Subclass - Rogue - Duelist

by Jalfik

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Roguish Archetype: Duelist

Glancing blows send sparks flying off the wall. A perfectly timed parry leaves the opponent open to counterattack. Duelists are masters of mobile combat. Few rogues can fight with the skill in one on one combat that a duelist can. Quickly gaining fame and renown, these rogues are sure to attract trouble, but the strongest duelists tend to crack a devilish grin, especially when completely surrounded.

One on One

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to focus your skill against a single opponent. As a bonus action, you can mark one creature within 30 feet as your Challenge. This mark lasts for 10 minutes, but ends early if you or the Challenge fall unconscious. You may use this feature once and must finish a short or long rest before using it again. You gain the following benefits while you have a Challenge:

  • When your Challenge attacks you, you may add your Charisma modifier to your armor class if you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield.
  • You have a +2 bonus to attack rolls against your Challenge.
  • You may use your sneak attack against your Challenge even if you do not meet the usual requirements to use it.

Mobile Duel

Also at 3rd level, when you hit your Challenge with an melee attack and you are within 5 feet of one another, you may move yourself and the Challenge up to half your speed in any direction. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks for either of you. You must end within 5 feet of each other after the movement, but the fight can rotate as you choose. You may not move yourself or your Challenge into a hazard such as a fire pit or off a cliff side, but you may choose to move before or after dealing the damage of your attack.

The distance you can move yourself and your Challenge increases to your full speed at 13th level.

Parrying Stance

At 9th level you have learned how to take on a defensive stance and parry away incoming attacks. When your Challenge would hit you with a melee attack, you may use your reaction to add a +2 bonus to your AC against the triggering attack.


When your reach 13th level, you have gained such renowned that people know you everywhere you go. The DM may determine your reputation based on how you have role played your character. Perhaps you make others quake in fear at your approach or you are known as a charming scofflaw. Some NPCs might help you based on your reputation or they might make assumptions of what your goals are. The most important thing is your undeniable fame.

Additionally, when you roll Initiative and do not have use of your One on One feature, you regain the use of it.

Grand Duelist

At 17th level, you are able to engage with countless enemies all at the same time. When you use your One on One feature, you may Challenge to up to 8 separate creatures. When you use your Mobile Duel feature, you may move any number of them if they are within 5 feet of you, and all of you may move through the spaces of other creatures so long as you do not end your turn there.

Additionally, you gain a special, additional reaction on each of your Challenge’s turns that can only be used to activate your Parrying Stance feature.

Art Credit: Anna Podedworna


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