SW5e: Mod Technique (Scout Archetype)

by EmersonBiggins

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Mod Technique

Whether elective or against their will, some scouts have undergone extensive cybernetic augmentation. Followers of the Mod Technique use transhumanoid upgrades to exploit given advantages over unmodified peers and foes, all while working to maintain or rebuild their own sense of self.

Bonus Proficiencies

Mod Technique: 3rd Level
You gain proficiency in biotech's implements and an implement of your choice.

Chop Shop

Mod Technique: 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th Level
You gain one standard cybernetic augmentation of your choice, which does not count against the number of cybernetic augmentations your body can support, but does count towards your rating on the Cybernetic Augmentation Side Effects table. Any statistic requirements of the cybernetic augmentation you choose are reduced by your proficiency bonus.

When you advance in level, you can choose to replace this augmentation for another of the quality grades available to you. You can select from premium quality at 7th level, prototype quality at 11th level, and advanced quality at 15th level.

Additionally, the number of cybernetic augmentations your body can support increases by your Constitution modifier.

Assisted Targeting

Mod Technique: 3rd Level
Your Ranger's Quarry is enhanced in the following ways:

  • Once per turn, you may add your Intelligence modifier to an attack roll targeting your quarry, if it is not included already. Alternatively, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the DC of the first Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw you impose upon it each turn, if it is not included already.
  • Your Ranger's Quarry damage die can now be added to successful tech attack rolls against your quarry.
  • When you make a weapon attack against your quarry and roll a critical hit, your attack ignores damage resistance.

Synergistic Loadout

Mod Technique: 7th Level
Choose one of the following options. You may change your choice at the end of each long rest.

  • Your critical range with weapon attack rolls increases by 1.
  • Your tech point maximum increases by your proficiency bonus, as seen in the Scout class table.
  • You gain proficiency in one saving throw of your choice with which you are not already proficient.
  • You gain proficiency in one skill or set of tools of your choice. If you are already proficient, you instead gain expertise.
  • You reduce damage taken from weapons by your current number of cybernetic augmentations. If this would reduce the damage taken to 0, you instead take 1.

Integrated Systems

Mod Technique: 11th Level
You gain one additional attunement slot.

Additionally, choose one 1st level tech power that you know with a casting time of 1 action, bonus action, or reaction. You can cast it once per minute at base level without expending tech points, without use of a wristpad. You can cast this power a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier between long rests.

Overclocked Systems

Mod Technique: 11th Level
Your total rating on the Cybernetic Augmentation Side Effects table is reduced by your Intelligence modifier.

Additionally, you can now have droid customization parts installed as though they were cybernetic augmentations. Among these, you can also draw from parts normally restricted to Class I, III, and IV droids. You still cannot benefit from droid customization protocols.

Synthesis of Form

Mod Technique: 15th Level
Your body gains a slot for an item augmentation of any quality. While you have an augmentation in this slot, it counts towards your rating on the Cybernetic Augmentation Side Effects table.

Additionally, you no longer suffer the item-specific side effects of installed cybernetic augmentations.

Art Credits

Image Title Author
Dark Trooper Phase Zero Dark Trooper Phase Zero Mod By Deggial Nox (Render)

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