Wizard: School of Solology

by pxxlz

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School of Solology

In the searing deserts, atop towering cliffs, and even deep in space, the light of the sun is an unavoidable force of nature without any disturbances in its view. This light was an untapped source of unparalleled arcana - until now. Those who follow the School of Solology strive to illuminate the darkest spaces and tap into what has been thought impossible by enhancing their own light through prisms, mirrors, or magnifying glasses to dispel darkness or to sear and scorch any foes in their way.

Illuminating Studies

Beginning when you choose this school at 2nd level, you learn the Light cantrip. Additionally, the range of emitted light on any spells you cast is doubled, making previous dim light into bright light and the increased range into dim light.

When you reach 5th level in this class, you learn the daylight spell. The spell is a wizard spell for you, and it becomes fixed in your mind: it is always prepared, and does not count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Magnified Magic

At 2nd level, you have learned how to harness and magnify the light of the sun.

You can create an arcane focus that is created out of glass, crystals, a prism, a magnifying glass, or even a mirror. While you are in bright light and cast a spell, you can cast the spell at one level higher a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Solar Flare

At 6th level, you have bathed in the light and radiation of the sun for hours upon hours.

When you are concentrating on a spell that creates light, you can concentrate on that and another spell.

Empyreal Arcana

At 10th level, sunlight is stored within your arcane focus and changes any light that passes through it.

Any spell that you cast which creates light, now creates sunlight.

Celestial Flare

At 14th level, mastering the celestial body of the sun and its cousins, you can mimic their light.

You can as an action emit a surge of sunlight and create a 60 feet sphere of sunlight originating on you and it moves with you. When you cast this spell, any creature within the sphere must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or become blinded for 1 hour. An affected creature can make an additional save at the end of their turn. If a creature succeeds on the saving throw, they must make an additional saving throw at the end of each of their turns to resist your blinding light, unless they avert their gaze and gain disadvantage on all attack rolls they make. You can use this feature once every long rest.



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