Copy of - Monk, Monastic Tradition: Way of The Stray v2.0

by nisemono

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Monk, Monastic Tradition: Way of the Absolver

Way of the Absolver

Medium of the Unseen

The world speaks in a soundless voice, subtle shifts in the wind that speak to every act, knowledge and ideas that resonate in the subconscious of all things. Yet, the children of the world revile and rebuke it as a testament to the freedom and power gifted to them. An unseen quietus gathers and builds until the walls of grace crumble in a single momentous surge, razing all in cleansing wrath. And so the cycle repeats.

There are those with an affinity to the flows, those that feel the leaks from the crucible of potential and possibility. However, this affinity places one in a precarious position, making them vulnerable to succumbing to these flows, their emotions resonating with the unseen.

There are those that seek to hone this power as a blessing instead of a curse: the Absolvers. A reclusive group of individuals, considered the foremost elites as exorcists, warriors, and keepers of the balance.

Affinity to the Unseen

Your abilities and time in battle can drastically heighten the stress, drive, and emotion that stirs within you, amplifying your affinity with the unseen at the cost of straining your existence as a whole. Many of the abilities gained by this subclass can raise or lower this Affinity level, along with the general flow of battle:

  • Each time you start your turn while engaged in combat, you take damage, see a creature reduced to 0 hit points, or see a creature receive a critical hit, your Affinity level is raised by one for each instance.
  • If your Affinity level has not been raised for 1 minute, it is reduced to 0.
  • You must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of your turns, the DC is equal to your total Affinity level. On a failed save, you suffer short-term maddness until the end of your turn as determined by the short-term madness table listed in p.259 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, additionally, your Affinity level is halved (rounded down).

Note on combating the bag of rats problem: Many effects and features that trigger upon a creature being reduced to 0 hit points are liable to face the problem of smashing a hypothetical bag of rats as an abusable loophole. For Breakdown, Affinity level should not be adjusted from a creature being reduced to 0 hit points or receiving a critical hit should they not prove meaningful to the context and flow of a situation otherwise.

Arts of the Absolvers

You can use use techniques unique to your affinity for the unseen. You learn four Absolver Arts that are listed at the end of the subclass description, learning an additional four Absolver Arts each time you reach 6th, 11th, and 17th level in this class. When you gain a level in this class, you can exchange 1 Absolver Art known for another option you do not already know.

Dissolution Arts noted with (Greater) next to their name can only be used once per turn.

Some Dissolution Arts gain additional effects based on your Affinity level, noted with (Affinity ##), '##' being the prerequisite Affinity level required to trigger the additional effect.


Starting at 11th level, you brap on the DM.


Starting at 11th level, you dab on the DM.


Starting at 17th level, you slam dunk on the DM.

Absolver Arts

The techniques refined by the many individuals that make up the ranks of the Absolvers, and though severely diminished by fact of mimicry, these shall be the tools by which you shall bear the duties of an Absolver.

Cleansing Flame

Fearsome techniques of the warrior that embodied the cycles of change, whose blade felled the immortal and unchanging.

Aurora of Untime.

Blooming Inferno.

Burning Bones.

Crimson Light.

Rays of Decay.

Rain of Ash.

Torrent of Tinder.

Scorching Sky.

Soothing Sky

Techniques of the peaceful exorcist who excised protection and concise corrective action.

Blissful Dawn. You can perform a ritual over the course of 1 hour, at the end of which you expend 25gp worth of powdered silver, you then replicate the effects as described in the Ceremony spell.

Lightless Day (17th level). You can perform a ritual over the course of 1 day, expending 1000gp worth of herbs, oils, salt, and incense at the end of the ritual. Once complete, you can replicate the effects as described in the Hallow spell.

Silver Night Sun (6th level). You can spend 1 or more ki points as an action. One target you can see must make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for 10 minutes. This effect ends early if you or your allies would directly harm or threaten the target. You can choose an additional target for each ki point beyond the first you have spent.


Eclipse (17th level). You can expend 5 ki points and holy water to gain the effects as described in Dispel Evil and Good for 10 minutes. While in this state, you can touch the incorporeal and that which exists on bordering planes, such as the Ethereal Plane.


Nightfall. You can expend 1 or more ki points and holy water as an action, creating a number of talismans in a free hand equal to the ki points spent. These talismans last up to 1 day before losing their power. A creature can burn a talisman they are holding as an action to cast Protection from Evil and Good. The maximum number of talismans you've created that can exist at the same time is equal to your Wisdom modifier.

River of Radiance.

Sea of Stars.

Silent Night. You can hear and communicate with the souls of the deceased and other spirits, even if they would normally linger on a bordering plane such as the Ethereal Plane.

Silver Harvest.



Fathomless Dancer

The graceful techniques of the deep sky slayer who learned to turn profane realization into a weapon to battle its champions.

Crying Clouds.

Dancing Dew.

Ocean of Overture.

Rift Current.


Mad Sentinel

The techniques of the eccentric exorcist that seals and oversees all that must remain forbidden.

Abyss of Elds.

Sentinel of Rapture.

Lost Stray

The techniques the supposed founder of the Absolvers, now lost beyond all boundaries, the only one said to have glimpsed beyond existence itself.

Ephemeral Eye

The techniques of the slayer scout whose decisive judgment and observation gave the Absolvers a reputation for omniscience and omnipresence.

Dark Fog.

Halting Gust.

Mountain Mists.

Rending Gale.

Storm of Sublimation.


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