I Know a Guy

by TheTranMan

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I Know a Guy

Sometimes you know just the person to help you out in a certain situation. Either to contact via sending for a bit of information, swing by in the next town for some cheap supplies, or simply to get you somewhere you normally wouldn't be able to.

Each player character has 1 "I Know A Guy" use, to be used across any characters they might play during a campaign. At any time you may verbally exclaim some iteration of "I Know A Guy" and describe them in as much or as little detail as you like. It's best to say what their general use is and what you hope to get from them. It's up to you how much you leave up to the DM but past that point, that NPC now exists in the world. "I Know A Guy" should be based on your level and familiarity with the world, if it doesn't make sense for you to know a powerful ancient dragon, you probably don't.

A Character knows an amount of NPCs in this way equal to 1 + their Intelligence modifier + their Charisma modifier in "remembered" or at least "friendly" NPCs.

In the Intelligence department, these NPCs may be known to you due to remembering their repute, capabilities, or events to which you've met them before but doesn't necessarily mean you're on good or friendly terms, but are open to some form of negotiation.

In the Charisma department, these NPCs can be rivals or allies to which you share common ground, have had good or bad negotiations with before and are open to continue communication with, or are generally people you've met and befriended (or soured) but not necessarily know them or their reputation in any personal way.


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