SW5e: Path of Inquisition (Sentinel Archetype)

by EmersonBiggins

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Path of Inquisition

Corrupted by pain and trained to perfection, the Inquisitor is tasked with the hunting, capture, conversion, and/or extermination of Force-sensitives, Jedi or otherwise. Those sentinels who follow the Path of Inquisition specialize in tracking down Force users, as well as gathering intelligence and effective countering of lightweapon combat and Forcecasting.

Bonus Proficiencies

Path of Inquisition: 3rd level
You gain proficiency with medium armor and two martial lightweapons of your choice. You also learn one lightsaber form of your choice.

Pursuit Sense

Path of Inquisition: 3rd, 7th, 13th, and 18th level
You learn the Sense Force force power, if you did not already know it. When you cast it, its range extends to 500 feet. Its range increases further at levels 7 (5000 feet), 13 (10 miles), and 18 (anywhere on the same planet).

When using the power and you sense a creature or object, you can add your Charisma modifier to Intelligence (Investigation), Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks to locate and track it. The bonus ends if you are incapacitated, the target dies, or you or the target leaves the planet.

Inquisitor's Prey

Path of Inquisition: 3rd level
Once on each of your turns, you can choose a creature you can see within 120 feet and mark it as your prey (no action required). For the next hour, you gain the following benefits:

  • Once per turn, when your prey makes an attack roll against you or forces you to make a saving throw, you may add your proficiency bonus to your armor class or saving throw bonus.
  • You have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check you make to find it while it’s on the same planet as you.

You can only have one creature marked in this way at a time.

Demoralizing Pressure

Path of Inquisition: 7th level
Your Inquisitor's Prey feature is enhanced in the following ways:

  • When your marked prey is within 30 feet of you and attempts to cast a Force power of 1st level or higher, you can increase the cost of the power. Expend a number of force points up to your proficiency bonus; the marked prey must then spend an additional number of force points equal to twice the points you expended in order to cast the power. If it has insufficient force points remaining or chooses not to expend any further points, the power isn't cast and its initial force points expended are wasted.
  • Your marked prey has disadvantage on Charisma checks against you or in contest with you.

Additionally, You gain a new Force-Empowered Self option, Drain Will:

Drain Will

You can roll a kinetic combat die. The target creature's remaining force points are reduced by half the value rolled (rounded down), to a minimum of 0.

Inspire Despair

Path of Inquisition: 13th level
Your Inquisitor's Prey is further enhanced in the following ways:

  • When your marked prey attempts to cast a Force power while within 5 feet of you, as a reaction, you may force it to first make a Constitution saving throw as if to maintain concentration, against your Forcecasting DC. On a failure, the power isn’t cast and any force points are wasted. On success, it casts the power as normal, and as part of the same reaction, you may make an attack of opportunity against it.
  • You learn the marked prey's damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilites, if any.

Additionally, when you use the Drain Will Force-Empowered Self option and the target expends a number of force points, you regain half as many force points (rounded up), up to half your maximum.

Relentless Rival

Path of Inquisition: 18th level
You have advantage on all saving throws against Force powers.

Additionally, your Inquisitor's Prey is enhanced in the final way:

  • Once between short and long rests, when you attack your marked prey and inflict a critical hit, you can forego the damage roll and choose to deal maximum damage. This damage ignores resistance and treats immunity as resistance.

Art Credits

Image Title Author
The Grand Inquisitor Source Unknown

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