Genus Loci Warlock

by PonyCold

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Warlock Patron: Genius Loci

Warlock Patron: Genius Loci !

Embody the land and world

The World itself lives. Just as you or I breath and think so does the Earth. Genius Loci are the living embodiment of the will of a region. More often than not a Genius Loci itself chooses its champion and might foist the responsibility regardless of whether they want it or not.

Table of Contents

level Warlock Features
1 Blood of the Land
1 Touch the Source
6 Feel the Quake
10 The land is Never Far
14 I am, You Aren't

Domain Embodiment

level Domain spells
3rd Arctic Hold Person, Spike Growth
5th Arctic Sleet Storm, Slow
7th Arctic Freedom of Movement, Ice Storm
9th Arctic Commune with Nature, Cone of Cold
3rd Coast Mirror Image, Misty Step
5th Coast Water Breathing, Water Walk
7th Coast Control Water, Freedom of Movement
9th Coast Conjure Elemental, Scrying
3rd Dessert Blur, Silence
5th Dessert Create Food and Water, Protection from Energy
7th Dessert Blight, Hallucinatory Terrain
9th Dessert Insect Plague, Wall of Stone
3rd Forrest Barkskin, Spider Climb
5th Forrest Call Lightning, Plant Growth
7th Forrest Divination, Freedom of Movement
9th Forrest Commune with Nature, Tree Stride
3rd Grassland Invisibility, Pass Without Trace
5th Grassland Daylight, Haste
7th Grassland Divination, Freedom of Movement
9th Grassland Dream, Insect Plague
3rd Mountain Spider Climb, Spike Growth
5th Mountain Lightning Bolt, Meld into Stone
7th Mountain Stone Shape, Stoneskin
9th Mountain Passwall, Wall of Stone
3rd Swamp Darkness, Melf's Acid Arrow
5th Swamp Water Walk, Stinking Cloud
7th Swamp Freedom of Movement, Locate Creature
9th Swamp Insect Plague, Scrying
------------- :-------------: -----:
3rd Underdark Spider Climb, Web
5th Underdark Gaseous Form, Stinking Cloud
7th Underdark Greater Invisibility, Stone Shape
9th Underdark Cloudkill, Insect Plague

Blood of the Land

At level one, you gain either the Mold Earth or Shape Water cantrips. charisma is your spell casting modifier for these spells. Choose a from the list of circle of land domains you gain these spells at the level Druids of the land typically gain circle spells. You also gain either swimming speed or burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, depending on your circle. *

Touch the Source

At level one, during a Long rest you may enter a trance where your Loci is willing to answer simple questions about the terrain your party is in. Such as, what plants are poison, if there a is a nearby well, what animals are hostile, Ect. Creatures native to your domain of 1 CR or lower will not attack you unless provoked.

Feel the Quake

At level six, you learn how to merge yourself with your your patron's domain to a small degree. Feeling the vibrations in the earth you gain 60 ft of Tremor sense. You learn the meld into stone spell if you don't already know it, and can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus each long rest. You body gains the property of earth and you gain a resistance to bludgeoning damage.

The Land is Never Far

At level ten, you gain the favor of you patron and can call on their power regardless of where you are. Once per Long rest you can transform a space of thirty feet around you in circle around you to your chosen domain, including summoning a number (1d6) of native creatures of CR 3 or less. This circle lasts for five minutes and then returns to its previous form, including returning the summoned creatures to their original region. Creature native to your chosen domain of CR 6 or less will not attack you unless provoked and you can speak and understand those of cr 3 or less. Once per long rest your Patron can intervene in battle on your behalf canceling a failed roll and forcing a reroll.

I am, You Aren't

At level fourteen you gain complete understanding of your chosen domain, knowing all wisdom of it. You gain advantage on all skill checks while in your domain. If your body is permanently destroyed or damaged, you can create a new one in exchange for a diamond (of any value) and thirty days so long as you are in good standing with your patron and desire to return to life, effectively casting the resurrection spell.


  • CD Projekt Red
  • 'Wizard's of the Coast
  • Ed Bonny, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Skip Williams, and Steve Winter

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