The Strongest Hero

by finessedexe

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The Strongest Hero

The Strongest Hero

Legend has it there was a being who was able to defeat his opponents in one punch. This being was able to achieve such goals through a rigorous training regiment and an absolute unbreakable will. Using the anecdotes from his disciples, you have decided to see if you can defeat your enemies in One Punch.


This is a martial archetype for fighters

Rigorous Training

During your downtime, you must train. You must do 100 push ups, 100 situps, 100 air squats, and 10 km run. If you do not do this during your downtime you suffer lvl 2 exhaustion for half the day.

Enormous Appetite

In order to satisfy you rigorous training, you double your food intake. Talk to your DM to see what this looks like in your world.

Unaromred Man

The Anecdotes speak of the legend not wearing any armor during his days. You are no longer proficient with ANY armor and if you are wearing armor you suffer disadvantage in ability checks and attack rolls. Your natural AC is set to 13.

Switching Fighting Styles

You must switch to the Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Mighty Punches

Following the legend, you cannot use any weapons. You have a +2 to attack rolls with unarmed attacks and you are proficient with unarmed attacks If you use a weapon to attack, you have a -2 to attack and damage rolls. You can use an unarmed attacks as a bonus action adding all additional modifiers. This bonus is only applied if you have no weapons. Your unarmed damage die is 1d10.

The Beginning

Starting at the 3rd Level, you can combine all your unarmed attacks into one. Using you action you gain a +10 temporary shield and charge your fist. Your gain a +1 to your AC during this charge up. If your temporary shield is broken before your next turn, you lose concentration and have to start again.

If your shield is not broken before your next turn, you can add all your damage dice into one attack roll. Each damage dice has its own modifier added. Ex. If it's +2 to damage and you're doing 2d6. The total damage is 2d6 + 4.

The Training Continues...

Starting at the 7th Level, Your temporary shield is increased to 20 hit points. Your AC increases by +2 during this time. All charisma based checks or saving throws have a -2 to them. All constitution based checks or saving throws have a +2 to them. You gain the Tough Feat. If you've already taken or have the Tough feat, add 15 permanent points to your maximum hit points.

Uncomparable Power

Starting at the 10th Level, You start balding and lose your hair. Your temporary shield is increased to 30 hit points. Your AC increases by +3 during this time. All charisma based checks or saving throws have a -3 to them. All constitution based checks or saving throws have a +3 to them. You gain the Athlete Feat. If you've already taken or have the Athlete feat, add 30 permanent points to your maximum hit points.

Uncomparable Strength

Starting at the 15th Level, Your temporary shield is increased to 35 hit points. Your AC increases by +4 during this time. All charisma based checks or saving throws have a -4 to them. All constitution based checks or saving throws have a +4 to them. All strength based checks or saving throws have a +2 to them. You Gain the Durable Feat, If you've already taken or have the Durable feat, add 40 permanent points to your maximum hit points.


Starting at the 18th Level, You no longer need to charge up your attack to deliver your unarmed attack You do lose your temporary shield but your natural AC is now 17. 5 times per long rest, you can attack adding all your damage die into one. If you roll a natural 20 to hit, you defeat your opponent in one punch causing lethal damage.


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