Atlantean Treasury

by KoatheDM

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Atlantean Treasury

Atlantean Trident

Weapon (Trident), Uncommon

This gold-plated trident is embedded with a number of deep sea sapphires and is used commonly by Atlanteans. While holding the Atlantean Trident you gain a swimming speed of 35 feet. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with the Atlantean Trident, and if you throw the Atlantean Trident underwater, it immediately flies back to your hand after you have made the attack.

Abyssal Piercer

Rapier, Uncommon

This rapier has a deep cobalt blade that is practically black, with connected pieces of abyssal chitin as its guard. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this weapon, and once per turn, you can choose to make an attack with disadvantage in an attempt to make a stinging strike. On hit, the target takes an additional 1d8 poison damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw of 13 or be Poisoned until the start of your next turn.

Curse. The abyssal poison that is embedded into the blade of this weapon contains the vengeful spirits of the slain aberrations that were used to make this weapon, and they often strike back. If you miss your Stinging Strike with this weapon, the poison of the weapon siphons away one of your hit dice. If you have no hit dice remaining, you gain a level of exhaustion.

Angler's Folly

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

Used as a last ditch effort by Leviathanguards when they are getting ovw themed by aberrations, this 4 inch wide glass sphere has a pearlescent sheen to it that always seems to faintly glow even in the deepest depths of the ocean.

As an action you can toss the Angler’s Folly to a point within 30 feet of you, where it immediately glows a soft but brilliant iridescent light out to 60 feet, providing bright light out to 60 feet for 1 minute. Creatures of your choice within 60 feet of the sphere that can see the light must succeed on a DC15 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by the light for 1 minute. Aberrations with a swimming speed have disadvantage on this saving throw. While charmed, a creature must spend their turn dashing to get closer to the light, and do nothing else. A creature remakes the initial saving throw at the end of each of their turns and upon taking damage, ending this effect upon success and becoming immune to its effects for 24 hours.

Once the Angler’s Folly has been used, the magic fades from it and it becomes a mundane glass sphere.

Anklet of the Barracuda

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

Used by both hunters and Leviathanguards, this simple seaweed anklet has silver and aquamarine statuettes of barracudas that adorn it. Once per turn, before making an attack, provided you are underwater, you can propel yourself forward 30 feet towards the target of your attack.

Cuttlefish Leathers

Armor (Leather), Very rare

This smooth leather armor seems to warp and shift in color depending on your surroundings and mood. While wearing the Cuttlefish Leathers, if you have moved no more than 10 feet during your turn, when you end your turn you become Invisible. This invisibility lasts until the end of your next turn or until you make an attack, force a creature to make a saving throw, or move more than 10 feet on a turn.

By KoatheDM. Art by Warmtail.

Cloak of the Jellyfish

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

Used often by the Leviathanguard, this translucent cloak looks akin to that of a jellyfish and faintly moves on its own as if affected by invisible underwater currents. If a creature grapples you, you are swallowed by a creature, or a creature makes a Shove attack against you while you are wearing this cloak, as a reaction you can activate the paralytic and stinging properties of the cloak, where the creature must succeed on a DC14 Constitution saving throw or take 3d6 poison damage and be paralyzed until the end of your next turn, only taking half damage on success. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until the next dawn

Coral Wreath Circlet

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)

This circlet is made of a multicolored miniature coral reef, with a variety of living Coral that adorn it. While attuned to the Coral Wreath circlet you can use it as a spellcasting focus. The Coral Wreath Circlet has 10 charges, regains 1d10 + 5 charges at dawn, and you can expend charges to cast the following spells, Coral Shard (1), Coral Wreath (1), and Rampant Coral Growth (4). Additionally, when you are hit with a melee attack, as a reaction, you cause coral growths to sprout from your circlet to protect you, where you gain 5 temporary hit points per charge expended from this reaction that immediately take the triggering damage and fade at the end of the turn. You cannot use this reaction when you have taken psychic damage.

Furthermore whenever you cast a spell with the word Coral in its name, you gain 5 temporary hit points and you have a +1 bonus to your AC while you have these temporary hit points (These temporary hit points are added to the temporary hit points given in Coral Wreath).

Heart of the Kraken

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This twine necklace appears to be made of broken kraken teeth with a small jade sculpture of twisting tentacles, which was a common symbol of Y’rakthon, the Blinded Kraken. While wearing this necklace, as an action you can fill your lungs with seawater and spew out the seawater which erupts into a 30 foot cone of crackling lightning. Each creature within this area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of 13 or take 6d6 Lightning damage, halved upon success. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until the next dawn.

By KoatheDM. Art generated by

Leviathanguard Plate

Armor (Splint), Rare (requires attunement)

This bulky and jagged suit of armor is made of crimson chitinous shells of deep sea aberrations in combination with that of giant crabs and is usually worn by the Leviathanguard. While wearing this armor you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and you can cast the spells Utaeli’s Crab Claw and Utaeli’s Crab Carapace without components through the innate magic of the armor. Once you have casted one of these spells, you cannot cast that spell again until the next dawn.

Royal Atlantean Plate

Armor (Half Plate or Plate), Uncommon

This royal armor is made of an alloy of Undersea Thulium and treated platinum with pearlescent filigree and decorative embeds of silver seashells and pearls. This armor does not inhibit your ability to swim, is effectively weightless while underwater, and if you are submerged in seawater while wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC as the filigree and pearls faintly glow when exposed to seawater.

Redirection Trident

Weapon (Trident), Rare (requires attunement)

This deep cerulean and black trident is embedded with iridescent pearls that thrum with arcane energy that lead to three twisted prongs, and it is commonly Used by Atlanteans when facing krakens or lightning elementals. This trident has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 +2 charges at dawn. You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this weapon and when you take lightning, thunder, or force damage, you can expend a charge as a reaction to gain resistance to that instance of damage and redirect it towards a target you can see within 60 feet of you. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw of 14 or take 3d10 of the damage type that triggered this reaction.

By KoatheDM. Art generated by

Sekolah's Ire

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

This jagged and mangled medallion is composed of bloodied shark teeth bound by rusted iron and gold. While attuned to Sekolah's Ire, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures who are missing more than half of their total hit points and you critically strike creatures who have half of their total hit points on a roll of 19 or 20 . Additionally, as an action you can cast the spell Bloodsense, without requiring Components. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until the next dawn or until you have reduced a creature to zero hit points.

Curse. The bloodthirsty nature of Sekolah’s Ire brings about frenzy and primal urges near blood. Once you have attuned to Sekolah’s Ire, your eyes and teeth noticeably change to become more shark-like, and you cannot willingly unattune from Sekolah’s Ire. Furthermore, whenever you reduce a creature to zero hit points, you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw of 10 or spend your next turn eating the flesh of the slain creature, if possible.

Sekolah's Ravager

Club, Uncommon

This club has been fashioned with a multitude of razor sharp and jagged shark teeth, that always seem to have traces of blood on their surface. Sekolah’s Ravager deals an additional 1d6 slashing damage on hit, and when you critically strike a creature with this weapon, it rips open a magical wound. A creature who is wounded rakes 2d6 necrotic damage at the start each of their turns for 1 minute, or until magically healed or a Wisdom (Medicine) check of 14 is made to staunch the bleeding as an action.

Vortex Guard

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

These cobalt and gold bracers have ancient aquan and abyssal etching on them, and water seems to naturally form vortexes and flow easier when around them. While attuned to these bracers, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC while submerged in seawater and you do not suffer disadvantage on weapon attack rolls made while underwater due to the weapon being used.

When you are targeted by a ranged weapon attack while underwater, you can slam the Vortex Guard bracers together to create a swirling vortex to slow and displace the projectile as a reaction, forcing your attacker to roll an additional d20 and take the lowest result.

By KoatheDM. Art by Warmtail.


  • Version 1.0
    • Initial release


  This homebrew was made by KoatheDM, and you can find more homebrew content on Patreon! I also have an Instagram account, Reddit account where I post and tease other homebrew content by the name of KoatheDM, and a Twitter where I also tease upcoming content! This document was made through GMBinder. Art generated by and art made by Warmtail.

By KoatheDM

This document was lovingly created using GM Binder.

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