to create a small basket or similar object made of spider silk. The object is reduced to a pile of cobwebs after 24 hours.
  • You may use your action and bonus action to quickly weave a parachute made of web. You may reduce your falling speed and a number of creatures hanging onto you to 60 feet per round. The number of creatures is equal to your DEX Modifier (minimum of 0). When you and the creatures hanging onto you land you take no fall damage.

Only one of these webbed structures may exist at a time. If you create a new one, the oldest grows weak and melts away.

To The Bone

17th-level Tarantula feature

The inner being is gone. All that remains is spiders. When you hit zero hit points you are not killed outright but instead scatter into a number of small spiders equal to Dexterity Score x Constitution Score x 10 . So long as one of those spiders survive you may reform within a number of days equal to 1 + (365 ÷ the number of spiders that survived).

Once you use this feature you may not use it again for 1 year.

Art Dark Elf Assassin | By SirTiefling