Subclass - Wizard - Alchemist

by Jalfik

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Arcane Tradition: Alchemist

While many wizards like to conjure magic from wands and staves, the alchemist prefers to craft potions. This requires a great deal of forethought on an alchemists part as the preparation of potions is time consuming. In turn, alchemists are able to produce a massive variety of potions, and some even learn how to create more destructive brews. The most powerful alchemists are able to put sentience into the brews, and their potions are stronger than most spells.

Alchemical Recipes

When you choose this Arcane Tradition at 2nd level you begin to view spells not only in the way you might cast them, but also how you might mimic their effects when creating a potion out of them. You know the alchemical formula of all spells you add to your spellbook.

Additionally, you may encounter and add the alchemical formula of spells to your spellbook even if they are not Wizard spells. When you do so you learn how to create that spell as a potion, but you do not learn how to cast it.

Due to your memorization of alchemical formulas, the number of spells you have may have prepared is reduced. The total number of spells you can prepare is equal to half you Wizard level (rounded up) plus your Intelligence modifier.

Arcane Alchemy

At 2nd level you have the ability to create potions that have effects that mimic spells. In order to create a potion, you must know the alchemical formula for the spell you wish to mimic. As a 10 minute ritual, you may expend a spell slot, and turn the would be spell into a potion. You cannot mimic spells that require attack rolls, and the DM may determine that other spells cannot be replicated as potions.

Potions created in this way do not loose their magic over time. Instead, you cannot regain a spell slot used to create a potion until that potion has been used, or you choose to end its magical properties, rendering it useless. When you reach 18th level, you may create an unlimited number of potions with the same effects as the spells you chose for your Spell Mastery trait. Treat each potion as having a weight of 0.5 lbs.

While you or another creature has a potion in its possession, they may use an action to drink, apply the potion to a creature within 5 feet, or dump the potion out onto the ground to activate its effects. If the target creature is unwilling, one must make a melee spell attack to apply it. On a miss, the potion is dumped onto the ground and wasted. Creatures that do not have spell attack value make an unarmed strike instead.

Volitile Compound

When you reach 6th level you have learned how to create dangerous potions. When you create a potion as a 10 minute ritual, you may choose to create a Volatile Compound. Such potions deal 2d6 damage per spell level used to create them and has an explosive radius equal to 5 * the spell slot’s level. You choose the damage type this compound deals when you create it.

You may use your action to throw a Volatile Compound up to 60 feet away from you to any point that you can see. When it impacts the ground it detonates, deal its full damage. The explosion of a Volatile Compound also detonates any other Volatile Compounds within its radius.

Create Ooze

At 10th level you know how to pour some degree of sentience into a brew. You may create a small alchemical ooze (See stat block below) by spending 8 hours and expending a spell slot (which you don’t regain while the ooze lives). When you do so you choose one damage type which is the type of damage to ooze will deal and also be immune to. You may also choose the ooze’s color and texture. This ooze is friendly to you and your companions, and acts on its own initiative count. You can communicate telepathically with the ooze.

If you use this ability to create another ooze, the previous one dies. You may also dismiss your magic from the ooze as a free action, killing it instantly.

Vital Spirits

When you reach 14th level, you have learned how to draw out the most powerful aspects of your potions. All potions, Volatile Compounds, and Oozes you create are treated as one level higher than the spell slot used to create them.

Playing an Alchemist

The Achemist trades off the vesatility of spells in exchange for potions. An Alchemist's preperations are key to their success. Having the right Volitile Compound to overcome a creature's damage resistances is essential. Be careful though, a single Vilitile Compound can set off a large chain reaction of explosions.


Alchemical Ooze

Tiny Ooze, Neutral

  • Armor Class 18 - 1 per spell slot level (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 20 * Spell slot level
  • Speed 10ft., climb 10ft.

13 (+2) 6 (-2) 15 (+3) 7 (-2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0)

  • Damage Immunities Type chosen upon creation
  • Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
  • Senses Blindsight 60ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 8
  • Languages Telepathy 120 ft. (creator only)
  • Challenge -

Amorphous. The Ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Absorb Potion. The ooze can absorb any potion in its space as a bonus action. When it does so the next Blob Blast attack it makes deals a bonus 1d6 damage * the level of the potion it absorbed.

Growth. The ooze’s size is determined by the level of the spell you use to summon it. Tiny for a 1st level slot, Small for a 2nd level slot, medium for a 3rd or 4th level slot, large for a 5th or 6th, huge for a 7th, gargantuan with an 8th level slot and colossal (5x5) with a 9th or 10th level slot (10th level made possible by Vital Spirits feature).


Blob Blast. Ranged Spell attack: + Your spell attack modifier to hit, range 60ft., one target. Hit 1d4 * spell slot level damage (damage type chosen upon creation).

Adhere. The ooze moves up to its speed. While doing so, it can enter the space of any creature. Whenever the ooze enters a creature's space, the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw equal to your spell save DC.

On a successful save, the creature can choose to move 5ft. to the side of the ooze. A creature that chooses not to move suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.

On a failed save, the ooze enters the creature's space, and the creature takes 1d4 * spell slot level damage and is adhered to by the ooze. If the adhered creature is larger than the ooze its speed is reduced by 10. If the ooze is larger than the adhered creature, the creature is restrained. In either case it takes 2d4 * spell slot level damage at the start of each of the ooze's turns. If the adhered creature is larger than the ooze, the ooze moves with it. The ooze can only be adhered to one creature larger than itself, but may adhere to a number of smaller creatures equal to 1 + 1 for each size category above small.

An adhered creature can try to remove the ooze by taking an action to make a Strength (Athletics) check versus your spell save DC. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the ooze. Another creature may attempt to remove the ooze from its ally, making the same Strength (Athletics) check as above, but attempting to requires it to touch the ooze and take 1d4 * spell slot level damage.

Art Credit: Matthew Demino


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