Maria Blossoms

by RedHeadGames

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Maria Blossoms - Herbalist Store Seabrys

About Maria

Maria is a human druid living in the harbor town called Seabrys. She has blond hair, brown eyes and is petite. She is a shy person who can relate the best with plants. Socially she is quite awkward; people tend to find her strange. As a result she doesn't have real friends or even have a lot of social interaction.
She loves plants and has a real talent for them, she really enjoys to talk with people who share this love. She is always up to tell people who she grows all of her plants, so if you're looking for a night full of flora and botanics Maria is you're gall!

The druid

Maria is a human flora druid; she has had a very strong bond with plants and flora from when she was little. When she grew up she mostly self though herself certain spells to help her take care of the plants.
The spells she will use to take care, grow, create and find her plants/flora are:

*Repair flora (variant on mending)
*Create Water
*Detect posion/desease
*Longstrider (to speed up growth)
*Enchance ability
*Locate plant
*Plant growth
*Speak with plants
*Antilife shell (to protect her grove)

Blossoms the shop

The shop is a true on of a kind. Outside there grows blue grass that smells like honey and a sweet soft perfume. Maria grows this amazing grass her self, as she does with most of the plants.
Inside its feels like walking in a botanic garden, everywhere are plants and pots. Somewhere in the corner there is a small desk to work on and a large cabinet full of viles and pots.
In the shop she sells seeds, herbs, herbalist equipment and a few potions.

Most frequently avaliable shop items

*Minor healing potions
*Fluff moss (Very soft fluffy mos, is good for seasoning dishes)
*Honey grass (The blue grass outside, good for making sweet tea)
*Red Amanita Mushroom
*Fire peas
*Reef stonefish
*Palm lilly
*Mar Flowers (dark pink flowers that smell like the sea, good for wooing girls)

She can also find specific herbs on request. Depending on the rarity of the herb the cost and time will be different.

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How does she do it?

Maria can create the most astonishing and beautiful plants, but how does she do it?
Maria has a very special place in the nearby forest where she grows her own and known flora. This piece of forest she protects with the help of the spell antilife shell, nobody can enter without her help.
This unique grove is full of bright flowers, beautiful butterflies, bees and birds. Even some small critters took the grove of Maria as a home.
The colors are amazing and the smell will make you'd never want to leave...

Maria will talk to the plants, magicaly enchance their ability or make them grow. She also uses more common techniques such as use the fauna to pollinate the flora.
Or use a bit of magic to fuse different plants together and after a long process of grow/pollinate/fuse/grow/polinate she gets the plant she eventually wants.
The most important thing though is just talking and bonding wiith the plants according to Maria "You'll be suprised what plants are willing to do for you if you'd threat them with love and respect"

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