The Bamstacks Variant: Spells
1st-level Spells
2nd-level Spells
3rd-level Spells
4th-level Spells
5th-level Spells
6th-level Spells
7th-level Spells
8th-level Spells
9th-level Spells
Some notes for expectations and general thoughts about what my general principles are:
- Buff weak spells
- True Strike, Color Spray, Compelled Duel, and many more weak spells for their level are buffed.
- Nerf problematic strong spells
- Hypnotic Pattern, Fear, Wall of Force, Forcecage, Simulacrum
- Provide scaling for all cantrips, not just damaging ones
- Minor Illusion, Blade Ward, etc have gotten scaling with level.
- Provide upcast options for more spells
- Entangle, Web, Wall spells, Misty Step, among many others have options for upcasting where they didn't before.
- Collapse spells with similar mechanics and thematics into each other
- Heal has been removed and is instead an upcast for Cure Wounds, which has just been renamed to Heal. The Hold Person and Hold Monster spells have been collapsed into one Hold spell, and the 4th-level Dominate spell now incorporates Dominate Person and Monster into it, among other examples.