Fire Giants

by Sonixerse

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Fire Giants

Fire Giants are a militaristic society that typically makes their home within volcanoes and subterranean lava flows of the Underdark. These titans are known for the legendary mastery of metalwork forging vast fortress made of steel and obsidian. In fact, fire giant settlements are always accompanied with a continual cloud of soot and flame as their forges are always lit crafting some new tool, armor, or weapon. In locations where there is little lava, fire giants have been known to establish vast mining networks to mine for coal to fuel their outposts.

Martial Discipline

Fire giant society shares some similarities with their arctic counterpart. However, despite the martial tendencies, fire giants are known for their discipline war machine akin to the wild ravagers that are frost giants. From an early age, fire giants are taught the art of war mastering the use of heavy armor and metal weapons. In fact, many fire giants treat forging one's first weapon and armor as a coming to age ritual.

Dominating Warlords

In order to fuel their war machine, fire giants will often subjugate weaker races to provide labor for their settlements. Although fire giants typically subjugate humanoids, they have been known to subjugate more powerful creatures as well, such as lesser giants and even dragons. Whereas most humanoid subjects are often condemned to work in subterranean mines in search of rare metals to be smelted by fire giant crafters, stronger creature are often given positions of authority over weaker creatures and at times are even given military positions.

Fire Giant Tactics

Despite their brutish appearance, fire giants are shrewd tacticians for they treat combat as an art to be mastered, just like smithing. Many creatures seem to underestimate the tactical cunning that these giants possess. Despite their bulky forms, these giants are incredibly skilled and agile fighters, capable of striking down their opponent before their enemy can even make a move.

Adaptive Fighter

Fire giants have carefully trained to be prepared for any situation and often deploy different fighting styles depending on the situation. Thanks to countless training exercises, fire giants are able to wield any weapon with deadly proficiency and are able to correct their strike's midswing to strike down their opponent.

Coordinated Tactics

However, the most terrifying aspect of battling a fire giant is their coordination. When fighting in a group, fire giants have been known to coordinate their attacks to fully take advantage their enemies defenses. Squads of fire giants typically employ mixed tactics using their flaming rock attacks to pin down and neutralize any ranged opponents or to weaken stronger enemies. While melee, fire giants attempt to coordinate their attacks using their sweeping greatswords to knock opponents off-balance while allowing their partner to make an easy follow-up attack.

Tactical Retreat

However, despite their warrior's pride, fire giants will not hesitate to retreat if a fight begins to turn against them. However, if fire giants seem to be retreating, one must be extremely wary. Not only due fire giants tend to be even deadlier when heavily wounded, they also plotting their next strategy that will give them an edge in the next encounter.

Fire Giant

Huge Giant, varies

  • Armor Class 18(Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 162 (13d12+78)
  • Speed 40ft.

25 (+7) 9 (-1) 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Str +11, Con +10
  • Skills Athletics +11, Perception +6
  • Immunities Fire
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages Giant
  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Challenge 11 (7200 xp)

Battle Tactics The Fire Giant has advantage on initiative checks

Blazing Fury If the Fire Giant starts its turn below half its hitpoint maximum, it can deal an additional 7(2d6) fire damage on each of its damage rolls.

Endurance If the Fire Giant fails a Constitution saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage and none on a success

Fearless Warrior The Fire Giant has advantage against being frightened.

Giant's Might The Fire Giant can deal a critical hit on a 18-20 against creatures at least one size smaller than it.

Heated Armor Creatures that grapple or hits the fire giant with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of it takes 7(2d6) fire damage.

Siege Monster The Fire Giant can deal double damage to buildings and objects

Titanic Strength The Fire Giant has advantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws against creatures at least one size smaller than it


Multiattack. The Fire Giant can make two attacks with its Blazing Greatsword.

Blazing Greatsword Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, 10ft., one target. Hit 21(4d6+7) slashing damage + 14(4d6) fire damage.

On a hit, the Large or smaller target must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Rock Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, 60/240ft., one target. Hit 29(4d10+7) bludgeoning damage + 14(4d6) fire damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and restrained. Creatures restrained in this manner must use its action to break free with a successful DC 19 Strength saving throw.


Martial Discipline If the Fire Giant misses on an attack roll, it can roll the attack again taking the new result


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