Call of the Netherdeep: Player's Guide
This guide has been written for players about to start the Call of the Netherdeep adventure, to aid with character creation. No spoilers have been included for the adventure.
The world of Exandria from Critical Role includes the continents of Issylra, Marquet, Tal'Dorei, and Wildemount. The adventure Call of the Netherdeep begins in the eastern part of Wildemount, in a region known as Xhorhas. This warped and wild land was the realm of evil Betrayer Gods during an era known as the Calamity, when Gods roamed the Earth and fought for dominion.
The northern region of Xhorhas is ruled by the Kryn Dynasty. The Dynasty was founded by the Bright Queen, a drow named Leylas Kryn, who remains in power centuries later. It has expanded over time, bringing the monsterfolk of Xhorhas within its borders, and converting them to worshipping an entity known as the Luxon.
The main settlements within the Dynasty are the following:
Rosohna. The capital, Rosohna, is built upon the ruins of the former Betrayer God capital. The city is covered by magical darkness due to the drow's sunlight sensitivity.
Asarius. Known as the City of Beasts, Asarius gets its nickname from being the hub for monsterfolk civilisation.
Jigow. A coastal city where the adventure begins, Jigow has formed from the amalgamation of orc and goblin villages.
Urzin. Urzin is a roving settlement built upon the backs of giant tortoises known as horizonbacks, that traverse the marshes and lowlands of Xhorhas.
Bazzoxan. Bazzoxan is a fortified settlement built upon an ancient Betrayer God temple.
The Kryn Dynasty is led by drow, and the majority of inhabitants of Dynasty settlements are monsterfolk such as bugbears, goblins, hobgoblins, and orcs/half-orcs, as well as a few tieflings, humans, and dragonborn. There are many other races that have migrated to the Dynasty, however, and all are welcomed into the light of the Luxon.
Across Xhorhas there are many tribes of various races. Goliaths may be found in the mountains of the Ashkeeper Peaks, for instance, or lizardfolk in the Brokenveil Marsh. The Iothia Moorland to the south of the Kryn Dynasty has tribes that include humans, goblins and orcs/half-orcs, with the occasional aasimar or genasi. In southern Xhorhas, halflings inhabit the Lotusden Greenwood, and dragonborn have built the settlements of Xarzith Kitril and Charis following the destruction of the great floating city of Draconia a quarter century before.
On the Dynasty's western border, the vast Dwendalian Empire spans central Wildemount. The most common races within the Empire are humans, dwarves, halflings, and elves/half-elves. Close to the border between the two nations, there are settlements of gnomes in Hupperdook, orcs in Bladegarden, and dragonborn in Talonstadt.
East of Xhorhas, isolated by the Penumbra mountain range, lies a sparsely populated strip of land known as Blightshore. This cursed land is warped by elemental energy, and is a safe haven for outlaws, thieves, and smugglers of various races. Some inhabitants of Blightshore that died rose again as hollow ones. This supernatural gift is described in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount.
From more distant lands, tabaxi and tortles are native to the southwesterly Menagerie Coast of Wildemount, and firbolgs to the northern Greying Wildlands. Automatons (warforged), created by archmages in an era known as the Age of Arcanum, have recently been discovered from excavations of ancient cities. The magical woodlands of Xhorhas may contain gateways to the Feywild, through which fairies, harengon, satyr, or owlin could travel through.
The Luxon
Most inhabitants of the Kryn Dynasty worship the Luxon. The Dynasty have uncovered several Luxon beacons: large dodecahedron crystals that grant the power of potentiality, known as dunamis, a school of magic that manifests as control over gravity and time.
Many followers of the Luxon bind their soul to the Luxon beacons, in an act known as consecution. If they die within 100 miles of a beacon, their soul is ensnared by it, then reborn in a random newborn, and they regain their memories as they age in their new body. Those that repeat this cycle of rebirth eventually reach the status of Umavi, a perfect soul.
Prime Deities
Worship of the Prime Deities is permitted within the Dynasty. These deities are: Avandra, the Change Bringer; Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon; Corellon, the Arch Heart; Erathis, the Law Bearer; Ioun, the Knowing Mentor; Kord, the Storm Lord; Melora, the Wild Mother; Moradin, the All-Hammer; Pelor, the Dawn Father; Raei, the Everlight; the Raven Queen, Matron of Death; and Sehanine, the Moon Weaver.
Betrayer Gods
Worship of the Betrayer Gods is forbidden, however there are cults who still do. These deities are: Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells; Bane, the Strife Emperor; Gruumsh, the Ruiner; Lolth, the Spider Queen; Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion; Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant; Torog, the Crawling King; Vecna, the Whispered One; and Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent.
Character Backstory
To aid with creating a backstory, have a think about the following questions:
- What's one small heroic deed you've already accomplished?
- Do you give your trust easily, or do people have to earn your trust?
- What's one thing you want more than anything else? How will being an adventurer help you achieve it?