Expanded Sorcerer NPCs

by Sonixerse

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Expanded Sorcerer NPCs


Whereas wizards acquire their arcane ability through intense study and clerics gain their powers through their devotion to the divine, the source of power for a sorcerer resides in their blood.

Magical Bloodline

This font of magical power can come from a variety of sources. This power could be the result of an ancient blessing or curse from a powerful entity in one's bloodline. Others are the result of exposure to raw magic or a planar incursion. Regardless of the origin of their power, sorcerers possess a unique talent for magic unmatched by other spellcasters.

Innate Casting

One of the primary advantages that sorcerers possess is the ability to use their own body as their arcane focus. This already gives them a significant advantage over their arcanists as they are not subject to common methods to detain spellcasters.

Arcane Metamagics

Their innate talent for magic also grants them to twist and contort spells beyond their normal means. Their ability to manipulate spells in this manner is often referred to as metamagic. Sorcerers are able to channel their inner metamagic in many ways, such as prolonging a spell's duration, duplicating spell effects, and even regenerating their own mana reserves. Thanks to their metamagics, sorcerers are able to overcome their limited versatility by altering a spell to meet their needs.

Sorcerer Goals

Just like any spellcaster, sorcerers can be found in nearly any occupation across the plane, using their abilities as mercenaries or adventurers. Others seek to master their powers or seek to learn the origin of their magic by joining various magic academies and institutions.

Some use their natural gifts for their own benefits to create cults that worship them, claiming to be an aspect of a deity. Others may seek to use their abilities to destroy those who hunt or fear them because of their magic.

Sorcerer Tactics

In combat, sorcerers are challenging opponents due to their explosive capabilities. Although most sorcerers tend not to be physically superior against most foes, their affinity to magic grants them an uncanny resilience against many spells.

Explosive Casters

Because of their general frailty, sorcerers will typically attempt to end a combat encounter as quickly as possible, using their most powerful spells and metamagics to disable their opponents.

Martial Weakness

If a prolonged fight is inevitable, the sorcerer's primary goal is to keep their distance from melee threats. They will attempt to accomplish through debilitating spell effects or magically enhanced mobility such as flight.

In many circumstances, the sorcerer will attempt to eliminate or incapacitate martial threats first, as they typically can outmatch most spellcasters in a fight thanks to their magical defenses.

Metamagic Focus

The sorcerer's primary strategy revolves completely around its use of metamagic to empower their abilities. Because of this, sorcerers are not afraid to quickly burn through their arcane reserves if it means giving them an edge, especially due to their ability to regenerate their mana.

Adventurer Tactics

When fighting a sorcerer, the primary tactic one should use is to limit their spellcasting ability. This will require a lot of coordination between spellcasters to counter any of the sorcerer's effects. Adventurers should also target the sorcerers physical defenses as they typically have fewer tools at their disposal to bolster themselves against physical attacks

Sorcerer Types

Sorcerers can be categorized into four different groups depending on the master of their innate magics.

Sorcerer Beginner

These sorcerers have just started manifesting their inner magic. Many times, these individuals may be searching for an explanation for their new abilities or simply try to control their powers. Unlike many other casters of their calibur, sorcerer beginners typically possess considerably less experience and control over their abilities. However, despite their comparative lack of training and discipline, the raw power of their magic can make them challenging enemies.

Sorcerer Adepts

Sorcerer adepts have learned to master and control their arcane abilities. This discipline is often achieved through arcane tutelage, learning the true origins of their power, or simply from experience.

Awakened Sorcerer

Having fully mastered their inner magic, awakened sorcerers are on the precipice of reaching their true potential. Depending on their bloodline, these sorcerers may begin to exhibit supernatural changes to their appearance. For example, a draconic sorcerer may have more pronounced dragon scales on tbeir body while celestial sorcerers may be able to conjure halo of light around them.

Transcendent Sorcerer

These sorcerers have reached the true apex of their power and have grown akin to demigods in the scope of their power. At this point, these sorcerers often fully manifest the appearance of the bloodline. For example a fiendish sorcerer may take on the appearance of cross between a devil and a humanoid. In some instances, these sorcerers even have the ability to transform into the respective creatures associated with their blood.

Sorcerer Variants

Depending on their bloodline, sorcerers can manifest different powers.

Draconic Sorcerer

Draconic sorcerers possess latent draconic magics within their blood. Such magic is often granted as a boon or a gift from a dragon while in the case of dragonborn, kobolds, and other draconic races, they may possess a fragment of the magical essence of a true dragon.

Regardless of the source of this power, these sorcerers can be easily recognized by dragon scales growing on their body, their ability to sprout leathery wings, as well as their ability to project and focus their aura into the frightful persona of a true dragon.

They also possess a unique connection to a particular draconic element imbuing their own magics with the destructive potential of a dragon's breath.

Celestial Sorcerer

These sorcerers are one of the rarest of all their kind as they possess a fragment of a divine spark within their being. Although aasimar are typically wwhat comes to mind when one thinks of a celestial sorcerer, these divine sparks are often granted to individuals favored by a particular deity.

Although this tends to be the case for more celestial sorcerers, somes are born with their power as the result of a pact or simply the devotions of one's heritage to a particular deity.

Because of they are seen as champions on behalf for a deity, celestial sorcerers are often revered by many religious circles and are often hunted down by the enemies of their deity as well.

Infernal Sorcerers

Infernal sorcerers are the devilish counterpart to celestial sorcerers. Because of this, it is not uncommon for tieflings and other fiendish humanoids to naturally develop these abilities.

Infernal sorcerers also have been known to acquire their powers through contracts with devils in exchange for power. Although such encounters are similar to many infernal warlocks, they are less demanding in scope as they are not bound to serve an infernal patron. Instead, many devils grant this power in a much more passive manner as in many cases, the infernal magic in one's bloodline eventually corrupts the individual.

In other instances, infernal sorcerers are often the result of a fiendish curse or the side effect of a contract on one bloodline. Unfortunately, such individuals are viewed with suspicion due to the origins of their ability

Abyssal Sorcerers

Abyssal sorcerers are the demonic counterpart to the infernal sorcerer. In most circumstances, abyssal sorcerers are the results of demonic corruption, typically from one being exposed to one of the seemingly endless layers of the Abyss. In most circumstances, this corruption is a side effect of these hostile environments as the goal of most demons is to destroy all life. However, in rare instances, demonic lords may place a curse on ones's bloodline as a gift for true dedication

Fae Sorcerers

Fae sorcerers trace their magic to the wild and psychedlic plane of the Feywild These individuals tend to have an otherworldly charm and aura. Athough many Fey based races naturally can develop these abilities, many fae sorcerers acquire their powers from planar incursions to the Feywild or simply the shenanigans of a wayward Fey creature.

Wild Magic Sorcerer

Wild magic sorcerers are the embodiement of controlled chaos. The origins of their magic typically varies depending on the individuals as many sources have claimed from events such as planar incursions, spellstorms, arcane experimentation, or exposure to a strange magical artifact. Despite the seemingly endless sources of this power, the sorcerers are incredibly unpredictable as each time they cast a spell, there is a chance they could set off a chaotic chain reaction of magical effects.

Aberrant Sorcerers

These sorcerers are believed to have gained their abilities from encounters with Aberrations. Such encounters may included experimentation due to mind flayers while others may have been exposed with items or rifts from the Far Realm itself. These encounters can have varying magnitudes of effects such as telepathy, psionic, and physiological adaptations such as tentacles or multiple eyes. These transformations have also been known to have somewhat detrimental side effects (depending on the level of exposure) such as madness or a grotesque appearance.

Phoenix Sorcerers

Phoenix sorcerers possess a special connection to the element of fire. Individuals of this bloodline possess a powerful connection to this element due to a boon from a powerful elemental entity such as phoenix or genie. Although elementals tend to be the primary source of this elemental ability, some humanoids have learned to naturally manifest this ability through an enhanced natural connection to the elements, in a similar manner to druids.

Their innate fire magic even gives them the ability to set their eyes and hair ablaze with. They even have the ability to temporarily superheat their bodies to burn anyone who harms them. As their name suggests, phoenix sorcerers possess

Winter Sorcerers

These sorcerers possess a particular connection to snow and ice. Their mastery of the ice is believed to originate from a variety of sources such as elementals and or giant kin heritage. Others have attained these abilities through druidic rituals or boons from powerful entities attuned to ice such as dragons.

Their mastery of ice grants them an natural immunity its worse effects as they are able to use the elemental energy to fashion a protective aegis shielding them from future harm

Sea Sorcerers

Sea sorcerers have the unique abilities to bend water to their will. These sorcerers are able to conjure blades of water from thin air and form tidal waves to crash on their opponents.

Sea sorcerers possess the unique ability to alter their own physiology, taking the form of water instead granting them the ability to easily weave out of harms ways or dampen the harshest of attacks.

Storm Sorcerers

Storm sorcerers trace their magical bloodline to powerful air elementals and genies. They can channel the very essence of the storm to grant themselves the ability of flight. They even can harmlessly absorb electrical energy to bolster their spells.

Shadow Sorcerers

These sorcerers possess a powerful connection that allows them to bend the shadows to their will. The origin of their powers can vary, as shadow magic can be attributed to many types of creatures, such as Fey or Fiends. In comparison to other variants, shadow sorcerers are considered to be some of the most powerful, especially when under the cover of darkness as its presence greatly amplifies their spell effects while shielding them from incoming attacks

Stone Sorcerers

Stone sorcerers trace their bloodline to a connection with powerful entities from the Elemental Plane of Earth. These sorcerers possess the ability to use the earth to sense their surroundings and even traverse otherwise impossible terrain. They also possess the capabilities of shaping stone and earth into formidable weapons as well as create impenetrable shields

Warrior Sorcerers

Warrior soul sorcerers have learned to channel the innate magic in their blood to grant them enhanced strength, speed, and endurance. These sorcerers are natural warriors that possess arcane and martial prowess.

Beast Sorcerers

Beast sorcerer's trace their power due to therianthropic roots or from latent druidic magics in their heritage. Because of this, these sorcerers have the unique ability to alter their body with bestial modifications for any situation. They also have the ability to turn into beasts in a matter of seconds.

Constructed Sorcerers

Construct sorcerer have acquired their natural magic due to technological modifications made to their body. Whether due to injury, arcane experimentation, or simply an attempt to transcend mortal limits, these individuals have been granted incredible strength and durability as well as the capability of replicating magical effects through their magitech modifications

Vampiric Sorcerers

Vampiric sorcerers are often the results of a humanoid offspring to a true vampire. Although they do not possess many of the benefits of a true vampire, they still possess considerable mastery of both shadow and blood magic.

Anima Sorcerers

Sorcerers with the anima bloodline have been gifted with a natural affinity to nature magic due to a boon from powerful plant based entities. Others may have acquired their magical abilities from being infected by a magical seed or spore, granting them arcane abilities.

Undead Sorcerers

Undead sorcerers are interesting individuals that reside on the boundary of life or death. Some undead sorcerers are the result of side effects from being raised from the dead. Even though that creature was brought back from the clutches of death by resurrection magic, their soul or magic essence has been tainted by the mark of death. In some rare instances, some undead sorcerers can trace the origin of their power from a haunting or possession from an undead spirit whose presence left vestiges of necromancer magic in their body

Sorcerer Beginner

Medium Humanoid, varies

  • Armor Class 14 (Mage Armor)
  • Hit Points 26 (4d8+8)
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Cha +5
  • Skills Perception +3
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Challenge 1(200 xp)

Arcana Sense The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effects or objects within 120ft. of it.

Arcane Soul Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.

Extended Caster When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spells duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)

Magic Resistance The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.

Innate Casting The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities

Split Spell Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action


The sorcerer is a 4th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared

  • Cantrips Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy
  • 1st Level(4 slots) Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield
  • 2nd Level(3 slots) Invisibility, Misty Step


Sorcery Blast Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, 120ft, one target. Hit: 8 (2d4+3) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 13 (4d4+3) force damage instead

Channel Metamagic (Recharge 5-6) As a bonus action, the sorcerer can regain a 5 (2d4) spell slots of their choice. Each spell level equals its respective amount of spell slots. For example a 2nd level spell slots requires two spell slots.

Bonus Actions

Quickened Spell The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action


Sorcerous Resilience When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.

Sorcerer Adept

Medium Humanoid, varies

  • Armor Class 15 (Mage Armor)
  • Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Cha +7
  • Skills Perception +5
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 5(1800 xp)

Arcana Sense The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effect or objects within 120ft. of it.

Arcane Soul Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.

Extended Caster When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spells duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)

Magic Resistance The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.

Innate Casting The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities

Split Spell Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action

Channel Metamagics (Recharge 5-6)

At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can choose one of the following effects:

  • Sorcerous Conversion The sorcerer can regain 7 (3d4) spell slots of their choice. Each spell level equals its respective amount of spell slots. For example a 2nd level spell slots requires two spell slots.
  • Heighten Spell Until the start of the sorcerer's next turn, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells effect


The sorcerer is a 8th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared

  • Cantrips Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy
  • 1st Level(4 slots) Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield
  • 2nd Level (3 slots) Invisibility, Misty Step
  • 3rd Level (3 slots) Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly
  • 4th Level (2 slots) Dimension Door, Polymorph


Sorcery Blast Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, 120ft, one target. Hit: 14 (4d4+4) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 24 (8d4+4) force damage instead

Bonus Actions

Quickened Spell The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action


Sorcerous Resilience When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.

Awakened Sorcerer

Medium Humanoid, varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Mage Armor)
  • Hit Points 78 (12d8+24)
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)

  • Saving Throws Cha +9
  • Skills Perception +7
  • Senses passive Perception 17
  • Languages one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Challenge 9(5000 xp)

Arcana Sense The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effect or objects within 120ft. of it.

Arcane Soul Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.

Extended Caster When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spells duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)

Magic Resistance The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.

Innate Casting The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities

Split Spell Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action

Channel Metamagics (Recharge 5-6)

At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can choose one of the following effects:

  • Sorcerous Conversion The sorcerer can regain 10 (4d4) spell slots of their choice
  • Heighten Spell Until the start of the sorcerer's next turn, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells effect


The sorcerer is a 12th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared

  • Cantrips Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy
  • 1st Level(4 slots) Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield
  • 2nd Level (3 slots) Invisibility, Misty Step
  • 3rd Level (3 slots) Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly
  • 4th Level (3 slots) Dimension Door, Polymorph
  • 5th Level (2 slots) Bigby's Hand, Wall of Force
  • 6th Level (1 slot) Disintegrate, Prismatic Wall, Globe of Invulnerability


Multiattack The sorcerer can cast a spell and make a sorcery blast

Sorcery Blast Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, 120ft, one target. Hit: 20 (6d4+5) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 30 (10d4+5) force damage instead

Bonus Actions

Quickened Spell The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action


Sorcerous Resilience When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.

Transcendant Sorcerer

Medium Humanoid, varies

  • Armor Class 17 (Mage Armor)
  • Hit Points 117 (18d8+36)
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)

  • Saving Throw Cha +11
  • Skills Perception +8
  • Senses passive Perception 18
  • Languages one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +5
  • Challenge 15(5000 xp)

Arcana Sense The sorcerer can detect the presence of magical effect or objects within 120ft. of it.

Arcane Soul Whenever the sorcerer fails a Charisma saving throw against an effect that deals damage, it takes half damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes no damage.

Extended Caster When the sorcerer casts a spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, it can double the spells duration (up to a maximum of 24 hours)

Legendary Resistance(3/day) If the sorcerer fails a saving throw, the sorcerer can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature, the sorcerer can cast a spell of 5th level or lower

Magic Resistance The sorcerer has advantage on effects against spells and magical effects.

Innate Casting The sorcerer's body counts as its own arcane focus and does not require material components for their spell abilities

Split Spell Once on the sorcerer's turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that targets only one creature, it can target one additional creature as well action

Channel Metamagics (Recharge 5-6)

At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can choose one of the following effects:

  • Sorcerous Conversion The sorcerer can regain 12 (5d4) spell slots of their choice
  • Heighten Spell Until the start of the sorcerer's next turn, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells effect


The sorcerer is a 18th level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit with spell attacks) and has the following spells prepared

  • Cantrips Prestidigitation, Thaumaturgy
  • 1st Level(4 slots) Chaos Bolt, Magic Missile, Shield
  • 2nd Level (3 slots) Invisibility, Misty Step
  • 3rd Level (3 slots) Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fly
  • 4th Level (3 slots) Dimension Door, Polymorph
  • 5th Level (3 slots) Bigby's Hand, Wall of Force
  • 6th Level (2 slot) Disintegrate, Prismatic Wall, Globe of Invulnerability
  • 7th Level (2 slot) Prismatic Spray
  • 8th Level (1 slot) Holy Aura
  • 9th Level (1 slot) Prismatic Wall, Wish


Multiattack The sorcerer can cast a spell and make a sorcery blast

Sorcery Blast Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, 120ft, one target. Hit: 25 (8d4+5) force damage. If the sorcerer uses its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on this feature, this attack deals 35 (12d4+5) force damage instead

Bonus Actions

Quickened Spell The sorcerer can cast a spell with a casting time of an action as a bonus action


Sorcerous Resilience When the sorcerer is forced to make a saving throw, it can choose to to make a Charisma saving throw instead.

Legendary Actions(3/turn)

Sorcerous Blink (1 action) The sorcerer can teleport 30ft. to a spot that it can see within range

Cast a Spell(2 actions) The sorcerer can cast a spell of 5th level or lower or use its Sorcery Blast

Resilience(3 actions) The sorcerer can end one spell or condition on itself as an action

Draconic Sorcerer

  • Armor Class Increases by 3
  • Movement 30ft. fly
  • Damage Resistances Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison (choose only 1)
  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Dragon Scale Upon succeeding a saving throw against a spell or magical effect, the sorcerer takes no damage

Dragon's Presence Creatures of the sorcerer's choice in a 30ft. radius around the sorcerer must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against the sorcerer's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures are frightened for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, a frightened creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect on a s success. On a successful saving throw, creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Dragon Soul The sorcerer is attuned to one element (matching its natural resistance): acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison, it can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.

Channel Metamagic:

Dragon's Breath (Recharge 5-6) Until the start of its next turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that deals damage, it can treat the damage dealt as the damage type of its Dragon Soul feature for the duration instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • 1st Level Spells Burning Hands, Frost Fingers
  • 2nd Level Spells Binding Frost, Dragon's Breath
  • 5th Level Spells Cone of Cold
  • 6th Level Spells Fizban's Platinum Shield
  • 7th Level Spells Draconic Sorcerer
  • 8th Level Spells Illusory Dragon
  • 9th Level Spells True Polymoprh

Celestial Sorcerer

  • Movement 30ft. fly
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Radiant
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Celestial Regeneration When the sorcerer casts a spell that deals radiant or necrotic damage, it regains a number of hitpoints equal to the spell level + its Charisma modifier.

Celestial Magic The sorcerer is attuned to radiant or necrotic damage. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.

Divine Resurrection(1/long rest) When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, the sorcerer fully regains its hitpoint maximum.

Illumination At the start of its turn, the sorcerer can give off bright light in a 20ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft. This light counts as sunlight.

Channel Metamagic:

Divine Infusion (Recharge 5-6) Until the start of its next turn, when the sorcerer casts a spell that deals damage, it can treat the damage dealt as radiant or necrotic for the duration instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • 1st Level Spells Bless, Bane, Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt
  • 2nd Level Spells Darkness
  • 3rd Level Spells Daylight
  • 4th Level Spells Sicknening Radiance
  • 5th Level Spells Flame Strike, Mass Cure Wounds, Wall of Light
  • 6th Level Spells Sunbeam
  • 7th Level Spells Crown of Stars
  • 8th Level Spells Sunburst

Infernal Sorcerer

  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from non-magical attacks, fire, cold, lightning, poison
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Devil Sight The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness

Hellfire Magic The sorcerer is attuned to fire damage. When it deals fire damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.

Poison Resistance The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being poisoned


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • 1st Level Spells Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke
  • 2nd Level Spells Darkness
  • 3rd Level Spells Fireball
  • 4th Level Spells Web of Fire, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
  • 5th Level Spells Immolation
  • 6th Level Spells Otherworldly Form
  • 7th Level Spells Firestorm
  • 8th Level Spells Incendiary Cloud
  • 9th Level Spells Meteor Swarm

Abyssal Sorcerer

  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from non-magical attacks, fire, cold, lightning
  • Damage Immunity Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Abyssal Soul The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Demon Sight The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness

Abyssal Fumes The sorcerer is attuned to poison damage. When it deals poison damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • 1st Level Spells Ray of Sickness
  • 2nd Level Spells Ray of Enfeeblement, Darkness
  • 3rd Level Spells Stinking Cloud, Fear
  • 5th Level Spells Cloudkill
  • 6th Level Spells Otherworldly Form

Fae Sorcerer

  • Challenge Rating Increase by 1

Fey Resilience The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Fey Charm Creatures of the sorcerer's choice in a 30ft. radius around the sorcerer must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against the sorcerer's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures are charmed by the sorcerer for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, a charmed creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect on a s success. On a successful saving throw, creatures are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Fae Magic The sorcerer is attuned to psychic damage. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.

Fae Misdirection When the sorcerer succeeds a saving throw against a spell effect or an effect that charms or frightens the sorcerer, it can redirect the spell back at the target. This feature only works on effects that target only the sorcerer


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Friends, Dancing Lights
  • 1st Level Spells Charm Person, Faerie Fire
  • 2nd Level Spells Invisibility, Mirror Image, Phantasmal Force
  • 3rd Level Spells Fear, Hypnotic Pattern
  • 4th Level Spells Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer
  • 5th Level Spells Dominate Person
  • 6th Level Spells Otherworldly Form

Bonus Actions

Sylvan Blink The sorcerer can use its bonus action to teleport 30ft. to a spot that it can see within range.

Wild Magic Sorcerer

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Arcane Cascade When the sorcerer deals a critical hit on a spell attack, it can deal a triple the damage die instead of doubling.

Controlled Chaos When the sorcerer has advantage on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can roll its die three times instead of twice.

Chaos Burst When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can roll a d100 to trigger the Wild Magic Table. If the affect targets one creature, it can target all creatures within 10ft. of the sorcerer.

Wild Surge When the sorcerer is hit with a critical hit or deals a critical hit, it can roll a d100 to trigger an effect of the Wild Magic Table suffers the effects.

Channel Metamagic:

Channel Chaos Until the start of its next turn, the wild magic sorcerer has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throw.

Chaotic Burst Until the wild magic sorcerer casts a spell or uses its Sorcery Blast, it can roll a d100 to trigger and effect of the Wild Magic Table


Twist Luck When the sorcerer in a creature within 30ft. of the sorcerer add or subtract a d6 to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw.

Aberrant Sorcerer

  • Damage Resistances Psychic
  • Languages Telepathy 60ft.
  • Senses blindsight 30ft.
  • Movement 30ft. fly (hover)
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Aberrant Explosion(1/long rest) When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft of the sorcerer must succeed a Wisdom saving throw equal to its spell save DC or take psychic damage equal to a number of d10s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus.

Upon using this feature, the sorcerer regains 1 hitpoint at can teleport 30ft. to a spot within range.

Aberrant Mind The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened

Aberrant Physiology The sorcerer can breathe in air and in water

Amorphous Body The sorcerer can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing.

Psionics The sorcerer does not require verbal or somatic components for its spell effects


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Message, Mind Sliver
  • 1st Level Spells Dissonant Whispers
  • 2nd Level Spells Crown of Madness, Detect Thoughts
  • 3rd Level Spells Slow, Hunger of Hadar, Sending
  • 4th Level Spells Evard's Black Tentacles
  • 5th Level Spells Bigby's Hand, Telekinesis, Synaptic Static
  • 6th Level Spells Otherworldly Form
  • 7th Level Spells Reverse Gravity
  • 8th Level Spells Feeblemind
  • 9th Level Spells Psychic Scream

Phoenix Sorcerer

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Fire Rebirth(1/long rest) When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, creatures within 10ft of the sorcerer must succeed a Dexterity saving throw equal to its spell save DC or take fire damage equal to a number of d6s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus.

Upon using this feature, the sorcerer full regains all their hitpoints

Flame Heal When the sorcerer takes fire damage, it can regain a number of hitpoints equal to the fire damage dealt.

Heated Body When a creature of the sorcerers choice grapples or hits the sorcerer with a melee weapon attack within 5ft. of them, it takes 4(1d6) fire damage.

Phoenix Magic The sorcerer is attuned to fire damage. When it deals fire damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Create Bonfire, Firebolt
  • 1st Level Spells Burning Hands
  • 2nd Level Spells Scorching Ray
  • 3rd Level Spells Fireball
  • 4th Level Spells Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, Web of Fire
  • 5th Level Spells Immolation
  • 6th Level Spells Investure of Flame
  • 7th Level Spells Delayed Blast Fireball, Firestorm
  • 8th Level Spells Incendiary Cloud
  • 9th Level Spells Meteor Swarm

Winter Sorcerer

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Ice Tomb(1/long rest) When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it drops to 1 hitpoint and gains temporary hitpoints equal to a number of d10s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus. While these temporary hitpoints are active, the sorcerer gains a bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier for the duration of these temporary hitpoints.

Frost Shield When the sorcerer takes cold damage, it takes no damage and gains temporary hitpoints equal to the damage dealt. While these temporary hitpoints are active, the sorcerer gains a bonus to its AC equal to its Charisma modifier for the duration of these temporary hitpoints.

Frozen Body When a creature of the sorcerers choice grapples or hits the sorcerer with a melee weapon attack within 5ft. of them, it takes 4(1d6) cold damage.

Frost Magic The sorcerer is attuned to cold damage. When it deals cold damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Ray of Frost
  • 1st Level Spells Frost Fingers
  • 2nd Level Spells Binding Frost, Hold Person, Snowball Swarm
  • 3rd Level Spells Slow, Sleet Storm
  • 4th Level Spells Ice Storm
  • 5th Level Spells Cone of Cold
  • 6th Level Spells Wall of Ice, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere

Sea Sorcerer

  • Movement 30ft. swim
  • Damage Resistances Acid, Cold
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Aquatic Mastery While underwater, creatures without a natural swimming speed have disadvanage on saving throws against your spell effects.

Amphibious The sorcerer can breathe in air and in water

Nimble Swimmer The sorcerer can swim outside a creatures reach without provoking attacks of opportunity

Watery Form The sorcerer can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing

Shifting Movement Attacks of opportunity agains the sorcerer has half damage

Aquatic Magic The sorcerer is attuned to acid or cold damage. Whenever the sorcerer deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damge, it can treat it as acid or cold damage instead. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals this damage type instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Shape Water
  • 1st Level Spells Caustic Brew, Create or Destroy Water, Grease
  • 2nd Level Spells Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
  • 3rd Level Spells Waterwalk, Waterbreathing, Tidal Wave, Wall of Water
  • 4th Level Spells Control Water, Vitreolic Sphere
  • 5th Level Spells Cone of Cold, Maelstrom
  • 6th Level Spells Wall of Ice, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
  • 8th Level Spells Tsunami


Watery Defense When then sorcerer takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.

Storm Sorcerer

  • Movement Speed Fly 30ft.
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Redirect the Tempest When the sorcerer succeeds a succeeds a saving throw against an effect that deals thunder damage or if an attack that deals thunder damage misses the sorcerer, it takes no damage and can redirect the effect back at the attacker.

Supercharge When the sorcerer takes lightning damage, it takes no damage. Until the start of its next turn, the sorcerer deals maximum damage on its lightning damage until the end of its next turn.

Tempest Magic The sorcerer is attuned to lightning or thunder damage. When it deals lightning or thunder damage, the sorcerer can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance. Whenever the sorcerer uses its Sorcery Blast, it deals one of these damage type instead.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Gust of Wind, Shocking Grasp, Lightning Lure, Thunderclap
  • 1st Level Spells Thunderwave, Witch Bolt
  • 2nd Level Spells Warding Wind
  • 3rd Level Spells Lightning Bolt, Wind Wall, Fly, Thunder Step
  • 4th Level Spells Storm Sphere
  • 5th Level Spells Control Winds
  • 6th Level Spells Chain Lightning, Investure of Wind
  • 7th Level Spells Whirlwind
  • 8th Level Spells Control Weather
  • 9th Level Spells Storm of Vengeance

Bonus Actions

Storm Blink As a bonus action, the sorcerer can teleport 30ft. to a spot it can see within 30ft. of it.

Warrior Sorcerer

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Magical Attacks The sorcerer's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance

Martial Metamagic The Sorcerer can use its Split Spell or Quickened Spell on its Sorcery Blade

Tactical Advantage The sorcerer has advantage on initiative checks

Warrior's Soul When the sorcerer makes a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution ability check or saving throw, it can use Charisma as its modifier instead.

War Mage The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Sword Burst
  • 1st Level Spells Shield
  • 2nd Level Spells Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
  • 3rd Level Spells Conjure Barrage, Haste, Elemental Weapon
  • 5th Level Spells Swift Quiver, Conjure Volley
  • 6th Level Spells Blade Barrier
  • 7th Level Spells Mordenkainen's Sword
  • 9th Level Spells Sword of Disaster


Multiattack The sorcerer can cast a spell or its Sorcery Blast and then can make one attack with its Sorcery Blade

Sorcery Blade Melee Spell Attack: +the sorcerer's proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit: A number of d6s equal to sorcerer's proficiency bonus + the sorcer's Charisma modifier. On a hit, the target suffers disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spells until the start of the sorcerer's next turn

Bonus Actions

Spell Blade The sorcerer can use its bonus action to make an attack with its Sorcery Blade if a creature if it uses its action to cast a spell or use its Sorcery Blast


Battle Caster The sorcerer can uses its reaction to cast a spell when a creature provokes opportunity attacks. This spell can only target one creature.

Stone Sorcerer

  • Movement Speed 30ft. burrow
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Earth Glide The sorcerer can burrow through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the sorcerer doesn't disturb the material it moves through.

Siege Magic The sorcerer deals double damage to buildings and objects

Spider Climb The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check

Stone Soul The sorcerer can reduce damage taken by 5 and whenever it takes a critical hit, it takes normal damage instead

Will of Stone When the sorcerer fails a saving throw using its Sorcerous Resilience, it takes half damage on failed saving throw and none on a success.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Magic Stone, Mold into Earth
  • 1st Level Spells Earth Tremor, Catapult
  • 2nd Level Spells Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, Spike Growth
  • 3rd Level Spells Meld into Stone, Eall of Sand
  • 4th Level Spells Stone Shape, Stoneskin
  • 5th Level Spells Passwall
  • 6th Level Spells Bones of the Earth
  • 8th Level Spells Earthquake


Stone Shield As a bonus action, the sorcerer can reduce damage taken by a number of d10s equal to twice the sorcerer's proficiency bonus

Construct Sorcerer

  • Armor Class Increases by 3
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks, poison
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Artificial Casting The sorcerer can cast spells without needing a verbal or material component.

Constructed Mind The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened

Constructed Resilience The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being deafened, diseased, exhausted, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned

Unusual Nature The sorcerer no longer needs to eat, drink, or sleep


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Mending
  • 1st Level Spells Floating Disk
  • 3rd Level Spells Lightning Bolt, Tiny Servant
  • 4th Level Spells Fabricate, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Summon Construct
  • 5th Level Spells Animate Objects
  • 6th Level Spells Blade Barrier, Chain Lightning
  • 7th Level Spells Mordenkainen's Sword
  • 8th Level Spells Earthquake


  • Movement Speed 30ft. fly (varies)
  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Gloom Sight The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness

Shadow Magic While in dim light or darkness, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the sorcerer's spell effects

Shadow Evasion While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer takes half damage whenever it fails a saving throw and none on a success.


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • 2nd Level Spells Darkness, Shadow Blade, Silence
  • 4th Level Spells Hunger of Hadar, Shadow of Moil, Gravity Sinkhole
  • 6th Level Spells Eyebite
  • 7th Level Spells Mordenkainen's Sword
  • 8th Level Spells Maddening Darkness, Dark Star
  • 9th Level Spells Ravenous Void


Shadow Blast The sorcerer's Sorcery Blast deals necrotic damage. This attack has advantage in dim light or darkness

Bonus Actions

Shadow Stealth While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to Hide

Shadow Blink While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to teleport 60ft. to spot that it can see that is in dim light or dakrness.


Shadow Shield While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its reaction to take half damage whenever it takes damage

Undead Sorcerer

  • Damage Resistances Cold, Necrotic, Poison
  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Ghost Walk The sorcerer can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. If the sorcerer ends its turn in an occupied space, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space takeing 5 (1d10) force damage for every 5ft. it is shunted

Soul Armor When the sorcerer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it can use its reaction to gain temporary hitpoints equal to 10 times (half its proficiency bonus rounded up)

Soul Harvest When the sorcerer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoint using a spell of 1st level or higher, it does not expend the spell slot.

Undying Soul When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it can make a Charisma saving throw equal to half the damage dealt (minimum of 10). On a success, it takes regains 1 hitpoint instead.

Undead Resilience The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being deafened, diseased, exhausted, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned

Undead Nature The sorcerer no longer needs to eat, sleepe, or breathe


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Toll the Dead, Chill Touch
  • 1st Level Spells Inflict Wounds
  • 2nd Level Spells Ray of Enfeeblement
  • 3rd Level Spells Animate Dead, Summon Undead
  • 4th Level Spells Blight
  • 5th Level Spells Create Undead, Negative Energy Flood
  • 6th Level Spells Circle of Death, Harm
  • 7th Level Spells Finger of Death


Incorporeal Defense When the sorcerer takes damage, it can use its reaction to take half damage instead.

Anima Sorcerer

  • Movement 30ft. Climb
  • Damage Resistance Poison, Necrotic
  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Arcane Regeneration When the sorcerer cast spell of 1st level or higher, it regains a number of d8s hitpoints equal to the spell level.

Natural Cure The sorcerer has advantage on saving throws against being deafened, diseased, exhausted, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned

Spider Climb The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces without having to make an ability check


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Druidcraft, Thorn Whip
  • 1st Level Spell Entangle, Cure Wounds
  • 2nd Level Spells Lesser Restoration, Barkskin, Spike Growth
  • 3rd Level Spells Plant Growth
  • 4th Level Spells Blight, Grasping Vine
  • 5th Level Spells Mass Cure Wounds, Wrath of Nature, Tree Stride
  • 6th Level Spells Heal, Wall of Thorns, Transport via Plants
  • 8th Level Spells Abi-dalzim's Horrid Wilting
  • 9th Level Spells Power Word Heal


Anima Blast The sorcerer's Sorcery Blast deals necrotic or poison damage instead of force

Bonus Actions

Plant Camouflage While lightly obscured by ample plant life, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to Hide.

Beast Sorcerer

  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Beast Form When the sorcerer is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it regains 1 hitpoint and transforms into a beast or 1 hour. The beast can have a CR equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus. While in this state, the sorcerer assumes the stats of its bestial form and returns to their normal form when the beast is reduced to 0 hitpoints

Magical Attacks The sorcerer's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Keen Senses The sorcerer has advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks that rely on sight, smell, or hearing

Spider Climb The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces without having to make an ability check


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Primal Savagry
  • 1st Level Spell Speak with Animals, Find Familiar, Beast Sense
  • 2nd Level Spells Alter Self, Locate ANimals and Plants, Summon Beast
  • 3rd Level Spells Fly
  • 4th Level Spells Guardian of Nature
  • 8th Level Spells Animal Shapes
  • 9th Level Spells True Polymorph


Multiattack The sorcerer can replace its Sorcery Blast for two Sorcery Claw Attacks

Sorcery Claw Melee Spell Attack: +the sorcerer's proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit: Bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage equal to number of d4s equal to sorcerer's proficiency bonus + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier.

Bonus Actions

Shape Changer The sorcerer can use its bonus action to polymorph into a Medium or smaller beast of its choice. Its statistics, other than its size and speed, are unchanged. Anything it is wearing transforms with it, but nothing it is carrying does. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Vampiric Sorcerer

  • Movement Speed 30ft. fly
  • Damage Resistance Poison, Necrotic
  • Challenge Rating increases by 1

Arcane Regeneration When the sorcerer cast spell of 1st level or higher, it regains a number of d8s hitpoints equal to the spell level.

Gloom Sight The sorcerer's vision is not obscured by magical darkness

Spider Climb The sorcerer can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check


The sorcerer can add the following spells to its spell list if it has the spell slots to cast them

  • Cantrips Toll the Dead
  • 1st Level Spell Inflict Wounds
  • 2nd Level Spells Darkness, Invisibility
  • 3rd Level Spells Vampiric Touch
  • 4th Level Spells Blight, Greater Invisibility
  • 5th Level Spells Enervation
  • 6th Level Spells Circle of Death, Harm
  • 7th Level Spells Regenerate

Channel Metamagic:

Vampiric Spell At the start of its turns, the sorcerer can choose one creature it can see within range. Whenever the sorcerer deals damage to that creature within their spell attacks, the sorcerer regain a number of hitpoints equal to half the damge dealt


Vampiric Blast The sorcerer's Sorcery Blast deals necrotic damage. On a hit, the sorcerer regains hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt.

Bonus Actions

Vampiric Bite Melee Spell Attack: +11 to hit, 5ft, one target. Hit: 1d4 + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier) piercing damage + necrotic damage equal to a number of d6s equal to the sorcerer's proficiency bonus. On a hit, the sorcerer regains a number of hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage dealt.

Shadow Stealth While in dim light or darkness, the sorcerer can use its bonus action to Hide


Blood Binding When the sorcerer takes damage, the attacker must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to the sorcerer's spell save DC. On a failed saving throw, the sorcerer takes half damage and the attacker takes the other half.

Blood Drinker When the sorcerer reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, the sorcerer gains temporary hitpoints equal to 10 times (half its proficiency bonus rounded up)

A special Thanks to my Patrons

Mythic Patrons

Marcella V., Mercyque, Chandlor D., Marshmellow Owlbear, Jake C., The Emcredible , Terra Nova, Kandros Vashtet, Shrike, Camden, DJ Stribj, Tom L.,

Legendary Patrons

Daniel M., Eddie, Sir Prize, Steven K., Adiin_JKC, Kate, James, James B.

Epic Patrons

Brad E., Jordan B, Flamerules3, Vincent, Alex D, Aaron S., Captain Blackwood. Jacob S. , Razi R., Damien T., Tallon M., Peter R., Douglas B., John B., Nathan S., Joseph L., Cyptossarian, Caleb A., Andrew W., Glenn S., Andrew C., Justin R., Ilheath, Particle Man, Dharmatrails

Art Credits

Cover Art: Clint C Early

Dragon Sorcerer: Martina Fackova

Stone Sorcerer: Mike "Daarken" Lim

Sorcerer Beginner: Magali Villeneuve

Sorcerer Adept: Clint C Early

Awakened Sorcerer: Igor Kieryluk

Infernal Sorcerer: Peter Mohrbacher

Fae Sorcerer: Kieran Yanner

Phoenix Sorcerer: Chris Rahn

Sea Sorcerer: Chase Stone

Vampiric Sorcerer: Johannes Voss

Patron Art: Magali Villeneuve

Watercolor Stains: Jared Ondricek

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