Risk of Rain

by Lebster

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Risk of Rain TTRPG


This TTRPG is based off of the lore and mechanics of Risk of Rain 1 and 2. Various elements are going to be taken from both games.

General Character Creation Walkthrough


I plan to greater flesh out the backgrounds, work out how items should work, finish the void fiend, finish the rest of the classes, balance things out, create a survival system, create a director-like area management system, write the rest of the items, fill in lore gaps, and add a feat like system in place of traits.

Feedback Requests

  • What do you think of the general direction of the work?
  • How do you think items should stack?
  • How similar should the items here be to the actual game?
  • Do any classes seem OP? Looking at sniper.
  • Does anything specific need more explanation?
  • Do you see anything that you think should be cut? I don't want to bloat this project too much.
  • Any thoughts on the combat system?
  • Should the Void Touched stay their own class or should Void corruption be some kind of mechanic?

Class Feedback

Regarding classes, the standard lemurian would probably be like 5 HP or something for scale. For each class I'm trying to stay true to their role in Risk of Rain 1 and 2, but I also want them to be able to stand out in this adaptation.

Table of Contents

Basic Rules




General Character Creation Walkthrough

Basic Rules


Strength, dexterity, charisma, intelligence, wisdom, luck, precision, and constitution. Stats can be picked from a predetermined array. Each archetype gets Bonuses in character creation. Pre chosen stats: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. Every character gets a base luck of 5 and this can be increased through leveling.

Stat modifiers:

Score Mod
0 -5
1 -4
2 -3
3 -2
4 -1
5 +0
6 +1
7 +2
8 +3
9 +4
10 +5
11 +6
12 +7
13 +8
14 +9
15 +10


There are 4 types of languages: Human, Sign, Code, and Monster.

Human is commonly spoken by all humans. This language requires spoken word and can be distorted by water or deafening by other means.

Sign is completely spoken by hand. This one is not as common. For a person to comprehend this language, they must have line of sight on the words being signed out. This can be distorted if one's vision is impaired.

Code is a more rare language that is not spoken or signed out. It is used to communicate with machines or to communicate to people across more archaic or broken machines.

Monster is a verbal language almost never heard from humans. This language has variations across different types of monsters, for example, if you can understand a beetle's squeaks you wont understands a leemurian's speak. If this language is taken, it is usually specificed what variation it is.

A new language can be learned through tutoring or gained through a trait gain.


Skill Parent Score
Vehicles PRE
Gambling LUC
Any Weapons Listed
Athletics STR
Acrobatics DEX
Sleight of Hand DEX
Stealth DEX
Magical Knowledge INT
History INT
Investigation INT
Religion INT
Mechanical INT
Navigation WIS
Medical WIS
Perception WIS
Survival WIS
Intimidation CHA
Performance CHA
Persuasion CHA

Proficiency Example:

If someone is proficient in something, they add their profiency bonus. So if a survivor is trying to make a campfire, then they will roll their WIS and then add a proficiency bonus if they are proficient in survival.

Proficiencies can be gained from traits and leveling. If there is something specific that you think that your character would be good at but not listed ask your narrator and it could be sorted out.

Size Tables

Creatures can be many different sizes. A creature 1 size class smaller than another can move through them with a successful DEX check. But a creature at least 2 sizes smaller than another can freely move through tiles occupied by a creature larger than them.

Size Parameters Tiles
Small Less than 4ft by 4ft 4 per tile
Medium ~5ft by ~5ft 1 per tile
Big ~10ft by ~10ft 1 per 3 tiles
Huge ~15ft by 15ft 1 per 8 tiles
Gigantic ~20ft by ~20ft or more 1 per 10 tiles or more

There are four states of play: Combat, exploration, and downtime. These will be explored in depth on the next pages.

Exploration Rules

Exploration is the phase of play where players make their way through the environment. This phase includes looting and navigating terrain.

Exploration takes place in turns. Each turn in exploration is strictly 5 minutes and each action takes place in that time frame. Each tile in the exploration phase represents 25 feet.



If you would like to avoid catching the attention of nearby enemies, you must do a group stealth roll. If a group stealth roll is below the enemy's perception that would see you is failed, the party gets ambushed. An ambush leads to the initiative being skipped and the ambushers going first.

Type Speed Stealth/DEX Mod
Stealthed Movement 100 ft +8
Cautious Movement 125 ft +5
Normal Movement 150 ft +0
Brisk Movement 200 ft -5
Rushed Movement 250 ft -8

Terrain Types

Type Stealth/DEX Mod Desc
Flat +0 Normal terrain
Dangerous -4 Slippery, restricted or otherwise dangerous terrain.


When navigating the Petrichor expanse, you are bound to come across loot. The following tables will list loot tables for different kinds of containers. Rules for loot generation are in the generation segment. When looting, a 1d100 is rolled. This roll takes the roller's LUCK stat into consideration.

Standard Chests

Type Price Common Uncommon Rare Equipment Lunar
Small Chest $25 0-79 80-99 100 - -
Large Chest $50 - 0-80 81-100 - -
Equipment Barrel $45 - - - 0-100 -
Legendary Chest $400 - - 0-100 - -
Lockbox Key - 0-80 81-100 - -
Lunar - - - - - 0-100

After the roll is returned, you then roll on the loot table of the item type that you rolled.

Shop Terminal

This chest type offers three pre-generated items that are picked in generation. Only one item from these terminals can be purchased, unless the customer has the executive credit card on them.

Type Price Rarity
Common Terminal $25 Common
Uncommon Terminal $50 Uncommon
Equipment Terminal $50 Equipment

Cloaked Chest

These chests are hard to spot. Therefor, if they are generated they can only be detected by characters with a perception of 15 or above. It uses the small chest loot table.


Shrines are interactables, that either have special rules or a do more than just offer items.

Shrine of Chance

Shrines of chance are cheap upfront but have a chance to fail. With each purchase made at a shrine of chance the price increases by $10 each attempt. Shrines of chance become disabled when there are two successful items given.

Type Price Common Uncommon Rare Equipment Lunar
Chance $15 45-81 82-90 100 91-99 -

Shrine of Blood

When this shrine is activated half of your health is taken, but you gain the lost HP in $. For example: if you have 4HP and you activate the shrine, you end up with 2HP and $2 richer.

Shrine of the Mountain

When activated, this shrine adds a floating symbol to the area's teleporter. This symbol means that when activated, the mountain's challenge is going to occur instead of the normal battle. The challenge of the mountain means that all bosses that were to spawn normally are doubled. With the bosses doubling, the reward is doubled.

Shrine of the Woods

This shrine costs $25 base and +$10 per purchase and creates a healing aura that heals all players in the same tile for 1d6 HP + 1d4 per purchase (max 3 purchases).

Shrine of Order

This shrine is free. It takes one random item of each rarity in the activator's inventory and converts each item matching that rarity into that one. Example: You have a common Warbanner and three other commons. This shrine randomly picks the warbanner and converts all of the common items into that, doing so for each rarity.

Altar of Gold

This is a rare shrine that makes a portal to the Gilded Coast appear when the teleporter is charged. Activation costs $200.

Combat Rules

Combat is always started with each party rolling initiative and adding their totals. The teams get to take their turns in order of who had the highest initiative total.

Combat turns are composed of actions. Each action takes the specified amount of turns. You can use all of your actions until your fail a check. For example: if you are on your second turn and you try to hit but fail, your turn ends.

The first action is a free action and will not matter if you fail it. If the second action is failed, your turn ends. On the third turn, you get a -4 penalty to all checks and to hit rolls. On the fourth turn, you get a -6 penalty to all checks and to hit rolls On the fifth turn you get a -8 penalty to all checks and to hit rolls, but all damage dies are doubled (Tripled with crit). Add a -3 penalty to every all checks and to hit rolls after the 5th, and all damage dies are doubled (Tripled with crit).

Main Actions


You use the specified amount of actions to take an attack with a specified weapon. You roll to hit and add modifiers. If the roll is equal or higher to the target AC, then you roll the damage. The damage is specified on the weapon. You can take multiple attacks in one round. You can use a weapon multiple times, but you may only use a skill once per turn.


At the start of a turn you get 30 feet that you can move. This movement can be used at any point in the turn.

Use Item

Take an action to use an item. An item can only be used once per turn.

Only one of these per turn

Guard, reload, speak, and ready are seperate from the main action system, can only be used once per turn, and none of them can be used again on the same turn if one is taken.


Take one action to give enemies a disadvantage die on attacking you and an advantage die on saving throws. A guard is broken when you take another action.


Take one action to load ammo from your supply into a chosen weapon.


You may take one action to try to persuade or intimidate a target. Remarks do not Apply to this.


Take an action to interact with the environment. This can be opening a container, turning on a machine, or lifting an object. They may require an ability check.

Combat Terms

  • "x Attacks": The amount of turns one can fire this weapon until they must reload.
  • "Critical Success": Natural 20. For attacks damage dies are doubled and checks are a critical success.
  • "Critical Failure": Natural 1.
  • Piercing: Hits all target directly behind.
  • Splash: Hits all creatures adjacent to the target tile.
  • Teleport: Instantly travel to a destination ignoring obstacles, like pits or traps.

Mainly Combat Status Effects

  • Bleed: Take (1d4 - 1) damage every round for two rounds.
  • Stun: Target loses one action on their next turn.
  • Burn: Target takes one damage every round for 3 rounds.
  • Freeze: Target loses one action and all damage taken gets an additional 1d4.
  • Obscured: Target can not be seen without a roll.
  • Marked: Victim has an additional 1d6 of damage added to all damage taken.
  • Slowed: Target's speed is halved.
  • Cloaked: Target gets an additional advantage die when stealthing.
  • Armor boost: All attacks toward the target must add an additional disadvantage die.
  • Regenerative: Target gains 1d4 hp per round.
  • Cripple: Target is slowed by half and all attackers gain an additional advantage die.
  • Poison: Deal 1 damage for 4 rounds. Does not kill.
  • Exposed: When a target with the exposed debuff gets hit by the person who applied the debuff they add an extra 1d6 to the damage roll, the attacker gets an extra free action, and then the buff gets removed.

Weapon Proficiencies

If you are proficient in a weapon, you add the required stat and the proficiency bonus to hit. Then if you hit, you add your proficiency bonus to the final damage.

Combat Rules

There are plenty of weapons at your survivor's disposal. The classes of weapons are: generic ranged, generic melee, thrown, and exotic. Generic weapons are typically easy to come by, exotics are more rare,

Generic Ranged:

Name Cost Damage Info
Pistol $5 1d4 (PRE/DEX, range 5ft - 60ft, 3 attacks, Duel compatible, 9mm)
Rifle $10 1d6 (PRE, range 30ft - 120ft, 5 attacks, two handed, 7mm)
Sniper $15 1d10 (PRE, range 50ft - 165ft, 4 attacks, two handed, 8mm)
Grenade Launcher $15 1d6 (PRE/LUC, range 10ft - 50ft, two handed, 4 attacks, Splash, grenade)
Shotgun $15 1d8 (PRE/DEX, range 0ft - 40ft, 4 attacks, two handed, splash, 12ga)
Automatic Shotgun $15 1d6 (PRE/DEX, range 0ft - 40ft, 5 attacks, splash, 12ga)
Lazer Bow $10 1d6 (PRE, range 10 - 100ft, 1 attacktwo handed, silent, arrow)

Generic Melee:

Name Cost Damage Info
Lazer Longsword $10 1d10 (STR, 5ft, two handed)
Lazer War Axe $10 1d6 + 1d4 (STR, 5ft, two handed)
Lazer Polearm $10 1d8 (STR/DEX, 10ft, two handed)
Lazer Sword $5 1d6 (STR, 5ft, dual compatible)
Knife $5 1d4 (DEX, 5ft, 1d4, dual compatible, throwable 0ft-25ft)
Machete $5 1d4 (STR, 5ft, 1d4, advantage on flora)
Hand Axe $5 1d4 (STR, 5ft, 1d4, dual compatible, throwable 0ft - 25ft)
Crowbar $5 1d4 (STR, 5ft, 1d4, dual compatible, can be used to break and enter)

Generic Thrown:

Name Cost Damage Info
Grenade $3 1d6 (PRE/LUC 35ft, splash, thrown)
Throwing Knife $2 1d4 (PRE/DEX 30ft, thrown)


There are 6 main types of ammo: 9mm, 12ga, 7mm, 8mm, grenade, missile, and arrow.


If you do not heave a weapon, you make an unarmed strike. Unarmed Strike (5ft, 1d4)


Name Cost Damage Info
Rocket Launcher $20 1d8 ((PRE, range 0ft - 60ft, 1 attacks, two handed, missile)
Railgun $20 1d12 (PRE, range 60ft - 165ft, 1 attacks, two handed, rods)
Flame Thrower $30 1d6 (PRE, range 10ft - 45ft, 5 attacks, two handed, gasoline, splash, inflicts burn)
Minigun $25 1d4 (PRE, range 5ft - 70ft, 10 attacks, two handed, 9mm, splash)
Shield $25 1d4 (STR, Range 5ft, Dual Compatible, Adds an extra +(0+CON) to your AC)

Dual Compatible

A weapon that is tagged with dual compatible can be held and used with 1 hand. This tag allows the user to attack with both of the weapons in their hands in one action. So for example, one action used to attack with the commandos dual pistols would roll 2d20, and if both of them hit it would do 2d4. Only roll damage for the shots hit.

Going Unconscious

If you hit zero HP, you go unconscious. When you are unconscious you make 3 rolls, if at least three of these rolls are above 10 you are restored to 1 HP. But if 2 or more of them are below 10 you die. A roll is made every round in combat, or every hour/30 minutes/10 minutes outside of combat depending on the severity of the wounds. Getting attacked will count as one failed death roll, but taking any healing or successful medkit treatment will count as a successful roll.


Dun dun dun

If you hit zero HP and all of your death rolls fail, you die. No big suprise. Death is mostly achieved by taking too much damage in combat, so dont do that. There is no way to revive a character that has died (Except for one item).


If an attacker's view of their target is being obfuscated by terrain or another creature, add an additional disadvantage die.


These are not items, but they are things that your character can buy before the game.

Name Credit Worth
Flashlight (2 hour life) $3
Sleeping Bag $3
30 feet of Rope $4
Bottle of Oil $5
Gasoline $5
1 Day of Rations $7
Medkit $10
Binoculars $6
Crowbar $5
Cards $4
Dice $3
Digital Logbook $2
Jug $5
Grappeling Hook $5
Net $6
Handcuffs $6
Carpenting Tools $7
Disguise Kit $8
Crafting Tools $7
Alchemy Tools $7
Instrument $6


Items are tools, equiptment, powerups, or weapons that have the potential to be greatly powerful. Some of them may need some creative application to realize their true power. There are six tiers of items: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Planet, Lunar, Void, and Active.


id Name Worth Description
1 Armor Piercing Rounds $10 Deal an additional 1d4 to targets of a larger class. Plus 1d4 per stack.
2 Backup Magazine $15 You may use the same skill twice in one turn. +1 per stack.
3 Bundle of Fireworks $10 Fireworks (PRE/LUC(-4 to hit), range 0ft - 50ft, 3 attacks, 1d10) that deal a large amount of damage when hit.
id Name Worth Description
4 Bustling Fungus $15 Standing still heals you. In combat it you forgo movement for a turn, you may take 1d6 healing and everyone in a 5 foot radius takes 1d4. +5 feet range and +1 healing per stack.
5 Cautious Slug $15 Slowly heal one HP per two hours outside of combat. +1 HP per stack.
6 Delicate Watch $10 Deal an additional (1d4 + 1) to targets, but if you go below 1/4th of your total hp it breaks and the effect is null. +1d4 per stack.
7 Warbanner $20 Warbanner, that when it is placed down it creates a 5 foot radius that gives advantage to hit. +5 feet per stack.
8 Energy Drink $10 Movement speed is increased by 10 feet. +10 per stack.
9 Focus Crystal $15 All damage done in a 10 feet range adds a (1d4 +1) damage die to targets. +1d4 per stack.
10 Lens Maker's Glasses $20 19s are now also a critical success along with a 20. Each stack makes another number a crit, so with two glasses 18, 19, and 20 are critical strikes.
11 Monster Tooth Necklace $15 Killing an enemy now drops a healing orb that heals for 1d4 hp when picked up. +1d4 per stack.
12 Personal Shield Generator $15 You get additional shield equal to your CON modifier that regenerates by one point when no damage is taken between your turns. +half your con mod per stack.
13 Power Elixir $10 Drinking this heals you for 1d10 HP.
14 Repulsion Armor Plate $10 All damage taken is reduced by 1. +1 per stack.
15 Rusted Key $5 This key might come in useful sometime
16 Soldier's Syringe $15 You gain an extra free action.. +1 per stack.
17 Sticky Bomb $10 (PRE/DEX(+4 to hit), range 0ft - 35ft, 1d8, thrown)
18 Stun Grenade $10 (PRE/DEX, range 0ft - 35ft, thrown) Inflicts two levels of stun on the target when hit.
19 Topaz Brooch $15 When you kill a target, gain 1d4 additional barrier. +1d4 per stack.
20 Tri Tip Cap (10) $10 These bullets/arrows/blade tips inflict bleed on an 18 or above luck roll.


id Name Worth Description
1 ATG $20 On hit, roll a luck roll, and if you roll above an 18 shoot a missile that adds 1d6 damage. +1d4 per stack.
2 Bandolier $15 On kill, roll a luck roll, and if that roll is above 17 you may use all of your skills again.
3 Berzerker's Pauldron $15 Killing 4 enemies in one turn gives you an extra free action. +1 action per stack.
4 Chronobauble $15 On hit, the target gets the slow debuff until the end of their turn. +1 turn per stack.
5 Death Mark $15 If an enemy has more than four debuffs on them, add the marked debuff for as long as they have four or more debuffs.
6 Fuel Cell $15 Add an extra charge of your active item slot. +1 per stack.
7 Ghor's Tomb $25 For each kill, roll a luck check, if it is above a 19 a treasure of $20 drops. Lower the luck check by one.
8 Harvester's Scythe $20 All critical hits heal for 1d6 HP. +1d4 per stack.
9 Hopoo Feather $15 You can now double jump, a jump is 3 feet. +1 jump per stack.
10 Hunter's Harpoon $20 If you get a kill, your movement speed is increased by 10 for each kill and for the rest of your turn. +10 increase each stack.
11 Kjaro's Band $25 If you roll a max on a damage die, a flame bursts out on the target and deals 3d4 damage to the target and all adjacent targets. This refreshes every turn.
12 Leech Seed $20 Every hit landed heals you for 1 HP. +1 HP per stack.
13 Old War Stealth Kit $20 If activate it, you become cloaked for one round. This can only be used once per encounter. +1 use per encounter per stack.
14 Razorwire $20 Getting hit deals 1d6 damage to the attacker. +1d4 per stack.
15 Runald's Band $25 If you roll a max on a damage die, spikes of ice shoot out on the target and deals 1d12 damage to the target and all adjacent targets. This refreshes every turn.
id Name Worth Description
16 Shipping Request Form $25 When you enter a new region, a delivery containing two items will be present. You can choose one item from this. Loot table LINK
17 Electric Ukulele $25 On hit, roll a luck roll, if it is above a 15 the effect is triggered. The effect electrocutes up to 2 enemies for 1d4 damage. Roll again for each enemy hit to see if it spreads further. +1 target per stack.
18 War Horn $15 Activating an active item gives you an extra action. +1 per stack.
19 Will o' Wisp $20 Each kill lets out a 5 foot explosion that deals 1d6 damage. +5 feet per stack.
20 Old Guillotine $20 If an elite target is below 3 HP, they die instantly. +3 threshold per stack.

Item Spaciality Rules

Having no cap on item stacking inherently makes the game more arcady. If you'd like a more realistic game experience, then limit the max amount of items on a person at a time. There are three options regarding this rule:

Forgiving: A player can hold up to 10 + their STR/CON modifier in items.

Limiting: A player can hold up to 5 + their STR/CON modifier in items.

Arcade: This one has no limits on stacking. This mode can allow for infinite progression, because players will always be stacking and gaining items.

These modes can be modified and adjusted to best fit your game. The arcade mode presents the issue of how realistic it is because having 15 pairs of glasses could be a little hard to explain. I've thought up some in game stacking explanation solutions: maybe you just have loads of items, maybe stacked items meld into eachother in some way, or symbolically represent your growth in skill and getting attuned to your trinkets. Or you could just choose for them not to stack. Truly a conundrum. If you have multiple of the same object in your possession and it gives you a powerup, it adds on top of the previous item.


"Gossip spreads quickly in terrified communities. Stories that keep the more fearful lizardfolk in their passageways. Hushed tales that frighten the most commanding of stone constructs and woodfolk and creatures of plains. Fear travels between the trees and valleys. A demon, fallen from the sky, mighty enough to slay Providence and his Wurms. Only two arms, two legs - but with 22 unblinking, crimson eyes."


id Name Worth Description
1 57 Leaf Clover $200 Every failed luck roll is rolled again once. +1 roll per stack.
2 Aegis $75 Healing past full health grants you a barrier equal to the amount healed. Max is the amount of your HP. Doubled per stack.
3 Ben's Raincoat $50 Every round, a single debuff is removed and grants 3 barrier. +1 debuff per stack.
4 Brainstalks $60 Killing an elite allows you to use every skill a second time in the turn. +1 use per stack.
5 Gunpowder Rounds (20) $75 Every attack deals a flat 1 damage splash. +5 range per stack.
6 Ceremonial Dagger $125 1d4 damage (DEX, 5ft, 1d4, dual compatible, throwable 0ft-25ft). Each kill a user gets when in possession of this item creates 3 homing daggers that each deal 1d4 damage to the nearest targets.
7 Defensive Microbots $90 All ranged attacks towards you get a -5 penalty to hit. +5 penalty each stack.
8 Dio's Best Friend $200 If you die and this item is in your possession, you get revived and the item is exhausted.
9 Frost Relic $150 Killing an enemy creates a 5 foot radius that deals 1d4 damage and slows each target in the area. The circle increases with each kill. +1 flat damage per stack.
10 H3AD-5T v2 $100 Your jump hight doubles, you no longer take fall damage, and you can do a stomping move. For every 50 feet you fall, you can add a 1d6 damage die to a stomping attack. Recharges every 25 turns, -3 per stack.
11 Hardlight Afterburner $125 Each skill that has any amount of movement can be used two more times. +1 use per stack.
12 Plant Infused Rounds (20) $100 Each kill done, plants a healing circle of 5 feet that sprouts after 1 turn. +5 range per stack.
13 Laser Scope $175 Every critical strike doubles all damage die. Doubled again for each stack.
14 N'Kuhana's Opinion $125 Every 2 points of healing below max HP sends out homing spirits that deal 1d4 damage to the nearest target.
id Name Worth Description
15 Rejuvenation Rack $175 All healing is doubled. Doubled again per stack.
16 Resonance Disk $100 Killing 4 creatures charges a disk that shoots out towards the chosen target and deals 1d6 piercing damage on hit and when returning to the user.
17 Sentient Meat Hook $125 On hit, roll a luck check, and if above 16 trigger the following effect. Pull up to 10 nearby enemies closer to you by 5 feet dealing 1 flat damage in the process.
18 Wake of Vultures $125 When you kill an elite you take their aspect for 1 day. Switching aspect when triggering again and not stacking aspects. +1 day per stack.
19 Spare Drone Parts $100 5 sets of chain guns that can be attached to drones. (PRE, range 5ft - 100ft, 7mm) and deals 1d6 damage on hit. +1d6 damage per stack.
20 Unstable Tesla Coil $125 Every 1d4 rounds a 10 feet area of lighting bursts out and deals 1d6 damage to 3 chosen targets.


Lunar items offer a powerful ability for a dangerous drawback. Being crafted by Mithrix, they are not found in chests like the other items. They are found in Lunar Buds that are rare and require to be pried open.

id Name Description
1 Brittle Crown On hit, make a luck roll, if 16 or above you gain $2. +$2 per stack. BUT you lose money equal to the amount of damage taken. If you have no money, it drains from the nearest ally.
2 Corpse Blossom All healing is doubled, but it takes three times as long to apply. If you get healed for 6 hp, it is doubled then divided over the length of 3 turns for 4 hp per round. Doubled per stack.
3 Defient Gouge Enemies are more likely to find you. +5 chance during rest for enemies to appear. +5 per stack.
4 Egocentrism This item converts another, random, item into itself dayly. This item deals 1d6 damage to enemies in a 5 feet radius. +1d6 per stack, and different stacks can target different enemies.
5 Eulogy Zero Lunar items are more common. A luck roll is rolled when looting a non lunar chest, and if 5 or below the item pulls from the lunar loot pool instead of the normal one.
6 Light Flux Pauldron You can use a selected skill twice in your turn, BUT you can only use your attack action once.
7 Mercurial Rachis Creates a ward of power in a random location (chosen by narrator) that buffs BOTH enemies and allies in a 10 feet radius. Causing them to add an extra 1d10 to all damage rolls. +5 range per stack.
8 Purity All skills can be used twice BUT all luck rolls are rolled with disadvantage. Three times and additional disadvantage die per stack.
9 Shaped Glass All damage dies are doubled BUT your maximum HP is halved. Both halved and doubled again per stack.
10 Stone Flux Pauldron Maximum HP is doubled BUT movement speed is halved. Both doubled again per stack.

Character Creation

This section will walk you through character creation in a general step by step process. These steps can be taken in any order but this is the recommended process.

Choose Your Class

The first part of making your character is choosing from one of the 10 classes. They each provide their own style of gameplay and approach to situations.

Classes Description
Commando The jack of all trades
Huntress Mobile glass cannon
Bandit Stealthy combo stringer
Artificer High burst and strong utility
Engineer Crafty survivor with sustainable damage
Loader Mobile tank
Sniper Single target devastator and scout
Enforcer Tanky defender
Mercenary The combo slasher

This choice will effect most of your future character creation choices.

Applying Stats

Next, you apply your stats. Depending on the class chosen, different stats will be more important to you. After you set your base scores you will add on top of them with stat gains, features, and trait gains.


Everyone gets a background. They offer somewhere to start with your backstory and a small bonus.

Title Score Bonus Bonus Effect
Bounty Hunter (+1 STR, +1 ANY) +5 starting credits and an optional bounty target
Explorer (+1 WIS, +1 ANY) Proficiency on navigation
Scientist (+2 INT) Prof in any int based proficiency
Soldier (+1 STR, +1 CON) Proficient in an extra weapon of choice
Merchant (+2 CHA) +5 starting credits
Civilian (+1 ANY) Option to buy one extra common item
Pilot +2 PRE Proficient in vehicles
Acolyte (+1 WIS, +1 INT) Ties to the house beyond
Crafter (+2 INT) Proficient in mechanical

Things Affected by Stats

After you set your stats, you will determine your HP and your AC. HP will determine how many hits your character can take before they go unconscious. And AC is how hard they are to hit in the first place.


Now that your stats are in place, you chose a kit that will suit your preferred playstyle. Some classes are less ridged than others in terms of upfront kit choice, but you want to chose weapons that will compliment your stats overall.


At this point you chose your skills: if you are starting at a level that requires you to make a choice to pick one, do that now. Skills offer variety and allow you to let your character better fit how you would like to play.

Trait Gain

Traits come from a list of abilities that you may take when given the choice to. A trait can range from a change in gameplay or buffs.


Typically, a survivor starts with $30. The kits do not subtract from this total, but when the player is buying an item/tools it does. The player can purchase one common item and as many tools as they can afford. The player keeps the left over money and it carries into the game.


The Cornered Gunslinger

Commandos are the jack of all trades of the group. You are the one of many sent to aid the Contact Light. But yours is the one that is forced to stand out of the crowd by blasting through hordes and surviving with their vast set of abilities and strong luck.

AC = (11 + CON/DEX Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: CON modifier + 12. Plus 1d6 or 3 each level

Commando Well Roundedness: choose one Stat below 10 and raise it to 10.


Kit 1: 2 Pistol Firearms, 1 ammo supply of any 45 bullets, 3 grenades, and 1 dual compatible Melee weapon.

Kit 2: 1 Generic Firearms, 1 ammo supply of any 40 bullets, 2 grenades, and 1 Melee weapon.

Proficiencies: Take two proficiencies


Skill gain: suppressive fire or grenade proficiency

Suppressive fire: take two actions to take a normal attack that makes all attacks on that target for the rest of the turn (ending when round returns to you) have advantage.

Grenade Proficiency: become proficient in grenades and gain 2.

Skill gain: Phase round or phase blast

Phase round: gain a piercing shot that takes two actions to fire and deals 1d6 damage (15 - 120 range).

Phase blast: fire 2 blasts that target two of the closest enemies in a chosen direction and deals 1d8 damage (0-45 range). Takes two actions.

Skill Gain: Tactical Slide

Tactical slide: If you are attacked, you can take a tactical slide once to give the attacker -(5 + DEX MOD) on the attack and you move 10 feet. If they fail you can retaliate with an attack. The skill refreshes when it returns to your turn.

Skill Gain: Unwavering Luck

Unwavering Luck: If a luck roll fails, or below 10 for loot, roll it again once.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Commando Well Roundedness Yes None
2nd +2 Weapon Proficiency Gain No +1 ANY
3rd +2 suppressive fire or grenade proficiency No +1 ANY
4th +2 Weapon Proficiency Gain No +1 LUC
5th +3 Phase round or phase blast Yes None
6th +3 Profiency Gain No +1 ANY
7th +3 Extra Action (4 in total) Yes None
8th +3 Tactical slide No +1 ANY
9th +3 Yes None
10th +3 Unwavering Luck No +1 LUC +1ANY


Judge, Jury, Executioner

The Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.


AC = (11 + DEX Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: Con modifier + 10. Plus 1d6 or 3 each level

Huntress Tracking: You can choose one target creature to track down using hints they left behind giving you advantage on tracking checks. This can be changed once per day.


Kit 1: 1 Generic Firearm, 1 ammo supply of any 30 ammunition, 1 Energy Glaive, and 1 dual compatible Melee weapon.

Kit 2: 1 Generic Melee, 2 Energy Glaives, and 1 dual compatible Melee.

Proficiencies: Take two proficiencies.


Glaive Stats: (DEX, range 5ft-45ft, 1d6) The glaive returns to you next round.

Skill gain: Ricocheting Glaive or Hard Hitting Glaive

Richocheting Glaive: Your glaive now can bounce between 3 enemies bouncing to the next every successful hit.

Hard Hitting Glaive: Add a 1d4 damage die to the glaive throw.

Skill gain: Blink or Phase Blink.

Blink: Teleport 25 feet in two turns. You must have line of sight on the destination.

Phase Blink: Teleport 10 feet in one turn. You must have line of sight on the destination and does not go vertically.

Skill gain: Arrow Rain or Ballista

Arrow Rain: Two actions, choose a location within 50 feet to shoot and that location has a rain of arrows that lasts for three turns. The area is 5 feet adjacent to the location and everyone in the zone rolls a DEX save and if it is lower than your raw precision score Deal 1d4 damage

Ballista: Shoot three piercing arrows that each deal 1d4 damage to all targets hit.

Skill Gain: Flurry

Flurry: If an attack lands (Not thrown), you may take an extra attack capping at three attacks total for one action. A critical success automatically allows for three attacks.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Huntress Tracking Yes None
2nd +2 Ricocheting Glaive or Hard Hitting Glaive No +1 DEX
3rd +2 No +1ANY
4th +2 Weapon Proficiency Gain No +1 DEX/PRE
5th +3 Blink or Phase Blink Yes None
6th +3 Profiency Gain No +1 ANY
7th +4 One Free Movement No None
8th +4 Arrow Rain or Ballista No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Flurry No +1 DEX/PRE +1ANY


Desperate Outlaw

The Bandit is a high-skill combo character that can dish out devastating backstabs while weaving in and out of stealth.

DEX/PRE based.

AC = (11 + DEX/CON Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: Con modifier + 10. Plus 1d6 or 3 each level

Bandit Stealth: You add an additional advantage die on stealth checks.


Kit 1: 1 shotgun , 1 ammo supply of any 30 12ga, 10 smoke bombs, and 1 dual compatible Melee weapon.

Kit 2: 1 Generic Melee, 10 Smoke bombs, 1 dual compatible Melee, 1 pistol, and 1 supply of 35 9mm bullets.

Proficiencies: Take two proficiencies.


Smoke Bomb: (DEX/PRE range 0ft-5ft) A bomb that explodes and emits a could of smoke in a 5 feet radius. Creatures in this cloud become obscured.

Skill gain: Lights Out or Desperato

Lights Out: If you get a kill on your target, you may take another attack for free. Stacks indefinitely.

Desperato: Every kill done by you adds a +1 to all damage rolls for the rest of the encounter.

Skill gain: Backstab

Backstab: Any attacks done from behind the target adds an extra 1d4 to the final damage.

Skill gain: Hemorrhage or Knife Proficiency

Hemorrhage: Melee attacks inflict bleed debuff

Throwing Knife Proficiency: Become proficient in throwing knives and gain 10 throwing knives.

Skill Gain: Lucky snatch or Empowered Backstab

Lucky Snatch: Roll for luck to pull an item from a successful sleight of hand check. Can only be used once per character.

Empowered Backstab: Add an extra 1d4 to backstabs.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Bandit Stealth Yes None
2nd +2 Proficiency Gain No +1 DEX
3rd +2 Lights Out or Desperado No +1ANY
4th +2 No None
5th +3 Backstab No None
6th +3 Hemorrhage or Throwing Knife Proficiency No +1 ANY
7th +4 No None
8th +4 Weapon Proficiency Gain No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Lucky snatch or Empowered Backstab No +1 DEX/PRE +1ANY


Herald of the House Beyond

The Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.

WIS based

AC = (11 + CON Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: Con modifier + 10. Plus 1d4 or 2 each level

ENV Jetpack: Your ENV Jetpack allows you to slowly glide to the ground and prevent fall damage.


Kit: 1 dual compatible Melee weapon.


Skill gain: Flame Bolt and Phase Bolt

Flame Bolt: (WIS, range 0ft-50ft, 1d4) 1 action. A bolt of fire that inflicts the burn debuff. You gain the ability to use little bursts of flames outside of combat. This can be used multiple times a round.

Plasma Bolt: (WIS, range 0ft-50ft, 1d4) 1 action. A bolt of plasma that explodes and hits adjacent enemies for 1 damage. You gain the ability to mend small broken objects with plasma goo. This can be used multiple times a round.

Skill gain: Nano Bomb or Nano Freeze

Nano Bomb: (WIS, range 0ft-30ft, 1d10) This attack takes three actions to cast and deals 1d10 to all adjacent targets. You gain the ability (with advantage if plasma bolt is taken) to mend broken objects with plasma goo.

Nano Freeze: (WIS, range 0ft-50ft, 1d8) This attack takes two actions to cast and freezes the target.

Skill gain: Snap Freeze

Snap Freeze: (WIS) Takes three actions and summons a 15 feet wall that freezes and damages all targets hit. You can now freeze an object solid and make ice structures.

Skill gain: Flame Thrower or Ion Surge

Flame Thrower: (WIS, range 0ft-25ft, 1d8) 2 actions. Inflicts damage and burn on one target. You can melt metal.

Ion Surge: (WIS, range 0ft-5ft circle, 1d6) 2 action. Launch a burst of energy that launches you upward 45 feet and deals damage to all adjacent targets.

Skill Gain: Enlightenment

Enlightenment: You gain access to one ability that you turned down in the past.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Flame Bolt and Phase Bolt Yes None
2nd +2 No +1 INT/WIS
3rd +2 Proficiency gain No None
4th +2 Nano Bomb or Nano Freeze No None
5th +3 No None
6th +3 Snap Freeze No +1 ANY
7th +4 No None
8th +4 Flame Thrower or Ion Surge No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Enlightenment No +1 INT/WIS +1ANY


Fortification Expert

The Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.

INT Based

AC = (12 + CON Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: Con modifier + 10. Plus 1d4 or 2 each level

Tinkerer: You can craft one little matchine that can accomplish small tasks when told to.


Kit: 1 dual compatible melee weapon.

Kit 2: 1 dual compatible firearm, and 20 9mm bullets.


Skill gain: Stationary Turret or Crawling Turret

Stationary Turret: Gain two stationary turrets that fire on a target on your command. More details on the next page.

Crawling Turret: Gain two mobile turrets with a shorter range that fire on a target on your command. More details on the next page.

Skill gain: Arming Mine or Spider Mine

Arming Mine: Gain the ability to craft mines that you can throw down. They take 1 round to arm. Dealing 1d4 before arming, and 1d8 after arming. They explode if a hostile creature enters a 5 feet radius to them.

Spider Mine: Gain the ability to craft mines that you can throw down. They chase towards their target if a target enters a 25 feet radius around them. They deal 1d6 to their target on explosion.

Skill gain: Bubble Shield or Harpoon Missiles

Bubble Shield: You can now place down a bubble shield that has a 10 feet radius. No attacks can pass into the shield, but attacks can pass out. The shield dissapears after 3 turns or after taking double your HP in damage.

Harpoon Missiles: (PRE/INT, range 0ft-50ft circle, 4d4) 2 action. Choose 4 targets to shoot four missiles at. The damage can be divided between targets or stack on a singular target.

Skill Gain: Vicarious Turrets

Vicarious Turrets: Your turrets copy the items that you have.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Stationary Turret or Crawling Turret Yes None
2nd +2 No +1 INT
3rd +2 Proficiency Gain No +1 ANY
4th +2 No None
5th +3 Arming Mine or Spider Mine No None
6th +3 Profiency Gain No +1 ANY
7th +4 Bubble Shield or Harpoon Missiles No None
8th +4 Third Turret or Free Action No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Vicarious Turrets No +1 INT +1ANY


Mechanical Protectors

The turrets act as the Engineer's main source of power early on. A turret can take and hold items and they get their effects, this allows the turrets to not just become a damage output but also a utility.


Turrets will not directly copy the abilities of the Engineer until his level 10 ability "Vicarious Turrets". But each one can hold an infinite amount of items.


To deploy a single turret in a 5 feet range, the engineer must take two actions. This action eliminates the option to take the guard, reload, speak or to deploy actions this turn again.



  • Armor Class (13 + CON)
  • Hit Points (5 + CON)
  • Movement Speed 0
(8+INT) 0 (11+INT) (2+INT) (0+INT) (8+INT) (8+INT)


Shoot: (PRE range 0ft-50ft, 1d4) The turret fires at a target of your command. It takes one action for you to command the turret to shoot and it will shoot at the target every time it comes to your turn until told otherwise or the target dies.

Transport Mode: Take one action to command the turret to pack itself up for easy transport.



  • Armor Class (13 + CON)
  • Hit Points (5 + CON)
  • Movement Speed 25
(8+INT) (10+INT) (10+INT) (2+INT) (0+INT) (8+INT) (8+INT)


Shoot: (PRE range 0ft-30ft, 1d4) The turret fires at a target of your command. It takes one action for you to commando the turret to shoot and it will shoot at the target every time it comes to your turn until told otherwise or the target dies.


Bionic Powerhouse

The Loader is a fast and powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.

DEX/STR/CON based.

AC = (13 + CON/DEX Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: Con modifier + 12. Plus 1d8 or 4 each level

Scrap Barrier: Each hit landed grants you +1 barrier shield that goes away when it returns to your next turn.

Enhanced Unarmed Attack: When unarmed, use the following stats for unarmed attacks instead of the one listed in weapons. You are now proficient in unarmed strikes. Enhanced Unarmed Attacks: (STR/DEX range 0ft-5ft, 1d8)



Proficiencies: Take two proficiencies.


Skill gain: Grapple Fist or Spiked Fist

Grapple Fist: You can grapple onto terrain and enemies alike. The rope is 50 feet and can be used to swing you

Spiked Fist: You can grapple on to terrain and larger enemies. Grappling onto enemies of a smaller size pulls them towards you. The rope is 50 feet long.

Skill gain: Pylon or Stunning Slam

Pylon: Throw out a deployable floating pylon in a 20 feet radius that shocks all adjacent enemiesthat

Stunning Slam: Make a melee attack that takes two actions that will stun the target if successful.

Skill Gain: Charge Fist or Thunder Fist

Charge Fist: (STR, range 0ft-25ft, 1d4, moves you to target) Base does 1d4 with 1 action, but you can chose to add an extra action to the attack to increase the final damage die +1d4 for each action. This move can pierce through 3 targets.

**Thunder Fist **: (STR range 0ft-25ft, 1d10, moves you to target) Target a single target to punch. This move deals 1d4 splash damage to all adjacent creatures in 5 feet. This takes 3 actions

Momentum Conservation: Add +1 damage for every 5 feet moved in a turn. Grappling hook movement counts towards this.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Scrap Barrier and Enhanced Unarmed Attack Yes None
2nd +2 No +1 ANY
3rd +2 Grapple Fist or Spiked Fist No +1ANY
4th +2 No None
5th +3 Proficiency Gain No None
6th +3 Pylon or Stunning Slam No +1 ANY
7th +4 No None
8th +4 Charge Fist or Thunder Fist No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Momentum Conservation No +1 CON/STR +1ANY


Forgotten Nomad

The Sniper is a long-range, single target survivor that can instantly kill any high priority target - and from any range.

PRE Based

AC = (9 + CON/DEX Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: CON modifier + 9. Plus 1d4 or 2 each level

Precision Scope: The max effective range of all non duel compatible weapons are doubled.


Kit 1: Sniper, 1 ammo supply of 45 8mm bullets, and 1 dual compatible weapon.

You are proficient in the sniper class weapon.

Kit 2: Bow, 1 ammo supply of 50 arrows, and 1 dual compatible weapon.

You are proficient in the sniper class weapon.


Skill gain: Magnetic Accelerator or Spotter

Magnetic Accelerator: When firing, you may take an additional disadvantage die to aim for the targets weakspot. If this succeeds, it is an automatic critical hit doubling the damage die.

Spotter: You gain a robotic spotter companion that has 4 HP and the same CON and DEX stats as you, the spotter can fly out to the max of the highest effective range of your weapons. The spotter targets the most powerful target alive (up to the GM) and gives you guaranteed extra 1d8 against that target when hit. The spotter will not switch unless the current target is dead.

Skill gain: Concussion Device or Polar Field Device

Concussion Device: Throw down a device in a 30 foot range that blasts all victims caught 5 foot adjacent, 20 feet away.

Polar Field Device: Throw down a device in a 30 foot range that gives all hostile creatures in a 15 foot range the slowed status. All attacks that passing through the slowing field are rolled with disadvantage.

Skill Gain: Pinpoint Accuracy

Pinpoint Accuracy: All crits add an extra 1d6.

Skill Gain: Supercharge or Cryocharge

Supercharge: Take 3 actions to do a single attack that is automatically a critical hit.

Cryocharge: Take 2 actions to do a single attack that inflicts freeze on the target.

Skill Gain: Efficient Chambering

Efficient Chambering: A reload can be combined into an attack.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Magnetic Accelerator or Spotter Yes None
2nd +2 No +1 ANY
3rd +2 Concussion Device or Polar Field Device No +1PRE
4th +2 No None
5th +3 Proficiency Gain No None
6th +3 Pinpoint Accuracy No +1 ANY
7th +4 No None
8th +4 Supercharge or Cryocharge No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Efficient Chambering No +2 ANY


Stalwart Defender

The Enforcer specializes in stopping damage and protecting their teamates.

CON Based

AC = (13 + CON Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: CON modifier + 11. Plus 1d6 or 3 each level

Shield Strap: You can wield a shield regardless of if the other object is dual compatible or not.


Kit 1: 1 Automatic Shotgun, supply of 35 12ga, and 1 Shield. Kit 2: 1 Generic Melee Weapon, 1 shield, and one dual compatible melee weapon


Skill gain: Defensive Stance

You may take a single action to enter a defensive stance. The defensive stance means that you pick a chosen direction and you block all damage from the direction as long as the stance is held. This stance leads to a -20ft in movement speed and can be broken with a free action.

Skill Gain: Protector of Few

When your stance is up and an ally is getting attacked adjacent to you, you may give them your AC and CON mod to defend against it. This can only be used once per turn.

Skill gain: Bash or Enhanced Stance

Bash: You may take a two action melee attack that stuns the target on success.

Enhanced Stance: Instead of -20ft, your stance restricts -10ft of movement.

Skill Gain: Smoke Grenade or Chemical Grenade Proficiency

Smoke Grenade Proficiency: You become proficient in smoke grenades and gain 5 smoke grenades

Chemical Grenade Proficiency: You become proficient in chemical grenades and gain 4 chemical grenades

Skill Gain: Judoka or Protector of Many

Judoka: You may take two actions to throw a target 25 feet. If they get thrown into an object, they take 1d6 damage. They will take fall damage if thrown off a cliff.

Protector of Many: Protector of Few can be used indefinitely until it fails, refreshes when it returns to your turn.

Skill Gain: Unrestricted Stance Movement is not restricted at all when under defensive stance.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Defensive Stance Yes None
2nd +2 Protector of Few No +1 ANY
3rd +2 Bash or Enhanced Stance No +1CON
4th +2 No None
5th +3 Proficiency Gain No None
6th +3 Smoke Grenade or Chemical Grenade Proficiency No +1 ANY
7th +4 No None
8th +4 Judoka or Protector of Many No +1 ANY
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Unrestricted Stance No +2 ANY


Honed Swordsman

Mercenary is a highly mobile survivor that strikes rapidly and swiftly avoids damage. His attacks take low amounts of actions and he is good at cramming in as many attacks as possible.


AC = (12 + CON/DEX Mod)

Level 1:

ProfBon = 2

Traits: Take (two ability score increases or one proficiency) and a trait.

HP: CON modifier + 10. Plus 1d6 or 3 each level

Enhanced Agility: You start with one extra double jump and a +10ft to movement.


Kit 1: 1 generic melee weapon, 1 generic dual compatible melee weapon.


Skill gain: Expose

For every two melee hits landed, the enemy gets the exposed debuff.

Skill Gain: Whirlwind or Rising Thunder

Whirlwind: Target all adjacent enemies with your melee weapon dealing 1d4 on each hit.

Skill gain: Eviscerate or Slicing Wind

Bash: You may take a two action melee attack that stuns the target on success.

Enhanced Stance: Instead of -20ft, your stance restricts -10ft of movement.

Skill Gain: Smoke Grenade or Chemical Grenade Proficiency

Smoke Grenade Proficiency: You become proficient in smoke grenades and gain 5 smoke grenades

Chemical Grenade Proficiency: You become proficient in chemical grenades and gain 4 chemical grenades

Skill Gain: Judoka or Protector of Many

Judoka: You may take two actions to throw a target 25 feet. If they get thrown into an object, they take 1d6 damage. They will take fall damage if thrown off a cliff.

Protector of Many: Protector of Few can be used indefinitely until it fails, refreshes when it returns to your turn.

Skill Gain: Unrestricted Stance Movement is not restricted at all when under defensive stance.

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Trait Gain Stat Gain
1st +2 Expose Yes None
2nd +2 No +1 ANY
3rd +2 Whirlwind or Rising Thunder No None
4th +2 No +1 DEX
5th +3 Proficiency Gain No None
6th +3 Eviscerate or Slicing Winds No +1 ANY
7th +4 No None
8th +4 Blinding Assault or Focused Assault No None
9th +4 Yes None
10th +4 Exposed + No +2 ANY

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