The Summoner - A Halfcaster/Companion Class

by Dragonshard

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The Summoner


Surrounded by a gang of bandits, a robed gnome feigns surrender. Just as the gang leader approaches the gnome, a young dragon flies over the hillside, snatches the bandit in his claws and engulfs the rest in its fiery breath. With the bandits either slain or fleeing, the gnome gives his dragon a loving pat on the snout.
    An elderly elf, standing back from the brunt of the fighting, weaves a spell to paralyze one of the attacking ogres. Now helpless, the ogre can only watch as a massive serpentine creature erupts from the ground beneath it, swallowing it whole.
    Surrounded dark tomes and magical reagants, a human begins the ritual she has become so familiar with. She
smiles as her demon, emerging from the chalk circle, flexes its newly grown steel-like claws, ready for something to try them on.
    Each summoner develops a peculiar connection to a certain plane of existence granting them a close bond with the magical energies of that plane. Through this connection, summoners create an eidolon, a magical creature that they can shape and evolve as they please. Together, eidolon and summoner become a force to be reckoned with, bringing powerful magic and extraplanar power to overcome their foes.

Extraplanar Bond

While many who dabble in the arcane become adept at beckoning monsters from the farthest reaches of the planes, none are more skilled at it than the summoner. Each summoner has developed a particularly strong magical connection to one of the planes of existence. From the energies of this plane, the summoner creates a creature, known as an eidolon, which serves it's summoner and gains power as the summoner's skills grow. Over time, eidolon and summoner become linked, eventually even sharing a shard of the same soul.

Arcane Companion

Summoners typically spend their time exploring their arcane
power alongside their eidolons. While summoners attain mastery of their magic, they also rely heavily on their eidolon companions in dangerous situations. Though a summoner and their eidolon function as individuals, their true power
lies in what they can accomplish together as they become an inseparable and deadly team.
    Those who form a close bond with an extraplanar being rarely lead a quiet, simple life. Summoners frequently seek out increased knowledge about their bonded plane and
the nature of their companion. This often leads them
to set out on dangerous adventures to ancient ruins
and foreign lands where they must use their magical
power and the strength of their eidolon to pull through.

Creating a Summoner

The first question you should consider when making a summoner is the nature of your bond to another plane of existence. Look at the summoner planar bonds available and consider what plane you have bonded to. How did you bond with this plane? Was it a magical accident, your inherited birthright, or a planned event you worked hard to achieve?
    Even more importantly, consider the appearance of your eidolon and the abilities you want it to have. Summoners use their magical power to form their eidolon as they see fit. Therefore, eidolons come in every shape and size. Look through available evolutions for your eidolon and plan for the most important ones you wish for your eidolon to obtain.
    Lastly, consider your relationship with your eidolon. Do you see each other as partners or friends, or are you in a master and servant relationship? More specifically, in battle, does your eidolon take the front line, does it stay right by your side as a loyal protector, or does it like to lie in wait to catch enemies off guard once fighting has begun? The evolutions you choose as you gain power will shape your eidolon's abilities and the role it plays.

Quick Build

You can make a summoner quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution or Dexterity. Then, choose the hermit background and the dancing lights and fire bolt cantrips. Lastly, for your eidolon, select the quadruped base form with a bite attack and choose the
improved health and improved
damage evolutions.

The Summoner Table
Level Proficiency
Features Evolution
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Planar Bond, Eidolon, Spellcasting 2 2 2 2
2nd +2 Summon Creature, Bond Senses 3 2 3 2
3rd +2 Maker's Call 4 3 4 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 5 3
5th +3 7 4 6 4 2
6th +3 Planar Bond Feature 8 4 7 4 2
7th +3 Life Bond 9 4 8 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 9 4 3
9th +4 11 4 10 4 3 2
10th +4 Aspect 12 4 11 4 3 2
11th +4 Transposition 14 4 12 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 15 4 12 4 3 3
13th +5 16 4 13 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Planar Bond Feature 17 4 13 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Greater Aspect 18 4 14 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 19 4 14 4 3 3 2
17th +6 Merge Forms, Plane Shift 21 4 15 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Planar Bond Feature 22 4 15 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 23 4 15 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Grand Eidolon 28 4 15 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As a Summoner, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per summoner level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per summoner level after 1st


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Planar Bond

At 1st level, you have developed a close connection with a particular plane of existence and the magical energies that can be drawn from it. The plane you choose grants you features at levels 1, 6, 14, and 18. Your chosen plane affects the creature type of your eidolon (described in the following section).
    In addition, you gain spells according to your chosen plane at the appropriate summoner levels. Each of these spells counts as an summoner spell for you, but do not count against the number of summoner spells you know.


Small, Creature type depends on planar bond

  • Armor Class 10 + Dex Modifier + PB (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 2 + five times your summoner level (the eidolon has a number of hit dice [d6s] equal to your summoner level)
  • Speed 20 ft.


Attributes. At 1st level, choose whether your eidolon has 14 STR and 10 DEX or 10 STR and 14 DEX.

  • Saving Throws Con +1 +PB, Cha +2 +PB
  • Skills Athletics +2/+0 +PB
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Understands the languages its summoner speaks, but can only speak telepathically to its summoner while on the same plane.
  • Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus


Evolutions. Your eidolon's features and statistics depend largely on the evolutions you choose. At each summoner level, you gain at least one evolution point (as shown in the Summoner table) to spend on eidolon evolutions (see the "Evolutions" section).

Ability Score Improvement. At levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19, you can increase one of your eidolon's ability scores by 2, or you can increase two ability scores by 1.

Increases to ability scores affects the relevant saving throws, skills, attacks, hit points, AC, etc. as if the eidolon were a player character (e.g. if the eidolon's constitution modifier increases by 1, it gains a number of hit points equal to your summoner level and one more hit point at each new summoner level).


Multiattack. The eidolon makes a number of attacks depending on your summoner level (1 attack at level 1-4, up to 2 attacks at levels 5-16, and up to 3 attacks at levels 17-20). Multiattack cannot include spells.

The attacks available to your eidolon depend on its base form and evolutions. Each attack evolution you take applies to only one body part and may only be used once during an attack action. In addition, each of your eidolon's heads, arms, pairs of legs, and sets of wings may only perform one attack during an attack action.

Each attack counts as magical and uses your PB plus either the eidolon's strength or dexterity modifier to hit. On a hit, an attack deals an amount of damage according to its evolution description plus either the eidolon's strength or dexterity modifier. Unless otherwise stated, the range of each attack is 5 ft.

Spells. Some evolutions and features give your eidolon the ability to cast spells. Regardless of its form, your eidolon is able to perform the somatic and verbal components of spells it knows and can ignore material components that do not have a gold cost.


Beginning at 1st level, your attunement to another plane has allowed you to form an eidolon, a creature molded from the magical energies of its home plane. It is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands. You and your eidolon share a mental link that allows for telepathic communication across any distance on the same plane.
    You can summon your eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, your eidolon's hit points are unchanged from the last time it was dismissed or banished. Your eidolon remains until you dismiss it as an action. If your eidolon is killed, it is banished to its home plane and it cannot be summoned again until you complete a long rest, which allows your eidolon to reform in its home plane and also gain the benefits of a long rest. Note that your eidolon benefits from rests and makes death saving throws like a player character. If you are killed, your eidolon is immediately banished to its home plane.
    See your eidolon's base statistics in the eidolon stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. When applicable, your eidolon's proficiency bonus equals your own. When an ability is gained at a certain level, it is referring to your summoner level.

In combat, the eidolon shares your initiative count and takes its turn simultaneously with yours. It can move and use its actions and reaction on its own, requiring no action from the summoner. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action.

Eidolon Evolutions and Base Form

At 1st level, you choose a base form for your eidolon (see the "Eidolon Base Forms" section). A base forms provides some free evolutions for your eidolon that do not count against your pool of evolution points. Evolutions are improvements to your eidolon that grant it additional capabilities.
    You have a number of evolution points (EP) according to evolution points column of the Summoner Table. These can be spent on evolutions for your eidolon. See the "Evolutions" section for a list of available evolutions and their EP costs. Whenever you gain a summoner level, you may spend available EP on new evolutions. When you do so, you may remove one of your eidolon's current evolutions (except for the free evolutions granted by their base form). Any EP that had been spent on the removed evolution are available to be spent on new evolutions. Unless otherwise stated, an evolution can be selected multiple times.


Beginning at 1st level, you cast spells by drawing upon the power of the plane of existence you have bonded with. See the summoner spell list for the spells you can learn.


At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the summoner spell list. You learn additional summoner cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Summoner table.

Spell Slots

The Summoner table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your summoner spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the summoner spell list. The Spells Known column of the Summoner table shows when you learn more summoner spells of your choice from this feature. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots on the summoner table.
    Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the summoner spells you know from this feature and replace it with another spell from the summoner spell list. The new spell must also be of a level for which you have spell slots on the Summoner table.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your summoner spells. You use your charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a summoner spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Charisma modifier

Ritual Casting

               You can cast a summoner spell as a ritual if that
         spell has the ritual tag and you know the spell.

Spellcasting Focus

    You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for
    your summoner spells.

Summon Creature

     At 2nd level, you diversify your summoning abilities to
  handle situations your eidolon is not suited for. Once per long rest, instead of summoning your eidolon, you may use the same ritual to summon a creature from your bonded plane with a CR up to 1/3 of your summoner level for up to one hour, after which it returns to its home plane.
    Maintaining the creature on the same plane as you requires your concentration, which if broken, causes the creature to immediately be dismissed. Like the eidolon, you summon this creature in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. The creature must be of the same type as your eidolon (determined by your planar bond). Your DM will have creature options for you and the stats for those creatures. The summoned creature is friendly to you and your companions, shares your initiative count, and takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its action and reaction on its own.
    You can have either your eidolon or one creature summoned through this feature at a time. If you summon your eidolon or a creature from this feature, other summons from this or the eidolon feature are immediately dismissed to their home plane.

Bond Senses

Beginning at 2nd level, you develop a close link with your eidolon allowing you to see the world from its perspective. Once per short rest, as an action, you can experience what your eidolon senses (including sight, hearing, feeling, etc.) for up to one minute, gaining the benefits of any special senses it has. During this time, you do not experience your own senses and do not have control of your own body. Your body does not move from the position you left it until the effect ends unless something else moves it.

Maker's Call

Beginning at 3rd level, you and your eidolon are magically connected regardless of distance. Whenever your eidolon is on the same plane as you, you can use your bonus action to teleport it to an open space within 5 ft. of you. If there are no open spaces, the teleportation fails.

In addition, while you can see your eidolon, spells you cast with a range of self can instead target your eidolon. If a self-targeting spell uses your reaction, it can be triggered through your eidolon (for example, when your eidolon is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to cast shield on it).

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. As noted in the eidolon stat block, your eidolon's ability scores increase the same way.
    Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Life Bond

At 7th level, your life becomes intertwined with that of your eidolon. Whenever your eidolon takes damage, you may use your reaction and sacrifice a number of hit points from your current total. When you do so, you reduce the damage of the triggering attack by an amount equal to the number of hit points you sacrificed.
    You may not reduce yourself to 0 hit points with this feature.


At 10th level, your deepening relationship with your eidolon has bestowed you some of its power. You choose a number of evolutions your eidolon has that cost up to 2 EP total. You gain the benefits of the chosen evolution(s).
    Each evolution may only be selected once for the aspect or greater aspect features.


At 11th level, as a bonus action you can switch locations with your eidolon through teleportation. You must be able to see your eidolon to perform the transposition. In addition, if your eidolon is larger than you they must still occupy the space you were previously on (or vice versa). If there is
           not sufficient room to do so, the
                   transposition fails.

Greater Aspect

At 15th level, you increasingly resemble your eidolon as the plower of your bonded plane flows through you. You choose a number of evolutions your eidolon has that cost up to 4 EP total. You gain the benefits of the chosen evolution(s).
    Each evolution may only be selected once for the aspect or greater aspect features.

Merge Forms

At 17th level, your eidolon becomes an extension of your own being. You learn to merge you and your eidolon's forms into one creature.


As a bonus action, you may touch your eidolon to merge you and its physical forms into one body. When you do so, you and your eidolon become one creature. Your merged form continues to be affected by any ongoing spells or magical effects that were affecting either of you, including those from worn magical equipment. You become the size of your eidolon if it was larger than yourself, but otherwise you remain the same size. After the merge, you may occupy the space either you or your eidolon were in, but you must be able to fit in the chosen space with your new size.

Merged Statistics

In your merged form, your creature type is the same as your eidolon. You have access to both your own and your eidolon's senses and movement speeds. Each one of your merged form's ability scores equals either your or your eidolon's corresponding ability score, whichever is higher. In addition, you use your eidolon's hit point pool and its armor class, but you may still use the life bond feature to draw from your own hit point pool and reduce damage taken. Lastly, your merged
  form has all proficiencies that you
             or your eidolon had.

Form Actions

While merged, you and your eidolon continue to take your separate turns as normal but are now controlling the same body in tandem. Your minds and thoughts are so coordinated that you encounter no issues piloting the same form. You may use any of your normal actions including casting spells while in your merged form, but you may alternatively perform one of your eidolon's attacks or another one of its actions instead. Your eidolon acts as normal. Note that if one of your eidolon's abilities has a limited number of uses, you and your eidolon share the available uses. In addition, either you or your eidolon (not both) may choose to move using one of your merged form's speeds. Lastly, your merged form has two reactions per round; one from you and one from your eidolon, but only one can be used at a time.


You may willingly split forms, using your bonus action, causing you and your eidolon to occupy separate spaces directly on or within 5 feet of the space(s) your merged form had occupied; if there is not enough space to split, you remain merged.

                                Also, if your merged form is reduced to
                   0 hit points, your form splits if there is space available to do so, and your eidolon begins making death saving throws. If there is not enough space available to split, you and your eidolon remain merged and you make one death saving throw each round as your merged form. If your merged form dies, you die, your form splits, and your eidolon is banished.

Plane Shift

Beginning at 17th level, you learn to travel to your bonded plane. Once per long rest, as a ritual that takes 10 minutes, you can transport yourself and up to 8 willing creatures you can see to a general location on your bonded plane (see the plane shift spell).
    Alternatively, while on your bonded plane, you can use this ritual to return yourself and up to 8 willing creatures to a familiar location on your home plane.

Grand Eidolon

At 20th level, your eidolon becomes a creature of legend and immense power. You gain four additional EP (for a total of 28 as shown in the Summoner Table).

Eidolon Base Forms

An eidolon's base form acts as the starting point for
your eidolon's evolution. Each base form has free
evolutions that do not count against your pool of evolution points (EP). Unlike other evolutions, these free evolutions cannot be removed when you gain a summoner level.

You may decide that your eidolon has body parts it
does not have the corresponding evolution for. However,
this only affects your eidolon's appearance and does not impart any gameplay benefit. For example, this is often applied to eidolons that have legs but not the "legs"
evolution, because they do not use their legs for attacking.


Aquatic eidolons begin with the head, gills, swim, and tail evolutions. In addition, choose one of the following
evolutions for your starting attack: bite, headbutt, horns,
or tail slap.
    This grants them a head, the ability to breathe
underwater indefinitely, a swim speed of 30 feet, a tail, proficiency in acrobatics, and the attack you chose.


Biped eidolons begin with the head, arms, and speed (base) evolutions. In addition, choose one of the following evolutions for your eidolon's starting attack: bite, claws, headbutt, horns, pincers, slam, or stinger.
    This grants them a head, a pair of arms, a speed of 30 ft., and the attack you chose. Here, the speed evolution represents a pair of legs that is unavailable for attacking or receiving attack evolutions.


Quadruped eidolons begin with the head, legs, pounce, and speed (base) evolutions. In addition, choose one of the following evolutions for your eidolon's starting attack: bite, claws, headbutt, hooves, or horns.
    This grants them a head, a pair of legs, a speed of 40 ft., doubled distance on their long jumps, and the attack you chose. Here, the speed evolution represents a second pair of legs that is unavailable for attacking or receiving attack evolutions.


Serpentine eidolons begin with the head, climb, reach, and tail evolutions. In addition, choose one of the following evolutions for your eidolon's starting attack: bite, headbutt, horns, stinger, or tail slap.
    This grants them a head, a climb speed of 20 ft., a tail, proficiency in acrobatics, and the attack you chose (which gains a range of 10 feet).


Winged eidolons begin with the head, skilled (acrobatics), and wings evolutions. In addition, choose one of the following evolutions for your eidolon's starting attack: bite, headbutt, horns, or wing buffet.
    This grants them a head, proficiency in acrobatics, a flight speed of 30 ft., and the attack you chose.

Optional Rule: Custom Base Forms

If none of the above base forms closely fit the idea you have for your eidolon's form, you can make a custom base form by following the guidelines listed below. Note that evolutions gained through a custom base form count as free evolutions and cannot be removed later.

  1. Choose two of the following evolutions: "arms", "head", "legs", "tail", and "wings". You may choose the same evolution twice, except for "wings". You may not choose both the "arms" and "wings" evolutions.
  2. Choose two different 1-point evolutions that are not attacks. However, if you chose either the "arms" or "wings" evolutions at least once in the previous step, you may only choose one 1-point evolution.
  3. Choose one 1-point attack evolution that your eidolon has a prerequisite body part evolution for. For example, the "claws" evolution requires "arms" or "legs".


The following are all the evolutions that can be given to your eidolon. You have a number of evolution points (EP) according to evolution points column of the Summoner Table. These can be spent on evolutions for your eidolon (see the "Evolutions" section) to grant them additional capabilities. Whenever you gain a summoner level, you may spend available EP on new evolutions. When you do so, you may remove one of your eidolon's current evolutions (except for the free evolutions granted by their base form). Any EP that had been spent on the removed evolution are available to be spent on new evolutions. Unless otherwise stated, each evolution can be taken multiple times.
    An evolution that grants your eidolon an attack requires that your eidolon have one of the corresponding body part evolutions. For example, the claws evolution requires either the "arms" or "legs" evolutions.

1-Point Evolutions

The following evolutions cost one evolution point to choose.

Ability Score

Your eidolon becomes physically or mentally more capable. Choose one of your eidolon's ability scores. The chosen ability score increases by 1.
    Increases to ability scores affects the relevant saving throws, skills, attacks, hit points, AC, etc. as if the eidolon were a player character. For example, if an eidolon's constitution ability score increases from 11 to 12, its constitution modifier increases by 1, and it gains a number of hit points equal to your summoner level and one more hit point at each new summoner level.

Basic Magic

Your eidolon learns to cast a basic spell. Select one first level spell from the sorcerer spell list. Your eidolon can cast this spell once per long rest at first level. Charisma is your eidolon’s casting ability for these spells.


Your eidolon’s maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, giving it a bite attack from a head. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage and has a base range of 5 feet.


Your eidolon learns to cast a simple spell. Select one of the following cantrips: Acid Splash, Chill Touch, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Frostbite, Gust, Infestation, Light, Lightning Lure, Mage Hand, Magic Stone, Mending, Mind Sliver, Minor Illusion, Poison Spray, Primal Savagery, Produce Flame, Ray of Frost, Sacred Flame, Sapping Sting, Shocking Grasp, Spare the Dying, Thorn Whip, Thunderclap, or Toll the Dead. Your eidolon can cast this cantrip a number of times per day equal to its charisma modifier. Charisma is your eidolon’s casting ability for these spells. Your eidolon uses your summoner level to determine the effects of its cantrips.


Your eidolon has a pair of vicious claws at the end of one of its pairs of limbs, giving it a claw attack from one arm or pair of legs or wings. This attack deals 1d6 slashing damage and has a base range of 5 feet.


Your eidolon becomes a skilled climber, gaining a climb speed equal to 20 feet.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


   Your eidolon gains the ability to see clearly in the dark. Your
          eidolon gains darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Each
           subsequent time you select this evolution, the range of
           your eidolon's darkvision increases by 30 feet.


            Your eidolon is nimble and able to escape enemies'
          attacks. Your eidolon can disengage as a bonus action.
         You cannot select this evolution more than once.


        Your eidolon has a pair of gills allowing it to breathe
         underwater indefinitely.
       You cannot select this evolution more than once.


                 Your eidolon grows a thick skull or blunt horns to
                ram foes, giving it a headbutt attack from one head.
              This attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a
            base range of 5 feet.


         Your eidolon has a pair of hardened hooves or otherwise
        tough feet, giving it a hoof attack from one pair of legs.
       This attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a
         base range of 5 feet.


Your eidolon grows a number of sharp horns on its head, giving it a horn attack from one head. This attack deals 1d4 piercing damage and has a base range of 5 feet. If your eidolon moves at least 15 feet directly towards a creature on its turn, this attack is made with advantage when targeting that creature before the end of the turn.

Improved Damage

One of your eidolon’s attacks is particularly deadly. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks, not including spells. The damage die for this attack increases by one step (e.g. a 1d6 becomes a 1d8) up to a maximum of 1d12.
    This evolution does not count as modifying an attack for the purposes of applying other evolutions to the same attack.

Improved Health

Your eidolon becomes tougher and able to withstand more damage. The size of your eidolon's hit die increases by one step (e.g. from d6 to d8) up to a maximum of d12. In addition, your eidolon's hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your summoner level plus one and continues to increase by one more each time you gain a summoner level.
    Each time your eidolon receives this evolution after the first, the cost increases by one evolution point.

Improved Natural Armor

Your eidolon’s natural armor grows thicker, sturdier, and heavier. Your eidolon’s AC now equals 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) + PB. You may choose improve this evolution by spending an additional evolution point to make your eidolon's AC equal 14 + PB.


Your eidolon is properly trained to serve as a combat mount. An eidolon with this evolution may carry one rider of the same size, up to two riders if they are all at least one size smaller, four riders if they are all at least two sizes smaller, and eight riders if they are all at least three sizes smaller.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon has a large crushing pincer or simply a powerful grip, giving it a pincer attack from one arm. This attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and has a base range of 5 feet.
An eidolon with this evolution adds their PB twice
(instead of once) to athletics checks made to grapple if
they have hit with a pincer attack on that turn.


Your eidolon has an exceptionally long jump. When
your eidolon makes a long jump, it covers a number of
feet up to double its Strength score.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon is instinctually protective of you and your
allies. When a creature within 5 feet of your eidolon is targeted with an attack, your eidolon can use its
reaction to give that creature a +2 bonus to AC until
the beginning of your eidolon's next turn.
    You may spend an additional evolution point to
improve this evolution. If you do so, your eidolon may
impose disadvantage on the triggering attack instead
of granting the AC bonus.


Your eidolon gains the ability to pull creatures closer when attacking. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks, not including spells. When your eidolon deals damage with this attack, the targeted creature must make a strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s strength modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature is pulled to the closest space within 5 feet of your eidolon.
    An attack modified by this evolution may not be modified by any other.


Your eidolon gains the ability to push creatures when attacking. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks, not including spells. When your eidolon deals damage with this attack, the targeted creature must make a strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s strength modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature is shoved 5 feet directly away from your eidolon or shoved prone (your choice).
    An attack modified by this evolution may not
be modified by any other.


One of your eidolon’s attacks has a longer
range. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks, not
including spells. The range of that attack increases by
5 feet. This evolution can be selected multiple times for the same attack depending on your eidolon’s size. A small or medium eidolon can select this evolution only once for each attack. For each size larger, your eidolon may select this evolution one more time for each attack. If your eidolon's size is reduced, its reach is temporarily reduced to the maximum available for its size (e.g. 10 feet for small/medium, 15 feet for large, etc.)
    This evolution does not count as modifying an attack for the purposes of applying other evolutions to the same attack.


Your eidolon is particularly resistant to a specific type of damage. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder. Your eidolon gains resistance to that damage type.
    Each time your eidolon receives this evolution after the first, the cost increases by one evolution point.


Your eidolon’s sense of smell is extremely acute. Your eidolon has advantage on perception checks that rely on smell. In addition, your eidolon automatically detects creatures within 60 feet that have a clear path smell can travel through (e.g. not behind walls or thick doors).
    This evolution does not allow your eidolon to know the exact position of detected creatures, nor how many creatures there are. In addition, creatures cannot be detected this way if they do not produce a smell.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon is adept at destroying and
tearing down walls and structures. Choose
one of your eidolon's attacks, not including spells.
Your eidolon deals double damage to objects and structures with that attack.
    This evolution does not count as modifying an attack for the purposes of applying other evolutions to the same attack.


Your eidolon grows in size. The size of your eidolon increases by one category (e.g. a small eidolon becomes medium). Each time your eidolon receives this evolution after the first, the cost increases by one evolution point.
    When you summon your eidolon, you may make your eidolon smaller than its normal size (to a minimum size of small). This can be reverted when you summon your eidolon again.


Your eidolon is particularly talented in a skill. Choose a skill your eidolon is not already proficient in (an eidolon starts with proficiency in athletics by default). Your eidolon is considered proficient in the chosen skill and adds your proficiency bonus to checks made with that skill.


Your eidolon can deliver devastating blunt attacks through a powerful fist, tentacle, etc. Your eidolon gains a slam attack on one arm. This attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a base range of 5 feet.


Your eidolon is particularly hard to
hold onto. Your eidolon has advantage
on saving throws and checks to avoid or
escape a grapple.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon becomes faster and more mobile. Choose one of your eidolon's movement speeds (its base speed or any special movement speeds it has). That speed increases by 10 feet.


Your eidolon is especially sticky. Creatures have disadvantage on checks made to escape your eidolon’s grapple (but not the initial check to avoid being grappled).
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon has a dangerous barbed stinger or spike, giving it a stinger attack from one arm or tail. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage and has a base range of 5 feet.


Your eidolon has webbed hands, feet, or flippers that allow it to swim quickly. Your eidolon gains a swimming speed equal to 30 feet.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.

Tail Slap

Your eidolon can use its tail to slam into enemies, giving it a tail slap attack from one tail. This attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a base range of 5 feet.

Wing Buffet

Your eidolon learns to use its wings to batter foes, giving it a wing attack from its wings. This attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a base range of 5 feet.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.

2-Point Evolutions

The following evolutions cost two evolution points to choose.


Your eidolon inflicts deep bleeding wounds. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks that deals piercing or slashing damage. When your eidolon deals damage with this attack, the targeted creature must make a constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s strength or dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature begins bleeding and takes 1d4 damage of the original damage type at the beginning of each of its turns. A bleeding creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the bleeding effect on a success. A creature cannot be affected by multiple instances of this bleed effect at a time.
    An attack modified by this evolution may not be modified by any other.


Your eidolon gains powerful muscles to crush those that it grapples. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks that has been modified by the grab evolution. When your eidolon successfully grapples an enemy with that attack, it deals additional bludgeoning damage equal to one roll of the attack’s damage die.
    Your eidolon must have the grab evolution to take this evolution. This evolution does not count as modifying an attack for the purposes of applying both the grab and constrict evolutions to the same attack.

Elemental Attacks

One of your eidolon’s attacks becomes infused with elemental energy. Pick one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. In addition, choose one of your eidolon’s attacks. That attack deals an addition 1d4 damage of the chosen type.
    You can spend an additional evolution point to increase the damage die for the chosen element by one step (e.g. 1d4 becomes a 1d6) up to a maximum of 1d12.
    An attack modified by this evolution may not be modified by any other.


Your eidolon learns to nimbly avoid areas of danger. When your eidolon is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage on a success, and only half damage on a failure.
    You cannot select this evolution more than once.


                                               Your eidolon becomes adept at
                                             grappling foes with an attack.
                                             Choose one of your eidolon’s
                                                  attacks, not including spells.
                                                    When your eidolon hits a
                                                   creature with that attack, it may
                                                 use its bonus action to attempt to
                                             grapple the target creature. An
                                              attack modified by this evolution
                                           may not be modified by any other.


                                      Your eidolon grows an additional head.
                                       Each head can perform up to one
                                      attack during the attack action. Heads
                                  may be given the "bite", "headbutt", and
                                "horns" attack evolutions.
                              In addition, each head after the first grants
                            your eidolon a +1 bonus to perception

Keen Senses

                         Your eidolon’s sense sight and other senses
                             becomes more acute. Your eidolon gains
                             proficiency in perception, allowing it to add
                          your proficiency modifier to checks made with
                      that skill. In addition, your eidolon has
                   advantage on perception checks that rely on sight
                  or smell (your choice).
             You cannot select this evolution more than once.


         Your eidolon grows an additional pair of legs. Each pair
         of legs can perform up to one attack during the attack
     action. Legs may be given the "claws" and "hooves" attack
    Legs can represent actual legs or similar body parts that increase your eidolon's mobility. Each pair of legs increases your eidolon’s base speed by 10 feet. Note that you can alternatively take the speed evolution if you do not need the extra pairs of legs for attacks.

Minor Magic

Your eidolon learns to cast a minor spell. Select one second level spell from the sorcerer spell list. Your eidolon can cast this spell once per long rest at second level. Charisma is your eidolon’s casting ability for these spells.
    You may only select this evolution for your eidolon if you have at least one second level spell slot.

Poison Attacks

One of your eidolon’s attacks secretes a toxic venom. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks, not including spells. When your eidolon hits a creature with that attack, the target creature must make a constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature is poisoned. At the end of each of its turns, that creature may repeat the saving throw ending the poisoned condition on a success.
    An attack modified by this evolution may not be modified by any other.


One of your eidolon’s bleeding attacks becomes particularly devastating. Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks that has been modified by the bleed evolution. That attack now scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. In addition, on a critical hit, this attack deals two additional damage die (instead of one) when determining damage.

Your eidolon must have the "bleed" evolution to take this evolution. This evolution does not count as modifying an attack for the purposes of applying both the "bleed" and "venomous" evolutions to the same attack.

Saving Throw

Your eidolon becomes skilled at avoiding a certain kind of danger. Your eidolon gains proficiency in a saving throw or your choice (eidolons start with proficiency in constitution and charisma saving throws).

Each time your eidolon receives this evolution after the first, the cost increases by one evolution point.


Your eidolon develops a stench so overpowering it sickens nearby creatures. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of your eidolon must make a constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed, the creature is poisoned until the beginning of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature is immune to the stench evolution for 24 hours.

You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon becomes attuned to vibrations in the ground. Your eidolon gains tremorsense to a range of 30 feet. You may spend additional EP to increase the range of your eidolon’s tremorsense by 10 feet for each point spent.


Your eidolon has a long, powerful tail. Your eidolon gains proficiency in acrobatics, allowing it to add your
proficiency modifier to checks made with that skill.
Each tail can perform up to one attack during the
attack action. A tail may be given the "stinger"
and "tail slap" evolutions.


Your eidolon’s venom becomes extremely potent.
Choose one of your eidolon’s attacks that has
been modified by the "poison attacks"
evolution. When your eidolon hits an enemy
with that attack, it deals an extra 1d6
poison damage. You can spend additional
EP to increase the damage die for the
chosen element by one step (e.g. 1d6
becomes a 1d8) for each point spent
up to a maximum of 1d12.

Your eidolon must have the poison
attacks evolution to take this
evolution. This evolution does not
count as modifying an attack for the
purposes of applying both the poison
attacks and venomous evolutions to the
same attack.

Weapon Training

Your eidolon gains proficiency in simple weapons. You may spend one additional evolution point to grant your eidolon proficiency in martial weapons as well.

This evolution allows your eidolon to make attacks with weapons they are proficient in. Your eidolon follows the normal rules for wielding weapons and can make up to one attack with each weapon they are wielding as part of multiattack.

You cannot select this evolution more than once.

3-Point Evolutions

The following evolutions cost three evolution points to choose.


Your eidolon grows an additional pair of arms. Each individual arm can perform up to one attack during the attack action, but each arm requires its own attack evolutions. Arms may be given the "claws", "pincers", "slam", and "stinger" attack evolutions.

Arms can represent actual arms, tentacles, hooked graspers on wing tips, pseudopods, etc. A pair of arms allows an eidolon to grasp objects and wield weapons (with the weapon training evolution).


Your eidolon’s senses of the immediate area become extraordinarily acute. Your eidolon gains blindsight to
a range of 20 feet. You may spend additional
EP to increase the range of your eidolon’s
blindsense by 5 feet for each
point spent.

Breath Weapon

Your eidolon learns to exhale magical energy, granting it a breath weapon from its head. Choose from the acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage types. In addition, choose either a 30-foot cone or 60-foot line. Your eidolon’s breath weapon deals 4d6 damage of the chosen type and takes on the chosen shape. Note that each of your eidolon’s heads can only have one breath weapon.

Once per short rest, your eidolon may use its breath weapon as one of its attacks. Creatures caught in the breath weapon must make a dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a successful, save a creature takes only half damage from the breath weapon.

Unlike other attacks, your eidolon’s breath weapon cannot
          be modified by other evolutions. However, you may
               spend additional EP to increase the damage of the
                       breath weapon by 2d6 for each point spent, up
                                                                        to a maximum of


Your eidolon learns to push through earth with ease. Your eidolon gains a burrow speed of 20 feet.

You cannot select this evolution more than once.

Damage Reduction

Your eidolon's skin, hide, or scales become hard as steel. Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that your eidolon takes from nonmagical attacks is reduced by 3.

Devil’s Sight

Your eidolon can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, up to 120 feet. You may spend additional EP to increase the range of your eidolon's devil's sight by 30 feet for each point spent.

Frightening Presence

The mere presence of your eidolon can strike terror in the hearts of its foes. Once per short rest, as a bonus action, your eidolon may force all creatures of its choice within 60 feet to make a wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. When the effect ends for a creature, that creature is immune to your eidolon’s frightful presence for 24 hours.

You cannot select this evolution more than once.


    Your eidolon becomes extremely resilient to an element.
    Choose an element your eidolon is resistant to. Your
   eidolon becomes immune to that element.
   Each time your eidolon receives this evolution after the
  first, the cost increases by one evolution point.

Moderate Magic

      Your eidolon learns to cast a spell of moderate power.
          Select one third level spell from the sorcerer spell list.
          Your eidolon can cast this spell once per long rest at
         third level. Charisma is your eidolon’s casting modifier
        for these spells.

  You may only select this evolution for your eidolon if you
      have at least one third level spell slot.

Sacrifice Health

  Your eidolon gains the ability to heal others through the
   sacrifice of its own life force. As an action, your eidolon can
     touch a creature and choose to lose a number of hit points
     up to one less than its current total. The target creature
   regains hit points equal to half of the number sacrificed by
  your eidolon (rounded down).
 You cannot select this evolution more than once.

Swallow Whole

       Your eidolon can swallow enemies either through
      engulfing them in their form like a slime, actually
          swallowing them, or through some other means. When
            you obtain this evolution, choose either bludgeoning or
              acid damage. The chosen damage type is what will be
            dealt to swallowed creatures.

Once per round, your eidolon may replace one of
its attacks with an attempt to swallow a creature
it is grappling. The target creature must be at
least one size smaller than your eidolon. Your
eidolon makes an athletics check contested by either
an athletics or acrobatics check from the target
creature. If your eidolon is successful, the target
creature is swallowed and is no longer grappled. The swallowed creature takes bludgeoning or acid damage (depending on which you chose when taking this
evolution) equal to 1d6 plus your eidolon's constitution modifier, and is considered blinded, restrained, and
behind total cover. At the beginning of each of your
eidolon’s turns, a swallowed creature takes the
bludgeoning or acid damage again.

Your eidolon can only have one creature swallowed
at a time. If your eidolon dies or is banished, the
swallowed creature is no longer restrained and is
prone in one of the spaces your eidolon was
occupying (your choice if there are multiple).

You cannot select this evolution more than once,
and your swallow whole evolution cannot be modified
by other evolutions. However, you may spend additional
EP to increase swallow whole's damage die by one step
(e.g. a 1d6 becomes a 1d8) up to a maximum of 1d12.


Your eidolon gains the ability to spin webs. Once per
short rest, your eidolon may replace one of its attacks
with an attempt to web a creature. To do so, your eidolon makes an attack roll against a creature within 30 feet. On
a hit, the target creature is restrained by webbing.

As an action, a creature restrained by this webbing or adjacent to a restrained creature can make a strength check (DC = 8 + your eidolon’s constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus), bursting the webbing on a success. Fire damage automatically destroys the webbing but deals an equal amount of damage to a restrained creature.

You cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon grows powerful wings or otherwise gains the ability to fly. Your eidolon gains a flying speed of 30 feet. A set of wings can perform one attack during the attack action and may be given the "claws" and "wing buffet" attack evolutions.

You cannot select this evolution more than once.

4-Point Evolutions

The following evolutions cost four evolution points to choose.

Legendary Resistance

Your eidolon is incredibly resistant to physical and magical threats. Once per long rest, if your eidolon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

You must be at least level 11 to choose this evolution, and you cannot select this evolution more than once.


Your eidolon can pinpoint living creatures with ease. Your eidolon notices and locates living creatures within 60 feet regardless of cover, invisibility, etc.

You must be at least level 11 to choose this evolution, and you cannot select this evolution more than once.

Major Magic

Your eidolon learns to cast a powerful spell. Select
one fourth level spell from the sorcerer spell list. Your
eidolon can cast this spell once per long rest at fourth level. Charisma is your eidolon’s casting modifier for these spells.

You may only select this evolution for your eidolon if you have at least one fourth level spell slot.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing with the Summoner class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Charisma.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Summoner class, you gain no proficiencies.
Spell Slots. You add half your Summoner levels (rounded down) for the purposes of determining multiclass spell slots.

Summoner Planar Bonds

Every summoner has a powerful bond with another plane of existence. The magical energies of that plane constitute your eidolon, fuel your magic, and give you and your eidolon different abilities.

Astral Bond

Instead of a particular plane, some summoners bond to the space between planes, known as the astral sea. Eidolons formed from astral power are less spatially constrained, giving them the ability to teleport, banish creatures back to their own plane, and turn ethereal.

Astral Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Expeditious Retreat
5th Misty Step
9th Blink
13th Banishment
17th Far Step

Astral Eidolons

Astral eidolons are unlike creatures from any particular plane. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is aberration.

In addition, your eidolon's spatially transient nature gives your eidolon gains the "speed" and "slippery" evolutions as a free evolutions that cannot be removed.

Arcane Shift

At 6th level, your eidolon learns to control its position more closely. Once per short rest, your eidolon may cast misty step as a bonus action.

Space Between

Beginning at 14th level, you eidolon can direct the flow of astral energy between the planes to force creatures back to their home planes. Once per long rest, your eidolon may cast the spell banishment as an action.

Ethereal Form

At 18th level, your eidolon detaches itself more fully from the constraints of physical space. Once per long rest, as an action, your eidolon may gain the benefits of the etherealness spell for up to 10 minutes, requiring its concentration.

Feywild Bond

You have become coupled with the wild and unpredictable magics of the feywild. Your eidolon can channel this magic to disorient and confuse foes, becoming as illusive and deceptive as powerful fey.

Feywild Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Disguise Self
5th Suggestion
9th Hypnotic Pattern
13th Confusion
17th Dominate Person

Fey Eidolons

Eidolons infused with feywild magics become like the fey themselves. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is fey.

In addition, your eidolon can channel basic fey magic. Your eidolon gains the "basic magic (disguise self)" and "cantrip (minor illusion)" evolutions as free evolutions that cannot be removed.

Illusion Resistance

Beginning at 6th level, your eidolon is accustomed to the disorienting powers of the feywild, making it easy to resist similar effects. Your eidolon has advantage on wisdom savings throws.

Maddening Presence

Beginning at 10th level, the mere presence of your eidolon can madden its foes. Once per short rest, as a reaction to being targeted by an attack within 5 feet, your eidolon can force the attacker to make a wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon's charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus) before making the attack roll. On a failure, you choose a new target creature for the attack within range of the triggering attack; if there are no creatures in range other than your eidolon, the attacking creature targets your eidolon but has disadvantage on the attack roll.


At 18th level, your eidolon gains the ability to magically control lesser beings. Once per long rest, as an action, your eidolon may cast the spell dominate person.

Shadowfell Bond

You are attuned to the shadowfell, a plane of
decay and death, that acts as a bleak counterpart
to the material plane. Eidolons formed from darkness
channel the power of death in their attacks and learn to hide themselves in shadow.

Shadowfell Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st False Life
5th Invisibility
9th Summon Shadowspawn
13th Greater Invisibility
17th Danse Macabre

Shadow Eidolons

Eidolons formed from the shadowfell are connected with the powers of death. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is undead or abberation (your choice).

In addition, your eidolon's dark, shadowy nature makes it resilient to necrotic attacks. Your eidolon gains the "resistance (necrotic)" and "skilled (stealth)" evolutions as free evolutions that cannot be removed.

Dark Offense

Beginning at 6th level, your eidolon's attacks are suffused with shadow magic. Choose one of your eidolon's attacks, this attack deals 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit. This does not count as modifying the attack with an evolution.

In addition, if you choose the "elemental attacks" evolution, you may choose necrotic as the damage type.


Beginning at 14th level, your eidolon can vanish into the shadows. Once per long rest, as an action, your eidolon can cast the greater invisibility spell targeting itself.


At 18th level, your eidolon's form becomes increasingly resistant to physical threats. Your eidolon gains resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Elemental Bond

          You have a strong connection to the elemental planes of
       chaos. Your eidolon is formed from these chaotic
       energies and can summon the power of the elements in
      their attacks and abilities.

Elemental Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Feather Fall (air), Grease (earth),
Burning Hands (fire),
or Create or Destroy Water (water)
5th Gust of Wind (air), Maximillian's Earthen Grasp (earth), Scorching Rays (fire),
or Rime's Binding Ice (water)
9th Fly (air), Erupting Earth (earth),
Fireball (fire), Tidal Wave (water)
13th Storm Sphere (Air), Stoneshape (Earth),
Wall of Fire (Fire), Control Water (Water)
17th Control Winds (air), Transmute Rock (earth), Flame Strike (fire), or Cone of Cold (water)

Elemental Eidolons

    Your eidolon is formed from raw elemental energy.
   Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is
   elemental. In addition, choose either air, earth, fire, or water
  as your eidolon's bonded element, which affects the
  following planar bond features and your bond spells.

Your eidolon's control over the elements gives them the
  "elemental attacks" evolution as a free evolution that cannot
      be removed. The damage type from this feature depends
         on your eidolon's bonded element: lightning (air), acid
         (earth), fire (fire), or cold (water).

Elemental Form

      Beginning at 6th level, your eidolon can manifest its form
     as elemental energy. Your eidolon gains resistance to one
   of the following damage types depending on its bonded
  element: lightning (air), acid (earth), fire (fire), or cold (water).
  In addition, your eidolon can move through a space as
   narrow as 1 inch without squeezing.

Planar Barrier

          At 14th level, your eidolon learns to summon an
         elemental barrier. Once per long rest, as an action, your
      eidolon can cast one of the following spells, depending on
    its bonded element: wind wall (air), wall of sand (earth), wall
   of fire (fire), or wall of water (water).

Chaotic Aura

      At 18th level, your eidolon's chaotic energy erupts in
         response to enemy attacks. When a creature makes an
         attack within 5 feet of your eidolon, you may choose to
             deal 1d6 damage to that creature. The damage type
                depends on your eidolon's bonded element.

Abyssal Bond

Your power is drawn from the dark, chaotic realm of demons, the Abyss. Abyssal eidolons become immune to many of the frailties of mortal creatures and can strike fear into those they face in combat.

Abyssal Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Cause Fear
5th Blindness/Deafness
9th Summon Lesser Demon
13th Summon Greater Demon
17th Planar Binding

Abyssal Eidolons

Eidolons born from abyssal darkness are demons in their own right. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is fiend (demon).

The chaotic nature of your eidolon grants it increased damage and resistance to a particular element. Your eidolon gains the "resistance" evolution to resist either cold, fire, or lightning (your choice) and the "improved damage" evolution. These are free evolutions that cannot be removed.

Terrifying Assault

Beginning at 6th level, your eidolon carries a dark presence with its attacks that frightens its foes. When a creature is hit by one of your eidolon's attacks, that creature must make a wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your eidolon's charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, that creature is frightened of your eidolon until the beginning of your next turn. On either a successful saving throw, a creature is immune to this feature for 24 hours.

Fiendish Anatomy

Beginning at 14th level, your eidolon's form is increasingly akin to a powerful demon's. Your eidolon gains immunity to poison damage and the poisoned and exhausted conditions.

Demonic Aura

                             At 18th level, the power of your eidolon
                               manifests an aura of despair and fear.
                                  Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of
                                             your eidolon have a penalty to
                                                     saving throws equal to your
                                                              eidolon's charisma

Celestial Bond

You are blessed as a conduit of heavenly power from the upper realms. Your eidolon is a manifestation of this divine energy and can bless and heal you and your allies.

Celestial Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Healing Word
5th Lesser Restoration
9th Mass Healing Word
13th Aura of Life
17th Greater Restoration

Celestial Eidolons

Your eidolon is bestowed with divine power from the upper realms. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is celestial.

Your eidolon is inherently good and selfless, giving it a protective nature. Your eidolon gains the "resistance (radiant)" and "protective" evolutions as free evolutions that cannot be removed.

Healing Touch

At 6th level, your eidolon learns to channel holy energy to heal wounds. As an action, your eidolon can touch a target creature and restore a number of hit points to that creature equal to 1d4 times half your summoner level rounded down. Your eidolon can perform this action a number of times equal to its charisma modifier and regains expended uses after a long rest.

Blessed Presence

Beginning at 14th level, friendly creatures in the presence of your eidolon are blessed with confidence and protection. Once per short rest, your eidolon can cast bless as a bonus action. When cast this way, bless can affect up to 8 creatures within 30 feet of your eidolon and does not require concentration.

Purifying Blessing

Beginning at 18th level, creatures affected by your eidolon's blessed presence feature are immune to the frightened, poisoned, and stunned conditions. In addition, any of these conditions are removed from creatures when they are blessed by that feature.

Mechanus Bond

You are bound to the plane of ultimate order, Mechanus, a place of law and organization that is home to the modron race. Like the modrons, your eidolon takes on a mechanical form and seeks balance above all else.

Mechanus Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Protection from Evil and Good
5th Zone of Truth
9th Dispel Magic
13th Summon Construct
17th Greater Restoration

Mechanus Eidolons

Your eidolon is an organized mechanical creature constructed from the lawful energies of mechanus. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's creature type is construct.

Your eidolon's mechanical form grants it increased protection and knowledge on a particular subject. Your eidolon gains the "skilled" evolution granting it proficiency in arcana, history, nature, or religion (your choice) and the "improved natural armor" evolution. These are free evolutions that cannot be removed.

Logic Circuits

Beginning at 6th level, your eidolon's dedication to logic gives it advantage on saving throws to resist the effects of enchantment and illusion spells. In addition, your eidolon has advantage on checks to discern illusions, such as when inspecting a creature under the effects of a disguise self spell.

Preserve Balance

Beginning at 14th level, as a creature of order, your eidolon seeks to preserve the balance between the planes and their denizens, regardless of good or evil. Once per long rest, as an action, your eidolon can cast the spell protection from evil and good. When cast this way, the spell may target up to 8 creatures within 30 feet of your eidolon.

Pure Logic

At 18th level, your eidolon becomes a creature of perfect logic and order. Your eidolon is immune to the effects of enchantment, illusion, and transmutation spells. You may choose to allow a spell to affect your eidolon despite this immunity.

In addition, your eidolon can dispel the effects of spells from the above schools of magic by touching the object or creature affected by the spell. The spell must be level four or lower to be dispelled in this manner.

Beastlands Bond

You are attuned to the beastlands, a good-aligned plane full
of intelligent animals and varied landscapes. Your eidolon comes from the natural energies of this plane granting it improved maneuverability and keen senses like beasts of
the wild.

Beastlands Bond Spells

Summoner Level Spells
1st Speak with Animals
5th Summon Beast
9th Conjure Animals
13th Freedom of Movement
17th Commune with Nature

Beastlands Eidolons

Your eidolon is a created from the essence of nature inherent to the beastlands. Beginning at 1st level, your eidolon's
             creature type is beast or celestial (your choice).

               Your eidolon has instinctive prowess from its
                             beast-like nature. Your eidolon gains the
                                     "speed" and scent" evolutions. These
                                                             are free evolutions that
                                                                         cannot be removed.

Land's Stride

Beginning at 6th level, your eidolon is accustomed to a wide variety of rough terrains from its home plane. Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs your eidolon no extra movement. Your eidolon can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

In addition, your eidolon has advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement, such as those created by the entangle spell.

Loyal Guardian

Beginning at 14th level, your eidolon is aggressively protective of you and your allies. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of your eidolon targets another creature (not your eidolon) with an attack, your eidolon may use its reaction to make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature.

Bestial Sense

At 18th level, your eidolon's senses become incredibly acute, granting it the following benefits:

  • Creatures within 30 feet are never considered invisible to your eidolon.
  • While your eidolon is not incapacitated or restrained, melee attacks targeting it have disadvantage.

Summoner Spell List


Acid Splash
Blade Ward
Chill Touch
Create Bonfire
Dancing Lights
Fire Bolt
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Poison Spray
Produce Flame
Ray of Frost
Shocking Grasp

1st Level

Absorb Elements
Arms of Hadar
Color Spray
Detect Magic
Disguise Self
Expeditious Retreat
False Life
Feather Fall
Find Familiar
Floating Disk
Fog Cloud
Mage Armor
Protection from Evil and

Unseen Servant

2nd Level

Alter Self
Borrowed Knowledge
Cloud of Daggers

Dragon's Breath
Dust Devil
Enhance Ability
Find Steed
Flock of Familiars
Hold Person
Kinetic Jaunt
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Ray of Enfeeblement
Rope Trick
See Invisibility
Spider Climb
Summon Beast
Vortex Warp
Wither and Bloom

3rd Level

Ashardalon's Stride
Conjure Animals
Create Food and Water
Erupting Earth
Gaseous Form

Hunger of Hadar
Hypnotic Pattern
Life Transference
Magic Circle
Phantom Steed
Protection from Energy
Spirit Guardians
Spirit Shroud
Stinking Cloud
Summon Fey
Summon Lesser Demon
Summon Shadowspawn
Summon Undead
Thunder Step
Tiny Hut
Water Breathing

4th Level

Black Tentacles
Conjure Minor Elemental
Conjure Woodland Beasts
Dimension Door
Elemental Bane
Faithful Hound
Find Greater Steed
Fire Shield

Galder's Speedy Courier
Greater Invisibility
Summon Aberration
Summon Construct
Summon Elemental
Summon Greater Demon
Watery Sphere

5th Level

Conjure Elemental
Contact Other Plane
Far Step
Hold Monster
Infernal Calling
Insect Plague
Planar Binding
Skill Empowerment
Summon Celestial
Summon Draconic Spirit
Teleportation Circle

The Summoner

A halfcaster class for those who don't like being lonely. Summon and evolve powerful, awe-inspiring creatures with eight Summoner bonds: Astral, Feywild, Shadowfell, Elemental, Abyssal, Celestial, Mechanus, and Beastlands.