Crown of Perfect Self

by Voidscape

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Crown of Perfect Self

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

While wearing this crown, you are surrounded in a faint aura of brilliance, increasing your Charisma score by 2 (to a maximum of 20). You also gain the following benefits and abilities:

  • If your Strength score is higher than your Intelligence score, your Intelligence score becomes equal to your Strength score. Conversely, if your Intelligence score is higher than your Strength score, your Strength score becomes equal to your Intelligence score.
  • If your Dexterity score is higher than your Wisdom score, your Wisdom score becomes equal to your Dexterity score. Conversely, if your Wisdom score is higher than your Dexterity score, your Dexterity score becomes equal to your Wisdom score.

You gain two uses of the Legendary Resistance ability. Any expended uses are regained daily at dawn.
Legendary Resistance (2/day). If you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead.

Perfect Resistance. When you use Legendary Resistance, a golden film of light covers your body, preventing any damage you would take until the start of your next turn.

True Self. Your hit point maximum cannot be reduced and any magical effect that would change your physical form against your will (such as the polymorph spell) is ineffective against you.

This crown cannot be unwillingly removed from your head by any means while you are attuned to it.


Art edited from THE ROYAL CROWNS