## Paladins
Paladins are holy warriors devoted to a deity or an ideal and dedicated to the defense and spread of their cause and order. Although many paladin orders seek to do good by preventing the scourge of evil, others act as the very instrument of destruction for malevolent entities such as fiends or undead. Although paladins tend to be relatively uncommon in comparison to other warriors, a small group of paladins can prove to be a sizable threat to their enemies.
#### Paladin Apprentices
Paladin apprentices are newly appointed members of their order. Although they typically are not as skilled as the rest of their order, their training still makes them a much more capable force than most guards and soldiers. Due to their inexperience, they typically are charged with lesser tasks such as safeguarding temples and are rarely tasked with extremely important missions without the support of other apprentices or at least a more seasoned paladin.
#### Paladin Warriors
Paladin warriors are the defenders of their respective order, actively seeking out anything that threatens their religion and oath. These warriors can be found on the front lines against demonic incursions, or even leading the charge for the forces of evil or good.
#### Paladin Champion
Paladin champions are legendary figures that are nearly comparable to a demigod. These individuals are granted the very power and favor of their deity or patron, allowing them to become the physical incarnation of their cause.
### Paladin Types
There are numerous variants of paladins, depending on their oath and dedication. This guide will provide numerous options for various types of paladins. Depending on their oath, paladins are able to channel special abilities known as Channel Divinity.
Whenever, the paladin recharges its Channel Divinity, it can choose to use its Divine Smite or Special Channel Divinity feature (if applicable). These abilities use the paladin's spellcasting DC and can deal damage according to the type of paladin it is (apprentice, warrior, or champion).
#### Paladin Inquisitor
Paladin inquisitors have dedicated themselves to safeguarding society from the arcane malpractice. They have the unique ability to detect the presence of a spellcaster and have a wide array of abilities to nullify their effects.
#### Paladin Warden
Paladin wardens have devoted themselves to protecting civilization from the machinations of otherworldly entities such as Aberrations, Celestials, Dragons, Elementals, Fey, or Fiends. They specialize in tracking down these creatures and returning them to their plane of existence.
#### War Paladin
War paladins embrace the very aspect of battle and conquest. They serve as the sword and shield for their nation or deity, doing whatever it takes to spread their ideals to others (using force if necessary).
#### Dreadguard
Dreadguards have dedicated themselves to the art of subterfuge and death to eliminate any threat to their ideals. These individuals are often viewed as zealots that use fear, chaos, and stealth to dispatch their foes as quickly as possible.
#### Crownguard
Crowguards have devoted themselves to the protection of the innocent or helpless. As a result, crownguard can be found leading city guards or even serve as the personal bodyguards for political or religious leaders.
#### Paladin Avenger
Paladin avengers consider themselves as agents of divine punishment. They actively seek out those who have defied their ideals and relentlessly unleash the full wrath of their deity upon their foes.
#### Death Knight
Death knights act as the agents of death itself, often aiding necromancers and liches in their pursuit for immortality or leading legions of the undead into battle.
#### Abyssal Knight
Abyssal knights have succumbed to the madness of the abyss. Their sole purpose is to destroy all life by leading the demonic hordes through the Nine Hells and ultimately to the other planes of existence.
#### Hell Knight
Hell knights have forged a pact with devils, often when their soul has been forfeited to these entities. As a result, they aid infernal legions in their conquest against the demonic hordes of the Abyss, as well as their eternal war with the Celestials of the Outer Planes.
#### Dragon Knight
Oftentimes, dragons grant an aspect of their power to humanoids who pledge their allegiance to them. They use their newly granted abilities to acquire intel for their draconic master, as well as serve as guardian of their lair to protect them from unwanted intruders. Whenever the dragon goes into battle, it is not uncommon that it will be accompanied by numerous mounted dragon knights at their side.
#### Elder Guard
Elder guards acquire their power from bizarre entities from the beyond. Some have been granted their ability through service or enthrallment to entities such as mind flayers or beholders. Others have been exposed to the madness to the Far Realm.
Regardless of their origins, their minds have been fully corrupted by these alien entities and now they as harbingers for these strange entities spreading the seeds of madness and chaos.
#### Spider Guard
Spider guards have dedicated themselves to the Lloth, the spider queen. It is believed that these oaths were first taken by subterranean drow who made their homes in the Underdark. However, Lloth's influence has grown much more pronounced throughout the multiverse as she grants an aspect of her power as boons to those who pledge their allegiance to her.
#### Paladin of the Storm
Paladins of the storm claim allegiance to elementals or divine celestials whose domains include storms and wind. These champions are able to effortless harness the fury of the storm unleashing a barrage of lightning bolts and thunderous booms upon any foe that stands in their path.
#### Fey Guard
Although Fey are extremely fickle creatures, many paladins are sworn allegiance to these entities. Oftentimes, such oaths are often the result of some form of Fey scheming or trickery that magically binds one to their service. Although most Fey tend to be playful in their intent, some more sinister Fey such as Hags or Archfey magically bind their champions through hexes or curses that spell certain doom to those that break such a pact.
#### Tech Guard
Tech guard do not particularly hold an allegiance to a particular creature but to the concept or progress or technology itself. These paladins are able to draw their power from the incredible advanced made through magitech giving them the ability to animate constructs and create objects out of magical energy.
#### Paladin of the Flame
Paladins of the flame have sworn their allegiance to power entities from the domain of Fire. Such creatures can include powerful dragons, elementals, fiends, or even the gods themselves. Regardless of who their master is, one can be certain that these paladins will enforce the blazing fury of their patron's wrath against their enemies.
#### Paladin of Winter
Paladins of winter have pledged their allegiance to the domain of cold and frost. Although, paladins of this oath typically align themselves with entities of this respective domain some have been known to serve in closely related domains as well. For example, many paladins of winter often find themselves in the service of the domain of the dead due to the connection of death with cold.
#### Paladins of the Seas
Paladins of this domain have sworn themselves to the ocean itself. Whereas some paladins view such an oath as overseeing the divine or elemental balance of such a domain; other treat it as an oath of exploration, wherein they aid sailors by navigating across the hazardous waves, while braving the terrible storms, or even fighting off sea monsters. Others even view the ocean as a new fronter to conquer, using their abilities to become pirates or nautical warmonger to claim the seas as their own.
#### Paladins of the Earth
Those who swore an oath to the domain of Earth typically serve power Celestial or Elementals who are associated with crafting the very foundations of the world. These paladins are able to call upon the very might of creation itself to immovably stand in the way of anything that seeks to defy their masters.
> ## Paladin Apprentice
>*medium humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18(Chain Mail + Shield)
> - **Hit Points** 51(6d8+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +6, Dex+3, Con +6, Int +4, Wis+6, Cha +6
> - **Skills** Athletics +5, Religion +5, Perception +5
> - **Condition Immunities** diseased, poisoned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common, Celestial, and one language of its choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 4 (1100 xp)
> ___
>**Divine Aura** The paladin apprentice can add its Charisma modifier each of its saving throws (already included in bonus)
>**Divine Courage** The paladin apprentice has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
>**Divine Sense** The paladin apprentice can pinpoint the location of a fiend or undead within 60ft. of them.
>**Hallowed Armor** Whenever fiends or undead make an attack against the paladin apprentice, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin apprentice also has advantage on saving throws against their effects.
>**Hallowed Strike** If the paladin apprentice makes a weapon attack against a Fiend or Undead, it can deal an additional 5(1d8) radiant damage on each of its damage rolls.
>#### Spellcasting
>The paladin apprentice is a 6th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks).
>**1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Bless, Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Protection from Good and Evil, Shield of Faith*
>**2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Spiritual Weapon*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The paladin apprentice can use their Divine Smite (if available) and make two longsword attacks on their turn.
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit* 8 (1d8+3) slashing damage.
> ***Divine Smite (Recharge 5-6).*** The paladin apprentice can imbue their weapon with divine magic. Until the end of their next turn, the paladin apprentice can deal an additional 9(2d8) radiant damage on each of its weapon attacks until the end of its next turn.
> ## Paladin Warrior
>*medium humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 20(Plate Armor + Shield)
> - **Hit Points** 77(9d8+36)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|18 (+4)|10 (+0)|18 (+4)|12 (+1)|18 (+4)|18 (+4)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +8, Dex+4, Con +8, Int +5, Wis+8, Cha +8
> - **Skills** Athletics +8, Religion +10, Perception +8
> - **Condition Immunities** diseased, poisoned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 18
> - **Languages** Common, Celestial, and one language of its choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +4
> - **Challenge** 9 (5000 xp)
> ___
>**Divine Aura** The paladin warrior can add its Charisma modifier each of its saving throws (already included in bonus)
>**Divine Courage** The paladin warrior has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
>**Divine Sense** The paladin warrior can pinpoint the location of a fiend or undead within 120ft. of them.
>**Hallowed Armor** Whenever fiends or undead make an attack against the paladin warrior, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin warrior has advantage on saving throws agaisnt their effect.
>**Hallowed Strike** If the paladin warrior makes a weapon attack against a Fiend or Undead, it can deal an additional 9(2d8) radiant damage.
>#### Spellcasting
>The paladin warrior is a 9th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks).
>**1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Bless, Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Protection from Good and Evil, Shield of Faith*
>**2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Spiritual Weapon, Zone of Truth*
>**3rd Level Spells(2 slots)** *Beacon of Hope, Daylight, Spirit Guardians*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The paladin warrior can use their Divine Smite (if available) and make two longsword attacks on their turn.
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit* 8 (1d8+3) slashing + 5 (1d8) radiant damage.
> ***Divine Smite (Recharge 5-6).*** The paladin warrior can imbue their weapon with divine magic. Until the end of their next turn, the paladin warrior can deal an additional 18(4d8) radiant damage on each of its weapon attacks until the end of its next turn.
> ## Paladin Champion
>*medium humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 20(Plate Armor + Shield)
> - **Hit Points** 171(18d8+90)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|20 (+5)|14 (+2)|20 (+5)|20 (+5)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +10, Dex+5, Con +10, Int +6, Wis+10, Cha +10
> - **Skills** Athletics +11, Religion +14, Perception +11
> - **Condition Immunities** diseased, poisoned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 21
> - **Languages** Common, Celestial, and one language of its choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +6
> - **Challenge** 18 (20000 xp)
> ___
>**Divine Aura** The paladin champion can add its Charisma modifier each of its saving throws (already included in bonus)
>**Divine Courage** The paladin champion has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
>**Divine Resurrection(1/day)** Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the paladin champion can be revived by their divine deity and regains half their hitpoint maximum.
>**Divine Sense** The paladin champion can pinpoint the location of a fiend or undead within 300ft. of them.
>**Hallowed Armor** Whenever fiends or undead make an attack against the paladin champion, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin champion has advantage on saving throws against their effects.
>**Hallowed Strike** If the paladin champion takes the Attack action against a Fiend or Undead, it can deal an additional 14(3d8) radiant damage.
>**Legendary Resistances(3/day)** Upon failing a saving throw, the paladin champion can choose to succeed. Upon a successful saving throw, the paladin champion can make a melee weapon attack against a creature within range. This special attack can benefit from Divine Smite(even if it is not available).
>**Turning Presence** Undead or fiends that first enter or starts its turn within 120ft. of the Paladin champion must succeed a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become turned for one minute. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>If these creature's are reduced to 0 hitpoints while turned, it is immediately destroyed and cannot reform on another plane.
>#### Spellcasting
>The paladin champion is a 18th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks).
>**1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Bless, Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Protection from Good and Evil, Shield of Faith*
>**2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Spiritual Weapon, Zone of Truth*
>**3rd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Beacon of Hope, Daylight, Spirit Guardians*
>**4th Level Spells(3 slots)** *Aura of Life, Divination, Guardian of Faith*
>**5th Level Spells(2 slots)** *Circle of Power, Destruction Wave, Holy Weapon, Hallow, Disepl Evil and Good*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The paladin champion can use their Divine Smite (if available) and make two longsword attacks on their turn.
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit* 10 (1d8+5) slashing + 5 (1d8) radiant damage.
> ***Divine Smite (Recharge 5-6).*** The paladin champion can imbue their weapon with divine magic. Until the end of their next turn, the paladin champion can deal an additional 27(6d8) radiant damage on each of its weapon attacks until the end of its next turn.
>### Legendary Actions(3/turn)
>The paladin champion can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Spent legendary actions are regained at the start of each turn.
>***Movement(1 action)*** The paladin champion can move up to half its movement speed without provoking attack of opportunity.
>***Divine Empowerment (2 actions)*** The paladin champion can choose to reroll a d6 to recharge its Channel Divinity or Divine Smite Ability.
>***Resilience(3 actions)*** The paladin champion end one condition or spell effect on itself.
>## Paladin Inquisitor
>**Antimagic Smite(Replaces Hallowed Strike)** The paladin inquisitor can deal additional force damage to a creature affected by or concentrating on a spell effect.
>**Arcane Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** The paladin inquisitor can pinpoint the location of a spell effect and its type within range. The paladin inquisitor can also determine if a creature is a spellcaster.
>**Magical Attacks** Whenever the paladin inquisitor deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat the damage as force instead. Additionally, its weapon attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>**Magical Resistance (Replaces Hallowed Armor)** The paladin inquisitor has advantage on saving throw against spell effects.
>#### Spellcasting
>The paladin inquisitor gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Magic, Identify*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Locate Object*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Locate Creature*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Scrying*
>### Channel Divinity
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Paladin Inquisitor can use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Antimagic Field(Recharge 5-6)*** The paladin inquisitor can create a localized antimagic field in a 10ft. radius around a spot they can see within 60ft. This effect lasts for one minute, or until the paladin inquisitor uses this ability again or is incapacitated.
>## Paladin Warden
>**Otherworldly Smite(Replaces Hallowed Strike)** The paladin warden can deal additional force damage to one of the following creature types: Aberration, Celestials, Dragon, Elemental, Fiend, and Fey
>**Otherworldly Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** The paladin warden can pinpoint the location of one of the following creature types within range: : Aberration, Celestials, Dragon, Elemental, Fiend, and Fey.
>**Otherworldly Strikes(Replaces Hallowed Strike)** If the paladin warden makes a weapon against a Aberration, Celestials, Dragon, Elemental, Fiend, or Fey, it can deal an additional force damage.
>**Otherworldly Wards(Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever Aberration, Celestials, Dragon, Elemental, Fiend, or Fey make an attack against the paladin warden, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin warden has advantage on saving throws against their effects as well
>#### Spellcasting
>The paladin warden gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Magic, Identify*
> - **2ndLevel Spells** *Moonbeam, Hold Person, See Invisibility*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Locate Creature, Banishment*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Banishing Smite, Dispel Evil and Good, Hold Monster*
>### Channel Divinity
> Instead of using their divine smite, the paladin warden can use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Banishment(Recharge 5-6)*** All creatures within a 30ft. radius must succeed a Charisma saving throw or become banished for one minute. Creatures can repeat the saving throw to end the effect upon a success. If the creature is a Aberration, Celestials, Dragon, Elemental, Fiend, or Fey, it returns to its plane of existence.
>## War Paladin
>**Divine Weapon** The war paladin's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>**Crusader Force** The war paladin has advantage on initiative checks
>#### Spellcasting
>The war paladin gains the following additional spells
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Magic Weapon*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Conjure Barrage, Haste*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Conjure Volley, Swift Quiver*
>### Channel Divinity
> Instead of using their divine smite, the war paladin can use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Conquering Presence (Recharge 5-6)*** Until the end of their next turn, the war paladin has advantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn. For the duration of this effect, whenever the paladin takes the Attack action, it can make one additional weapon attack as part of that action.
>### Reactions
>***Divine Strike*** When the war paladin or a creature within 30ft. of the war paladin that it can see makes an attack, the war paladin can cause that attack to have advantage.
>## Dreadguard
>**Culling Blade** The dreadguard has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that has one or more of its allies within 5 feet of it.
>**Dreadful Strike** The dreadguard can deal a critical hit on a 19-20. Upon dealing a critical hit, you can triple the damage die instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The dreadguard gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Disguise Self*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Invisibility, Mirror Image, Misty Step*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Mislead, Seeming*
>### Reactions
>***Redirection*** If a creature within 5 feet of the dreadguard misses it with an attack, the paladin can force the dreadguard to reroll that attack against a creature of its choice that is within 5ft. of the dreadguard.
>## Crownguard
>***Crown's Challenge*** Whenever the crownguard hits a creature with a weapon attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on all attack rolls against all creatures except for the crownguard
>#### Spellcasting
>The crownguard gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** Command, Charm Person, Shield
> - **2nd Level Spells** Suggestion, Warding Bond
> - **4th Level Spells** Stoneskin
> - **5th Level Spells** Dominate Person
>### Channel Divinity
> Instead of using their divine smite, the crownguard can use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Reflective Aegis(Recharge 5-6)*** Until the end of their next turn, the crownguard is able to encase itself in a shield of magical energy. Whenever a creature hits the crownguard with an attack roll, forces the crownguard to make saving throw against an effect or spell that deals damage, the crownguard takes half damage. The attacker or caster takes the other half of damage instead.
>### Reaction
>***Crown's Shield*** When a creature within 5ft. of the crownguard takes damage, the crownguard can split the damage between itself and the target.
>## Paladin Avenger
>**No Escape** When the paladin avenger uses its Retaliation or makes an attack of opportunity, it can move up to its movement speed as part of that action. This movement does not provoke opportunity attack
>**Vengeful Strike** The paladin avenger takes the Attack action against a creature under its Mark of Vengeance, it can make one additional weapon attack against that creature.
>#### Spellcasting
>The paladin avenger gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Bane, Hunter's Mark*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Hold Person*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Locate Creature*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Hold Monster, Scrying*
>### Bonus Actions
> ***Mark of Vengeance*** The paladin avenger can mark one creature it can see within range.
> While under this mark, the paladin avenger has advantage on attack rolls against that creature and can pinpoint its location as long as it is on the same plane of existence as them.
>### Reactions
>***Retaliation*** When the paladin avenger takes damage, it can make a weapon attack against that creature if it is within range.
>## Death Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Celestial Sense (Replaces Divine Sense)** The paladin can pinpoint the location of a living or undead creatures (other than constructs) within range.
>**Cursed Armor (Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever living creatures (other than undead or constructs) make an attack against the death knight, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin has advantage on saving throws against those creature's effects as well
>**Cursed Strike (Replaces Hallowed Strike)** If the death knight takes the Attack action against a living creature (other than undead or constructs), it can deal an additional necrotic damage instead.
>**Dark Gift** Whenever the paladin deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat the damage as necrotic instead.
>**Death Touched** Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by the death knight's attacks or spells are immediately killed.
>**Turn the Living(Replaces Turning Presence)** Living creatures (excluding undead or constructs) that first enter or starts its turn within 120ft. of the Paladin must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become turned for one minute. While turned, creatures cannot regain hitpoints. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>#### Spellcasting
>The death knight gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Bane, Inflict Wounds*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Animate Dead, Summon Undead, Vampiric Touch*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Blight*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Danse Macabre, Negative Energy Flood*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the death knight can use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Withering Pulse*** Creatures within a 30ft. radius of the death knight must succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it suffers vulnerability to all damage until the end of the target's next turn.
>## Abyssal Knight
> - **Languages** Replaces Celestial for Abyssal
>**Demon Sight** The abyssal knight has darkvision of 120ft. It can also see in magical darkness.
>**Infernal Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** The abyssal knight can pinpoint the location of a Celestial or Devil within 300ft. of them.
>**Abyssal Armor(Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever Celestials or Devils make an attack against the abyssal knight, it must do so with disadvantage. The abyssal knight has advantage on saving throws against their effects as well.
>**Infernal Strike(Replaces Hallowed Strike)** If the abyssal knight takes the Attack action against a Celestial or Devil, it can deal an additional poison damage.
>**Hellfire** Whenever the abyssal knight deals poison damage, it can choose to treat its as poison damage instead. Any poison damage you deal can ignore resistance or immunity
>**Abyssal Lord** Summoned demons do not turn on the abyssal knight and treat them as an ally, even when they lose concentration on that spell effect.
>**Abyssal Presence (Replaces Turning Presence)** Celestials and Devils that first enter or starts its turn within 120ft. of the Paladin must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become turned for one minute. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>#### Spellcasting
>The abyssal knight gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Ray of Sickness, Hellish Rebuke*
> - **2ndLevel Spells** *Darkness, Ray of Enfeeblement*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Stinking Cloud, Summon Lesser Fiends*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Summon Greater Demon, Sickening Radiance*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Infernal Calling, Cloudkill, Contagion*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the abyssal knight can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Aura of the Abyss*** Creatures within a 30ft. radius of abyssal knight must succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures are considered poisoned for one minute. While poisoned in this manner, creatures cannot recover hitpoints for the duration of this effect. A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.
>## Hell Knight
> - **Languages** Replaces Celestial for Infernal
>**Devil Sight** The hell knight has darkvision of 120ft. It can also see in magical darkness.
>**Infernal Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** The hell knihgt can pinpoint the location of a Celestial or Demon within 300ft. of them.
>**Infernal Armor(Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever Celestials or Demon make an attack against the paladin, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin has advantage on saving throws against their effects as well
>**Infernal Strike (Replaces Hallowed Strike)** If the hell knihgt takes the Attack action against a Celestial or Demon, it can deal an additional fire damage.
>**Hellfire** Whenever the paladin deals radiant damage, it can treat it as fire damage instead. Any fire damage it deals can ignore resistance or immunity.
>**Hell Lord** Summoned devils do not turn on the Paladin and treat them as an ally, even when they lose concentration on that spell effect.
>**Infernal Presence(Replaces Turning Presence)** Celestials and Demons that first enter or starts its turn within 120ft. of the Paladin must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become turned for one minute. While turned, creatures cannot regain hitpoints. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>#### Spellcasting
>The hell knight gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Scorching Ray*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball, Summon Lesser Fiends*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Summon Greater Demon*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Infernal Calling, Immolation*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the hell knight can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Fiendish Visage*** Creatures within a 30ft. radius of the hell knight must succeed a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creature is considered frightened for one minute. Frightened creatures can only repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect by moving outside of its radius.
>## Dragon Knight
> - **Languages** Replaces Celestial for Draconic
>***Resistances*** Its choice of acid, cold, fire, lighting or poison damage
>**Dragon Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** The dragon knight can pinpoint the location of a Dragon within range
>**Draconic Armor(Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever dragons make an attack against the paladin, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin has advantage on saving throws against their effects as well
>**Draconic Strike(Replaces Hallowed Strike)** If the dragon knight takes the Attack action against a dragon, it can deal an additional damage from one of the following types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
>**Draconic Strike** Whenever the dragon knight deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat its as one of the following damage types of its choice: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
>**Frightening Presence (Replaces Turning Presence)** Creatures that first enter or starts its turn within 120ft. of the dragon knihgt must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. Creatures can repeat its saving throw to end the effect at the end of each of its turns. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>#### Spellcasting
>The dragon knight gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands, Frost Fingers*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Ashardalon's Stride, Fly*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold, Summon Draconic Spirit*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the dragon knight can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Dragon's Breath*** As an action, creatures in a 30ft. cone must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to twice the dragon knight's proficiency bonus on a failed saving throw. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half damage. The damage dealt is the dragon knight's choice of acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison damage.
>For example, a dragon knight apprentice would deal 18 (4d8) damage. On a successful saving throw, creatures only take half damage.
>## Elder Guard
> - **Languages** All languages, telepathy 120ft.
>**Aberrant Strike** Whenever the elder guard deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as psychic damage instead.
>**Amplified Madness (Replaces Hallowed Strike)** The elder guard deals an additional 5(1d8) psychic damage to creatures that are charmed, stunned, or frightened.
>**Psychic Sense (Replaces Divine Sense)** The elder guard can pinpoint the location of a creature within range
>**Psychic Reflection (Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever the elder guard takes damage from a creature within 5ft. of it, that creature takes 5(1d8) psychic damage as well
>**Psychic Reflection** Whenever the elder guard is subjected to an effect that charms, frightens, or stuns, it is unaffected and reflects the effect back at the caster. The caster must make a saving throw throw against the elder guard's spell DC.
>On a failed saving throw, the caster suffers from that condition for one minute. At the end of each of its turn, that creature can repeat its saving throw to end the effect.
>**Maddening Presence(Replaces Turning Presence)** Creatures that first enter or starts its turn within 120ft. of the elder guard must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or take 5(1d8) psychic damge. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>#### Spellcasting
>The elder guard gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Arms of Hadar, Charm Person*
> - **2nd Level** *Suggestion, Confusion*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Fear, Slow, Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Summon Aberration*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Charm Person, Evard's Black Tentacles*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Dominate Person, Dream, Contact other Plane, Geas, Telekinesis*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the elder guard can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Gaze of the Far Realm*** Creatures within a 30ft. radius of the elder guard must succeed a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creature is considered stunned for one minute. Creatures can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect upon a success.
>## Spider Guard
> - **Damage Resistances** Poison
> - **Movement** Climb 30ft.
>**Poisoned Strike (Replaces Hallowed Strike)** When the Spider Guard hits a creature with a weapon attack, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its next turn.
>**Spider Climb** The spider guard can climb difficult surfaces (including ceilings) without needing to make an ability check
>**Web Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** While in contact with a web, the spider guard knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
>**Web Walker** The spider guard ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.
>**Venomous Strike** Whenever the Spider Guard deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as poison damage instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The spider guard gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Entangle, Find Familiar, Ray of Sickness*
> - **2nd Level** *Flock of Familiars, Hold Person, Melf's Acid Arrow, Summon Beast, Web*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Conjure Animals, Stinking Cloud*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Grasping Vine, Phantasmal Killer*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Cloudkill, Hold Monster*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the spider guard can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Spider Queen's Bindings*** Creatures within a 30ft. radius of the spider guard must succeed a Strength saving throw or become ensnared in venomous webs. On a failed saving throw, that creature is considered restrained for one minute. Creatures can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect upon a success. At the start of each of its turns, a restrained creatures take 7(2d6) poison damage
>## Paladin of the Storm
> - **Damage Resistances** Thunder, Lightning
>**Storm Force** When the Paladin of the Storm deals lightning damagea, the target cannot take reactions until the end of its next turn.
>**Wrath of the Storm** When the Paladin of the Storm deals thunder damage to a creature, the target is pushed back an additional 5ft.
>***Tempest Strike*** Whenever the Paladin of the Storm deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as lightning or thunder damage(the Paladin of the Storm's choice) instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The Paladin of the Storm gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Fog Cloud, Thunderwave, Witch Bolt*
> - **2nd Level** *Levitate, Hold Person*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Call Lightning, Fly Lightning Bolt, Thunderstep, Wind Wall*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Storm Sphere*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Control Winds, Far Step, Hold Monster*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the spider guard can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Thunderburst*** The Paladin of the Storm can use its bonus action to surround itself in a roiling storm for 1 minute. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn within 10ft. of the Paladin of the Storm takes 9(2d8) lightning damage and cannot take reactions until the end of its next turn. If a creature ends its turn within this area, it takes 9(2d8) thunder damage and is deafened until the end of its next turn. This area is also considered difficult terrain for all creatures except for th4e Paladin of the Storm.
>## Fey Guard
> - **Damage Resistances** Psychic
>**Fey Resilience** The Fey Guard has advantage on saving throws against effects that would charm or frighten it
>**Fey Redirection** When the Fey Guard succeed against a saving throw that would charm or frighten it, the Fey Guard can redirect the effect back at its attacker. The attacker must make a saving throw against the Fey Guard's spell DC to resist the effect.
>***Fey Strike*** Whenever the Fey Guard deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as psychic damage instead.
>**Fey Ward(Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever Fey make an attack against the paladin warden, it must do so with disadvantage. The paladin warden has advantage on saving throws against their effects as well
>**Magic Resistance** The Fey Guard has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
>#### Spellcasting
>The Fey Guard gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Charm Person, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Faerie Fire, Sleep*
> - **2nd Level** *Invisibility, Mirror Image, Moonbeam, Misty Step, Phantasmal Force, Suggestion*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Dispel Magic, Fast Friends, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Confusiion, Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Dominate Person, Mislead, Seeming*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Fey Guard can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Hallucination*** The Fey Guard can force creatures of its choice within 30ft. of it to make a Wisdom saving throw against its spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is considered to be charmed or frightened(the Fey Guard's choice.) For the duration of this effect, charmed or frightened creatures is lost in a illusory realm, the appearance of the Fey Guard's choice. The creature can see and hear only itself, the Fey Guard, and the illusion.
>## Tech Guard
>**Magic Sense(Replaces Divine Sense)** The Tech Guard can pinpoint the location of a spell effect and its type within range.
>***Magitech Strike*** Whenever the Tech Guard deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as force damage instead. Additionally, its weapon attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>**Magic Resistance** The Fey Guard has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
>**Magictech Armor(Replaces Hallowed Armor)** Whenever Constructs make an attack against the Tech Guard, it must do so with disadvantage. The Tech Guard has advantage on saving throws against their effects as well
>#### Spellcasting
>The Tech Guard gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Magic Missile, Shield, Tenser's Floating Disk*
> - **2nd Level** *Cloud of Daggers*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt, Summon Construct*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Fabricate, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, Summon Construct*
> - **5th Level Spells** *ANimate Objects, Bigby's Hand, Creation*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Tech Guard can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Arcane Hacking*** As an action, all constructs within 30ft. of the Tech Guard must succeed a Intelligence saving throw or become charmed by the Tech Guard for one minute. Charmed creatures can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect on a success. While charmed in this manner, the construct is considered to be an ally of the Tech Guard and obeys its commands to the best of its ability. Upon a successful saving throw, affected creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>## Paladin of the Flame
> - **Damage Resistances** Fire
> - **Languages** Ignan, Primordial
>***Blazing Strike*** Whenever the Paladin of the Flame deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as fire damage instead.
>**Heated Body** When a creature grapples or hits the Paladin of the Flame with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it, it takes 5(1d8) fire damage
>**Fiery Ward** The Paladin of Flame has advantage on saving throws against effects that deal fire damage. When the Paladin of Flame succeeds a saving throw against an effect that deals fire damage, it takes no damage instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The Paladin of the Flame gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands, Fog Cloud*
> - **2nd Level** *Darkness, Heat Metal, Scorching Ray*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Daylight, Fireball, Stinking Cloud*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Fire Shield, Summon Elemental, Wall of Fire*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Cloudkill, Conjure, Elemental, Immolate*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Paladin of Flame can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Fire Storm*** The Paladin of the Flame can use its bonus action to surround itself in a blazing inferno for 1 minute. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn within 10ft. of the Paladin of the flame takes 7(2d6) fire damage. If a creature ends its turn within this area, it takes an additional 7(2d6) fire damage.
>## Paladin of Winter
> - **Damage Resistances** Cold
> - **Languages** Ignan, Primordial
>***Frigid Strike*** Whenever the Paladin of Winter deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as cold damage instead.
>**Frozen Ward** The Paladin of Winter has advantage on saving throws against effects that deal cold damage. When the Paladin of Winter succeeds a saving throw against an effect that deals cold damage, it takes no damage instead.
>**Ice Stride** The Paladin of Winter can move through difficult terrain caused by ice without having to make an ability check or expend additional movement.
>#### Spellcasting
>The Paladin of Winter gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Frost Fingers, Fog Cloud, Grease, Ice Knife*
> - **2nd Level** *Cloud of Daggers, Hold Person, Snilloc's Snowball Storm, Spike Growth*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Sleet Storm, Slow*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Ice Storm*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold, Hold Monster*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Paladin of Winter can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Blizzard*** The Paladin of the Flame can use its bonus action to surround itself in a swirling blizzard for 1 minute. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn within 10ft. of the Paladin of Winter takes 9(2d8) cold damage. If a creature ends its turn within this area, its movement speed is halved until the end of its next turn..
>## Paladin of the Seas
> - **Movement** 30ft. swim
> - **Languages** Aquan, Primordial
>**Aquatic Warrior** While underwater, the Paladin of the Seas has advantage on attack rolls.
>**Amphibious** The Paldin of the Seas can breathe in air and in water
>***Tidal Strike*** Whenever the Paladin of the Seas deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as acid damage instead.
>**Ward of the Sea** The Paladin of Seas has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws while underwater
>#### Spellcasting
>The Paladin of the Seas gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Fog Cloud, Grease, Tasha's Caustic Brew*
> - **2nd Level** *Create and Destroy Water, Melf's Acid Arro*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Tidal Wave, Waterbreathing, Waterwalking, Wall of Water*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Summon Elemental, Watery Sphere*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Conjure Elemental, Maelstrom*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Paladin of the Seas can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Whirlpool*** The Paladin of the Sea can use its bonus action to surround itself in a raging vortex of water for 1 minute. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn within 10ft. of the Paladin of the Seas takes 9(2d8) acid damage. If a creature ends its turn within this area, it takes an additional 9(2d8) bludgeoning damage and is pushed back 10ft..
>## Paladin of the Earth
> - **Movement** 30ft. Climb
> - **Languages** Terran, Primordial
>**Siege Monster** The Paladin of Earth deals double damage to buildings and objects
>**Stone's Defense** When the Paladin is hit with a critical hit, it takes normal damage instead.
>**Spider Climb** The Paladin of the Earth can climb difficult surfaces without eneding to make an ability check
>***Terran Strike*** Whenever the Paladin of the Earth deals radiant damage, it can choose to treat that damage as force damage instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The Paladin of the Seas gains the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Catapult, Earth Tremor*
> - **2nd Level** *Maximilian's Earthn Grasp, Spike Growth*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Meld into Stone*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Stoneskin, Summon Elemental*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Bigby's Hand, Conjure Elemental, Wall of Stone*
>### Channel Divinity(Recharge 5-6)
> Instead of using their divine smite, the Paladin of the Seas can choose to use a Channel Divinity Option instead.
>***Stone Armor*** The Paladin of the Earth can use its bonus action to surround itself in armor made of stone for one minute. While in this state, the Paladin gains a number of temporary hitpoints equal to 10 times half its proficiency bonus(roudned down). While in this state, the Paladin can deal an additional 1d8 on its weapon damage rolls and its AC increases by 3.
## Rangers
Rangers are skilled explorers who serve as the first line of defense for civilization against the dangers of the wilds.
When one thinks of a ranger, one typically thinks of an individual who uses their special connection to nature and their environment to their advantage against their enemies.
Although this is the case for many rangers, these warriors are much more versatile and diverse as many serve as interplanar wardens, monster hunters, or even emissaries or agents for supernatural creatures.
#### Ranger Goals
Because of their diverse skills, one can encounter a ranger in a variety of different situations. Many rangers serve as guardians for sacred druidic grounds or the protectors of the frontier for prominent nations. Others may function as their own independent faction as mercenaries for hire to deal with monstrous threats, escort people through dangerous lands, or even function as assassins or bounty hunters.
### Ranger Tactics
One of the signature traits of a ranger is their ability to adapt to any environment, whether it be tangled jungles, bustling metropolises, or barren wastelands. Since most rangers lack the martial prowess of dedicated warriors and the arcane potential of paladins or spellblades, rangers primarily rely on preparation to gain an edge against their foes.
#### Prepared Combatant
The ranger's primary goal in combat is to stay steps ahead of their opponent. They rely heavily on hit-and-run tactics and will only engage opponents in prolonged fights if victory can be acquired in a matter of seconds.
#### Environmental Fighters
One of their key weapons is their ability to use their environment to hide from sight or to make a quick escape. Depending on their specific training, some rangers have various tools at their disposal to specifically fight in such environments.
#### Guerilla Tactics
Ambush tactics are their favored manner of combat. After their ambush is triggered, the ranger's primary strategy is eliminating the weakest threats first before making a quick escape. When engaging stronger opponents, the ranger's greatest advantage is patience, as they will slowly wear down their opponent through a series of guerilla tactics.
#### Targeted Focus
Due to their evasive tactics, rangers tend to focus their attacks on a single opponent at a time. Thanks to their hunter’s mark, rangers are able to keep track of their quarry while staging multiple ambushes.
#### Adventurer Tactics
When fighting a ranger, the best tactic is to limit their ability to use their environment to slip away. Limiting their ability to easily escape drastically limits their effectiveness in combat. However, if a ranger is unable to quickly disengage, one should still proceed with caution as they possess a variety of potent spells that can be used in a dire situation.
### Ranger Types
Rangers can be categorized into three specific categories based on their experience.
#### Ranger scout
Ranger scouts are often recruits in many ranger conclaves. Despite their relative inexperience, their keen awareness and knowledge of their surroundings still makes their skills quite valuable.
#### Ranger Pathfinder
These rangers are seasoned explorers that are able to quickly adapt to a situation. Many ranger pathfinders can be hired to serve as guides for treacherous environments or to protect settlements from rampaging monsters.
#### Ranger Realmkeeper
Realmkeepers are legendary guardians of civilization. Realm keepers are often responsible for maintaining order over large swathes of territory. They often accomplish this by establishing ranger conclaves to train new recruits and to cover more ground. Due to their tireless vigilance, realm keepers are often the first lines against cataclysmic incursion, even before the rest of civilization is awareness of impending doom.
### Ranger Types
There are numerous ranger archetypes, each dedicated to their own specific area of expertise.
#### Beastmaster
Beastmasters are characterized by their close connection to the beasts of the wilds. Their primal attunement allows them to call beasts to come to their aid. These rangers are known for their fierce fighting style as they fight in unison with the bestial allies.
#### Bounty hunters
Whereas most rangers are attuned to the wilds beyond the walls of civilization, urban rangers can navigate sprawling metropolises with ease. Bounty hunters specialize in tracking down their quarry, even amidst the bustling crowds of the largest cities. Not only are they expert trackers, but they have a variety of tools at their disposal that allows them to quickly detain and incapacitate their opponents.
#### Frost Wardens
Frost wardens specialize in traversing frigid wastelands and icy tundras. They have learned to use their treacherous environment to their advantage, as they are able to use the ice to quickly patrol their lands. These rangers are often notorious for their ability to seemingly vanish into the snow.
#### Flame wardens
Flame wardens are a sect of guardians who safeguard the Material Plane from elemental incursions from the Plane of Fire. Flame wardens often undergo similar training to that of many druids. This training provides them the necessary attunement needed to maintain the balance of the elements, even if it means traveling to the Plane of Fire itself.
#### Gloomstalker
Gloomstalkers employ a special form of guerilla warfare used by many races of the Underdark such as drow or duergar. These rangers have learned to blend into the shadows to become completely invisible. Despite their origins in the Underdark, gloomstalkers are surprisingly common as their skills allows them to serve as assassins, bounty hunters, or spies.
#### Gladerunners
Gladerunners are the dedicated guardians of many woodland realms. Many gladerunners practice many druidic disciplines to enhance their bond with nature. Thanks to their special magical connection, Gladerunners are able to navigate through the forest with ease to drive off those who seek the careful balance of their homes.
#### Gravewardens
Gravewardens have devoted themselves to be watchers of life and death. Their primary purpose is to safeguard the dead from those who wish to disrupt or pervert the magic of life and death. Although gravewardens seek to destroy those who wish to use the necromantic practices for malevolent intent, gravewarden are not averse to raising the dead to fight on their behalf and have been known to temporarily call upon the undead to aid them in battle.
#### Forge Watcher
Forge watchers are a rare ranger conclave, typically only found in societies that possess advanced magitech. Forge watchers ensure that magitech is used responsibly. Their duties often include tracking down rogue constructs and preserving (or destroying) powerful artifacts and relics.
#### Hell Hunters
Hell hunters are a fearsome conclave of rangers dedicated to stopping fiendish incursions on the Material Plane. These warriors typically adorn themselves with armor forged from the Lower Planes itself. Their presence not only strikes fear in the heart of those who oppose them, but also serves as a suitable disguise for their regular raids on the Lower Planes to permanently eliminate troublesome fiends.
#### Holy Wardens
In many realms, many celestials communicate with mortals to enact their will on the Material Plane. Although clerics are used to spread the influence of their deity and paladins often vanquish those who oppose their god, wardens act as the eyes and ears of their deity throughout the planes.
These rangers travel across the multiverse on behalf of their deity, seeking worshipers for their respective deity. Holy wardens also monitor the influence that other divine entities may have on the realm and will eliminate anything that threatens the divine plan of their patron.
#### Inquisitor
Inquisitors have a rather unique focus, as they specialize in hunting down spellcasters. Due to the dangerous potential that magic can have when used in the wrong hands, many organizations have developed specific tactics to eliminate arcane threats. In many realms, inquisitors can be quite common in realms with abundant magic, as many factions tend to hire their services.
#### Monster Hunter
When one thinks of a ranger, monster hunters are one of the first few archetypes that immediately come to mind. These rangers have tirelessly researched the physiology and tactics of many supernatural creatures in the multiverse. Their keen understanding of their opponent allows them to take full advantage of their enemy's weaknesses.
Because of their expertise, monster hunters are able to quickly adapt to fight nearly any monstrous foe. Their careful training allows them to steel their mind from the powerful auras that many of these creatures possess.
#### Mistblade
Mistblades are a mysterious faction of rangers that travel between the Material Plane and the Feywild. These rangers oversee the careful yet chaotic boundaries between both planes. Unlike most mortals, mistblades are able to attune to the psychedelic magics of the Feywild, using it to confound their opponents with illusions and misdirection.
#### Moonblade
Moonblade rangers practice a magical practice that harnesses the power of moonlight. Lunar magic grants the user the supernatural ability to pierce through many magical illusions to reveal the true form of a creature. Because of this, moonblade conclaves often safeguard the mortal realms from many creatures that rely on illusions to prey upon humanoids, such as Fey or Fiends.
#### Planerunner
Planerunners serve as guardians of the planar boundaries of existence. Their primary purpose is to maintain vigil against planar incursion and to stop those who seek to destroy these barriers. Planerunners have learned to utilize temporal magic to phase between realities to maneuver around the battlefield in the blink of an eye.
#### Swarmkeeper
Swarmkeepers are a peculiar ranger conclave whose primal connection is characterized through a symbiotic relationship with a swarm of tiny creatures. These swarms can take a variety of forms depending on their attunement, ranging from elementals, insects, fey, or even leaves. These rangers possess a special magical connection with these swarms, using them to physically ensnare enemies, shield them from harm, and even as a form of transportation.
#### Tidekeeper
Tidekeepers are the vigilant guardians of the oceans. Thanks to their magical connection to the waters, tidekeepers are able to swim at incredible speeds. These rangers excel at underwater combat, which gives them an edge against many land-based threats.
#### Wyrmguard
Wyrmguards are a rare ranger conclave who serve as emissaries between mortals and dragons. In many realms, dragons are often feared by many humanoids, and this have resulted in numerous conflicts between both species. To put an end to this disastrous cycle of war, wyrmguards learned to harness to attune to draconic magic. Because of this special attunement, wyrmguards possess a special connection with draconic creatures, allowing them to fight alongside these creatures in unison as well as channel their magic into a column of dragonfire.
> ## Ranger Scout
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (Leather Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 45 (6d8+ 18)
> - **Speed** 40ft., 40ft. climb, 40ft. swim
>|15 (+2)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|12 (+1)|
> - **Skills** Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5,
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2 **Challenge** 3 (700 xp)
> ___
>**Ambusher** The ranger scout has advantage on initiative checks. If the ranger scout attacks a creature that is surprised or has not acted yet it combat, it can do so with advantage and can made one additional weapon attack as part of that Attack action
>**Keen Senses** The ranger scout has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
>**Land Stride** The ranger scout can travel through non-magical difficult terrain without expending additional movements
>**Steady Aim** The ranger scout can grant itself advantage on ranged attack rolls until the start of its next turn. The ranger can only use this feature if it hasn't moved on its turn and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
>### Spellcasting
>The ranger is an 6th-level Spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The ranger has the following spells prepared:
> - **1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Hunter's Mark, Hail of Thorns*
> - **2nd Level Spells (3 slots)** *Snare, Pass without a Trace*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The ranger can make three attack with their shortsword or two attacks with their longbow
>***Shortsword*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 5ft, one target., *Hit:* 6 (1d6+3) piercing damage.
> ***Longbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 150/600ft, one target., *Hit:* 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage. When the ranger scout has advantage on this attack, this attack deals 12 (2d8+3) piercing damage.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Skulker*** The ranger can use its bonus action to Hide
> ## Ranger Pathfinder
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (Leather Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 102 (12d8+ 48)
> - **Speed** 40ft., 40ft. climb, 40ft. swim
>|17 (+3)|18 (+4)|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|18 (+4)|12 (+1)|
> - **Skills** Nature +5, Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7
> - **Senses** passive Perception 17
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> - **Challenge** 7 (2900 xp)
> ___
>**Ambusher** The ranger has advantage on initiative checks. If the ranger attacks a creature that is surprised or has not acted yet it combat, it can do so with advantage and can made one additional weapon attack as part of that Attack action
>**Keen Senses** The ranger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
>**Land Stride** The ranger can travel through non-magical difficult terrain without expending additional movement
>**Sharpshooter** The ranger can ignore penalties due to half and three-fourth covers
>**Steady Aim** The ranger can grant itself advantage on ranged attack rolls until the start of its next turn. The ranger can only use this feature if it hasn't moved on its turn and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
>### Spellcasting
>The ranger is an 12th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The ranger has the following spells prepared:
> - **1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Hunter's Mark, Hail of Thorns*
> - **2nd Level Spells (3 slots)** *Snare, Pass without a Trace*
> - **3rd Level Spells (2 slots)** *Conjure Barrage, Flame Arrows*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The ranger can make three attack with their shortsword or two attacks with their longbow
>***Shortsword*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, 5ft, one target., *Hit:* 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
> ***Longbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, 150/600ft, one target., *Hit:* 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage. When the ranger scout has advantage on this attack, this attack deals 13 (2d8+4) piercing damage.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Skulker*** The ranger can use its bonus action to Hide
> ## Ranger Realmkeeper
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (Leather Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 170 (20d8+ 80)
> - **Speed** 40ft., 40ft. climb, 40ft. swim
>|19 (+4)|20 (+5)|18 (+4)|16 (+3)|20 (+5)|12 (+1)|
> - **Skills** Nature +8, Perception +10, Stealth +10, Survival +10
> - **Senses** passive Perception 20
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +5
> - **Challenge** 15 (13000 xp)
> ___
>**Ambusher** The ranger has advantage on initiative checks. If the ranger attacks a creature that is surprised or has not acted yet it combat, it can do so with advantage and can made one additional weapon attack as part of that Attack action
>**Keen Senses** The ranger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
>**Land Stride** The ranger can travel through non-magical difficult terrain without expending additional movement
>**Legendary Resistance(3/day)** When the ranger fails a saving throw, they can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the ranger can cast a spell as part of this action.
>**Sharpshooter** The ranger can ignore penalties due to half and three-fourth covers
>**Steady Aim** The ranger can grant itself advantage on ranged attack rolls until the start of its next turn. The ranger can only use this feature if it hasn't moved on its turn and its speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn.
>### Spellcasting
>The ranger is an 20th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The ranger has the following spells prepared:
> - **1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Hunter's Mark, Hail of Thorns*
> - **2nd Level Spells (3 slots)** *Invisibility Snare, Pass without a Trace*
> - **3rd Level Spells (2 slots)** *Conjure Barrage, Flame Arrows*
>- **4th Level Spells (2 slots)** *Lightning Arrow, Greater Invisibility*
> - **5th Level Spells (2 slots)** *Conjure Volley, Swift Quiver*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The ranger can make four attacks with their shortsword or three attacks with their longbow
>***Longsword*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +10 to hit, 5ft, one target., *Hit:* 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage.
> ***Longbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +10 to hit, 150/600ft, one target., *Hit:* 9 (1d8+5) piercing damage. When the ranger scout has advantage on this attack, this attack deals 14 (2d8+5) piercing damage.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Skulker*** The ranger can use its bonus action to Hide
>### Legendary Actions (3/turn)
>The ranger can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The ranger regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
>***Nimble Escape(1 action)*** The ranger can move up to half its movement speed without provoking attacks of opportunity
>***Hide in Plain Sight*** (1 action) The ranger can take the Hide action.
>***Weapon Attack (2 actions)*** The ranger can make a weapon attack or cast a spell
>***Resilience (3 actions)*** The ranger can end one spell effect or condition on itself
>### Beastmaster
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Bestial Bond** When the beastmaster casts a spell that effects only itself, it can choose to effect one allied beast within 30ft. of it as well.
>**Pack Tactics** The beastmaster has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the beastmaster's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>### Spellcasting
>The beastmaster has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Alter Self, Animal Friendship*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Beast Sense, Flock of Familiars, Summon Beast*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Conjure Animal*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Guardian of Nature, Polymorph*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Awaken*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Alpha's Command*** The beastmaster can command one friendly beast with 30ft. that can see or hear it to use its reaction to move up to half its movement speed and make a weapon attack against a creature in range
>### Reactions
>***Bestial Retaliation*** When the beastmaster takes damage, it can use its reaction to command an friendly beast within 30ft. of it to use its reaction to move up to half its movement speed and make a weapon attack against the attacker.
>### Bounty Hunter
>**Endless Quarry** The bounty hunter can double the duration of *Hunter's Mark*, up to a maximu, duration of 24 hours.
>**Keen Strike** The bounty hunter can deal a critical hit on a 18-20.
>**Opportunistic Strike** When the bounty hunter takes the Attack action against a creature under a status condition, the bounty hunter can use its bonus action to make one additional weapon attack.
>**Knockout Blow** When the bounty hunter deals a critical hit to a creature, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to the bounty hunter's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is knocked unconscious for 10 minutes or until that creature takes damage or a creature uses its action to wake that creature up.
>### Spellcasting
>The bounty hunter has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Sleep*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Hold Person, Locate Object, See Invisibility*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Clairvoyance*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Locate Creature, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Hold Monster, Legend Lore, Scrying*
>### Reactions
>***Endless Hunt*** When the bounty hunter reduces a creatures under your *Hunter's Mark* to 0 hitpoints, the bounty hunter can use its reaction to move its Hunter's Mark to another creature.
>### Frost Warden
> - **Damage Resistances** Cold
>**Freezing Mark** Creatures under the frost warden's *Hunter's Mark* have its movement speed reduced by 10ft.
>**Frost Acclimation** When the frost warden succeeds a saving throw against an effect that deals cold damage, it takes none instead.
>**Ice Stride** The frost warden can move across and climb icy surfaces without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow doesn't cost it extra movement.
>**Snow Sight** The frost warden's sight is not obscured by snowfall or fog.
>### Spellcasting
>The frostwarden has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Grease, Fog Cloud, Frost Fingers, Ice Knife*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Binding Frost, Hold Person, Spike Growth*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Sleet Storm*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Ice Storm*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Frozen Dash*** When on icy or snowy terrain, the frost warden can use its bonus action to Dash
>### Flame Warden
> - **Damage Resistances** Fire
> - **Languages** Primordial, Ignan
>**Fireproof** The flame warden cannot be set ablaze.
>**Fiery Evasion** When the flame warden succeeds a saving throw against an effect that deals fire damage, it takes no damage instead
>**Flame Sight** The flame warden's vision is not obscured by smoke or open flames.
>### Spellcasting
>The flame warden has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Burning hands, Hellish Rebuke*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Scorching Ray, Heat Metal*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Fire, Shield, Summon Elemental, Wall of Fire, Web of Fire*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Conjure Elemental, Immolate*
>### Gloomstalker
> - **Senses** Darkvision 120ft.
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Gloom Sight** The gloomstalker's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Shadow Evasion** While in dim light or darkness, whenever the gloomstalker fails a saving throw, it takes half damage and none of a success.
>**Shadow Veil** While in darkness, the gloomstalker is obscured from all creatures that rely on sight to see it, even if that creature has darkvision
>### Spellcasting
>The gloomstalker has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Fog Cloud*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Darkvision, Silence*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Hunger of Hadar*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Shadow of Moil*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Mislead*
>### Reactions
>***Shadowy Dodge*** When the gloomstalker takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.
>### Gladerunner
> - **Languages** Druidic
>**Floral Armor** While motionless, the gladerunner is indistinguishable from a medium plant while lightly obscured by ample plant life
>**Plant Stride** The gladerunner can move through difficult terrain caused by plant's without needing to make an ability check.
>### Spellcasting
>The gladerunner has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Cure Wounds, Entangle, Hail of Thorns*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Barkskin, Lesser Restoration, Spike Growth*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Plant Growth*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Blight, Grasping Vine, Guardian of Nature*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Awaken, Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds, Tree Stride, Wrath of Nature*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Druidic Surge(Recharge 5-6)*** The gladerunner can use its bonus action to regain a number of hitpoints equal to 10 times half the gladerunner's proficiency bonus (rounded down). Upon using this feature, it can end any status conditions on itself.
>### Gravewarden
> - **Damage Resistances** Necrotic
>**Death's Mark** If the gravewarden reduces a creature under its *Hunter's Mark* to 0 hitpoints, that creature is instantly killed. If the creature is an undead, it turns to ash.
>**Grave Sight** The gravewarden can pinpoint the location any undead within 60ft. of it.
>**Mark of the Dead** When the gravewarden reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints that is under its *Hunter's Mark*, the target is immediately killed. If the creature is an undead, it takes an additional 3(1d6) radiant damage from each attack.
>**Turning Smite** When the gravewarden deals a critical hit to an undead creature, it is turned for one minute. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from the gravewarden as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of gravewarden. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action..
>### Spellcasting
>The gravewarden has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Good and Evil, Guiding Bolt, Inflict Wouds Protection from Good and Evil*
> - **2nd Level Spells** Blindness/Deafness
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Animate Dead, Death Ward, Speak with Dead*
> - **4th Level Spells** Blight
>- **5th Level Spells** *Antilife Shell, Dispel Evil and Good, Hallow Holy Weapon*
>### Forge Watcher
>**Arcane Sight** The forge watcher can detect the presence of magic within 120ft. of it.
>**Deconstructing Mark** The forge watcher's attacks deals an additional 1d6 damage to Constructs under *Hunter's Mark.*
>**Magitech Weaponry** The forge watcher's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity
>**Siege Monster** The forge watcher can deal double damage to buildings and objects
>**Spellbreaker** Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on spell effects against he inquisitor's attacks
>### Spellcasting
>The forge watcher has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Unseen Servant, Magic Missile*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Spiritual Weapon*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Elemental Weapon, Tiny Servant*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Summon Construct*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Animate Objects, Bigby's Hand*
>### Reactions
>***Adaptability*** When the forge watcher takes damage, it can grant itself resistance to one damage type of its choice until the start of the forge watcher's next turn
>### Hell Hunter
>- **Senses** Darkvision 120ft.
>- **Damage Resistances** Fire, Poison
>- **Languages** Abyssal, Infernal
>- **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Dauntless** The hell hunter has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. On a successful saving throw, the hell hunter is immune to being charmed or frightened by that creature for the next 24 hours
>**Magical Resistance** The hell hunter has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>**Poison Resistance** The hell hunter had advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased.
>### Spellcasting
>The hell hunter has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Evil and Good, Protection from Evil and Good, Hellish Rebuke*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Ray of Enfeeblement*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball, Conjure Lesser Demons, Stinking Cloud*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Conjure Greater Demon*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cloudkill, Infernal Calling*
>### Holy Warden
> - **Damage Resistances** Radiant
> - **Languages** Celestial
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Divine Radiance** When the holy warden casts a spell that gives off bright light, it is considered sunlight
>**Divine Resurrection(1/long rest)** When the holy warden is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can regain 1 hitpoint instead. Upon using this feature, creatures within 30ft. of the holy warden that can see it must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to its spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, that creature is blinded until the end of its next turn
>**Nullifying Mark** The holy warden has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>**Mark of Smiting** When the Holy Warden hits a creature under its *Hunter's Mark* with an attack, it takes an additional 3 (1d6) radiant damage.
>### Spellcasting
>The holy warden has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Bless, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Daylight*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Sickening Radiance*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Dawn, Flame Strike, Holy Weapon, Mass Cure Wounds, Summon Celestial*
>### Inquisitor
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Arcane Sight** The inquisitor can detect the presence of magic within 120ft. of it. Additionally, the inquisitor can determine if a creature within 120ft. of it is a spellcaster or not.
>**Magical Resistance** The inquisitor has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>**Nullifying Mark** When the inquisitor cast *Hunter's Mark* against on a creature that is concentrating on a spell effect, the inquisitor can add an additional 1d6 force damage whenever the inquisitor hits that creature with an attack.
>**Spellbreaker** Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on spell effects against he inquisitor's attacks
>### Spellcasting
>The inquisitor has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Magic, Detect Evil and Good, Identify, Protection from Evil and Good*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Nystul's Magic Aura, Silence*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Nondetection*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Otiliuke's Resilient Sphere*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Circle of Power, Wall of Force*
>### Reactions
>***Spell Counter*** When a creature within range casts a spell, the inquisitor can use its reaction to make a weapon attack against that creature. Upon a hit, the inquisitor automatically succeeds its saving throw against the spell effect. If the attacker makes a spell attack, the attack is made with disadvantage.
>### Monster Hunter
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Exposing Strike** When the monster hunter deals a critical hit, the target suffers vulnerability to the damage dealt.
>**Dauntless** The monster hunter has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. On a successful saving throw, the monster hunter is immune to being charmed or frightened by that creature for the next 24 hours.
>**Evasion** If the monster hunter fails a Dexterity saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful save, it takes no damage.
>**Slayer's Mark** The monster hunter's attacks can ignore resistance and immunity against a creature under its *Hunter Mark*. If the target is a Aberration, Celestial, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, or Undead, it takes an additional 1d6 damage while under *Hunter's Mark*.
>**Horde Slayer** The monster hunter has advantage on attack rolls if at least two hostile creatures are within 5ft. of it.
>### Spellcasting
>The monster hunter has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Evil and Good, Protection from Evil and Good*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Hold Person*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Dispel Magic*
> - **4th Level Spells** Charm Monster
>- **5th Level Spells** *Dispel Evil and Good, Hold Monster*
>### Reactions
>***Counter Attack*** When the monster hunter is hit with an attack, it can use its reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacker if it is in range.
>### Mistblade
> - **Languages** Sylvan
> - **Damage Resistances** Force, Psychic
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Fey Resilience** The mistblade has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
>**Fey Misdirection** When the mistblade succeeds a saving throw against an effect that would charm or frightened them, it can redirect the effect back at the attacker instead.
>**Misty Strike** When the mistblade damages a creature under its *Hunter's Mark*, the target suffers disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
>### Spellcasting
>The mistblade has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Color Spray, Charm Person*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Mirror Image, Misty Step, Suggestion*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Fast Friends, Hypnotic Pattern, Summon Fey*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Conjure Woodland Beings, Dimension Door*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Dominate Person, Far Step*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Fey Blink*** The mistblade can use its bonus action to teleport 40ft. to a spot that it can see within range.
>### Reactions
>***Misty Shroud*** When the mistblade is targeted with an attack, it can use reaction to turn invisible until the start of its next turn and causing the triggering attack to have disadvantage.
>### Moonblade
>**Moonlight** When the moonblade casts a spell the a spell that gives off light, creatures in range cannot benefit from half or three fourth's cover and cannot benefit from being invisible.
>**Moon Sight** The moonblade can see the true form of creatures shrouded by invisibility or not in its true form.
>**Moon Shroud** The moonblade is immune to effect that would magically change its form against its will
>**Moonlit Strikes** When the moonblade damages a creature that is under an effect that changes its form, that target must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to the ranger's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the target reverts back to its true form.
>**Silvered Weapons** The moonblade's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
>### Spellcasting
>The moonblade has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Guiding Bolt, Faerie Fire*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *See Invisibility, Moonbeam*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Daylight*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Divination*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Flame Strike, Holy Weapon*
>### Reactions
>***Moon Dust*** When the moonblade takes damsge from a creature within 30ft. of it, the target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw equal to the moonblade's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the next attack until the end of the moonblade's next turn has advantage against the attacker. If the attack hits, the moonblade takes radiant damage equal to a number of d8s equal to the moonblade's proficiency bonus.
>### Planerunner
> - **Damage Resistances** Force
>**Blink Step** When the planerunner spends its movement, it can spend amount of its movement to teleport a distance equal to the amount of movement spent.
>**Dimensional Awareness** The planerunner can determine the type of a creature it can see within 120ft. of it (such as a Fiend, Fey, etc). It can also determine if that particular creature is native to its current plane of existence or not
>**Phase Walker** The planerunner can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn in an occupied space, the planerunner is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage for every 5ft. it is shunted in this manner.
>### Spellcasting
>The planerunner has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Magic, Detect Good and Evil, Protection from Evil and Good*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blur, Misty Step*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Dispel Magic, Haste*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Banishment, Dimension Door*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Far Step, Steel Wind Strike, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force*
>### Bonus Action
>***Dimensional Blink*** When the planerunner can use its bonus action to teleport 40ft. to a spot that it can see within range.
>### Reactions
>***Phase Shift*** When the planerunner takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.
>### Swarmkeeper
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Swarm Wing** The swarm keeper can levitate up to 5ft. above the ground
>**Mark of the Swarm** When the swarmkeeper damages a creatures under its *Hunter Mark*, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw equal to the swarmkeeper's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the swarmkeeper can move the target 5ft. or knock prone (its choice)
>**Spider Climb** The swarmkeeper can climb difficult surfaces (including ceilings) without needing to make an ability checks
>**Writhing Swarm** When a creature grapples or hits the swarm keeper with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it, it takes 4(1d8) piercing damage.
>### Spellcasting
>The swarmkeeper has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Entangle, Find Familiar*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Flock of Familiars, Spider Climb, Web*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Gaseous Form*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Arcane Eye, Giant Insect*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Bigby's Hand's Insect Plague*
>### Bonus Action
>***Swarming Blink*** When the swarmkeeper can use its bonus action to teleport 40ft. to a spot that it can see within range
>### Reactions
>***Swarm Shield*** When the swarmkeeper takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.
>### Tidekeeper
>- **Languages** Primordial, Aquan
>**Aquatic Combatant** The tidekeeper has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that do not have a swimming speed.
>**Hold Breath** The tide keeper can hold its breath up to 15 minutes
>**Mark of the Swarm** The tide keeper can swim through difficult terrain caused by strong tides or currents without expending additional movement or making an ability check
>**Nimble Swimmer** The tidekeeper can swim outside a creature's reach without provoking attacks of opportunity
>### Spellcasting
>The tidekeeper has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Create and Destroy Water, Grease, Fog Cloud*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Watery Sphere, Wall of Water, Waterwalking, Waterbreathing, Tidal Wave*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Control Water*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Maelstrom*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Rapid Dive*** While underwater, the tide keeper can use its bonus action to Dash
>### Wyrmguard
> - **Damage Resistance** Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison (choose 1)
> - **Languages** Draconic
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Draconic Casting** When the wyrmguard deals damage according to its draconic element, it can ignore resistance or immunity to that damage type.
>**Draconic Bond** The wyrmguard has advantage on attack rolls as long as it is within 30ft. of a friendly Dragon that it can see or hear within 30ft. of it.
>**Wyrm Scale** The wyrmguard has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. On a successful saving throw, the wyrmguard takes no damage.
>### Spellcasting
>The wyrmguard has the following additional spells prepared
> - **1st Level Spells** *Absorb Elements, Cause Fear*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Dragon's Breath*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Elemental Weapon,Fear, Fly*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Elemental Bane*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Summon Draconic Spirit*
>### Actions
>***Dragon's Breath*** As an action, the wyrmguard can expend a spell slot to force creatures in a 30ft. cone to make a Dexterity saving throw against the wyrmguard's spell save DC.
>On a failed saving throw, creatures take 9 (2d8) damage according to one of the following damage types of its choice (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison). On a successful saving throw, creatures take half damage. For each spell slot above 1st expended, the damage increases by 9(2d8).
>### Bonus Actions
>***Draconic Command*** The wyrmguard can use its bonus action to command a friendly draconic creature within 30ft. of it to make a weapon attack
## Sorcerer
Whereas wizards acquire their arcane ability through intense study and clerics gain their powers through their devotion to the divine, the source of power for a sorcerer resides in their blood.
#### Magical Bloodline
This font of magical power can come from a variety of sources. This power could be the result of an ancient blessing or curse from a powerful entity in one's bloodline. Others are the result of exposure to raw magic or a planar incursion. Regardless of the origin of their power, sorcerers possess a unique talent for magic unmatched by other spellcasters.
#### Innate Casting
One of the primary advantages that sorcerers possess is the ability to use their own body as their arcane focus. This already gives them a significant advantage over their arcanists as they are not subject to common methods to detain spellcasters.
#### Arcane Metamagics
Their innate talent for magic also grants them to twist and contort spells beyond their normal means. Their ability to manipulate spells in this manner is often referred to as metamagic. Sorcerers are able to channel their inner metamagic in many ways, such as prolonging a spell's duration, duplicating spell effects, and even regenerating their own mana reserves. Thanks to their metamagics, sorcerers are able to overcome their limited versatility by altering a spell to meet their needs.
#### Sorcerer Goals
Just like any spellcaster, sorcerers can be found in nearly any occupation across the plane, using their abilities as mercenaries or adventurers. Others seek to master their powers or seek to learn the origin of their magic by joining various magic academies and institutions.
Some use their natural gifts for their own benefits to create cults that worship them, claiming to be an aspect of a deity. Others may seek to use their abilities to destroy those who hunt or fear them because of their magic.
### Sorcerer Tactics
In combat, sorcerers are challenging opponents due to their explosive capabilities. Although most sorcerers tend not to be physically superior against most foes, their affinity to magic grants them an uncanny resilience against many spells.
#### Explosive Casters
Because of their general frailty, sorcerers will typically attempt to end a combat encounter as quickly as possible, using their most powerful spells and metamagics to disable their opponents.
#### Martial Weakness
If a prolonged fight is inevitable, the sorcerer's primary goal is to keep their distance from melee threats. They will attempt to accomplish through debilitating spell effects or magically enhanced mobility such as flight.
In many circumstances, the sorcerer will attempt to eliminate or incapacitate martial threats first, as they typically can outmatch most spellcasters in a fight thanks to their magical defenses.
#### Metamagic Focus
The sorcerer's primary strategy revolves completely around its use of metamagic to empower their abilities. Because of this, sorcerers are not afraid to quickly burn through their arcane reserves if it means giving them an edge, especially due to their ability to regenerate their mana.
#### Adventurer Tactics
When fighting a sorcerer, the primary tactic one should use is to limit their spellcasting ability. This will require a lot of coordination between spellcasters to counter any of the sorcerer's effects. Adventurers should also target the sorcerers physical defenses as they typically have fewer tools at their disposal to bolster themselves against physical attacks
### Sorcerer Types
Sorcerers can be categorized into four different groups depending on the master of their innate magics.
#### Sorcerer Beginner
These sorcerers have just started manifesting their inner magic. Many times, these individuals may be searching for an explanation for their new abilities or simply try to control their powers. Unlike many other casters of their calibur, sorcerer beginners typically possess considerably less experience and control over their abilities. However, despite their comparative lack of training and discipline, the raw power of their magic can make them challenging enemies.
#### Sorcerer Adepts
Sorcerer adepts have learned to master and control their arcane abilities. This discipline is often achieved through arcane tutelage, learning the true origins of their power, or simply from experience.
#### Awakened Sorcerer
Having fully mastered their inner magic, awakened sorcerers are on the precipice of reaching their true potential. Depending on their bloodline, these sorcerers may begin to exhibit supernatural changes to their appearance. For example, a draconic sorcerer may have more pronounced dragon scales on tbeir body while celestial sorcerers may be able to conjure halo of light around them.
#### Transcendent Sorcerer
These sorcerers have reached the true apex of their power and have grown akin to demigods in the scope of their power. At this point, these sorcerers often fully manifest the appearance of the bloodline. For example a fiendish sorcerer may take on the appearance of cross between a devil and a humanoid. In some instances, these sorcerers even have the ability to transform into the respective creatures associated with their blood.
### Sorcerer Variants
Depending on their bloodline, sorcerers can manifest different powers.
#### Draconic Sorcerer
Draconic sorcerers possess latent draconic magics within their blood. Such magic is often granted as a boon or a gift from a dragon while in the case of dragonborn, kobolds, and other draconic races, they may possess a fragment of the magical essence of a true dragon.
Regardless of the source of this power, these sorcerers can be easily recognized by dragon scales growing on their body, their ability to sprout leathery wings, as well as their ability to project and focus their aura into the frightful persona of a true dragon.
They also possess a unique connection to a particular draconic element imbuing their own magics with the destructive potential of a dragon's breath.
#### Celestial Sorcerer
These sorcerers are one of the rarest of all their kind as they possess a fragment of a divine spark within their being. Although aasimar are typically wwhat comes to mind when one thinks of a celestial sorcerer, these divine sparks are often granted to individuals favored by a particular deity.
Although this tends to be the case for more celestial sorcerers, somes are born with their power as the result of a pact or simply the devotions of one's heritage to a particular deity.
Because of they are seen as champions on behalf for a deity, celestial sorcerers are often revered by many religious circles and are often hunted down by the enemies of their deity as well.
### Infernal Sorcerers
Infernal sorcerers are the devilish counterpart to celestial sorcerers. Because of this, it is not uncommon for tieflings and other fiendish humanoids to naturally develop these abilities.
Infernal sorcerers also have been known to acquire their powers through contracts with devils in exchange for power. Although such encounters are similar to many infernal warlocks, they are less demanding in scope as they are not bound to serve an infernal patron. Instead, many devils grant this power in a much more passive manner as in many cases, the infernal magic in one's bloodline eventually corrupts the individual.
In other instances, infernal sorcerers are often the result of a fiendish curse or the side effect of a contract on one bloodline. Unfortunately, such individuals are viewed with suspicion due to the origins of their ability
### Abyssal Sorcerers
Abyssal sorcerers are the demonic counterpart to the infernal sorcerer. In most circumstances, abyssal sorcerers are the results of demonic corruption, typically from one being exposed to one of the seemingly endless layers of the Abyss. In most circumstances, this corruption is a side effect of these hostile environments as the goal of most demons is to destroy all life. However, in rare instances, demonic lords may place a curse on ones's bloodline as a gift for true dedication
### Fae Sorcerers
Fae sorcerers trace their magic to the wild and psychedlic plane of the Feywild These individuals tend to have an otherworldly charm and aura. Athough many Fey based races naturally can develop these abilities, many fae sorcerers acquire their powers from planar incursions to the Feywild or simply the shenanigans of a wayward Fey creature.
### Wild Magic Sorcerer
Wild magic sorcerers are the embodiement of controlled chaos. The origins of their magic typically varies depending on the individuals as many sources have claimed from events such as planar incursions, spellstorms, arcane experimentation, or exposure to a strange magical artifact. Despite the seemingly endless sources of this power, the sorcerers are incredibly unpredictable as each time they cast a spell, there is a chance they could set off a chaotic chain reaction of magical effects.
### Aberrant Sorcerers
These sorcerers are believed to have gained their abilities from encounters with Aberrations. Such encounters may included experimentation due to mind flayers while others may have been exposed with items or rifts from the Far Realm itself. These encounters can have varying magnitudes of effects such as telepathy, psionic, and physiological adaptations such as tentacles or multiple eyes. These transformations have also been known to have somewhat detrimental side effects (depending on the level of exposure) such as madness or a grotesque appearance.
### Phoenix Sorcerers
Phoenix sorcerers possess a special connection to the element of fire. Individuals of this bloodline possess a powerful connection to this element due to a boon from a powerful elemental entity such as phoenix or genie. Although elementals tend to be the primary source of this elemental ability, some humanoids have learned to naturally manifest this ability through an enhanced natural connection to the elements, in a similar manner to druids.
Their innate fire magic even gives them the ability to set their eyes and hair ablaze with. They even have the ability to temporarily superheat their bodies to burn anyone who harms them. As their name suggests, phoenix sorcerers possess
### Winter Sorcerers
These sorcerers possess a particular connection to snow and ice. Their mastery of the ice is believed to originate from a variety of sources such as elementals and or giant kin heritage. Others have attained these abilities through druidic rituals or boons from powerful entities attuned to ice such as dragons.
Their mastery of ice grants them an natural immunity its worse effects as they are able to use the elemental energy to fashion a protective aegis shielding them from future harm
### Sea Sorcerers
Sea sorcerers have the unique abilities to bend water to their will. These sorcerers are able to conjure blades of water from thin air and form tidal waves to crash on their opponents.
Sea sorcerers possess the unique ability to alter their own physiology, taking the form of water instead granting them the ability to easily weave out of harms ways or dampen the harshest of attacks.
### Storm Sorcerers
Storm sorcerers trace their magical bloodline to powerful air elementals and genies. They can channel the very essence of the storm to grant themselves the ability of flight. They even can harmlessly absorb electrical energy to bolster their spells.
### Shadow Sorcerers
These sorcerers possess a powerful connection that allows them to bend the shadows to their will. The origin of their powers can vary, as shadow magic can be attributed to many types of creatures, such as Fey or Fiends. In comparison to other variants, shadow sorcerers are considered to be some of the most powerful, especially when under the cover of darkness as its presence greatly amplifies their spell effects while shielding them from incoming attacks
### Stone Sorcerers
Stone sorcerers trace their bloodline to a connection with powerful entities from the Elemental Plane of Earth. These sorcerers possess the ability to use the earth to sense their surroundings and even traverse otherwise impossible terrain. They also possess the capabilities of shaping stone and earth into formidable weapons as well as create impenetrable shields
### Warrior Sorcerers
Warrior soul sorcerers have learned to channel the innate magic in their blood to grant them enhanced strength, speed, and endurance. These sorcerers are natural warriors that possess arcane and martial prowess.
### Beast Sorcerers
Beast sorcerer's trace their power due to therianthropic roots or from latent druidic magics in their heritage. Because of this, these sorcerers have the unique ability to alter their body with bestial modifications for any situation. They also have the ability to turn into beasts in a matter of seconds.
### Constructed Sorcerers
Construct sorcerer have acquired their natural magic due to technological modifications made to their body. Whether due to injury, arcane experimentation, or simply an attempt to transcend mortal limits, these individuals have been granted incredible strength and durability as well as the capability of replicating magical effects through their magitech modifications
### Vampiric Sorcerers
Vampiric sorcerers are often the results of a humanoid offspring to a true vampire. Although they do not possess many of the benefits of a true vampire, they still possess considerable mastery of both shadow and blood magic.
### Anima Sorcerers
Sorcerers with the anima bloodline have been gifted with a natural affinity to nature magic due to a boon from powerful plant based entities. Others may have acquired their magical abilities from being infected by a magical seed or spore, granting them arcane abilities.
### Undead Sorcerers
Undead sorcerers are interesting individuals that reside on the boundary of life or death. Some undead sorcerers are the result of side effects from being raised from the dead. Even though that creature was brought back from the clutches of death by resurrection magic, their soul or magic essence has been tainted by the mark of death. In some rare instances, some undead sorcerers can trace the origin of their power from a haunting or possession from an undead spirit whose presence left vestiges of necromancer magic in their body
> ## Sorcerer Beginner
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 26 (4d8+8)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|
> - **Saving Throws** Cha +5
> - **Skills** Perception +3
> - **Senses** passive Perception 13
> - **Languages** one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 2(450 xp)
> ___
>**Arcana Sense** The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effects or objects within 120ft. of it.
>**Arcane Soul** Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.
>**Extended Caster** When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spell's original duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)
>**Magic Resistance** The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.
>**Innate Casting** The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities
>**Split Spell(Recharge 5-6)** Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action
>#### Spellcasting
> The sorcerer is a 4th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared
> - **Cantrips** *Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy*
> - **1st Level(4 slots)** *Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield*
> - **2nd Level(3 slots)** *Invisibility, Misty Step*
>### Actions
>***Sorcery Blast*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +5 to hit, 120ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (2d4+3) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 13 (4d4+3) force damage instead
>***Channel Metamagic (Recharge 5-6)*** As a bonus action, the sorcerer can regain a 5 (2d4) spell slots of their choice. Each spell level equals its respective amount of spell slots. For example a 2nd level spell slots requires two spell slots.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Quickened Spell(Recharge 5-6)*** The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action
>### Reactions
>***Sorcerous Resilience*** When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.
> ## Sorcerer Adept
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 15 (Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 52 (8d8+16)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|18 (+4)|
>- **Saving Throws** Cha +7
> - **Skills** Perception +5
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> - **Challenge** 5(1800 xp)
> ___
>**Arcana Sense** The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effect or objects within 120ft. of it.
>**Arcane Soul** Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.
>**Extended Caster** When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spell's original duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)
>**Magic Resistance** The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.
>**Innate Casting** The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities
>**Split Spell(Recharge 5-6)** Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action
>#### Channel Metamagics (Recharge 5-6)
>At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can choose one of the following effects:
>- **Sorcerous Conversion** The sorcerer can regain 7 (3d4) spell slots of their choice. Each spell level equals its respective amount of spell slots. For example a 2nd level spell slots requires two spell slots.
>- **Heighten Spell** Until the start of the sorcerer's next turn, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells effect
>#### Spellcasting
> The sorcerer is a 8th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared
> - **Cantrips** *Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy*
> - **1st Level(4 slots)** *Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield*
> - **2nd Level (3 slots)** *Invisibility, Misty Step*
> - **3rd Level (3 slots)** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly*
> - **4th Level (2 slots)** *Dimension Door, Polymorph*
>### Actions
>**Sorcery Blast** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +7 to hit, 120ft, one target. *Hit:* 14 (4d4+4) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 24 (8d4+4) force damage instead
>### Bonus Actions
>***Quickened Spell(Recharge 5-6)*** The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action
>### Reactions
>***Sorcerous Resilience*** When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.
> ## Awakened Sorcerer
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 78 (12d8+24)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|20 (+5)|
> - **Saving Throws** Cha +9
> - **Skills** Perception +7
> - **Senses** passive Perception 17
> - **Languages** one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +4
> - **Challenge** 9(5000 xp)
> ___
>**Arcana Sense** The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effect or objects within 120ft. of it.
>**Arcane Soul** Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.
>**Extended Caster** When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spells duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)
>**Magic Resistance** The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.
>**Innate Casting** The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities
>**Split Spell(recharge 5-6)** Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action
>#### Channel Metamagics (Recharge 5-6)
>At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can choose one of the following effects:
>- **Sorcerous Conversion** The sorcerer can regain 10 (4d4) spell slots of their choice
>- **Heighten Spell** Until the start of the sorcerer's next turn, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells effect
>#### Spellcasting
> The sorcerer is a 12th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared
> - **Cantrips** *Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy*
> - **1st Level(4 slots)** *Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield*
> - **2nd Level (3 slots)** *Invisibility, Misty Step*
> - **3rd Level (3 slots)** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly*
> - **4th Level (3 slots)** *Dimension Door, Polymorph*
> - **5th Level (2 slots)** *Bigby's Hand, Wall of Force*
> - **6th Level (1 slot)** *Disintegrate, Globe of Invulnerability*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The sorcerer can cast a spell and make a sorcery blast
>***Sorcery Blast*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +9 to hit, 120ft, one target. *Hit:* 20 (6d4+5) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 30 (10d4+5) force damage instead
>### Bonus Actions
>***Quickened Spell(recharge 5-6)*** The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action
>### Reactions
>***Sorcerous Resilience*** When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.
> ## Transcendant Sorcerer
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 17 (Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 117 (18d8+36)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|22 (+6)|
> - **Saving Throw** Cha +11
> - **Skills** Perception +8
> - **Senses** passive Perception 18
> - **Languages** one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +5
> - **Challenge** 15(5000 xp)
> ___
>**Arcana Sense** The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effect or objects within 120ft. of it.
>**Arcane Soul** Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.
>**Extended Caster** When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spell's original duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)
>**Legendary Resistance(3/day)** If the sorcerer fails a saving throw, the sorcerer can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the sorcerer can cast a spell of 5th level or lower
>**Magic Resistance** The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.
>**Innate Casting** The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities
>**Split Spell(Recharge 5-6)** Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action
>#### Channel Metamagics (Recharge 5-6)
>At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can choose one of the following effects:
>- **Sorcerous Conversion** The sorcerer can regain 12 (5d4) spell slots of their choice
>- **Heighten Spell** Until the start of the sorcerer's next turn, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells effect
>#### Spellcasting
> The sorcerer is a 18th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared
> - **Cantrips** *Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy*
> - **1st Level(4 slots)** *Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield*
> - **2nd Level (3 slots)** *Invisibility, Misty Step*
> - **3rd Level (3 slots)** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly*
> - **4th Level (3 slots)** *Dimension Door, Polymorph*
> - **5th Level (3 slots)** *Bigby's Hand, Wall of Force*
> - **6th Level (2 slot)** *Disintegrate, Prismatic Wall, Globe of Invulnerability*
> - **7th Level (2 slot)** *Prismatic Spray*
> - **8th Level (1 slot)** *Holy Aura*
> - **9th Level (1 slot)** *Prismatic Wall, Wish*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The sorcerer can cast a spell and make a sorcery blast
>***Sorcery Blast*** *Ranged Spell Attack:* +11 to hit, 120ft, one target. *Hit:* 25 (8d4+5) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 35 (12d4+5) force damage instead
>### Bonus Actions
>***Quickened Spell(Recharge 5-6)*** The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action
>### Reactions
>***Sorcerous Resilience*** When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.
>### Legendary Actions(3/turn)
>The sorcerer can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The sorcerer regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
>***Sorcerous Blink (1action)*** The sorcerer can teleport 30ft. to a spot that it can see within range
>***Channel Arcana (1 action)*** The sorcerer can reroll a d6 to regain either its Quickened Spell or Split Spell(the sorcerer's choice) on a 5 or 6.
>***Cast a Spell(2 actions)*** The sorcerer can cast a spell of 5th level or lower or use its Sorcery Blast
>***Resilience(3 actions)*** The sorcerer can end one spell or condition on itself as an action
>### Draconic Sorcerer
> - **Armor Class** Increases by 3
> - **Movement** 30ft. fly
> - **Damage Resistances** Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison (choose only 1)
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Dragon Scale** Upon succeeding a saving throw against a spell or magical effect, the sorcerer takes no damage
>**Dragon's Presence** Creatures of the sorcerer's choice in a 30ft. radius around the sorcerer must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against the sorcerer's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures are frightened for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, a frightened creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect on a s success. On a successful saving throw, creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>**Dragon Soul** The sorcerer is attuned to one element (matching its natural resistance): acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison, it can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>#### Channel Metamagic:
>**Dragon's Breath (Recharge 5-6)** Until the start of its next turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that deals damage, it can treat the damage dealt as the damage type of its Dragon Soul feature for the duration instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
>- **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands, Frost Fingers*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Binding Frost, Dragon's Breath*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Fizban's Platinum Shield*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Draconic Sorcerer*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Illusory Dragon*
>- **9th Level Spells** *True Polymoprh*
>### Celestial Sorcerer
> - **Movement** 30ft. fly
> - **Damage Resistances** Necrotic, Radiant
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Celestial Regeneration** When the sorcerer casts a spell that deals radiant or necrotic damage, it regains a number of hitpoints equal to the spell level + its Charisma modifier.
>**Celestial Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to radiant or necrotic damage. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>**Divine Resurrection(1/long rest)** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, the sorcerer fully regains its hitpoint maximum.
>**Illumination** At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can give off bright light in a 20ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft. This light counts as sunlight.
>#### Channel Metamagic:
>**Divine Infusion (Recharge 5-6)** Until the start of its next turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that deals damage, it can treat the damage dealt as radiant or necrotic for the duration instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
>- **1st Level Spells** *Bless, Bane, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Daylight*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Sicknening Radiance*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Flame Strike, Mass Cure Wounds, Wall of Light*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Sunbeam*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Crown of Stars*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Sunburst*
>### Infernal Sorcerer
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from non-magical attacks, fire, cold, lightning, poison
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Devil Sight** The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Hellfire Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to fire damage. When it deals fire damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>**Poison Resistance** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
>- **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Web of Fire, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Immolation*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Otherworldly Form*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Firestorm*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Incendiary Cloud*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Meteor Swarm*
>### Abyssal Sorcerer
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from non-magical attacks, fire, cold, lightning
> - **Damage Immunity** Poison
> - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Abyssal Soul** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
>**Demon Sight** The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Abyssal Fumes** The sorcerer is attuned to poison damage. When it deals poison damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
>- **1st Level Spells** *Ray of Sickness*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Ray of Enfeeblement, Darkness*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Stinking Cloud, Fear*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cloudkill*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Otherworldly Form*
>### Fae Sorcerer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increase by 1
>**Fey Resilience** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
>**Fey Charm** Creatures of the sorcerer's choice in a 30ft. radius around the sorcerer must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against the sorcerer's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures are charmed by the sorcerer for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, a charmed creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect on a s success. On a successful saving throw, creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
>**Fae Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to psychic damage. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>**Fae Misdirection** When the sorcerer succeeds a saving throw against a spell effect or an effect that charms or frightens the sorcerer, it can redirect the spell back at the target. This feature only works on effects that target only the sorcerer
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Friends, Dancing Lights*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Charm Person, Faerie Fire*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Invisibility, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Fear, Hypnotic Pattern*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Dominate Person*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Otherworldly Form*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Sylvan Blink*** The sorcerer can use its bonus action to teleport 30ft. to a spot that it can see within range.
>### Wild Magic Sorcerer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Arcane Cascade** When the sorcerer deals a critical hit on a spell attack, it can deal a triple the damage die instead of doubling.
>**Controlled Chaos** When the sorcerer has advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can roll its die three times instead of twice.
>**Chaos Burst** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can roll a d100 to trigger the Wild Magic Table. If the affect targets one creature, it can target all creatures within 10ft. of the sorcerer.
>**Wild Surge** When the sorcerer is hit with a critical hit or deals a critical hit, it can roll a d100 to trigger an effect of the Wild Magic Table suffers the effects.
>### Channel Metamagic:
>**Channel Chaos** Until the start of its next turn, the wild magic sorcerer has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throw.
>**Chaotic Burst** Until the wild magic sorcerer casts a spell or uses its Sorcery Blast, it can roll a d100 to trigger and effect of the Wild Magic Table
>### Reaction
>***Twist Luck*** When the sorcerer in a creature within 30ft. of the sorcerer add or subtract a d6 to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.
>### Aberrant Sorcerer
> - **Damage Resistances** Psychic
> - **Languages** Telepathy 60ft.
> - **Senses** blindsight 30ft.
> - **Movement** 30ft. fly (hover)
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Aberrant Explosion(1/long rest)** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft of the sorcerer must succeed a Wisdom saving throw equal to its spell save DC or take psychic damage equal to a number of d10s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus.
> Upon using this feature, the sorcerer regains 1 hitpoint at can teleport 30ft. to a spot within range.
> **Aberrant Mind** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened
>**Aberrant Physiology** The sorcerer can breathe in air and in water
>**Amorphous Body** The sorcerer can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing.
>**Psionics** The sorcerer does not require verbal or somatic components for its spell effects
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Message, Mind Sliver*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Dissonant Whispers*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Crown of Madness, Detect Thoughts*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Slow, Hunger of Hadar, Sending*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Evard's Black Tentacles*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Bigby's Hand, Telekinesis, Synaptic Static*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Otherworldly Form*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Reverse Gravity*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Feeblemind*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Psychic Scream*
>### Phoenix Sorcerer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Fire Rebirth(1/long rest)** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft of the sorcerer must succeed a Dexterity saving throw equal to its spell save DC or take fire damage equal to a number of d6s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus.
> Upon using this feature, the sorcerer full regains all their hitpoints
> **Flame Heal** When the sorcerer takes fire damage, it can regain a number of hitpoints equal to the fire damage dealt.
> **Heated Body** When a creature of the sorcerers choice grapples or hits the sorcerer with a melee weapon attack within 5ft. of them, it takes 4(1d6) fire damage.
>**Phoenix Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to fire damage. When it deals fire damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Create Bonfire, Firebolt*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Scorching Ray*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, Web of Fire*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Immolation*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Investure of Flame*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Delayed Blast Fireball, Firestorm*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Incendiary Cloud*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Meteor Swarm*
>### Winter Sorcerer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Ice Tomb(1/long rest)** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it drops to 1 hitpoint and gains temporary hitpoints equal to a number of d10s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus. While these temporary hitpoints are active, the sorcerer gains a bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier for the duration of these temporary hitpoints.
> **Frost Shield** When the sorcerer takes cold damage, it takes no damage and gains temporary hitpoints equal to the damage dealt. While these temporary hitpoints are active, the sorcerer gains a bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier for the duration of these temporary hitpoints.
> **Frozen Body** When a creature of the sorcerers choice grapples or hits the sorcerer with a melee weapon attack within 5ft. of them, it takes 4(1d6) cold damage.
>**Frost Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to cold damage. When it deals cold damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Ray of Frost*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Frost Fingers*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Binding Frost, Hold Person, Snowball Swarm*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Slow, Sleet Storm*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Ice Storm*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Wall of Ice, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere*
>### Sea Sorcerer
> - **Movement** 30ft. swim
> - **Damage Resistances** Acid, Cold
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Aquatic Mastery** While underwater, creatures without a natural swimming speed have disadvanage on saving throws against your spell effects.
>**Amphibious** The sorcerer can breathe in air and in water
>**Nimble Swimmer** The sorcerer can swim outside a creatures reach without provoking attacks of opportunity
> **Watery Form** The sorcerer can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing
> **Shifting Movement** Attacks of opportunity agains the sorcerer has half damage
>**Aquatic Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to acid or cold damage. Whenever the sorcerer deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damge, it can treat it as acid or cold damage instead. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Shape Water*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Caustic Brew, Create or Destroy Water, Grease*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Maximilian's Earthen Grasp*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Waterwalk, Waterbreathing, Tidal Wave, Wall of Water*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Control Water, Vitreolic Sphere*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold, Maelstrom*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Wall of Ice, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Tsunami*
>### Reactions
>***Watery Defense*** When then sorcerer takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.
>### Storm Sorcerer
> - **Movement Speed** Fly 30ft.
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Redirect the Tempest** When the sorcerer succeeds a succeeds a saving throw against an effect that deals thunder damage or if an attack that deals thunder damage misses the sorcerer, it takes no damage and can redirect the effect back at the attacker.
> **Supercharge** When the sorcerer takes lightning damage, it takes no damage. Until the start of its next turn, the sorcerer deals maximum damage on its lightning damage until the end of its next turn.
>**Tempest Magic** The sorcerer is attuned to lightning or thunder damage. When it deals lightning or thunder damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals one of these damage type instead.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Gust of Wind, Shocking Grasp, Lightning Lure, Thunderclap*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Thunderwave, Witch Bolt*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Warding Wind*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Lightning Bolt, Wind Wall, Fly, Thunder Step*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Storm Sphere*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Control Winds*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Chain Lightning, Investure of Wind*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Whirlwind*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Control Weather*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Storm of Vengeance*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Storm Blink*** As a bonus action, the sorcerer can teleport 30ft. to a spot it can see within 30ft. of it.
>### Warrior Sorcerer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Magical Attacks** The sorcerer's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
> **Martial Metamagic** The Sorcerer can use its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on its Sorcery Blade
>**Tactical Advantage** The sorcerer has advantage on initiative checks
>**Warrior's Soul** When the sorcerer makes a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution ability check or saving throw, it can use Charisma as its modifier instead.
> **War Mage** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Sword Burst*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Shield*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Conjure Barrage, Haste, Elemental Weapon*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Swift Quiver, Conjure Volley*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Blade Barrier*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Mordenkainen's Sword*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Sword of Disaster*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The sorcerer can cast a spell or its Sorcery Blast and then can make one attack with its Sorcery Blade
>***Sorcery Blade*** *Melee Spell Attack:* +the sorcerer's proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* A number of d6s equal to sorcerer's proficiency bonus + the sorcer's Charisma modifier. On a hit, the target suffers disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells until the start of the sorcerer's next turn
>### Bonus Actions
>***Spell Blade*** The sorcerer can use its bonus action to make an attack with its Sorcery Blade if a creature if it uses its action to cast a spell or use its Sorcery Blast
>### Reactions
>***Battle Caster*** The sorcerer can uses its reaction to cast a spell when a creature provokes opportunity attacks. This spell can only target one creature.
>### Stone Sorcerer
> - **Movement Speed** 30ft. burrow
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Earth Glide** The sorcerer can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the sorcerer doesn't disturb the material it moves through.
> **Siege Magic** The sorcerer deals double damage to buildings and objects
> **Spider Climb** The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces (including ceilings) without needing to make an ability check
>**Stone Soul** The sorcerer can reduce damage taken by 5 and whenever it takes a critical hit, it takes normal damage instead
>**Will of Stone** When the sorcerer fails a saving throw using its Sorcerous Resilience, it takes half damage on failed saving throw and none on a success.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** Magic Stone, Mold into Earth
>- **1st Level Spells** Earth Tremor, Catapult
>- **2nd Level Spells** Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, Spike Growth
>- **3rd Level Spells** Meld into Stone, Eall of Sand
>- **4th Level Spells** Stone Shape, Stoneskin
>- **5th Level Spells** Passwall
>- **6th Level Spells** Bones of the Earth
>- **8th Level Spells** Earthquake
>### Reactions
>***Stone Shield*** As a bonus action, the sorcerer can reduce damage taken by a number of d10s equal to twice the sorcerer's proficiency bonus
>### Construct Sorcerer
> - **Armor Class** Increases by 3
> - **Damage Resistances** bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks, poison
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Artificial Casting** The sorcerer can cast spells without needing a verbal or material component.
>**Constructed Mind** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened
> **Constructed Resilience** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being deafened, diseased, exhausted, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned
>**Unusual Nature** The sorcerer no longer needs to eat, drink, or sleep
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** Mending
>- **1st Level Spells** *Floating Disk*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Lightning Bolt, Tiny Servant*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Fabricate, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Summon Construct*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Animate Objects*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Blade Barrier, Chain Lightning*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Mordenkainen's Sword*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Earthquake*
>### Shadow
> - **Movement Speed** 30ft. fly (varies)
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Gloom Sight** The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Shadow Magic** While in dim light or darkness, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spell effects
>**Shadow Evasion** While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer takes half damage whenever it fails a saving throw and none on a success.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Shadow Blade, Silence*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Hunger of Hadar, Shadow of Moil, Gravity Sinkhole*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Eyebite*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Mordenkainen's Sword*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Maddening Darkness, Dark Star*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Ravenous Void*
>### Actions
>***Shadow Blast*** The sorcerer's Sorcery Blast deals necrotic damage. This attack has advantage in dim light or darkness
>### Bonus Actions
>***Shadow Stealth*** While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to Hide
>***Shadow Blink*** While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to teleport 60ft. to spot that it can see that is in dim light or dakrness.
>### Reactions
>***Shadow Shield*** While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its reaction to take half damage whenever it takes damage
>### Undead Sorcerer
> - **Damage Resistances** Cold, Necrotic, Poison
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Ghost Walk** The sorcerer can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If the sorcerer ends its turn in an occupied space, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space takeing 5 (1d10) force damage for every 5ft. it is shunted
>**Soul Armor** When the sorcerer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it can use its reaction to gain temporary hitpoints equal to 10 times (half its proficiency bonus rounded up)
>**Soul Harvest** When the sorcerer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoint using a spell of 1st level or higher, it does not expend the spell slot.
>**Undying Soul** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can make a Charisma saving throw equal to half the damage dealt (minimum of 10). On a success, it takes regains 1 hitpoint instead.
> **Undead Resilience** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being deafened, diseased, exhausted, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned
>**Undead Nature** The sorcerer no longer needs to eat, sleep, or breathe
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Toll the Dead, Chill Touch*
>- **1st Level Spells** *Inflict Wounds*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Ray of Enfeeblement*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Animate Dead, Summon Undead*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Blight*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Create Undead, Negative Energy Flood*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Circle of Death, Harm*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Finger of Death*
>### Reactions
>***Incorporeal Defense*** When the sorcerer takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.
>### Anima Sorcerer
> - **Movement** 30ft. Climb
> - **Damage Resistance** Poison, Necrotic
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Arcane Regeneration** When the sorcerer cast spell of 1st level or higher, it regains a number of d8s hitpoints equal to the spell level.
>**Natural Cure** The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being deafened, diseased, exhausted, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned
>**Spider Climb** The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces without having to make an ability check
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Druidcraft, Thorn Whip*
>- **1st Level Spell** *Entangle, Cure Wounds*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Lesser Restoration, Barkskin, Spike Growth*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Plant Growth*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Blight, Grasping Vine*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Mass Cure Wounds, Wrath of Nature, Tree Stride*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Heal, Wall of Thorns, Transport via Plants*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Abi-dalzim's Horrid Wilting*
>- **9th Level Spells** *Power Word Heal*
>### Actions
>***Anima Blast*** The sorcerer's Sorcery Blast deals necrotic or poison damage instead of force
>### Bonus Actions
>***Plant Camouflage*** While lightly obscured by ample plant life, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to Hide.
>### Beast Sorcerer
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Beast Form** When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it regains 1 hitpoint and transforms into a beast or 1 hour. The beast can have a CR equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus. While in this state, the sorcerer assumes the stats of its bestial form and returns to their normal form when the beast is reduced to 0 hitpoints
>**Magical Attacks** The sorcerer's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>**Keen Senses** The sorcerer has advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on sight, smell, or hearing
>**Spider Climb** The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces without having to make an ability check
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Primal Savagry*
>- **1st Level Spell** *Speak with Animals, Find Familiar, Beast Sense*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Alter Self, Locate ANimals and Plants, Summon Beast*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Fly*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Guardian of Nature*
>- **8th Level Spells** *Animal Shapes*
>- **9th Level Spells** *True Polymorph*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The sorcerer can replace its Sorcery Blast for two Sorcery Claw Attacks
>***Sorcery Claw*** *Melee Spell Attack:* +the sorcerer's proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* Bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage equal to number of d4s equal to sorcerer's proficiency bonus + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Shape Changer*** The sorcerer can use its bonus action to polymorph into a Medium or smaller beast of its choice. Its statistics, other than its size and speed, are unchanged. Anything it is wearing transforms with it, but nothing it is carrying does. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
>### Vampiric Sorcerer
> - **Movement Speed** 30ft. fly
> - **Damage Resistance** Poison, Necrotic
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Arcane Regeneration** When the sorcerer cast spell of 1st level or higher, it regains a number of d8s hitpoints equal to the spell level.
>**Gloom Sight** The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Spider Climb** The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces (including ceilings) without needing to make an ability check
>#### Spellcasting
>The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them
> - **Cantrips** *Toll the Dead*
>- **1st Level Spell** *Inflict Wounds*
>- **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Invisibility*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Vampiric Touch*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Blight, Greater Invisibility*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Enervation*
>- **6th Level Spells** *Circle of Death, Harm*
>- **7th Level Spells** *Regenerate*
>### Channel Metamagic:
>**Vampiric Spell** At the start of its turns, the sorcerer can choose one creature it can see within range. Whenever the sorcerer deals damage to that creature within their spell attacks, the sorcerer regain a number of hitpoints equal to half the damge dealt
>### Actions
>**Vampiric Blast** The sorcerer's Sorcery Blast deals necrotic damage. On a hit, the sorcerer regains hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Vampiric Bite*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 1d4 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier) piercing damage + necrotic damage equal to a number of d6s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus. On a hit, the sorcerer regains a number of hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
>***Shadow Stealth*** While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to Hide
>### Reactions
>***Blood Binding*** When the sorcerer takes damage, the attacker must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to the sorcerer's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the sorcerer takes half damage and the attacker takes the other half.
>***Blood Drinker*** When the sorcerer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, the sorcerer gains temporary hitpoints equal to 10 times (half its proficiency bonus rounded up)
## Spellblades
Spellblades are highly trained warriors who combine martial discipline with arcane study. Unlike their divine and primal counterparts, the paladin and ranger respectively, the spellblade acquire their magical abilities from intense magical training. In many societies, spellblades often receive their training alongside many mages at wizard schools and academies.
Although most spellblades rarely ever reach the fully spellcasting potential of a dedicated mage, they are tremendously powerful opponents whose versatility allows them to be prepared for any threat that faces them.
### Encountering Spellblades
Because of their skillset, spellblade have little difficulty putting their talents to good use. In many cases, when a spellblade completes their training, they are often inducted into an order of spellblades. Due to their ever expansive nature of many arcane disciplines, spellblade orders often are quite diverse in their abilities, ranging from those who use blood magic, graviturgy, elemental magics, and much more.
These orders typically alongside their respective governments acting as an elite force for military operations. In some regions, some of these organizations are a less restricted in their services, acting more as a mercenary organization selling their skills to those with enough coin.
### Spellblade Tactics
Because of their arcane and martial prowess, spellblades can prove to be a challenging opponent.
#### Arcane Focus
Since spellblades are at their strongest while focusing on magical effects, their first objective is to cast a concentration spell to bolster their attacks or defenses, as well as trigger various effects depending on their training. Thanks to their rigorous training, most spellblades are more than capable of maintaining focus on their spell effects when taking damage.
#### Defense Casting
However, because of their limited spellcasting capabilities, spellblades tend to be quite conservative on their spellcasting, primarily using their arcane reserves to protect themselves by creating a field of magic to protect them from harm, which is also known as a spell shield.
#### Cantrip Mastery
Despite, their defense tactics regarding spells, their formidable arcane fighting styles allow them to maximize the effectiveness of cantrips by pairing them with their weapon strikes. This can prove to be quite lethal, since their weapons are uniquely crafted to weaken their opponent's arcane defenses, leaving them vulnerable to incoming spells.
#### Adventurer Tactics
When encountering a spellblade, one's primary tactic is to disrupt their focus on spell abilities. Since most spellblades can endure a lot of punishment, tactics that will stun or disorient the spellblade can prove to be quite useful to weaken their defenses.
### Spellblade Types
Spellblades are typically categorized according to the level of training that they possess.
#### Spellblade Novice
Spellblade novices are individuals who have just begun to master combining both arcane and martial arts. In general, most spellblade novices already possess a degree of talent in magical and martial combat. However, combining both skills requires special discipline that can take a while to fully master
In general, most spellblade can be found training alongside apprentice mages or knight's in-training to learn the basics of their abilities. More advanced spellblade novices may be tasked with minor assignments or missions, often accompanied by other novices.
#### Spellblade Veteran
Veterans have fully mastered both their arcane and martial capabilities. In many cases, veterans can be found commanding small garrisons or soldiers and less experienced spellblades. Unlike novices, spellblade veterans are incredibly dangerous opponents, as they have learned to harness their innate magical much more efficiently by infusing it into their weapons.
#### Spellblade Champions
Spellblade champions represent the pinnacle of combined mastery between magic and martial combat. Spellblade champions can often be found serving as generals and commanders of entire legions. Others have founded arcane schools or academies to training future mages and spellblades.
Due to their legendary abilities, these champions also serve as the first line of defense against threats that are beyond the capabilities of standard military personnel, such as the arrival of a dragon or archfiend.

### Spellblade Disciplines
Depending on their arcane discipline, spellblades can possess a variety of special abilities.
#### Arcane Defender
Arcane defenders have learned to utilize their spellcasting abilities solely for the purpose of defense to become an impervious bastion on the battlefield. Thanks to their specialized training, arcane defenders possess several counters for both martial and magical opponents.
While focusing on a spell effect, arcane defenders are able to generate a magical shield that dampens the impact of most conventional weapons. They have also learned to maximize the effectiveness of their magical abilities by using their ability to dispel magical effects to recharge their own arcane reserves.
#### Blood Knight
Blood knights have blended their martial skill with the art of hemomancy. Because of this combination, the blood knight becomes much more powerful as it inflicts harm on its opponent. Their mastery of hemomancy allows them to weaken injured foes while rejuvenating their own life force by siphoning blood from their opponents.
#### Deathblade
A deathblade is one who combines various fighting styles with the school of necromancy. The primary premise behind the deathblade's fighting style is using the soul of its enemies to fuel its own abilities. Because of their ability to use the souls of the dead to recharge their arcane capabilities, deathblades tend to be a lot more aggressive in comparison to other spellblades. Despite this somewhat reckless strategy, deathblades are incredibly hard to kill due to their ability to use their magical focus to tether their soul to the plane of the living and even bring them back from the brink of death.
#### Druidic Knight
Druidic knights are a special type of spellblade that have combined arcane study with the primal connections associated with druidic magic. Because of this dichotomy, druidic knights are incredibly powerful warriors due to their surprising durability granted to them by their ability to use the latent magic around them to regenerate their wounds.
#### Elemental Warden
Whereas most spellblades utilize disciplines of a particular school of magic, elemental wardens strive for versatility by mastering magical elements such as fire, ice, lightning, water, and the wind. Although many spellblades learn their elemental talents by careful study and discipline, it is not uncommon that many elemental wardens associate themselves with druidic orders, as understanding the balance between the elements is key to fully controlling such magic.
#### Gravity Knight
Gravity knights are a rare, but extremely power discipline that combine the schools of transmutation and evocation to control gravity itself. Thanks to their mastery of magic, they are able to amplify their arcane potential to project gravitational energy into their weapon strikes as well as their own bodies.
#### Mage Hunter
Mage hunters have learned to utilize their martial and magical talents to specifically counter opposing spellcasters. Although their training has equipped them with a number of spells to shut down spellcasters, their special fighting styles allow them to disrupt their enemies focus and even steal the magical abilities of their foes.
#### Magus
Magi are a special discipline of spellblades that emphasize the magical aspect of their training over the martial component. In comparison to their peers, magi are much more explosive combatants, as they are able to unleash barrages of spells upon their opponent. Because of this focus, magi are often used as siege breakers, who weaken enemy defenses long enough for the main force to break through.
#### Phantom Knight
Despite their name, phantom knights combine the school of illusion as a part of their fighting style. Phantom knights are known for their ability to conjure an illusory duplicate of themselves, from which they are able to fight alongside. In general, phantom knights rely on confusion, misdirection, and confusion in combat. Whenever their enemy attempt to inflict harm to them, phantom knights swap locations with their duplicate to completely evade harm.
#### Shadow Knight
Thanks to their mastery of shadow magic, shadow knights are often valued as spies and assassins. While focusing on spell effects, shadow knights are able to generate a cloud of magical darkness that obscures their opponents vision, leaving their opponent vulnerable to a surprise attack.
#### Psionic Knight
Psionic knights differ a bit from traditional spellblades. Whereas the source of power from most spellblades comes from arcane study, psionic knight have mastered the arts of telepathy to control psychic energy. Unlike other psionics, these spellblades primarily manifest their psychic energy to create psionic barriers to protect their allies from harm.
#### Rift Knight
Rift Knights utilize the school of conjuration to create localized rifts and portals to quickly maneuver the battlefield. They have the unique ability to phase through solid objects, almost like wraiths. They even have the unique ability to temporarily banish enemies to a pocket demiplane.
#### Sunblade
At first glance, sunblades are often confused to be paladins due to their mastery of light magic. However, unlike paladins, sunblades do not gain their radiant abilities from the divines. Instead, sunblades have learned to use their magic to bend light to their will, reflecting it back at their enemies. Despite not having divine magics, their mastery of light still gives them a considerable advantage against many undead.
#### Titan Knight
Titan knights exhibit a special fighting style developed by the mighty giants. The premise of their abilities revolve around altering one's physical size, strength, and proportions to give them an advantage against smaller opponents.
#### Time Knight
Time knights have learned to use both transmutation and divination magic to bend time around them. Their mastery of magic to allow them to temporarily jump forward in time to gain an edge against their opponent. They even have the ability to rewind time to even regenerate wounds that it may have taken as well.
#### Witch Knight
Witch knights acquired their special name due to their specialty in crafting magical curses. These warrior use hexes and curses not only to debilitate their enemies, but also use their baneful effect to protect the witch knight from harm. Although this art is believed to have been originated from the creature in the service of hags, this fighting style has evolved to take one unique identities of its own as well.
> ## Spellblade Novice
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 45 (6d8+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3) |14 (+2) |16 (+3) |16 (+3) |14 (+2) |14 (+2) |
> - **Skills** Athletics +5, Arcana +5, Perception +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and two languages of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 3 (700 xp)
> ___
>**Arcane Strike** When the spellblade hits a creature with a weapon attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on saving throws against the spellblade's spell effects until the end of the spellblade's next turn.
>**Battle Casting** The spellblade has advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell effect
>**Spell Strike** When the spellblade takes the Attack action while concentrating on a spell effect, the spellblade can make one additional weapon attack as part of its action.
>**War Caster** When the spellblade makes an opportunity attack, the spellblade can cast a spell instead. The spell can only target only one creature.
>#### Spellcasting
>The spellblade is an 6th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The spellblade has the following spells prepared:
> - **Cantrips** *Booming Blade, Green flame-Blade, Firebolt, Sword Burst*
> - **1st Level Spells (3 slots)** *Magic Missile, Shield, Shield of Faith*
> - **2nd Level Spells (2 slots)** *Flame Blade, Magic Weapon, Shadow Blade, Spiritual Weapon*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The spellblade can make one spell attack and one weapon attack on its turn.
> ***Spell Sword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit* 8 (1d8 +3) slashing damage.
> ***Spell Bow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, 150/600ft., one target. *Hit* 7 (1d8 +2) piercing damage.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Bound Weapon*** The spellblade can use its bonus action to summon or dismiss their spell sword or spell bow
>### Reactions
>***Spell Shield*** When the spellblade takes damage, it can use its reaction to expend a spell slot, reducing the damage taken by 5 for each spell slot level expended.
> ## Spellblade Veteran
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16 (Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 102 (12d8+48)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|18 (+4) |14 (+2) |18 (+4) |18 (+4) |14 (+2) |14 (+2) |
> - **Skills** Athletics +7, Arcana +7, Perception +6
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and two languages of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> - **Challenge** 8 (3900 xp)
> ___
>**Arcane Strike** When the spellblade hits a creature with a weapon attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on saving throws against the spellblade's spell effects until the end of the spellblade's next turn.
>**Battle Casting** The spellblade has advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell effect
>**Magical Attacks** The spellblade's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
>**Magic Resistance** The spellblade has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>**Spell Strike** When the spellblade takes the Attack action while concentrating on a spell effect, the spellblade can make one additional weapon attack as part of its action.
>**War Caster** When the spellblade makes an opportunity attack, the spellblade can cast a spell instead. The spell can only target only one creature.
> ### Actions
>#### Spellcasting
>The spellblade is an 12th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The spellblade has the following spells prepared:
> - **Cantrips** *Booming Blade, Green flame-Blade, Firebolt, Sword Burst*
> - **1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Magic Missile, Shield, Shield of Faith*
> - **2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Flame Blade, Magic Weapon, Shadow Blade, Spiritual Weapon*
> - **3rd Level Spells(2 slots)** *Counterspell, Conjure Barrage, Dispel Magic, Elemental Weapon, Haste*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The spellblade can make one spell attack and one weapon attack on its turn.
> ***Spell Sword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit* 8 (1d8 +4) slashing damage + 5(1d8) force damage.
> ***Spell Bow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 150/600ft., one target. *Hit* 7 (1d8 +2) piercing damage + 5(1d8) force damage.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Bound Weapon*** The spellblade can use its bonus action to summon or dismiss their spell sword or spell bow
>### Reactions
>***Spell Shield*** When the spellblade takes damage, it can use its reaction to expend a spell slot, reducing the damage taken by 5 for each spell slot level expended.
> ## Spellblade Champion
>*Medium Humanoid, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18 (Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 190 (208+100)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5) |16 (+3) |20 (+5) |20 (+5) |16 (+3) |16 (+3) |
> - **Skills** Athletics +10, Arcana +10, Perception +8
> - **Senses** passive Perception 18
> - **Languages** Common and two languages of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +5
> - **Challenge** 15 (13000 xp)
> ___
>**Arcane Strike** When the spellblade hits a creature with a weapon attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on saving throws against the spellblade's spell effects until the end of the spellblade's next turn.
>**Battle Casting** The spellblade has advantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration on a spell effect
>**Legendary Resistance(3/day)** If the spellblade fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the spellblade can cast a spell.
>**Magical Attacks** The spellblade's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance
>**Magic Resistance** The spellblade has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>**Spell Strike** When the spellblade takes the Attack action while concentrating on a spell effect, the spellblade can make one additional weapon attack as part of its action.
>**War Caster** When the spellblade makes an opportunity attack, the spellblade can cast a spell instead. The spell can only target only one creature.
> ### Actions
>#### Spellcasting
>The spellblade is an 20th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The spellblade has the following spells prepared:
> - **Cantrips** *Booming Blade, Green flame-Blade, Firebolt, Sword Burst*
> - **1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Magic Missile, Shield, Shield of Faith*
> - **2nd Level Spells (3 slots)** *Flame Blade, Magic Weapon, Shadow Blade, Spiritual Weapon*
> - **3rd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Counterspell, Conjure Barrage, Dispel Magic, Elemental Weapon, Haste*
> - **4th Level Spell (3 slots)** *Stoneskin*
> - **5th Level Spells(2 slots)** *Conjure Volley, Swift Quiver, Steel Wind Strike*
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The spellblade can make one spell attack and two weapon attacks on its turn.
> ***Spell Sword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +10 to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit* 10 (1d8 +5) slashing damage + 5(1d8) force damage.
> ***Spell Bow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 150/600ft., one target. *Hit* 8 (1d8 +3) piercing damage + 5(1d8) force damage.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Bound Weapon*** The spellblade can use its bonus action to summon or dismiss their spell sword or spell bow
>### Reactions
>***Spell Shield*** When the spellblade takes damage, it can use its reaction to expend a spell slot, reducing the damage taken by 5 for each spell slot level expended.
>### Legendary Actions
>The spellblade can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The spellblade regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Movement (1 action)*** The spellblade can move up to half its movement speed to move up to half its movement speed to a spot that it can see in range without provoking attacks of opportunity.
>***Summon Blade (1 action)*** The spellblade can summon or dismiss the spell sword or spell bow.
>***Cast a Spell (2 actions)*** The spellblade can cast a spell of 5th level or lower.
>***Resilience (3 actions)*** The spellblade can end a spell effect or status condition on itself as an action
>### Arcane Defender
>**Focused Aegis** While concentrating on a spell effect, the arcane defender can grant itself 10 temporary hitpoints at the start of each of its turns.
>**Spell Counter** When the Arcane Defender uses *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic*, it can make that ability check with advantage.
>**Spell Reinforcement** When a creature uses *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic* on its spell effects, arcane defender can add its proficiency modifier to its DC.
>**Spell Recharge** When the arcane defender successfully uses *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic* on a spell effect, it can regain a number of spell slots equal to the level of the spell that was dispelled.
>### Reactions
>***Impervious Shield*** When the Arcane Defender uses its Spell Shield, it lasts until the start of its next turn or until its pool of damage absorbed is expended. For the duration of this effect, the arcane defender has resistance to all damage (including the triggering damage.)
>### Blood Knight
> - **Damage Resistance** Necrotic
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Blood Magic** Creatures below half their hitpoint maximum have disadvantage on saving throws against the blood knight's spell effects
>**Deathly Weapon** The blood knight deals its choice deals necrotic damage on its Spell Sword, and Spell Bow attacks instead of force.
>**Vampiric Blade** Whenever the blood knight hits a creature with a weapon attack, the blood knight regains a number of hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt
>#### Spellcasting
>The blood knight can learn the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Toll the Dead*
> - **1st Level Spells** *False Life, Inflict Wounds*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blindness/Deafness*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Vampiric Touch*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Blight*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Enervation*
>### Reactions
>***Blood Shield*** When the deathblade uses it spell shield, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or take necrotic damage equal to the amount of damage absorbed. Upon using this feature, the blood knight regains a number of hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
>### Deathblade
> - **Damage Resistance** Necrotic
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Arcane Soul Tether** When the deathblade is reduced to 0 hitpoints, the deathblade can expend a spell slot to regain hitpoints. The deathblade regains a number of hitpoints equal to 10 times the level of the spell slot expended.
>**Deathly Weapon** The deathblade deals its choice deals necrotic damage on its Spell Sword, and Spell Bow attacks instead of force.
>**Ghastly Blade** Whenever the deathblade hits a creature with a weapon attack, the target cannot regain hitpoints until the start of its next turn.
>**Soul Magic** If the deathblade reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints using a spell of 1st level or higher, that deathblade does not expend that spell slot
>#### Spellcasting
>The deathblade can learn the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Toll the Dead*
> - **1st Level Spells** *False Life, Inflict Wounds*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blindness/Deafness*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Animate Dead*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Blight*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Antilife Shell, Negative Energy Flood*
>### Reactions
>***Soul Harvest*** When the deathblade reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, the deathblade regains a number of hitpoints equal to 10 times the level of the spell.
>### Druidic Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
> - **Languages** Druidic
>**Druidic Weapons** The druidic knight's melee weapon attacks have its reach increases by 5ft.
>**Druidic Stride** The druidic knight can travel through difficult terrain from non-magical effects without expending additional movement or having to make an ability check.
>**Natural Recovery** While concentrating on a spell effect, the druidic warrior regains a number of hitpoints at the start of each of its turns equal to 10 times its proficiency bonus (rounded down)
>The druidic warrior has the following additional spells known:
>#### Spellcasting
>The druidic knight can learn the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Druidcraft, Shillelagh*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Cure Wounds, Entangle, Find Familiar, Hail of Thorns*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Barkskin, Summon Beast*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Mass Healing Word, Plant Growth*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Grasping Vine, Guardian of Nature, Polymorph*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Commune with Nature, Mass Cure Wounds, Wrath of Nature*
>### Elemental Warden
> - **Damage Resistance** Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder
> - **Languages** Elemental
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Elemental Weapon** The elemental warden deals its choice of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage on its Spell Sword, and Spell Bow attacks instead of force
>**Elemental Armor** While concentrating on a spell effect, whenever a creature grapples or hits the elemental warden with a melee attack while within 5ft. of the elemental warden, the attack takes 5(1d8) acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage (your choice).
>**Elemental Shield** While concentrating on a spell effect, elemental warden gains immunity to its choice of acid, cold, fire, or thunder damage.
>The druidic warrior has the following additional spells known:
>#### Spellcasting
>The elemental warden can learn the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Acid Splash, Lightning Lure, Produce Flame, Ray of Frost*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands, Tasha's Caustic Brew, Thunderwave, Witch Bolt*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Binding Frost*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Tidal Wave*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Wall of Fire, Vitriolic Sphere*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Cone of Cold, Maelstrom*
>### Reactions
>***Elemental Shield*** When the elemental warden uses its spell shield, the attacker must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage equal to a number of d8s for each spell slot level above 1st.
>### Gravity Knight
>- **Damage Resistance** Force
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Center of Gravity** The gravity knight has advantage on saving throws against effects that would forcibly move the gravity knight against its will or knock it prone.
>**Event Horizon** While concentrating on a spell effect, creatures that start its turn within 10ft. of the gravity knight has its movement speed reduced by 10ft. until the start of its next turn.
>**Gravitational Strike** Once on each of its turns, whenever the gravity knight hits a creature with a weapon attack, the gravity knight can move the target 10ft. in a direction of its choice.
>**Powerful Build** The gravity knight counts as one size larger. However, its physical size does not change.
>#### Spellcasting
>The gravity knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Mage Hand*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Earth Tremor, Feather Fall, Jump, Longstrider, Magnify Gravity*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Hold Person, Levitate*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Slow*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Gravity Sinkhole*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Hold Monster, Telekinesis*
>### Reaction
>***Gravitation Repulsion*** When the gravity knight uses its spell shield, the attacker must succeed a Strength saving throw against the gravity knight's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is restrained until the end of its next turn.
>### Mage Hunter
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Arcane Evasion** When the mage hunter succeeds a saving throw against a spell effect that deals damage, the mage hunter takes no damage instead.
>**Spellbreak** Creatures that take damage from the mage hunter's attacks and spell effects have disadvantage on spells and saving throws.
>**Spell Counter** When the Arcane Defender uses *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic*, it can make that ability check with advantage.
>**Spell Thief** When the arcane defender successfully uses *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic* on a spell effect. The mage hunter also can learn the spell that was cast.
>The mage hunter retains knowledge for up to 24 hours or until it uses this spell. When it casts this spell, it does not expend a spell slot. However, the mage hunter can only cast a spell in this manner if it is of a level that the mage hunter can naturally cast.
>#### Spellcasting
>The mage hunter has the following additional spells known:
> - **1st Level Spells** *Protection from Evil and Good*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Hold Person, Silence*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Circle of Power, Dispel Evil and Good, Hold Monster, Wall of Force*
>### Reactions
>***Mana Eater Shield*** When the mage hunter uses its Spell Shield against a spell effect and fully reduces the damage to 0, using its Spell Shield does not expend a spell slot as the residual magic absorb recharges the mage hunter's casting abilities.
>### Magus
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Battle Focus** The magus cannot lose concentration on spell effects due to taking damage
>**Empowered Spell** The magus can add a bonus to its spell damage rolls equal to its Intelligence modifier + the level of the spell (minimum of 0).
>**Heightened Spell** When the magus deal damage with its spell effects, it can ignore resistance
>**Spell Crafter** When the magus casts an area of effect spell, it can choose to cause creatures of its choice within range automatically succeed its saving throw and taking no damage from the effect
>#### Spellcasting
>The magus has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Eldritch Blast*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Burning Hands*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Scorching Ray*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Web of Fire, Wall of Fir*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Bigby’s Hand, Cone of Cold, Wall of Force*
>### Reaction
>***Arcane Reversal*** When the magus uses its Spell Shield, it can deal additional damage on its next damage before the end of its next turn. This additional is equal to the amount of damage absorbed by its Spell Shield feature.
>### Phantom Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Arcane Echo** Creatures within 5ft. of the Phantom Echo have disadvantage on saving throws against the phantom knight's spells
>**Echo Strike** While the Phantom Knight makes an attack against a creature within 5ft. of its Phantom Echo, that phantom knight has advantage on attack rolls against that creature.
>**Echo Shield** While the Phantom Knight is within 5ft. of its Phantom Echo, attacks against the phantom knight have disadvantage.
>#### Spellcasting
>The phantom knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Mage Hand, Minor Illusion*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Silent Image*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blur, Mirror Image, Misty Step*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Major Image*
>- **4th Level** Dimension Door
>- **5th Level Spells** *Mislead*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Phantom Echo (recharge 5-6)*** As a bonus action, the Phantom Knight can conjure an illusory echo in an unoccupied spot within 30ft. The echo occupies its space, is immune to all damage and conditions, and lasts for one minute or until dismissed. While the echo is active, the Phantom Knight can make an attack or cast a spell through its space, including attacks of opportunity.
>On each of its turns, the phantom knight can use its bonus action to move the echo 30ft. in a direction of its choice.
>### Reaction
>***Transportation*** When the phantom knight takes damage, it can use its reaction to teleport and swap places with its Phantom Echo, causing the echo to take damage instead. Upon using this feature, the Phantom Echo immediately ends.
>### Shadow Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Gloom Sight** The shadow knight's vision is not obscured by magical darkness.
>**Gloom Shroud** While concentrating on a spell effect, the shadow knight gives off magical darkness in a 10ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft.
>#### Spellcasting
>The shadow knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **1st Level Spells** *Fog Cloud*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Darkness, Invisibility*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Hunger of Hadar*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Greater Invisibility, Shadow of Moil*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Mislead*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Shadow Stealth*** While in dim light or darkness, the shadow knight can use its bonus action to Hide.
>### Reactions
>***Shadow Shield*** When the shadow knight uses its spell shield, it gains resistance to all damage until the start of its next turn.
>### Psionic Knight
> - **Damage Resistances** Psychic
> - **Languages** Telepathy 60ft.
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Disrupting Strike** When the psionic knight hits a creature with a weapon attck, the target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw equal to the psionic knight's spell save or suffer disadvantage on attacks against all creatures other than the psionic knight until the end of its next turn
>**Psychic Weapon** The psionic knight deals its choice deals psychic damage on its Spell Sword, and Spell Bow attacks instead of force.
>**Psychic Ward** While concentrating on a spell effect, the psionic knight is immune to psychic damage as well as being charmed or frightened.
>#### Spellcasting
>The psionic knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Friends, Mind Sliver*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Charm Person*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Suggestion, Mind Spike*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Hypnotic Pattern, Pulse Wave*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Phantasmal Killer*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Bigby’s Hand, Synaptic Static, Telekinesis*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Stun Burst*** One creature within 30ft. of the psionic Knight must succeed a Wisdom saving throw equal to its spell DC. On a failed saving throw, that creature is stunned until the end of its next turn.
>### Reactions
>***Psionic Bulwark*** When a creature of the psionic knight's choice within 30ft. of it takes damage, the psionic knight can use its Spell Shield as a reaction to reduce the damage dealt to that creature.
>### Rift Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Planar Awareness** When rift knight can determine the planar origin of a creature it can see within 120ft.
>**Planar Blink** While the rift knight is concentrating on a spell effect, the rift knight can spend any amount of its movement speed to teleport by the amount of movement speed spent.
>#### Spellcasting
>The rift knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Eldritch Blast*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blur*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Blink, Slow*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Banishment, Dimension Door*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Banishing Smite, Passwall, Teleportation Circle, Temporal Shunt*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Phase Shift*** The rift knight can 30ft. to a spot that it can see within range. While moving in this manner, the rift can move through a space occupied by a creature or object. If the rift knight ends its turn in an occupied space, the rift knight is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space taking 6 (1d10) force damage for every 5ft. it is shunted
>### Reactions
>***Banishing Shield*** When the rift knight uses its Spell Shield, the target must succeed a Charisma saving throw equal to the rift knight's spell DC. On a failed saving throw, that creature is banished to a harmless demiplane until the end of its next turn.
>### Sunblade
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
> - **Damage Resistances** Radiant
>**Luminous Magic** While concentrating on a spell effect, the sunblade gives off bright light in a 30ft. radius and dim light an additional 30ft. This light is considered sunlight.
>**Reflection** When the sunblade takes radiant damage from an effect that targets only the sunblade, it can roll a d6. Upon rolling a 5 or 6, the sunblade is unaffected and can redirect the effect back at the attacker instead.
>**Sun Strike** The sunblade deals radiant damage on its Spell Sword, and Spell Bow attacks instead of force damage.
>#### Spellcasting
>The sunblade has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Dancing Lights, Light, Sacred Flame*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Color Spray, Faerie Fire, Guiding Bolt*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Daylight*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Sickening*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Flame Strike, Wall of Light*
>### Reactions
>***Sun Shield*** When the sunblade takes damage, creatures within 10ft. of the sunblade that can see it must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to its spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the targets are blinded until the end of its next turn.
>### Titan Knight
>- **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Giant's Growth** While concentrating on a spell effect, the titan knight increases by one side. While enlarged in this manner, the titan knight deals an additional 5(1d8) damage on melee weapon attacks against creatures at most one size smaller than the Titan Knight.
>**Powerful Build** The titan knight counts as one size larger. However, its physical size does not change.
>**Siege Monster** The titan knight deals double damage to buildings and objects
>**Titan's Empowerment** The titan knight has advantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws against creatures that are one size smaller than the titan knight and their effects.
>#### Spellcasting
>The titan knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **1st Level Spells** *Earth Tremor, False Life, Thunderwave*
>- **2nd Level** *Enlarge/Reduce, Enhance Ability*
>- **4th Level** *Stoneskin*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Bigby's Hand*
>### Time Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Temporal Advantage** The time knight has advantage on initiative checks
>**Time Shift (Recharge 5-6)** At the start of its turn, the Time Knight can take two turns on that round. The time knight can take this additional turn on its current initiative count -10 (minimum of 1).
>**Reactive** The time knight can take a reaction at the end of each of its turns
>#### Spellcasting
>The time knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Guidance*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Temporal Alacrity*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blur, Misty Step*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Blink, Slow*
>- **4th Level Spells** *Banishment*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Temporal Shunt*
>### Reaction
>***Rewind Time*** When the time knight uses its spell shield, it can reverse time to heal any wounds it sustains. Upon using this feature, the time knight regains a number of hitpoints equal 5 times the level of the spell slot expended.
>***Temporal Correction*** When the spell blade fails on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can choose to reroll taking the new result instead.
>### Witch Knight
> - **Challenge Rating** increases by 1
>**Endless Hex** The Witch Knight can double the duration of *Bless, Bane, Hunter's Mark, Hex,* and *Bestow Curse* (up to a maximum of 24 hours).
>**Hex Ward** While concentrating on a spell effect, the witch knight can surround itself in protective hexes. Whenever the witch knight takes damage, the attacker must roll a d6. Upon rolling a 6, the witch knight takes no damage
>**Twinned Curse** If the witch knight targets a creature with *Hunter's Mark, Hex,* or *Bestow Curse*, it can target one additional creature.
>#### Spellcasting
>The witch knight has the following additional spells known:
> - **Cantrips** *Guidance*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Bane, Bless, Hunter's Mark, Hex*
>- **3rd Level Spells** *Bestow Curse, Glyph of Warding, Remove Curse*
>- **5th Level Spells** *Circle of Power*
>### Bonus Actions
>***Relentless Hex*** If the witch knight reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints that is under the effects of *Hunter's Mark, Hex* or *Bestow Curse*, the witch knight can move the spell to another creature within range
>### Reaction
>***Hex Shield*** When the witch knight uses its Spell Shield, the attacker must succeed a Charisma saving throw equal to the witch knight’s spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the attacker suffers disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the end of its next turn.
## Warriors
Although many realms possess various levels of arcane warfare, warriors typically make up the majority of any military force. In comparison to arcanists, warriors have the advantage on being easier to train and can fight for long periods of time without expending their full strength.
#### Guards
Of all warriors, guards are the most common and least skilled. Even the smallest of towns typically have a small contingent of guards dedicated to preventing crime and serving as a defense force against invaders. Since many guards lack extensive martial skills, they make up for it through fighting defensively until reinforcements arrive.
### Soldiers
Due to their extensive training, soldiers tend to be a level above the standard guard. Although many of them can be found on the battlefield, in forts, or defending strongholds, the largest of cities and palaces tend to have these highly trained soldiers instead of conventional guards.
#### Vanguards
The most common type of soldiers are vanguards. Their primary goal is to serve as frontline troops to shield their allies from harm while the rest of the force advances.
#### Legionnaires
Legionnaires typically serve as support to vanguards in their advances. They are extremely skilled warriors, using their glaive to strike down foes from behind a shield wall or to cleave mounted opponents.
#### Sharpshooters
Sharpshooters serve as the eyes and ears of an army. Due to their keen senses, they are able to watch enemy movement. Their expertise with the longbow allows them to provide covering fire for their allies from long distances, as well as provide suppressing fire to prevent their enemies from flanking their allies.
#### Cavaliers
Cavaliers have mastered the art of combat while mounted. These soldiers use the superior mobility of their mount to crash through enemy barricades to allow their allies to take advantage of the chaos.
### Special Forces
Special forces are elite soldiers, often used for extremely vital or dangerous missions. A small detachment of these individuals is often equivalent to a small battalion of normal soldiers. Although they are typically tasked on special missions, it is not uncommon that these individuals are the primary security force for important locations such as a castle or palace.
#### Skyknights
Skyknights are elite soldiers that have mastered aerial combat mounted on flying creatures such as giant eagles, griffons, or wyverns. When deployed, often use their extreme mobility and evasion to eliminate high priority threats such as artillery, or to weaken wall defenses.
#### Juggernauts
Juggernauts are the primary choice of shock troops of any invasion force. When deployed, these individuals are able to smash through fortified barricades while using their heavy armor to negate any suppressing fire. They are also used to break through shield walls, using their powerful mauls to crush anyone who stands in their way.
#### Dreadnoughts
Dreadnoughts are the ultimate defender. Thanks to their superior strength, they are able to wield colossal tower shields and halberds each in one hand. A small team of dreadnoughts is often deployed to provide support when defenses are breached. A couple of dreadnoughts are able to hold off a small battalion long enough for reinforcements can arrive, using their halberds and spiked shields to punish anyone who gets too close.
#### Arbalesters
Arbalesters serve as the heavy artillery for many battalions. In encounters where typical siege weapons would be unwieldly and cumbersome, arbalesters specialize in using massive ballistae that are capable of disabling siege weapons and fortifications. Thanks to their incredible strength, arbalesters are also able to provide artillery fire for ground troops by unleashing volleys of ballista bolts that immediately impale any target unlucky enough to get hit.
#### Bladestorms
Bladestorms are an elite group of soldiers that specialize in melee combat, primarily through the art of dual-wielding. Despite being heavily armored, bladestorms are known for their incredible mobility as they are able to dart across the battlefield eviscerating opponents under a storm of slashes. These soldiers trade power for speed and agility using their incredible reflexes to engage multiple opponents at a time. Bladestorms are typically implemented as a special force’s unit tasked with taking out high priority targets much as enemy leadership or spellcasters.
#### Operatives
In battle, the primary goal of operatives are to take out high priority targets such as mages or enemy commanders. Due to their training, they are extremely versatile and are able to fire their crossbows at rapid speeds, even while in the close quarters. When encountering an operative, one must be wary of their allies, as they always travel in kill squads consisting of 7(2d6) members.
#### Knights
Knights are the most elite of all special forces warriors. They possess considerable martial skill and are at times single-handedly able to turn the tide of a battle. Thanks to stalwart presence, even in the face of the most terrifying of foes, they are able to command and maneuver their allies to strike at their opponent's vulnerabilities. Not only are they extremely valuable on the battlefield, they are often trained to be royal escorts or the elite guard for rulers as well.
#### Warlords
Thanks to their superior martial and tactical skills, warlords often find themselves as generals of entire armies. However, some have used their military power to launched their own campaigns and self-appointed rule.
In battle, one warlord is equivalent to a small garrison. In single combat, they are nearly unmatched, combining their extreme strength and speed with precision and technique that always puts their opponent at a disadvantage.
In addition to this, they are masterful commanders that are able to fully bring out the full martial potential of their allies in the midst of battle, allowing them to strike with deadly precision and efficiency.
> ## Guard
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 23(4d8+8)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +4, Perception +6
> - **Senses** passive Perception 16
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 1 (200xp)
> ___
>**Pack Tactics** The guard has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the guard's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Sentinel** The guard can make an attack of opportunity, even if a creature disengages.
>**Vigil** The guard has advantage on initiative and Wisdom(Perception) checks
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The guard can make two weapon attacks with their spear. They can substitute any number of spear attacks for a crossbow attack
> ***Spear.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d6+2) piercing damage
> ***Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +4 to hit, 100/400ft, one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d8+2) piercing damage
> ## Soldier Vanguard
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate+ Shield)
> - **Hit Points** 51(6d8+24)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|18 (+4)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +5, Perception +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 3 (700xp)
> ___
>**Defender** When the vanguard hits a creature with an attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than the vanguard until the end of its next turn.
>**Pack Tactics** The vanguard has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the vanguard's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Sentinel** The vanguard can make an attack of opportunity, even if a creature disengages.
>**Tactical Advantage** The vanguard has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the vanguard can make an additional spear or heavy crossbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The vanguard can make two weapon attacks with their spear. They can substitute any number of spear attacks for a crossbow attack
> ***Spear.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d6+3) piercing damage
> ***Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 100/400ft, one target. *Hit:* 10 (1d10+3) piercing damage
>### Reactions
>***Shield Wall*** When the vanguard or a creature within 5ft. of it takes damage, the vanguard can reduce the damage taken by 10. If the damage exceeds this amount, it can halve any of the excess damage.
> ## Soldier Legionnaire
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 51(6d8+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +5, Perception +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 3 (700xp)
> ___
>**Martial Advantage** Once per turn, the legionnaire can deal an extra 7 (2d6) damage to a creature it hits with a weapon attack if that creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the legionnaire that isn't incapacitated.
>**Pack Tactics** The legionnaire has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the legionnaire's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Tactical Advantage** The legionnaire has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the legionnaire can make an additional glaive or crossbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The legionnaire can make two weapon attacks with their glaive. They can substitute any number of glaive attacks for a crossbow attack
> ***Glaive.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 10 (1d10+3) slash damage
> ***Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 100/400ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) piercing damage
>### Reactions
>***Retaliation*** When the legionnaire or a creature within 10ft. of the legionnaire is targeted with a melee attack while within 10ft. of the legionnaire, it can make a glaive attack against that creature.
> ## Soldier Sharpshooter
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 51(6d8+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +5, Perception +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 3 (700xp)
> ___
>**Keen Senses** The sharpshooter has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
>**Precision** The sharpshooter can ignore half and three-fourth's cover.
>**Pack Tactics** The sharpshooter has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the sharpshooter's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Tactical Advantage** The sharpshooter has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the sharpshhoter can make an additional shortsword or longbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The sharpshooter can make two weapon attacks with their shortsword. They can substitute any number of shortsword attacks for a longbow attack
> ***Shortsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d6+3) piercing damage
> ***Longbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) piercing damage
>### Reactions
>***Reactive Shot*** Whenever a creature first enters or leaves within 30ft. of the sharpshooter, the sharpshooter can make a longbow attack as a reaction.
> ## Soldier Cavalier
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 45(6d8+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +5, Perception +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 3 (700xp)
> ___
>**Agile** While mounted, the cavalier can use its bonus action to Dash.
>**Battle Mount** While mounted, the cavalier and its mount both take actions on the same turn. Its mount can either before or after the cavalier's turn.
>**Charge** If the cavalier moves at least 20ft. on its turn while mounted, it can deal an additional 9(2d8) slashing damage on its next longsword attack. If the target is a creature, it must succeed a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
>**Evasive** While mounted, the cavalier and its mount does not provoke opportunity attack while moving outside a creature's reach.
>**Pack Tactics** The cavalier has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the cavalier's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Saddle Trained** While mounted, both the cavalier and its mount have advantage on saving throws. Upon failing a saving throw, the cavalier and its mount takes half damage and upon a successful saving throw, they both take no damage.
>**Tactical Advantage** The cavalier has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the cavalier can make an additional longsword or longbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The cavalier can make two weapon attacks with their longsword. The cavalier can substitute any number of longsword attacks for a longbow attack
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) slashing damage
> ***Longbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +5 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) piercing damage
>### Reactions
>***Battle Bond*** While mounted, the cavalier or their mount takes damage, the cavalier can use its reaction to split the damage between both targets.
> ## Soldier Skyknight
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 76(9d8+27)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +6, Perception +8
> - **Senses** passive Perception 18
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Challenge** 5 (1800xp) **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> ___
>**Battle Mount** While mounted, the skyknight and its mount both take actions on the same turn. Its mount can either before or after the skyknight's turn.
>Additionally, the skyknight's mount can benefit from Flyby, Skydive, and Pack Tactics if it does not possess these traits.
>**Flyby** While mounted, the skyknight does not provoke opportunity attacks by flying outside a creature's reach.
>**Keen Senses** The skyknight has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight.
>**Skydive** While mounted, if the skyknight's mount flies at least 30ft. on its turn while mounted, the skyknight can deal an additional 14(3d8) slashing damage on its next longsword attack. If the target is a creature, it must succeed a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
>**Pack Tactics** The skyknight has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the skyknight's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Saddle Trained** While mounted, both the skyknight and its mount have advantage on saving throws. Upon failing a saving throw, the skyknight and its mount takes half damage and upon a successful saving throw, they both take no damage.
>**Tactical Advantage** The skyknight has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the skyknight can make an additional longsword or longbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The skyknight can make two weapon attacks with their longsword. They can substitute any number of longsword attacks for a longbow attack
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) slashing damage
> ***Longbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +6 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) piercing damage
>### Reactions
>***Battle Bond*** While mounted, the skyknight or their mount takes damage, the skyknight can use its reaction to split the damage between both targets.
> ## Soldier Juggernaut
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18(Plate Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 94(9d8+45)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +8, Con +8
> - **Skills** Athletics +8, Perception +5
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Challenge** 6 (2300xp) **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> ___
>**Crushing Blows** The juggernaut deals an additional 11(3d6) damage on melee weapon attacks against prone creatures or creatures one size smaller than it
>**Siege Monster** The juggernaut deals double damage to buildings and objects
>**Heavy Armor** The juggernaut can reduce bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage taken by 5.
>**Pack Tactics** The juggernaut has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the juggernaut's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Tactical Advantage** The juggernaut has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the juggernaut can make an additional maul or Double Crossbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The juggernaut can make two weapon attacks with their maul. They can any number of maul attacks for a double crossbow attack
> ***Maul.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 19 (2d6+5) bludgeoning. Creatures hit by this attack must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
> ***Double Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 50/200ft, one target. *Hit:* 14 (2d8+5) piercing damage. Creatures hit by this attack must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5ft.
> ## Soldier Arbalester
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18(Plate Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 94(9d8+45)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +8, Con +8
> - **Skills** Athletics +8, Perception +5
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Challenge** 6 (2300xp) **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> ___
>**Brutal Shot** Upon dealing a critical hit, the arbalester can triple the damage die
>**Power Shot** The arbalester does not suffer penalties on its ranged weapon attacks while firing in melee range
>**Sharpshooter** The arbalester can ignore half or three fourth's cover
>**Siege Monster** The arbalester deals double damage to buildings and objects
>**Tactical Advantage** The arbalester has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the arbalester can make an additional Ballista attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The arbalester can make two weapon attacks with their maul.
> ***Maul.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 19 (2d6+5) bludgeoning. Creatures hit by this attack must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
> ***Ballista.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. *Hit:* 27 (4d10+5) piercing damage. Creatures hit by this attack must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be restrained. Restrained creatures must use its action to escape on a successful DC 16 Strength saving throw
> ## Soldier Bladestorm
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18(Plate Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 76(9d8+27)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|18 (+4)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +6, Dex 7, Con +6
> - **Skills** Athletics +8, Perception +5
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Challenge** 6 (2300xp) **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> ___
>**Dervish** The Bladestorm can move outside a creature's reach without provoking attacks of opportunity
>**Pack Tactics** The Bladestorm has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the Bladestorm's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Reactive** The Bladestorm can take a reaction at the end of every creature's turn
>**Tactical Advantage** The Bladestorm has advantage on initiative. If the Bladestorm takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the Bladestorm can make an two additional shortsword attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The Bladestorm can make four shortsword attacks
> ***Shortsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage.
>### reactions
> ***Parry*** When the Bladestorm is targeted with an attack, it can grant itself a +2 bonus to its AC. If this causes the attack to miss, the Bladestorm can make two shortsword attacks against the attacker if it is within 5ft. of the Bladestorm.
> ## Soldier Dreadnought
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 20(Plate Armor+ Shield)
> - **Hit Points** 94(9d8+45)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+2)|
> - **Saving Throws** Strength +8, Con +8
> - **Skills** Athletics +8, Perception +5
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Challenge** 8 (2900xp) **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> ___
>**Defender** When the dreadnought hits a creature with an attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than the dreadnought until the end of its next turn.
>**Sentinel** The dreadnought can make an attack of opportunity, even if a creature disengages. Upon a hit, creatures must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or have its movement speed reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
>**Pack Tactics** The dreadnought has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the dreadnought's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Tactical Advantage** The dreadnought has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the dreadnought can make an additional spear or Heavy Crossbow attack on its turn.
>**Reactive** The dreadnought can take a reaction at the end of every creatures turn.
>**Spiked Shield** Whenever a creature grapples or hits the dreadnought while within 5ft. of the dreadnought, it takes 4(1d6) piercing damage
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The dreadnought can make two weapon attacks with their halberd and one with its spiked shield. Alternatively, it can make two crossbow attacks.
> ***Halberd.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 10ft, one target. *Hit:* 11 (1d10+5) slashing damage.
> ***Spiked Shield.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d4+5) piercing damage. Upon a hit, the target must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5ft.
> ***Heavy Crossbow*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 100/400ft, one target. *Hit:* 12 (1d10+5) piercing damage.
>### Reactions
>***Shield Block*** When the dreadnought or a creature within 5ft. of it takes damage, the dreadnought can reduce the damage taken by 10. If the damage exceeds this amount, it can halve any of the excess damage.
> ## Soldier Operative
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 16(Breastplate)
> - **Hit Points** 76(9d8+27)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|16 (+3)|18 (+4)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|16 (+3)|10 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +6, Stealth +7, Perception +9
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Challenge** 6 (2300xp) **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> ___
>**Close Quarter Shooter** The operative can ignore range penalties on its ranged weapon attacks.
>**Dead Shot** The operative can deal a critical hit on a 18-20 on its ranged weapon attacks. Upon dealing a critical hit, the operative can triple the damage die.
>**Keen Senses** The operative has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
>**Precision** The operative can ignore half and three-fourth's cover.
>**Pack Tactics** The operative has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the operative's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Tactical Advantage** The operative has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the operative can make an additional longsword or a hand crossbow attack on its turn.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The operative can make four weapon attacks with their longsword. They can substitute any number of longsword attacks for a hand crossbow attack
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d8+3) slashing damage
> ***Hand Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +7 to hit, 240ft, one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d6+4) piercing damage
>### Reactions
>***Reactive Shot*** Whenever a creature first enters or leaves within 30ft. of the operative, the operative can make a hand crossbow attack as a reaction.
> ## Knight
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 20(Plate Armor and Shield)
> - **Hit Points** 100(12d8+48)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|18 (+4)|14 (+2)|18 (+4)|10 (+0)|16 (+3)|15 (+2)|
> - **Skills** Athletics +8, Perception +7, Intimidation +6, Persuasion +6
> - **Senses** passive Perception 17
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +4
> - **Challenge** 11 (7200xp)
> ___
>**Defender** When the knight hits a creature with an attack, that creature suffers disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than the knight until the end of its next turn.
>**Intrepid** The knight has advantage on saving throws against being frightened. If frightened, the knight can still move towards the source of its fear.
>**Martial Advantage** Once per turn, the knight can deal an extra 14 (4d6) damage to a creature it hits with a weapon attack if that creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the knight that isn't incapacitated.
>**Resolute** The knight has advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Any time the knight takes damage while charmed automatically ends the effect.
>**Pack Tactics** The knight has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the knight's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Reactive** The knight can take a reaction at the end of each creature's turn.
>**Tactical Advantage** The knight has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the knight can make an additional longsword or a heavy crossbow attack on its turn.
>**Warrior's Spirit** When the knight starts its turn below half its hitpoint maximum, it gains 20 temporary hitpoints at the start of each of its turns. While these temporary hitpoints are active, it has resistance to all damage and is immune to all conditions.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The knight can make a Rally Charge (if available) and three weapon attacks with their longsword. They can replace any number of longsword attacks for a heavy crossbow attack
> ***Longsword.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 9 (1d8+4) slashing damage
> ***Heavy Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 100/400ft, one target. *Hit:* 10 (1d10+4) piercing damage
>***Rallying Charge(Recharge 5-6)*** Until the end of its next turn, the knight and any creature of its choice within 30ft. that can see or hear it gains 20 temporary hitpoints, its movement speed doubled, and advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws until the end of its next turn.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Battle Command*** A creature within 30ft. that can see or hear the knight can use its reaction to move up to half its movement speed to make a weapon attack against a creature it can see. Upon a hit, the creature can deal an additional 14(4d6) damage. This movement does not provoke opportunity attack
>***Fortification Command*** A creature within 30ft. that can see or hear the knight gains 20 temporary hitpoints until the end of its next turn.
>***Stalwart Command*** A creature within 30ft. that can see or hear the knight can end on condition on itself.
>### Reactions
>***Retaliation*** When the knight or an ally within 5ft. of the knight is targeted with a melee attack while within 10ft. of the knight, it can make a longsword attack against that creature.
> ## Warlord
>*Medium Humanoid, Varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18(Plate Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 181(18d8+90)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5)|14 (+2)|20 (+5)|14 (+2)|16 (+3)|18 (+4)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str+11, Con +11, Wis +9
> - **Skills** Athletics +11, Perception +9, Intimidation +10, Persuasion +10
> - **Senses** passive Perception 19
> - **Languages** Common and one Language of Choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +6
> - **Challenge** 18 (20000xp)
> ___
>**Intrepid** The warlord has advantage on saving throws against being frightened. If frightened, the warlord can still move towards the source of its fear.
>**Legendary Resistances (3/day)** Upon failing a saving throw, the Warlord can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the warlord can make a weapon attack. This weapon attack can benefit from its Martial Advantage.
>**Martial Advantage** Once per turn, the warlord can deal an extra 21 (6d6) damage to a creature it hits with a weapon attack if that creature is within 5 feet of an ally of the warlord that isn't incapacitated.
>**Resolute** The warlord has advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Any time the warlord takes damage while charmed automatically ends the effect.
>**Pack Tactics** The warlord has advantage on an attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the warlord's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Reactive** The warlord can take a reaction at the end of each creature's turn.
>**Tactical Advantage** The warlord has advantage on initiative. If it takes the Attack action against a creature that has not acted yet in combat, the warlord can make an additional greatsword or a double crossbow attack on its turn.
>**Warrior's Spirit** When the warlord starts its turn below half its hitpoint maximum, it gains 30 temporary hitpoints at the start of each of its turns. While these temporary hitpoints are active, it has resistance to all damage and is immune to all conditions.
>#### Warmaster
>Whenever the deals additional damage using its Martial Advantage, it can inflict one of the following effects.
> - **Cleave** The warlord can make an additional attack against a creature within 5ft. of the original target. Upon a hit, that creatures takes the same damage as the first target.
>- **Cripple** Creature's hit by the warlord's weapon attack must succeed a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or have its movement speed halved until the end of its next turn.
>- **Disorient** Creature's hit by the warlord's weapon attack must succeed a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
>- **Trip** Creature's hit by the warlord's weapon attack must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 10ft. and fall prone.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The warlord can make a Rally Charge (if available) and four weapon attacks with their greatsword. They can replace any number of greatsword attacks for a heavy crossbow attack
> ***Greatsword*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, 5ft, one target. *Hit:* 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage
> ***Double Crossbow.*** *Ranged Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, 50/200ft, one target. *Hit:* 14 (2d8+5) piercing damage
>***Rallying Charge(Recharge 5-6)*** Until the end of its next turn, the warlord and any creature of its choice within 30ft. that can see or hear it gains 30 temporary hitpoints, its movement speed doubled, and advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws until the end of its next turn.
>### Reactions
>***Parry*** The Warlord gains a +2 bonus to its AC until the start of its next turn. Whenever a creature misses with a melee attack while within 5ft. of the warlord, the warlord can make a greatsword attack. Upon a hit, this attack can benefit from Martial Advantage.
>### Legendary Actions(3/turn)
>***Battle Command(1 action)*** A creature within 30ft. that can see or hear the warlord can use its reaction to move up to half its movement speed to make a weapon attack against a creature it can see. Upon a hit, the creature can benefit from Martial Advantage. This movement does not provoke opportunity attack
>The warlord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The warlord regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Fortification Command(2 action)*** A creature within 30ft. that can see or hear the warlord gains 30 temporary hitpoints until the end of its next turn.
>***Resilience(3 actions)*** The warlord can end one status condition or spell effect on itself.
>***Stalwart Command(3 actions)*** A creature within 30ft. that can see or hear the warlord can end on condition on itself.
## Army Templates
Sometimes when running campaigns or encounters with warriors, large numbers of them can be hard to manage or can lead to impossible and unfun encounters for players. However, a potential solution to this problem is to treat these battles as a swarm encounter.
The core basis of these templates is that they operate as a swarm. The hitpoints of the swarm for this template represents the integrity of the battalion as a whole (not individual hitpoints). So, upon defeat, you may choose for the army may simply disperse into a small group of stragglers who survived the onslaught.
It is important to note that these templates simulate a small army template (typically consisting of about 20 - 30 individuals at a time). For example, a small army may have 5, 10, or even 50 battalions. Additionally, this template serves as a concise method to run large groups, especially if players decided to rally a local mob to hunt a giant beast that has been attacking their village.
Whenever players battle an army, their abilities can be flavored as cutting through swaths of soldiers without having to worry about keeping track of numerous statblocks. For example, a weapon attack from the battalion in its space could be akin to several soldiers breaking from their rank to engage a player.
Plus, as a swarm, they can make for unique encounters wherein players could fight notable enemies, such as a knight or other special forces, while attempting to navigate through the hazards of being within the army's space.
### Angry Mob
Angry mobs are the weakest and most basic type of army. These groups are typically formed by unsatisfied commoners who have decided to take things into their own hands, they are not particularly skilled or well-equipped but can be dangerous due to their reckless antics.
### Peacekeeper Force
Peacekeepers are typically a large mobilization of guards that can be rallied in any medium or larger settlement. Primarily, their objective to deal with civil uprisings, often through non-lethal methods unless absolutely necessary. Additionally, they can serve as a defense force or reserve army in times of need, especially if there is not a soldier battalion readily available.
### Rebellions
Rebellions typically represent an organized force of common citizens that have taken up arms and even basic martial training. They often take the form of a guerilla force against a government regime, or even a small army of bandits attempting to take over a town. The main distinguishing factor is that they are much more organized and better equipped than the typical mob.
### Battalions
Battalions make up the core of many armies. Since battalions range from 20 to 50 men in total, many armies possess several or even a dozen of battalions. As a result, many armies have numerous variants of battalions, each dedicated to a specific specialty in warfare.
#### Battle Mage Contingent
Because magic is present in many forms of warfare on the Material Plane and beyond, many armies employ a special division of soldiers equipped with war mages. Thanks to their presence, they are able to magically empower the battalion's weapons, ward against spell assaults, and barrage their opponents with arcane fire.
**Design Note** Due to the number of mages in a contingent, the battalion does not possess spell slots. This design note applies to the Crusader template as well.
#### Crusader Contingent
Crusaders represent the divine equivalent of battle mage battalions. This group relies on divine magic to annihilate any undead or fiends in their wake. They are capable to summoning divine shields to protect them from harm, summon divine beings to harry their foes, and even bring their allies from the dead.
**Design Note,** The crusaders are able to self-heal using *Cure Wounds*. Although most swarms are unable to heal (outside the reinforcement ability I gave them) ability, this effect is to replicate the ability that divine battalions can resurrect fallen allies.
#### Skysword Contingent
Skysword battalions consist primarily of mounted fliers using their aerial superiority to dive bomb enemy ranks or to pelt them with volleys of arrows from the safety of the clouds.
#### Cavalry Contingent
These battalions specialize in mobility and the ability to charge through enemy ranks. Once they break through defenses, their sheer numbers and strength prevents their opponent from recovering as they are trampled underfoot.
#### Artillery Contingent
Artillery battalions are equipped with massive siege engines and war machines. Their primary strength resides in raining fiery destruction upon their foes, and are capable of toppling even the most fortified of structures.
> ## Angry Mob
>*Gargantuan swarm of Medium Humanoids, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 11 (Patchwork Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 63(6d20)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|20 (+5)|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|10 (+0)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +8, Con +3
> - **Skills** Perception +2
> - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
> - **Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 12
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 5 (1800 xp)
> ___
>**Mob Tactics** The mob have advantage on attack rolls against a creature within its space
>**Reckless** At the start of its turns, the mob can choose to grant itself advantage on attack rolls until the end of its next turn. However, attacks against them have advantage for the duration
>**Strength in Numbers** The mob has advantage on Strength saving throws and ability checks.
>**Swarm** The mob can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the mob can move through any opening large enough for a Medium humanoid. The mob can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
>**Swarm Stride** The mob can also move through another's space without any penalties to movement. Creatures within its space must treat this area as difficult terrain
>**Reactive** The mob can use a reaction at the end of every creature's turn.
>**Unruly Mob** Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in the mob's space takes 2(1d4) bludgeoning + 2(1d4) piercing +2(1d4) slashing damage at the start of each of its turns.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The angry mob can make two strikes with improvised weapons. If the mob is below its hitpoint maximum, it can only make one strike with its Improvised weapons and cannot benefit from its Surging Mob.
> ***Improvised Weapons.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +8 to hit, 5ft., all targets in range or in its space. *Hit* 8(1d4+5) bludgeoning damage + 3 (1d4) piercing damage + 3 (1d4) slashing damage.
> ***Surging Mob(1/day)*** The Mob can recover 27 (6d8) hitpoints as more commoners fill in their ranks. It cannot benefit from this feature if it is below half its hitpoint maximum.
>### Legendary Actions (3/turn)
>The mob can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The mob regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Mob Rush(1 action)*** The mob can move up to its movement speed to a spot that it can see within range. Any creature within its path or space must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
>***Mob's Fury(1 action)*** The mob can make an improvised weapon attack against one creature within its space.
>***Mob's Grasp(1 action)*** One Large or smaller creature within the mob's space must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw or its becomes grappled and restrained. A creature grappled in this manner is moves with the mob.
>***Improvised Explosive(1 action)*** Creatures within a 10ft. radius of a spot within 60ft. of the mob must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it is set ablaze for one minute. Ignited creatures take 7(2d6) fire damage at the start of each of its turns but can use its action to put out the flames.
> ## Peacekeeper Force
>*Gargantuan swarm of Medium Humanoids, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18 (Breastplate + Shields)
> - **Hit Points** 117(9d20+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|24 (+7)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +11, Con +6
> - **Skills** Athletics +11, Stealth +6, Perception +10
> - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
> - **Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 20
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +4
> - **Challenge** 11 (7200 xp)
> ___
>**Reactive** The peacekeeper can use a reaction at the end of every creature's turn.
>**Swarm Tactics** The peacekeeper have advantage on attack rolls against a creature within its space
>**Strength in Numbers** The peacekeeper has advantage on Strength saving throws and ability checks.
>**Swarm** The peacekeeper can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the peacekeeper can move through any opening large enough for a Medium humanoid. The peacekeeper can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
>**Swarm Stride** The peacekeeper can also move through another's space without any penalties to movement. Creatures within its space must treat this area as difficult terrain
>**Shield Wall** Creatures cannot enter into the peacekeeper's space unless the peacekeeper allows it. To enter into its space, a creature must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving throw.
>**Vigil** The peacekeeper has advantage on initiative and Wisdom (Perception) checks.
>**Wall of Blades** Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in the peacekeeper's space takes 4(1d6) bludgeoning + 4(1d6) piercing +4(1d6) slashing damage at the start of each of its turns.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The peacekeeper can use its Call Reinforcements(if available) and weapon attacks. If the peacekeeper is below its hitpoint maximum, it can only make one strike with its weapon weapons.
> ***Weapons*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, 10ft., all targets in range or in its space. *Hit* 11(1d6+7) bludgeoning damage + 4 (1d6) piercing damage + 4 (1d6) slashing damage.
> ***Call Reinforcements(1/day)*** The Peacekeepr Force can recover 45 (10d8) hitpoints as more guards fill in their ranks.
>### Legendary Actions (3/turn)
>The peacekeepr force can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The peacekeeper force regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Steady Advance(1 action)*** The peacekeeper force can move up to its movement speed to a spot that it can see within range. Any creature within its path or space must succeed a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be pushed back the amount traveled instead of entering the peacekeeper's space.
>***Peacekeeper Strike(1 action)*** The rebellion can make an weapon attack against one creature within its space.
>***Flashbang(2 actions)*** The peacekeeper can create a flash of light that appears in a 20ft. radius around a spot within 60ft. of it. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in this space must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn.
>**Smoke Bomb(2 actions)** The peacekeepers can create a cloud of smoke that appears in a 20ft. radius around a spot within 60ft. of it. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in this space has their vision heavily obscured and must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its next turn. While poisoned in this manner, creatures cannot take actions, bonus action, or reactions as it spends its turn coughing.
> ## Rebellion
>*Gargantuan swarm of Medium Humanoids, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 14 (Leather Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 117(9d20+18)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|24 (+7)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +11, Con +6
> - **Skills** Athletics +11, Stealth +6, Perception +10
> - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
> - **Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 20
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +4
> - **Challenge** 10 (5900 xp)
> ___
>**Ambusher** The rebellion has advantage on initiative. When it takes the Attack action against a creature that hasn't acted yet in combat, it can make one additional Scavenged Weapon attack against it.
>**Swarm Tactics** The rebellion have advantage on attack rolls against a creature within its space
>**Strength in Numbers** The rebellion has advantage on Strength saving throws and ability checks.
>**Swarm** The rebellion can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the rebellion can move through any opening large enough for a Medium humanoid. The rebellion can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
>**Swarm Stride** The rebellion can also move through another's space without any penalties to movement. Creatures within its space must treat this area as difficult terrain
>**Reactive** The rebellion can use a reaction at the end of every creature's turn.
>**Violent Rebellion** Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in the rebellion's space takes 4(1d6) bludgeoning + 4(1d6) piercing +4(1d6) slashing damage at the start of each of its turns.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The rebellion can make Skirmishers Volley (if available) and two strikes with scavenged weapons. If the rebellion is below its hitpoint maximum, it can only make one strike with its scavenged weapons.
> ***Scavenged Weapons.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +11 to hit, 5ft., all targets in range or in its space. *Hit* 11(1d6+7) bludgeoning damage + 4 (1d6) piercing damage + 4 (1d6) slashing damage.
> ***Skirmisher's Volley(Recharge 5-6)*** Creatures in a a 60ft. cube centered on a spot within 150ft. of the rebellion must succeed a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures in range take 28 (8d6) piercing damage. On a successful saving throw, creatures in range take half damage.
>### Legendary Actions (3/turn)
>The rebellion can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Therebellion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Skirmishers Retreat.(1 action)*** The rebellion can move up to its movement speed to a spot that it can see within range. This movement does not provoke opportunity attack.
>***Rebel Strike(1 action)*** The rebellion can make an improvised weapon attack against one creature within its space.
>***Smoke Screen(2 actions)*** The rebellion can create a cloud of smoke that appears in a 20ft. radius around a spot within 60ft. of it. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in this space has their vision heavily obscured until the end of its next turn.
> ## Battalion
>*Gargantuan swarm of Medium Humanoids, varies*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 18 (Breastplate Armor + Shields)
> - **Hit Points** 162(12d20+36)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|26 (+8)|16 (+3)|16 (+3)|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|10 (+0)|
> - **Saving Throws** Str +14, Con +9
> - **Skills** Athletics +14, Perception 8
> - **Damage Resistances** Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage
> - **Condition Immunities** Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
> - **Senses** passive Perception 18
> - **Languages** Common and one language of choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +6
> - **Challenge** 17 (22000 xp)
> ___
>**Tactical Advantage** The battalion has advantage on initiative. When it takes the Attack action against a creature that hasn't acted yet in combat, it can do so with advantage.
>**Swarm Tactics** The battalion has advantage on attack rolls against a creature within its space
>**Strength in Numbers** The battalion has advantage on Strength saving throws and ability checks.
>**Swarm** The battalion can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the battalion can move through any opening large enough for a Medium humanoid. The battalion can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.
>**Swarm Stride** The battalion can also move through another's space without any penalties to movement. Creatures within its space must treat this area as difficult terrain
>**Reactive** The battalion can use a reaction at the end of every creature's turn.
>**Wall of Blades** Creatures that first enters or starts its turn in the rebellion's space takes 5(1d8) bludgeoning + 5(1d8) piercing +5(1d8) slashing damage at the start of each of its turns.
> ### Actions
> ***Multiattack.*** The battalion can Call Reinforcements(if available) and make Arrow Volley and two weapon strikes. If the battalion is below its hitpoint maximum, it can only make an Arrow Volley and one weapon strike.
> ***Weapon Strike.*** *Melee Weapon Attack:* +13 to hit, 10ft., all targets in range or in its space. *Hit* 13(1d8+8) bludgeoning damage + 5 (1d8) piercing damage + 5 (1d8) slashing damage.
> ***Arrow Volley*** Creatures in a a 60ft. cube centered on a spot within 300ft. of the battalion must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures in range take 27 (6d8) piercing damage. On a successful saving throw, creatures in range take half damage. This attack reduced to 14(3d8) if the Battalion starts its turn below half its hitpoint maximum.
>***Call Reinforcements (1/day)*** The batttalion can recover 54 (12d8) hitpoints as more soldiers fill in their ranks.
>### Reactions
>***Counterstrike*** When the battalion is hit with a melee attack while a creature is within 5ft. of it, it can use its reaction to make a weapon strike against that creature.
>### Legendary Actions (3/turn)
>The battalioncan take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The battalion regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Advance(1 action)*** The Battalion can move up to its movement speed to a spot it can see in range. This movement does not provoke attack of opportunity.
>***Designated Target(1 action)*** The battalion can make a weapon strike against one creature within its space
>***Shield Wall.(1 action)*** The battalion gains a +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws until the end of the next creature's turn. For the duration of this ability, the Battalion gains resistance to all damage.
>***Focus Fire(1 action)*** One spot within a 20ft. radius of a spot that the Battalion can see within 150ft. must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 27(6d8) piercing damage.
>## Battle Mage Contingent
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Arcane Legion** The battalion cannot lose concentration on spell effects. Spells with a range of self can effect the entire battalion.
>**Magical Attacks** The battalion's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>***Magical Resistance*** The battalion has advantage on saving throw against spells and magical effects.
>### Actions
>***Spell Strike (Replaces Volley)*** The battalion can cast a spell of its choice once on each of its turns.
>#### Spellcasting
>The battalion is equivalent to an 6th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The batallion has the following spells prepared. THe maximum level these spells can be cast is 3rd.
>**At Will** *Counterspell, Fireball, Haste, Invisibilty, Slow*
>## Crusader Contingent
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Divine Legion** The battalion cannot lose concentration on spell effects. Spellcasting effects of self cast by the battalion can effect the entire swarm.
>**Divine Healing** When the battalion can recover hitpoints from spell effects as long as the source of the spells is the battalion itself.
>### Actions
>***Spell Strike (Replaces Volley)*** The battalion can cast a spell of its choice once on each of its turns.
>***Turn the Dead (swap from spell strike and recharges 5-6)*** The battalion can turn all undead or fiends in a 60ft. radius.(Requires DC 16 Wisdom saving throw)
>#### Spellcasting
>The battalion is equivalent to an 6th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The batallion has the following spells prepared. The maximum level these spells can be cast is 3rd (with the exception of Flame Strike).
>**At Will** *Cure Wounds, Flame Strike, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield of Faith, Spirit Guardians,*
>## Skysword Contingent
> - **Movement Speed** 60ft. fly
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Flyby** The battalion can fly outside a creature's reach without provoking opportunity attack.
>**Skydive** If the battalion dives at least 30ft. on its turn and make a weapon strike, it can deal an additional 11(3d6) damage on its turn.
>## Artillery Contingent
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Siege Monster** The battalion deals double damage to buildings and objects
>### Actions
>***Siege Engine (Replace Reinforcements)*** The battalion can fire siege engines in 4 spots it can see within 600ft. Each target within a 30ft. radius of each location must succeed a DC 14 saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take 39 (6d12) bludgeoning damage + 39(6d12) fire damage and are knocked prone. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half damage. Creatures only suffers from one of the effects, even if the area of effects overlap.
>## Cavalry Contingent
> - **Movement Speed** 60ft.
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Charge** If the battalion moves at least 30ft. in a straight line and hits a creature with a weapon strike, it can deal an additional 11(3d6) damage and force the target to make a DC 22 Strength saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creature is knocked prone.
>**Mounted Superiority** Medium or small creatures in the battallion's space have disadvantage on attack rolls.
>**Trample** If a creature is prone while in the Battalion's space, it takes double damage from its Wall of Blades feature.
>## Skald Contingent
> - **Movement Speed** 30ft.
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>#### Marching Orders
>At the start of each of its turns, the skald contingent can grant itself one of the following benefits on its turn.
>**Tactical Advance** Until the start of its enxt turn, the battalion can grant itself advantage on attack rolls, however, attacks against it have advantage for the duration.
>**Fortify March** Until the start of its next turn, attacks against the battalion have disadvantage; however, its movement speed is halved for the duration
>**Quickened March** Until the start of its next turn, the battalion can double its movement speed. However, attacks made on its turn have disadvantage for the duration.
## Wizards
Of all the various kinds of spellcasters on the Material Plane, wizards often times are the most common. Whereas many casters acquire their powers from their blood or otherworldly entities, wizards have acquired their arcane talents from tireless study of the arcane. As a result, they are able to become extremely versatile magic users and are able to find utility in nearly any situation given ample preparation.
#### Mage Apprentice
Mage apprentices have just begun their journey to mastering the arcane. They are typically found in universities or colleges dedicated to the study of magic, wherein they are able to receive instruction and training by master wizards. However, it is not uncommon to find apprentices traveling abroad putting their arcane knowledge and talent to use.
#### Mage Adept
Mage adepts have acquired ample mastery of their arcane abilities. Thanks to their versatility and power, they are able to find an occupation in nearly any setting as bounty hunters, guards, advisors, scholars, and much more.
#### Archmagi
Archmagis have reached the pinnacle of arcane talent that a mortal can possess. Because of this, they are well renowned and are often sought out for counsel or guidance regarding the arcane. However, many archmagis are drawn to unravel the hidden secrets and push the boundaries of magic, for better or for worse.
### Wizard Schools
Wizards tend to specialize their talents in a particular school of magic, whether it be abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, or necromancy. However, these schools are not the only types in existence, as many new schools are formed combining the skills and knowledge of these foundational schools.
#### Abjurer
Abjurers primarily focus on using magic to hide or protect themselves and others. As a result, many of these wizards tend to be employed as city guards, prison keepers, or even sentinels against extraplanar threats.
#### Battle Mage
Battle mages combine the schools of abjuration and evocation to allow them to become unstoppable on the battlefield, raining spellfire upon enemy ranks while shielding themselves from the worst of attacks.
#### Biomancer
Biomancers are a strange school of magic that combines the disciplines of conjuration and transmutation to create unique lifeforms and alter the physiology of themselves as well as their enemies.
#### Conjurer
Conjuration is a broad school of magic that focuses on summoning items and creatures from the magical aether. As a result, conjurers can be a formidable force to face, as they are able to summon small legions of thralls to overwhelm their enemies or open portals to summon the wrath of the elements.
#### Diviner
Diviners use their magical abilities to glimpse into the magical ether to view the future or to discern something's true nature. Thanks to their magical intuition, they are often employed as advisors or even guardians to watch for arcane threats.
#### Enchanter
Enchanters have mastered the ability to use magic to control the minds of others. These practitioners are extremely dangerous and elusive, as they are able to bind a creature to their will with just a glimpse. Some pursue a much more noble occupation, using their abilities to calm angry mobs and to pacify the masses in times of danger.
#### Evokers
Evokers have mastered the destructive potential of their spell effects by overcoming common magical defenses. Despite their explosive potential, they have the ability to channel their destructive spells in a manner wherein it does not harm their allies.
#### Blood Mage
Blood mages practice a form a necromancy that uses the life force of living creatures as a fuel for magical effects. These spellcasters tread a careful balance of life and death, using their own life force to empower their spells while draining the blood of their enemies to refuel their own magical reserves and to mend their wounds
#### Graviturgist
Graviturgy is a unique form of spellcasting that combines the disciplines of evocation and transmutation. Wizards of this school have learned to command the power of gravity itself, allowing them to maneuver and hamper the mobility of their opponents.
#### Chronomancer
Chronomancers have mastered the schools of conjuration and divination to alter time and reality itself. They are able to create rifts in reality allowing them to travel vast distances with ease and are able to accelerate or decelerate time around them to fit their needs.
#### Transmuter
Transmuters use their spellcasting abilities to shape reality itself. They are able to change the form of any object or creature to a form of their liking. Thanks to their abilities, they find a lot of utility in all aspects of life in most civilizations.
#### Tomeblade
Tomeblades are the perfect blend between the martial and arcane. Although tomeblade disciplines can take many forms depending on the setting (such as bladesingers), they possess the unique ability to channel their arcane abilities through their weapons.
#### Necromancer
Necromancers have devoted their arcane abilities to control the flow of life and death, using their abilities to use the souls of their victims to fuel their spells and create undead thralls.
#### Theurge
Theurges specialize in replicating supernatural magics, such as divine and fiendish magics. Thanks to their expertise, these wizards also excel at banishing and warding themselves against the effects of such creatures.
#### Technomancer
Technomancers have learned to combine the art of spellcraft with that of technology. As a result, they are able to turn any mundane object into a magical device capable of replicating nearly any spell effect
#### Runecaster
Runecasters have mastered the ability to store complex spells into glyphs or runes. Thanks to this ability, they are able to efficiently transfer spell effects from one creature to another and even store spell effects for short periods of time.
> ## Mage Apprentice
>*Medium humanoid, any alignment*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12, (15 with Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 33 (6d8+6)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|12 (+1)|17 (+3)|12 (+1)|16 (+3)|
> - **Saving Throws** Int +5, Wis +4
> - **Skills** Arcana +7, History +5, Perception +4
> - **Senses** passive Perception 14
> - **Languages** Common and one language of their choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +2
> - **Challenge** 3 (700xp)
>**Arcane Sense** The mage apprentice can detect the presence of magical effect within 30ft. The mage apprentice can determine the school of magic.
>**Battle Preparation** When the mage apprentice first rolls initiative, they can cast a spell on themself as part of this action. This spell effect must have a range of self and only affect the caster.
>**Magic Focus** The mage apprentice has advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell effect
>**Magic Resistance** The mage apprentice has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>#### Spellcasting
> The mage apprentice is a 6th level spell caster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following spells prepared:
>**Cantrips(At Will)** Dancing Lights,Firebolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
>**1st Level Spells(4 slots)** Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield
>**2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** Invisibility, Misty Step
>**3rd Level Spells(2 slots)** Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly, Fireball, Haste, Slow
> ### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The mage apprentice can cast a spell and make a wand attack on their turn.
> ***Wand*** *Ranged Weapon Attack*, +5 to hit, 60ft., one target. *Hit:* 6 (1d4+3) force damage. Upon a hit, creatures suffer disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell effect before the end of its next turn.
> ## Mage Adept
>*Medium humanoid, any alignment*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12, (15 with Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 78 (12d8+24)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|19 (+4)|14 (+2)|18 (+4)|
> - **Saving Throws** Int +7, Wis +6
> - **Skills** Arcana +10, History +7, Perception +5
> - **Senses** passive Perception 15
> - **Languages** Common and one language of their choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +3
> - **Challenge** 8 (3900xp)
>**Arcane Sense** The mage adept can detect the presence of magical effect within 60ft. The mage adept can determine the school of magic.
>**Battle Preparation** When the mage adept first rolls initiative, they can cast a spell on themself as part of this action. This spell effect must have a range of self and only affect the caster.
>**Emergency Spell** The mage adept has a spell of its choice prepared for whenever it starts its turn below half their hitpoint maximum. The spell must be of 5th level or lower and can only target the mage (even if it can target multiple creatures).
>**Magic Focus** The mage adept has advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell effect
>**Magic Resistance** The mage adept has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>#### Spellcasting
> The mage adept is a 12th level spell caster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The mage adept has the following spells prepared:
>***Cantrips(At Will)*** *Dancing Lights, Firebolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation*
>**1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield*
>**2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Invisibility, Misty Step*
>**3rd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly, Fireball, Glyph of Warding, Haste, Slow*
>**4th Level Spells(3 slots)** *Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Leomund's Secret Chest*
>**5th Level Spells(3 slots)** *Cone of Cold, Scrying, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force*
>**6th Level Spells(2 slots)** *Chain Lighting, Contingency, Disintegrate*
> ### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The mage adept can cast a spell and two scepter attacks on their turn.
> ***Scepter*** *Ranged Weapon Attack*, +7 to hit, 90ft., one target. *Hit:* 8 (1d6+4) force damage. Upon a hit, creatures suffer disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell effect before the end of its next turn.
> ## Archmage
>*Medium humanoid, any alignment*
> ___
> - **Armor Class** 12, (15 with Mage Armor)
> - **Hit Points** 150 (20d8+60)
> - **Speed** 30ft.
>|10 (+0)|14 (+2)|14 (+2)|20 (+5)|16 (+3)|20 (+5)|
> - **Saving Throws** Int +10, Wis +8
> - **Skills** Arcana +15, History +10, Perception +8
> - **Senses** passive Perception 18
> - **Languages** Common and one language of their choice
> - **Proficiency Bonus** +5
> - **Challenge** 15 (13000xp)
>**Arcane Sense** The archmage can detect the presence of magical effect within 120ft. The archmage can determine the school of magic.
>**Battle Preparation** When the archmage first rolls initiative, they can cast a spell on its self as part of this action. This spell effect must have a range of self and only affect the caster.
>**Emergency Spell** The archmage has a spell of its choice prepared for whenever it starts its turn below half their hitpoint maximum. The spell must be of 8th level or lower and can only target the archmage (even if it can target multiple creatures).
>**Magic Focus** The archmage has advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell effect
>**Magic Resistance** The archmage has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
>**Legendary Resistance(3/day)** Upon failing a saving throw, the archmage can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the archmage can cast a spell of 5th level or lower.
>#### Spellcasting
> The archmage is a 20th level spell caster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). The archmage has the following spells prepared:
>**Cantrips(At Will)** *Dancing Lights, Firebolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation*
>**1st Level Spells(4 slots)** *Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield*
>**2nd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Invisibility, Misty Step*
>**3rd Level Spells(3 slots)** *Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly, Fireball, Haste, Slow*
>**4th Level Spells(3 slots)** *Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Leomund's Secret Chest*
>**5th Level Spells(3 slots)** *Cone of Cold, Scrying, Teleportation Circle, Wall of Force*
>**6th Level Spells(2 slots)** *Chain Lighting, Contingency, Disintegrate*
>**7th Level Spells(2 slots)** *Teleport, Plane Shift, Prismatic Spray*
>**8th Level Spells(1 slots)** *Antimagic Field, Clone, Demiplane*
>**9th Level Spells(1 slots)** *Meteor Swarm, Wish*
> ### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The archmage can cast a spell and two scepter attacks on their turn.
> ***Scepter*** *Ranged Spell Attack*, +10 to hit, 90ft., one target. *Hit:* 9 (1d6+5) force damage. Upon a hit, creatures suffer disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell effect before the end of its next turn.
>### Legendary Actions (3/turn)
>The archmage can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The archmage regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn
>***Scepter Strike(1 action)*** The archmage can make a scepter attack against a creature within range
> **Cast a Spell(2 actions)** The archmage can cast a spell of its choice that is 5th level or lower.
> ***Resilience(3 action)*** The archmage can end one spell effect or status condition on it
>### Abjurer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increase by 2
>***Abjuration Ward*** While concentrating on a spell effect, the abjurer can add its Intelligence bonus to its Armor Class and saving throws.
>***Counter Caster*** The abjurer has advantage on ability checks to use *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic*
>***Linked Abjuration*** When the abjurer casts an abjuration spell that only targets itself, it can choose to affect one other creature within 30ft. of it.
>***Regenerative Ward*** While concentrating on a spell effect, the abjurer gains 10 additional temporary hitpoints at the start of each of its turns.
>**Spell Ward** Whenever the abjurer fails a saving throw against a spell, effect that deals damage, the abjurer only takes half damage. Upon a successful saving throw, the abjurer takes no damage.
> #### Spellcasting
> The abjurer knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Blade Ward*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Absorb Elements, Alarm*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Arcane Lock, Magic Circle, Nondetection, Protection from Energy*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Banishment*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Planar Binding*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Globe of Invulnerability, Guards and Wards*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Mind Blank*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Imprisonment, Invulnerability, Prismatic Wall*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The abjurer gains the following effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Spell Eating Ward(Recharge 5-6)*** The abjurer is able to absorb incoming magical effects to recharge their own magical reserves.
>Until the start of the abjurer's next turn, the abjurer gains resistance to all damage and whenever a creature casts a spell that targets the abjurer (including area of effects), it takes no damage and is unaffected by the spell.
>Upon absorbing a spell in this manner, the abjurer regains a number of expended spells slots equal to the level of the spell cast. The abjurer can only absorb spells of a level that it can cast. Otherwise it suffers the effects and damage as normal.
>For example an abjurer apprentice can only absorb spells of 3rd level or lower.
>### Battle Mage
> - **Challenge Rating** Increase by 2
>**First Strike** The battle mage has advantage on initiative checks
>**Battle Focus** The battle mage cannot lose concentration as a result of taking damage.
>**Battle Ward** While concentrating on a spell effect, the battle mage can add its Intelligence bonus to its Armor Class and saving throws.
>**Combat Mage** When a creature makes a saving throw against the battle mage's spell effect while one of the battle mage's allies are within 5ft. of it, that creature has disadvantage on its saving throw. This effect only applies to spell effects that target only one creature.
>**Spell Carver** Whenever the battle mage casts a spell that target multiple creatures, it can choose any number of creatures (equal to the spell's level) it can see within range to succeed. Creatures that succeed their saving throw in this manner take no damage and are completely unaffected by that spell
>**War Caster** The battle mage can cast a spell against a creature that provokes attacks of opportunity.
> #### Spellcasting
> The battle mage knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Booming Blade, Sword Burst*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Catapult*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Heat Metal*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Conjure Barrage, Galder's Tower, Leomund's Tiny Hunt*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Fire Shield*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Conjure Volley*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Blade Barrier*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Delayed Blast Fireball, Mordenkainen's Sword*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Mighty Fortress*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Blade of Disaster*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The battle mage gains the following effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Spell Volley(Recharge 5-6)*** When the battle mage uses this ability, it can choose to use its multiattack in the following manner. Until the start of its next turn, the battle mage can cast two spells of its turn.
> Spells cast in this manner are not subject to the cantrip restriction but the battle mage must still expend spell slots as normal
>## Biomancer
>**Bionic Casting** Whenever a biomancer casts a transmutation spell that targets one creature, or uses a conjuration spell to summon a creature, those creatures can benefit from one Biomantic Evolution.
>#### Biomantic Evolution
>While concentrating on a spell effect of 1st level or higher, the biomancer gains the one of the following abilities. It can roll a d8 to determine the effects
> - **Arcane Regeneration** While concentrating on a spell effect, the biomancer regains 10 hitpoints at the start of each of its turns.
> - **Additional Limb** While concentrating on a spell effect, the biomancer sprouts an additional pair of limbs. This additional limb functions exactly as its other limbs. Whenever the biomancer takes the Attack Action or casts a spell, it can make one additional melee or ranged weapon attack.
> - **Biological Flight** The biomancer gains a flying speed of 30ft.
> - **Chameleon Skin** The biomancer can use its bonus action to Hide, even without cover.
> - **Evolutionary Growth** The biomancer increases by one size and has advantage on Strength and Constitution checks and saving throws. Whenever they make a saving throw against a Strength or Constitution saving throw that deals damage, they take half damage on a failed save and none on a success.
> - **Spider Climb** The biomancer gains a climbing speed of 30ft. and can climb difficult surfaces (including ceilings) without needing to make an ability check.
> - **Aquatic Evolution** The biomancer gains a swim of 30ft. and can breathe in air and in water.
> - **Double Mutation** Upon rolling a 8, it can choose two effects of its choice.
> #### Spellcasting
> The biomancer mage knows the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Cure Wounds, Featherfall,*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Alter Self, Darkvision, Dragon's Breath, Enhance Ability, Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb, Web*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Waterbreathing, Water Walk*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Stone Skin, Polymorph*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Greater Restoration, Mass Cure Wounds, Reincarnate*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Tenser's Transformation, Otherworldly Form*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Animal Shapes*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Mass Polymorph, True Polymorph*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The biomancer gains the following effect on its next spell effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Biomantic Devolution*** Whenever a creature fails a saving throw or is hit with a spell effect from the biomancer, it must roll an additional d8 to determine the following additional effects until the end of its next turn.
> - **1. Mute** The target loses its ability to formulate intelligent thoughts or communication. For the duration of this effect, creatures activate items, understand language, cast spells, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them.
> - **2. Shrink** The target instantly begins to shrink. For the duration of this effect, that creature shrinks to two sizes smaller (minimum of Tiny), and its movement speed is halved. Additionally, any Strength or Dexterity based attacks it makes for the duration deal half damage.
> - **3. Feral Evolution** The target is transformed into a harmless beast. For the duration, the target is transformed into a CR 0 beast of the biomancer's choice. The effects of this ability are identical to that of *Polymorph*.
>- **4. Sensory Impairment** The target can no longer use its natural senses. It is considered blinded and deafened for the duration of this effect.
>- **5. Bioluminescent Skin** Upon a failed saving throw, the target's skin begin to supernaturally glow. For the duration of this effect, the target gives off a bright light in a 10ft. radius and dim light and additional 10ft.
>While emitting this light, that creature cannot benefit from half cover, three-fourth's cover, or being hidden. Additionally, attacks against it have advantage for the duration.
>- **6. Double Devolution** Upon rolling a 6, that creature suffers two effects of the biomancer's choice.
>### Conjurer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Bound Summons** Upon successfully using *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic* on a magically summoned creature, the conjurer can choose to cause that creature to become friendly towards it and obeys its commands until the conjurer uses this feature again or that particular summoning spell's duration ends.
>A summoned creature bound to the conjurer;s will remains under their control for the duration of its respective spell effect. Commanding a creature controlled in this way requires no additional action and does not require concentration from the conjurer.
>**Conjurer's Focus** The conjurer cannot lose concentration as a result of taking damage.
>**Conjurer's Casting** The conjurer can cast a spell through the space of its summon as long as that creature is within 60ft. of the conjurer and the conjurer can see it.
>**Conjurer's Sight** The conjurer can use its action to see through the senses of its summon as long as they are on the same plane of existence. While in this state, the conjurer is blinded and deafened to their own senses.
>**Greater Summons** Creatures summoned by the conjurer gain 10 temporary hitpoint at the start of each of its turns and its attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>**Master Summoner** The conjurer can concentrate on two spells at a time. This effect is limited to casting conjuration spells that summon a creature. Upon losing concentration, both spell effects end.
> #### Spellcasting
> The conjurer knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Sword Burst*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Fog Cloud, Ice Knife*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Dust Devil, Flock of Familiars, Summon Beast*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Call Lightning, Summon Fey, Summon Shadowspawn, Tidal Wave*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Fabricate, Summon Aberration, Summon Construct, Summon Elemental*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Creation, Cloudkill, Summon Draconic Spirit, Summon Celestial*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Summon Fiend*
> - **7th Level** *Fire Storm, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Maze*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Blade of Disaster*
>### Reactions
> ***Conjurer's Link*** Whenever the conjurer takes damage, they can use their reaction to teleport and swap locations with their summon as long as it is within 60ft. of them. Upon using this feature, the conjuration takes no damage as the summon takes it instead.
>### Diviner
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
> - **Languages** Any
>**Arcane Accuracy** The diviner can ignore bonuses granted by half or three fourth's cover
>**Divining Sight** the diviner's vision is not hinder by being heavily obscured or magical darkness.
>**Third Eye** The diviner can see creatures hidden by invisibility, hidden by illusions or shapechangers that are not in their true form.
>**Foresight** Whenever the diviner has advantage, it can roll three times taking the highest result. If a creature suffers disadvantage on attacks against the diviner or if they have disadvantage against the diviner's spell effects, it must roll three times and take the lowest
>**Preternatural Awareness** The divination has advantage on Perception checks and initiative. Additionally, the diviner cannot be surprised while it is not incapacitated.
> #### Spellcasting
> The diviner knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Guidance, True Strike*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Comprehend Languages, Gift of Alacrity, Hunter's Mark*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Augury, Borrowed Knowledge, Detect Thoughts, Fortune's Favor, Locate Animals and Plants, Locate Object, Mind Spike*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Clairvoyance, Tongues*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Arcane Eye, Divination, Locate Creature*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Legend Lore*
> - **6th Level Spells** *True Seeing*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Foresight*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The diviner gains the following effect on its next spell effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Portent*** At the start of its turn, the diviner can roll two d20s. The diviner can replace any attack roll, ability check, or saving throw for itself or a creature it can see within range with any one of these rolls (no action required).
>These portents last until the diviner finishes a long rest, expends them, if it uses this feature again, or if it is incapacitated or dies.
>### Illusionist
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
> - **Languages** Any
>**Master Illusionist** The illusionist can concentrate on two spells at a time. This effect is limited to casting illusion spells that do not deal any damage. Upon losing concentration, both spell effects end.
>**Rapid Illusion** When the illusionist casts an illusion spell that has a casting time of an action, it can choose to cast the spell as a bonus action instead.
> #### Spellcasting
> The illusionist knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Minor Illusion*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Color Spray, Disguise Self, Silent Image*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Blur, Mirror Image, Nalthair's Mischief, Phantasmal Force*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Fear, Hypnotic pattern, Major Image*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Creation, Dream, Seeming*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Mental Prison, Programmed Illusion*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Project Image, Mirage Arcane*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Illusory Dragon*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Weird*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The illusionist gains the following effect on its next spell effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Illusory Projection*** The illusionist chooses a space that it can fit into within 60ft. of it. This illusion exists in its own space and the chose space simultaneously until the end of its next turn. Whenever it moves or takes an action, it chooses to make through its own space or the illusion's. The illusion can move up to 30ft. on the mage's turn(no action required).
>The illusion is immune to all damage and conditions.
>### Bonus Actions
>***Malleable Illusion*** The illusionist can change the nature of an illusion(within the parameters of its spell effect)
>### Reactions
>***Illusory Self*** Whenever the illusionist is targeted by an attack, it can cause the attack to automatically miss as an illusory double interposes between the mage and the attack.
>### Enchanter
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>***Frightful Paranoia*** Creatures frightened by the enchantment mage consider all creatures it can see within range as the source of its fear
>**Split Enchantment** Whenever the enchanter cast an Enchantment spell that targets a single creature, it can choose to target one additional creature within range.
>**Unbreakable Charm** Creatures charmed by the enchanter cannot repeat their saving throws upon taking damage.
>**Forgetful Charm** Whenever a creature is charmed by the enchanter, it is unaware of the enchanter's magic influencing its mind. Additionally , it cannot remember the time it was charmed for a number of hours equal to level of the spell cast. Upon ending a spell effect that charms a creature, the creature is unaware the enchanter charmed it.
>**Master Enchanter** The enchanter can concentrate on two spells at a time. This effect is limited to casting enchantment spells that target only one creature at a time and do not deal damage. Upon losing concentration, both spell effects end.
> #### Spellcasting
> The enchanter knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Friends*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Charm Person, Dissonant Whispers, Sleep*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Calm Emotion, Enthrall, Hold Person Suggestion*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Enemies Abound, Fast Friends, Hypnotic Pattern*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Charm Monster, Compulsion, Confusion*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Dream, Dominate Person, Geas, Modify Memory, Hold Monster, Synaptic Static*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Mass Suggestion*
> - **7th Level** *Power Word Pain*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Antipathy/Sympathy, Dominate Monster, Feeblemind, Power Word: Stun*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Power Word Kill*
>### Reactions
>***Counter Enchantment*** Whenever the enchanter succeeds a saving throw when a creature targets it with an enchantment spell that targets only the enchanter, it can use its reaction to reflect the effect back on the caster. Upon a failed saving throw, it suffers from the spell instead. The spell uses the enchanter's spell DC instead of the casters.
>### Evoker
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>***Potent Spell*** The evoker can ignore resistance or immunity to its spell's damage effects. Additionally, creatures cannot benefit from advantage on saving throws against spell effects.
>***Spell Carver*** Whenever the evoker casts a spell that target multiple creatures, it can choose any number of creatures (equal to the spell's level) it can see within range to succeed. Creatures that succeed their saving throw in this manner take no damage and are completely unaffected by that spell
> #### Spellcasting
> The evoker knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Shocking Grasp, Ray of Frost*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Chaos Bolt, Thunderwave*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Scorching Ray, Rime's Bind Ice*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Lightning Bolt, Melf's Minute Meteors*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Ice Storm, Web of Fire*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Bigby's Hand*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Otiluke's Freezing Sphere*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Whirlwind*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Earthquake*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Prismatic Wall*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The evoker gains the following effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Overcharged Spell(Recharge 5-6)*** When the evoker uses this ability, its next spell effect deals maximum damage until the end of its next turn.
>### Blood Mage
> - **Resistances** Necrotic, Poison
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 2
>**Blood Wither** A creature that fails a saving throw against the blood mage's spell effect or is hit by its spell attacks, it cannot regain hitpoints until the end of its next turn.
>**Blood Siphon** Whenever the blood mage reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints with a spell effect of 1st level or higher, it regains 7(2d6) hitpoints for each level of the spell cast. It can only benefit from this feature once on each of its turns.
>**Sanguine Endurance** The blood mage is not affected from having their hitpoint maximum reduced.
>**Spell Blood** Whenever the blood mage successfully uses *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic* on a spell effect, they regain 7(2d6) hitpoints for each level of the spell dispelled.
> #### Spellcasting
> The blood mage knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Toll the Dead*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Inflict Wounds*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Hold Person, Enervation Ray*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Vampiric Touch*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Blight*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Contagion, Enervation*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Harm*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Tether Essence*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Abi-dalzim's Horrid Wilting*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Time Ravage*
>### Bloodcasting
> The blood mage is able to cast spells using their blood to amplify the effect. Upon using blood casting, it takes 2d6 necrotic for each level of the spell cast. Upon using this feature, they gain access to one of the following effects
>- **Blood Spell** The blood mage can cast a spell without expending spell slots
>- **Blood Fuel** The blood mage's spell can deal maximum damage instead of rolling
> - **Blood Power** Creatures have disadvantage on their saving throws against that spell
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The blood mage gains the following effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Blood Siphon(Recharge 5-6)*** The blood mage is able to use the blood of another creature to fuel their Bloodcasting. On creature within 60ft. of the blood mage must make a Constitution saving throw equal to the blood mage's spellcasting DC. On a failed saving throw, it takes 7(2d6) necrotic damage for each level of the spell cast and the blood mage can use one of its Blood Casting abilities. A creature can choose to fail this saving throw.
>On a successful saving throw, creatures are unaffected and the blood mage can only use its Blood Casting as normal.
>### Reactions
>***Blood Link*** While concentrating on a spell effect, whenever the blood mage takes damage, it can choose to take half damage as a reaction. One creature of the blood mage's choice within 30ft. of it, takes necrotic damage equal to half the damage dealt.
>### Graviturgist
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>#### Gravitational Effect
> Whenever creature fails a saving throw against the graviturgist's spell effect or is hit by its spell attacks, it suffers one of the following effects of the graviturgist's choice.
> - **Gravitation Pull** That creature is moved an additional 10ft in a direction of the graviturgist's choice.
> - **Gravitational Pressure** That creature has its movement speed reduced by an additional 10ft until the end of its next turn.
> - **Gravitational Spike** A creature that is prone must spend its full movement to stand up
>#### Gravitational Pull
>While concentrating on a spell effect, the graviturgist can choose one of the following effects.
> - **Antigravity** The graviturgist can levitate and hover up to 10ft. off the ground. Additionally, the graviturgist can take the Dash action as their bonus action and they have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
> - **Gravitational Attraction** The graviturgist counts as one size larger and has advantage on Strength saving throws. For the duration of this effect, creatures of its choice that are its size or smaller within 10ft. of the Graviturgist have their movement speed halved for the duration.
> #### Spellcasting
> The graviturgist knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Sapping Sting*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Magnify Gravity*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Immovable Object*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Pulse Wave*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Gravity Sinkhole*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Telekinesis*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Gravity Fissure*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Reverse Gravity*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Dark Star*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Ravenous Void*
>### Reactions
>***Gravitational Acceleration*** Whenever a creature takes fall damage or is hit with a weapon attack, the graviturgist can use its reaction to accelerate the attack or target causing that creature to take double damage.
>***Gravitational Redirection*** If the graviturgist is targeted with a weapon attack, it can force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the attack misses and the graviturgist can make a spell attack against another creature within that weapon's range. Upon a hit, that creature takes double damage.
>### Chronomancer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Temporal Insight** The chronomancer has advantage on initiative checks
>**Temporal Preparation (replaces Battle Preparation)** When the chronomancer first rolls initiative, it can cast two spells on its self as part of this action. This spell effect must have a range of self and only affect the caster.
>**Temporal Reaction** The chronomancer can take a reaction at the end of every creatures turn.
> #### Spellcasting
> The chronomancer knows the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Gift of Alacrity*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Fortune's Favor, Wristpocket*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Hunger of Hadar, Blink*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Temporal Shunt*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Arcane Gate, Drawmij's Instant Summons*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Reality Break*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Astral Projection, Gate, Time Ravage, Time Stop*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The chronomancer gains the following effect at the start of its turn (if available)
>***Temporal Acceleration (Recharge 5-6)*** The chronomancer is able to accelerate itself through time. Upon using this feature, it can choose to take another turn at its initiative count -10 (minimum of 1). This effect only lasts until the start of the next round.
>### Reactions
>***Temporal Strike*** The chronomancer can rewind time to force a creature to suffer from its wounds a second time. Whenever a creature within 60ft. of the chronomancer that it can see takes damage, it can force the target make a Charisma saving throw against its spell save DC. If it fails its saving throw, it can take that damage again.
>***Temporal Correction*** Whenever the chronomancer or a creature it can see within 60ft. of it makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, the chronomancer can cause it reroll the result taking the new roll instead.
>### Transmuter
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Rapid Transmutation** If the transmuter casts a transmutation spell with a casting time of an action, it can choose to use a bonus action instead.
>**Linked Transmutation** Upon casting a transmutation spell with a range of self, it can choose to target a number of additional creatures equal to the spell's level.
>**Master Transmuter** The transmuter can concentrate on two spells at a time. This effect is limited to casting transmutation spells that do not damage a creature. Upon losing concentration, both spell effects end.
>**Split Transmutation** Upon casting a transmutation spell that targets only one creature, the transmuter can one additional creature instead.
>#### Transmuter Stone
>While concentrating on a spell effect of 1st level or higher, the transmuter and a number of creatures equal to its Intelligence bonus gains the one of the following abilities. It can roll a d8 to determine the effects
> - **Transmuted Resilience** The transmuter gains advantage on one saving throw of its choice.
> - **Transmuted Resistance** The transmuter gains resistance on one damage type of its choice
> - **Transmuted Immunity** The transmuter grants immunity to one of the following conditions: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Exhausted, Paralyzed Poisoned, or Stunned
> #### Spellcasting
> The transmuter knows the following additional spells
> - **1st Level Spells** *Feather Fall, Jump*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Alterself, Darkvision, Heat Metal, Spider Climb*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Elemental Weapon*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Fabricate, Polymorph, Stone Shape*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Animate Objects, Creation, Passwall, Skill Empowerment*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Create Homunculus, Otherworldly Guise*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Draconic Transformation, Etherealness*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Mass Polymorph, Shapechange, True Polymorph*
>### Tomeblade
> - **Armor Class** 12 + Intelligence modifier (Mage Armor)
> - **Challenge Rating** Increase by 1
>**Arcane Strike** When the tomeblade hits a creature with a spell attack it suffers disadvantage on the next saving throw against the tomeblade's spell effects
>**Battle Focus** The tomeblade cannot lose concentration as a result of taking damage.
>**Battle Weave** Upon casting a spell of 1st level or higher, the tomeblade can deal an additional 5(1d8) force damage for each level above 1st that the tomeblade casts to its next weapon damage roll until the start of its next turn.
>The tomeblade can only benefit from this feature once on each of its turns.
>**First Strike** The tomeblade has advantage on initiative checks
>**Mage Armor** The tomeblade can add their Intelligence modifier to their Armor class (already included)
>**Combat Mage** When a creature makes a saving throw against the tomeblade's spell effects while one of the bladesinger's allies are within 5ft. of it, that creature has disadvantage on its saving throw. This effect only applies to spell effects that target only one creature.
>**Magical Attack** The tomeblade's weapon attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
>**tomeblade** Whenever the tomeblade makes a melee weapon attack, it can use Intelligence instead of Strength or Dexterity.
>**War Caster** The tomeblade can cast a spell against a creature that provokes attacks of opportunity.
> #### Spellcasting
> The tomeblade knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Booming Blade, Green-flame Blade, Sword Burst*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Shadow Blade*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Conjure Barrage*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Conjure Volley*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Blade Barrier*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Mordenkainen's Sword*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Blade of Disaster*
>### Actions
>***Multiattack*** The tomeblade can make cast a spell and make a weapon attack on their turn.
> ***Tomeblade*** *Melee Weapon Attack*, spell attack modifier to hit, 5ft., one target. *Hit:*(1d10+Int) slashing damage. The tomeblade counts as an arcane focus
>### Reaction
>***Spell Shield*** Whenever the tomeblade takes damage, it can expend a spell slot to reduce the damage by 5 for every spell level expended
>### Necromancer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Arcane Necromancy** Undead creatures summoned or created by the necromancer are immune to effects that turn the dead.
>**Arcane Phylactery** Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the necromancer can spend any number of spell slots to regain a 5 hitpoints for each spell slot level expended.
>**Bind the Dead** Upon successfully using *Counterspell* or *Dispel Magic* on a magically summoned undead, the necromancer can choose to cause that creature to become friendly towards it and obeys its commands until the necromancer uses this feature again or that particular summoning spell ends.
>A summoned undead bound to the necromancer's will remains under the necromancer's control for the duration of the respective spell effect. Commanding a creature controlled in this way requires no additional action and does not require concentration from the necromancer.
>**Inevitable Death** If the necromancer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints with its spell effects, that creature is immediately killed.
>**Master Necromancer** The necromancer can concentrate on two spells at a time. This effect is limited to casting necromancy spells that summon an undead creature. Upon losing concentration, both spell effects end.
>**Soul Siphon** Whenever the necromancer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints with a spell effect of 2nd level or higher, it regains an expended spell slot one level lower than the original spell.
>**Undead Thrall** Undead summoned by the necromancer gain 10 temporary hitpoint at the start of each of its turns and their attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.
> #### Spellcasting
> The necromancer knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Chill Touch, Toll the Dead*
> - **1st Level Spells** *False Life*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Ray of Enfeeblement*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Animate Dead, Summon Undead*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Blight*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Danse Macabre, Negative Energy Wave*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Circle of Death, Creature Undead, Harm Magic Jar, Soul Cage*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Finger of Death, Tether Eseence*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Clone*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Time Ravage*
>### Theurge
> - **Languages** Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Divine Light** When the theurge casts a spell that gives off light, it counts as sunlight.
>**Hallowed Magic** Celestials, Fiends, and Undead have disadvantage on saving throws against the theurge's spells
>**Hallowed Wards** Celestials, Fiends, and Undead have disadvantage on attack rolls against the Theurge. Additionally, the Theurge has advantage on saving throws against their spells and effects.
>**Theurgic Annihilation** Whenever the Theurge reduces a Celestial, Fiend, or Undead to 0 hitpoints, that creature is immediately destroyed and does not return to its plane of origin.
> #### Spellcasting
> The theurge knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Guidance, Light, Thaumaturgy, Sacred Flame, Toll the Dead*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Detect Evil and Good, Bless, Bane, Guiding Bolt, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield of Faith*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Spiritual Weapon, Zone of Truth*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Daylight, Remove Curse, Spirit Guardians, Summon Undead*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Sickening Radiance*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Hallow, Flame Strike, Infernal Calling, Summon Celestial, Wall of Light*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Summon Fiend, Sunbeam, Heal*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Crown of Stars, Divine Word, Temple of the Gods, Power Word: Pain*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Sunburst*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Gate, Wish*
>### Technomancer
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Magic Sense** The technomancer can pinpoint the location of a magical effect or item within 120ft. of it.
>***Deconstruction Magic*** Constructs have disadvantage on saving throws against the technomancer's spells
>**Siege Magic** The technomancer deals double damage to building and objects
>**Magitech Wards** Constructs have disadvantage on attack rolls against the technomancer.
>**Magitech Caster** The technomancer can ignore verbal and somatic components for spells as long as it uses a material component of its choice instead.
> #### Spellcasting
> The technomancer knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Mending, Prestidigiation*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Tenser's Floating Disk, Unseen Servant*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Levitate, Spiritual Weapon*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Galdr's Tower, Lightning Bolt, Major Image, Tiny Servant*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Arcane Eye, Fabricate, Otiluke's Resilent Sphere, Summon Construct*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Animate Object, Bigby's Hand, Creation*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Blade Barrier, Chain Lightning, Disintegrate, Programmed Illusion*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Mirage Arcane, Mordenkainen's Sword*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Antimagic Field*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Sword of Disaster, Invulnerability*
>### Runecaster
> - **Challenge Rating** Increases by 1
>**Adaptive Runes** When the rune caster deals damage with a spell, it can change the damage type to another of its choice.
>**Symbiotic Runes** When the rune caster casts a spell effect that targets only the runecaster, it can choose one willing creature within 30ft. of it to gain the benefits of the spell as well.
>**Contingency Rune(1/day)** When the runecaster is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it drops to 1 hitpoint and can cast a spell of its choice(of a level that it can cast) without expending a spell slot.
>**Focusing Rune(1/short rest)** The rune caster can concentrate on two spells at the same time. Upon losing concentration, both spell effects immediately end
> #### Spellcasting
> The runecaster knows the following additional spells
> - **Cantrips** *Magic Stone, Message*
> - **1st Level Spells** *Catapult, Shield of Faith, Tenser's Floating Disk*
> - **2nd Level Spells** *Spiritual Weapon*
> - **3rd Level Spells** *Magic Circle, Protection from Elements*
> - **4th Level Spells** *Arcane Eye, Fabricate, Otiluke's Resilent Sphere*
> - **5th Level Spells** *Animate Object, Circle of Power, Telekinesis*
> - **6th Level Spells** *Globe of Invulnerability*
> - **7th Level Spells** *Symbol*
> - **8th Level Spells** *Holy Aura*
> - **9th Level Spells** *Invulnerability*
## Racial NPC Variants
The following templates in the following sections allows you to make any encounter feel much more immersive. The following templates outlining special abilities for the various player races that are used for character customization. Unlike many of the other templates, these variants provide only a small number of additional features as the goal of these templates is to add minor changes that are significant enough to enable players to identify different tactics or abilities associated with each official player race.
After all, a guard's defining features should come from the guard statblock, but add a couple of additional traits to differentiate an air genasi guard from their elven partner is enough to make a simple encounter a lot more exciting and immersive.
### Using Racial NPC Templates
It is important to note that many of these templates do not share the base characteristics as seen from character creation guides. It is important to note that the options presented in the character creation guides were to be used for player characters, which possess a different design philosophy than most monsters. Instead, these templates focus on translating a lot of these abilities as abilities intented for NPC characters. So many features have been altered to minimize bookkeeping and usability for the DM.
Additionally, it is important to note that some of the racial variant templates may include abilities that may already be present in their base statblock. If this is the case, these abilities do not stack but use the strongest version(if any) of that same effect.
### Racial Subrace Templates
Also as a final note, these NPC variants do not include any design considerations for many racial subraces. The reason for this approach is that a lot of the racial subraces can be quite campaign dependent making it hard to design a template that can be usable for any campaign. However, if the DM wishes to implement additional traits, a good way to implement these additions is to identify one trait that makes a particular subrace different from the rest of their kind and design an ability around that feature. Similarly
For example, if you wanted to implement a subrace of goliaths based on Fire Giants, adding fire resistance to the Goliath Race template would be a great place to start.
>### Aarakokra
> - **Languages** Aarakokra, Auran
> - **Movement** 60ft. fly
>**Eagle Eye** The aarakokra has advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on sight
>**Flyby** The aarakokra can fly outside a creature's reach without provoking attacks of opportunity
>### Aasimar
> - **Languages** Celestial
> - **Damage Resistance** Radiant, Necrotic
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
>**Illumination** As a bonus action, the Aasimar can give off a bright light in a 10ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft. This light counts as sunlight. The aasimar can dismiss this light with no action required.
>### Air Genasi
> - **Languages** Aura, Primordial
> - **Damage Resistance** Thunder
>**Slow Fall** When the air genasi falls, it can make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it takes half damage and fall prone. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage and is not knocked prone. The DC increases by 1 for every 10ft. above 30ft. that the genasi falls
>**Unending Breath** The air genasi does not need to breathe
>### Bugbear
> - **Languages** Goblin
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
>**Long Reach** The bugbear's melee attacks have an increased reach of 5ft.
>### Bonus Action
>**Skulker** The bugbear can use its bonus action to Hide
>### Changeling
> - **Languages** Two of Choice
>**Shapeshift** As an action, the changeling can change its appearance and its voice. the changeling determine the specifics of the changes, including its coloration, hair length, and sex. The changeling can also adjust its height and weight, but not so much that its size changes. The changeling can make itself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. The changeling can't duplicate the appearance of a creature it has never seen, and it must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that the changeling has. Its clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait.
>**Mimicry** The changeling can mimic sounds it has heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds the changeling makes can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by its Charisma (Deception) check.
>### Dragonborn
> - **Languages** Draconic
> - **Damage Resistances** Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison(choose 1)
>### Actions
>***Dragon's Breath(Recharge 5-6)*** Creatures in a 10ft. cone must succeed a Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + the dragonborn's Constitution modifier + its proficiency bonus. On a failed saving throw, creatures take acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison (matches it's damage resistance) damage equal to a number of d10s equal to the dragonborn's proficiency bonus
>### Dhampir
> - **Languages** One of choice
> - **Senses** Darkvision 120ft.
> - **Damage Resistances** Necrotic
>**Gloom Sight** The dhampir's vision is not obscured by magical darkness.
>**Spider Climb** The dhampir can climb difficult surfaces(including ceilings) without having to make an ability check
>### Drow
> - **Languages** Elven, Undercommon
> - **Senses** Darkvision 120ft.
>**Gloom Sight** When the drow's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Fey Ancestry** The drow has advantage on saving throws against being charmed
>### Dwarf
> - **Languages** Dwarven
> - **Damage Resistance** Poison
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
>**Dwarven Resilience** The dwarf has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned or diseased.
>**Dwarven Endurance** When dwarf fails a saving throw against an Constitution saving throw that deals damage, it takes half damage instead and none on a success
>### Earth Genasi
>- **Languages** Terran, Primordial
> - **Movement** 30ft., Climb
> - **Senses** Tremorsense 30ft.
>**Earthen Stride** The earth genasi can move through rocky terrain without having to make an ability check or expending additional movement speed
>### Bonus Actions
>***Stone Camouflage*** The earth genasi can use its bonus action to Hide when lightly obscured by rocky terrain
>### Elf
> - **Languages** Elven
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
>**Elven Perfection** When the elf has an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, it can roll the die three times instead of twice
>**Fey Ancestry** The elf has advantage on saving throws against being charmed
>### Fairy
> - **Languages** Sylvan
> - **Movement** 30ft. fly
>**Flyby** the fairy can fly outside a creature's reach without provoking attacks of opportunity
>**Fey Ancestry** The fairy has advantage on saving throws against being charmed
>**Nimble** The fairy can move through the space of a creature at least one size larger than it without expending additional movement
>### Firbolg
> - **Languages** Giant
>**Powerful Build** The firbolg counts as one size larger. However, its physical size is still Medium
>**Fey Ancestry** The firbolg has advantage on saving throws against being charmed
>### Fire Genasi
>- **Languages** Ignan, Primordial
> - **Damage Resistance** Fire
> - **Senses** darkvision 60ft.
>**Heated Body** When the fire genasi is grappled or hit with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of a creature, it can choose to deal 5(1d8) fire damage to the attacker
>**Illumination** As a bonus action, the fire genasi can give off a bright light in a 10ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft. This light counts as sunlight. The fire genasi can dismiss this light with no action required.
>### Goblin
> - **Languages** Goblin
>**Diminutive Tactics** The goblin has advantage on attack rolls against creatures at least one size larger than it
>**Nimble** The goblin can move through the space of a creature at least one size larger than it without expending additional movement
>### Goliath
> - **Damage Resistances** Cold
> - **Languages** Giant
>**Giant's Blood** The gobliath has advantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws against creatures at least one size smaller than it
>**Powerful Build** The goliath counts as one size larger. However, its physical size is still Medium
>### Gnome
> - **Languages** Gnome
>**Magical Resistance** The gnome has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
>**Nimble** The gnome can move through the space of a creature at least one size larger than it without expending additional movement
>### Grung
> - **Languages** Grung
> - **Damage Immunities** Poison
> - **Condition Immunities** Poisoned
> - **Movement** 30ft. swim
>**Amphibious** the grung can breathe in air and in water
>**Leap** The grung can spend any amount of movement speed to vertically or horizontally jump that distance without a running start.
>**Poison Skin** When the grung is grappled or hit with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of a creature, it is poisoned until the end of its next turn
>### Halfling
> - **Languages** Halfling
>**Brave** The halfling has advantage on saving throws against being frightened
>**Luck** When the halfling rolls a 1 on an ability check, saving, throw, or ability check, the halfling can roll again taking the new result.
>**Nimble** The gnome can move through the space of a creature at least one size larger than it without expending additional movement
>### Hexblood
> - **Languages** Sylvan
>**Fey Resilience** The hexblood has advantage on saving throws against being charmed
>**Magic Resistance** The hexblood has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
>### Hobgoblin
> - **Languages** Hobgoblin
>**Brave** the Hobgoblin has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened
>**Luck** When the hobgoblin rolls a 1 on an ability check, saving, throw, or ability check, the hobgoblin can roll again taking the new result.
>## Humans
> - **languages** Human and one language of choice
>**Natural Luck** When the human rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can roll the d20 again taking the new result.
>**Human Determination(Recharge 5-6)** When the human makes an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, it can do so with advantage.
>### Kalashtar
> - **Damage Resistances** Psychic
> - **Languages** Telepathy 30ft.
>**Mental Fortitude** the kalashtar has advantage on saving throws against effects that would charm or frighten it
>### Kenku
>**Mimicry** The kenku can mimic sounds it has heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds the kenku makes can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by its Charisma (Deception) check.
>### Action
>**Ventriloquism** The kenku can make its own sounds appear as if they originate from a point within 30ft. of the kenku. A creature that hears the sounds the kenku makes can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by its Charisma (Deception) check.
>### Kobold
> - **Languages** Draconic
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
>**Pack Tactics** The kobold has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
>**Nimble** The kobold can move through the space of a creature at least one size larger than it without expending additional movement
>## Lizardfolk
> - **Languages** Draconic
> - **Movement** 30ft. swim, 30ft. climb
>**Hold Breath** The lizardfolk can hold its breath for 15 minutes.
>**Spider Climb** The lizardfolk can climb difficult surfaces(including ceilings) without having to make an ability check
>## Loxodon
> - **Languages** Loxodon
>**Powerful Build** The loxodon counts as one size larger. However, its physical size is still Medium
>### Bonus Actions
>***Prehensile Trunk*** The loxodon can use its bonus action to Interact with an object or make a single melee weapon attack
>## Minotaur
> - **Languages** Minotaur
>**Charge** If the minotaur moves at least 20ft. on its turn and makes a melee weapon attack on the same turn, it can deal an additional 2d6 damage. On a hit, the target must succeed a Strength saving throw equal to 8 + the minotaur's Strength modifier + its proficiency bonus or all prone.
>**Powerful Build** The minotaur counts as one size larger. However, its physical size is still Medium
>## Orc
> - **Languages** Orc
>**Brutal Attack** When the orc deals a critcal hit, it can triple the damage die instead of doubling it.
>**Relentless(1/day)** When the orc is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it regains 1 hitpoint instead
>## Owlin
> - **Languages** Owlin
> - **Movement** 30ft. fly
> - **Sense** Darkvision 120ft.
>**Gloom Sight** The owlin's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>**Shadow Skulker** While in dim light or darkness, the Owlin can use its bonus action to Hide
>## Reborn
> - **Languages** Two of Choice
> - **Damage resistance** Necrotic
>**Resurrection(1/day)** When the reborn is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it regains 1 hitpoint instead
>**Undead Nature** The reborn does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. The reborn is also considered to be a Undead.
>## Satyr
> - **Languages** Sylvan
>**Fey Nature** The satyr has advantage on saving throws against being charmed. It is also considered to be a Fey
>**Magic Resistance** The satyr has advantage on saving throws against magical effects.
>## Shifter
> - **Langauges** Shifter
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
> - **Movement:** 40ft., 40ft. swim, 40ft. climb (beast form only)
>**Keen senses** The shifter has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
>### Bonus Actions
>***Beast Shift*** As a bonus action, the shifter can enter into its hybrid beastform. It can remain in this state until it chooses to revert back or is reduced to 0 hitpoints.
>## Tabaxi
> - **Languages** Tabaxi
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
> - **Movement:** 40ft.
>**Cat's Landing** When the tabaxi falls, it can make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it takes half damage and fall prone. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage and is not knocked prone. The DC increases by 1 for every 10ft. above 30ft. that the tabaxi falls
>### Bonus Actions
>***Feline Agility*** As a bonus action, the tabaxi can use its bonus action to Dash.
>## Tiefling
> - **Languages** Abyssal and Infernal
> - **Damage Resistances** Fire
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
>**Devil Sight** The tiefling's vision is not obscured by magical darkness
>## Tortle
> - **Languages** Aquan, Draconic
>**Hold Breath** The tortle can hold its breath for 15 minutes.
>**Powerful Build** The tortle counts as one size larger. However, its physical size is still Medium
>### Reactions
>***Shell Defense*** The tortle can use its reaction take half damage when it takes damage.
>## Triton
> - **Languages** Aquan
> - **Damage Resistances** Cold
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft.
> - **Movement** 30ft. swim
>**Amphibious** The triton can breath in air and in water
>**Nimble Swimmer** The triton can swim outside a creature's reach without provoking attacks of opportunity
>## Warforged
> - **Languages** Two languages of its choice
> - **Damage Immunities** Poison
> - **Condition Immunities** poisoned
>**Constructed Nature** The warforged does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. The warforged is also considered to be a Construct.
>## Yuan-ti
> - **Languages** Abyssal, Draconic
> - **Damage Immunities** Poison
> - **Senses** Darkvision 60ft
> - **Condition Immunities** poisoned
>**Magic Resistance** The yuan-ti has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects
# A special Thanks to my Patrons
### Mythic Patrons
**Bobert, Chandlor D. Strijb, Daniel C., Daniel M., Jake C., Kandros V., Marshmellow Owlbear, micsma1701, shrike, Tom L.y**
### Legendary Patrons
**Adiin JKR, Cecil M., Eddie, James, Kate, Matteo S. PETE, Sir Prize, Steven K.**
### Epic Patrons
**Aaron S., Adendrachi, Andreas A., Brad E., Captain Blackwood, Chad I., cptyossarian, Damien T. David I., Dharmatrails, Douglas B., Flamerules3, Frak, Glenn S. Ihileath, Jacob S. James B., Jordan B., Joseph L., Justin R. Nathan S., Particle Man, Payden N., Peter R., Razi R., Saji K., tallon m., Thomas P. Valken**
## Art Credits
#### Cover Art: [John Stanko](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?output=spoiler&method=visual&action=advanced&artist=+%5b%22John+Stanko%22%5d)
#### Table of Contents: [Livia Prima](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/livia-prima/)
#### Fisherman: [Konstantin Porubov](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/konstantin-porubov/)
#### Folk Hero: [Howard Lyon](https://www.howardlyon.com/blog/category/Magic+the+Gathering)
#### Medic: [Josu Hernaiz](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/josu-hernaiz/)
#### Sailor: [Ryan Pancoast](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Steve%20Prescott%22])
#### Scholar: [Mitchel Malloy](https://www.artstation.com/mitchmalloy)
#### Guild Rogue: [Chasestone](https://www.chasestoneart.com/)
#### Street Mage: [Clint Cearly](https://www.artstation.com/clintcearley)
#### Guild Thief: [Paul Scott Canavan](http://paulscottcanavan.squarespace.com/)
#### Queen of Thieves: [Magali Villenueve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/)
#### Assassin: [Uriah Voth](https://www.artstation.com/uriah)
#### Master Assassin [Michael C Hayes](http://new.artofmike.com/)
#### Mage Assassin [Anna Steinbaur](https://www.annasteinbauer.com/)
#### Bounty Hunter [Scott Murphy](https://www.artstation.com/scottsmojo)
#### Wildling Savage: [Dave Kendall](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Dave%20Kendall%22])
#### Wildling Beaslord: [Lius Lasahido](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&output=spoiler&method=visual&artist=+%5B%22Lius%20Lasahido%22%5D])
#### Arctic Wildling: [Anna Steinbauer](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?output=spoiler&method=visual&action=advanced&artist=+%5b%22Anna+Steinbauer%22%5d)
#### Wildling Chieftain [Alex Konstad](https://www.artstation.com/alexkonstad)
#### Artificer Armorer: [Johann Bodin](https://www.artstation.com/yoz)
#### Artificer Gunmaster: [Raymond Swanland](https://raymondswanland.com/)
#### Artificer Mechlord: [Toni Foti](https://www.artstation.com/tonyfoti)
#### Artificer Golemancer: [Wesley Burt](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/wesley-burt/)
#### Artificer Tinkerer: [Grzegorz Rutkowski](https://www.artstation.com/rutkowski)
#### Alchemical Blaster: [Jakub Kasper](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Jakub%20Kasper%22])
#### Biotech Artificer: [Ryan Barger](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/ryan-barger/)
#### Cybertech Artificer: [Svetlin Velinov](https://www.artstation.com/velinov)
#### Barbarian Rager: [Andrew Mar](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/andrew-mar/)
#### Barbarian Paragon: [Lie Setiawan](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/lie-setiawan/)
#### Barbarian Ragelord: [Lie Setiawan](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/lie-setiawan/)
#### Mistrager: [Anna Steinbauer](https://www.annasteinbauer.com/)
#### Stormrager: [Brian Sola](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/bryan-sola/)
#### Bard Wayfarer: [Randy Gallegos](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/randy-gallegos/)
#### Bard Adventurer: [Eelis Kyttanen](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/eelis-kyttanen/)
#### Master Bard: [Chase Stone](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/chase-stone/)
#### Luck Bard: [Johannes Voss](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/6a60XW)
#### Spellward Bard: [Magali Villeneuve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/)
#### Animated Object: [Craig J Spearing](https://craigspearing.com/)
#### Blood Hunter Initiate: [Steve Prescott](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Steve%20Prescott%22])
#### Blood Hunter Adept: [Steve Prescott](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Steve%20Prescott%22])
#### Master Blood Hunter: [Ryan Barger](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/ryan-barger/)
#### Fey Cleric [Marta Nael](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/044/087/841/4k/marta-nael-moon-blessed-martanael.jpg?1639056024)
#### Cleric Acolyte [Manuel Castanon](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/manuel-castanon/)
#### Cleric Priest [William Murai](https://www.artstation.com/willmurai)
#### Eternal Flame Cultist: [Edgar Sanchez Hidalgo](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mD1601)
#### Cultist Executioner: [Steve Prescott](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/steve-prescott/)
#### Cultist Invoker: [Tyler Walpole](http://www.tylerwalpole.com/)
#### Cultist Summoner: [Ekaterina Burmak](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/ekaterina-burmak/)
#### Cultist Herald: [Anastasia Ovchinnikova](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/zKYBd)
#### Cult Leader: [Mike Daarken Lim](https://www.artstation.com/daarken)
#### Cultist Hand: [Jihun Lee](https://www.artstation.com/bsnake)
#### Great Old One Cultist: [Mike Daarken Lim](https://www.artstation.com/daarken)
#### Divine Cultist: [Billy Christian](https://www.artstation.com/billcreative)
#### Undying Cultist: [Tuan Dung Chu](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/tuan-duong-chu/)
#### Druidic Initiate: [Jason Chan](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/jason-chan/)
#### Master Druid: [Lie Setiawan](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/lie-setiawan/)
#### Beast Druid: [Kimonas Theodossiou](https://www.kimonasart.com/)
#### Therian Druid: [Nicolas Elias](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/nicholas-elias/)
#### Tidecaller Monk: [Magali Villeneuve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/])
#### Monk Initiate: [Jack Wang](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Jack%20Wang%22)
#### Monk Disciple: [Clint Cearly](https://www.deviantart.com/clintcearley/art/Mistfire-Adept-MTG-512934166])
#### Phoenix Monk: [Anna Steinbauer](https://www.annasteinbauer.com/)
#### Frostwind Monk: [Magali Villeneuve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/)
#### Earthbreaker Monk: [Franciso Miyara](https://www.artstation.com/frmiyara)
#### Kensei Monk: [Viktor Titov](https://www.artstation.com/viktortitov)
#### Open Hand Monk: [Eric Deschamps](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/eric-deschamps/)
#### Tempest Monk: [Jack Wang](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&artist=[%22Jack%20Wang%22)
#### Paladin Acolyte: [Chris Rallis](https://www.rallisart.com/)
#### Paladin Warrior: [Aaron Miller](https://www.aaronbmiller.com/)
#### Paladin of the Flame: [Wesley Burt](https://www.artstation.com/wesleyburt)
#### Ranger Scout: [Yongjae Choi](https://indus.artstation.com/)
#### Ranger Pathfinder: [Jesper Ejsing](http://jesperejsing.com/card-art)
#### Ranger Beastmaster [Tyler Jacobsen](http://www.tylerjacobsonart.com/)
#### Flame Warden: [Dave E. Phillips](https://www.artstation.com/humbleego)
#### Gloomstalker: [Daarken](https://www.artstation.com/daarken)
#### Hell Hunter: [Gabriel Ramos](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Lk5eR)
#### Monster Hunter: [Yongjae Choi](https://indus.artstation.com/)
#### Moonblade: [Kieran Yanner](http://www.kieranyanner.com/)
#### Phase Runner: [Ryan Pancoast](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/ryan-pancoast/)
#### Tidekeeper: [Jaime Jones](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/jaime-jones/)
#### Sunblade: [Daarken](https://www.artstation.com/daarken)
#### Spellblade Novice: [Ben Maier](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/ben-maier/)
## Art Credits
#### Spellblade Veteran: [Peter Mohrbacher](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/peter-mohrbacher/)
#### Blood Knight: [Peter Mohrbacher](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/peter-mohrbacher/)
#### Druidic Knight: [Eric Deschamps](http://www.ericdeschamps.com/)
#### Magehunter: [Chippy](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?output=spoiler&method=visual&action=advanced&artist=%5B%22Chippy%22%5D)
#### Rift Knight: [Yongjae Choi](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VdAPdb)
#### Sunblade: [Ben Maier](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/ben-maier/)
#### Time Knight: [Dan Scott](https://www.originalmagicart.store/collections/dan-scott#:~:text=Dan%20Scott%20is%20a%20freelance,of%20Hearthstone%20cards%20as%20well.)
#### Warriors: [Lie Setiawan](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QrwrQL)
#### Panther Cavalier: [Grzegorz Rutkowski](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/grzegorz-rutkowski/)
#### Knights: [Dan Scott](https://www.artstation.com/danielscott)
#### Angry Mob: [Ryan Pancoast](https://www.ryanpancoast.com/)
#### Peacekeeper: [Eric Deschamps](http://www.ericdeschamps.com/)
#### Battalion: [Jedd Chevrier](https://www.artstation.com/jeddchevrier)
#### Battlemage Battalion: [Jason Rainville](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/jason-rainville/)
#### Skysword and Cavalry Battalions: [Jedd Chevrier](https://www.artstation.com/jeddchevrier)
#### Skysword and Cavalry Battalions: [Paul Scott Canavan](https://www.mtgnexus.com/gallery/artists/paul-scott-canavan/?sid=351196837967d431ab2210e09a6f2265)
#### Mage Battle: [Manuel Castanon](https://www.artstation.com/castaguer)
#### Mage Apprentice: [Manuel Castanon](https://www.artstation.com/castaguer)
#### Mage Adept: [Magali Villenueve](http://www.magali-villeneuve.com/)
#### Archmage [Kieran Yanner](http://www.kieranyanner.com/)
#### Biomancer [William Murai](https://www.artstation.com/willmurai)
#### Conjurer [Hugh Pindur](https://www.artstation.com/pindurski)
#### Blood Mage [Scott Murphy](http://www.murphyillustration.com/)
#### Necromancer [Anna Steinbauer](https://www.annasteinbauer.com/)
#### Adventurer Party [Billy Christian](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/billy-christian/)
#### Art Credits [Jakobus Uogintas](https://www.mtgpics.com/illus?art=1105&reprints=1)
#### Adventurer Party [Billy Christian](https://www.artofmtg.com/artist/billy-christian/)
#### Patron Art [Zezhou Chou](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Qr8LkE)
#### Back Cover Art: [Victor Titov](https://www.artstation.com/viktortitov)
#### Watercolor Stains: [Jared Ondricek](https://watercolors.giantsoup.com/)
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