D&D 5e - Galowynn's Guide to Subclasses (Ink Friendly Edition)

by UnderpaidGolbin

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Galowynn's Guide to Subclasses
A collection of various homebrew subclasses

Artificer Specialist


Deadly, gorgeous and bright, fire is a primal force of destruction that fascinates many eccentric Artificers. Some Artificers are so fascinated by fire that they dedicate their lives to honing and understanding this marvelous beast. You, like many others, have studied the chaos and beauty found inside the blaze of a fire and sought to harness its power, but unlike many others, your efforts have borne fruit.

Frequent Exposure

When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, your experiments and constant exposure to fire has granted you some protection from it. You gain resistance to non-magical fire, and you are unaffected by magical fire you create.

Arsonist Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Battle Smith Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Additionally, you learn the Produce flame cantrip, which counts as an Artificer cantrip for you, but dos not count against your total number of artificer cantrips.

Arsonist Spells
Artificer Level Arsonist Spells
3rd Burning Hands, Hellish Rebuke
5th Agnazzar's Scorcher, Heat Metal
9th Fireball, Ashardalon’s Stride
13th Elemental Bane, Wall of Fire
17th Flame Strike, Immolation


When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you have learned to create a tool that can generate streams of flame, called a Firespitter. The Firespitter uses the statistics of either a Heavy or Light Crossbow, dealing fire damage instead of piercing damage. Your attacks made with this weapon count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. You are proficient with this weapon, and whether or not it uses ammunition/fuel is up to you and your DM. If lost or destroyed, you may create a new Firespitter over the course of a long rest.

Additionally, your Firespitter has a number of charges equal to your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. You may spend one charge to activate one of the Firespitter’s spell like effects below.

  • Boiling Blaze: you create a 20ft cone of fire in front of you, forcing each creature within range to make a dexterity saving throw equal to your spell save DC or take 2d8 fire damage.

  • Lobbing Fire: You launch a mass of flaming tar to one point within 60 feet. Each creature within 5ft of the point must make a dexterity saving equal to your spell save DC throw or take 1d6 fire damage and is ignited. A creature that is ignited takes an additional 1d6 fire damage at the beggining of their turn, and ran remake their save at the end of each turn.

  • Scorching Ballista: You make a ranged spell attack against a target within 30 feet. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of 1) damage

  • Bright Burst: You create a small flame within 20 feet of you, casting the spell Pyrotechnics centered on that point.

You regain all spent charges at the end of a long rest, or half your maximum rounded down on a short rest, once per day.

Thermal Convergence

When you reach 5th level, your fascination with fire has enabled you to maximize it’s effectiveness. Your spells and spelllike effects ignore resistance to fire damage, and creatures without resistance or immunity take an additional 1d6 fire damage from your spell and spell effects that deal fire damage.

Your fire becomes more potent at 9th level, your attacks that deal fire damage ignore immunity to fire.

Promethean Flame

At 9th level, the damage die of your Firespitter becomes 2d10, and you may spend two charges to activate one of the Firespitter’s spell like effects from the extended list below:

  • Sun Scorch: You create a field of blazing fire 30x30 feet wide starting from a point within 60 feet. Any creature that starts it’s turn inside the field takes 3d6 fire damage. The field lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minumum of 1).

  • Overheat: Your Firespitter emits overwhelming heat. All creatures within 20 feet must make a constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.

  • Flaming Mortar: You launch 3 masses of flaming tar to different points within 120 feet. Each creature within 10ft of a mass takes 2d6 fire damage and must make a dexterity saving throw equal to your spell save DC throw or becomes ignited. A creature that is ignited takes an additional 2d8 fire damage at the beginning of their turn, and ran remake their save at the end of each turn.


Upon hitting 15th level, the fires you create blaze beyond control. Whenever a target takes fire damage from a magical attack, spell, or spell like effect you create, all creatures within 15 feet of the target must make a dexterity saving throw equal to your spell save DC, or catch ablaze.

An ablaze creature takes 3d8 fire damage at the beginning of their turn, and has disadvantage on attacks and skill checks. A creature can use it’s action to put itself out.

Re-brew | Arsonist

Barbarian Path

Path of the Astral Beast

Barbarians that walk the path of the Astral Beast are unhinged, dangerous prisons, holding captive their own explosive rage and will. A barbarian that gives too far into their own rage can sometimes struggle to maintain a hold upon it, causing their own soul to become to much for them to handle. At a certain point excess amounts of the barbarian’s soul becomes capable of leaving the body, acting as an extension of the wielder’s wrath, and wreaking havoc like none other.

Astral Companion

At 3rd level, you can spend 1 use of your rage feature to have a portion of your soul leave your body, materializing into a small beast of your choice for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. This creature uses the Summoned Soul stat block as detailed later, and uses your proficiency bonus, Int, Wis, and Cha scores. In combat, the Summoned Soul shares your initiative, but takes any actions after yours. You mentally control the projection, as it is still a part of you, and you can move it on your turn as a free action so long as it doesn't end its turn more than 30 feet away from you. By spending your bonus action on your turn, you can command it to take an action, and if you do not issue a command, it instead takes the dodge action. Whenever the projection would take damage, you instead take damage, as the projection has no hit points of its own. An effect that would target both of you at the same time only deals the damage once, only any saves are only rolled once.

Wild Soul

At 6th level, your spirit lashes out when kept at bay. As bonus action, if your astral companion isn’t summoned, you can make your next attack as if you had the reach property, and the attack deals an extra 2d6 force damage.

Additionally, while raging, your Astral Companion gains the effects of your Rage feature.

Caged Beast

Once you reach 10th level in this class, more of your soul pours into your inner beast. Whenever you use your Astral Companion feature, you may instead use the Monstrous Spirit stat block, as detailed later. This summoned soul can be up to size medium, and can move up to 60 feet away from you, but otherwise functions the same as detailed in the Astral Companion feature.

Monster Within

Upon achieving 14th level in this class, your inner beast is never truly leashed. All attacks that you and your companion make permanently deal extra force damage equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier. While your Astral Companion isn’t summoned, you gain a +10 to your walking speed, and your jump distance is doubled. You can now summon your Astral companion without expending a use of your rage, and while raging, your companion’s movement speeds are doubled.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Art By: Somebody
Published by: Re-brew

Summoned Soul

medium or small, unaligned

  • Armor Class 10 + Wisdom Modifier
  • Hit Points N/A
  • Speed 30 ft. walking, 15 ft. flying

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) N/A N/A N/A

Incorporeal Movement. The Summoned Soul can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but cannot end it's turn inside of an object.


Strike. melee unarmed attack: 2 + your proficiency bonus to hit, Reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 + your Wisdom modifier force damage.

Monstrous Spirit

large, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13 + Wisdom Modifier
  • Hit Points N/A
  • Speed 30 ft. walking, 15 ft. flying

18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) N/A N/A N/A

Incorporeal Movement. The Summoned Soul can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but cannot end it's turn inside of an object.


Multi Attack. The Spirit makes 2 attacks whenever it takes the attack action.

Strike. melee unarmed attack: 4 + your proficiency bonus to hit, Reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 + 4 + your Wisdom modifier force damage.

Barbarian Path

Path of the Dragonsoul

Barbarians that follow the Path of the Dragonsoul hold the raw power and intensity of the great dragons within them. The magic coursing through them can take form in elemental bursts from their mouths or draconic traits.

Your Barbarian is somehow descended or empowered by a great dragon, you can choose the color and type of your dragon on the Draconic Ancestry table below.

Draconic Ancestry
Dragon Damage Type Saving Throw
Black Acid Dexterity
Blue Lightning Dexterity
Brass Fire Dexterity
Bronze Lightning Dexterity
Copper Acid Dexterity
Gold Fire Dexterity
Green Poison Constitution
Red Fire Dexterity
Silver Cold Constitution
White Cold Constitution

Saving Throw DC

Some features may force a creature to make a saving throw. The DC for the save equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier.

Draconic Fury

When you take this subclass at 3rd level, you can choose to endow yourself with draconic might whenever you enter your Rage state. Until the Rage ends, your melee attacks deal an additional 1d4 damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry. In addition, you gain resistance to the associated damage type until you end your rage. The extra damage die increases to 1d6 of the associated type at 10th level.

If a racial trait would already give you resistance to the chosen element, you may roll a 1d6, reducing the damage by that additional amount.

Breath Weapon

At 6th level, you have learned to channel your rage into a powerful breath attack like that of the great dragons. While raging, you can use an action to expel elemental energy in either a 15 ft. cone, or a 5 by 30 ft. line. Any creature caught in this area must make the relevant saving throw (a s shown on the Draconic Ancestry table) or take an amount of damage equal to 2d6 + half your barbarian level of the type associated with your draconic ancestry.

The damage die for your breath weapon increases to 4d6 at 10th level. You may use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses after a long rest.

Frightful Presence

When you reach 10th level in this class, your unbridled rage is reminiscent of the wrath of your dragon ancestors. As part of the bonus action used to activate your rage, you can force each creature within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is frightened of you for 1 minute, or until your rage ends, whichever comes first. A creature can repeat this save at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success.

Might of the Dragon

At 14th level, the power of the dragon surges through your veins stronger than ever before. When you enter your rage state, you may choose two of the following effects which last till the end of your rage.

  • Powerful Wings: You sprout a pair of large, scaly wings. You gain a flying speed of 60 feet while you have these.
  • Dragon’s Vitality: Your life force grows stronger than before. You gain Temporary HP equal to twice your Barbarian level.
  • Hardened Scales: Your skin becomes resistant and strengthened. You gain immunity to the damage type associated with your draconic ancestry, and your AC increases by 2.
  • Empowered Elements: The strength of your inner power increases. Your Breath Weapon feature deals 4d8 damage instead of 4d6, and your draconic fury gives a 1d8 bonus to melee attacks instead of 1d6.

Created By: DKMagic, Underpaid_Goblin, and Yampy Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Dragonsoul

Barbarian Path

Path of Eruption

Barbarians that follow the path of Eruption contain within them a primal connection to ancient volcanoes, channeling their anger into intense, volcanic heat. Spewing magma and ash, Eruption barbarians are as powerful, explosive, and dangerous as the volcanoes they channel.

Saving Throws

Some features may force a creature to make a saving throw. The DC for the save equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.


At 3rd level, When your rage ends, you may spend a reaction to release your remaining fury as an explosion of heat. Each creature within 10 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage.

Smoke Screen

Also at 3rd level, you can expel a thick cloud of ash and smoke from within. You create a cloud shaped as an unmoving 20 foot diameter sphere centered on you. The sphere remains for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, and the area inside of it is considred heavily obscured. Wind of moderate or greater speed (At least 10 miles per hour) disperses the cloud.

Volcanic Shell

At 6th level, an aura of blazing embers surrounds your body while you are raging. When a creature hits you with a melee weapon while adjacent to you, that creature takes 2d4 fire damage. If you end your rage early, you can harden the embers into a protective layer of volcanic ash, gaining +2 AC for 1 minute or until hit.

Vesuvian Rage

When you reach 10th level in this subclass, the bonus damage you inflict while raging deals fire damage, and you gain resistance to fire damage until your rage ends.

Pyroclastic Fissure

By spending one use of your rage, you may strike the ground in front of you and causing fissures of magma to spread across the ground. Choose up to 5 points within 60 feet, each point must have at least 10 feet between them.

A geyser of lava bursts from each point, forcing each creature within 10 feet to make a dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d10 fire damage, or half as much on a successful save.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Eruption

Bard College

College of Canvases

Bards that study under the College of Canvases let magic flow from their heart and onto a page, releasing their creativity into a visual medium, rather than song. While this doesn’t restrict a bard from channeling their magic through music, bards of the canvas tend towards painting, sketching, or some other physical medium to cast wondrous spells.

Spirit of Creativity

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a set of Painting Supplies or Calligrapher’s Supplies, your choice. (A DM might allow you to choose alternative tools such as Woodcarver’s or Potter’s Tools.) You also gain proficiency with the chosen tools. You can consider your chosen tool the spellcasting focus for your Bard spells.

Your magic inhabits specially designed symbols that invoke the arcane. To cast a Bard spell that requires somatic components, you illustrate or produce a pre-drawn icon that represents the spell. This image channels your spell through it, and burns itself away after the spell ends.

Arcane Artistry

When selecting this subclass at 3rd level, you may choose to specially ingrain one spell you know into a small portable surface such as a piece of parchment or wood over the course of a long rest. The ingrained spell must be of a level equal to or less than a third of your Bard level. When you cast this ingrained spell, the mark burns away and the spell is cast without consuming a spell slot. You may have one of ingrained spell at a time, and creating a new one causes the oldest mark to fade.

You may have up to 2 ingrained spells when you reach 6th level, and 3 ingrained spells at 9th. Any time you ingrain more than one spell, each spell must be a different spell of a level lower than the one before it.

Vibrant Inspiration

Also at 3rd level, you may use your Bardic Inspiration feature as an action to draw or affix a symbol onto a creature that is adjacent to you. Whenever this creature rolls your Bardic Inspiration die, they add an amount to the roll equal to your Charisma Bonus.

Walking Ink

At 6th level, you craft a little helper from an image you create. As an action, you can animate the likeness of a tiny creature or object you have drawn or sculpted, as if you had cast the spell Tiny Servant on it. You bring the creature, called a scribbled servant, into three dimensions if it was 2-dimensional, and give it limited sentience. The scribbled servant uses the same stat block as the Tiny Servant spell, and lasts up to 1 hour. If you create more than 1 scribbled servant this way, it halves the remaining time of all previous servants You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all spent uses after a long rest.

Living Canvas

When you reach 14th level, when you ingrain a spell, you can instead put that spell on a piece of armor or equipment. Whenever a creature is holding or wearing the ingrained object, they may cast that spell as if they knew it, using your spellcasting ability as the modifier for any saving throws or spell attacks the spell creates. You may only have one ingrained spell placed on equipment at a time.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin
Published by: Re-brew

Bard College

College of Poesy

Bards of the College of Poesy study ancient odes and sonnets, searching old poems for incantations laced within the words by bard poets of old. Their understanding of how words can influence the soul allows them to not influence only the mind, but the heart as well. A poesy bard knows the value of words and the magic of verse.

Elevated Verse

When you pick this college at 3rd level, your prose weaves enchanting magic through each syllable. Whenever you succeed on a Deception or Persuasion check against a creature with a lower Charisma score than yours, the creature is charmed for a number of minutes equal to your proficiency bonus, or until you or a party member harms it.

If you use this feature to successfully charm the same creature more than once, it may make a Charisma saving throw equal to your spell save DC, becoming permanently immune to this feature on a successful save.

Arcane Couplet

Also at 3rd level, you recite a poem of bravery and victory in battle. As an action, you may spend one inspiration die to give any number of creatures of your choice within 30 feet a +1 to any one attack roll or saving throw made in the next minute.

You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest.

Ancient Refrain

When you reach 6th level, you learn of an ancient sonnet riddled with hidden incantations of warding. As an reaction, you may spend one inspiration die to take the dodge action.

Broken Elegy

Also at 6th level, attacks you make are infused with the remorse and regrets of dead poets and kings. As a bonus action, you can incant over a weapon you are holding, causing the next attack made with it to deal an additional 2d8 necrotic damage.

This effect may only be applied once to one weapon at a time and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier, so long as you are concentrating on this effect as if you were concentrating on a spell. This effect also ends if you land a hit with the infused weapon.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a short or long rest.

Ode of Undoing

At 14th level, the spells resonating within your verse wrack the minds of your foes. As an action, you speak in a cacophony of voices, up to 10 creatures within 60 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 4d10 psychic damage, or half as much on a successful save. A creature that fails its save is also sapped of its fighting spirit, and all weapon damage done by the creature is halved till the end of their next turn.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Poesy

Bloodhunter Order

Order of the Sanguiphage

The extent of Hemocraft can be a mystery even to experienced practitioners, and many are constrained to the use of their own blood as fuel for their spells.

Sanguiphages, often referred to as blood mages, have learned to substitute their own blood for the blood of others in their spells, as learned in the scrawlings of ancient vampires and blood-obsessed sorcerers.


When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you learn ancient hemocraft spells designed to draw lifeforce from your enemies. Whenever a creature takes extra damage from your Crimson Rite feature as shown on the Blood Hunter table, you may regain hit points equal to half the extra damage dealt.

Maledictive Substitute

Also at 3rd level, you may draw the blood of a creature near you to grow the power of your curse. As part of the action used to activate a Blood Curse, you may force a creature adjecent to you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you may cause the creature to lose a number of hit points equal to your hemocraft die, and amplify your Blood Curse.


At 7th level, you have the ability to alter the content of blood, purifying it or pumping it with adrenaline when need be. You gain immunity to the poisoned condition. As an action, you can end any disease currently affecting you or a creature you touch.

Additionally, you may reduce your hit points by an amount equal to a roll of your Hemocraft die to clear one level of exhaustion. Once you use this ability to clear exhaustion, you cannot do so again until after a short or long rest.

Parasitic Brand

At 11th level, when a creature that you have hit with an attack since the last round deals damage to you, you may use your reaction to force a constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is branded as detailed in the Brand of Castigation feature, without expending a use of the feature. Only one creature can be branded this way at a time, and the brand lasts for 1 minute or until you use this feature to force a different creature to make the saving throw.

Blood Curse of Letting

At 15th level, you discover an ancient, debilitating hemocraft spell. You gain the Blood Curse of Letting (detailed below) for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against the number of Blood Curses known.

Vampiric Mark

At 18th level, whenever a feature would require you to roll your hemocraft die and reduce that amount from your hit points, you may instead reduce the hit points of a creature branded by your Brand of Castigation instead. You can use Brand of Castigation three times before needing a short or long rest, and you may have up to 3 creatures branded at a time, not counting those marked by the Parasitic Brand feature.

Blood Curse of Letting

Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of the Sanguiphage
As an action, you force a creature you can see within 15 feet to make a Constitution saving throw or be covered in sensitive open wounds. For the next minute, the target bleeds from the wounds, taking 2d6 necrotic damage at the beginning of their turn. The target may remake the save at the end of each turn, ending the effect on a successful save.

Amplify. The target gains weakness to all physical attacks for the duration.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Sanguiphage

Cleric Domain


There exist deities that preside over the unknown and strange, entities that work to preserve the mysteries of the dark and unnatural. These deities often enlist the help of those who have peered into their domains and have lived to tell the tale. These clerics have their whole perspective on life changed, and often devote themselves to the occult and ritualistic in an attempt to find meaning.

An Otherworldly Cleric’s holy symbol is a token from their presiding entity, some souvenier they picked up from the realm of their deity. This token might be a strange rock or element from a mysterious plane, a pulsating heart made of writhing blue vines, or another peculiar artefact that is unmistakably not of this world.

Otherworldly Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Arms of Hadar, Cause Fear
3rd Crown of Madness, Wither and Bloom
5th Hunger of Hadar, Life Transference
7th Evard’s Black Tentacles, Summon Abberation
9th Contact other Plane, Far Step

Strange Gifts

When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you learn the Eldritch Blast cantrip.

See the Beyond

Starting at 1st level, you have gained a new kind of sight after staring into the void. As a bonus action, you may gain darkvision out to 120 feet and see in magical darkness for 10 minutes.

You may use this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest.

Eldritch Investiture

Also at 1st level, your body is infused with eldritch power while you rest. When you finish a long rest, you can restore a single used spell slot.

Additionally, when you cast a spell that deals psychic damage, you may deal an extra 1d6 psychic damage once per turn.

Channel Divinity: Planar Rift

At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to open a rift between planes.

As an action, you present your holy symbol to up to 8 creatures within 60 feet. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving or be pulled into a rift. A creature pulled into a rift takes 2d10 Psychic damage as they are hurtled through a realm of unimaginable horrors, and are teleported to a random unnocupied space within 60 feet, as determined by the DM.

Benefactor's Blessing

Once you reach 6th level, whenever you cast the Eldritch Blast cantrip, you can change the damage type to Psychic.

Additionally, when you use your action to cast Eldritch Blast, you can use your bonus action to cast it again.

Bizarre Strike

At 8th level, your weapons are corrupted by strange energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you may roll a 1d4 on the table below, your weapon deals an extra 1d8 of that damage type. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Bizarre Strike Damage Table
Roll Damage Type
1 Thunder
2 Necrotic
3 Force
4 Psychic

Share the Vision

Upon obtaining 17th level, you give the gift of dark enlightenment to all creature’s of your choice within 30 feet. Each creature chosen must make a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d12 psychic damage, or half as much on a successful save, as you show them a vision of the incomprehensible realm in which your deity resides. A creature that fails their save is blinded for 1d4 turns, and they may remake the save at the end of each of their turns to end the effect early. A creature that succeeds on this save becomes immune to it for 24 hours.

You may use this feature twice before needing to take a long rest to use it again.

Re-brew | Otherworldly

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin
Published by: Re-brew

Cleric Domain


Clerics and paladins are the hands and feet of gods and goddesses thoughout the world, but some deities feel discontented with giving orders and sitting back. A vessel is a chosen mortal, one who has been tasked to serve as an avatar for a great deity so that they might see and feel through the eyes of a lesser being. A vessel is not merely granted power by the one they worship, but is given the honor of holding their deity within them. A deity might do this if they feel their goals require a more hands-on approach, or if they simply get bored. Any deity is capable of creating a vessel.

Vessel Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st Shield, Divine Favor
3rd Branding Smite, Levitate
5th Crusader’s Mantle, Spirit Guardians
7th Divination, Guardian of Faith
9th Commune, Summon Celestial


At 1st level, you no longer need a Holy Symbol as a spellcasting focus, and can now cast your spells innately. You also gain proficiency in the Insight or Perception skill, your choice.

Avatar's Boon

Also at 1st level, your deity empowers your body, making you faster and stronger to serve their needs. If your deity is good, you may add your Wisdom modifier to damage rolls against creatures with an evil alignment, and vice versa.

Additionally, you may use your bonus action once per short or long rest to gain a number of hitpoints equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier.

Channel Divinity: Divine Emergence

When you reach 2nd level, you can use your channel divinity to summon a fraction of your deity into the material plane. As an action, you may choose to summon either the arms, heart, or face of your deity, as detailed below:

  • Divine Arms: You may choose up to 6 creatures within 30 feet of you. Each creature must make a strength or dexterity saving throw or become grappled for a number of turns equal to your Wisdom modifier. Each creature can remake the save at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success.
  • Divine Heart: Each creature of your choice within 30 feet gains 2d8 temporary hitpoints.
  • Divine Face: You summon the visage of your deity at a point within 30 feet. Any creature within 30 feet that has line of sight to the visage must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 psychic damage and become frightened for 1 minute.

Champions Armament

Upon reaching 6th level, your deity infuses your weapon with a fraction of their might. As a bonus action, you may enchant a weapon you are touching for up to 1 hour. Till the duration ends, you are the only creature capable of picking up the weapon, and you can make it appear in your hand as a bonus action if it is ever away from you. While enchanted, your weapon deals radiant or necrotic damage, your choice, and counts as a magical weapon for the purpose of overcoming resistances. Additionally, after making an attack with this weapon, you may use your bonus action to attack again with it. After using this feature once, you must take a short or long rest to use it again.

Divine Strike

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Communal Blessing

At 17th level, your deity lends their power to those you consider allies, temporarily granting them abilities such as your own. As an action, you can select up to 8 creatures within 60 feet that are your level or higher, granting them Divine power for a number of turns equal to your Wisdom bonus. Until this effect ends, each empowered creature gains the Divine Strike and Avatar’s Boon feature. You may use this ability once, regaining its use after a long rest.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Vessel

Druid Circle

Circle of Stones

Druids under the order of the Circle of Stones are empowered by the strength and grandeur of the great mountains. These druids live and thrive in cliff communities, and are experts at traversing the dangerous mountain ranges that they call home. Like the stones they walk upon, they are strong, sturdy, and persistent.

Circle Spells

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn the Magic Stone cantrip. This cantrip doesn’t count against the number of cantrips you know. Additionally, you have additional spells prepared at certain levels as shown on the Circle of Stones Spell table below.

Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you

Circle of Stones Spells
Druid Level Circle Spells
2nd Earth Tremor, Feather Fall
3rd Immovable Object, Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp
5th Erupting Earth, Meld into Stone
7th Freedom of Movement, Stone Shape
9th Transmute Rock, Far Step


At 2nd level, you are adept at traversing steep and rocky terrain. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Additionally, walking through non-magical difficult terrain costs no extra movement.

Mountainous Endurance

At 2nd level, whenever you roll a hit die to regain HP, you may roll an additional 1d4 per die spent to gain that much extra. Additionally, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws and Strength (Athletics) checks. The additional hit die increases at 10th level (1d6) and 14th level (1d8).

Leviathan's Reprieve

At 6th level, you channel the hearty spirit of the Mountain Giants. You and up to 3 other creatures of your choice within 30 feet gain 2d8 temporary HP and +1 AC for 1 minute.

Unbreaking Palisade

At 10th level, you may expend one use of your Wildshape to harden your skin, enveloping yourself with the durability of boulders. For 1 hour, or until you end the form as a bonus action, your movement speed is reduced by 5 feet, and you gain a +1 to all damage rolls. Also while in this form, you have resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.

Earth Shaper

When you reach 14th level, you have befriended the earth below you, convincing it to assist you at times. You may cast Maxamilian’s Earthen Grasp twice per day at 2nd-level without expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may spend an action to gain tremorsense to a range of 120 feet for 1 minute. You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Stones

Druid Circle

Circle of Storms

Druids within the Circle of Storms feel awe and respect towards the elements, knowing that even strongest swords and shields are nothing to a stormy gale. Harnessing powers of wind and lightning, a Circle of Storms druid channels lingering electricity within themselves and their environment to unleash devestating storms.

Circle of Storms Spells
Druid Level Circle Spells
2nd Shocking Grasp
3rd Absorb Elements, Fog Cloud
5th Levitate, Warding Wind
7th Call Lightning, Thunderstep
9th Elemental Bane, Storm Sphere

Storm Keeper

At 2nd level, you learn to form a small sized dark cloud, called a Static Cloud, as an action within a space you can see within 30 feet. The Static Cloud lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, hovering in place till dispelled. You can mentally command a single cloud to move up to 15 feet at the beginning of your turn, no action required. You may have up to 3 clouds at a time, and each cloud has the following features:

  • As a bonus action, you may shock a creature adjacent to a Static Cloud, making a ranged spell attack against them. On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 lightning damage.

  • AS an action, you form an arc between 2 Static Clouds within 30 feet of eachother, creating a 5ft wide line of lightning starting and ending at one of the clouds. A creature in this area must make a dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 lightning damage.

The damage die for your Static Cloud attacks increases to a d8 at 6th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 14th level.

You may use this feature to summon a Static Cloud a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. You regain all uses after a long rest.

Living Conduit

At 2nd level, you allow arcane electricity to flow through your body. As an action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape to charge yourself, rather than transform into a beast form. While charged, you gain a flying speed of 15 ft, as well as the following benefits:

  • Your Static Cloud attacks deal an additional die of lightning damage, and you regain up to half your expended uses of Storm Keeper, rounded down.

  • If you cast a spell that deals lightning damage, the target takes an additional 1d6 lightning damage.

  • If a creature within 5 ft damages you with an attack, you may use your reaction to make a ranged spell attack against that creature, dealing 2d6 lightning damage on a hit.

Brewing Storm

At 6th level, the storms you make only seem to grow larger and more powerful. As a bonus action, you may merge two adjacent Static Clouds of the same size to form a cloud one size catagory larger. Each small Static Cloud inside the merged cloud counts towards your maximum number of clouds allowed at once. Additionally, the attack range and number of die used in attacks increases by 5 feet and 1 die for each size category your cloud goes above small.


At 10th level, you have a higher level of mastery over the storms you create. You may have up to 6 Static Clouds at one time, and you regain all uses of Storm Keeper after a short or long rest.


When you reach 14th level, the electricity coursing through your veins gives you immunity to Lightning damage. Additionally, you are immune to the stunned and paralyzed condition.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Storms

Fighter's Martial Archetype


Usually, a soul is bonded to the plane it was created on, but a few ancient warriors discovered ways to change that. A fighter that studies the way of the Untethered has learned to separate their souls from the material plane, and their bodies along with them. Untethered move through the bounds between planes, skipping through them like stones on the water, allowing them to move freely through space in ways beyond physics.


Upon selecting this archetype at 3rd level, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, as your connection to the material plane is weaker.

Drifting Blade

Also at 3rd level, your body and blade move seamlessly through space as one. When you take the Dodge action, you may make a single melee attack against one creature you pass adjacent to. This attack cannot benefit from Extra Attack or other similar features.

Warped Space

At 7th level, you can fold the space between you and another target. If you have not yet moved on your turn, you may spend any amount of your movement speed to teleport that distance. If you would land adjacent to a creature, you may make a single attack with advantage. This attack cannot benefit from Extra Attack or other similar features. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses after a long rest.

Ethereal Shift

At 10th level, your body can fade out of reality to escape danger. If a creature makes an attack roll against you, but before knowing the result of the roll, you may use your reaction to enter the ethereal realm till the end of your next turn. While in the ethereal realm, you can see an overlay of the material plane, but you are unable to interact with it. You may move up to 15 feet while inside the ethereal plane, appearing in the same spot relative to it in the material plane when the effect ends, but are unable to take any other actions whilst inside. You may use this feature twice, regaining both uses after a short or long rest.


When you reach 15th level, you have discovered how to be in multiple places at once. When you make more than one attack during a turn, the additional attacks can be made against any creature within 45 feet of the original target that you can see and have access to. This feature does not move your character.


At 18th level, you have learned to move near freely through reality. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can make your body incorporeal, allowing you to move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object, and becoming corporeal while inside someone or something shunts you to the closest unoccupied space, with you and any creature you were of inside taking 1d10 force damage.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Untethered

Monastic Traditions

Way of the Soaring Blade

Monks that follow the training of the Way of the Soaring Blade learn to treat their missile weapons as an extension of their body. A monk of the Soaring Blade allows the implement to flow from out of the open hand and into their target as if there is no space between them, hitting with supernatural speed and accuracy.

Serrated Combat

At 3rd level, when you make a ranged attack roll using a weapon with the thrown property, you may ingore disadvantage from being within 5 feet of your target. Additionally, when you use your flurry of blows, you may forgo making your unarmed attacks to instead make ranged attacks with a thrown weapon.

Kinetic Blade

At 6th level, you can infuse your energy into your thrown weapons. When you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you may use your bonus action to spend a number of Ki points up or equal to your proficiency bonus. For each Ki point you spend, you gain +1 to the attack roll and deal an additional 1d6 damage on the attack.

The additional damage increases to 1d8 per Ki point spent at 11th level.

Master of Daggers

At 11th level, the Stunning Strike and Ki-Empowered Strike features apply to your thrown weapon attacks. Addionally, whenever you use a thrown weapon to take the attack action, you can make an additional attack using your unarmed attack or monk weapon.

Also when you gain this feature, If you deal a critical hit to a marked target, they take three times the amount of damage from the attack.

Unfailing Mark

At 17th level, your aim is unparalleled. As a bonus action, you can mark one creature within 60 feet as your target. Until you stop marking this target, or they leave your line of sight, you have advantage on all ranged attacks agains them.

Additionally, if a ranged attack against your target would miss, you may spend 7 Ki points as a bonus action to instead hit your target.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-brew | Soaring Blade & Weave

Way of the Weave

Monks that study the Way of the Weave connect with the ancient arcane force surrounding them called the weave. By using their Ki as a connection between the physical and the immaterial, monks that follow this path can directly influence the weave and cast magic, albeit in a primitive way.

Ki Casting

At 3rd level, you have learned to alter the weave around you using your inner Ki. When you reach certain levels as shown on the table below, you may pick two of the three spells listed to learn. Additionally, you know the Booming Blade and Magic Stone cantrips.

When you cast a spell, you spend a number of Ki points equal to the spell’s level. When casting a spell at a higher level, you spend 2 additional Ki points for each level higher the spell is cast. You may only spend Ki points on spells learned through this subclass.

Tradition Spells
Monk Level Tradition Spells
3rd Chromatic Orb, Feather Fall, Magic Missile
5th Blur, Enhance Ability, Misty Step
9th Fly, Haste, Pulse Wave
13th Arcane Eye, Death Ward, Elemental Bane
17th Far Step, Steel Wind Strike, Telekenesis

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spells, and determines your spellcasting modifier and spell save DC, as shown below.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Arcane Adjustment

At 6th level, you may spend 2 Ki points as a bonus action to enchant one monk weapon you are holding. Choose one: fire, cold, lightning, necrotic, or radiant. For the next minute, attacks made with that weapon are considered magical and deal the chosen damage type.


At 11th level, you have learned to bend the weave in order to replicate the effects of a spell another has cast. As a reaction to seeing a spell cast within 60 feet that is the same level as a spell you already know, you may save the knowledge of that spell’s casting to use in the future. Until you take a short or long rest, or until you memorize another spell this way, you add the memorized spell to your list of spells knows, and can cast it as normal.

Mastered Arcanum

At 17th level, you have ingrained a familiar spell into your ki, making it effortless to use. Choose one spell you have gained through this subclass. The Ki points required to cast this spell are halved, and the duration of the spell, if it has one, is doubled. You may change the spell you choose to ingrain at the end of a long rest.

Paladin Oaths

Oath of Hope

The Oath of Hope binds a paladin to serve as an unrelenting force of positivity and strength. Paladins of Hope embody faith, perseverance, and a constant drive to succeed. They act as an inspiration for their allies, and an unfaltering force for their enemies.

Tenets of Hope

Positive Outlook. Do not let negativity cloud your thinking
Keep Faith. Trust in yourself, your allies, and your god to get you through any trial.
Embody Hope. Always strive to be a beacon of hope and salvation to those around you.

Oath Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Shield of Faith, Heroism
5th Enhanced Ability, Warding Bond
9th Beacon of Hope, Life Transference
13th Aura of Purity, Death Ward
17th Greater Restoration, Skill Empowerment

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two channel divinity options.

Inspiring Sermon. As an action, you bring inspiration to the hopeless. Choose up to 3 creatures within 60 feet. Each creature rolls a 1d10 and can add the number rolled to any attack roll, check, or saving throw made within the next minute.

Silver Lining. As an action, you empower one creature you can touch. When an empowered creature misses with an attack, they may instead choose to hit, halving the damage dealt by their attack. This effect lasts for 1 minute, or until the empowered creature uses this ability.

Aura of Faith

At 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you gain an additional 2d6 HP from healing spells.

At 18th level, the range of the aura increases to 20 feet.


At 15th level, whenever a creature you can see within 60 ft makes a skill check or attack roll, you can use your reaction to assist them as if you took the help action next to them. You may do this twice before needing to take a short or long rest.

Avatar of Hope

At 20th level, you have become a patron for the hopeless. Once par day, as an action, your faith can flow through you and others, manifesting in the following ways for 10 minutes:

- You and all creatures of your choice within 30 feet gain resistance to nonmagical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage.

- Whenever a creature within 30 feet regains hit points, they gain an additional 2d8 temporary hit points.

Oath of Avarice

The Oath of Avarice is taken by a self serving Paladin, one who has chosen to bind themselves to themselves. Avarice Paladins prioritize their own well being and success first, doing whateer necessary to further their own goals. These Paladins usually only serve dieties that they believe will further their goals, or that have a similar mindset of self preservation.

Tenets of Avarice

What’s Mine is Mine. You have no obligation to sacrifice your resources for others.
Everything and More. Your wants are your needs.
Number One. You are the most valuable person in your life.
Hoard. Having excess is the standard, you never know when you’ll need it.

Oath Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat
5th Invisibility, Jim’s Glowing Coin
9th Incite Greed, Vampiric Touch
13th Fabricate, Locate Creature
17th Dominate Person, Antilife Shell

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two channel divinity options.

Envy. As an action, you spark an feeling of raging jealousy in those around you. Up to three hostile creatures of your choice within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or attack the nearest creature of your choice.

Lay Claim. As an action, you mark a 15 foot radius circle around you as your territory. If a creature you wish to evacuate starts or ends it's turn in the circle, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be moved to the closest space outside of it. This circle lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier

Aura of Greed

At 7th level, when a hostile creature takes damage within 15 feet of you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take an additional 1d6 damage.

At 18th level, the range of the aura increases to 30 feet.


At 15th level, after knowing the result of an attack roll or skill check you make, you can use your reaction to give yourself a bonus to the roll equal to your Charisma modifier. You may do this three times before having to take a short or long rest.

All for One

At 20th level, you draw from the strength of others, using their might as your own. When you make an attack, you may use your bonus action to add an amount to the attack and damage rolls equal to the amount of medium or larger creatures within 15 feet.

Re-brew | Hope & Avarice

Ranger Conclave


Rarely, a creature will be born with a singular purpose in mind, a being who has their entire future laid out before them by some supernatural decree. These creatures are often given a divine duty, destined to carry out their charge till their purpose is fulfilled. Those chosen few seem to dodge death and defy odds and chance, overcoming obstacles that most could not.

Magical Luck

At 3rd level, you learn additional spells at certain levels, as shown on the table below, sometimes manifesting in instances of luck and happenstance. These spells count as ranger spells for you, but do not count against the number of ranger spells you know.

Destined Spells
Ranger Level Spells
3rd Heroism
5th Fortune's Favor
9th Protection from Energy
13th Death Ward
17th Skill Empowerment


At 3rd level, your ability to alter fate is embodied by luck points. You gain a number of luck points equal to your Wisdom modifier plus your Proficiency Bonus. When you or another creature within 30 feet makes an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw, you may use your reaction to spend one luck point and alter the roll in one of the following ways:

  • The target gains a +1 to the triggering roll.
  • The target receives a -1 to the triggering roll.

Left to Chance

Also at 3rd level, your influence on chance can impede your foes. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 luck points to create a disabling field around you in the shape of a 15 foot radius sphere. The sphere lasts till the beginning of your next turn.

All creatures of your choice within this sphere cannot benefit from advantage.


At 7th level, you can spend 3 luck points to mark one creature within 60 feet as either lucky or unlucky as an action, inflicting them with the following effects. An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, resisting this feature on a successful save.

Lucky - The chosen creature has a +1 to all attack and damage rolls they make for the next minute. Additionally, they can give themselves advantage on a single attack roll or skill check they make within the next minute as a reaction. This creature cannot benefit from the Fated feature until the effects end.

Unlucky - The chosen creature has a -1 to all attack and damage rolls they make for the next minute. Additionally, you can choose to give the target disadvantage on a single attack roll or skill check they make within the next minute as a reaction. This creature cannot benefit from the Fated feature until the effects end.

Supernatural Providence

once you reach 11th level, you become far more likely to succeed at your efforts thanks to your gift. Choose 3 skills you have proficiency in. Whenever you make a skill check using one of those chosen skills, you can treat any roll between 14-17 as an 18.


At 15th level, the story unfolds in your favor, events changing before they ever happen. As a reaction to a creature finishing their turn, you may spend 7 luck points, forcing that creature to make a Charisma saving throw.

On a failed save, that creature’s turn and all actions and consequences of those actions, such as damage dealt and spells cast, is undone as if it never happened, and their turn is skipped in the initiative till the next round.

Re-Brew | Destined

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Roguish Archetype

Astral Artisan

Some jobs require a special set of skills, ones that enable a rogue to harness the magic of the astral plane and travel beyond the physical. Astral Artisans bend astral energy through the weave, warping space and powering themselves with the energy of dead celestials and gods, a near-limitless source.

Astral Casting

When you take this subclass at 3rd level, you acquire the ability to cast spells through your connection to the Astral Plane. You learn the Blade Ward and Mind Sliver cantrips. Additionally, you may choose certain spells at the levels shown on the table below, picking two spells from the list of three at each level.

To cast one of these spells, you must spend a number of Aeon Charges, as detailed below, equal to the level of the spell. You may cast spells at higher levels by spending additional Aeon Charges, but cannot cast them at a level higher than spells you know.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Charm Person you must spend 1 Aeon charge to cast the spell, or 2 charges to cast it at 2nd-level.

Astral Artisan Spells
Rouge Level Spells
3rd Dissonant Whispers, Magnify Gravity, Zephyr Strike
7th Blur, Magic Weapon, Vortex Warp
13th Blink, Clairvoyance, Pulse Wave
19th Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement, Gravity Sinkhole
Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Astral spells, as the strength of your connection to the Astral plane fuels your magic. You use your Charimsa whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.

In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making a spell attack roll.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Planar Energy

At 3rd level, you draw from a pool of Astral energy, called Aeon Charges. You have a number of Aeon Charges equal to your Proficiency bonus + half your rouge level, rounded down. Additionally, whenever you roll maximum damage with your sneak attack die, you regain 1 Aeon Charge, if you are missing any. You regain all spent charges at the end of a long rest.

Arcane Duelist

At 9th level, spell attacks may also benefit from your Sneak Attack feature. Additionally, you learn one spell that makes a spell attack from the Wizard or Warlock spell lists. This spell must be of 2nd-level or lower.

Sudden Shift

When you reach 13th level, when you use your Uncanny Dodge against an attack made with disadvantage, you may spend two Aeon Charges to instead take no damage.

Dying Breath

Upon reaching 17th level in this subclass, you open a rift to the astral plane, releasing a torrent of energy from a decomposing god. As an action, and by spending 6 Aeon Charges, you may force each creature within a 30 foot cone of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 3d12 necrotic damage and is stunned till the end of their next turn. On a successful save a creature takes half as much damage and is not stunned.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin Published By: Re-brew

Re-Brew | Astral Artisan

Roguish Archetype


You've had your fair share of scraps in the streets, and the numerous scuffs have only honed your skills. You've learned that not all fights can be planned for, and knowing how to use your environment as a tool can save your hide. Stealth and subterfuge are the staples of a Rogue, but Ruffians know that sometimes stealth isn't an option, and they know how to handle themselves when the fists start flying.

Street Fighting

When you take this subclass at 3rd level, you learn one Fighting Style from the fighter class.

If another feature would give you this option, the Fighting Style you choose must be one you do not already know.

Dirty Tricks

Also at 3rd level, when you use your Cunning Action, you may instead choose from the list below:

  • You throw debris into the face of an opponent. A creature within 10 feet makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or becomes blinded till the beginning of their next turn or until hit with an attack. This feature only works on creatures with eyes.
  • You use an unwilling creature as cover. You attempt to grapple one adjacent creature your size or smaller. While grappling a creature this way, you have half cover, and a creature that misses you with an attack must make a new attack roll with disadvantage against the grappled creature.
  • You create or repair a makeshift weapon using materials around you, if available. This weapon deals 1d6 Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage and has the Finesse property. You are proficient with this weapon. You may have up to 2 makeshift weapons at a time.


At 9th level, your hastily constructed weapons are of higher quality. You may add your proficiency bonus to the damage rolls of Makeshift Weapons you create with your Cunning Action, and the weapon may be made with either the Reach or Light property.

Additionally, after landing an attack with your Makeshift Weapon, you may have the weapon intentionally break, creating shrapnel and dealing an additional 1d8 piercing damage, rendering the weapon useless till repaired.


Starting at 13th level, you are immune to being surprised, and you have advantage on any perception or insight checks made to notice criminal intent or activity.

Additionally, you have learned to create distractions and obstacles using your environment. As an action, you use surrounding objects and debris to create a 10x10 square of difficult terrain starting adjacent to you. A creature that falls prone in this area must use all of their movement to stand up. A creature can spend their action to clear the difficult terrain.

Wild Brawl

Beginning at 17th level, whenever you take the attack action, you may make one additional attack against another creature within range. If the first attack had advantage, you may use your bonus action to make another attack against the original target, without advantage.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin, Shortburn
Published By: Re-brew

Re-Brew | Ruffian

Sorcerous Origin

Soul Weaver

Not all souls are made equal, and a choice few creatures are born with a unique awareness and connection to their soul, and the souls of others. Some creature gain these powers through chance, others were born at the time when the ethereal plane was closest to the material, and others still through intense training and practice. No matter how you gained these powers, the actions you take with them can bring both beautiful creation and terrible destruction.


At 1st level, you learn to weave threads of your soul together with another creature. As a bonus action, you can bind your soul to one of a living creature you can see within 30 feet. This effect fails against undead and constructs that do not possess souls. An unwilling creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC to resist this effect. You may choose one of the effects below when you first bond with the creature, and this effect cannot be changed until a new bond is made.

  • Division: Whenever you or the creature with this bond option have their health reduced or increased, you can choose to have the healing or damage split evenly between both creatures, with any uneven remainder going to the original target.
  • Leech Sheild: Whenever a creature bound through this option takes damage, you may gain 1d4 temporary hit points.

The bond ends if you or the target end your turn more than 30 feet away from each other, a minute passes, you end it as a bonus action, or if the bonded creature dies. When a bond ends on a creature, they cannot be bonded to again for 24 hours. The number of creatures you can bond with at a time increases from 1 to 2 at 7th level, 3 at 11th level, 4 at 15th level, and 5 at 18th level.

Disorienting Wave

At 1st level, you can distort a creature’s soul, making them feel uneasy and uncoordinated. As an action, you point to one creature within range, forcing them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s skill checks and attack rolls are reduced by an amount equal to your Charisma modifier till the end of their next turn..

Life Sense

At 6th level, you have learned to feel for the presence of souls around you. As an action, you can detect the presence of any creatures with a soul such as spirits, some undead, and the living within 100 feet till the end of your turn. This sense goes through walls, but not into other planes. Creatures with artificial souls or constructs are not affected by this spell unless ruled otherwise by your DM. You know the exact location of the creature from this effect, but not their race, size, or other identifying features. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your

Empowered Bond

Also at 6th level, your ability to bind a soul has greatly improved, granting the following options to choose from when you use your Binding feature.

  • Weaken: By choosing this effect, the bound creature takes an additional 2d6 Necrotic damage from attacks made by you.
  • Rejuvenate: By choosing this effect, you may restore 2d4 hit points to one of the creatures bound by this option once per turn.

Additionally, the range for Binding increases to 60 feet.


When you reach 14th level, you may spend 6 sorcery points an action to touch the intact corpse of a creature that you have seen at any point while they were living. You craft an artificial soul based on the shape of their own, awakening them at 1 hit point and changing their creature type to undead. An awakened corpse has all the knowledge that they held when they were living up until moments before their death and retains the same personality, desires, and affiliation towards the party as they did in life. The creature lacks any racial features and ability to cast spells if they had it before, and any physical damage dealt by them is halved, as their body is weakened from death.

An awakened corpse may or may not be aware that they are undead, or that they ever died at all, as determined by the DM. This effect ends after 10 minutes, if the awakened corpse dies once more, or if you end this effect as a bonus action.

Puppet Master

Upon reaching 18th level, your mastery and efficiency at soul manipulation increases dramatically. Whenever you hit a creature with an attack, you can attempt to bind their soul, as described in the Binding feature. Whenever a soul bond ends on a creature, they can be rebound to after only 1 minute.

Additionally, you gain the following effects as options that you can take on any creature you are soul bonded to, regardless of the effect you chose upon binding with them.

  • Mass Leech: You may select any number of creatures you have bound as an action, dealing 1d8 damage to each of them, and gaining HP equal to that amount. After using this three times, you may regain its use at the end of a short or long rest.
  • Mass Reduction: As a reaction to you or a creature you are bound to taking damage, you may spread the damage taken evenly between any number of creatures you are bound to. If the damage is not enough to affect all bound creatures of your choosing, the damage is negated. After using this once, you may regain its use at the end of a short or long rest.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Re-Brew | Soul Weaver

Sorcerous Origin

Spell Leech

Some sorcerers are powerful fonts of magic-infused with arcane power, but others are parasites, possessing magic by leeching it from the weave around them. The souls of most spell leeches act like voids, constantly draining magic around them and filling themselves with borrowed power. A spell leech sorcerer might have been born with a sort of opposite affinity to magic, or might have been cursed by a deity or god of magic.


At 1st level, whenever you are affected by a spell attack or spell effect, you can draw some of the residual magic energy around yourself as a reaction, gaining 1d4 temp HP till the end of the round. This temp HP increases at 4th level (1d6), 8th level (1d8) and 16th level (1d10).


Also at 1st level, when you hit a creature with a spell attack, you may use your bonus action to force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, you can choose one of the following effects below to apply to a target. If the duration of an an ability isn’t specified, it ends after 1 minute.

The target has a -1 to their AC till the end of your next turn. The target’s next attack deals half damage. The target has disadvantage on their next attack.


At 6th level, you have learned to store excess energy as beads of mana. Whenever you activate your siphon ability and you already have temp HP, you may instead form a tiny, glowing intangible bead of arcane energy next to you. This bead hovers around you until you activate it as a bonus action, or until you take a short or long rest. You can choose what type of bead you form when you use this feature from the list below.

Type Effect
Power When activated, the next spell attack you make on this turn deals 2d6 extra damage of either Fire, Lightning, Cold, or Poison.
Vitality When activated, you regain 1d4 HP
Draining When activated, one creature that you can see within 15 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw or the next attack you make against them has advantage.
Arcane When this orb is formed, you may choose one cantrip that you know. When activated, you may cast that cantrip.

You may have up to 3 beads at a time at 6th level, increasing to 4 beads at 10th level, and 5 beads at 16th. Trying to form a new bead when you are at the maximum replaces any bead of your choice with the new one.


Also at 6th level, whenever you see a spell cast within 60 feet of you that deals damage to a creature, you can expend 4 sorcery points as a reaction to half the damage the spell deals and form one bead of arcane energy, as detailed in the Coalesce feature.

Arcane Defenders

When you reach 14th level, your orbs of arcane energy can be utilized in more creative ways. By spending 3 sorcery points as an action on your turn, you may launch an orb at a target within 120 feet, making a ranged spell attack against them. The creature is affected in different ways depending on the type of orb thrown at them, as shown below.

Type Effect
Power On a hit, the creature takes 3d8 damage of either the Fire, Lightning, Cold or Poison type and is pushed 10 feet away from you.
Vitality On a hit, you restore 3d6 HP to the creature, and one condition currently affecting them is cleared.
Draining On a hit, the creature takes 2d8 necrotic damage, and you gain temp HP equal to half that amount.
Arcane On a hit, the creature takes 2d8 force damage, and you regain 2 sorcery points.


Upon reaching 18th level, you can create a field of anti-magic, sapping the power from your foes. Once per day, you can spend 8 Sorcery points as an action to create a 30-foot dome around you for 1 minute. Whenever a spell or magical effect is activated while inside the dome, you may use your reaction to end the effect before any dice rolls or abilities are applied, and you may form one bead of arcane energy as detailed in the Coalesce feature.

Created By: Underpaid_Golbin
Published by: Re-brew

Warlock Patron

The Frostmaiden

You have formed a pact with the Frostmaiden, queen of winter and harbinger of icy desolation. The Frostmaiden wants nothing more than to bring balance to nature, bringing cold and death where there is warmth and life. The Frostmaiden may be cold, but she is not cruel, and those who follow her are rewarded with her celestial breath, the Northern winds, which fill them with her power.

Alternatively, you could also receive this subclass by making a pact with Auril, Ulutiu, Thrym, Skadi, or other powerful beings such as the primordial Cryonax or minor deity Rellevar Danuvien, the Frost Sprite King.

Expanded Spell List

The Frostmaiden lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Frostmaiden Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st Bane, Ice Knife
2nd Moonbeam, Snilloc's Snowball Storm
3rd Bestow Curse, Sleet Storm
4th Conjure Minor Elementals, Ice Storm
5th Cone of Cold, Conjure Elemental

Cloak of the Maiden

When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you call upon the power of your patron to create a domain of ice around you. As an action, you create a 10 ft radius dome of icy cold wind centered on you. Each creature of your choice in the dome must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take 2d6 Cold damage. This dome lasts for a number of turns equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can use your bonus action on each turn thereafter to force any number of creatures within range to remake the saving throw. After using this ability, you must finish a long rest to use it again.

Child of Winter

Also at 1st level, you learn the cantrips Ray of Frost and Sapping Sting. They count as Warlock cantrips for you, but they don’t count against your number of cantrips known.

Icy Endurance

At 6th level, your connection to the Frostmaiden allows you to endure the biting cold. You gain resistance to Cold damage. Additionally, whenever you would need to make a saving throw to resist taking Cold damage, you make that save with advantage.

If a racial feature would already give you resistance to cold, you gain immunity instead.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin
Art From: Heroes of Camelot
Published by: Re-Brew

Bitter Cold

When you reach 10th level in this subclass, your magic is infused with the icy cold of your patron’s power. Whenever a spell you cast would deal acid, fire, thunder, or lighting damage, you can choose to instead deal cold damage. Additionally, your spells that deal cold damage ignore cold resistance.

Frigid Winds

At 14th level, the sheer cold of your Patron’s power envelops the land around you, forming it into frigid, desolate terrain. As an action, you form a realm of ice spanning 60 feet out in each direction from you, this domain lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier, and the ground inside the domain counts as difficult terrain for the duration. You must hold concentration over this effect as if you were concentrating on a spell, ending the effect if you lose concentration. When you first activate the domain and by spending your bonus action on each turn after, you can choose up to a number of creatures equal to your Charisma Bonus + your Proficiency bonus that have taken damage since your last turn. You may choose one of the following effects to inflict to all chosen creatures.

  • You seal over the wounds of the targets with frost, numbing the pain. Each creature chosen gains 3d8 temporary hitpoints.
  • You drive freezing wind into the wounds of the targets, causing more intense pain. Each creature chosen takes 3d8 Cold damage.

Additionally, a hostile creature that moves more than 10 feet on their turn must make a DC 13 Dexterity save or fall prone. A creature that dies in this domain freezes solid.

Re-Brew | Frostmaiden

Wizard School

School of Cartomancy

In the hands of a skilled practitioner, the magic of Cartomancy is not only capable of predicting events yet to come, but influencing them as well. By drawing forth the magical power lying within Tarot cards, a Wizard who studies under the school of Cartomancy can cast a variety of spells as dictated by the cards.

Deck of Knowledge

When you take this subclass at 2nd level, you gain a Deck of Tarot cards, and gain proficient with playing cards. The Tarot Deck acts as your spellcasting focus, and allows you to store the knowledge of a spell inside of it.

When you prepare your spells, you draw the cards containing your spells from the deck and keep them on you. Additionally, you may use the cards to help direct your actions, you learn the Guidance cantrip, if you didn't know it already.

Altered Arcana

Also at 2nd level, whenever you cast a spell using one of your prepared Wizard spells of a level lower than your proficiency bonus, you may choose to draw out the card in the reversed position. When a spell you cast is drawn reversed, the spell does not expend a spell slot, but is unable to be cast using a spell slot of a higher level. You can use this feature once per long rest.


At 6th level, you have learned to understand the meaning of the cards and the knowledge they hold of the future. As a bonus action on your turn, choose a target within 60 feet to divine knowledge about their next move. Roll a 1d6 on the table below as you draw a random card from the deck, you gain the effects of that roll as shown on the table.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, and you regain all expended uses after a short or long rest.

Number Effect
1 You gain advantage on your next attack against that target till the end of your turn.
2 The target has disadvantage on all attacks against you till the end of their next turn.
3 Till your turn ends, you add an amount equal to your proficiency bonus to your next attack roll against the target.
4 The target has disadvantage on all Dexterity/Constitution saving throws triggered by you till the end of your turn.
5 The target has disadvantage on all Wisdom/Charisma saving throws triggered by you till the end of your turn.
6 You learn what action the target plans on taking next, and against whom, as determined by the DM. The action is subject to change if you intervene.

Reverse Fate

When you reach 10th level in this class, your knowledge of future events and sway over chance allows you to alter the fate of events as they happen. Whenever a creature within 30 ft makes an attack, skill check, or saving throw, including death saves, you may spend one use of your foretell feature to add or subtract an amount to the roll equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier. An unwilling creature must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to your spell save DC, resisting the effects on a success.

This modifier replaces the normal modifiers for the roll and can be applied before or after the roll is made. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.

Tarot's Insight

At 14th level, your knowledge extends time and space, allowing you to determine things that you ought not know. Once per long rest, you may cast the spell Commune without spending a spell slot or requiring material components.

Additionally, you learn the spell Identify and Detect Magic, if you didn’t know them already, and can cast them both at will, as if they were cantrips.

Created By: Underpaid_Goblin, Shortburn
Published By: Re-Brew

Re-Brew | Tarot

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