Kitsune Race

by Arron

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Race made by Arron

Physical Description

Kitsune have a size that's near same to that of an elf, being slightly shorter, and lithe than a typical human of the same stature. In their natural form they are much like anthropomorphic foxes. They usually have light coloured fur, Orange, reddish brown, golden brown, though it isn't completely unheard of for them to posses black, white, silver or golden fur covering their entire body. Some may have multiple colors in their fur such as being mostly reddish brown with white gloves and socks. Their eyes range in colour as well, though most have blue, green, or brown eyes. Albeit uncommon they may also have orange, purple, yellow, or even red eyes. They have mostly human-like hands though they do possess dark black claws at the ends of their fingers. A kitsune is born with a single tail, but gain more tails as they grow older. A Kitsune's age is very difficult to tell since they appear to stop aging in their early twenties and commonly live to be a few years past nine-hundred, some for a full millenium.


Kitsune are a race of fox people that are quite rare. They tend to hide their heritage while dealing with those of other races as a way to keep away from the discrimination and hatred built up in the legends of some of their most powerful brethren. There are many legends floating around the world relating to powerful nine-tailed Kitsune. Powerful and wise, a nine-tailed Kitsune has white or golden fur, tending to be powerful sorcerers. It is said in legend that Kitsune are born tricksters and have nigh infinite power by the time they are fully matured. Supposedly, the only way to kill a Kitsune is to cut off all of its tails, where it's power is stored, but that is simply a tall tale to scare young children. Due to the legend stating that a Kitsune's tail contains power, the Kitsune were nearly wiped out for their tails and most of them went into hiding. Only just getting back into the world after centuries of hiding, it is still the practice of some races to sever a Kitsune's tail in hopes of obtaining power.

Kitsune Traits

A race of anthropomorphic fox people who have magic in their blood and light shape-changing capabilities.

Ability Score Increase: As a kitune you receive a +2 in Charisma and a +1 in your choice of either Dexterity or Wisdom

Age: Kitsune reach adulthood at sixteen, cease physical aging in their early twenties and live to be over nine-hundred.

Alignment: Due to their nature of being a bit mischievous, Kitsune are often chaotic. Even the most displined of Kitsune find it difficult to suppress their trickster nature, but they tend to approach the trick in a much more planned out and guided manner. Kitsune are known to be both good and evil.

Size: Medium (Base height range of 4'5" to 6'8") .

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan and Vulpine.

Vulpine Language: This language is known to foxes and has no written form. It consists of mainly geckering, growls, barks, yelping and howls and allows those who know it to communicate with wild foxes.

DarkVision: Due to your Fox heritage, you have the ability to see normally in darkness out to 60 feet as if the area was in dim light and in dim light as if the area was bright light.

Fey Ancestry: Being of fey blood means you get advantage against being charmed. and magic can't put you to sleep

Faerie Tails: Kitsune begin their lives with one tail, around 3 feet long. As you age and grow in worldly experience, you will also grow new tails up to a total of nine! Kitsune are capable of hiding just how many tails they have. You may hide or reveal how many tail you have by merging them into a single tail or separating them, both as a free action. The table below will show at what level a new tail will grow.

Additionally, you may pair this with the 'Magical Tails' Optional Feat Below.

Kitsune Trickery: You have adopted a single 'alter ego', a human appearance behind which you hide your true self. This alter ego is a Human of the same sex and same height, and cannot be changed. As an action, you can switch into this alter ego as if with the Alter Self spell using the 'Change Appearance' option. Spells such as Detect Magic identify it as such, Antimagic Field suppresses it, and Dispel Magic will dispel it early if cast at a spell level greater than or equal to 1/3rd your level (rounded down). A creature looking directly at you can make an Investigation check with a DC equal to 10 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier; On a success, they can tell you're not who you appear, but cannot discern your true form.

Alternatively, you can use your action to turn into a Fox (listed below) as if using Polymorph, replacing the Fox's Int, Wis and Charisma with your own. Your transformation is subject to the same magic interactions as above, and a creature can make the same Investigation check to realize you're disguised.

You can use these transformations a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all uses on a long rest. If your disguise is forcefully dispelled using magic, you lose all remaining uses of this feature.


Tiny Beast, Unaligned

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 2 (1d4)
  • Speed 30ft, 5ft Burrow

2(-4) 16(+3) 11(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0) 10(+0)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 13
  • Languages — You understand any language you know. But you are only capable of speaking Vulpine, as it is the language of foxes
  • Challenge 0 (0 XP)

  • Keen Hearing The fox has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage.

Kitsune Awareness You know the spell Detect Magic, and your first cast after every Long Rest does not consume a spell slot and only requires Somatic components.

Foxfire: You know the Produce flame cantrip the flame appearing in a color of your choice. And the Dancing lights cantrip which appears as orbs of flame in the same color chosen for produce flame. (You may only choose one color.) Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Kitsune Racial Feat

Magical tails

Prerequisite: Kitsune race
This feat pairs with the Faerie Tails trait.

You grow a number of tails as listed in the table and according to your character level. If you would gain multiple tails when you gain this feat, they grow out slowly and one at a time as dictated by your DM (though ideally taking no longer than a week or one level to catch up).

In addition, you gain a cantrip from the Sorcerer spell list, and a number of Metamagic options and Sorcery points according to the table Below. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips as well.

Kitsune Tail Levels

Cantrips are from the sorcerer spell list and use charisma for casting.

lvl Tails Sorcery Points Meta Magic Cantrips
1 1 1
3 2 1 1 1
5 3 2 1 1
7 4 3 1 1
9 5 4 2 2
11 6 5 2 2
13 7 6 2 2
15 8 7 3 3
17 9 8 3 3

Art by Myke Greywolf