Race: The Botani (Plant-Folk)

by Exnil

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The Botani

The Botani (Plant-Folk)

The Botani are a species of sentient plant-like creatures that are often found in areas lush with plant life such as the Emerald Wilds or the rainforests of Q'Arada. The appearance of Botani change to match local flora, helping them blend in to their surroundings. This also happens with the change of seasons. Especially if the Botani in question resembles a deciduous tree.

"Do you ever miss your home?" he asked
"Yes" they replied, "I especially miss my family, I have been apart from them for too long."
The adventurer looked up to the sky, lost in thoughts "Have you ever thought about giving up adventuring and returning home?"
They nodded, but commented "I have. But then I would be separated from my current family"
— An overheard conversation between a human and botani

Social Creatures

Botani adventurers are a rare sight in Erilar. The Botani, like certain plants, tend to prefer to remain in communities of their own kind. This trait helps differentiate the Botani from other plant-like creatures in Erilar. For example, the giant Treants are often solitary creatures, while Dryads tend to be linked to a single tree and can't venture too far for too long away from their tree. Botani on the other hand only have a preference rather than a need to remain in forests.

Botani who venture out from forests often stay either in small villages that are surrounded by nature or in bustling cities to be surrounded by more sentient creatures, depending on preference. Botani adventurers often prefer to stay in larger parties, seeing their party members as part of their adopted community.

Botani Traits

Being somewhat related to plants, the Botani have a natural affinity with nature, having learned skills and abilities that help them coexist with plants in a harmonious way.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1 and your Charisma increases by 2.
Age. Botani reach physical maturity about the same rate as a human and can live to be up to 500 years old.
Alignment. The botani tend to favour community above all and as a result tend to lean towards lawful alignments.
Size. Botani vary quite wildly in size ranging from from just under 5 to a little over 7 feet tall and have average to slender builds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
One with nature. You have proficiency in the Nature skill.
Natural magic. You know the "Druidcraft" cantrip. At 5th level, you can cast the "Speak with Plants" spell as a 3rd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Photosynthesis. The botani are able to eat food like other creatures, but they can choose forgo food if they have spent at least 4 hours in direct sunlight. They still need to drink water like other creatures.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Botani Names

Botani name themselves after plants they relate to. This comes by using one or two plant names in conjunction, or by combining a colour and a prominent physical feature related to the plants growing from them.

Plant Names: Ash, Oaklily, Pinebloom, Birchvine, Ivy, Palmthorn, Tumbleweed, Maplebranch

Colour Names: Greengrass, Redmoss, Blackbirch, Yellowblossom, Goldenoak, Lilacfearn, Whiteleaves


Part of the

world of


The Botani along with other races are part of the world of Erilar.

Cover Art: Brian Valeza
Character Art: @inualet33

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