S&F: Savant Stronghold

by djregalis

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Rules for Strongholds appear in the “Stronghold” section of Strongholds & Followers (p. 8). Using those rules, you can add the following savant stronghold to your game!

The Savant's Study

The savant's study is a place for academic mastery, creating one or more of the following effects at the GM's discretion.

Demesne Effects

  • Research conducted in the savant's demesne is exceedingly efficient, taking half the usual amount of time and costing half as much to complete.
  • After anyone resides in the savant's demesne for a year, they gain proficiency with a tool, simple weapon, or language of their choice.
  • Expertise in the savant's demesne results in construction and other projects turning out sturdier and longer-lasting, as superior techniques percolate the realm.

Stronghold Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the savant can take a stronghold action to cause one of the following effects. The savant must be in the same hex or province as their stronghold, and can't use the same effect again until after a short or long rest:

  • Several traps you had prepared which had previously not been revealed are activated. Up to three enemies within 60 feet of you, or anywhere within your stronghold, take 8d6 magical bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (your choice), and are knocked prone and have their speed reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn.
  • You mark all enemies you can see within 60 feet with Adroit Analysis. For the next minute, you have half cover against any marked enemies.
  • Choose an enemy you can see. You learn all statistics, features, and abilities of your chosen foe.

Alternate Class Feature Improvement:
Lethal Observation

When you use your Potent Observation to increase the damage of an attack, you can make the target vulnerable to the damage of that attack. You can do this a number of times equal to your stronghold level, after which you must take an extended rest to refresh this ability.

Savant Followers

D100 Follower
01–03 Veteran Light Infantry (Size 1d6), Unit
04–06 Regular Light Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit
07–09 Seasoned Light Infantry (Size 1d4), Unit
10 Seasoned Light Cavalry (Size 1d4), Unit
11 Enchanter (3rd Level), Retainer
12 Seer (3rd Level), Retainer
13 Warlord (3rd Level), Retainer
14–15 Guild Adept (3rd Level), Retainer
16–18 Shaper (3rd Level), Retainer
19–20 Tracker (5th Level), Retainer
21–23 Loremaster (5th Level), Retainer
24–27 Justicar (5th Level), Retainer
28–31 Alienist (5th Level), Retainer
32–34 Illusionist (7th Level), Retainer
35–37 Troubador-Warrior (7th Level), Retainer
38–40 Curate (7th Level), Retainer
41–42 Mason
43–44 Miner
45–46 Carpenter
47–48 Blacksmith
49–51 Sage
52–54 Tailor
55–57 Scribe
58–60 Captain
61–63 Spy
64–65 Alchemist
66–71 Elf Ambassador
72–75 Dragonborn Ambassador
76–78 Dwarf Ambassador
79–84 Gnome Ambassador
85 Kobold Ambassador
86–100 Roll on the Special Allies table (S&F p. 67)



The following retainer uses the rules in the “Followers” section of Strongholds & Followers (p. 68), with the following exception. Instead of health levels, this retainer has Hit Dice and hit points like other creatures. If you wish to use health levels instead, ignore the Hit Points entry in the retainer's stat block.


Medium humanoid, any alignment

  • Armor Class 13 (light)
  • Hit Points 8 + eight times their level (the retainer has a number of d8 Hit Dice equal to their level)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • Primary Ability Intelligence
  • Saves Int +6, Wis +6
  • Skills History +6, Insight +5, Perception +5
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common and two others

Signature Attack (Rapier). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.


  • 3rd-Level: Weak Point (3/Day). As a reaction to an ally hitting an enemy that the expert can see within 60 feet, the expert can increase the damage the ally deals by 1d10.
  • 5th-Level: Guidance (3/Day). As a bonus action, the expert takes the Help action, with a range of 30 feet.
  • 7th-Level: Impel (3/Day). As an action, the expert prompts an ally that can see or hear the expert within 30 feet to act. The ally can immediately take an action, or move up to their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.