Homebrew Barbarian Subclass: Path of the Long Winter

by DragoonKnight

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Path of the Long Winter

Native to mountainous regions and arctic circles, barbarians of the Long Winter know that expending their energy during a rage will only hurt them, rather than help them. They hone their rage like a blacksmith hones their blade, learning to hold back their attacks until necessary. They do not usually scream or yell during a rage, but rather stand in place, ready to strike with their cold fury.

Sting of the Ice

When you choose this path at 3rd level, you learn to channel the power of ice and snow into your rage, protecting you from the assault of your foes. When you enter a rage, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your barbarian level. Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack, and these hit points remain, that creature takes cold damage equal to your level.

Steady Against the Storm

When under attack by an onslaught of foes, or forced to stand against the elements, you maintain a steady, unflinching stance.

Starting 6th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC, provided you are raging, and have not moved this turn. You can also maintain your rage when you gain this bonus, even if you have not taken damage or attacked another creature.

Cold Rebuke

You learn to channel the cold of winter into your strikes when your enemies leave themselves open for an attack.

Starting 10th level, your opportunity attacks deal extra cold damage equal to twice your Strength Modifier. Also, while your Sting of Ice feature is active, your regular attacks deal additional cold damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Additionally, you can make two opportunity attacks per turn, rather than one, but each of these must be against different targets.

Soul of Ice

You embody a blizzard, and doom all who stand against you to a frozen oblivion.

At 14th level, when you rage, you gain resistance to all damage aside from fire damage. You also have resistance to cold damage, which becomes immunity while you are raging.

Image from https://i.redd.it/6btk3gsgazr01.png

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