Scenes and Sidequests in Ank'Harel

by Frozenfeet2

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Scenes and Sidequests in Ank'Harel


Scenes and encounters for each district in Ank'Harel have been provided below, to help bring the city to life. These encounters can be rolled randomly, or chosen by the DM. Encounters for each district have been arranged by increasing degree of player engagement, from simple scene setting to plot hooks for side quests in the city.

Alluvium District
d6 Encounter
1 The party pass through a market selling different types of garments. A pregnant tabaxi commoner is purchasing baby clothes for her litter.
2 An orator (elf commoner) regales a crowd with legends of the mages from the Age of Arcanum.
3 A tiefling druid advertises a discount for a new "devilishly good" sulfurous treatment at the Steam Gardens in the River District.
4 A bard (human commoner) serenades the party with music, before inviting them to dinner so he can hear of their travels to use as inspiration.
5 A poet (halfling commoner) comedically roasts passers by to the enjoyment of a small crowd of people. An elf noble, who doesn't take the disrespect lightly, challenges the halfling to a duel at dusk.
6 A clay golem that patrols the Sa'irah mines has been reduced to 60 hit points (either through age or sabotage) and has gone berserk.
Cerulean Palace
d6 Encounter
1 J'mon Sa Ord is spotted descending from their tower upon a floating throne.
2 A town crier (orc guard) calls out the latest ruling from J'mon Sa Ord: an increase in the tax on imported metals.
3 A "Jewels of Marquet" exhibition has opened in the palace, with the famous Purple Jewel of Marquet being the star attraction.
4 A trial of one of the alleged leaders of the Veil is due to begin. The palace has an increased number of guards in preparation for this high-profile case. They were arrested as part of the coup by the Veil's new leader, assassin Ilena Hapayhari.
5 A mob of workers from the Sa'irah mines (twenty mainly orc and human thugs) has gathered to protest working hours in the clay mines, and is met by as many Hand of Ord guards.
6 A prison break occurs from the Scarlet Oubliette! A weaponless yuan-ti abomination is spotted fleeing the scene along with four yuan-ti pureblood accomplices. They are part of a cult of Zehir in the city.*
Circlet Walk
d6 Encounter
1 The surrounding streets are rammed with people. A few locals begin climbing the sides of buildings and carefully making their way along the rooftops to get to their destinations.
2 The party pass through a park. A pale pallid elf commoner is sunbathing on the grass, while her children (elf commoners) wrestle in a sand pit.
3 A fire genasi commoner sells kebabs from a roving food cart, that he uses his produce flame cantrip to cook.
4 A tavern brawl breaks out between drunk dwarf and human thugs. A tabaxi scout uses the opportunity to pickpocket bystanders, and takes off along the rooftops if spotted.
5 An otyurgh has broken free of a waste facility. The Hands of Ord (a half-orc and tiefling guard) at the scene have so far failed to contain it.
6 A human priest appeals to a Hand of Ord dragonborn guard to help them find their missing friend, who was due to arrive by caravan from the village of Shandal, a day's journey to the southwest.
Guided District
d6 Encounter
1 A religious procession dedicated to Pelor blocks the streets, carrying effigies of a knight with a burning face.
2 A priest blesses the party using holy water from the Blessing Well. The party gain the benefit of the bless spell for the next 12 hours.
3 A human monastic operative is preparing meals for the poor. The meals are low quality but free, and have dust of deliciousness (EGtW p267) added. The party can keep 1d6 uses of this item if they help.
4 A half-orc thug stumbles through the streets, drunk. He tried drinking water from the Blessing Well and was cursed with sunlight hypersensitivity for the next 24 hours. He takes 1d6 radiant damage every minute he is in direct sunlight. If helped to his home in the Circlet Walk, he gives the party an alchemy jug, swearing off alcohol.
5 Two corrupt Hand of Ord human veterans demand protection money from a halfling priest at the Temple of Erathis.
6 The party are mugged by an orc war chief, an orog, and three orcs.
The Ridge
d6 Encounter
1 The skyship Sky Witch is undergoing launch tests after months of repairs.
2 An envoy from the Kryn Dynasty (drow mage) shelters from the Sun. She is in the city to request a meeting to discuss opening a skyport in Rosohna.
3 A large swarm of insects bites anyone passing by.
4 The air smells of amazing baked goods. A bakery sells delicacies from across Exandria, including Purple Jewel Cake from Ank'Harel, profiterolos from Whitestone, and blackberry citrus cinnamon rolls from Jrusar.
5 A griffon stable next to the edge of the ridge advertises riding lessons.
6 A mezzoloth holding a bag containing glowing blue objects teleports in front of the party, before fleeing. The party later learn of stolen brumestone from the Alsfarin Union shipyard.*
River District
d6 Encounter
1 A playful water weird swims alongside a skiff.
2 A couple of street urchins (human and tiefling commoners) have gathered fruits from the Alluvium Gardens and are selling them to passers by.
3 A firbolg druid tends to giant cedar trees on the edge of the canal, and gets annoyed at people cutting across the grass.
4 A pachydan (luxodon) commoner has dropped their keys into the canal and will pay 10 gp if someone retrieves it.
5 A stray dog (use mastiff stat block) or cat laps at water spilled from the canal. They befriend the party.
6 A black pudding crawls out of the canal and attacks.
Sand-Herald District
d6 Encounter
1 The skyship Ascending Dragon arrives in Indala Skyport from Whitestone in Tal'Dorei.
2 A palanquin is carried through the streets by four kobolds. Inside is a dragonborn gladiator, a famous champion from the Bowl of Judgment. The kobolds stop for the dragonborn to sign autographs from fans.
3 A human wererat is dragged by two Hand of Ord dragonborn guards towards the Cerulean Palace dungeons.
4 A vendor sells copies of the Ank'Harel newspaper Desert Daily.
5 An elf noble is spotted passing through an illusory wall in an alley. There is a secret garden and exclusive club hidden beyond.
6 A half-orc gladiator hands a flyer to enter the annual Grand Tournament at the Bowl of Judgment.*
Sigil District
d6 Encounter
1 The party encounter a walking tour of the Sigil District for tourists, led by a gnome scholarly agent holding a large stick for visibility.
2 The student magic club of the Crystal Chateau puts on a public display of illusion magics and pyrotechnics.
3 A merchant at an apothecary is due to throw away 1d6 out of date potions of healing. They will sell to the party for 10 gp each, however there is only 50% chance of the potion working.
4 A gargoyle swoops from the rooftop of an old building and steals the sunhat of a passing orc commoner.
5 A drunk student mage accidentally sets off a fireball spell, which catches a building on fire. They attempt to flee the scene.
6 A noticeboard asks for capable adventurers to report to the Crystal Chateau. A visiting professor arriving by skyship has spotted something odd a few day's north of the city, and wishes to conduct an expedition.*
Suncut Bazaar
d6 Encounter
1 A cloud giant makes their way through the markets of the bazaar, ducking awkwardly beneath the cloth drapery.
2 A salesman (human commoner) attempts to sell a cursed shield of missile attraction for 50 gp.
3 Two dust mephits use their blinding breath ability, then steal food from a market stall.
4 A camel has bitten its owner (human commoner) and charges through the streets towards the party. If not stopped, it crashes through a fruit stall belonging to a gnome commoner, who bickers with the human about who will pay for damages.
5 A child (half-elf commoner) has lost her parents (an elf and a human) and needs help in finding them. If reunited, the parents reward the party with a ring of protection.
6 A wanted poster has the face of one of the party members. A doppelganger has been impersonating them while committing crimes.

* Sidequest listed below.

Ank'Harel Sidequest:
The Grand Tournament


One member of the party can compete in the annual Grand Tournament, held in front of thousands of screaming fans in the Bowl of Judgment in the Sand-Herald District. The party might become aware of this tournament from seeing a flyer when walking around the city.

Entering the Tournament

The party member can sign up for the tournament by paying a fee of 20 gp. The prize for winning is 1,000 gp and fame across the city. 250 gp is given to the runner up. The tournament has 16 competitors in total, and consists of a series of 1-on-1 fights, with the victor of each fight progressing to the next round. Any weaponry or magic is permitted.

A character who enters the tournament is told the rules by Sheed Caltor, the orc ringmaster. While the combat is supposed to be non-lethal, a priest is on hand to stabilize any competitor who does get knocked down to 0 hit points.


If the party inspect the roster, or investigate the competitors they find the following people have entered the tournament:

Grand Tournament Contestants
No. Contestant
1 Lucius, an elderly tiefling knight
2 Sylvana, a half-elf Scarbearer blood hunter (EGtW) armed with a flaming sword
3 Zavik, a Scarbearer goliath gladiator and favorite to win
4 Jasper, an earth genasi berserker
5 Hazel, a halfling druid
6 Chip, a dwarf veteran
7 Merinos, a minotaur
8 Rival Dermot Wurder
No. Contestant
9 Milo, an unarmored human werewolf
10 Vorsh, a dragonborn monastic operative (CotN) from the Library of the Cobalt Soul
11 Duvan, a human cult fanatic from the Sentinels of Memory
12 Kamina, a human bandit captain
13 Harmony, a satyr
14 Gromp, a half-ogre
15 Felgan, an orc orog
16 Party member


During the fights, other party members are allowed to be present ringside as part of the competitor's crew. They can provide buffs and healing before the fight begins. Outside of the fight, they are able to find out information on the opponents that the competitor will face, to help prepare them for combat.

The tournament takes place over the course of 5 days. The first round takes place over two days, with four matches per day. The subsequent rounds occur over the course of a day each.

Round 1. The competing party member is due to fight Felgan, an orc orog on the second day of round 1. Felgan has no interest in playing fair, and orders three orcs and an orc eye of Gruumsh to tail the party and intimidate the competing party member into quitting the day before the fight. If this fails, they attack the competitor, but the orcs run off if overpowered. That night, if the competing party member is staying in Modest or cheaper accommodation, the orc eye of Gruumsh waits outside the window and uses the thaumaturgy cantrip to disrupt their long rest.

During combat, Felgan fights dirty. In place of his second attack, he can throw sand in the opponent's face. They must make a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, or have disadvantage on their next attack. If victorious against Felgan, the competing party member progresses to round 2.

Round 2. The competing party member fights Harmony, a satyr with the following changes:

  • Harmony has 54 (12d8) hit points.
  • Harmony can make two shortsword or shortbow attacks per round.
  • Harmony uses the variant: satyr pipes rules provided with the satyr stat block.

Harmony charmed her previous opponent (14. Gromp), and asked him politely to walk out of the arena, upon which he forfeited the fight. A party member can watch her fight to learn of her tactic.

During the fight, Harmony tries the same tactics on her opponent. They can make a save when she first uses the pipe, and again upon reaching the edge of the arena. If victorious against Harmony, the competing party member progresses to round 3.

Round 3. The competing party member fights Milo, a human werewolf. Milo has defeated his opponents (10. Vorsh and 12. Kamara) due to their lack of magical or silvered weapons and inability to damage him. He has not yet had to use his werewolf form, appearing thus far to be an invulnerable opponent armed with a spear.

If the party is aligned with the Library of the Cobalt Soul, Vorsh will forewarn them of Milo's immunity to non-magical weapons. Otherwise, they can learn this talking with Vorsh or Kamina, or watching either of those fights.

If victorious against Milo, the competing party member progresses to round 4.

Round 4. The character fights Dermot Wurder, who uses his Tier 2 stat block. Initially Irvan entered the tournament, but got cold feet, fearing fighting away from the Luxon. Dermot has stepped up in his place, defeating three opponents to reach the final (7. Merinos, 6. Chip, and 3. Zavik).

Maggie has been watching the other fights and is guiding Dermot with tactics against his opponents. So far he has had great success with keeping his distance and making searing wrath attacks at range.

If victorious against Dermot, the competing party member wins the tournament!


Whoever is victorious in the tournament gains renown in the city. If the party member is defeated at any point, Dermot wins the tournament and gains the renown and prize money instead.

Ank'Harel Sidequest:
Skyship Attack


The Temple of the Platinum Dragon have commissioned the skyship Devo'ssa from the Alsfarin Union shipyard. It nears completion and will have its maiden voyage in a few days.

Kriana and Ozwyn Drakkir are married dragonborn who worship Tiamat. Kriana works at the shipyard while Ozwyn has a business that builds golems using clay from the strip mines. Ozwyn has dedicated resources to building a clay dragon, and Kriana has smuggled brumestone - the blue crystal that makes skyships fly - out of the shipyard via a mezzoloth to give it flight. They plan to use it to attack the Devo'ssa on its maiden voyage.

Brumestone Heist

When the party are in the Ridge, they see a mezzoloth teleport in front of them and run off, carrying a sack with glowing blue contents. A human named Hogar, a veteran and the chief of security at the shipyard, shouts for it to stop.

The mezzoloth was summoned by a blue dragonborn named Kriana. She uses the drow priestess of Lolth stat block, except she does not have fey ancestry, innate spellcasting or sunlight sensitivity abilities, and her summon demon ability summons a mezzoloth instead of a yochlol.

Mezzoloth Chase. The mezzoloth moves 100 ft. per round with its teleport and movement, fleeing haphazardly northeasterly. After each teleport, a character can spot its new location with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, either through line of sight or hearing sounds of chaos as it charges through market stalls and outdoor cafes. After 4 rounds, it reaches the edge of the Ridge, teleporting down to the Alluvium District. It then hands off the brumestone to Ozwyn, a red dragonborn cult fanatic, 2 rounds later.

Mezzoloth Caught. If the party catch up to the mezzoloth, it tries to shake them off using its spells. If the mezzoloth is trapped, it fights until it is killed or the summon ends, 3 minutes after first encountered. The party can return the brumestone to the shipyard, receiving a 250 gp reward, plus an invitation to the maiden voyage of the Devo'ssa.

Mezzoloth Escapes. If the mezzoloth successfully escapes, or if the party do not chase it, replacement brumestone crystals need to be installed on the Devo'ssa, delaying the maiden voyage by a few days. The party are invited on the voyage by Hogar if they can help uncover anything on the thief.

Search for Clues

After the chase, Hogar finds the party and asks what they saw. If the party is helpful, Hogar requests their assistance, as he is out of his depth dealing with fiendish creatures.

The Shipyard. Hogar can arrange for access to the shipyard. Within the compound are clusters of buildings and three large dry docks. The Devo'ssa is in one, and several workers are finishing installing a giant figurehead of Bahamut onto the ship.

One of the buildings contains workshops where the brumestone crystals are prepared. The stolen crystals were ready to be installed and had been put by the entrance earlier in the day.

Interviewing Workers. The following workers had access to the brumestone workshop at the time of the incident:

  • Nila Windolee (human noble): Manages the Devo'ssa build. She was meeting a client during the heist.
  • Churrik (xorn): A master jeweler who cuts brumestone crystals with his teeth. He levitates after years of consuming brumestone offcuts. Churrik is nocturnal, and was asleep during the heist.
  • Helena Diskin (tiefling mage): She enchanted the brumestone, leaving it by the entrance for Ralf to attach to the ship. She was enchanting the sails during the heist.
  • Ralf Salazo (gnome spy): Ralf is a master metalworker with a pet clockwork lizard. He is in debt to the Veil so is nervous of an investigation. He was making alterations to the Bahamut figurehead during the heist.
  • Arshan Wadi (orc): Handles acids used for cleaning metal and brumestone. During the heist he was finding Kriana as he had burned himself, and she wasn't in her office.
  • Kriana Drakkir: A cleric responsible for worker health. She claims to have been in her office during the heist.

Alluvium District. If the mezzoloth escaped, the party can ask merchants about it in the Alluvium District to determine that the bag was handed over to a red dragonborn.

Mezzoloth Research. The party can search in a library or ask their faction for help learning about mezzoloths.

Revelations. The party can make the following deductions:

  • It was an inside job - no one saw the mezzoloth arrive.
  • Mezzoloths are fiends - to summon one, the thieves might worship Betrayer Gods linked to the Nine Hells or the Abyss (Asmodeus, Tiamat, Tharizdun, Lolth).
  • The ship's delay impacts the Temple of Bahamut, suggesting Tiamat worshippers are responsible.
  • Kriana and Arshan's alibis contradict each other.

Progression. If the party accuse Kriana, she is arrested, and only Ozwyn is present for the next section.

Maiden Voyage

The maiden voyage is to the port city of Shammel, a half day's journey north. Several prominent dragonborn members of the Temple of Platinum Dragon are present, including Elgrin, a monastic operative (CotN), and Tysha, a scholarly agent (CotN), who can aid in a fight.

Brumestone Stolen. Soon after departure a clay dragon ascends and attacks the ship, ridden by Kriana and Ozwyn. Embedded in the wings are the stolen brumestone crystals. The clay dragon uses the young blue dragon stat block, except its creature type is construct, and it is immune to spells or effects which would alter its form.

Brumestone Recovered. A backup plan is formulated by Kriana and Ozwyn. They present a clay dragon statue as a gift, which is put on deck, and they board the ship. Kriana has a scroll of feather fall. Soon after departure, they animate the statue, which attacks. It uses the young blue dragon stat block except changes noted above, and has no flying speed.

Dragon Attack. Kriana, Ozwyn and the construct attack the skyship and passengers. The skyship has AC 15 and 300 hit points (threshold 15).

Resolution. Once the dragon is dealt with, the party can enjoy a trip to Shammel and spend a few days in the beach resort of Dalen's Closet before the return journey.

Ank'Harel Sidequest:
Treasure Hunt


Leila Bardet, a human scholarly excavator (CotN) and visiting scholar to the Crystal Chateau, wishes to conduct an expedition into the desert north of Ank'Harel. When arriving by skyship, she spotted a huge heart-shaped rock formation, matching a legend of hidden treasure told to her by a mysterious figure in a tavern. The rock is in fact one of the lairs of Devo'ssa, the ancient brass dragon who rules Ank'Harel as J'mon Sa Ord.

The party might see a noticeboard listing for capable adventurers, or encounter Leila in the Sigil District. Leila offers to evenly split treasure from the expedition.

Desert Travel

The journey takes 8 days at a slow pace, 6 at a normal pace, or 4 at a fast pace. Roll or choose an encounter from the Desert Encounters table for each day of travel.

Mounts. A camel costs 20 gp plus 20 gp deposit each to rent, and can carry water for the duration. A griffon costs 100 gp plus 100 gp deposit each, and takes 4 days' flight.

Heat. Travel in the desert requires water and suitable clothing. Each character needs 2 gallons (16 lbs) of water per day (1/6 gallon per daylight hour). For every hour a character lacks water, suitable clothing, or travels at a fast pace, they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of the hour, or gain 1 level of exhaustion. The DC starts at 5 and increases by 1 for each additional hour.

Quicksand. Some encounters involve quicksand. It can be spotted with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A character standing in quicksand must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw each round. On a failure, they sink by 1 foot. If they sink 1 foot or more they are considered grappled; if immersed they begin suffocating. An ally can pull them out 1 foot with a successful DC 12 Strength check.

Devo'ssa's Lair

The rock formation is 300 feet tall and 1000 feet long. The interior has a large cavern lit by magical torches. The center has numerous piles of treasure. Statues line the walls.

Entering the Lair. The lair is guarded by an animated iron hippogriff. It uses the gorgon stat block, except it has a fly speed of 60 ft., and it uses beak and claw attacks in place of gore and hooves attacks. The hippogriff treats the party as allies if they provide a plum from the grove (encounter 10) or promise to add to the treasure, and will fly them through an illusory wall to the lair. The party can otherwise find the entrance with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check or through a spell such as detect magic.

Defenses. If treasure is taken, roll for initiative. On initiative count 20, lair actions occur on subsequent turns:

  1. Dancing lights is cast above the looting party member(s).
  2. Two helmed horrors activate and attack, prioritizing party members with dancing lights above their heads.
  3. Two stone golems animate and attack.
  4. A major image illusion of an ancient brass dragon appears (DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to recognize the illusion), encouraging the party to flee.

Treasure. A character can use their action to scoop up gold and gems worth 1d6 × 50 gp. Alternatively they can search for potions, scrolls, or magical items of the DM's choice.

Alternative Exit. A large painting of the Cerulean Palace in Ank'Harel shimmers on the wall opposite the entrance.

Escape the Lair

The party may choose to trek back through the desert or escape through the painting.

Tower of J'mon. If the party step through the painting, they emerge into J'mon's private library at the top of their tower. A staircase descends to a floor containing bedrooms, and below to a private throne room. A brumestone elevator descends from the throne room to the upper Cerulean Palace meeting rooms. A pair of veterans patrol each of these floors.

Resolution. The party acquire treasure and may learn of J'mon's true nature. Leila thanks the party for their help.

Desert Encounters
d10 Encounter
1 The party pass the site of a Calamity-era battle, seeing visions of soldiers fighting. Six skeletons emerge from the sand and attack. Necromantic energy spoils half of the food and water being carried.
2 Two bulettes attack, leaving quicksand in their wake.
3 The party encounter five thri-kreen wanderers (some may use variant options). They ask for food and water, and attack if refused. They have 50 gp between them.
4 The party hear the sound of beasts in a cave. Inside is a chimera, with a meager hoard worth 150 gp.
5 A harpy attempts to lure the party into quicksand. Three sandkhegs (desert ankhegs) emerge from the sand to attack creatures that are stuck.
6 The party find a zen garden containing intricate sand patterns around precisely placed boulders. A galeb duhr made the garden, and attacks if it is vandalized.
7 A sandstorm passes through. The party must make a group DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to stay on course. Otherwise 1 day is added to the journey.
8 The party encounter an old tower. A swarm of insects (scorpions) are in front of the entrance. Inside is a giant scorpion. A ladder leads to an upper floor with food, water, and two potions of greater healing.
9 The party encounter a cactus patch. A character can harvest 1 gallon of water per cactus but must make a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check or take 3 (1d6) piercing damage from the spines. A creature drinking the water must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.
10 The party unexpectedly find a grove of trees. At the center is a water supply, next to which is a plum tree with 4 plums. An awakened tree informs the party the plums can be used to tame beasts. If eaten, a creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If the creature has an Intelligence of 4 or higher, the spell that takes effect is hallucinatory terrain. Otherwise, the spell is animal friendship.

Ank'Harel Sidequest:
The Cult of Zehir


Eskasien, a spirit naga, has located Zehir's Arm of the Betrayer Lash of Shadows. He and the cult of Zehir's founder in Ank'Harel, a noble and medusa named Lady Adeline Najash, believe this is a sign from Zehir. Eskasien has devised a plan to free a yuan-ti abomination named Vorsk from prison to wield the weapon. They plan to lead the cult together, and with Vorsk as figurehead, backed with Adeline's finances and Eskasien's cunning, they plan to gain support for a coup to take Ank'Harel for Zehir.

Prison Break

Adeline has used some of her blood to make a poison of petrification (see below). She has dispatched four yuan-ti purebloods to the Scarlet Oubliette prison beneath the Cerulean Palace who have coated the poison onto their scimitars. A number of the guards at the prison have become petrified, allowing the yuan-ti to break Vorsk out.

Poison of Petrification. This poison is potent for 24 hours once created. Anyone who touches the poison that is not immune to poison damage must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save that creature begins to turn to stone and is restrained. At the end of their next turn, they repeat the save, becoming petrified on a failed save or ending the effect on a success.

Adventure Begins. When the party are in the Cerulean Palace, shouts are heard from the direction of the dungeons. Approaching, they find Vorsk and four yuan-ti purebloods fleeing in their direction. A guard attacked by one of the yuan-ti purebloods turns to stone before their eyes. Vorsk is a yuan-ti abomination but is unarmed.

If a fight breaks out, two veterans join after the first round, warning of the poison on the yuan-ti's blades. If the party are looking stronger, Vorsk polymorphs into a snake and attempts to head down a drain into the sewers. The yuan-ti purebloods defend his escape, fighting to the death.

Search for Clues

One of the guards asks the party for help reversing the petrification and hunting down the cult of Zehir.

Petrified Guards. The petrification can be reversed by greater restoration, performed at a temple in the Guided District. One of these guards heard the yuan-ti pureblood tell Vorsk Zehir's weapon has been found, and he was being broken out to lead the yuan-ti uprising.

Yuan-ti. One of the yuan-ti purebloods has a message from Eskasien. It notes that the cult is to be led henceforth by Eskasien, Vorsk, and Adeline, and that they were needed for the prison break mission.

Sewers. The sewers lead to Vorsk in Underridge.

Inmates. With a sufficient bribe, an inmate can inform the party that Vorsk spoke highly of Lady Adeline Najash.

Flying Snake. Vorsk was forewarned by a flying snake dispatched from the Windrunner airship, which is still in his cell. Speaking to the snake reveals the Windrunner's location.

Progression. The party can find clues and can take on the three cult leaders in any order. Each leader has further clues to help locate the others.

Vorsk: Underridge

If Vorsk escaped in the sewers, he retreats to Underridge, a small settlement of yuan-ti that live in caverns and sewers beneath The Ridge district. If Vorsk was killed, replace him with Ninia, a type 1 yuan-ti malison who rules Underridge.

Sewers. A chalk snake eye at sewer intersections leads the party in the direction of Underridge.

Facing Vorsk. The heart of Underridge is a large cavern with homes carved from clay walls. Vorsk is giving a speech when the party arrive. He wields Lash of Shadows in its dormant state. If confronted, he fights the party alone. As a lair action, on initiative count 20 Vorsk can call for aid, and a yuan-ti pureblood makes an attack before backing away.

Further Clues. Many yuan-ti are neutral and want to be accepted in society. They can be intimidated or persuaded to reveal Adeline's location. The marilith trapped within Lash of Shadows reveals that she was brought to Ank'Harel by airship, which is where Eskasien is still based.

Adeline: Najash Manor

Adeline's home is located in the Alluvium district next to the gardens. The grounds contain numerous statues, the petrified victims of Adeline. Two gargoyles guard the grounds from the roof.

Manor. Adeline is in a lounge with representatives from the Veil (two thugs) discussing support for the planned coup. She has a hooded robe that covers her snake hair and wears a mask to cover her eyes. Exploring the rest of the manor the party might find documents in her office, a lab for making the poison of petrification, a library with books about the petrification curse, and 1000 gp locked in a chest in her bedroom. There are no reflective surfaces in the manor.

Facing Adeline. The thugs join Adeline in fighting the party. As a lair action, on initiative count 20, Adeline directs a rug of smothering to make an attack.

Further Clues. Ledgers for the airship leads to Eskasien. A map and note provided by Ninia leads to Underridge.

Eskasien: Windrunner Airship

Eskasien traveled to Ank'Harel on Adeline's airship called Windrunner, which is moored in Indala Skyport.

Upper Deck. The upper deck is guarded by two yuan-ti purebloods and the captain, a type 3 yuan-ti malison. If the party are spotted, the captain spends two turns initiating take off, trapping the party aboard and alerting Eskasien.

Lower Deck. The entire lower deck crawls with a swarm of poisonous snakes and is difficult terrain. They don't attack unless provoked or as a lair action. Eskasien's quarters has a phylactery where his body reforms if killed, with AC 20 and 5 hit points.

Facing Eskasien. Eskasien is drawn out by the ship taking off but uses dimension door to go below deck if reduced to half health. As a lair action, on initiative count 20, Eskasien commands the snakes below deck to emerge and/or attack.

Further Clues. Adeline owns the Windrunner, and asking workers at the skyport about the ship leads to her. A map and note provided by Ninia leads to Underridge.


The cult is destroyed. If the party obtain Lash of Shadows it reaches its awakened state when they reach the Netherdeep, and its exalted state when they reach the Heart of Despair.