Risk of Rain Subclasses

by TingisPingis

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Tingis' Risk of Rain Content Pack

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You realize that in order to survive in these unknown lands is to hit your target where they least expect it. Starting at 3rd level when you attack an enemy and have sneak attack active you may have the enemy make a constitution save (DC=8+PB+Dexterity Modifier). If the creature fails they take an additional 1d6 damage and start bleeding. At the start of a bleeding creature’s turn they take 1d4 necrotic damage. At the beginning of each of a bleeding creature’s turns they may make a constitution save(DC 14) to stop the bleeding. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Smoke Grenade

This planet is full of creatures who want you dead, but they are gonna have a hell of a time killing what they can’t see. Starting at 9th you gain an additional cunning action option. This option allows you to throw down a smoke bomb and become invisible for an amount of rounds equal to your dexterity modifier(minimum of 1). You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.


When in a tough spot you need to have the ability to slip out at any time. Starting at 13th level if you are surrounded by creatures you may use the disengage action to move through an enemy space as if they were difficult terrain. Additionally when you fail on a dexterity save against an area of effect spell you may reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your dexterity modifier(minimum of 0). You may use the damage reduction effect of this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Lights Out

Sometimes killing your enemies just makes killing more even easier. Starting at 17th level when you kill an enemy you may choose one of your Bandit features and regain a use of it.

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Swift as the Wind

Starting at 3rd level while using a longsword you may use your dexterity instead of strength to determine your hit roll and damage. Additionally you gain 10ft of walking speed. You only gain these bonuses if you’re wearing light or no armor and aren’t using a shield.

Slicing Winds

Starting at 7th level you may use your longsword to attack enemies from afar. When you take the attack action on your turn you may replace one of your attacks with a wind slice attack.

Attack Stats
Wind Slice Range 50ft, toHit(PB+Dexterity Modifier), 1d6+Dexterity Modifier Slashing damage

Divine Winds

You channel the soul of the divine winds into every strike of your blade. Starting at 10th level your longsword attacks and wind slice attack count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity. Additionally these attacks also get +1 to hit and to damage.


Starting at 15th level as an action on your turn you may cast the spell Steel Wind Strike. Your spell attack bonus is equal to your proficiency bonus plus your dexterity modifier. You may also add your +1 to the hit roll from Divine Winds. You may use this feature once per long rest.


Starting at 18th level when you hit a creature with at least two hits from your Eviscerate feature or 3 hits from standard melee attacks the target is exposed. All attacks against an exposed creature have advantage until the start of your next turn. Additionally when you attack a creature with advantage your critical range increases to 18-20.

Path of the Acrid

Path of the Acrid


Starting at 3rd level your corruption by the void makes you perfect for carrying plagues. While raging your unarmed strikes now deal 1d4 slashing damage and when you hit with them the creature must make a constitution saving throw. If they fail they become poisoned for a minute. Poisoned creatures take 1d4 poison damage at the start of their turn. If the creature fails their constitution save and is already poisoned they take an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. Additionally you become immune to disease and have advantage against getting poisoned. Save DC(8+PB+Constitution Modifier).

Viral Toxins

As your corruption further evolves your plagues grow in power. Starting at 6th level any creature that has been poisoned by you has disadvantage on constitution saves. Additionally the damage they take from the poison increases to 1d6 poison damage every turn. Additionally your damage against already poisoned targets increases to 1d10.

Usurper Virus

Your plague evolves further, now being able to surpass even the strongest immunities. Starting at 10th level your poison ignores immunity to being poisoned, immunity and resistance to poison damage, and immunity and resistance to necrotic damage.

Epidemic Expulsion

Your plague has reached its peak evolution and starts to spread rapidly. When a creature who is poisoned by you dies you may use your reaction to make them explode and all hostile creatures within 5ft of it must make a constitution save. Any who fail the save are now under the effects of your poison. Additionally while you are raging you may use your action to send a burst of your toxins around you. All hostile creatures around you must make a constitution saving throw or become poisoned. You may use these features an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all uses after a long rest.

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Extended Spell List

Artificer level Spells
3rd Thunderous Smite, Catapult
5th Shatter, Kinetic Jaunt
9th Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt
13th Freedom of Movement, Staggering Smite
17th Destructive Wave, Hold Monster

Tools of the Trade

Starting at 3rd level when you take this subclass you gain an additional infusion, Loading Suit X3-001. This infusion gets stronger depending on your artificer level. Additionally you gain access to the Shocking Grasp cantrip if you don't already have it

Loading Suit X3-001

You create a large suit of armor that protects you from damage and assists in moving things around. This suit of armor provides 17 AC and while you are wearing it you count as size large when determining carrying and lifting capacity.Additionally, while you are wearing this armor your unarmed strikes count as weapons for the purposes of casting spells and deal 1d8+intelligence modifier damage. The armor class provided by this armor increases to 18 at 7th level and to 20 AC at 14th level. You cannot gain the benefits of shields while wearing this armor.

Scrap Shield

Starting at 3rd level when you kill an enemy while wearing your Loading Suit X3-001 with your gauntlets you gain an amount of temporary hp equal to 2 times your artificer level. You can only use this feature an amount of times equal to your intelligence modifier. Additionally while wearing the Loading Suit X3-001 you take half damage from falling.

Charged Gauntlet

Starting at 5th level you may choose to charge your gauntlet strikes to really bring the pain. On your turn you may use your action to charge up for a bigger attack. While charging up the attack you lose concentration on any spells you were concentrating on and are unable to cast spells until you make a charged attack. If you charge up your gauntlets the next attack you make with them deals 3d8 damage and the creature you hit must make a strength save against your spell save DC or be knocked back 10ft.

Hydraulic Gauntlet

Starting at 9th level your gauntlets can extend out and grab near anything. As a bonus action on your turn you may shoot out your gauntlet up 90ft to grab onto a target. If you grab an enemy you may either pull the target 30ft closer to you or pull yourself 30ft closer to the creature. If you shoot the gauntlet onto a surface you may either swing towards and across a location or you may pull yourself to the point that your gauntlet is grabbed onto. Feel free to talk with your DM to determine what you are able to do with this feature. You use this feature an amount of times equal to your intelligence modifier and regain all uses after a long rest.

Electric Pylon

Starting at 15th level you may send out a pylon to assist in your loading. On your turn you may use your bonus action to send out your pylon upto 50ft away and up 20ft in the air. You may use this pylon as a surface to grab with your Hydraulic Gauntlet feature. Additionally if an enemy enters within 30ft of your pylon you may use your reaction to have the creature take 4d6 lighting damage. You may send out your pylon an amount of times equal to your intelligence modifier. Your pylon stays out for 10 minutes or until you throw out another one.

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Conclave of the Huntress

Conclave of the Huntress

Throwing Glaive

Starting at 3rd level you gain access to the throwing glaive. You have proficiency in this weapon and when you make an attack with this weapon you may use either your wisdom or dexterity for the hit roll and damage roll. If you choose one then you must use it for both rolls. Additionally when you reach 10th level it may ricochet off of the first enemy and hit a second enemy. You make another hit roll for the second attack. At 15th level it may ricochet and hit a third enemy. After the attack the glaive returns to your hand.

Weapon Damage
Throwing Glaive 1d6+wis/dex modifier slashing damage

Bow Specialization

Starting at 7th level you gain greater specialization with your bow. You may choose one of the following specializations.


During your attack action after you make an attack you may move 10ft. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks. You may use this feature after each attack if you have multiple attacks due to a class feature.


When you take the attack action you may use your bonus action to make an additional attack. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Greater Specialization

Starting at 15th level you have perfected yourself with the bow. When you reach this level you gain the ability to choose between one of the following specializations. Additionally, after a long rest you may choose to change out your specialization from the 7th level Bow Specialization feature

Arrow Rain

As an action you may fire your bow into the air and as long as you have at least 30ft above you you may choose a point and for 10 minutes in a 30ft radius around that point all hostile creatures must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save dc or take 2d10 piercing damage and have their movement reduced by half.


You may activate this feature as a bonus action and the next attack you make with your bow deals an additional 3d8 of damage.



Tools of the Trade

Starting at 3rd level you gain access to two new infusions, you may switch any number of your infusions out for one of the new options listed below.

Defensive Microbots

As a reaction to being targeted with a ranged attack you may have your microbots attempt to zap the attack out of the air. You make a ranged spell attack against the attack and if your roll exceeds the enemy’s attack then the attack is zapped out of the air. At 7th level this effect can also be used against ranged spell attacks.

Vulcan Shotgun

While you are attuned to this weapon you lose access to one of your arms as it replaces your hand and entire lower arm. This weapon deals 1d10+intelligence modifier piercing damage and has a range of 60ft and you use your ranged spell attack roll for the to hit. At 7th level this weapon’s damage increases to 2d10 and increases further to 3d10 at 15th level and 4d10 at 20th level. You may only make one attack with this weapon each turn. If an attack with this would deal more than one die of its damage you may choose to have it target another creature within 5ft of the original target and distribute the dice to each target as you choose.

Power Taser

Starting at 5th level while you have the Vulcan Shotgun attuned you gain access to an additional option for attack. This attack uses your ranged spell attack bonus to hit and deals 1d6+intelligence modifier lightning damage and has a range of 60ft. If you hit with this attack the creature must make a constitution saving throw against your spell save dc. If they fail they are stunned until the beginning of your next turn. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier.

Commanding Authority

Starting at 9th level others see you as a person of authority and are not to be trifled with. You gain proficiency in intimidation and persuasion if you don't have them already. Additionally you may use intelligence for those skills instead of charisma. Additionally when a creature makes a melee attack or melee spell attack against you you may use your reaction to have them make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save dc. If they fail their attack is canceled. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier.

Orbital Strike

Starting at 15th level you gain access to your ultimate trump card. As an action you may call in one of the following orbital strikes. When they strike all creatures in range must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save dc. All creatures who fail take full damage and those who succeed take half damage. This damage cannot be negate by features that would make you take no damage on a success. You may use this twice per long rest.

Orbital Probe

You call in three separate strikes on three locations within line of sight. At the beginning of your next turn they strike and each explode in a 30ft radius and each deal 4d8 fire damage.

OGM-72 “Diablo” Strike

You call in for the Diablo strike on a location within line of sight. At the beginning of your next turn it strikes and explodes in a 200ft radius and deals 10d8 fire damage.



"Some people choose the road to face their problems head on. Some choose to do it from a distance. And then there is you. You decided that problems in life are better solved by someone else. I mean, I respect the grind, but if I find you sleeping on the job again I swear I'll kill you" - Hasbard Gothric to his friend Graugis before Graugis put down his turret

Extended Spell List

Artificer level Spells
3rd Magic Missile, Shield
5th Spike Growth, Warding Bond
9th Aura of Vitality, Leomund’s Tiny Hut
13th Aura of Life, Death Ward
17th Mass Cure Wounds, Circle of Power

Gauss Auto Turret

Starting at 3rd level you gain access to a new mode for defending yourself. As an action you may place a turret. This turret has hp equal to your artificer level times 5 and an AC of 14. Your turret shares your initiative, but it always acts immediately after you do. On its turn it will make an attack on the closest enemy to you. Its attack has a range of 120ft, uses your spell attack bonus to hit, and deals 1d8+your intelligence modifier piercing damage. You may only have one turret active at any time and you may create an amount of turrets equal to your intelligence modifier and regain all uses of this feature after a long rest. If you create a new turret and you already have one active then the first turret is destroyed.

Spider Mines

Starting at 5th level you gain access to another way to allow others to do your job for you. As an action on your turn you may place down a spider mine that has 40ft of movement. It acts immediately after you do and will scitter towards the closest hostile creature. When the mine gets within 5ft of the target it explodes and the target and all creatures within 10ft must make a dexterity saving throw against your spell save dc. If a creature fails they take 3d6 fire damage and half as much on a success. You may only have upto 3 spider mines active at a time and you may place a number of these mines equal to your intelligence modifier per long rest.

Set and Forget

Starting at 9th level you’ve decided that you really want your turrets to do all of the work for you. If you have a turret active you may choose to forgo your movement and actions on your turn to give your turret two additional attacks and increase its damage to 1d10+intelligence modifier.

Sleeping on the Job

Starting at 15th level you’ve started to not even take combat seriously. When you use your Set and Forget feature you may also gain temporary hp equal to your artificer level+your intelligence modifier.



Protect and Serve

Starting at 3rd level you decide that you protect those around you from enemies. You gain proficiency with intimidation, if you already have proficiency with intimidation you gain expertise in it. Additionally while you have heavy armor and a shield equipped you gain an additional +1 to AC and additionally you may use your reaction to give an ally that is being attacked an additional +2 to AC. You may use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Crowd Control

Starting at 7th you have gained a new option for keeping crowds of enemies down. You gain proficiency with the Riot Shotgun. As a bonus action on your turn you may summon it to your hand or unsummon it also as a bonus action. This weapon uses strength for its hit roll, has a range of 45ft and deals 2d8 piercing damage. You do not add a modifier to the damage of this weapon. This weapon counts as two handed, but it may be wielding with one hand if you have a shield equipped in the other hand.

Shield Slam

Those who wish to harm others for unjust reasons must be kept at bay. Starting at 10th level you may attempt to attack an enemy with your shield. The attack deals 1d6+strength modifier bludgeoning damage and the enemy must make a constitution save. If the creature fails then they are stunned and shoved 15ft away from you, if they succeed the creature isn’t stunned and is shoved 10ft away. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus. DC: 8+proficiency bonus+Strength modifier.

Unbreakable Will

You will to help those around you is stronger than steel. You gain proficiency in wisdom saving throws. Additionally as a bonus action on your turn you may gain a number of temporary hit points equal to ten times the amount of allied creatures within 5ft of you. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.

Immovable Object

When push comes to shove you never back down. Starting at 18th level while you are equipped with heavy armor and a shield you may not be moved by any movement except your own. Additionally while you have heavy armor and a shield equipped you are immune to being grappled, charmed, frightened, and being knocked prone.

Magic Items

Quick Keyword Reference


The item is a corrupted version of another magic item, in order to gain this version you must take the original and corrupt it through some means, the higher the item rarity the harder it is to corrupt (DM's Discretion)

Bustling Fungus

Wondrous Magic Item, rare, requires attunement

“You have a problem.”

“What? How? These are good for me, they…”

“Yeah, they help promote cell repair, carbon neutral, blah blah blah… I’ve heard that spiel a thousand times already. Whether they’re good for you or not, you can’t just have a diet consisting only of them. It’s basic dietary science!”

“So what?”

“So what? Eating only mushrooms isn’t healthy, just like eating only meat or vegetables isn’t healthy!”

“Oh, so you’re attacking vegetarians, now?”

“Wh- No! I just mean--”

“Well, when you’re a bit more tolerant of my lifestyle, I’d be glad to continue this conversation with you. Until then, I’d suggest you open your heart and appetite to a more… fungal… palette.”

The mushroom inside of the jar gives off a faint green glow and you feel yourself revitalized. At the end of your turn if you don’t move on your turn you regain 1d6 hit points.

Withering Fungus

Wondrous Magic Item, rare, corrupted, requires attunement

"This sucks."

"You know, you could have something to eat if you just said the magic word..."

"No! I'm not having one of those $#@!ing mushrooms!"

"C'mon, they're harmless. In fact, better than harmless, they're--"

"Don't even start. And we don't even know that, remember how you got an infection after you first tried them!?"

"Common head cold."

"Whatever. My point being, those things probably changed your digestive tract so you could eat them, or some weird $#!& like that. I'm not stooping to your level!"

"Well, you're more than welcome to ride your high road with THEM, Mr. Picky Eater. Or, you could stay in the safety of this little cave, and share a snack with me."

"I... I'd rather--"


"...Oh my god, fine. Hand it over."

After being corrupted the fungus in the jar gives off a faint purple glow and you feel yourself gain adrenaline. At the end of your turn if in a single move you use all of your movement, your action, and your bonus action you regain 1d6 hit points.

Lens-Maker’s Glasses

Wondrous Magic Item, uncommon, requires attunement

…What I didn’t see was that the golem was aiming its laser at my back. I managed to barely dodge it - just by pure luck - but the blast knocked me to the ground. My glasses flew off my face and I was on my back, stunned, barely able to make sense of myself…

And then... well, I can’t really explain what happened next. Adrenaline, some kind of divine intervention, I dunno. But I reached out, and managed to grab my glasses, raise ‘em up to my eyes so I could see, and BAM! Fired the last of my bullets.

And, well... I guess I managed to hit something vital in its head. Exploded in red stone and glass. It stopped moving after that.

If it wasn’t for that shot, I wouldn’t be here telling this story.”

-Signal echoes, UES Contact Light

The lenses of these glasses have a slight red tint and while you wear them you feel your eyesight improve. While you’re wearing these glasses your critical range increases to 19-20.


Wondrous Magic Item, rare, requires attunement by a bard

The planet was unforgiving, taking more and more with each passing day. Lives and limbs were lost, and the medical tent grew increasingly busy.

Jans was unfortunate enough to walk right into a group of Lemurians during a routine check around the rallypoint perimeter. He was lucky enough to escape with his life, but the Lemurians wounded his leg before backup arrived.

Jans leaned back in his cot. He strummed the strings on his ukulele – which he had picked up from an earlier expedition – as he contemplated his thoughts. Nothing too complex, but just a simple tune that he had picked up back when he took lessons as a child. Unbeknownst to him, one by one, he had gathered himself an audience. The gentle melodies of Jans’ ukulele brought a rare comfort to the pained and labored patients, and for the first time since admittance, they felt like they could smile.

Life in the medical tent was never something anybody could look forward to. Death, irreversible injuries, and a choking atmosphere surrounded them. But for a brief moment… the lives of those patients became that much brighter. Jans stopped, surveying the crowd intently watching him.

He laughed, readying himself for an encore. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad after all.

This instrument has 4 charges and regains all of them at the next dawn. You may use these charges to cast certain spells.

Charges Spell
1 charge Thunderwave, Thunderous Smite
2 charges Shatter
3 charges Lightning Bolt, Call Lightning, Thunder step
4 charges Storm Sphere

Additionally you gain +1 to your spell save dc’s and spell attack rolls.

Shattering Justice

Weapon(Warhammer), legendary, requires attunement

Shattering Justice Owner’s Manual

Excerpt from section 2.13:

… and if the target material doesn’t cave under the immense weight just keep hitting it until it does. The patented technology inside the face of this tool doesn’t just use brute force to break down its mark, it also utilizes a formulated nano toxin, released through internal mechanisms, that builds up through subsequent contact. In other words, each hit makes it easier to break

You gain a +3 to hit and to damage with this magical weapon. Additionally every time you hit an enemy with this weapon they crumble under the sheer force of it. Whenever you hit an enemy with this weapon the creature must make a DC 18 constitution save or their damage resistances are removed until your next turn.

Paul’s Goat Hoof

Wondrous Magic Item, common

Order: Paul’s Goat Hoof

Tracking Number: 187*****

Estimated Delivery: 03/07/2056

Shipping Method: Standard

Shipping Address 2663rd Fields, Redmond, Venus

Shipping Details: A hoof from one of my many goats; I noticed one day that one of my goats had an abnormally large foot. Thinking it was cancerous, I went to the doctors and lo-and-behold - it was. My goat died shortly after.

You may only have upto two of these equipped at a time. While equipped you gain 10ft of walking speed. If you have two of these equipped you gain 20ft of walking speed.

Monster Tooth

Wondrous Magic Item, uncommon, requires attunement

“Hey, nice duds! Where’d you grab those?”

“Oh, this old thing? I’ve been making it, actually.”

“Making it?”

“Yeah, well, I found the first tooth in one of the chests. But every time we go out on patrol, we typically run into more of those aliens. Once we take care of ‘em, I try to pick myself out a souvenir. Y’know, to add to my collection.”

“Wow, uh… Is that like, allowed? I feel like that’s not allowed.”

“Eh, what the captain doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, it IS cool, right?”

“I guess so. I’ll be honest man, that’s creepy as hell… but hey, do you have any more string? I might start one of my own.”

Whenever you kill a non humanoid creature you regain 1 hit point.