Dyson Sphere Game Master Guide

by gq69

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Dyson Sphere Architect's Guide

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      Formatting 5
      Backgrounds and Skills 7
      Modifications 8
      Equipment 9
      NPC Statblocks 10
      Location Statblocks 12
      Adventure Guidelines 13
      Homebrew Setting Guidelines 15


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Backgrounds and Skills

Example: Surgeon

The Dyson Sphere is a hard place to live and people need any edge they can get. That usually means a robot arm here, a mechanical exoskeleton there, maybe a few pain inhibitors, etc. Cybernetic and mechanical body modifications are commonplace.

  • Skill. Choose one: Ghost in the Machine; Organic Systems; We're All Just Atoms.
  • Ability. Increase your Sentience by 1.
  • Reaction. EMERGENCY: When an ally would be reduced to 0 HP, you can choose for them to be reduced to 1 HP instead.
Personality. Choose or roll for one.
1 Everyone's got their reasons. I don't judge.
2 I couldn't be trusted too much as a surgeon if I didn't indulge in a little cybernetic experimentation myself.
3 I've seen it all. Nothing phases me anymore.
4 My sense of humor is blacker than the inside of a stomach.
5 I keep little trophies of everything I chop off.
6 My clients are pretty upscale. Surgeon-patient confidentiality is of utmost importance.
Ideal. Choose one.
1 Everyone is Free: Everyone should be free to do whatever they want with their own bodies.
2 No One is Free: Anyone who thinks they're anything but a bunch of molecules stuck together is lying to themselves.
Bond. Choose one.
1 People think what I do is for vanity, but I've saved too many lives to consider myself just a businessperson. I do important, necessary work.
2 I've got a function hound living in my habitation pod with me. She gives me robotic bits off her body whenever I need them for my job.
Flaw. Choose one.
1 I no longer think of people as people. They're just a collection of bits and pieces, easily swapped around.
2 My mistakes have resulted in deaths. I'd like to think the good I do outweighs the bad. I'm not so sure.

Suggested Backstory

This lady came back with most of her limbs missing and half her head. I put her back together. Tells me there's something dangerous out in the Caves of Steel. Something that could change this city forever.

Custom Background

  • Human or Robot. You can choose to be a human or a robot. As a rule of thumb, humans are born and robots are made. There are exceptions to these on both ends.
  • Skill. Choose any one skill.
  • Ability. Increase any one ability modifier by 1.
  • Reaction. Choose a reaction from one of the other backgrounds that best fits your character.
  • Personality. Write a quick summary of your character's key personality traits.
  • Ideal. Write a philosophical ideal or worldview that your character lives by.
  • Bond. Write a key connection to the world or important relationship.
  • Flaw. Write a character flaw that you'd be pleased for the GM to use to hurt your character.
  • Backstory. Write a backstory for your character. You don't have to put it on your character sheet if you don't want to.



  • Skill. Choose one:
  • Ability. Increase your ...
  • Reaction. NAME: Description.
Personality. Choose or roll for one.
1 Personality.
Ideal. Choose one.
1 Ideal: Description.
Bond. Choose one.
1 Bond.
Flaw. Choose one.
1 Flaw

Suggested Backstory



Skills uniquely connect a character to the setting. The recharge mechanic usually contradicts this in an interesting way.

  • Skill: Description.
    Recharge: Description.
  • Example: Planned Obsolescence: No technology was meant to last, but maybe you can make it last a little longer.
    Recharge: Break something important.


Example: Power Cell (250)

An extra power cell can give you the boost of energy you need. At any time, without spending an action, you regain all AP immediately. Once you've used your power cell, it only recharges after a week of rest.

You can take this modification multiple times, up to a maximum of 3 power cells.

Custom Modification (500)

If you have an idea for a modification that isn't in this list, you can create your own for a cost of 500. Choose two of the following effects. You are allowed to choose the same effect twice, unless noted.

  • Gain a skill. You can't take this effect twice.
  • Gain Resistance 1 to a damage type. You can't take this effect twice.
  • Increase max AP by 1 and allow 1 AP to be recharged outside of combat.
  • Gain a "once per session" feature, no action required, something that requires a week of rest before it recharges. Examples are included below.
    • Regain all AP
    • Attempt a roll even without an associated skill
    • Reroll and take the new result
    • Change an enemy's success into a failure
    • Win an opposed roll, including a positive outcome for you and a negative outcome for the other character
    • Take two actions in a round instead of one
    • Reduce an enemy's HP by 1, ignoring AP, without having to roll

You can't use a custom modification to gain an effect that increases your HP or allows you to regain HP.

Cosmetic Modifications

The following modifications can be used to further flesh out your character. You don't need to pay for them. Cosmetic modifications don't affect the game's mechanics.

  • Companion Chip. You have an artificial intelligence plugged into a chip in your brain that provides you with a friend you can always talk to.
  • Cosmetic Surgery. You've changed your physical appearance. This can be subtle, such as a facelift, or dramatic, such as adding thirty centimeters of height.
  • Hormone Replacement. You have transitioned to a different gender than the one assigned at birth.
  • Medication. Important medication is delivered from a container to your body at a regular interval, helping to manage symptoms of a disease.
  • Mobility Enhancers. You have a robotic attachment that assists with your mobility, such as a wheelchair or stabiliser.
  • Reinforcing Cybernetics. Various parts of your body have been replaced with robotic equivalents, such as your eyes, knees, jaw, hands, feet, ears, or hips. You might also have an artificial heart, lungs, or other organs, up to and including your skin.
  • Support Robot. You have a robotic companion, usually quadrupedal, that provides you with physical and emotional support. Your support robot doesn't assist you in a way that, in terms of the game's mechanics, sets you apart from other characters.
  • Custom Cosmetic Modification. If you wish to express your character in a way that isn't satisfied by the existing cosmetic modifications included here, you can describe your own. Remember that cosmetic modifications don't affect the game's mechanics.


Name (Cost)


  • Cosmetic Modification. Description.


Basic Equipment

Item Price Description
Multitool 50 All-in-one tool, including a corkscrew, a small knife, a can opener, a radio, and various other functions.
Name Price Description.

Standard Survival Kit

A standard survival kit includes a first aid kit, a flashlight, a mess kit, 3 rations, and a waterbottle, which all fit into a small pouch worn on the back or at the hip. You can start with a standard survival kit for free. Most NPCs will have a standard survival kit if they have any use for it.


Armor Cost Description AP Other
Hazardous Environment Carapace (HEC) 300 Internal environmental conditioning. +1 Resistance 1 for all of the following damage types: acid, blast, poison, shock, and sonic.
Custom Armor 200 +1 Resistance 1 (any 1 damage type)
Name Price. Description. AP Bonus Special effects.


A weapon with the Spread property also targets all characters in melee with the original target (including allies). Roll a separate attack for each target.

A weapon with the Non-Lethal property deals 0 damage to creatures at 1 HP or lower (not including damage from crits).

A weapon with the Glue property prevents the target from moving this round or next round on a hit.

Weapon Cost Range DT Damage Other
Dispersion Foam 200 Melee/Ranged 5 1 Exhaustion Spread, Non-Lethal.
Custom Weapon A 100 Melee/Ranged 4 1 (any type)
Custom Weapon B 250 Melee/Ranged 4 2 (any type)
Blunt Weapon 0 Melee 5 1 Physical
Cutting Words 0 Melee/Ranged 5 1 Morale Non-Lethal.
Name Price. Melee/Ranged DT Damage Special effects.


  • Open Treader. A truck equipped with thick treads meant for crossing vast empty wastes in the Caves of Steel. Unjustifiably gung-ho about exploration.
  • Vehicle Name. Description and personality.
Vehicle Cost Speed Crew HP AP Other
Open Treader 5,100 60 km/h 25 4 3 Physical Resistance 2.
Name Price Speed Crew HP AP Special effects.

NPC Statblocks

Statblocks cover various robots, humans, and other characters found throughout the Dyson Sphere. Included here are a few broad guidelines.

For Game Masters, Not Players. The statblocks are guides for the GM to use these NPCs in opposition to the PCs.

Suggestions, Not Prescriptions. The details included in a statblock suggest a typical version of that NPC, but individual NPCs might have different modifications, equipment, and other statistics.

They Aren't PCs. The NPCs here do not have to follow character creation rules, and you're encouraged not to make NPCs the same way you'd make characters. Just pick an NPC statblock that looks good (default to blindfold if you're unsure) and add or subtract modifications and equipment as you please. Don't even think about budget. Just give them what you want them to have.

Encounter Planning

When planning encounters, take into account the offense and defense of the character. Offense is how much damage the character can deal in one round if it rolls perfectly (and assuming two targets for spread weapons). Defense refers to max AP, plus 1 if the character has any resistances or immunities, and minus 1 if the character has any vulnerabilities. HP doesn't factor into defense.

Use these values holistically to estimate a fair fight for the party, taking into account the party's own ability to deal damage and soak hits. You generally want the party's total offense and defense to be slightly higher than the total offense and defense of the enemies they're fighting.

Offense: The number represents the maximum amount of damage the character can conceivably deal in the first round.

  • Determine all of the character's most damaging attacks they are capable of making in the first round and add up the total damage that could be dealt.
  • For attacks with the Spread property, double their damage.
  • Add any extra damage the character can deal through modifications, equipment, or other features.
  • The total damage is the character's Offense.

Defense: The number represents the character's effective defenses before they start taking HP damage.

  • Add Max AP to Defense.
  • If the character has resistances and/or immunities, increase Defense by 1.
  • If the character has vulnerabilities, decrease Defense by 1.

NPC Statblocks

human, robot, or other type of character

  • Max HP The amount of hit points the character begins with. Track current HP separately. Some characters follow character creation rules (start at 3 and add Exposure modifier), but others, especially robots and boss monsters, do not.
  • Max AP The amount of armor points the character begins with. Track current AP separately. Usually determined by equipment and modifications, although some NPCs, especially robots and boss monsters, have stronger armor naturally.
  • Resistances A list of damage types the NPC is resistant to, including how much damage is reduced per attack. Often relies on modifications or equipment, but not always.
  • Immunities A list of damage types the NPC is immune to. Sometimes relies on other features.
  • Vulnerabilities A list of damage types the NPC is vulnerable to, including how much damage is added per attack. Usually relies on other features.
  • Speed If a vehicle, top speed is listed here.
  • Crew If a vehicle, maximum comfortable crew size is listed here. Can hold up to double with penalties.

Exposure Resonance Sentience
+/- Modifier +/- Modifier +/- Modifier


A list of cybernetic modifications the character has installed.

Other Features

Special features and abilities the character has that aren't cybernetic modifications (and thus can't be disabled).


A list of equipment the character has on them. Might include a description of the benefits a piece of equipment grants them, especially for armor.


Weapon Name. Melee or ranged, damage threshold (meet or beat to deal damage), damage amount and type. Any other weapon effects are also included here.

Example. Melee/Ranged, DT 5, 1 morale. Non-Lethal.

Example: Rake


  • Max HP 6
  • Max AP 2
  • Immunities Exhaustion, Poison

Exposure Resonance Sentience
+3 +1 +1


Kinetic Ball Joint Drills. You can dig through solid metal.


Drill. Melee, 3 DT, 3 physical. If the drill reduces AP to 0, any leftover damage is applied to the target's HP.

Encounter Planning

  • Offense: 3
  • Defense: 3

Wide Example: Cableheart


  • Max HP 10
  • Max AP 5

Exposure Resonance Sentience
+1 +0 +0


Dyson Prototype. When you reduce a character to 0 hit points, they die immediately and you regain all HP and AP. This also resets the amount of damage you've taken this round.

Orbiting Dust. +1 DT to ranged attacks against you.

Whipping Cables. Any character that enters melee range of you must succeed on a Resonance roll or take 1 physical damage.

Other Features

Boss Monster. You can take three actions in a round, instead of one.

Ichor. Regain 1 AP when you reduce a character to 0 hit points.


Claws. Melee, 4 DT, 3 physical.

Gravity Well (1/Round). You let out a wail that can be heard up to 1 kilometer away. Any character that can hear you must succeed on a Resonance roll or take 3 morale damage and be compelled to enter (and stay in) melee range this round.

Regional Effects

  • Within 10 kilometers, dust, paper, and flakes of rusted metal slowly pick up as if guided by wind, spiralling around your position clockwise like the tails of a hurricane.
  • Within 5 kilometers, the machinery behind the walls of the Dyson Sphere deafens creatures with its groaning and grinding.
  • Within 1 kilometer, gravity occasionally goes haywire, sending creatures sprawling in random directions.

Encounter Planning

  • Offense: 15
  • Defense: 5

Location Statblocks

These statblocks cover various locations found throughout the Dyson Sphere.

For Game Masters, Not Players. The statblocks are guides for the GM.

Suggestions, Not Prescriptions. The details included in a statblock are for inspiration only.

Broad Strokes. The statblocks aren't a replacement for careful planning.

Natural, Not Balanced. Ultimately, the GM has final say on the difficulty of a fight.

Example: Brewing Vat

The last safety inspector fell in that vat over there. Never quite got around to fishing him out.

  • giant vats of bubbling green and brown liquid
  • walkways precariously positioned above vats
  • pockets of blisteringly hot air seemingly at random places
  • a rank odour of decomposing matter

Points of Interest

Distillery. The brew is funneled through a series of tubes and faucets, each of which are tended to by a function hound that bristles and fumes at any interruption.

Taste Testing Chamber. Hundreds of multi-colored vials line the walls. A mechanical set of needles takes a measurement of your tongue and taste buds before choosing the vial it thinks you'd most like.


Strike. 5 blindfolds, angry about their working conditions, hold a strike against 2 combat cyborgs who aren't feeling very opinionated about the whole thing.

Malfunction. A factory robot managing the brewing vats goes berserk and breaks away from its restraints.

Unholy Concoction. A consciousness amalgamation seeps out from a vat.

Combat Complications

  • A vat spills over, spreading noxious fumes and molasses all over the factory floor.
  • The wall of multi-colored vials tips and crashes, releasing countless priceless potions' contents.


Bloodsucker. The robot in the taste-testing chamber is a prototype of the LPIA bleeder.

Front. The vat doubles as a moonshine distillery.

Location Statblocks

A short, flavourful quote from the perspective of a colourful character introducing the location.

  • dramatic first impressions
  • broad strokes to set the mood
  • striking visuals that make the location unique
  • multiple senses employing sight, sound, smell, etc.

Points of Interest

Main Areas. A short description of the main areas in the location and why they're important.

Secondary Areas. Smaller interesting details can also be included here.


Challenging Fights. Appropriate and thematic characters (bolded), always with a reason for being there. Don't worry about the encounter's offense or defense rating.

Roleplay Opportunities. Many encounters can be solved much more easily with roleplay or exploration than combat.

Combat Complications

  • Several complications that might trigger after combat has broken out.
  • Traps, either intentional or incidental.
  • Environmental effects and lair actions, either triggered directly by the combatants or triggered organically by the nature of the location.


Awesome Loot. Interesting trinkets or strange items.

Horrifying Implications. Skeletons in the closet that paint the location in a new, more existentially despairing light.

Dangerous Intel. Potentially incriminating information kept well hidden until trust can be gained.

Adventure Guidelines


Include inspirations for short scenes introducing each character to the adventure and its central issue.

Hook Title or Background

Hook description.

Secret. Description.

The Job

  • Goal.
  • Risks.
  • Rewards.

Example: Archivist

Visly meets you in the basement of the Steel Library. He activates a haywire grenade, causing all of the cameras (and many of your modifications) to power down. You hear people scrambling upstairs to reroute power and reactivate everything. He brings you close and whispers, "Your mother was searching for the DNA of Ellison Mirellette. I know where we can find it. We can finish her work."

Secret. Visly murdered the character's mother to obtain her secrets. Even if the character suspects this is the case, the best time to strike will be if they can get Visly alone somewhere out in the Caves of Steel. Too dangerous to do anything here.

The Job

  • Retrieve the DNA of Ellison Mirellette from a hidden library in the Caves of Steel.
  • Unknown level of danger. No opportunity to rest in steel cultist territory.
  • 1,000 gold upon completion, plus any equipment picked up along the way.

NPC Reference

Name, Statblock/Identifier

  • Appearance. Description.
  • Does. Improvisational prompt.
  • Secret. Something to discover.
  • Other Details. You can include more details, including demographic information, personality, ideals, bonds, flaws, relevant connections, and anything that wouldn't appear on the statblock.

Example: Visly Camaratsek, Blindfold

  • Appearance. Tall, gaunt, and pale. Hooked nose, crooked chin. Wrapped in a dark cloak.
  • Does. Hands shake as he lights a cigarette.
  • Secret. Worships the Lord Our Dreamer Ellison Mirellette, She of Countless Empty Eyes. Inside of a body pocket: holographic mirage of dozens of closed eyes.


Description of the current situation or scene.

Example: Visly is waiting for the party at the transportation hangar of the city of Steel. He was able to obtain papers permitting an excursion outside of the city limits and has requisitioned a figure skater, Caroline, as the party's mode of transportation through Steel Cultist Territory.


Description of an opportunity to freely roleplay.

  • Questions
  • Conflicts
  • Prompts

Example: One week journey. Luckily Caroline is stocked with enough supplies to get there and back. The party should answer the following questions.

  1. How are the rations?
  2. What malfunctioned, and how did you fix it?
  3. What's a major disagreement you've had with the others, and how did you resolve it?
  4. How did you get rid of the spark that snuck aboard?
  5. What question haven't you had the chance to ask yet?


  • Active opportunities for players to connect with and react to NPCs in play.

Example: Caroline

  • Tells war stories of her time fighting the combat cyborgs of the city of Steel.
  • Drifts off course when she recognises a landmark in the architecture all around her. Rights herself if called out.


Obstacle. State the DC. That's all you need. The rules for obstacles are included in the main Dyson Sphere book.

Flavourful description of the obstacle.

Example: Collapsed Wreckage. DC 4 obstacle.

A section of skyscraper-sized supporting scaffolds of the Dyson Sphere has collapsed in this area, creating an enormous, practically impassable field of scrap and rubble that stretches from the floor to the ceiling, impossibly high. The ruins of what once were state carriers still lay smoking in the heap. It might be possible to navigate through it if done carefully and slowly. There might be enough gaps.


Description of the area. Call for a Resonance roll.

  • DC: Describe a successive series of revelations based on the DC of the Resonance roll needed to acquire the information.

Example: Caroline descends the canyon. Gut feelings about this place can be revealed with a Resonance roll. Only one player should make the roll.

  • 1: The canyon is dark. The walls are lined with steel and rock.
  • 3: The canyon was formed by sections of the Dyson Sphere quaking and shearing. It split apart.
  • 5: There used to be a city here. A significant portion of it fell into the deep dark depths.
  • 7: The library is set into the wall and goes down even deeper than the canyon. -1 DC to the Remains obstacle.


Description of the combat situation.

  • relevant statblocks boldened

Deescalation. An opportunity to resolve combat non-violently.

Example: Terry nods to the others. Perry lets out a horrific scream. Gary psychically hovers a shotgun in front of him. Terry reloads her laser rifle. All three of them coldly launch an attack on the party.

  • Terry, automaton
  • Perry, morose
  • Gary, pipe friend

Deescalation. If Terry and her companions realize the party is also here hoping to unlock secrets of Ellison Mirellette, she may stop fighting and agree to a deal to help one another.


A direction to push the situation to end the scene.

Flavourful description of the end of the scene.

Example: A hail of gunfire sends the pin dolls and the cultists sprawling for cover, giving the party the opportunity to dash to a pyramid structure in the archives where a woman fires laser blasts from the entrance. She ushers the party into relative safety within.

"Get inside, quick! You can call me Terry. These cultists of Lexicopica have been constantly breaking in here to steal this archive's secrets. The pin dolls and the turrets tend to ward them off, but they've been persistent today. Quickly, away from the doorway, further in towards safety."



  • Equipment, weapons, armor, vehicles, gold.
  • Example: Visly pays the party 1,000 gold each.

Ability Increase Options

Only one ability may be increased at the end of an adventure.

  • Any characters who explored a new location may choose to increase their Exposure by 1.
  • Any characters who discovered a secret may choose to increase their Resonance by 1.
  • Any characters who achieved a remarkable feat may choose to increase their Sentience by 1.

Unsettling Questions

  • Where might the party be drawn to next?

Homebrew Setting Guidelines

Description of the new setting and what makes it unique. The mechanics of the Dyson Sphere system are best suited to science fiction settings, but it's not impossible to branch out.


  • 3-4 evocative themes explored by the setting.


  • Stories. 3-4 stories from popular culture with similar themes and genres to help set expectations.


  • Skills. 3-4 heavily thematic skills that encourage players to engage with what makes the setting interesting.
    Recharge: Description.


Add new flavourful backgrounds, modifications, equipment, armor, weapons, vehicles, and statblocks as you see fit.

Example: Space Opera: Fantasy

The Dyson Sphere system can be repurposed with these additional options to tell a mythologically-inspired story of underdogs in a galaxy far away.


  • Hope Against Oppression
  • Faith Over Technology
  • Self-Control
  • The Hero's Journey


  • Star Wars. TIE fighters scream through space in pursuit of a ragtag band of rebels. Lightsabers reflect lasers back at tyrants. Destiny calls for those chosen by the force.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy. It's tempting to lie, cheat, and steal your way to prosperity, and the rewards for doing so are handsome. But there are bad people out there who'd erase half the galaxy just to prove a point. You're going to need to get over yourself.
  • Spelljammer. Harness the Weave to power majestic sailing ships across the Astral Sea, exploring countless fantastical worlds and pitting the gods themselves against each other.
  • Starstruck. The empire has fallen, the universe is in anarchy, and if you want to keep fuel in the tanks you've gotta have a freelance gig or two. It's a tough galaxy out there, but somebody's gotta live in it. Might as well be you.


  • I Control My Own Destiny. Let the others worry about the battle between good and evil. You're just here to get paid.
    Recharge: Take the ethical option.
  • The Ball is Rolling Uphill. Doesn't matter how much flak we have to deal with, we're the good guys. We'll win.
    Recharge: Reach an even deeper rock bottom.
  • Dance Off, Bro. Why's everyone gotta be so serious all the time? It pays to have a little fun.
    Recharge: Take responsibility for your actions.
  • Scum and Villainy. There is nothing nobler than rebelling against an oppressor.
    Recharge: Fight the law and lose.


For flavour similar to lightsabers in Star Wars or the Sunblade in Spelljammer, you can use the following extra rules.

Weapon Cost Range DT Damage
Plasma Sword -- Melee 3 3 Blast

  • Reflect (1/Combat). When you're targeted by a ranged energy weapon, you can increase the DT needed to hit you by 1. On a miss, the attacker must reroll the attack against a target of your choice.
  • Duel. The DT to hit another plasma sword wielder with your plasma sword is 5.

Warrior Monk

From a young age, you've had a strong attunement to a mystical energy permeating the galaxy, pitting you in a battle between good and evil. You used psychic disinhibitors to harness telekinetic powers, wielded elegant plasma swords in battle, and acted as a peacekeeper across the many planets of the galaxy, until, after a great cataclysm, your order was destroyed.

  • Skill. Choose any Space Opera: Fantasy skill.
  • Ability. Increase your Resonance by 1.
  • Reaction. PRECOGNITION: When you're targeted with an attack, increase the DT to hit you by 2.
Personality. Choose or roll for one.
1 I am wise beyond my years.
2 I refer to my order's code when I need to make important decisions.
3 I'm willing to bend the rules in order to get things done.
4 I do not draw my weapon until it is necessary. Weapons are for killing, and I strive for peace.
5 I hide my wisdom and power under a veneer of playful eccentricity.
6 I see omens everywhere I look.
Ideal. Choose one.
1 Stoicism: I may feel emotions, but I am not controlled by them.
2 Asceticism: I choose to forgo earthly desires in order to focus on what's important.
Bond. Choose one.
1 I am the last of my order. Its traditions live on only through me.
2 A great evil seeks to pervert my code to its own sinister ends. I must prove the righteousness of my code.
Flaw. Choose one.
1 I use my powers recklessly and selfishly.
2 I refuse to accept points of view that contradict my code.

Suggested Backstory

We should have foreseen it. One of our own kind, having given in to the promise of inconceivable power, infiltrated the galactic government and turned the good people of this galaxy against us. We were ambushed, assassinated, sacrificed. Only a few of us made it out. Now we hide, keeping the weak candle of our order alive. One day we will rise again.