Expanded Blood Hunters

by Sonixerse

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Expanded Blood Hunter NPCs

Blood hunters

Blood hunters are enigmatic warriors that have sacrificed their own vitality or , in some cases, their very souls in exchange for power to acquire the power to fight supernatural creatures.

Supernatural Rites

Blood hunters acquire these special abilities through a special form of magic known as rites. These rites are incredibly harsh magical trials that imbue these individuals with monstrous power. Only those with the strongest of wills and endurance are able to endure such an incantation. Upon its completion, these rites grant them a variety of abilities that enhance their martial capabilities, physical endurance, and in some instances, change their form entirely. However, this power also comes with a great cost, as these individuals constantly struggle against being consumed by the very magic that empowers their monstrous foes.

Feared Defenders

Despite their dedication to protecting mortals from greater powers, many blood hunters tend to be misunderstood, feared, and even reviled due to their terrifying power. Unfortunately, this treatment has been known to cause blood hunters to give in to their inner struggle. In such circumstances, these corrupted individuals are even more terrifying than the monsters they hunt.

Blood Hunter Goals

Blood hunter goals can vary depending on the setting. Some blood hunters are part of secret orders dedicated to fight certain threats as part of their own directive or as a mercenary force. These orders also serve as a refuge for blood hunters, where they can master their special rites with the guidance of elder hunters.

Other blood hunters are solitary wanderers embarking on a personal quest against evil. Others simply work as mercenaries, offering their services to those with enough coin. In such circumstances, blood hunters have often been known to use their abilities to hunt mortal prey, instead of serving as mercenaries or assassins.

Blood Hunter Tactics

In combat, timing is extremely critical for a blood hunter. Since their primary abilities revolve around sacrificing their mortal vitality for supernatural strength, blood hunters are quite strategic on when they use their special abilities. If they are too careless or overexert themselves, it could lead to an untimely demise.

Calculating Hunters

In most circumstances, the blood hunter's first goal is to assess its enemy. Only by understanding the strength's and weaknesses of their opponent can they accurately gauge how to approach combat. Thanks to their enhanced senses, blood hunters are able to inconspicuously track down and monitor their quarry with relative ease

Blood Curse

The blood hunter's greatest weapon in its arsenal is its blood curse. Unlike many other magical effects, the blood curse is able to latch onto a creature's life force unhindered by most forms of natural or magical defenses. However, this ability require a significant portion of a blood hunter's life force to be effective. Because of the limited scope of this ability as well as its cost, blood hunter must have perfect timing with this ability. For example, if a blood hunter is in combat with multiple opponents, it will not use its blood curse in most circumstances as its cost would not give it a significant advantage.

Blood Curse

When used, the blood hunter's curse can inflict a number of debilitating effects on their opponent. The first immediate effect is that the blood curse significantly amplifies the hunter's rites, even allowing them to bypass the strongest of defenses. The blood curse also tethers the blood hunter's life force to that of their target, allowing them to share a portion of their pain when damaged.


Blood hunter's excel at individual combat, as they are specifically trained to battle much more powerful foes. Even when fighting multiple opponents, blood hunters typically focus on one opponent at a time to take them down in a matter of seconds. They save their blood curse for more powerful opponents to weaken its defenses while amplifying their own. This tactic makes a team of blood hunters extremely dangerous, as each blood hunter will select a single target to focus their attacks.

Adventurer Tactics

Adventurers must be extremely cautious when engaging enemy blood hunters. The best tactic to use against these individuals is to take advantage of whenever the blood hunter sacrifices its vitality for a blood curse. As there are few reliable methods to dispel the blood hunter's curse, the best method is to either support a marked creature or to hinder the blood hunter's ability to exploit the blood curse.

When marked by a blood hunter, a cursed target must be quite careful when directly engaging the blood hunter, not only due to the curse's ability to harm the attacker, but it opens up an opportunity for the blood hunter to unleash a flurry of rite empowered attacks against it.

The target's allies should focus on redirecting the blood hunter's focus away from the target, or at least make it extremely unfavorable for them to pursue the target. By using these strategies, a party can use the blood curse against their enemy, as the sacrifice would have been for little gain. This will make the blood hunter much more hesitant to use its Blood Curse against during the encounter, thus drastically reducing their overall effectiveness in battle.

Blood Hunter Types

The strength of blood hunters is often related to their experience.

Blood hunter initiate

Blood hunter initiates are typically new recruits to a specific blood hunter order. Because of their inexperience, many blood hunters initiates are quite limited in their ability to cast blood curses, as it requires a significant portion of their vitality. Because of this, blood hunter initiates typically travel in small teams of 4(1d6) so that they can gain experience in mastery their abilities while tackling powerful opponents.

Blood Hunter Adepts

Blood hunter adepts are seasoned monster hunters and are typically what comes to mind when one thinks of these warriors. They have fully mastered their ability to use their rites, allowing them to engage on solo missions if necessary. Because of their experience, blood hunter adepts are often responsible for training and mentoring initiates

Master Blood Hunters

In general, master blood hunters are incredibly rare. This is primarily because as blood hunters get more powerful, the easier it is for their power to consume them. Master blood hunters have acquired the necessary discipline to wield this power with incredible efficiency. Because of this, a single blood hunter master is powerful enough to single-handedly defeat power creatures such as high ranking fiends, dragons, and terrible monstrosities.

Blood Hunter Orders

Blood hunters can be categorized by the specific kind of rites that they use to empower themselves to fight the supernatural.

Blood Hunters

Blood hunters are one of the oldest orders that implement the art of hemocraft. It is believed that many blood hunter orders actually originated from this group, as many of the rituals behind many of the rites and blood curse contain basic elements of hemocraft.

These blood hunter are able to manipulate the blood of their target, granting them the ability to track their movement and even drain their vitality to refuel their own.

Demon Slayers

Demon slayers are an order of blood hunters dedicated to fighting devils and fiends. In many circumstances, demon slayer order specialize in seeking out the presences of fiends on the Material Plane, as well eliminating those who support those enemies. In some cases, these orders have been known to travel to the Abyss or Nine Hells, taking the fight directly to their foes to kill them for good.

Fey Hunters

Fey hunters specialize in protecting the Material Plane from the whimsical and devious machinations of many Fey. Fey hunters are known for their special blades lined with silver that are particularly effective against many Fey. Their special training also has enabled them to steel their minds against many tricks of the Fey, allowing them to redirect their magic and see through their illusions.

Ghost Slayers

Ghost slayers specialize in hunting the undead and putting them to rest. To fight their undead opponents, many ghost slayers have sacrificed a portion of their life force that allows them to tread the boundaries of life and death. This gives them the unique ability to phase through walls as a ghost and tether their life force to a living creature, making them incredibly hard to kill.

Hex Hunters

Hex hunters primarily focus on enhancing the potency and efficiency of their Blood Curse by imbuing it with hexes, often through stolen knowledge from hags. Because of their advanced blood curse, hex hunters are easily considered to be one of the most powerful orders as they are able to not only weaken their foe, but also amplify the attacks of their allies through the curse. However, the greatest achievement of hex hunters is the ability for their hexes to freely spread upon each slain foe, eliminating one of the greatest weaknesses of most blood hunters.

Therian Hunters

Whereas most blood hunters use their curse to debilitate their enemies, this order uses their blood curse to physically empower themselves by imbuing themselves with the essence of their monstrous foes through the curse of therianthropy. By sacrificing a bit of their vitality, therian hunters are able to assume the form of a powerful werebeast granting them incredible strength, speed, and endurance to battle much more powerful opponents.

Mutant Hunters

Mutant hunters endure a much harsher regimen to acquire their rites. Due to the intensity of these trials and rituals, mutant hunters tend to be much more resilient than other orders. Their heightened endurance not only makes them resistant against many toxins, they grow resilient to the detrimental effects of the blood curse. Because of this, mutant hunter are able to utilize their blood curses much more frequently, and in some cases, quite recklessly in comparison to other orders.

Pact Hunters

Whereas most blood hunters acquire their power through rites, pact hunters gain their rites from otherworldly entities. These hunters view that the only way to battle supernatural entities is to use their own power against them. Because of this, some pact hunters actually align themselves with powerful entities who support their cause. Others simply hunt down these creatures to steal the power for their own and imbue their essence into their rites.

Regardless of their methods, pact hunters have the unique abilities to cast spells and channel their rites into a focused blast. Due to their eldritch connection to the supernatural, they are able to use the essence of their patron to conjure the perfect spell from the aether to meet their needs

Spell Hunters

Whereas most blood hunters specialize in various kinds of creatures, spell hunters have fine-tuned their skills to effectively counter magic. Thanks to their rites and blood curses, they have an arsenal of skills at their disposal to disrupt and counter a creature's ability to channel magic. Although spell hunters have been known to fight supernatural creatures, they are commonly found hunting mortal prey as well.


Whereas ghost slayer's sacrifice a portion of their soul to stop the undead, revenants use their ability to give them an edge against the living. Due to their ability to slip between the boundaries of life and death, blood hunter revenants have the unique ability to pinpoint living creatures by honing in on their target's soul.

Because of their ability to manipulate the soul of their enemies, these blood hunters are considered to be the most dangerous of all the orders due to their ability to consume the souls of their quarry to regenerate any wounds they sustained from using their rites.

Rift Hunters

Rift hunter have dedicated themselves to maintain the integrity between the planes of the multiverse. Thanks to their rites, they have the unique ability to slip between the planes to quickly chase down prey or to evade harm. They have learned to imbue their blood curse with planar magic to temporarily banish and contain a creature to a pocket demiplane where the hunter can swiftly eliminate the threat. Because of their unique abilities, rift hunters are typically favored more than other orders, as they specialize in neutralizing their enemies with little collateral damage.

Shadow Hunter

The focus of shadow hunters emphasizes stealth over all else. Their special training gives them the ability to seemingly merge into the shadows, leaving no trace of their presence. These hunters have imbued their rites and blood curses with shadow magic. These blood hunters are extremely dangerous while in their element, since their special rites are significantly amplified while in darkness.

Thought Hunter

Thought hunters are another order that specializes in hunting mortal prey in addition to the supernatural. Their training gives them the special ability to reach into the minds of nearby creatures to decipher their basic thoughts. Because of this, their skills are valued as spies and assassins.

Due to their ability to glimpse into the minds of their prey, thought hunters have acquired a natural resilience to many of the mental side effects of entering another creature's mind.

Wyrm Hunter

Wyrm hunters are a legendary order dedicated to specifically hunting dragons. Although all wyrm hunters are proficient in hunting dragons, each member is especially adept at slaying a particular dragon.

As a part of their rite trials, warm hunters are tasked with slaying a dragon and then imbuing the dragon's magic into their bodies through a painful ritual of infusing the dragon's scales into their body.

Due to this special trial, warm hunters are able to temporarily become more draconic in appearance, acquiring dragon wings and unleashing the breath of a dragon.

Blood Hunter Initiate

Medium Hunter, varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
  • Hit Points 51 (6d8+18)
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +5, Con +5
  • Skills Athletics +5, Arcana +5, Investigation +5, Stealth +5
  • Senses darkvision 60ft
  • Languages Common and two languages of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 4 (1100 xp)

Blood Rite Whenever the blood hunter deal damage according use its blood rite die, it can deal its choice of cold, fire, or lightning damage.

Otherworldly Sense The blood hunter can pinpoint the location of an aberration, celestial, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, or undead within 60ft. of them

Shared Pain When the blood hunter takes damage from a creature under its blood curse, the attacker takes 3(1d4) rite damage.

Steeled Mind The blood hunter has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws

Rite DC

Some blood hunters have special abilities based on their Blood Rites. The ability for these effects is Intelligence (Rite save DC 12, +4 to hit with Rite attacks)


Multiattack. The blood hunter can make two weapon attacks on their turn

Rite Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+3) slashing damage + 3(1d4) damage according to your blood rite.

Rite Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 100/400ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+3) piercing damage + 3(1d4) damage according to your blood rite.

Bonus Action

Blood Curse (Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) The blood hunter can choose one creature it can see within 30ft. of the blood hunter is branded with a curse. Each time the blood hunter deals damage to the target, that creature takes an additional 5(2d4) damage according to the blood hunter's rite damage type. This effect lasts for one minute or until the blood hunter uses this ability again. The blood hunter can only curse one creature at a time in this manner


Exposing Strike(Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) When the blood hunter deals damage to a creature, the target is considered to be vulnerable to the damage from that attack

Blood Hunter Adept

Medium Hunter, varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
  • Hit Points 120 (12d8+48)
  • Speed 40ft.

18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +7, Con +8
  • Skills Athletics +8, Arcana +7, Investigation +7, Stealth +7
  • Senses darkvision 60ft
  • Languages Common and two languages of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Challenge 9 (5000 xp)

Blood Rite Whenever the blood hunter deal damage according use its blood rite die, it can deal its choice of cold, fire, or lightning damage.

Otherworldly Sense The blood hunter can pinpoint the location of an aberration, celestial, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, or undead within 120ft. of them

Shared Pain When the blood hunter takes damage from a creature under its blood curse, the attacker takes 4(1d6) rite damage.

Steeled Mind The blood hunter has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws

Rite DC

Some blood hunters have special abilities based on their Blood Rites. The ability for these effects is Intelligence (Rite save DC 15, +7 to hit with Rite attacks)


Multiattack. The blood hunter can make two weapon attacks on their turn

Rite Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+4) slashing damage + 4(1d6) damage according to your blood rite.

Rite Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 100/400ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+3) piercing damage + 4(1d6) damage according to your blood rite.

Bonus Action

Blood Curse (Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) The blood hunter can choose one creature it can see within 30ft. of the blood hunter is branded with a curse. Each time the blood hunter deals damage to the target, that creature takes an additional 7(2d6) damage according to the blood hunter's rite damage type. This effect lasts for one minute or until the blood hunter uses this ability again. The blood hunter can only curse one creature at a time in this manner.


Exposing Strike(Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) When the blood hunter deals damage to a creature, the target is considered to be vulnerable to the damage from that attack

Blood Hunter Master

Medium Hunter, varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
  • Hit Points 190 (20d8+100)
  • Speed 40ft.

20 (+5) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +8, Con +10
  • Skills Athletics +10, Arcana +9, Investigation +9, Stealth +8
  • Senses darkvision 60ft
  • Languages Common and two languages of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +5
  • Challenge 14 (11500 xp)

Blood Rite Whenever the blood hunter deal damage according use its blood rite die, it can deal its choice of cold, fire, or lightning damage.

Legendary Actions (3 / day) When the blood hunter fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the blood hunter can make a weapon attack against a creature within range. This attack can benefit from the blood hunter's Exposing Strike without sacrificing hitpoints.

Magical Attacks The blood hunter's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Otherworldly Sense The blood hunter can pinpoint the location of an aberration, celestial, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, or undead within 300ft. of them

Shared Pain When the blood hunter takes damage from a creature under its blood curse, the attacker takes 9(2d8) rite damage.

Steeled Mind The blood hunter has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws

Rite DC

Some blood hunters have special abilities based on their Blood Rites. The ability for these effects is Intelligence (Rite save DC 17, +9 to hit with Rite attacks)


Multiattack. The blood hunter can make two weapon attacks on their turn

Rite Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10+5) slashing damage + 5(1d8) damage according to your blood rite.

Rite Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 100/400ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+3) piercing damage + 5(1d8) damage according to your blood rite.

Bonus Action

Blood Curse (Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) The blood hunter can choose one creature it can see within 30ft. of the blood hunter is branded with a curse. Each time the blood hunter deals damage to the target, that creature takes an additional 9(2d8) damage according to the blood hunter's rite damage type. This effect lasts for one minute or until the blood hunter uses this ability again. The blood hunter can only curse one creature at a time in this manner


Exposing Strike(Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) When the blood hunter deals damage to a creature, the target is considered to be vulnerable to the damage from that attack

Legendary Actions (3/turn)

The blood hunter can take three legendary actions on its turn. It can only use one legendary action on a turn and must use it at the end of a creature's turn. The blood hunter regains all expended legendary action at the start of each of its turn.

Movement (1 action) The blood hunter can move up to half its movement speed without provoking attacks of opportunity

Weapon Strike (1 action) The blood hunter can make one weapon attack on its turn

Resilience(3 action) The blood hunter can end one spell effect or status condition on itself.

Blood Hunter

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Blood Binding Creatures under its Blood Curse cannot regain hitpoints for the duration of the effect.

Blood Frenzy When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against a creature below half its hitpoint maximum, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against that creature

Blood Sense The blood hunter can pinpoint the location of a creature that is below half its hitpoint maximum while it is within 120ft. of the blood hunter.

Corrupted Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals necrotic damage.

Vampiric Rite When the blood hunter deals damage to a creature under its Blood Curse, the blood hunter regains a number of hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage dealt.


Blood Bind When the blood hunter takes damage while a creature is under its blood curse, it can use its reaction to take half damage. Creatures under the Blood Curse takes the other half as necrotic damage instead

Demon Slayer

Damage Resistances Poison, Fire

Demon Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals its choice of fire or poison damage.

Devil Sight The blood hunter's vision is not shrouded by magical darkness

Demon Hunter When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against an Fiend, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against an Fiend

Fiend Bane If the blood hunter uses its blood curse on a Fiend, it gains the benefits of protection from Good and Evil for the duration of the effect.

Magical Attacks The blood hunter's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Fey Hunter

Damage Resistances Psychic

Faerie Rite The blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals psychic

Faerie Hunter When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against an Fey, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against an Fey

Fey Twist When the blood hunter succeeds a saving throw against being charmed and frightened by an effect that targets only one creature, it can redirect the effect back at the target instead.

Moon Gaze The blood hunter can see the true form a creature hidden by illusion or invisibility

Silvered Attacks The blood hunter's attacks count as silvered for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Bonus Actions

Silver Dust the blood hunter can teleport up to its movement speed to a spot that it can see within range. When it leaves within 10ft. of a creature of its choice, that creature take psychic damage equal to the blood hunter's Rite damage die.


  • Damage Resistances Necrotic

Death Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals radiant damage.

Ghost Stride The blood hunter can move through the space of other creatures or objects. If it ends it turn in another creature's space, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space take 6 (1d10) force damage for every 5ft. the blood hunter is shunted

Grave Hunter When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against an undead, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can male one additional weapon attack against an Undead

Undying Curse While its Blood Curse is active, when the blood hunter is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can make a Constitution saving throw equal to half the damage dealt (minimum of 10). On a success, the bloodhunter regains 1 hitpoint instead.


Death Grasp When the blood hunter reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it can command the target to make on melee weapon attack against a creature of the blood hunter's choice within range

Hex Hunter

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Hex Curse Creatures under the Blood Curse has a penalty to all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws equal to the Blood Hunter's Rite Die

Infinite Hex Whenever a creature under Blood Curse takes damage, it takes additional damage equal to the rite die of the blood hunter for the duration.


Endless Hex When the blood hunter reduces a creature under its Blood Curse to 0 hitpoints, it can use its reaction to move the curse to another creature. Upon using this feature, the duration of Blood Curse resets.


  • Movement 40ft., 40ft. swim, 40ft. climb
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Therian Rite The blood hunter's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance

Therian Regeneration While in its Therian Regeneration, the blood hunter regains a number of hitpoints equal to 10 times half its proficiency bonus(rounded down) at the start of each of its turns as long as the blood hunter has at least 1 hitpoint

Therian Hunt The blood hunter has advantage on attack rolls against creatures under its Blood Curse

Bonus Actions

Therian Transformation (Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) The blood hunter can transform into a therianthropic form gaining the following features for one minute or until it its reduced to 0 hitpoints

  • It can can make one additional melee weapon attack whenener it takes the Attack action
  • It gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-silvered attacks


Hunter's Howl Creatures of the blood hunter's choice within 60ft. must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to its Rite DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures are considered frightened until the end of the blood hunter's next turn.

Mutant Hunter

  • Damage Resistances Acid, Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Axiomic Sight The mutant hunter can see the true form a creature that are shapechangers or are under the effects of polymorph and similar effects.

Corrosive Curse A creature under the Blood Curse is considered poisoned for the duration and takes damage equal to twice the blood hunter's Rite die at the start of each of its turns for the duration of that effect.

Corrosive Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals is choice of acid or poison damage.

Curse Resistance Whenever, the mutant hunter takes damage from using its Blood Curse, it only takes half damage instead.

Pact Hunter

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Eldritch Curse A creature under the Blood Curse has disadvantage on saving throws against the blood hunter's spell effects for the duration

Gift of the Pact(2 slots/ short rest) The blood hunter can cast any spells of its choice from any class list. The blood hunter can cast these spells at its highest level (equal to the blood hunter's proficiency bonus).

Pact Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals its choice of damage.

Power Stealer When the blood hunter reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints using its Blood Curse, it recovers an expended spell slot


Multiattack The blood hunter can substitute any weapon attack for a Rite Blast

Rite Blast Ranged Weapon Attack: the blood hunter's Intelligence modifer + its proficiency bonus to hit, 300ft., one target. Hit: Twice the Pact Hunter's Rite die +Intelligence modifier damage (the damage type matches its Rite Die)

Eldritch Channeling (Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) The blood hunter can cast a spell using is Gift of the Pact without expending a spell slot.

Spell Hunter

Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Arcana Sense The blood hunter can pinpoint the location of a spell effect within 120ft. of it. It can also determine if a creature in range is a spellcaster.

Magic Resistance The blood hunter's has advantage on saving throws against spell effects.

Mana Curse Creatures under the blood hunter's Blood Curse have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration.

Mana Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals force damage.

Spell Hunter When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against a creature concentrating on a spell effect, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against the target


Spellbreak When a target under the Blood Curse casts a spell, the blood hunter can force that creature to make a Charisma saving throw equal to the blood hunter's Rite DC. On a failed saving throw, the target takes force damage equal to a number of rite die equal to 1 + the spell's level and the spell effect immediately fails and is wasted. On a successful saving throw, the target is unaffected.


  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Soul Taker When the blood hunter kills a creature under its Blood Curse to 0 hitpoints under its Blood Curse, it regains 10 hitpoints

Soul Sight The blood hunter can pinpoint the location of a living creature within 60ft. of it

Revenant's Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals force damage.

Reaper When the blood hunter uses its Attack action against a creature that is not an undead or construct, the blood hunter can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against the target

Revenant's Fortitude While its Blood Curse is active, when the blood hunter is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can make a Constitution saving throw equal to half the damage dealt (minimum of 10). On a success, the blood hunter regains 1 hitpoint instead.

Rift Hunter

Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Dimensional Stride The blood hunter can move through the space of other creatures or objects. If it ends it turn in another creature's space, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space take 6 (1d10) force damage for every 5ft. the blood hunter is shunted

Dimensional Strike Creatures under the Blood Curse must succeed a Charisma saving throw equal to the blood hunter's Rite DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is banished to a pocket demiplane for the duration. A creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns for the duration of the effect. On a successful saving throw, the target returns to its original spot, or the nearest unoccupied location and is immune to being banished in this manner for the next 24 hours

Planar Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals force damage.

Planar Strikes When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against a creature in the blood hunter's pocket demiplane, the blood hunter can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against that creature

Bonus Actions

Planar Blink The blood hunter can teleport to a pocket demiplane or vice versa as a bonus action


Planar Tether When a creature under the Blood Curse attempts to leave or teleport 30ft. or more away from the blood hunter, the blood hunter can use its reaction to force it to make a Charisma saving throw against the blood hunter's rite DC. On a failed saving throw, the target's movement speed is reduced to 0 and any attempt to teleport is automatically fails and the target takes force damage equal to a number of rite die equal to the blood hunter's proficiency bonus.

Shadow Hunter

Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Gloom Sight The blood hunter's vision is not shrouded by magical darkness

Shadow Curse Creatures under the blood hunter's blood curse are considered blinded for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, creatures must repeat the Constitution saving throw equal to the blood hunter's Rite DC, ending the effect on a success. Upon a success, the creature is immune to being blinded in this manner for the next 24 hours.

Shadow Evasion While in dim light or darkness, whenever the blood hunter fails a saving throw against a saving throw that deals damage, it takes half damage and none on a success.

Shadow Hunter When the blood hunter takes the Attack action while in dim light or darkness, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against the target

Shadow Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals necrotic damage.

Bonus Actions

Shadow Stealth While in dim light or darkness, the blood hunter can use its bonus action to Hide

Thought Hunter

  • Damage Resistances Psychic
  • Languages Telepathy 120ft.
  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Dread Curse Creatures under the Blood Curse are considered frightened for the duration of the effect

Oracle Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals psychic damage.

Shielded Mind When the blood hunter fails an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage and none on a success.

Synaptic Overload When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against a creature that is charmed, frightened, or stunned, the blood hunter can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against that creature as part of its Attack action

Thought Reader The blood hunter can read the surface thoughts of a creature within 30ft.

Wyrm Hunter

  • Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison (choose 1)
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Draconic Rite When the blood hunter deals damage with its rite, it deals its choice of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage.

Dragon Hunter When the blood hunter takes the Attack action against an Dragon, it can add one additional Rite die to each of its damage rolls and can make one additional weapon attack against an Dragon

Dragon's Presence (Draconic Transformation only) Each creature of the blood hunter's choice that is within 30 feet of the blood hunter and is aware of it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw equal to the Blood hunter's RIte DC or become frightened for 1 minute.

A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the blood hunter's Dragon's Presence for the next 24 hours.


Multiattack(Draconic Transformation only) The wyrm hunter can make a Draconic breathe attack and two weapon attacks on its turn.

Draconic Breath(Draconic Transformation only) Creatures of the blood hunter's choice within 30ft. cone must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to its Rite DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures in range take damage equal to a number of blood hunter Rite die equal to the blood hunter's proficiency bonus. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half damage.

Bonus Actions

Draconic Transformation(Sacrifice 10 hitpoints) The blood hunter can transform into their draconic form gaining the following features for one minute or until it its reduced to 0 hitpoints

  • The blood hunter gains a flying speed equal to its walking speed
  • The blood hunter's armor class increases by 3
  • The blood hunter has advantage on saving throws against spell effects. For the duration of this effect, whenever the blood hunter succeeds a saving throw against a spell effect, it takes no damage.

A special Thanks to my Patrons

Mythic Patrons

Marcella V., Mercyque, Chandlor D., Marshmellow Owlbear, Jake C., The Emcredible , Terra Nova, Kandros Vashtet, Shrike, Camden, DJ Stribj, Tom L., Daniel C.

Legendary Patrons

Daniel M., Eddie, Sir Prize, Steven K., Adiin_JKC, Kate, James

Epic Patrons

Brad E., Jordan B, Flamerules3, Vincent, Alex D, Aaron S., Captain Blackwood. Jacob S. , Razi R., Damien T., Tallon M., Peter R., Douglas B., John B., Nathan S., Joseph L., Cyptossarian, Caleb A., Andrew W., Glenn S., Andrew C., Justin R., Ilheath, Particle Man, Dharmatrails, Thomas P.

Art Credits

Cover Art: Svetlin Velinov

Blood Hunter Initiate: Steve Prescott

Blood Hunter Adept: Steve Prescott

Master Blood Hunter: Ryan Barger

Patron Art: Jana Schrimer and Johannes Voss

Back Cover: Igor Kieryluk

Watercolor Stains: Jared Ondricek

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