Subclass - Fighter - Shield Master

by Jalfik

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Martial Archetype:
Shield Master

Many fighters prioritize attacking and dealing damage, but not shield masters. By biding their time, shield masters are able to spring into action at the best moment, deflecting blows and turning things around for a counter attack. A shield master is an invaluable asset to any team with the ability to protect allies just as well as they protect themselves. The most powerful shield masters are even known to turn spells back on their casters.

Defense Points

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you gain access to a special resource known as defense points. The table at the end of this subclass shows the options for how you can spend defense points. You can spend any number of defense points at a given time and may repeat any option in the table. Some options are locked until you reach a certain level. Most of the ways you can spend your Defense points occur on other creature’s turns but DO NOT require you to use your reaction unless otherwise listed. The maximum number of defense points you can have at one time is equal to your fighter level. You lose any unspent defense points when a combat encounter ends.

Defensive Stance

Also at 3rd level when you take the attack action on your turn, you may sacrifice one or more of your attacks to take a defensive stance with your shield. For each attack you sacrificed you gain two Defense Points.

Shield Bond

At 7th level you have formed a magical bond with your shield. As a bonus action you can teleport your shield to your hand so long as it is on the same plane of existence as you. While your shield is not in your hand you cannot spend defense points except to pay for the Ricochet ability. You gain access to the Shield Throw and Ricochet defense point options.

Readied Shield

When you reach 10th level you are always on guard. When you roll initiative if you have no defense points you gain 4.

Shield Charge

At 15th level while you are wielding a shield, your movement speed is increased by 10 feet. You also gain access to the Shield Rush defense point option.

Art Credit: Bob Kehl

Reflect Spell

Starting at 18th level any shield in your possession has magical defensive properties. When you use the Spell Ward option you may spend additional defense points equal to 2 x the spell’s level. If you do, you may choose a new target for the spell within 60 feet of you.


Art Credit: Steve Goad

Defense Point Table

Point Cost Level Requirement Name Effect
1 3 Block When you would be hit by and attack, increase your AC by 3 against that attack
1 3 Cover You gain a +1 bonus to your AC and Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn
1 3 Interpose When a creature attacks an ally within 5 feet of you, you become the target of that attack instead
1 3 Strike You may use your shield as a martial melee weapon to attack with. You are considered proficient in it and it deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit
2 3 Stun When a creature misses you with an attack it must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the start of its next turn
2 3 Provoke Choose one creature within 30 feet. It must target you with all its attacks or spells on its next turn
2 7 Shield Throw You can make a thrown attack with your shield. You are proficient in this attack. Your shield has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 40 feet. It deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit
2 7 Ricochet When you throw your shield and it hits a creature, you may make another attack roll against a creature within 20 feet of the creature that was just hit
2 15 Shield Rush When you move to a space within 5 feet of a creature you may attempt to Shove that creature. If you succeed, you may shove it 5 feet away and knock it prone. This does not end your movement
4 3 Barrier When a creature other than you that is within 5 feet of you is forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, they take only half damage on a failure and no damage on a success
X 3 Spell Ward When you become the target of a spell that does not have an area of effect, you may spend Defense Points equal to 2 x the spell’s level. If you do so, negate the spell as if it had been counterspelled

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