Class - Nomad

by Jalfik

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The Nomad

An elderly man whispers ancient stories and all who hear him speak see images of the story coming to life. The dragon he describes lights the tavern on fire, but still he continues. As they story concludes he offers a strange necklace to his favored listener. Though the trinket is not magical, the one who now holds it swears by its power.

Dressed like the grim reaper and wielding a scythe, a daunting figure roams the graveyard at dusk. As zombies rise from their graves, the figure presents a shining lantern eliciting shrieks from the zombies which the shrink away at its light only to be cut down by the scythe.

At the head of the caravan a well dressed woman walks proud. Her bags are laden with coin and many guards stand in her service, but the real prize is a large golden egg she carries in her hand, a generous gift for the nobles who will soon invite her to dine at their side.

Nomads are defined by their inability to remain in one place. They are always searching for something more, but what that goal is varies between them. Learning the lands they travel is where most nomads begin, quickly picking up many talents and skills as they journey. The seemingly nonmagical trinkets they carry with them have more power than most realize. To be a nomad is to be ever seeking, how far the journey will take them remains to be seen.


To a nomad there are few things more valuable than a good story. Because of this, nomads tend to collect items that have powerful stories, other times they weave their own stories around seemingly mundane trinkets. These mundane trinkets then become oddities- nonmagical items that are capable of providing boons to the nomad who carries them, or in some cases to others who the nomad tells the story to. When playing a nomad, be sure to keep an eye out for seemingly mundane trinkets that you might want to collect and understand the story of.


Nomads are always searching for something- what that something is a nomads call their destination. The name destination is somewhat ironic as few will ever feel satisfied and accomplished, rather chasing these desires, craving more and more, until life takes its toll. Some of the most powerful nomads wander the world a millennium, attempting to learn all the knowledge they can, accumulate what they consider to be enough money, or simply trying to create the perfect piece of art. A nomads work is never done, but it is the pursuit of it that matters.

Creating a Nomad

When creating your Nomad, consider what initially drove you to wandering? Were you born into a roving clan, or did you set out from a city with some purpose in mind? What was it like traveling alone for the first time and what sort of lessons did you learn along the way?

Art Credit: Denis Kornev

Class Name
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Nomad's Oddities
1st +2 Nomad Magic, Roads Traveled, Nomad's Oddities 2
2nd +2 Expertise, Lonesome Song 2
3rd +2 Nomad's Destination 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th +3 Uncanny Dodge 4
6th +3 Expertise, Roads Traveled 4
7th +3 Destination Feature 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5
9th +4 Evasion 6
10th +4 Always Packed, Roads Traveled 6
11th +4 Destination Feature 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7
13th +5 Reliable Talent, Lonesome Song 8
14th +5 Life Lessons, Timeless Wanderer 8
15th +5 Destination Feature 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9
17th +6 Roads Traveled 10
18th +6 Wisdom of the Lost 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 11
20th +6 Dimension Traveler 11

Consider the world that you have traveled through. What sort of oddities did you find or create in your travels and what do they mean to you? Did you meet any companions while wandering alone, and if so, who or what were they?

Most importantly think about the stories your nomad may have to tell. Are these stories true or do you have a tendency to elaborate? Are your tales moral lessons or enchanting descriptions? And who do you prefer to tell your stories to?

Art Credit: Ananda C Aran

Quick Build

You can make a nomad quickly by following these suggestions: First, make Wisdom your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity (Some nomads who focus on social interaction make Charisma higher than Dexterity). Second, choose the Hermit background.

Class Features

As a nomad you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per nomad level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per nomad level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Improvised Weapons
Tools: One musical instrument, one artisan tool of your choice
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose any three


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a dagger or (b) a simple weapon
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
  • A healer's kit and one musical instrument of your choice

Nomad Magic

At 1st level you are filled with mystical power simply by being a Nomad. When one of your class features or Nomad’s Oddities forces a creature to make a saving throw the DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.


Roads Traveled

Also at 1st level you have intimate knowledge of the places of the world you have previously wandered. Choose one of the following terrain’s that represents a place in the world you have been. Arctic, Coast, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark, or Urban. While you are in the chosen terrain you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to non-magical difficult terrain
  • You cannot become lost except by magical means
  • When you make an Intelligence (Nature) check you may add your Wisdom modifier to the roll
  • You may perform another activity while remaining alert to danger
  • You may use your bonus action to draw or pick up, and make an attack with a naturally occuring improvised weapon (such as throwing sand in a desert)
  • You can spend an hour foraging to find enough herbal remedies to create one charge for a healer’s kit

You may choose an additional terrain at 6th level, and another at 10th level. When you reach 17th level you gain the listed benefits in all terrains.

Nomad's Oddities

At 1st level you have a small collection of unique trinkets. Choose two options from the Oddities section at the end of this class. Rather than gaining a new oddity you may improve one you already have. If you do so your oddity’s effects may either be expanded or replaced by the improved version’s effects. The DM may allow you to create your own oddities rather than choosing from the list.

Art Credit: Cosimo Galluzzi

You gain one additional oddity every other level as listed in the Nomad’s Oddities column of the table above. These oddities are similar to magical items, but they are not magical. As such, they do not appear magical to a creature using detect magic, nor do they lose their effects in an area of antimagic. No creature other than you can utilize the effects of these trinkets unless your subclass says otherwise.

If you lose an oddity or it is destroyed. You may perform a 10 minute ritual to create a new one.


When you reach 2nd level you have spent a great deal of time perfecting your talents. Choose two skills or tools that you are proficient in. You proficiency bonus is doubled for any check you make using the chosen skills or tools.

At 6th level you may choose two additional skills or tools to gain this same benefit.

Lonesome Song

Also at 2nd level you have invented your own music to keep you company. This song is full of emotion in a way no other song is. You must spend 1 minute to perform your Lonesome song, at the end of that time you may choose a number of creatures equal to you Wisdom modifier who are within 60 feet of you. The chosen creatures have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks for the next 8 hours and cannot fall asleep against their will.

When you reach 13th level you may choose to grant yourself and the affected creatures the benefits of a short rest.

Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before using it again.

Nomad's Destination

At 3rd level you have an idea, if only a slight one, of the direction you mean to travel, even if you do not know the road that will take you. Choose between the Destinations: Combat, Creation, Death, Love, Nature, Stories, Understanding, or Wealth. Each destination is detailed at the end of the class description and grants you features at 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th levels.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Uncanny Dodge

Starting at 5th level, when an attack that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.



Beginning at 9th level you can nimbly dodge out of the way of dangerous effects. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Always Packed

At 10th level you are always prepared to wander the world and have all the tools necessary. You may use one action to search through your backpack or another container you have and expend one use of this feature. You may draw out an item that you did not previously have noted in your inventory with a maximum value of 1gp. You may expend additional uses as part of the same action, doubling the maximum value for each use you expend beyond the first.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain expended uses after you spend 5 days or more in downtime.

Reliable Talent

When you reach 13th level you are fully mastered in your chosen arts. Whenever you make a skill or tool check that lets you add your proficiency bonus, you may treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Life Lessons

Starting at 14th level you have gained knowledge of the world not through studies but through experience. Any time you make a skill or tool check that would use your Intelligence modifier you may choose to use your Wisdom modifier instead.

Timeless Wanderer

Also at 14th level time seems to warp differently around you so long as you do not settle down. You no longer age and become immune to diseases for 30 days when you rest in a location that you have not visited in the past decade and is more than 1 mile from where you last rested.

Dimension Traveler

Beginning at 18th level you seem destined to stray far beyond what is known. You may perform a 10 minute ritual to create a portal 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide to any plane of your choice.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it again for a year and a day.

Wisdom of the Lost

At 20th level you have discovered that life is incomplete when seeking only one destination. You may choose a 2nd Nomad’s Destination and immediately gain all its features.

Art Credit: Jeremy Fenske

Nomad's Destinations

The following are the nomad’s subclass options. Each of these destinations is aligned with a possible meaning of life. In this case of this class a Nomad wanders because they are searching for meaning regardless of if they realize it or not. Each of these subclass options represents what the Nomad has found value in along their travels.


This destination concerns itself with the dark truth that life is inherently violent. Many Nomads choose this destination out of a desire to protect those they love or those too weak to defend themselves. Such nomads use their training to bring as swift an end to combat as possible.

Warrior's Training

When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you gain proficiency in all melee and ranged martial weapons as well as medium armor.

Quick Draw

Also at 3rd level you are always ready for combat. You have advantage on initiative rolls and may draw a weapon as a free action.

When you reach 10th level, immediately after you roll initiative you may expend one use of your Always Packed feature to grant yourself a +5 bonus to your initiative roll.

Traveler's Strike

Beginning at 7th level you know how to strike in the blink of an eye. As an action you may move up to your speed, you may move through enemies and ignore difficult terrain. Keep track of all creatures you move through. When your movement ends make a single damage roll. You deal damage to all the creatures whose spaces you moved through equal to your damage roll.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier and regain expended uses when you complete a long rest.

Extra Attack

At 11th level you may attack twice instead of once whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Coup de Grace

When you reach 15th level you are capable of bringing instant death to creatures weaker than yourself. At the end of your turn you may invoke this feature, when you do all creatures who you dealt damage to during this turn whose challenge rating is equal to or less than 1/4th your nomad level (rounded down) must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure that creature dies instantly.

Once you use this feature you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.



The Destination of Creation seeks to use the hands to craft, finding the value of life in the making of things. These artisans are able to craft much faster and for a much lower price than any other craftsman. On lucky days, they may find a stroke of genius that makes their work nearly priceless.

Artisan's Work

When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you are able to create fine works in record speed. While using any artisan’s tools you craft at 5x the normal rate.


Beginning at 7th level you are more adaptable with your starting ingredients. The raw materials you need to start crafting an item need only be worth 1/4th the item’s selling value.

If you have the improved version of a nomad’s oddity that grants you proficiency or expertise in a tool and you are crafting with that tool, the oddity is capable of producing the basic raw materials needed to craft at no cost to you. Special items such as inlaid gemstones or specific alchemical ingredients cannot be produced by the oddity.

Magical Work

At 11th level you are able to craft magical items. You do not need to be able to cast a spell in order to make a magic item. You automatically know the recipe of any magic item you wish to craft. You automatically know the ingredients you require and the general location where you can attain them. If you come across any item in your travels that can be used to craft a magical item, you know it.

Stroke of Genius

When you reach 15th level your greatest joy is finding that despite your mastery, you are still able to produce strokes of genius that surprise even you. For each day you spend working on an item roll a d20. If you roll a critical success you may choose to increase the value of the item by 20% of its normal value or grant it a single minor magical property such as one that would be found on an uncommon magical item.


The Destination of Death is the most pessimistic path one can take. Such nomads view life only as a temporary respite from the ultimate truth of death. A view point that tends to lead them toward somber and apathetic personalities. This cold realism grants such nomads a bit more understanding and control regarding undead, seeing them as souls in need of penance.

Reaper's Rest

When you choose this path at 3rd level you commit yourself to the ways of death. You gain the following benefits:

  • Bodies you bury cannot be raised as undead
  • You gain resistance to necrotic damage
  • You ignore undead creatures’ resistance and immunity to necrotic damage
  • If you kill an evil aligned creature using necrotic damage, its soul is redeemed
  • You gain access to a special simple melee weapon, the scythe. The scythe costs 5sp, deals 2d4 slashing damage, weighs 4 lbs, and has the two handed property

Soul Drain

Beginning at 7th level you gain the ability to extract an evil soul from its host. As an action you may make a ranged spell attack against one target within 60 feet of you. On a hit you create a tether between yourself and that creature. It takes 1d6 necrotic damage. For the next minute, you may use your action to deal 1d6 necrotic damage to the tethered creature. If the creature is an evil alignment, it takes double damage.

Additionally, any scythe you wield becomes a magical weapon and its slashing damage is replaced with necrotic damage.

Radiant Soul

At 11th level you are a beacon of fear for the monsters of the world. Undead have disadvantage on all saving throws they make against your Nomad features and Nomad’s Oddities items.

Redeeming Spirit

When you reach 15th level you are able to call forth a redeemed spirit to aid you. As an action you call forth the spirit. The spirit has the same alignment as you and is friendly to you and your companions. It has the same statistics as a Wraith(MM 303), but it does not have sunlight sensitivity, and the only attack it can make is to use your Soul Drain feature (using your spell attack modifier for the roll). This spirit acts on your turn in combat. It lasts for up to 10 minutes unless you tell it to leave earlier.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Art Credit: Dominik Mayer



The Destination of Love is all about finding joy in the company of others. The world seems to align with the hopes and dreams of these Nomads, bringing love to them at every turn. However, this destination also offers power to create artificial love, and so in striving to hard for it, the nomad may create a false sense of what love really is.


When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you begin to attract many suitors. As an action you may choose a creature within 60 feet of you that can see you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 hour. If you or your companions are fighting the creature it has advantage on this saving throw.

While charmed, the creature attempts to win your favor and attention. Performing minor favors such as buying you drinks. It takes your suggestions as favorably as possible but is not inclined to do anything that it perceives as obviously stupid or dangerous unless it has a reckless personality. If it takes any damage it can repeat its saving throw.

Once you successfully use this feature, you may not use it again until you complete a long rest.

Art Credit: Cindy Avelino

Sweet Words

Beginning at 7th level your speech has a special tone to it that sinks in to creatures’ minds. Any time you make a Charisma skill check, you gain a +2 bonus.


At 11th level your love brings not only suitors to you, but also friends. As a bonus action you may expend two uses of your Always Packed feature to declare you have a friend in a chosen settlement, convoy, or group of humanoids. The DM determines who this NPC is, but regardless of their identity they treat you as an old friend with loyalty and trust. Should you mistreat them they may lose respect for you.

Till Death

When you reach 15th level your charms are so powerful that creatures rarely break out of them. The maximum duration of your Attraction feature is indefinite, and while charmed, the creature has disadvantage on saving throws it makes to break that charm.


The Destination of Nature believes that life’s meaning is found in harmony with the natural world. Nomads who follow this discipline find themselves readily at home among small creatures and tending to gardens.

Kindred Spirits

When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you gain an affinity with the beasts of the world. You have a +2 bonus to animal handling checks. You are always under the effects of Speak with Animals. Additionally you may cast Entangle once per day as a bonus action.

Project Peace

Beginning at 7th level you always start your day with a renewed sense of peace. Each dawn you come under the effects of the Sanctuary spell which lasts until the next dawn unless ended early by the usual conditions.

Wild Growth

At 11th level you have gained deep understanding of the plants that grow in the world. Any plant that you plant grows 10x as fast, twice as large, and yields 5x as many resources as it normally would.

Additionally, you are always under the effects of the Speak with Plants spell, and any time you cast Engangle, you may use your action to grant all creatures hostile to you disadvantage on their Strength saving throw against the spell until the start of your next turn.

Return to Nature

When you reach 15th level you can force a creature to return to the path of nature. As an action you can make a spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure you may choose to change it into a Beast with a challenge rating of 2 or less, or into a plant. The transformation acts the same as a True Polymorph spell would, but it does not require concentration, and it lasts for up to a year and a day. The creature may repeat its saving throw against this feature any time it takes damage.


Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.


The Destination of Stories finds purpose in the way we connect with others. It is about entertaining just as much as it is about shaping truth. The best nomads of this destination are able to bring their stories into reality, capable of soothing hearts or conjuring frightful monsters.

Unmagic Gift

When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you can unveil the secrets of your oddities. If you spend 1 hour talking to a friendly creature you may present it with one of your Nomad’s Oddities as a gift. While it is on that creature’s possession it functions just as it would for you. You may choose to destroy an item you gave as a gift at any time.

Additionally, your maximum number of Nomad’s Oddities is increased by 2.

Journey Ahead

Beginning at 7th level your hymns bolster courage and fear at the same time. When you use your Lonesome Song feature the chosen creatures each gain 1 luck point for the next 24 hours. During that time they may spend their luck point after a d20 is rolled by them but before the result is determined. The die is then rerolled and the new result must be used.

A creature can only have 1 such luck point at any given time.

Spread Truth

At 11th level you have the ability to spin fictional stories into believable truth. You may spend an hour in a settlement telling stories to common people. After that time you must roll a Charisma (Performance) check. The DM determines the DC based on how absurd your story is, or decline it outright if it is too absurd. If you pass this check, the story is believed by the people of that settlement until evidence is presented to disprove it.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it in the same settlement again for one week.

Living Story

When you reach 15th level you are able to tell stories with such conviction that parts of it become reality. You may begin telling a living story as your full turn (you cannot move, use bonus actions, or item interactions) and continue it as your full turn during subsequent rounds.

Now, and at the start of each of your turns while you maintain this feature, you gain spell points equal to your proficiency bonus (see spell point variant casting, DMG 288). You may use these spell points to cast any spell with a level equal to or less than your proficiency bonus that represents your story. You many cast a new spell on each turn, our use your action to maintain one you’ve already cast. You cannot cast the same spell twice during this feature.

You may continue this story for up to 10 minutes, and any spell effects you have created fade the moment this feature ends. You cannot create a new element if you are unable to speak. If you use this feature out of combat as part of a performance, you may treat your Charisma (Performance) check as a critical success.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.


The Destination of Understanding seeks purpose in knowledge. It is equally about knowing facts as well as knowing the hearts and minds of others. The most powerful nomads of understanding are able to see through time and space, and always have their eyes open for danger.

Art Credit: Guillaume Lauer



When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you are especially good at studying old texts. When you use your downtime to do research you need not spend any money, and you always learn 3 pieces of lore. As a bonus action on your turn, you may expend one use of your Always Packed feature to learn one piece of lore you do not know about a subject you name.

Additionally, you are able to trace the history of items you find during your travels. You may choose one item that is in you possession over the course of a long rest. At the end of that rest you learn the following things about that item:

  • The value of the item
  • Any magical properties the item has and how to use them
  • Where and when the item was crafted
  • The ingredients and method used to make it
  • The identity of the person who crafted it
  • The identity of any significant person who owned the item
  • Any significant events the item was involved in


Beginning at 7th level you are able to gain understanding from people by studying them. You may expend your use of this feature to make a Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by a creature’s Charisma (Deception). If you win, you learn one secret the creature is hiding.

Alternatively If you spend at least 1 minute outside of combat interacting with a creature you learn the all of the following information:

  • Its highest ability score
  • Its lowest ability score
  • Its age
  • Its armor class
  • Its current hit points
  • Its dominant personality trait(s)

Regardless of which option you choose, once you use of this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Distant Sight

At 11th level you have the ability to project your consciousness. As part of a long rest while you are sleeping you may cast Scrying without expending a spell slot or material components. When you do so the spell lasts until the end of your sleep.

Art Credit: Raphael Lacoste

Vision of the 3rd Eye

When you reach 15th level your perception is infallible. You gain a +5 bonus to your passive perception and you have truesight within 30 feet.


The Destination of Wealth believes that for live to have value one must amass physical treasures, land, or money. While many view this destination as the least honorable, those who follow it are often patrons of change and breakthroughs, and pass on great hordes of treasure to those who befriended them.

Snake Oil

When you choose this Destination at 3rd level you are able to convince anyone of the value of the things you carry. You may make a Charisma (Deception) check opposed by a creature’s Wisdom (Insight). If you win this contest you may convince a creature that an item you carry is worth 50% more than it is worth. If the item has a value of less than 1gp, you convince the creature it is worth 1gp.

Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.


Beginning at 7th level you are able to sway the minds of creatures by offering them a few coins. You may offer a creature a number of gold pieces equal to 10 x its challenge rating. The creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or accept this bargain. The creature’s opinion towards you improves. It if was in combat with you it becomes hostile but decides not to fight unless further provoked. If it was hostile it becomes neutral, and if it was neutral it becomes friendly, and if it was friendly it performs one favor for you that does not put its life in danger.

You may use this feature multiple times on the same creature to further improve its opinion of you.


At 11th level you are so wealthy that you can persuade people to work for you at low wages. The daily wage of any skilled or untrained hireling you employ is halved. This also allows you to halve the upkeep cost of any property you own.


Position of Privilege

When you reach 15th level your wealth has brought you fame and reverence. You are always considered to be nobility wherever you go, and those below you know better than to question you. You can carouse with nobility without paying. You may leverage any unspecified contact you have to grant you a favor worth up to 50gp. You may spend multiple contacts to increase the value of this favor.

Art Credit: Chen Guan Yu

Nomad's Oddities

A Nomad’s Oddities appear to be simple trinkets often bearing signs of wear and tear. However, these items have a powerful and elusive magic that affects only a Nomad.

Ancient Spade

This oddity is a small shovel that appears rusty and dirty. While this oddity is on your person you can use it as an action to immediately excavate a 5x5x5 cube of dirt. If you encounter natural, unworked stone you can excavate it if you choose to gain a level of exhaustion. Additionally, the shovel hums, guiding you to the spot of any buried treasure within 60 feet of you.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, this oddity grants you tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet while it is in your inventory.

Bronze Necklace

This oddity appears to be little more than a single, flat bronze donut tied with a piece of string into a necklace. While it is being worn, you gain a second reaction which can only be used to activate your Uncanny Dodge feature.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, at the start of each of your turns you may roll a d20, on a roll of 19 or 20 you gain resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.

Caged Bird

You may choose if this oddity is a chicken, goose, or other bird that lays eggs. The appearance of the bird is up to you, and it comes with a cage in which to keep it. Each day at dawn the bird produces a single egg of solid silver. This egg weighs 1 pound and can be sold or traded with a value of 2gp.

Improved: The value of the egg your bird lays is now 5gp.

Celestial Map

This oddity is a stained star map with damaged edges. It’s image is always shifting. While it is in your inventory you gain proficiency with navigators tools. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of navigators tools.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, when you would make an Intelligence (Religion) check instead of rolling you can spend ten minutes studying this map to gain a success.

Changeling's Bounty

This oddity takes the form of an old piece of parchment displaying a bounty for a creature. While this oddity is in your inventory you may choose one humanoid whose name you are familiar with. That creature’s visage appears on the parchment, and until your next rest you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track that humanoid, and advantage on any checks made to gather information about them.


You may take this oddity multiple times, but no two can display the same humanoid.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, you cannot be surprised by the chosen humanoid while this oddity is in your inventory. Also each night, if you retain the same humanoid as your choice, you learn its general direction and distance from you.

Charred Instrument

This oddity can be any instrument of your choice and have any appearance you choose, but it always shows signs of significant fire damage. While this oddity is in your inventory you gain proficiency with the chosen type of instrument. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, as an action you can play this instrument. Creatures within 60 feet of you who hear you play must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you. Such a creature is charmed by you for 1 hour, or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it.

Cracked Brush

This paint brush can have any appearance you choose, but it always has a one or more large crack(s) running through it. While this oddity is in your inventory you gain proficiency with painters supplies. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead. You may use this brush in place of painter’s supplies.

Improved: In addition to the prior effects, any time you craft while using this brush as painter’s supplies, your crafting speed is doubled.

Crooked Walking Stick

This oddity looks like a stick you could have picked up off the ground. While it is in your possession you and up to 10 companions may travel for as many hours as you please each day without becoming exhausted.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, the travel speed of you and up to 10 companions is doubled.

Dented Flask

This oddity is a small flask that is never empty. As an action on your turn you may take a drink from this flask to gain temporary hit points equal to 2 x your character level, but also gain a -2 to your Wisdom and Intelligence scores while these temporary hit points persist. The temporary hit points fade after 1 hour.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, while these temporary hit points persist you gain a bonus to your damage rolls equal to your Constitution modifier, but you have a negative modifier your attack rolls equal to the same amount.

Eastern Inks

This oddity is a collection of small inks, waxes, and pens conveniently stored in a box with any appearance you choose. While this oddity is in your inventory you gain proficiency with forgery kits. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of a forgery kit.

Art Credit: Rodrigo Castro

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, you may choose to have anything you write using these inks gain the effects of the Illusory Script spell.

Ethereal Incense

This oddity is a collection of incense sticks that can be lit as an action. When a stick of incense is lit it burns for 1 hour. During this time you gain the ability to see ghostly recreations of the past within 60 feet of you. You can see reconstructions of buildings and once living creatures who are going on with their daily routines. You cannot speak with these images.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, you are now able to speak with the images if individuals. They have no knowledge of things that have happened since their deaths. They may seek information or request favors in exchange for their knowledge.

Forgotten Standard

This oddity is a piece of banner than can have any appearance you choose, but it is always ripped and tattered, and connects to no known military force. While it is visibly displayed, you have advantage on all attack rolls you make during your first turn in combat or if you did not make any attacks on your previous turn.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, when you damage a creature while you have advantage due to this item, the target must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and take additional damage equal to your character level.


Gnomish Timepiece

This oddity is a complex set of gears that keeps the time of day. While in your inventory, you always know the exact time of day. Additionally, you have advantage on all initiative rolls.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, you may click the top of this timepiece to repeat a saving throw after you see the roll but before the results are determined. Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest.

Grey Stone

This oddity is a mundane looking stone that functions as a whet stone. As a ten minute ritual you can sharpen a weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage. For the next 8 hours that weapon gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Only one weapon can benefit from this bonus at a time.

Improved: In addition to the prior effects, a weapon sharpened with this stone counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical weapons.

Howling Horn

This oddity is a horn that can have any appearance you choose, but should have some wolf insignia on it. When you use your action to blow this horn it creates a sound like a loud wolf howl that can be heard up to 5 miles away. While it is in your inventory you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that use smell. You can smell shape changers.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, when you blow on this horn 1d4-1 Dire Wolves (MM 322) come to the scene. Once summoned in this way, wolves will not come to the horn’s sound for the next 24 hours.

Iron Banded Torch

This oddity is a torch which can burn with fire any color you choose. You can light or snuff out this torch as your item interaction on your turn. While it is lit the torch counts as a simple melee weapon with the light and finesse properties. On a hit it deals 1d6 fire damage.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, when you make an attack roll with this weapon and the target of the attack is a beast or undead, it must make a Wisdom saving throw regardless of if you hit or miss. On a failure the creature is frighted by you until the start of your next turn.

Knuckle Bones

This oddity is a set of 2 knuckle bone dice that can be plain or painted in any way you like. Once per day you may roll the dice as an action. When you do so, roll d20s equal to the number of Knuckle Bones you have and record their values. You can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with one of these rolls. You must do so before the roll is made.

You may take this oddity multiple times, gaining 1 additional knuckle bone dice each time you do.

Improved: You gain one additional knuckle bone die, and in addition to its prior effects, once per day you may cast Commune as a 10 minute ritual to contact a being of your choice. When you do so you may ask a number of questions equal to the number of knuckle bone dice you have.

Melting Candle

This oddity is a candle that is always dripping wax, even when not lit, besides that its appearance is up to you. While this candle is in your inventory you gain Darkvision out to a range of 30ft., if you already have darkvision its range is extended by 60ft. You are able to see in magical darkness as well as regular darkness.

Improved: In addition to tis prior effects, when you light this candle it emits a cloud of darkness with a radius of 30ft., centered on the candle.

Art Credit: Flugelchen

Memory Journal

This oddity is a thin book that can have any appearance you choose. While it is in your inventory you can spend your action reading it to perfectly remember anything that has happened in the last 30 days.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, while this journal is in your inventory you have a +5 bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) and Intelligence (History) checks.

Nomad's Cape

This oddity a large silk sheet that can have any appearance you choose, but always appears dirty. It can be worn like a cloak or as an action it can be set up as a 2 person tent. While in use it grants anyone sheltered under it or wearing it immunity to the effects of hot and cold weather.


Art Credit: Oxana Che

Improved: In addition to the prior effects, if you rest while using this oddity you may recover one level of exhaustion, end one effect reducing your hitpoint maximum, or end one effect reducing your ability scores.

Orcish Paste

This oddity is a box containing several makeups and face paints. While it is in your inventory you gain proficiency with disguise kits. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of a disguise kit.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, you may spend one minute to apply war paint to one creature. While applied the creature has a +2 bonus to its damage rolls, but a -2 to its Intelligence and Wisdom ability scores. This paint can be applied to multiple creatures and lasts for up to 8 hours or until the creature removes it as an action.

Oxidized Broach

This oddity is a broach that was once made of copper but has been oxidized to a blueish green color. It can have any shape or design you choose. While wearing this broach you always gain the effects of a Detect Magic spell.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, while you are wearing this broach you gain the benefits of a Nondetection spell.

Paper Fan

This oddity is a fan made out of simple paper, but it can depict anything you like and be any color. While it is in your inventory your jump distance and height are doubled, while you are falling you can use your reaction to reduce your fall damage by an amount equal to 5 x your character level.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, you may use your action to cause the wind to pick up and blow strongly in any direction you choose. Ranged attacks automatically fail if shot against the wind, and moving against the wind counts as difficult terrain. The wind lasts for up to 10 minutes, but you may end it early at any time. Once you use this wind you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Philosopher's Thread

This oddity is a spool of thread that can have any appearance you choose. While it is in your inventory you gain proficiency with weavers tools. If you already have proficiency you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of weavers tools.

Improved: Any piece of clothing you craft using this oddity is considered a common magical item and can produce a single magical effect comparable to a cantrip.

Pouch of Herbs

This oddity is several folds of leather containing a wide variety of herbs. While in your inventory, this oddity can be used as a healer’s kit with 10 uses. Additionally, regardless of if it has charges, while this oddity is in your inventory you gain proficiency with herbalism kits. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of a herbalism kit. You may regain uses of this item by means of your Roads Traveled feature.

Improved: In addition to the prior effects, during a rest you can prepare a special remedy using these herbs that cures one poison, disease, or effect reducing a creature’s hit point maximum. Doing so consumes one use.


Art Credit: Lie Setiawan

Rusted Lantern

This oddity is a hooded lantern that can have any appearance you choose, but the metal parts of it are always rusted. While it is lit, creatures friendly to you within the bright light have advantage on saving throws made against becoming frightened.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, a hostile creature cannot enter the bright light radius without first succeeding a Wisdom saving throw. Once it succeeds, the creature need not make another save against this effect for 24 hours.

Skeleton Key

This oddity is a key of very unique design. While it is in your inventory you gain proficiency with thieves tools. If you are already proficient you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of thieves tools.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, if you encounter a magical trap or ward while using this item, instead of activating it you may spend hit dice equal to half the spell’s level (rounded up) to dispel it.

Stolen Fang

This oddity is a fang from a venomous creature, the appearance of which is up to you. While this fang is in your inventory you gain proficiency with poisoner’s kits. If you already have proficiency you gain expertise instead. You may use this oddity in place of a poisoner’s kit.

Improved: You may use this fang as a simple melee weapon with the light and finesse properties. On a hit you deal poison damage equal to your character level.

Warrior's Token

This oddity is a small token such as a piece of cloth or tassel but can have any appearance you choose. You may attach this oddity to any weapon you are wielding as an action. While attached you may use your Wisdom modifier for attack and damage rolls made with that weapon.

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, while you wield a weapon with this oddity equipped you can attack one additional time whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Wrangler's Rope

This oddity is a fraying rope. As an action you may attempt to tie up a creature within 5 feet of you who is Incapacitated, Grappled, or Restrained. Make a Strength (Athletics) check opposed by the target’s choice of Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics). If you win the contest you tie up either the target’s arms, legs, or both. If the target is a one size larger than you it has advantage on this check, if it is a size smaller, it has disadvantage. You cannot tie up creatures who are more than one size category larger than you.

Tying up a creature’s arms makes it so that creature cannot make attacks or cast spells with somatic components. Tying up its legs reduces its movement speed to 0 or 5 (your choice). Tying both renders the creature Incapacitated, however it can still make skill checks to escape being tied up, and move if you chose to reduce its speed to 5 instead of 0.

A creature can attempt to escape being tied up by making a Strength (Athletics) check to break the rope or a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to slip out. Both are made against your Nomad save DC. A creature can only attempt one of these checks per hour unless the rope is altered (such as being retied or damaged).

Improved: In addition to its prior effects, while tied up with this rope, a creature cannot teleport, plane shift, turn invisible, shapeshift, or cast a spell unless it first succeeds a Wisdom saving throw against your Nomad save DC.


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