Epic Fighter

by Nagainata

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Epic Fighter

The Epic Fighter

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
21st +7 Ability Score Improvement, Superior Second Wind (1d12)
22nd +7 Agoge
23rd +7 Diehard, Spine Breaker
24th +7 Pincer Maneuver
25th +8 Ability Score Improvement, Superior Second Wind (2d12)
26th +8 Unstoppable Advance
27th +8 Martial Archetpe Feature
28th +8 Additional Indomitable, True Resolve
29th +9 Ability Score Improvement, Additional Action Surge
30th +9 Extra Attack (4), Warfare
Page 1 | Introduction

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 21st level, and again at 25th and 29th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Contrary to earlier levels, you can now improve your ability scores up to 24 using this feature.

Superior Second Wind

Your Second Wind ability lets you regain hit points equal to 1d12 + your Constitution modifier + your fighter level. At 25th level this increases to 2d12 + your Constitution modifier + your fighter level.


Your rigorous and methodical training, has made you capable of shrugging off strenuous activity that would exhaust anybody else, as well as made you proficient with another skill. Choose one skill from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival.

In addition, when gaining one level of exhaustion, you can choose to not gain the exhaustion. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.


At 23rd level, your battle hardened physicality has made you very difficult to kill. You make death saving throws with advantage.

Spine Breaker

Also at 23rd, level your prowess lets you wrestle with giants. You can grapple and shove creatures of any size, additionaly if a creature starts its turn grappled by you it takes your proficency mod d6 magical bludgeoning damage.

Pincer Maneuver

When an enemy scores a critical hit against you with a melee weapon while within your reach, you can use your reaction to turn it into a normal hit, and you can immediately make a melee weapon attack against the attacker as part of the same reaction. You have advantage on this attack unless the triggering attack was made with advantage.

You can use this feature twice. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Unstoppable Advance

You learn to take a special action that you can only take on a turn where you use your Action Surge feature. When you take this action, you draw on your legendary inner strength to empower your might to godlike heights for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated, allowing you to shrug off magic that would hamper others. For the duration, your movement speed can’t be magically reduced and you can move through creations of force, such as those created by the forcecage or wall of force spells, as if they are difficult terrain.

Martial Archetype Feature

You gain a feature from your martial archetype, detailed at the end of the class description or one from another source.

Additional Indomitable

You gain an additional use of your Indomitable feature between long rests starting at 28th level.

True Resolve

At 28th level, your resolve reaches its peak. You are immune to psychic damage and cannot become frightened or charmed. Your memories can't be read or altered in any form and you have advantage on saves against any mind affecting spells (such as confusion, or feeblemind).

Additional Action Surge

You gain an additional use of Action Surge between rests.

Extra Attack

You can attack five times whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Turn Warfare Dice Warfare Points
1 3d6 30
2 2d6 20
3 1d6 10
Page 2 | Class Features


You can become an avatar of warfare as a bonus action, increasing either your commanding, defensive, offensive, or tactical potential immensely. Each turn for three consecutive turns, you gain certain bonuses, depending on the type of warfare you have chosen. Each type of warfare utilizes Warfare Dice and Warfare Points.
When a type of warfare lets you add your Warfare Dice to a gameplay element, roll the number of Warfare Dice available to you and add the total number rolled. Warfare Points add a flat number to some gameplay element. The Warfare table shows how many Warfare Dice and Warfare Points you have on each turn for the duration.

- Commanding. You and allies within 60 feet of you who can hear and see you, gain temporary hit points equal to your Warfare Dice at the end of your turns and gain a bonus to their walking speed equal to your Warfare Points.

- Defensive. You add your Warfare Dice to all saving throws. In addition, at the end of each of your turns you gain temporary hit points equal to your Warfare Points. Offensive. You roll your Warfare Dice and add half of the result to the damage of all weapon attacks, and your movement speed increases by an amount equal to your Warfare Points.

- Tactical. You add your Warfare Dice to Strength (Athletics) checks and you can shove creatures that are up to two sizes larger than you. In addition, damage from opportunity attacks against you are reduced by an amount equal to your Warfare Points.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Martial Archetype Feature

Arcane Archer

Arcane Assailant

27th-Level Epic Arcane Archer Feature

You can use your Arcane Shot feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier between rests and you learn all Arcane Shot Options. In addition, you can use your Arcane Shot feature once on each attack action, or on each turn.

Battle Master


27th-Level Epic Battle Master Feature

You learn three additional maneuvers, and now have a number of Superiority Dice equal to your proficiency bonus.



27th-Level Epic Cavalier Feature

You regain all expended uses of your Unwavering Mark feature when you finish a short or long rest. In addition, when mounted, your mount's current and maximum hit points increase by twice your fighter level.


Surgical Precision

27th-Level Epic Champion Feature

Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 17-20.

Eldritch Knight

Superior War Magic

27th-Level Epic Eldritch Knight Feature

When you take the Attack action, you can use your bonus action to cast a spell of 4th level or lower that has a casting time of 1 Action.


Expert Gunman

27th-Level Epic Gunslinger Feature

When you misfire you can spend one grit point to instead reroll the attack. In addition, you no longer need one free hand in order to reload.

Purple Dragon Knight


27th-Level Epic Purple Dragon Knight Feature

When you use your Pincer Maneuver ability, you can choose an ally within 60 feet of you. If that creature can see or hear you, the first critical hit against it before the end of its next turn is reduced to a normal hit, and the first hit that your ally lands on the attacker becomes a critical hit.

Your Inspiring Surge now longer requires the creature to use its reaction to make a melee or ranged weapon attack, and your Bulwark now works on all saving throws. In addition, the ally can make reroll its saving throw at advantage, and must use the higher roll.



27th-Level Epic Samurai Feature

You regain all expended uses of your Fighting Spirit feature when you finish a short or long rest. In addition, you can now use your Fighting Spirit when you use your Second Wind or Action Surge ability.

Page 3 | Martial Archetype Features

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