Subclass - Bard - Squire

by Jalfik

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Bard College: College of Squires

Bards of the College of Squires offer their services to adventures they deem worthy and engage in an ancient oath that grants great power. Bards of this college view themselves as the supporting character whose purpose is to make another person shine.

Oath of Squires

When you choose the College of Squires at 3rd level you discover the surface level power of the ancient oath of squires. Over a 10 minute ritual you bind yourself to the service of a willing humanoid. That humanoid must be within 10 feet of you for the duration of the ritual. You may bind with a number of humanoids equal to your proficiency bonus. If you create a new bond that would cause you to exceed your limit, you may choose which of your previous bonds ends. You may also choose to end any bond as a free action at any time.

While bonded, any time you or your bonded ally make an ability check to interact with the other, you do so with advantage. Also, when you cast a spell that has a target of self or touch, you may cast it on one of your bonded allies instead.


Also at 3rd level you are specially adept at providing help to others. You may choose to use the Help action as a bonus action, and any time you use the help action you may target creature(s) within 30 feet of you to gain the benefits or be the target(s) of your help.

Furthermore, you may assist a creature in doning its armor. When you do so, treat the time it takes to don or doff the armor as if it was one step lighter (medium armor takes the time light armor would). Light armor reduces to the same time as a shield.

Armorer and Smith

At 6th level you have gained mastery of working outside of combat situations. Choose two tools. You gain proficiency and Expertise in the chosen tools.

You pay only half the usual price for the materials you use to repair or craft items for one of your bonded allies. If a creature other than your bonded ally(s) uses an item crafted with this discount it provides a -1 modifier related to the type of item it is.

Oath Of Squires

While the Knight Bound and Oath of Squires function similarily to magic, they are not considered to be a magical effect, this prevents them from being removed in any way other than the Squire willing it to be so and allows them to function even in antimagic zones.

Master of None

When you reach 14th level you have learned a great many things from those you are bound to. For each creature you are bound to via your Oath of Squires feature who has one or more class levels, choose one 5th level or lower class or subclass feature that creature has. You gain that class feature so long as you are bound to that creature.

You may not learn a different class' spell casting feature. If you gain more than one feature with the same name they do not stack. If one of these class features refers to your class level you are treated as 5th level in that class. If the class feature you would chose relies on a class resource (such as learning a monk's stunning strike which requires ki points) you gain only 1 use of the chosen feature unless you later gain the feature that awards you that class resource.

Art Credit: Antonis Papantoniou


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