Wild Magic surges
[SSL] represents the Spell Slot Level used to cast the spell triggering the wild magic surge
d100 | Result |
1 - 2 | You see a fragment of the future. You have advantage on your next attack roll made with a spell within one minute. |
3 - 4 | You canalyzed extra magical energy. A creature of your choice within 20 feet must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 radiant or necrotic damage per [SSL]. |
5 - 6 | The spell effect takes place on your next turn. |
7 - 8 | Some magical energy crackles in your body. The next time you cast a spell requiring concentration, roll a concentration check immediately. This effect lasts for one hour per [SSL] used, or ends after your next spell. |
9 - 10 | You can cast a cantrip immediately. |
11 - 12 | A rift in space is accessible for you. The "distant spell" metamagic effect is applied to the next spell you cast within one minute. |
13 - 14 | All creatures within 15 feet per [SSL] must roll on the wild magic table the next time they cast a spell during the next minute. |
15 - 16 | You rotate 180 degrees before casting your spell, and your spell's target changes appropriately. |
17 - 18 | You cast the spell as if you were using a spell slot one level higher. |
19 - 20 | The spell takes the form of a beast friendly to you, with CR equal to or less than the [SSL]. For one turn per [SSL], the beast is under the control of the game master. Each creature it touches suffers the effects of the spell. |
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