Way of the Noble Claw (Monk Subclass)

by Hollowed Kingdoms

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Monk: Way of the Noble Claw

Monks who adopt the Way of the Noble Claw live their lives dedicated to a strict code: the rule of discipline and combat, as taught by the Mantis Lords and their tribes throughout the world. This style prioritizes swift movements and severe strikes, coupled with a keen use of their environment to trap enemies. Whether they are born to the tribe or welcomed after proving their strength, warriors who adopt this monastic tradition embody the speed, power, technique and discipline of the most skilled of Mantis Lords.

Way of the Noble Claw Features
Monk Level Archetype Features
3 Rapid Strike, Trophy Crafting
6 Ambush
11 Mantis Wings, Sky Piercer
17 Noble Spirit

Rapid Strike

When you take this monastic tradition at Level 3, you gain an insight into how to best move and strike at an enemy. Your Step of the Wind feature no longer requires Ki to use one of its effects. You can expend 1 Ki point when you use the feature to gain the benefit of both the Dash and Disengage options.
Additionally, whenever you make an attack on an enemy with a monk weapon or an unarmed strike, you can expend 1 ki point. When you do, you can add a d4 to all of your attack rolls. If it hits, you can add the amount rolled on the d4 to the damage roll. This also effects your Flurry of Blows feature.

Trophy Crafting

As part of the Mantis culture, a warrior needs to be able to both arm themselves and to intimidate their enemies. At 3rd level, as part of a short rest, you can harvest bone and hide from a slain beast, construct, dragon, monstrosity, or plant creature of size Small or larger to create one of the following items: a shield, a club, a javelin, a sickle, a scimitar (max of 1 at a time) or 1d4 darts or blowgun needles. To use this trait, you need a blade, such as a dagger, or appropriate artisan’s tools, such as Leatherworker’s Tools. As a part of this feature, you gain proficiency in your choice of Smith's Tools, Leatherworkers Tools, or Woodcarver's Tools.

Additionally, if you have 1 minute and appropriate materials (as determined by your DM), you can set a trap for an enemy. Choose a 5ft by 5 ft area to set the trap. A creature other than you that enters the space must make a DEX saving throw equal to [8 + your PB + Your WIS modifier]. On a failure, the creature is restrained until the end of your next turn. You can spend an additional minute of time to hide the trap. When you do, an enemy has disadvantage to perceive the trap. This does not apply to enemies who do not rely on sight to see. Once you set a trap, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


At 6th Level, you learn how to exploit enemies by striking first and targeting vitals before their guard is up. When you gain this feature, you gain advantage on Initiative rolls. Additionally, whenever you would attack an enemy who has not yet taken a turn, the first time you hit the target, it is treated as a Critical hit. When you crit with this ability, you can add one more damage die to the roll.

Mantis Wings

At 11th level, you learn how to channel the power of a mantis in flight. As an action, expend 3 Ki points; you sprout spectral Mantis Wings which give you a flying speed equal to your walking speed for an hour. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest, or by expending an additional 2 Ki points (in addition to the 3) to activate it again.
You cannot use this ability while you are wearing armor or using a shield.

Sky Piercer

At 11th Level, you learn how to take advantage of superior positioning. Whenever you attack an enemy from an elevated position, such as while Flying or a Jump spell, you can expend 3 Ki points. In place of your normal attack action, you make an attack at Advantage. If you hit, in addition to the normal damage, you deal an additional 4 D6 Piercing damage. A Large or smaller target then must succeed on a STR saving throw vs [8 + your PB + your DEX modifier]. A creature that fails is knocked prone.

Noble Spirit

At 17th level, you gain the ability to avoid peril with an unerring certainty. Whenever you would fail a saving throw, for any reason, you use this ability. Your roll is treated as the lowest possible roll needed to succeed. You can only use this ability once per short or long rest, or by expending 4 Ki points to use it again.

Game Credit

This Subclass was inspired by the game Hollow Knight by Team Cherry. A labor of love made solely for entertainment purposes and not-for-profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

Designed by: Nick
Art by: Koumouby (https://koumouby.tumblr.com/)


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