Steven Universe TTRPG

by InnocentGoblin

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To the unofficial roleplaying game inspired by Steven Universe!. This TTRPG is far from a comprehensive experience of the Steven Universe world but aims to create a fun game that can captivate the charm of the show.

In creating this system, I have been fully inspired by the works of Steven Universe and the fantastic world and setting the SU team gave us. I have also tried to use only official images as such I do not own any of the artwork that has been used.

More work needs to be done to this system for me to feel it is truly complete, however, in theory the system should be entirely playable in it's current state.

For more TTRPG systems and DnD homebrew check out InnocentGoblin on twitter and GMbinder.

Table of Contents


  • Amethysts ............................................................2
  • Bismuths ..............................................................3
  • Jaspers ..................................................................4
  • Lapis Lazuli .........................................................5
  • Pearls ....................................................................6
  • Peridots ................................................................7
  • Rubies ...................................................................8
  • Saphires ...............................................................9
  • Spinels ................................................................10


  • Gem Placement ................................................11
  • Gem Weapons ...................................................11
  • Gem Colours .....................................................11


  • Era 1 Gems ........................................................12
  • Era 2 Gems ........................................................12
  • Era 3 Gems ........................................................12
  • Free Gems .........................................................13
  • Off Colours .........................................................13


  • Weapons .............................................................14
  • Shields ................................................................14
  • Gem Tech ...........................................................14


  • Familiarity ..........................................................15
  • Fusing .................................................................15
  • Fusion Fighting .................................................15
  • know Your Fusion .............................................16


  • How Stats Work ...............................................17
  • Rolling and Your Stats ....................................17
  • Taking Actions ..................................................17
  • Rolling in Combat ............................................17
  • Leveling Up .......................................................17


  • Starting Combat ...............................................18
  • On Your Turn .....................................................18
  • Defense ...............................................................18
  • Luck .....................................................................18
  • Poofing and Shattering ...................................18


  • Corruption .........................................................19
  • Psychological Damage ....................................19
  • Cracked ..............................................................19
  • Poofed ................................................................19


Amethysts are a purple type of Quartz, most notably produced on Earth's Prime Kindergarten for Pink Diamond. Besides Amethyst 8XM, the Amethysts from Earth were stationed at Pink Diamond's Zoo thousands of years later, now serving Blue Diamond and are commanded by Holly Blue Agate due to the "shattering" of Pink. Like Amethyst 8XM, these Amethysts share a laid back and comedic personality.

Physical Characteristics
As Quartz they are built to the specifications for their role as warriors. Their exact height can vary depending on how well they formed when they were incubating in the ground, with many Amethysts varying wildly compared to their other Quartz sisters. Quartzes have some of the longest and thickest hair of any gem. Their hair color is often a very pale tone of the color of their gem, although some have dark brown hair. Some Quartzes may have patterns and bandings on their skin, resembling that of their real-life counterparts.

Amethyst were initially a soldier caste; with many being used as bodyguards and escorts. As a Quartz, they are higher rank than Rubies, they are designed for brute force in battle. After the Crystal Gem rebellion on Earth, the surviving Amethyst now act as guards at Homeworld outposts such as Pink Diamond's Zoo.

Amethyst Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Might increases by 2, your secondary stat Form is increased by 1

Gem Power: As an Amethyst, your power is Weaponised Shape-shifting. Amethysts are proficient shape-shifters, with the GM's discretion, they can turn into pretty much anything that might be useful.

Speed: 30ft

Famethysts Amethysts are extremely loyal. you gain a +2 to Empathy rolls when directed at another Amethyst and a +1 bonus to other Quartz

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d10. When you level up, roll 1d10 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d10 and add either your might or form mod


Physical Characteristics
Bismuths have large, top-heavy builds, specifically made for heavy construction. Their hair is multi-colored and styled as dreadlocks. While their colors vary, all Bismuths appear to feature predominantly cool colors, such as blue, purple, and green. They all have hollow gems, the insides lined with multiple colors, similar to their hair.

Bismuths were builders for aristocratic members of society. As such they possess a broad stature for intense physical labor, above-average resistance to heat and damage, and hands capable of fluidly changing its form using Gem shapeshifting to fit a wide variety of purposes

Bismuth Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Might increases by 2, your secondary stat Knowledge is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Bismuth, your power is Weapon formation. Bismuth's are able to forge all kind of weapons. They can use their shape-shifting ability to form themselves into the weapon, turning their hands into various tools for battle. Bismuths can also use a forge to create weapons for other gems. With the GM's discretion they can even help improve other Gem's weapons.

Speed: 30ft

Heat Resistance Bismuths love a lava bath more than anything. Bismuths won't take any damage from fire, lava, or anything else heat based.

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d10. When you level up, roll 1d10 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d10 and add either your might or form mod


Variety of Jaspers
Jaspers are a broad variety of Quartz soldiers that vary in colors, such as Biggs Jasper and Ocean Jasper. The famous Jasper describes her cut as never giving up and always getting what they want.

Physical Appearance
Jaspers have an intimidating stature, most appear to be the same height as each other, with variations of this standard height being very rare. Jaspers may have patterns and bandings on their skin, resembling that of their real-life counterparts. All Homeworld Jaspers wear the standard Homeworld uniform, while Quartzes with a more managerial position wear an additional shawl and boots. Decorated Quartzes, such as Jasper, can also wear a cape over their uniform, though this isn't actually a part of their physical form.

As Quartzes they were initially a soldier caste; and individual gems were used as bodyguards and escorts. Due to their rank and power, they are less numerous than Rubies. Jasper stated that Quartzes are made to fight and Jaspers specifically always get what they want.

Jasper Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Might increases by 2, your secondary stat Form is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Jasper, your power is Warrior's Might. Your strength is mighty, once per turn, if an attack misses you, you may make an attack in retaliation.

Speed: 30ft

Resilient Might Once per day, if an attack will poof you, you may avoid the attack entirely, causing it to miss.

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d10. When you level up, roll 1d10 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d10 and add either your might or form mod

Lapis Lazuli

Physical Appearance
Lapis Lazulis are slightly shorter than Pearls, and are very humanoid in appearance, with their blue colored skin and gem being the only indication that they are extraterrestrial.

Homeworld Lapis Lazulis are barefooted, and wear a cropped sleeveless top with a long skirt that goes just below their knees. The diamond insignia is either placed on the collar in a similar way to the most common Homeworld uniform, or split in half over the front of the top and skirt.

Lapis Lazulis were very valuable to Gem Empire because of their powerful hydrokinesis, and also were among the common elite on Homeworld. They are primarily used for terraforming potential colonies with their hydrokinesis, as mentioned by Yellow Diamond.

Lapis Lazulis are terraformers who reshape alien planets to be more suited for Gem production and colonization. From what has been shown Lapis Lazulis are incredibly powerful Gems, being capable of moving entires bodies of water with such force that it easily cuts through thick layers of rock. It is likely that this is how the canyons for Kindergartens are created, and how a planet's landmasses are reshaped by Homeworld during colonization.

Lapis Lazuli Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Form increases by 2, your secondary stat Foresight is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Lapis Lazuli, your power is Water Manipulation. Lapis Lazuli are formidable when near a body of water. Lapis can control water in various creative ways. Attacks with water are considered weapon attacks

Speed: 30ft

Water Wings: You can sprout your Water Wings. With your wings out you have a fly speed of 30ft.

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d8. When you level up, roll 1d8 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d8 and add either your might or form mod


Physical Description
Physically, all Pearls appear to have a slender, androgynous form and a beak-like nose. They can also be "customized" by owners in color and appearance, allowing them to have very noticeable differences from each other, unlike most other types of Gems who would normally wear near identical uniforms and have very similar, if not exact, colors.

Most Homeworld Pearls tend to wear some form of skin-tight, balletic clothing, such as a singlet or body suit, with a flowy sheer material attached to reflect a certain element of their owner's clothing. The position
of their gemstone also matches
that of their owner

In the strictly regimented Homeworld hierarchical system, Pearls function as attendants to high-ranking Gems. They combine the duties of a variety of different service roles, such as a lady-in-waiting (tending to and making requests on behalf of her master), footman (opening doors and announcing their master's arrival), and secretary (carrying out clerical tasks).

Pearls act as companions and provide simple luxuries such as singing, dancing, and projecting visual entertainment via holograms. One of their most unique functions is their ability to hold and store inside their Gem a seemingly limitless number of their owner's belongings.

Pearl Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Foresight increases by 2, your secondary stat Form is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Pearl, your power is Holograms. Pearls can create realistic holograms for everyday tasks. Once per day, you are able to create a battle ready hologram, this will have the same stats as you and will fight on it's own turn.

Speed: 30ft

Pearl Inside Pearl's Pearl: Pearls can use their gem to store items. The storage capacity is limitless.

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d6. When you level up, roll 1d6 and add either your form or might modifier. At level 1 roll 2d6 and add either your might or form modifier.


Physical Characteristics
Peridots tend to have green skin and yellow or green hair that comes in a variety of shapes. They possess abilities which make technological enhancements unnecessary for them to perform their duties.

Peridots served mainly as technicians and kindergarteners, sometimes performing field assignments on other planets such as the Peridot who befriended Steven and joined the Crystal Gems. Being workers, Peridots had a low rank, only being allowed into elite Homeworld areas if a job was needed to be done there.

Era-2 Peridots were given Limb Enhancers to compensate for the lack of strength and unique abilities, save for enhanced durability, older Gems had due to the depletion of resources on Homeworld. One Peridot so far was shown to have ferrokinetic abilities.

Peridot Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Knowledge increases by 2, your secondary stat Form is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Peridot, your power is Metal Manipulation. Peridots can control metal, move it, and bend it to their will.

Speed: 30ft

Tech Genius Peridots are extremely proficient with gem technology. when interfacing with gem tech, add +5 to your roll.

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d6. When you level up, roll 1d6 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d6 and add either your might or form mod.


Physical Appearance
Rubies are short in size with boxy body shapes and large square-shaped afro-like hair. While they can have slightly different shades of skin tone and hair color, they have no other real physical differences between them.

Most Homeworld Rubies serving Yellow Diamond wear the standard uniform. Some Homeworld Rubies wear very basic uniforms with no clear insignia on them.

Rubies are a type of soldier caste. Garnet describes them as "common", seeing as they are all originally identical to one another. They appear to be used as personal escorts and bodyguards for high-ranking Gems; typically Sapphires. Seeing as they are so numerous, inferred from Ruby's comment of there being "tons" of her, Rubies are considered somewhat unimportant and highly expendable grunts, though they compensate by fusing together into bigger constructs of themselves. Rubies are also sent to different planets to seek out specific Gems.

A Rubies main strength on Homeworld is their ability to combine; a Ruby would never be sent alone to do anything. Rubies are not supposed to have different personalities; the fact that they do "flies under the radar" because they act serious around higher-ranking Gems.

Ruby Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Might increases by 2, your secondary stat Form is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Ruby, your power is Fire Manipulation. You may manipulate fire to your will. Your attacks are also charged with fire, they deal double damage to non-gem enemies.

Speed: 30ft

Heat Resistance: Rubies are extremely resilient for their size, they won't take any damage from fire, lava, or anything else heat based.

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d8. When you level up, roll 1d8 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d8 and add either your might or form mod


Physical Appearance
Sapphires are short Gems with round faces and one singular eye. Sapphires all wear ballgowns with poofy sleeves and elbow length gloves, although the additional details on their gowns can vary between them. Sapphires can have many different hairstyles, but one common feature is that they all have their eye covered by their hair regardless of what way it is styled.

While mostly shown in shades of blue, different colored Sapphires can exist, with orange Sapphires (Padparadschas) being noted by Garnet as especially rare.

Role Sapphires were of the nobility class, described as rare and part of the aristocratic elites; in spite of this they had no immunity from outcast status. They could foresee possible events using their future vision, and were the only singular Gems with this ability. Their honorific was "Your Clarity". Subtypes included Padparadscha Sapphires. Several Sapphires attended the Era 3 Ball. Sapphires were also commonly flanked by several Ruby guards.

Primarily, Sapphires use their future vision to assure other Gems of the future's certainty, since they can only see one possible future

Sapphire Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Knowledge increases by 2, your secondary stat Foresight is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Sapphire, your power is Future Vision. Looking into their own future, Sapphires can use their power to try and get information on the immediate future. Once per day you can ask a question on your future, limited to that day, The answer might be anything from cryptic to very accurate but it will alwyas be correct.
This power is also useful in combat, if someone hits you with an attack, you may use your future vision to make them re-roll the attack, they must then use the second result.

Speed: 30ft

Ice Infusion: If a Sapphire successfully attacks a target, their speed is reduced by 10ft until the end of their next go, this effect cannot be used against a target that is already slowed

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d6. When you level up, roll 1d6 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d6 and add either your might or form mod


Physical Characteristics
A Spinel's overall design is shorter and rounded in contrast to many other Gems. They usually have large cartoonish eyes and hair often styled into a pair of heart-shaped buns. Their colour palette are often extremely bright to make them more inviting.

Due to their role, they are never seen standing still and will always be active and energetic with their friends. when idle, a Spinel will happily bop up and down.

A spinel's role is to entertain and play with the gem they were made for. Once a Spinel makes a friend, they are extremely loyal and will ensured they are entertained even to their own detriment.

Due to their role as entertainers, Spinels are extremely flexible and stretchy, their flexibility is second to none, making them amazing playmates and even better fighters.

Spinel Traits

Stat Increase: Your main stat Form increases by 2, your secondary stat Empathy is increased by 1

Gem Power: As a Spinel, your power is Stretch. Your body is extremely stretchy, allowing you to hit enemies from far away, to reach distant ledges, or to simply cheat at tag.

Speed: 35ft

Entertainer: You gain a +2 to Empathy rolls when attempting to perform or entertain other Gems

Luck Points: your luck point dice is a d8. When you level up, roll 1d8 and add either your form or might modifier.
At level 1 roll 2d8 and add either your might or form mod


Your Gems can be customised in many different ways. This guide will help you create the perfect Gem.

Gem Placement

Gem placement is very important to your character. Are you smart and full of knowledge? Perhaps your forehead might hold your gem, Are you fixated on your past? Your gem might sit on your back, or are you a character of strength? perhaps your gem might be on your fist or shoulder. Think about how your character would best be represented in this way.

Gem Weapon

Each Gem can summon a weapon that is unique to them. Each Gem weapon is the perfect companion to its wielder. Consider what kind of weapon would best suit your Gem. Have a look at the equipment section for inspiration as well information on weapon and damage types.

Gem Colour

The colour of your Gem is also important. Is your Gem a similar colour and pattern to the gem they are comprised of? Or are they the colour of the diamond they serve?
Gems that are made quickly to fight in battles such as Jaspers, Rubies, and Amethysts tend to take on a colour and pattern similar to their gem type. Gems that are designed to serve such as Pearls and Sapphires take on the colour of the Gem that designed them.
Consider your Gem's backstory, what colour would they be?


Further customisation can be made to your Gem based on the different Gem Backgrounds. These variations are based on the context of the campaign setting and story you are playing.

Era 1 Gems

Era 1 Gems are made in service of the Diamond Authority. Serving one of the 4 Diamonds (White, Yellow, Blue & Pink) their duty is to spread the empire across space.
The Diamond Authority is against all imperfections, their Gems are made to intense specifications and are supposed to remain on the path set for them.

As an Era 1 Gem, you are not able to have any variations to the Diamond Authorities designs.

  • Choosing this variation gives you a +1 to the base stat of your gem type

Era 2 Gems

Era 2 Gems are also made to the intense specifications of the Diamond authority. Due to the sharp increase of Gems being formed after Pink Diamond's shattering, resources have run low.

Era 2 Gems are often shorter, needing limb enhancers to reach their desire stature. The enhancers are the only way these Gems are able to vary themselves however as imperfections are now punishable.
Due to the lack of resources, Era 2 Gems are unable to use their powers but are given technology to compensate.

  • Choosing this variation gives you a +1 to the base stat of your gem type

Era 3 Gems

Era 3 Gems are granted more freedom than ever before after Steven Universe dismantled the Diamond Authority, getting them to relinquish their control of the Homeworld caste system.
Era 3 Gems can now adapt, change and live the lives they have always wanted.

With their new freedom, Era 3 Gems have more adaptability than other Homeworld Gems.

  • Era 3 Gems can change their secondary stat bonus from their Gem type to any other main stat of their choice.
  • Choosing this variation also gives you a +1 to the stat of your choice.

Free Gems

Free Gems can come from any era, these Gems have managed to escape the caste system Homeworld and put themselves in opposition to the Diamond Authority. Free Gems like the Crystal Gems are an important force in the universe, showing Gems stuck in servitude that they can be themselves.

Free Gems have managed to escape the clutches of Homeworld and have developed their own way of life.

  • Choosing this variation also gives you a +1 to the stat of your choice

Off Colours

Off Colours are the Gems that never fit the strict specifications by the Diamond Authority. Off Colours can come in many forms, their powers could work in an un-expected way, their Gem could have split into a second Gem, they could be the wrong size. Off Colour's face hatred and discrimination if not attacked out right for the way they are. Off Colours stand as physical defiance to the Diamond Authority's push for purity. Many Off Colours will hide in areas of safety from the Diamond Authority. Where they can, those that can will escape and join Free Gems, where they can become formidable warriors against Homeworld

As an Off Colour, your Gem would have something interesting about their design, they wouldn't fit in normal Homeworld society but will find refuge amongst Free Gems.

  • Off Colours receive a -1 to Empathy rolls against Era 1 and 2 Gems, whilst receiving a +1 to Free Gems, Era 3 Gems and other Off Colours.
  • Off Colours can choose both their primary and secondary stat bonus from their Gem type to any other stat of their choice.
  • They may also change their Gem's power to either another power to any other power.
  • Choosing this variation also gives you a level 1 ability of your choice from any path.



There are three types of weapons Small, Medium, and Large.
Small weapons are daggers, shortswords, clubs, etc. Small weapons have a +2 to the attack roll and deal 1d6 + damage modifier.
Medium weapons are spears, longswords, gauntlets, helmets, etc. Medium weapons have a +1 to the attack roll and deal 1d8 + damage modifier.
Large weapons are great swords, warhammers, mauls etc. Large weapons have no bonus to hit but deal 1d10 + damage modifier.

When choosing your weapon think of the perfect weapon for your character to wield. If you are unsure on what type of weapon your pick is, consult your GM.
When choosing your weapon, choose to either use Might or Form for the modifier.
Attacks are 1d20 + Might/Form modifier + prof bonus for the attack and damage dice + Might/Form modifier for the damage


Important for keeping your Gem out of the way of a powerful attack, shields are always useful.
If your Gem weapon is a shield, the magic will grant you an extra defense, granting a +3 to your Defense against attack rolls.
Shields can also be used offensively. Either through throwing, bashing, or blocking, a shield is a formidable tool.

Gem Tech

Destabiliser: A small yellow rod, a successful attack using this will instantly poof it's target.
Rejuvenator: An infamous weapon in the shape of a scythe. A successful attack with a Rejuvenator will poof it's target and revert them back to when they were first made, the only way to bring the Gem back to who they are is reminding them of every part of themselves.
Breaking Point: This weapon will instantly shatter its target.
Light Cannons: Light Cannons fire an extremely powerful beam of light. Light Cannons deal 5d10 Magic damage.


Fusions combine the power of two or more Gems, making them fearsome foes in battle. If you wish to become a giant woman in your game, simply follow these rules.


As you meet other characters on your jounrey (both PC and NPC alike) you have the chance to become more familiar with them.
Following your own discretion you may increase your familiarity with a character you have come connected to up to seven levels. It is important to keep these hidden from the other players, though you may indicate your familiarity through means of roleplay.

Famliarity Level Meaning
1 Acquaintance
2 New Friend
3 Friends
4 Best Friends
5 An Experience
6 Jam Buds
7 The Answer


Fusion can be a difficult thing to maintain. When fusing, take the lowest familiarity level in the fusion group, this becomes your level of stability. Decisions as a fusion must be made unanimously, with each disagreement in the decision process, the stability goes down by 1. If the stability level reaches 0 the fusion splits apart, losing its turn in combat. Additionally, a critical hit against a fusion will lower its stability level by 1.

Fusion Fighting

Fusion can make even the weakest of Gems powerful. When fusing, use the highest of each stat within the fused group and combine all skills and abilities.
To calculate your fusion's health, simply add the remaining health of all those fused.

For example:
Pearl: 12 Might, 20 Form, 11 Empathy, 19 Knowledge, 16 Foresight, 16HP

Amethyst: 10 Might, 19 Form, 16 Empathy, 12 Knowledge, 14 Foresight, 16 HP

Their fusion Opal: 12 Might, 20 Form, 16 Empathy, 19 Knowledge, 16 Foresight, 32HP

Know Your Fusion

Once you have your fusion created it's time to consider who they are.

First consider what type of Gem your fusion would be. If the same type of gems fuse they will become larger versions of that Gem, for example, Mega Ruby. But if gems of different types, they will become something new, for example Pear and Garnet becoming Sardonyx.

Find a new gem that compliments the combination of your personal gems as well as your personalities. If you are struggling to find specific real-world examples, feel free to take an existing gem and add a new suffix to it.

Gem Weapon:
As a fusion, you gain new uses for your combined gem powers. The best way to
combine your powers is your gem weapons. As
a fusion, Your new gem weapon should be a combination of all those fused. Think how
your weapons will go
together to
form something new.
As a fusion you also have the ability
to use all the weapons individually and proficiently.

Physical Form:
Next consider your fusion's appearance. How does the combination of your physical forms work? Do you have multiple arms? extra eyes?
How are your Gem powers and skills integrated into this new form? Do they have an extra mouth for their elemental attacks like Alexandrite? or a spinning body like Sardonyx? Are they physically dominating like Sudilite?
Consider how your personalities would work together and form this being.


Main Stats

Each character has 5 main stats:

Might: Might is how strong your Gem is. If they wish to throw a boulder, run or jump really far, or do 50 push ups this is the stat so show how strong you can be. Might can also be used to determine your defense.

Form: Form is how dexterous your Gem can be. Allowing your Gem to be acrobatic, dodge attacks and even sneak about. Form also helps you dodge attacks.

Empathy: Empathy is your Gem's ability to connect with others, with Empathy you can use your words to help others, to lie, or even to intimidate. With Empathy you can avoid combat altogether, make new friends, and even perform a song.

Knowledge: Knowledge is the genius stat. If your Gem wants to learn about history, technology, nature, or even investigate like the finest detectives then this is an important stat.

Foresight: Foresight is the ability to connect with the world around you and with your inner self. With Foresight your Gem can perceive their surroundings with clarity, look after animals with ease and summon their will.

How Stats Work

When first making your character you have a pool of 40 points to distribute between your 5 main stats. You will also find increases to these stats from each gem type and variation as well as a +1 increase to a single stat for each level you reach.

Rolling and your Stats For every action you take in the game, you will need to roll a D20 dice. The aim is to roll below the relevant stat score, for example, if your gem has a Form score of 15 and is trying to climb a tree, they would need to roll below a 15 to achieve their goal.

Taking Actions Each action you want to take will have a relevant stat it is based from. The GM will tell you which of your stats that action will use.

Rolling in Combat Unlike most rolls in the game, when rolling to attack, you aren't trying to roll under your own stat, you are trying to roll above your target's Might/Form

Leveling Up

Leveling up is determined through milestones. These milestones can be based around the campaign and story you are playing, allowing you to become more powerful as the story develops. Or the milestones can be determined through character growth, allowing you to develop along your character's journey. These milestones are decided by your GM who will tell you when you have reached a new level.

A Power All Your Own

Each time you level up your character develops in a few different ways.

  • Each Gem has a Luck Dice, every time you level up you are able to roll your Luck Dice and add either your Might or Form modifier. The total is added to your total Luck Points.
  • Every time you level up, your development is based on your milestone, granting you either: a +1 to the relevant stat. If you have just helped to defeat an evil homeworld gem, that could be a +1 to your Might stat. Talking your enemy down and making them your friend, that would be a +1 to your Empathy. Each time you reach a leveling milestone, consider how your Gem has advanced.


Starting Combat:
Once starting combat, each player involved must roll for initiative. Roll a D20 and add your initiative modifier which is equal to either your Form or Foresight modifier.

On Your Turn:
On each of your turns you have the ability to move, take one action and one bonus action. You can do these in any order and you can mix them such as moving half your speed, taking an action and then using the rest of your speed.

Your defensive capabilities are based on either your Form or your Might. The attacker must roll above your Might/Form stat to hit you. If you are blocking an attack with Might you are taking the hit due to your hardy nature. If you are using Form you are dodging the attack.

Each character has a certain amount of luck. each successful attack rolls damage and as it wittles away your luck, the final hit
that drops you to 0 luck finally manages to hit and poof the target.

In this sense when you are poofed, your luck has run out allowing the hit to significantly damage you.

Poofing and Shattering:
Fighting can be a dangerous endeavour, unfortunatly in battle sometimes we can be dealt significant damage. When your luck reaches 0, you are poofed, you lose your physical form and retreat back into your gem.
Being poofed does not mean your character is dead, however they are in a critical condition and can't take any actions.

Whilst poofed you can't defend against any attacks. The first attack against your gem whilst poofed will cause it to crack, the second will shatter your gem.

It is possible to protect a poofed gem, all gems can bubble poofed gems, protecting them from attacks or sending them to safety if needed.


Your Gem can succumb to a few different conditions that will affect them in various ways.


Corruption is the distortion of your Gem's physical and mental state. Corrupted Gems assume monstrous and incoherent forms.
If your Gem becomes corrupted you can roll on the Corruption table to discern how your Gem's form gets affected and the new form it takes, it can also be to the GM's discretion.
Once your Gem's new form is decided, roll 1d6 to determine how long your Gem is poofed and going through the Corruption transformation.
Once a corrupted Gem has returned it will at upon primal fear and attack anyone around it.
Corruption can be healed through the power of the complete Diamond Authority. Once un-Corrupted, your Gem will keep some aesthetic features of your corrupted form.


Psychological Damage
from trauma can be visualised on a Gem's physical form. If your Gem goes through or has gone through emotional trauma, you can decide to have this show on your form through the guise of cracks and scars. These changes in your form can be lessened as you go through an emotional journey surrounding that event. Psychological Damage is determined by the player and has no affect on your stats or rolls.


Cracked Gems are the outcome of significant damage against your Gem. This damage can have many different affects on your Gem's capabilities and physical form. If your Gem is Cracked, consult the Cracked table.


Once your Gem has been dealt significant damage and your Luck Points have been reduced to 0, your Gem is Poofed.
When you are poofed you retreat within your gem for a minimum of 1 hour, however it takes 5 hours to heal you completely. If you decide to emerge early, consult the Poofed Chart to see how this might affect your Gem's form and health. There is no time limit for staying within your Gem after being poofed, consider how long your character might take healing themselves and deciding their new aesthetic.


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