Pact of the Greedallion
You have made a pact with a Greedallion, creatures made through forbidden alchemical rituals and made up of steel coins known as medallions as well as crystal and gold coins known as Core Medallions. The latter grant great power to those who posses them, and in pursuit of their desires your patron has gifted you with the ability to make use of them to further their goals. Greedallion resemble a chimera of animals in humanoid form, but all of their animals follow a general type of creature; perhaps your patron is one whose Core Medallions are themed around various subspecies of bird, or maybe they're based on insects or aquatic life.
You choose your patron's damage type or determine it randomly, using the Greedallion Form table.
d6 | Greedallion Form | Eldritch Magic | Cantrip |
1 | Birds | Fire | Fire Bolt |
2 | Aquatic Creatures | Bludgeoning | Water Whip (SCoC) |
3 | Insects | Lightning | Shocking Grasp |
4 | Savannah Felines | Radiant | Word of Radiance |
5 | Large Mammals | Thunder | Thunderclap |
6 | Dinosaurs | Cold | Frostbite |
Expanded Spell List
The Greedallion grants you an expanded list of spells. You learn the following spells at the levels listed, and they do not count against your total number of Warlock spells known.
Level | Greedallion Spells | Bird Spells | Aquatic Spells | Insect Spells |
1st | false life | burning hands | rough waves (SCoC) | shower of sparks (SCoC) |
3rd | borrowed knowledge (SCC) | scorching ray | water blast (SCoC) | lightning strikes (SCoC) |
5th | elemental weapon | fly | tidal wave (XGE) | call lightning |
7th | fabricate | fire shield (must be warm) | control water | storm sphere |
9th | greater restoration | immolation | maelstrom (XGE) | electrocution (SCoC) |
SCoC = Smug's Compendium of Changes
FTD = Fizzban's Treasury of Dragons
XGE = Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Level | Feline Spells | Large Mammal Spells | Dinosaur Spells |
1st | divine favor | thunderwave | armor of agathys |
3rd | moonbeam | shatter | rime's binding ice (FTD) |
5th | daylight | thunder step (XGE) | sudden chill (SCoC) |
7th | sickening radiance (XGE) | thunder shield (SCoC) | ice storm |
9th | holy weapon (XGE) | destructive wave (secondary damage is necrotic) | cone of cold |
Bonus Proficiencies
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with longswords and battleaxes.
Greedallion Cores
Also at 1st level, your AC is calculated as 10 + Your Strength Modifier + Your Charisma Modifier as long as you aren't wearing armor or a shield.
Additionally, you may choose six Core Medallions from appendix A of this document. You choose an additional four at 10th and 14th level. When you roll Initiative, you choose three of these cores and gain their benefits until combat ends. As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can exchange any core you are currently using for another you have access to. A creature can also hold one of these cores and gains its benefit as long as they hold it.
Greedallion Charge
At 6th level, you gain a special item called a Gredallion Scanner. When you deal damage with a longsword or battleaxe, you can deal an additional 2d6 damage of the type associated with your patron. This increases to 3d6 at 10th level and 4d6 at 14th level.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses at the end of a long rest.
Greedallion Buckler
At 10th level, you gain a special buckler while using any greedallion cores. This buckler increases the AC granted by your Greedallion Cores feature by 1.
Additionally, you can use your Action to insert your greedallion cores into the buckler and perform a special attack. You target a creature within 60 feet of you, and that creature as well as creatures within a 15-foot radius of that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d6 damage of the type associated with your patron.
You must finish a long rest to deal damage with this feature again.
Greedallion Support
At 14th level, your patron sends an avatar of themselves to fight at your side in battle. When you deal damage with a longsword or battleaxe, you deal an additional damage die of that weapon's damage of your patron's damage type.
Additionally, you can use your reaction to sacrifice one of your cores to force a creature to have disadvantage on a saving throw against a spell you cast on them. You regain all cores sacrificed in this way at the end of a long rest, and cannot use a core sacrificed in this way again for any of your subclass features until you've finished a long rest.
Appendix A
Bird Cores
Hawk Head
You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed as long as you aren't wearing heavy armor or using a shield.
Peacock Body
You gain resistance to Fire damage.
Condor Legs
You cannot be knocked prone.
Aquatic Cores
Killer Whale Head
You can breathe underwater, and have 60 feet of darkvision while underwater.
Eel Arms
You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) Skill Checks made to grapple a creature.
Ocotopus Legs
You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Insect Cores
Stag Beetle Head
You gain resistance to Lightning damage.
Mantis Body
You have +1 to attack and damage rolls with any weapon that deals slashing damage.
Grasshopper Legs
Your jumping height is tripled, and you do not take falling damage as long as you are not unconscious or incapacitated.
Savannah Feline Cores
Lion Head
You gain 60 feet of darkvision.
Tiger Body
You gain resistance to Radiant damage.
Cheetah Legs
You gain 10 feet of movement speed and can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Large Mammal Cores
Rhinoceros Head
You have resistance to Thunder damage.
Gorilla Body
When you are the target of a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to add +2 to your AC against that attack, potentially turning a hit into a miss.
Elephant Legs
You ignore difficult terrain.
Dinosaur Cores
Pteranodon Head
You gain resistance to Cold damage.
Triceratops Body
When a creature deals damage to you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force them to take 1d8 Cold damage.
Tyrannosaurus Legs
You can take the disengage action as a bonus action.
Art (In Order)
Changes: Me, SmugCoffeeMan
Toei Studios - Kamen Rider Brand, Characters, and Series.
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