Star Trek: Destiny

by xthelionheart

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Star Trek: Destiny

Character Creation

  1. Your new character starts with 35 Skill points to assign to 10 different Skills. You cannot set any skill to 10. You may have one skill of 8 or lower, two Skills of 6 or lower, and three Skills of 5 or lower.
  2. You start with a maximum of 10 Willpower.
  3. You start with 3 Trait slots.


Skill Level Modifier Mastery
0 -3 Untrained
1-2 -2 Novice
3-4 -1 Apprentice
5-6 +0, +1 Journeyman
7-8 +2, +3 Expert
9-10 +4, +5 Master


Your basic language ability, empathy, and mastery of communication systems.


Your verbal intelligence and aptitude for rhetoric.


Your ability to manipulate existing technology or create new technology.


Your muscular power, physical fitness, and ability to endure pain.


Your instincts for ground and space navigation, as well as piloting.


Your proficiency at all tasks which interact with alien flora and fauna.


Your aptitude for discovery and ability to assess information which emerges from the environment.


Your ability to gather information from your environment.


Your knowledge of security protocols, combat training, and prowess with weapons systems.


A combination of physical and mental flexibility applicable to varying circumstances.

The Admiral

The Admiral creates the scenarios the characters will encounter and will often prompt them to perform a Skill Check in order to complete a task.

Skill Checks

Skill Check = 2d6 + Skill Modifier + Other Modifiers

Other modifiers include the roll of a Luck Die, modifiers from Traits and modifiers from one's Status.

Difficulty Level Difficulty
6 Simple Task
8 Minor Challenge
10 Challenge
12 Major Challenge
14+ Impossible Challenge

Luck Die

You can expend 1 Willpower to roll a Luck Die before the result of a Skill Check is determined.

1d6 Modifier
6 +3
5 +2
4 +1
3 -1
2 -2
1 -3

Failure Die

Every time a Skill Check is below the Difficulty Level, it counts as a failure.

1d6 Modifier
6 Partial Success with minor boon
5 Partial Success
4 Simple Failure
3 Failure with minor side effect
2 Failure with major side effect
1 Failure with catastrophic side effect


When making a roll with Advantage you make the same roll twice, taking the greatest value of the two rolls.


When making a roll with Disadvantage you make the same roll twice, taking the lowest value of the two rolls.

Skill Progression

Gaining Experience

You can choose to train a Skill instead of regaining Willpower during a short or long rest; you gain 1 XP in the Skill.

When making a Skill Check of a Difficulty Level, DL, which is equal to or greater than your base Skill Level, you gain 1 XP, an experience point, in the Skill. You gain an additional 1 XP if you succeed due to a Luck Die.

Be sure to mark any XP gains as a part of your total XP.

Spending Experience

Skill Levels can be increased after character creation using XP.

During a long rest if you have XP equal to 10 + your current Skill Level for a given under 10 Skill Level, you can spend the required XP you to increase your Skill Level by 1. You can increase the Skill Level of more than one Skill at a time.


You can expend 1 Willpower in order to re-roll any Skill Check or the Luck Die before it is determined whether you succeed or fail.

You can also expend 1 Willpower in order to use your Versatility skill after having failed a Skill Check previously in the same scene; or 2 Willpower to to use your Versatility for any Skill Check instead of the required skill.

Finally you can expend 1 Willpower to re-roll the Failure Die or re-roll a Luck Die.

You can rest to restore 1 Willpower for every 2 hours of recreation or relaxation so long as you have 4 or more Willpower remaining.

Willpower Modifier
Good Spirits 10-9 +1 modifier to all skill checks
At Ease 8-6 -
Ailing 5-4 -1 modifier to all skill checks
Demoralized 1-3 Stressed, Disadvantage towards all Skill Checks
Broken 0 You automatically fail all Skill Checks


If you have 1 to 3 Willpower, you will be visibly stressed, unable to be calming, and more likely to increase stress in others; meaning all other characters in the scene must make a DL 8 Versatility Skill Check or lose 1 Willpower everytime you attempt a Skill Check. You also have Disadvantage towards all Skill Checks.

Health & Wellbeing

Characters are all effected by their current wellbeing. Injuries incur stress and make performing their duties much more difficult. Injuries or wounds, decrements to a character's health level can be incurred by combat or other perilous situations. Additionally the passage of time can reduce a character's wellbeing from Well-Rested to Ready. Your Status further decrements over time for every 8 hour period you do not engage in a short rest.

Status Modifier
Well-Rested +1 modifier to all skill checks
Ready -
Wounded, Tired -1 modifier to all skill checks, Maximum Willpower -3
Heavily Wounded, Worn Out -2 modifier to all skill checks, Maximum Willpower -5
Critically Injured, Exhausted -3 modifier to all skill checks, Maximum Willpower -7


Throughout the course of a character's space-faring career they may fall ill due to contact with alien or manufactured pathogens. If you are Ill or Moderately Ill your Status Condition increments by one Status Condition level with every other short rest, or by one with a long rest. Severe Illness must be treated by a doctor who must make a Science Skill Check in order to increment your Status Condition.

Status Condition Modifier
Good Health -
Ill -1 modifier to all skill checks
Moderate Illness -2 modifier to all skill checks
Severely Ill -3 modifier to all skill checks, Disadvantage towards Fitness Skill Checks


Short rests are 8 hours periods in which you either relax, engage in light activity, or sleep. You recover 1 Willpower after completing a short rest. If you were Ready before initiating your short rest, you become Well-rested. Additionally if you are Wounded or worse, your Status increments by a Status level.

Long rests are 48 hour periods in which you engage in a combination of relaxation, recreation, socialization, moderate to light off-duty activity as well as sleeping and rests. You recover Willpower equal to your Versatility Skill Level. If you are Wounded, Tired or worse, your Status increments by two Status level.



You can make a Communication Skill Check with Advantage in place of a Science or Engineering Skill Check when interacting with advanced technology you can interface with. You have Disadvantage with Communication or Diplomacy Skill Checks towards humanoid lifeforms. Additionally you gain 2 Skill Points toward Fitness and Senses.

Aspiring Human

Prerequisite: Android
When interacting with humanoids, your total Skill Check value cannot exceed 8 on a Communication or Diplomacy Skill Check, but you gain 1 Willpower if you succeed.


Prerequisite: Navigation 5+
If you are aboard a starship, you may choose to use astrometric systems to boost any character’s Navigation roll by +2 (or Senses if using ship’s sensors), or +3 if you are in a dedicated Astrometrics Lab. This benefit can only be conferred if you have spent at least two hours working in the Astrometrics Lab or if there is no Astrometrics lab, you must have spent at least one hour studying stellar cartography.


Prerequisite: Fitness 5+
While your ship or party is at Yellow Alert (or equivalent) you gain +1 to Fitness, Tactics, and Senses Skill Checks. While either your ship or party are at Red Alert (or equivalent), you gain +2 modifier to the previously specified skills. While there is no alert, you have -1 to Communication and Senses Skill Checks.


Prerequisite: Diplomacy 5+
You can expend 1 Willpower after having failed a Diplomacy Skill Check, not have to roll a Failure Die, and immediately attempt a Communications Skill Check of the same difficulty.

Command Experience

Prerequisite: Tactics 5+
Once per day during a tense situation, you can choose to gain 4 Willpower. After the situation is resolved you lose 6 Willpower.


Prerequisite: Communication 5+
You can expend 2 Willpower and spend 1 hour of time talking alone with an individual restores their Willpower, up to your Communication Skill Level divided by two and rounded down.


Prerequisite: Engineering or Science 5+

You can attempt to to hack technology to take control of its functions. The Admiral decides the Skill Check required, usually a mix of Communication, Engineering, Tactics, and Science. You have Advantage against less technologically advanced species of systems. If you fail the Skill Check, the owner of the targeted system is aware of your attempts and has a chance to hack your systems.


For any Skill Check, you can choose to succeed it. Doing so reduces your Maximum Willpower by 2 until your next long rest, and costs Willpower equal to half the Difficulty Level.


For any Skill Check, the Admiral names the Skill which is the second most appropriate for the Skill Check, or Versatility if there is no second most appropriate Skill. You sum the Skill Levels you have in each skill to a maximum of 8 and use the new modifier for the Skill Check . This costs 2 Willpower. You cannot take the Assist Special Action.


Prerequisite: Versatility 5+
You can use your Science skill for medical treatment. All other Science skill checks for non-medical purposes have a -3 modifier, depending on how different the field of study is from medicine, at the Admiral’s discretion.


Prerequisite: Versatility 5+
Your Maximum Willpower increases by 1.


Prerequisite: Versatility 7+
You have 2 more Maximum Willpower. If you fail a Skill Check, you lose 1 Willpower.


Prerequisite: Versatility 7+
You do not exhibit signs of stress due to low or 0 Willpower. However you cannot expend Willpower to re-roll a Skill Check or to use your Versatility skill.


Prerequisite: Skill 5+
You gain a +2 modifier to any one Skill. This unlocks certain Special Actions depending on the chosen Skill.


Prerequisite: Senses 5+
Until the end of a tense situation, you can add your Versatility skill modifier to any other Skill Level, but every other Skill Check has a -1 modifier. You cannot employ the Versatility skill until after your next long rest.


Prerequisite: Engineering 5+
During downtime, you may create holographic programs. The quality will be determined by adding an Engineering roll and a roll of one other Skill of your choice. The nature of the program will be determined by which Skill is used for the second roll. Anyone using the holographic program must roll for that second Skill, and will regain Willpower depending on how well they roll, at the Admiral’s discretion. You may also use your own programs. Whenever you use your own programs, roll 1d6, if you roll a 1, you gain the trait "Holographic Addiction" as an "Affixed Trait", which does not fill a trait slot.

Holographic Addiction: You cannot regain Willpower with short rests, but you gain 3 Willpower for every three hours you use the holodeck alone. If you have this as an Affixed Trait, you can choose to remove it at the expense of 5 Willpower.


You do not suffer injuries, illness or from exhaustion and are always have the Ready status. However you cannot leave your ship. Any damage the ship your code and memory is stored on has a chance to neutralize you, a 1 on a 1d6 which is rolled every time the ship receives damage. This is especially true of nearby internal damage for which the aforementioned roll is made at Disadvantage.


Prerequisite: Fitness or Tactics 5+
You recover Willpower up to 10 when you deliberately cause the death of an individual you know. If your Willpower is below 5, you lose 1 Willpower every 24 hours and cannot regain it with a short rest.


Prerequisite: Science 5+
While researching or decrypting, any Skill Checks required to understand or utilize the information you uncover has a +1 modifier or a +3 modifier if you expend 1 Willpower. If you fail the Skill Check after having expended 1 Willpower and roll a 3 or lower on the Failure Die you will corrupt the data, making it unreadable.


Prerequisite: Versatility 6+
You have Advantage when rolling a Luck Die. When rolling the Failure Die the major and catastrophic side effects are instead, hilarious.


Prerequisite: Science or Tactics 5+
You choose to increase your Science or Tactics Skill Level by 3, however your Diplomacy and Communication rolls have a -2 modifier.


Prerequisite: Engeineering or Science 5+
You cannot re-roll failures for Diplomacy or Communication Skill Checks. However after every long rest you can re-roll up to two failed Science or Engineering Skill Checks.


Prerequisite: Engineering 5+
If you fail a roll using Engineering, you can try again using Navigation without expending any Willpower. You cannot use your Science skill for anything unrelated to warp mechanics, and using Engineering for anything else costs 1 Willpower.


You gain an additional two Trait slots and if this Trait is chosen during character creation you may fill them, otherwise you must the usual rules for acquiring a new Trait.


Prerequisite: Communication 5+
You recover up to 10 Willpower when you have a pleasant sexual experience, increasing according to novelty. If your Willpower is below 4 or below, you lose 1 Willpower every 24 hours and cannot regain it with a short rest.


Prerequisite: Navigation 5+
You can use Navigation to fly any size of starship or vehicle.


Prerequisite: Versatility 5+
You can expend 1 Willpower to use your Versatility for any Skill Check.


Prerequisite: Skill 8+
You suffer no negative effects from Status. You must expend 1 Willpower when making a Versatility Skill Check.

Substance Reliance

Social mind-altering substance-use restores 1 Willpower per hour up to 3, resetting upon your next short or long rest. Every Willpower restored while you have less than 5 Willpower does not count towards this total. You cannot regain Willpower from short rests.

Science Communicator

Prerequisite: Communication 5+
You can expend 1 Willpower to remotely Assist with a Science Skill Check using only verbal communication. If your Communication Skill Level is below the Science Skill Level of your target, roll 1d6, on a 1 or a 2 the target has a -2 modifier to the Skill Check.


Prerequisite: Communication 5+
While on the ship you can teach. Teaching during the day for at least 4 hours increases your Willpower recovered during a short rest by your Communication skill modifier, or 1, whichever is greater. If you do not teach throughout the duration of a day, you recover 1 less Willpower your next short or long rest.


Prerequisite: Engineering 5+
You can expend 1 Willpower to improve any of the ship's systems. The effectiveness of the overclock is based on an Engineering Skill Check. This requires a reduction of effectiveness of another ship’s system, or a significant increase in the detectability of the ship, decided by the overclocker. When starting the overclock, roll 1d6. If it is 1, the overclock fails and may cause damage to the system.


Prerequisite: Engineering 5+
You can only train Engineering however you do regain Willpower; you gain 1 XP in the Skill. You can only regain Willpower from recreation if it is spent tinkering. This requires access to some sufficiently complex technology and solitude.


You can assign 6 additional Skill points (without exceeding 7 in any Skill you add to). However, every Willpower action costs an additional Willpower.


You have 4 more Maximum Willpower. if you fail a roll, you lose 2 Willpower.


Prerequisite: Communication 5+
You have Disadvantage towards hostile actions targeting members of a species other than your own that requires Fitness or Tactics Skill Checks. However you have Advantage towards Communications and Diplomacy Skill Checks that target members of a species other than your own.


Prerequisite: Communication 5+
You have Advantage towards hostile actions targeting members of a species other than your own that requires Fitness or Tactics Skill Checks. However you have Disadvantage towards Communications and Diplomacy Skill Checks that target members of a species other than your own.

Trait Mechanics

As your character develops, through consistent role-playing, you gain Trait slots. Character development is generally defined as a profound learning experience which incurred a detriment upon the character which was accepted and required non-trivial extra effort or innovation to account for. Multiple minor or ambiguous examples can be compounded to generate a Trait slot.

At the start of a campaign, you may choose to leave some of your Trait slots unfilled. If you do this, you can fill those Trait slots when over a short or long rest at the discretion of the Admiral.

Trait slots can also be acquired by expending 30 XP total from one or multiple skills.

Switching Traits

Over a short or long rest, you can spend 6 Willpower and forgo Willpower recovery to change one Trait. At the discretion of the Admiral, this requirement can be waived, if for example there was a misunderstanding about the functionality of a trait, a character is not enjoyable to play, or if a Trait has not had an effect on play.


When rolling to avoid detection, make a Fitness or Tactics Skill Check, or both. If the physical environment is challenging to traverse, make a Fitness Skill Check. If the opponent is especially attentive, make a Tactics Skill Check whose DL is a Senses Skill Check made by your opponents.

Ground Combat

You may take one action per turn, unless an action otherwise states that you can take others. An action can be a Combat Action or a Skill Check attempt.

A conflict only occurs if both sides are aware of the conflict and are not Neutralized. For example, if you get the drop on an opponent with your weapon pointed at them, they are essentially Neutralized and combat has not started. If, however, they are able to dodge out of the way or knock your weapon away, combat begins.


The turn order in combat is determined by all participants rolling for Tactics or Senses. The participants act in descending order. Ties are broken by agreement between non-hostile participants, or by another Tactics roll if they do not agree or are hostile.



If an opponent attempts to target you with the Shoot! action your ally will be able to take a Shoot! Combat action targeting the opponent first, ending your Covered condition and your ally's Covering condition.


You cannot take any other action while in this condition.


You are unable to act until the conflict has ended. You become Incapacitated when you become Critically Injured.

In Cover

Opponents have a -2 modifier to their Tactics Skill Check towards Shoot! Combat actions against you.


You are either Incapacitated, or held unable to take an action by a clear advantage an opponent has.


You must take a Recover action before taking any other actions.


You cannot take the Shoot! or Covering Fire Combat actions.

Combat Actions


Leave cover, removing the In Cover condition. Make a Fitness Skill Check of a DL determined by the Admiral and you will successfully approach an opponent and can immediately take Brawl action. If you fail, you enter the Stumbled condition.


You and your opponent roll for Fitness and Tactics, adding the results together. The character with the lowest sum is Neutralized.

Daring Assault

Leave cover, removing the In Cover condition. Make a DL 10 Tactics Skill Check. If you succeed, gain a +2 modifier towards Tactics rolls during this conflict. If you fail, you enter the Stumbled condition.

Covering Fire

Target an ally. You enter the Covering condition, and your allied target enters the Covered condition.

Daring Maneuver

Roll for Tactics or Fitness. All opponents also roll for Tactics or Fitness. If your roll is at least 2 higher than all other opponents, you may Neutralize one chosen opponent, then roll 1d6, Neutralizing another opponent each time you do not roll a 1 or a 2. Once you roll a 1 or a 2 or all opponents are Neutralized your Daring Maneuver ends and you may immediately take the Seek Cover action.

If your initial roll fails, you enter the Stumbled condition.


Remove the Stumbled condition from yourself.

Seek Cover

Make a Tactics or Fitness Skill Check of a DL determined by the Admiral for you to successfully find cover, depending on the geometry of the environment. Enter the In Cover condition.


While equipped with a ranged weapon make a Tactics Skill Check with the DL being equal to the target's Tactics Skill Level. Alternatively you can inflict the Suppressed condition against the target rather attempting to inflict damage. The target makes a DL 8 Fitness Skill Check to either dodge or resist the inflicted damage of the weapon. If they fail to dodge or resist the target suffers the damage inflicted by the weapon.

Special Actions

For Special Actions, your Combined Skill Level requirement consists of your Versatility Skill Level up to 3, plus the appropriate Skill noted in the first column.

Friendly Conversation

Communication Ability
1+ Allows engaging in friendly conversation as a recreational activity to can gain Willpower.
3+ Allows you to transfer 1 Willpower per day with conversation.
9+ You confer an additional Willpower when Counselling. Requires the Counsellor trait.


Communication Ability
5+ Allows learning unfamiliar languages (those not in the Universal Translator). Requires the Expert (Communication) Trait.


Science Ability
1+ Allows you to perform first aid. This includes only basic assessment and treatment.
5+ Allows you to perform Surgery. Requires the Doctor Trait.
7+ Allows you to perform Medical Research. Requires the Doctor Trait.

Operations: Comms

Communication Ability
1+ Allows opening direct audio channels.
4+ Allows opening wide-band channels.
5+ Allows opening video channels.
6+ Allows opening encrypted channels. Requires the Expert (Communication) Trait.

Operations: Sensors

Senses Ability
1+ Allows surface geometry scans.
4+ Allows internal scans.
5+ Allows filtered scans, including for life-signs. Requires the Expert (Senses) Trait.
6+ Allows attempting to penetrate scan-resistant materials. Requires the Expert (Senses) Trait.


Navigation Ability
1+ Allows speeds up to 60mph.
5+ Allows speeds up to lightspeed.
7+ Allows any speed. Requires the Pilot Trait.

Warp Mechanics

Science or Engineering Ability
1+ Allows simple operation of warp systems.
5+ Allows repairing warp systems. Requires the Mechanic Trait.
9+ Allows improving warp systems. Requires the Mechanic Trait.

Tactical Engineering

Engineering Ability
1+ Allows simple operation of vehicle tactical systems.
5+ Allows repairing vehicle tactical systems. Requires the Expert (Engineering) Trait.
9+ Allows improving vehicle tactical systems. Requires the Expert (Engineering) Trait.


You target a character performing a Skill Check before the result is determined and make an appropriate Skill Check yourself of the same DL. If you succeed your target gains Advantage towards their Skill Check.


Bipolar Torch

A large tool requiring two hands that provides focused cutting power greater than a Phaser Rifle.


A handheld device which allows person-to-person, inter-ship, and person-to-ship communications on subspace channels.


A badge with an integrated communication system allowing communications with others wearing a Combadge or communications systems while onboard a starship.

Medical Tricorder

Prerequisite: Science 4+
Provides a +1 modifier towards Science Skill Checks in order to render medical aid.

Personal Access Display Device

Handheld computer interface. Provides a +1 modifier towards Science Skill Checks.


A versatile, portable sensing device. Provides a +1 modifier towards Versatility Skill Checks.

Trident Scanner

A large handheld scanner used in repairs on starships. Provides a +1 modifier towards Engineering Skill Checks.


A handheld device used perform general sensory functions such as generating floor plan views, locating bio-signs, or identifying technology. Provides a +1 modifier towards Senses Skill Checks.

Universal Translator

An ear piece which deciphers and interprets alien languages into the native language of the user so long as it is a known database. Provides a +1 modifier towards Communication Skill Checks when communicating with targets speaking a foreign language.


A medical device used to aid patients who had either lost their eyesight or were born blind. VISOR-wearers are able to see in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges and beyond.

Ranged Weapons

Hand Phaser

Prerequisite: Tactics 2+
Upon a successful Shoot! Combat action the target suffers 2 decrements to their Status.

Phaser Rifle

Prerequisite: Tactics 6+
Upon a successful Shoot! Combat action the target suffers 3 decrements to their Status.

Starship Facilities & Technologies


A holographic environment simulator, is a holographic simulation room designed to run holographic programs. It is often used for entertainment, training, and investigative purposes.


A device that used matter-energy conversion technology often to replicate foodstuffs. Replicators could be used for replicating an almost limitless range of other objects including complex devices, machine components, clothing, and medication. Industrial replicators can even be used to replicate heavier machine parts.

Users can program their own replication patterns into the replicator with an appropriate Skill Check.


The transporter is a type of teleportion machine, or teleporter. It is capable of almost instantaneously transporting an object from one location to another, by using matter-energy conversion to transform matter into energy, then beam it to or from a chamber, where it was reconverted back or materialize into its original pattern.


Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
6 (+1) 8 (+5) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
0 (-3) 0 (-3) 5 (+0) 5 (+0) 6 (+1)


  • Barterer, Egotist, Expert (Diplomacy)


Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
8 (+3) 5 (+0) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
0 (-3) 5 (+0) 6 (+1) 0 (-3) 6 (+1)


  • Counselor, Driven, Polymath

Chief Engineer

Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
5 (+0) 0 (-3) 8 (+5) 0 (-3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
0 (-3) 6 (+1) 0 (-3) 6 (+1) 5 (+0)


  • Expert (Engineering), Machine Minded, Mechanic

Chief Helmsman

Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
5 (+0) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 8 (+3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
0 (-3) 0 (-3) 6 (+1) 5 (+0) 6 (+1)


  • Astrometrist, Focused, Pilot

Medical Chief

Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
5 (+0) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
6 (+1) 8 (+3) 5 (+0) 0 (-3) 6 (+1)


  • Doctor, Disciplined, Professional

Operations Chief

Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
8 (+3) 0 (-3) 2 (-1) 0 (-3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
0 (-3) 5 (+0) 8 (+3) 5 (+0) 6 (+1)


  • Android, Aspiring Human, Xenophile

Security Chief

Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
5 (-2) 5 (-2) 0 (-3) 8 (+3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
0 (-3) 0 (-3) 5 (+0) 9 (+4) 7 (+2)


  • Command Experience, Logical, Veteran

Science Chief

Maximum Willpower
Com Dip Eng Fit Nav
5 (+0) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3) 0 (-3)
Nat Sci Sen Tac Vers
6 (+1) 8 (+3) 6 (+1) 0 (-3) 5 (+0)


  • Cyber-Infiltrator, Info-Tech, Science Communicator


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