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# Z's Cowboy Gunslinger ___ ## Introduction *"To the town of Agua Fría rode a stranger one fine day.* ___ *Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say.* ___ *No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip.* ___ *For the stranger, there, among them, had a big iron on his hip."* ### A Grey World Guns are powerful weapons, and as such there are many who wish to abuse the power they provide, especially in a world where said power is rare. Thus, evildoers who get their hands on firearms take little time to exploit their newfound tool. But as evil finds a new root in the power structures of the world, so does justice; some of those who get their hands on firearms use their unique power to put an end to injustice. ___ However, most of the time the split between black and white isn't so clear; most people who get their hands on a gun don't mind lying if it secures them some money, but also take pity on those who are suffering. Where do you fall in this spectrum of greys? Will you do your best to help out others, even if it means not knowing where your next meal will come from? Will you give in to greed and exploit others to achieve your goals? \columnbreak ### Great Responsibility Depending on the technological status of the world you are playing on, guns may be a relatively common weapon used by both law enforcers and common burglars or a rare power whose knowledge could potentially shape the world. However, this class' firearms are not nearly as powerful as modern-day weaponry, so bear in mind that a well placed arrow can still be deadlier than a poorly aimed shot. ### Luck By your Side A lot of people rely solely on their skills to win their battles, whether arcane or physical. Gunslingers, however, find in luck an unlikely ally, often pulling off even the craziest of plans, if just by the skin of their teeth. **** Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Maybe *your* gunslinger is someone who dedicated themselves to being the best shot they can possibly be, training tirelessly to be able to protect their families, friends, nations, or just themselves. Whichever way, few can match the raw skill possessed by these gun-wielding warriors. \pagebreakNum
##### Z's Cowboy Gunslinger | Level| Proficiency Bonus | Features | Luck Strikes | |:---: |:---:|---|---| | 1st | +2 | Trained Skills, Run Red Run, Sights| | 2nd | +2 | Luck Strikes, Luck points, Lady Luck's Gift| Ricochet, Mightier Than the Sword, Leg Shot | 3rd | +2 | Gunslinger Path, Luck Boon| Dizzying Shot, Pushing Shot | 4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement| | 5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Deadeye | | 6th | +3 | Gunslinger Path Feature, Silver Bullets| Piercing Shot | 7th | +3 | Superior Luck Boon | Counter-Bullet, Exposing Shot | 8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | | 9th | +4 | | Compelling Shot | 10th | +4 | Trained Skills (2)| Anti-Aerial Shot | 11th | +4 | Gunslinger Path Feature| Disarming Shot | 12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement| | 13th | +5 | Animal Friend| | 14th | +5 | No such a thing as luck| Shield Breaker | 15th | +5 | Gunslinger Path Feature| | 16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement| | 17th | +6 | | Weakening Shot | 18th | +6 | Guardian Angel| | 19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement| | 20th | +6 | Master Gunslinger|
## Class Features As a gunslinger, you gain the following class features #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d8 per gunslinger level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 8 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 5 (or 1d8) + your Constitution modifier per gunslinger level after 1st #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** Light armor. - **Weapons:** All simple weapons, all ranged weapons, lassos and all firearms. - **Tools:** One artisan's tools and either one musical instrument or one gaming set. - **Saving Throws:** Dexterity, Charisma - **Skills:** Choose two between Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics, Stealth, Survival, Perception, Insight and Intimidation. #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* A revolver or *(b)* a rifle. - *(a)* An explorer’s pack or *(b)* a burglar's pack. - Any simple weapon. - Leather armor. \columnbreak
> ##### Gunsmithing > Choosing Smith’s Tools proficiency does **not** grant you any extra benefit. If you really want to use them to craft or modify firearms or other devices you can talk about it with your DM, but that is not a part of this class' progression. ### Trained Skills You have trained to excel at certain situations, even if you would normally be mediocre at that skill. You gain advantage in two of these options: - Survival, Nature or Investigation checks made to track a creature (searching for footprints, carriage tracks, broken branches...). - Insight checks made against a humanoid to determine whether they are lying or not about something crime-related (who they work for, if they did commit a crime or not...). - Deception checks made against a humanoid to lie about something crime-related (who you work for, if you did commit a crime or not...). \pagebreakNum - Any Sleigh of Hand check made to determine how fast you can draw a revolver and aim. - Intimidation checks made while pointing a firearm at the target creature(s) if said creature(s) know what a firearm is and that it is dangerous. - Any kind of Intelligence check made to either better understand how a weapon or mechanism that uses gunpowder works or modify said kind of technology. - Performance and Sleight of Hand checks made to do tricks with guns. ___ You choose one additional option at 10th level. ### Run Red Run You are always quick on your feet and ready to act, reposition or run away. You gain a bonus to your initiative equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can take the Dash action once during your first turn of combat (no action required). ### Sights You have three different types of sights that you can equip your firearms with: #### Iron Sight Your gun's default sight. Its properties are not altered. #### No Sight Your gun’s normal and long ranges are reduced to 1/4 (15/60ft for a revolver and 20/80ft for a rifle), but you gain a +2 bonus to hit to any ranged attack rolls you make with it. #### Scope Both your gun’s normal and long range are doubled, and you ignore both half and 3/4 cover, but any ranged attack roll you make with it suffers a -2 penalty. ___ You can use your action to change a firearm's sight. ### Luck Points Starting at 2nd level, you have a number of Luck points equal to you proficiency bonus. You regain all of your spent Luck points when you finish a short or long rest. To calculate your max Luck Points use only your gunslinger levels. ___ Luck points can be used whenever you land a ranged firearm attack to make that attack a critical hit, similarly to the Paladin's *Divine Smite*. This also means that, whenever you land a critical hit with a firearm against a creature with at least 10 maximum hit pooints, you may forgo any benefit to regain a Luck Point, up to your maximum.
> ##### Names are complicated > Should you choose the *Lucky* feat, I recommend calling the points granted by it “Lucky Feat Dice” to better differentiate between them and the Luck Points used by this class. \columnbreak ### Luck Strikes Also at 2nd level, you learn Luck strikes, special effects that you can apply to critical hits with firearms. If you do so, you forego the bonus damage that the critical hit would provide.Some Luck Strikes, like *Ricochet*, are special features that can only be used spending one or more Luck Points when certain conditions are met. Luck Strikes can only be used agains targets within your normal range, unless otherwise specified. ___ .You know all luck strikes for which you have the required level or feat. ___ Here is a list with all available Luck Strikes: ##### (2nd level) Ricochet After missing an attack, you make the bullet ricochet off of nearby surfaces, items or even creatures. You choose either the same target or another that you can see and is within your normal range, and then reroll the attack roll, ignoring cover. ##### (2nd level) Mightier Than the Sword Whenever an enemy you can makes a weapon attack, you can use your reaction and 1 LP to force that enemy to reroll the attack, taking the lower of the two resutls. If the attack is a ranged weapon attack you only need to see the target within your normal range, and the attack fails automatically. The enemy is unharmed. Huge and bigger creatures are immune to Luck Strike. ##### (2nd level) Leg Shot The target's walking speed is reduced by 20 ft until the end of its next turn. If the target has no movement speed left, it is knocked prone. If the target is Large, it's speed is reduced only 10ft, and Huge and larger creatures are immune to this Luck Strike. ##### (3rd level) Dizzying Shot The target is briefly distracted by the pain inflicted, unable to take reactions until the end of its next turn. ##### (3rd level) Pushing shot You push the target of the ranged firearm attack 10 ft away from you. If the target is Large, it is moved just 5 ft. Huge and Gargantuan creatures are immune to the effects of this Luck Strike. ##### (6th level) Piercing Shot The bullet keeps enough force after impact to still be deadly. The attack now targets a number of creatures that are in straight line behind the initial target of up to your charisma modifier. Use the same attack roll, but roll damage for each hit. The bullet loses all force after exiting your normal range. \pagebreakNum
##### (7th level) Counter-Bullet As a reaction when you see an enemy cast a spell, you can spend 2 LPs to shoot said enemy with the intent of interrupting the casting. Make an attack roll, the target AC of which equals 10 + the spell’s level. On a hit, the creature’s spell fails and has no effect. The spell still consumes the required resources, such as spell slots. The enemy is unharmed. ##### (7th level) Exposing Shot The target's Armor Class is reduced by 2 points until the start of your next turn. ##### (9th level) Compelling Shot You demand the target's attention, forcing them to keep an eye on you. The target has disadvantage on attack rolls against and can't make opportunity attacks targeting creatures other than you. This effect lasts until one of your allies attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you end your turn more than 60ft away from the target. ___ \columnbreak
##### (10th level) Anti-Aerial Shot If the target is an airborne creature whose flying speed comes from physical means, you can target them to hinder it's flight. The creature's flying speed is reduced by 40ft. ##### (11th level) Disarming Shot You hit a hand or similar appendix of the target, forcing it to drop whatever item it is holding with that hand, if any. If the target is holding an item with two or more hands it is unaffectd. The object lands at its feet. Huge and larger creatures are immune to this Luck Strike. ##### (14th level) Shield Breaker If the target is under the effect of the *Shield* spell, including if it was cast as a reaction to this attack, the bullet shatters the magical shield, ignoring the AC bonus the spell would provide and ending it. ##### (17th level) Weakening Shot The target has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes before the start of your next turn.
\pagebreakNum ### Lady Luck's Gift Beginning at 2nd level, you have found some ways to relax and give yourself a confidence boost, even in the direst of situations. This may be a gesture, thought, or even a mockery of the enemy, increasing your morale. You can replenish all your missing LPs once per long rest as a bonus action. ### Luck Boon Starting at 3rd level, your luck can lend you and your allies a hand in difficult situations. Whenever a creature you can see within 60 feet of you makes a saving throw or an ability check, you can use 1 LP and your reaction to add your charisma modifier to the total. You can use this ability after the roll is made but before the DM states if it succeeds or not. ### Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. ### Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can aim much quicker and precisely, allowing you to shoot more times without any drawback. You can now attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. ### Deadeye Starting at level 5, you can use two attacks that are part of the Attack action to make only one, but that attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit if it lands on a creature, and you add your charisma modifier to the attack roll. If the attack roll falls within your crit range, you can apply the effect of an additional Luck Strike without cost. ### Silver Bullets Beginning at 6th level, whenever you fire a bullet from a firearm, it counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. ### Superior Luck Boon Starting at 7th level, seeing luck help you out strengthens your resolve and your companion's. Whenever you use your *Luck Boon* feature, you and the affected ally gain temporary hit points equal to twice your charisma bonus. This increases to thrice your charisma bonus at 13th level. You can also spend 1 LP to grant just the temporary hit points as a bonus action. ### Animal Friend Beginning at 13th level, the connection you have made with nature and the pain you have suffered throughout your travels allows you to better empathize with other beings without need for words. You now have advantage in any Animal Handling check you make. \columnbreak ### No such a thing as luck Beginning at 14th level, luck becomes second nature to you. You no longer suffer disadvantage on attacks against invisible or obscured targets. ### Guardian Angel Starting at 18th level, "bad luck" becomes a foreign concept to you. Whenever you roll a 1 on a d20, you treat it as a 20. ### Master Gunslinger After reaching 20th level, you master every single aspect of gunslinging, able to constantly exert control over the battlefield. Whenever you make or land an attack, you can apply the effect of a Luck Strike without having to spend a Luck Point. ## Gunslinger Paths ### The Desperado *"There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play* ___ *And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today* ___ *Texas Red had not cleared leather 'fore a bullet fairly ripped* ___ *And the ranger's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip."* ___ Swift and nimble, desperados are often able to take down the deadliest of foes before they even have the chance to act which, added to how difficult they are to pin down, makes them a constant threat on the battlefield. #### Dancing With Danger Starting at 3rd level, you land exceptionally lucky shots more frequently. Your firearm attacks now score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or higher. ___ Additionally, ranged firearm attack made by you no longer have disadvantage as a result of the target being within 5ft of you. #### Body Reader Also at 3rd level, you learn how to read a creature's body language to assess it's personality. You can, as a bonus action and both in and out of combat, try to discern a creature's true motivations. Make a charisma check of DC equal to 8 + the creature's deception modifier. On a success, you know the creature's alignment. On a failure, you can only know if they are Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic. You can use this ability on the same target once every 24h. #### Don’t Fence Me In Beginning at 6th level, you are always alert and especially resilient to dangerous traps or spells that may immobilize or slow you. You now add your charisma modifier to any Dexterity savingthrow or check you make to prevent your movement speed from being reduced or taken from you, such as Web or a grab. \pagebreakNum #### Make it Count Starting at 6th level, you can make one last effort before blacking out using sheer will power. Whenever you are dropped to 0 hit points, you can instantly take the Attack action once. You may only do so once per short rest.
#### Swift Shooter Starting at 11th level, you have integrated shooting and aiming so much in your skills that they become second nature to you. Whenever you take the Attack action, you can now make one more attack. ___ In addition, you can now use Luck Strikes that would usually require your reaction without having to spend your reaction. #### High Noon Starting at 15th level, few creatures in existence can match your speed with a gun. In the first round of combat you always act first. If one or more creatures that participate in that combat have this or a similar feature, each of those creatures must make a Sleight of Hand Ability check to determine how fast they can draw their weapons and aim, and act from higher to lower results. ___ In addition, you may spend 2 LPs to take two actions in the first round of combat. ### The Marksman As a Marksman, you prefer quality over quantity, taking few, deadly shots. No matter how far the target is or how impossible a shot may seem, you have polished your aim to put bullet where you put your eye. Marksmen are most effective when using rifles. #### Sniper When you choose this Path at 3rd level, you learn how to mitigate a scope's drawbacks in certain situations. Being prone no longer imposes disadvantage on ranged firearm attacks, and you ignore a scope's penalty to attack rolls whenever you are prone or have half or 3/4 cover from the target \columnbreak #### Quick Reload Starting at 3rd level, you can reload your weapon as a bonus action as long as you haven't moved that turn, and you can't move after doing so. You may also reload as part of the Dash action. #### Cover Master Starting at 6th level, you learn how to most effectively use cover. Half cover grants you a +3 instead of a +2 and 3/4 cover grants you a +6 instead of a +5 bonus to AC and dexterity savingthrows. #### Quiet Beginning at 6th level, you learn how to silence your shots. As a bonus action, you can significantly reduce the noise your next ranged firearm attack generates. The shot will be heard from 15ft instead of 300 if its made with a rifle or 10ft instead of 100 if made with a revolver. #### Hollow-Point Bullets Beginning at 11th level, whenever you land a critical hit and choose to increase the attack's damage, you roll thrice as many dice to calculate the damage dealt instead of twice. #### Elite Sniper Also at 11th level, you can make the most out of using a scope to land more precise shots. Whenever you use your *Sniper* feature, you not only negate the scope's attack penalty but also grant that attack's damage a bonus equal to your charisma modifier. #### Yuyan of the West Starting at 15th level, you can take a deep breath and unnatural focus to land impossible shots. Whenever you are about to make a Deadeye attack, you can spend 1 LP to either give it unlimited range, meaning you may target anything as lons as you can see it and bypass any range restrictions, or make the attack hit automatically. \pagebreakNum ## Guns and explosives These are the guns that this class is balanced around and meant to use.
| Weapon | Damage | Range | Properties | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | Revolver | 2d4 piercing | 60/240 ft | 6 reload, one-handed, firearm, light | | Rifle | 2d6 piercing| 80/320 ft | 2 reload, two-handed, firearm | | Dynamite Stick | 6d6 fire| 30 ft throw, 10 ft explosion radius | Special| |Lasso|_|30/60 ft| Special |
#### Firearms Firearms are their own category of ranged weapons. The damage of ranged firearm attacks cannot be reduced by the Monk's *Deflect Missiles* ability or any similar ability. ___ A character needs to be proficient with firearms to use them. A character who is not proficient with firearms can acquire this proficiency by spending 100 hours training with a firearm, spending 50 bullets every hour. Once these conditions are met, the character becomes proficient with both revolvers and rifles. ___ A revolver shot can be heard up to 100ft away, and a rifle shot up to 300ft. #### Range A firearm's range is written as x/y ft, where x is the gun's normal range and y is the long range. You can shoot enemies that are within your long range at disadvantage, and those that are within your normal range without disadvantage. You cannot shoot enemies that are not within your long range distance. #### Reload The weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its reload score before you must spend 1 attack or 1 action to reload. You must have one free hand to reload a firearm. This is a different reload mechanic from the DMG's, unique to the revolvers and rifles included in this class. #### Light You can wield a revolver in one hand and another weapon or a shield in the other as long as you have the required proficiencies. #### Dual-Wielding You can only dual-wield revolvers. Unlike dual-wielding melee weapons, dual-wielding does **not** allow you to make any extra attacks as a bonus action. #### Two-handed To shoot a rifle, you must have both hands free. #### Dynamite Sticks Dynamite sticks are an optional addition that comes with this class. You can choose to have them in your game or not, as they can be used by any class, or even NPCs with no class such as commoners. ___ You can hurl a dynamite stick as an action up to 30 ft from you. It then explodes at the start of your next turn, dealing 6d6 fire damage to any creature, item that is not being worn or carried and structure within 15 ft of the explosion. Creatures and items are pushed 10ft away from the explosion ___ If a dynamite sick or pack takes at least one point of fire damage, it explodes instantly. The dynamite has an AC of 20 and can only be targeted with an attack once it has already landed on the ground. ___ You may tie a dynamite pack or stick to an arrow as a bonus action, in which case the dynamite travels with the arrow. If the attack is a critical hit, the arrow sticks to the target. #### Lasso Lassos are similar to nets, but they have a 30/60ft range. ## Ammo and prices This class was not designed with consumable ammo in mind, as I personally never use it and don't see it as a fun mechanic. You are free to implement ammo consumption if you wish, as this shouldn't really impact the class' mechanical play, but know that it is not intended play and make sure that it is what both the player and the DM want. ___ In the Forgotten Realms, I'd say a revolver should cost 200 gp (2 gp for 10 bullets), a rifle 300 gp (3 gp for 10 bullets) and one dynamite stick 40 gp, and I wouldn't recommend having just any weapon shop or smith sell these, as the Forgotten Realms are still a medieval fantasy world and making of weapons a common item may conflict with its lore. ### Weight If you use the encumbrance mechanics in your game, a revolver weights 3 lb and a rifle 10 lb, and their ammunition 0.01 and 0.02 lb. Dynamite sticks weight 0.1 lb, and lassos 0.5. > ##### Starting Ammo > If you choose to use the optional rules to track ammo spent, your gunslinger character starts with 50 revolver rounds and 40 rifle rounds. \pagebreakNum
## Feats ### CQC Expert *Prequisite: Desperado* You develop a new fighting style for close-quarter fights based around revolvers, gaining these benefits whenever you use one: - Attacks made against enemies within 5ft of you gain a bonus to their damage equal to your charisma modifier if the revolver is sightless. - You ignore half and 3/4 cover when attacking with a firearm within normal range. - During your turn, if you hit a creature with an attack, that creature can't make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn. ### Lucky Shooter ___ You learn how to better implement luck in your fighting style, gaining these benefits: - Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a +5 bonus to the attack roll. If that attack hits, its damage takes a -10 penalty, to a minimum of 1 point of damage. - Your firearms' normal range is extended to be equal to their long range. - You gain one extra Luck Point whenever you roll for initiative, up to your maximum LP capacity. You only gain this benefit if you have the *Fortune Favors the Bold* feature. \columnbreak ### Twice as Deadly *Prequisite: Desperado* You are now so skilled in using revolvers that you can wield and shoot two of them at the same time, gaining these benefits when you do so: - You can make twice as many attacks whenever you take the Attack action. When you use this ability you don't add your dexterity modifier to the attack rolls nor damage of those attacks, even if you instead make Deadeye attacks. Critical hits can only increase the damage of these attacks to 3d4, instead of 4d4. - You can reload every revolver you are wielding, even if you have no free hands, as a bonus action. ___ In addition, you can now draw or stow two revolvers when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one. ### Powder Ganger You become an expert in the use of explosives, gaining these benefits: - You can, as an action, tie up to 4 dynamite sticks together to make a dynamite pack, increasing the damage by 2d6 and how far objects and creatures are pushed away by 5ft each each. - You can throw dynamite sticks and packs as a bonus action and twice as far. - After you throw a dynamite stick or pack as a bonus action, you can target it at any point of its trajectory with a ranged firearm attack. When shot using this feature the dynamite has an AC of 20, exploding immediately if a shot lands, and you add your charisma modifier to the damage of the explosion. \pagebreakNum ## Credit This class was made with the
web tool and the image was edited using BoltNine Homebrew's
GIMP watercoloring guide
, which I found quite useful. ___ The cover image is a modified version of the "Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs" album by Marty Robbins cover. The artwork in page 3 was made by
Herbie Wang
. The one in page 6 is splash art from the game League of Legends, specifically the High Noon Miss Fortune skin, made by
Jessica Oyhenart
. The artwork in page 8 is also LoL splash art, this time of the High Noon Jhin skin by
. Riot Games holds the copyright for these last two. Finally, the last image is a fanart of Ashe from Overwatch by
. ___ Special thanks to AureusFulgens and LudicSavant for their
DPR Calculator
, to
for his incredible
DPR of Classes spreadsheet
, and to
Jasper Flick
for the
Any Dice website
. Without these amazing community tools, I would have had a much harder time balancing the class. ___ Huge shoutout to
for his
Guide to Balancing Homebrew Classes
, which contains what I consdier to be the best advice that I have seen on the subject.