DOTHI proofread

by jhenry18

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Discovery of the Hollowed Isle

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Chapter 1: The Hollowed Isle

"Crystal Peak Island?" laughed the elderly tortle man. "Is that what the mainlanders are calling it this time? No son, you haven't even scratched the surface of the Hollowed Isle."

-the Hollowpoint Elder

Similar to icebergs, only about one tenth of the Hollowed Isle is above water. The inside of the Isle is composed of countless tunnels, rampant magic and clans of unique people. This makes it an ideal place for players and DMs alike. This could serve as the beginning of your group's journey or just a chapter in their story.

Regardless, the Hollowed Isle is meant to be a malleable mini setting. The framework is provided in this book but its final form is yours to make. How long has it been since the established history here? How many worlds has the Hollowed Isle visited? What new people have made the Isle their home? This is for you to decide.

Aside from the setting of the Hollowed Isle, this book contains new options for players and new tools for Dms as well. Player races, subclasses, items and spells are available to players at their DM's discretion. Inside this book there are also adventures, characters and monsters for the DM to use along with a guide on how to integrate the Isle into your world or create your own version of the Hollowed Isle.

History of the Isle

Many worlds have been visited by the Hollowed Isle. Its magic has reached worlds you may be familiar with like Toril and others that may have just come into existence. It has its own history but is shaped by the worlds it has ventured to and from.

The Hollowed Isle initially existed in the realm of Toril. Residing a fair ways away from the Sword Coast, The Isle shaped itself mostly independently. Trade did occur but it was sparingly. The people of the Isle were separated from the main land and each other in many ways. Clans formed below ground while those on the surface banded together.

Where they Started

The people on the surface were almost entirely tortle. Below ground, one could find dark elves and weaverfolk constantly at odds with each other. The drow established Threespire and the weaverfolk established Weaver's Nest. These two groups would constantly fight. The original source of this dispute has been mostly lost to time but some believe that the the original founder of the Weaver's Nest was a dark elf woman from Threespire who gave herself to nature and started the weaverfolk.

Also below the ground, one could find an entire community of formians. Their original home eventually gained the name of Ancestral Hill. With the entire race of formians under one mind, they originally thought they could rule the whole Isle. When the others banded together and beat them back, this notion was dropped. Ancestral Hill then became much more of a market place for the others to come to. This business allowed them to flourish while maintaining their power.

Throughout the mountain known as Crystal Peak once could find the dwarves and gnomes. All varieties were found here. Like many found throughout the worlds, these folks became industrious and worked through mining and research into the magical wonders apparent on the Isle. They mostly stayed to themselves but conflicts did arise with Ancestral Hill and Threespire.

The surface boasts an impressive forest. What is even more impressive is the life found within. Treants have made this forest their home. Such is the success of this home that treants far larger and stronger than any others can be found among them. One of their elders can be spotted from almost anywhere on the surface. With their population growing, the treants eventually had to look for more land so that they did not choke the land or compete with each other. This led to the creation of the Green Caverns. The treelike folk made a home underground along with the other races. They worked with those found in Crystal Peak to foster the creation of sun stones. These crystals allowed the treants to make their own home underground. They were still the closest to the surface however.

Conflict and the Serene King's Arrival

Over the years conflict would ebb and flow. Humans and orcs arrived on the surface. Most integrated but there was also violence. Some with the native tortles and some with the treants and other clans. Threespire and Weaver's Nest continued their strife with each other. Who was winning changed as often as the seasons do. Ancestral Hill would occasionally give into old urges and start expanding. There was also disputes with Crystal Peak when it would send out expeditions to find potential new mining operations in the others territory.

All this quarreling seemed like it would never end. Then one day things changed. A man visited the Isle. He had the appearance of an elderly human but exuded the wisdom of one who had seen centuries. He visited each clan and in turn talked them down from their discord. There was of course resistance. Even assassination attempts. But the man showed power to back his words. He would give these assailants a chance to drop their assaults and speak on who their masters were. Most would. Those who did not found that they could never attack anyone again.

This man gave no name or backstory. Most began to call him Serene, a fitting name to match his demeanor. Under his guidance the people of the Isle began to work together. The city of Lumbrax was established deep into the Isle. This would serve as a mixing pot for all of the clans and a place for any disputes to be peacefully resolved. The man made this his home. Over time people thought of him as the ruler of the Isle, giving him the moniker of the Serene King.

Years and years past. Rulers gave way to their successors but the Serene King stayed. He did not seem to age. In some places, loyalty to a king turned to worship of what many said must be a celestial avatar.

Light Plague

Life on the Isle was peaceful. Open conflict between the clans was almost unheard of. Skirmishes in the shadows still occurred and there was always monsters found in the wild and born of magic to contend with. These were accepted and people could focus on the problems common folk normally do.

But these things do not last. People began to hear whispers in their head. Whispers of their potential. Whispers of offered help. Whispers of how they were being taken advantage of. How they had let an old man grab control of their island.

This led to a small faction arising that was against how things were going. Over time they started to worship something called the Radiant. A shining example of how people could work together and not have to be under the current rule. Then there was violence. One of these worshipers died. And then they didn't. They arose stronger than ever.

People were emboldened. Not only was their a guiding force letting them climb over rulers but they were saved from death itself. Their numbers and power grew. However when some turned, the opposite was true for them. Their mind and body withered but stayed awake. These people realized they were not in control but those who gained power didn't care anymore.

This was not an unobserved phenomenon. The increasing number of light plagued undead could not be ignored. Open war was had. While the living tore down the undead and their followers, those in charge sought to contain the root of the problem.

The Serene King and the heads of the Isle planned and worked tirelessly. This ended in a plan with the Magus tower in Lumbrax. A plan to counter the light with dark. The mages and excavators had found a evidence of a being called the Void and planned to use it to counter this "Radiant". With a flash of darkness, all the Light Plagued Undead fell. The Radiant had gone silent but so too had the Serene King. The heads of the Isle publicly announced that the Radiant had been banished and would no longer be a worry. No official word was given about the Serene King but people whispered that he gave his life to rid the Isle of the Radiant.

Over time the the Isle returned to its old ways. Lumbrax stayed a powerful city but less and less heed was paid to the council meetings it housed. Centuries passed. Old grudges were brought up and the clans began to isolate away from each other again.

Resurgence and War

Time passed. Only the oldest of the drow remembered the time of the Serene King. Then the whispers started again. With the clans separated, the Light Plagued undead sprang up faster than ever. People were drawn away from family and friends. Things swiftly escalated.

Darkness sprang from the Magus tower in Lumbrax. A siege of shadows poured from the domain of wizards and began a small scale war separate from the Light Plague's. Counted among those leading the charge against this darkness was a drow named Cal. He eventually fell but found himself resurrected as a skeleton. He did not have the same sickly orange glow to him that the light plagued did but a brilliant white light.

He rose, proclaiming this to be a new life as a gift from the Serene King. With no better hope and no way to prove him wrong, the Lumbrax guard rallied behind Cal and soldiered on against the shadows.

With Lumbrax at a stalemate, the rest of the Island had to deal with the resurgence of the Light Plagued undead. Crystal Peak and Threespire both went into isolation. The Light Plague took hold in the formian hive mind and decimated their population before the queen could isolate herself and other remaining formians.

At the same time this was all happening a group of adventurers made their way to the Isle. This was amidst other explorers but the vast majority of them have been lost to time. Those known are Aego the deepwood sharpshooter, the psychic mage Ossassu, the musical barbarian Gloryhammer, the paladin trader Grim and a dwarven monk that never gave his name.

The details of the these adventurer's travels has been lost to most but the great events brought in their wake are carved into history. Gloryhammer saved groups of formians that began to follow him in the place of a hive mind. At Lord Cal's behest, they patrolled tunnels near Lumbrax and saved many a soul. This half orc's bombastic personality and fearlessness in battle would serve as the foundation of the Band of Glory.

The human known as Grim would help reestablish trade routes between Threespire and the other clans during this tumultuous time. These adventurers broke through the horde of Light Plagued formian zombies. Ossassu personally broke through the last line and used magic to help the formian Queen escape to the surface.

These intrepid adventurers eventually made their way to Lumbrax. With their aid, Lord Cal lead a strike into the heart of the shadowy legion in the Magus Tower. They came away with victory and insight into ending the Light Plague. They resolved to dealing with helping the clans before coming back together in Lumbrax.

The group trekked through the Isle to further the Light Plague's destruction. Tensions and eventual partnerships were had with Crystal Peak. Part of this tension was because the adventurers were blamed for letting the Light Plague into the mountain clan. Threespire helped outfit the heroes who delved into Weaver's Nest to discover that it had been decimated by the Light Plague. They staunched the monsters found within and made their way to Lumbrax with the leader of the remaining Weaverfolk clan.

As the Light Plague receded, the presence of the Radiant was felt more and more. They reached out to people's minds more and more. Some rumors float around that it reached into the minds of the adventurers as well. Eventually the entire city of Lumbrax was covered in an ominous orange glow. Fighters from every clan arrived at Lumbrax, ready to deliver a final blow to the source of this insidious disease.

An explosion! The very foundation of the Lumbrax palace was destroyed and thousands of undead came pouring out. With preparation, the people of the Isle met them head on. The battle was long but a break finally formed in the undead ranks. Lord Cal, Ossassu, Aego, the monk, Grim, and Gloryhammer forced their way through and found the Radiant itself. The details of the battle within are not known. Gloryhammer lost his life and the rest were all heavily injured. But the Radiant was destroyed and the remaining undead were easily dispatched.

All was not quiet however. At the site of the Radiant's defeat, a fluctuating field of energy started to spread out. The mages present were able to deduce multiple things. Something about the death of the Radiant had started this and it was growing at a rate that would cover the entire Hollowed Isle. Those closest to the field could see what appeared to be other worlds on the surface of the field. It was thought this field was going to cover the entire Isle and then transport to whatever world the field ended on.

Those that could fled off the Isle. Many explorers fled. Captain Grim left but not all of his crew left with him. The other survivors of the battle stayed and helped where they could. As the field finally loomed over the entire Isle, it vanished out of the ocean of its home plane.

A New Way of Things

With the Hollowed Isle in a new home, the leaders went about finding out what had happened. Scouts were sent out into the new world. Diver's explored the ocean around them. It was discovered that the Isle and the sea floor immediately connected to it had seamlessly integrated itself into its new home.

With no mention of anything regarding their original plane, the keenest minds of the Isle realized they were in a completely new world. A council was called that would decide on how to proceed. Eventually it was decided that this council would decide on matters that affected the Isle as a whole. This was the spiritual successor to the council held in Lumbrax during the Serene King's time.

A procedure was put into place. Upon arrival, explorers would be sent out to map the seas and stars nearby. Next, ambassadors would be sent out to make connections and establish trade with nearby lands. Minor dealings could be had with individual clans but the Lumbrax council had final say in larger matters.

Over time, the Hollowed Isle would visit many worlds. The time spent in a new realm was never the same. This Isle Journey, as it became known, always started with the same field beginning in Lumbrax. Those who could return to the Isle did as quickly as they could. Not all made it back as the journey only took a few days to complete. When an Isle Journey begins, all work stops and messages are sent out to return. Upon arrival in the new land, a festival is had. This bittersweet Journey Festival is to celebrate a new beginning and mourn for the ending of the Isle's time in the last world. This is now the largest celebration on the Hollowed Isle. The only one that approaches it is the annual Dusk Festival that celebrates the Light Plague's end. This is celebrated every 365 days since the amount of days in the current world might be different.

Where is the Hollowed Isle now? How long has it been since the Light Plague was vanquished? Did it stay that way? What impact have the new worlds had on the Isle? Has the Isle hopping planes attracted the attention of some malevolent entity? These are the questions to ask.

Crystals Spread Throughout

From the highest precipice to the deepest chasm, crystals can be found throughout the Isle. A large amount of these are of course your average quartz or other gems. The real standout however are the planar crystals found throughout the Isle. These crystals are linked to other planes of existence beyond the Prime Material Plane.

There are multiple types of planar crystals. The most abundant are known as elemental crystals and are obviously connected the elemental planes. The abundance of these is so much higher than the other planar crystals that much of the populace does not know about the other crystals and just refers to them all as elemental crystals.

The crystals seem to feed off of energy related to their respective planes and raw magical energy. For example, a fire elemental crystal will absorb fire directed at it and, after some time and enough fire, grow. They will grow in size and eventually spawn other crystals near them. Over this period they also have an effect on the area around them. For example, the temperature near an abundance of water elemental crystals might drop along with a coinciding torrent of rainfall. Creatures near an abundance of Astral planar crystals might find themselves able to move through the air by simply thinking.

Along with the environmental aspects of the crystals there also comes some flora and fauna from the other planes. The most common are basic elementals. But plant life and certain creatures find themselves transported to the Isle as well. Some might do this on purpose, such as genies or dragons, but most find themselves on the Isle by accident.

These crystal caverns have a large effect on the island. They are a large part of Crystal Peak's economy. They are used for various arcane research. The Sol Factorem company managed to modify fire elemental crystals to function as solar crystals. The common folk use the smallest of these crystals for everyday uses such as heating water, keeping food cold, or cleaning. The most prominent effect the crystals have on the Hollowed Isle is technically a theoretical one. Many believe these crystals are the reason behind the the Isle's continued travels through the realms. The prevailing theory is that over time the crystals absorb a critical mass of magical energy and must release it in some way. Why this starts in Lumbrax is still unknown.

The details on how these crystals work are covered in Chapter 4 for the DM's benefit.

Surface of the Isle

The Hollowed Isle may be notable for its expansive underground, but that is not to say the surface is tiny. It would take an experienced traveler seven days to travel from one end to the other if they avoided major obstacles such as the large peak found on the Isle. On the surface, there are many villages but the most notable is Hollowpoint.


Population: 6,500 (60% tortles, 20% humans, 7% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 4% orcs, 4% other races)

Government: The town is led by an elected mayor with a council of other town representatives to advise him.

Defense: A local militia is sustained and trained through taxes. If there is a severe threat, Ancestral Hill or Lumbrax may send aid.

Commerce: Basic supplies and taverns can be found here. Trade of surface goods with those that live underground is common.

Organizations: The largest temple to the Serene King is found here.

Hollowpoint is the largest town found on the surface. It is also one of the oldest. High walls protect the town. The town center boasts a large fountain with a statue of the Serene King presiding over it.

Here is where village leaders have come together for as long as people can remember. The Grim Captain from Docktown and all the elders from the smaller villages come here to make decisions that affect the whole surface and some of the underground as well. They will also decide who will represent them on the Lumbrax council.

Those that do not wish to make the trek to either Lumbrax or Ancestral Hill typically do there business here. As such, the commerce here is good. People can find items and services here that are much more rare than one would expect from a town this size.

The town is led by a mayor, typically referred to as the elder. They are advised by a council that includes businessman and the local clergy. The clergy here run the largest temple to the Serene King in this town. It was established by the Serene King as he was worried those below would start to forget about their surface brethren.

Hollowpoint Serene Temple

The largest temple erected to the Serene King on the Isle, this place serves as a beacon of good. Since the followers were given no rituals or other rites to follow, they show their faith in quiet service. The temple serves offers haven, therapy and food to those who need it. The acolytes of this temple will also regularly make trips to surface villages and to some small underground villages to provide any aid they can.


Population: 5,000 (55% humans, 17% orcs, 11% tortles, 5% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 7% other races)

Government: Prominent captains elect a Grim Captain from their ranks who runs the town and reports to Hollowpoint and Lumbrax. This election takes place every 4 years.

Defense: A militia is sustained and multiple ships are kept and sustained ready for naval combat.

Commerce: Fishing from the ocean and treasure from dives and expeditions is brought in here. This is also where trade with the outside world is typically done, at least initially.

Organizations: The Captain's Guild runs the town and organizes expeditions into the surrounding lands.

Docktown is an old town on the Hollowed Isle but its current identity is rather new. When the Light Plague was defeated, some of Captain Grim's crew stayed behind. They gathered together with other explorers and reorganized the remains of the prior Docktown.

Once a captain has established a ship and crew they can apply to the Captain's Guild. If accepted they gain access to a list of missions given out from the other clans. This can range from supply dives to get material components not found in the Isle to vanquishing dangerous threats sighted around the Isle's coast and waters. Between missions the captains are of course free to pursue their own interests. Upon return, the Captain's Guild takes a report, takes any acquired items that needs to be delivered and gives the captain their pay.

Perhaps Docktown's most critical function is exploration and making contact with the new world. Any dangers must be discovered but they must also find new allies. For this reason, Docktown typically experiences a surge of funding from the clans when the Hollowed Isle arrives in a new land. Everyone is eager to make first contact and see what is to be gained.

Figures Of Interest

Barad is an example. Grim captains usually come from the Docktown population of humans and orcs so there time in charge is usually short, relatively speaking.

Grim Captain Barad

Neutral Good, male human

An aging human man, Captain Barad is well respected by his fellow sailors. He has served as the Grim Captain for over twelve years. He has led the town through hard times and guided it through its important exploratory period in the current world. The man treats everyone in Docktown like his family and knows as many of their names as possible. He has been sighted keeping a small notebook of them.


Population: 2,500 (30% dwarves, 27% gnomes, 19% humans, 12% dark elves, 5% orcs, 3% formians, 4% other races)

Government: There are representatives from Crystal Peak and Lumbrax who run the town but Wolt, the treant owner of the Fermenting Stump, represents the local people.

Defense: Lumbrax and Crystal Peak both keep a garrison of soldiers here to protect their respective elevators.

Commerce: Some mining is done here. Profits are derived from the arcane elevators. The Fermenting Stump is also a massive draw for travelers and drinkers alike.

Organizations: The largest temple to the Void is found here. The Excavator's Guild has a small base here.

This village is actually inside the base of Crystal Peak. A large entrance at the base of the mountain is guarded by Crystal Peak soldiers. Once inside, a large lake greets people immediately. It is large enough that small boats make a living ferrying people across it. At the center of the lake is a gigantic lamp with a magical light inside that sheds dim light over the entire lake. It starts the morning as red and slowly goes through the color spectrum and ends on violet as all go to sleep.

This town sits directly between Lumbrax and Crystal Peak. As such it enjoys travel from between the two clans. These people can be either taking the tunnels or the magical elevators that were installed a long time ago. These elevators do cost a gold a person to ride as they are expensive to maintain.

The Fermenting Stump

The Fermenting Stump is an old tavern and brewhouse found at the center of Laketown. Its customers have a fine view of the lake as they eat, drink and relax. This tavern is run by Will, an old willow treant. He was getting up in age when the Light Plague was defeated by Lord Cal and is quite large by consequence. As he gets older, he adjust and works on his tavern to make room for himself. He is a brewmaster and people come far and wide to sample his ale and his potions. Arcane Hunters frequently stop by to pick up supplies from him to combat threats found in their travels.

Temple of the Void

Found sequestered away from the rest of the town is an old dark temple. This is one of the few temples dedicated to the Void. The clerics here offer their assistance in many ways one would expect temples to. They are also willing to help those ready to accept death.

They have a good reputation in town since they were the main force keeping the light plagued undead at bay. Some people still think badly of them because of the nature of their god. These clerics do not hold it against them. Mostly.

Assorted Villages

There are a number of smaller villages found on the surface. Places like Thattown are nestled into the forests of the surface. Others like Noffmi are situated on the road to profit from travelers. Then there are small private farms and a couple fishing villages. None of these go above 400 people.

The Green Caverns/Forest of Advitam

Population: 600,000 (80% treantlings, 5% weaverfolk, 4% gnomes, 4% tortles, 7% other races)

Government: The treants are presided over by the Council of Ten. These are the ten eldest treants living on the Isle.

Defense: The elders hold great sway over nature's magic and they use it to defend their people. Martial treants called Protectors can also be called upon to defend when necessary.

Commerce: Treant shamans offer their services to farmers and the like when needed. Medicinal herbs are crafted here. There is also a surprisingly large amount of alcoholic beverages made here. Nature did invent fermentation first.

Organizations: Obviously the Council of Ten resides here. The only other organization is the Sol Factorem which can be found in the caverns and the forest.

Closest to the surface of the Isle is the Green Caverns clan. As their name would suggest, these caverns are covered in a lush grove of plant life. Hidden among this plant life are the main inhabitants of the Green Cavers, the Treants themselves. Treelike humanoids that speak, play and interact with the other races, the treants are a bit of a mystery. They keep more to themselves but are friendly to outsiders. That is as long as those outsiders themselves are friendly to them and nature. This has made them good friends with the Weaver's Nest Clan.

The clan is the only one to be on both the surface and below ground. The Forest of Advitam on the surface is home to many treantlings. This large grove can be seen from almost anywhere on the Isle. Their council is often sought by others on the surface for matters related to nature. Their relationship with the Green Caverns makes for swift travel and communication between the two.

As far as rules go, the clan is governed by its Council of Ten. The eldest among the treants are counted among this council. When the eldest dies, a great celebration for their life is had and the next oldest treant is inducted into the council. Eight of this council can be seen towering among the inhabitants of the Green Caverns. The ninth stays in the great city of Lumbrax and the tenth can be seen towering over the Forest of Advitam. The two outliers of the council only come together with the other council members when one dies or the clan itself is under attack. Due top this council, most treants of this clan treat age with respect even amongst the other races. This attitude tends to fade with the younger treantlings that have ventured out and seen the worth of younger folks.

The treants have taken up brewing out of curiosity and to supplement trade. Their natural inclination toward the natural sustenance that nature provides has given them an edge here. Many brewmasters and alchemists have arisen from their numbers for this very reason. A willow treant even runs the Fermenting Stump Bar inside Laketown. With this talent, the treants have made good relations with the other clans through medicine and spirits.

Sol Factorem

All treants need sunlight and these are no different. To take advantage of the underground land and still receive sunlight, the cavern ceiling of the Green Caverns is covered in amber crystals that radiate sunlight. This is the result of work by a company called Sol Factorem. The company originated as an offshoot of the Prismcrafting Guild but quickly became independent. The now work very closely with the Council of Ten to maintain this solar ceiling and have worked to spread the crystals to other treant enclaves like the one that forms the Green district in Lumbrax. The company was originally completely gnomish but has diversified and even includes a few treants. Their work culture has also evolved to be very respectful of nature and the natural way. While they will sell solar crystals to others, they refuse to give away the secret of creating them from elemental crystals or how they keep the whole ceiling powered.

Figures of Interest


Neutral good, female treant

The enormous willow tree that can be seen from almost any place on the surface of the Isle is one of the oldest beings on the Hollowed Isle. Salicaceae remembers the resurgence of the Light Plague for it was she that directed and protected the treants of the surface. When the people started delving into the tunnels, she communicated this to the treant elders below and helped direct the elders to hide their forests as well. Nowadays, Silicaceae is mostly quit but guides Advitam with a gentle hand.


Neutral, treant

Strobus is the treant elder that stays within Lumbrax. They took over after the previous elder died in the final battle against the resurfaced Light Plague. Strobus protects the Green district and is the largest voice for the treants in Isle matters. With a harsh voice, like a mighty trunk ready to fall, they leave no room for negotiation when they have made up their mind. Some believe that living amongst the other races and with the smallest amount of sunshine amongst the elder has hardened them.

Beneath the Surface

The tunnels of the Isle are a complex network. Due to the magical nature of the planar caverns however, these tunnels can be changed quickly. The tunnels have numerous small settlements spread throughout that profit and live off of the varied fauna and flora found in the tunnels. With the planar crystals creating even more variety deep below, they also innovate with the magical properties found within. These villages can get larger than the small villages found on the surface but not much more than 600 people. These towns are typically found within the territory of the larger clans and protected by them. Disputes over territory can occasionally bring trouble here.

Numerous measures have been taken to protect people traveling along the underground paths. Along the more consistent paths, lamp posts with continual flame cast upon them have been erected to light the way. Thankfully there has been a consistent and safe method established by the clan heads.

Bulette Paths

This method is called the Bulette Paths. Back in the olden days, this was the name for a reason. Wild bulettes, large beasts known as land sharks that could burrow through the ground easily, were trained and equipped to carry people from clan to clan. Over time people became disgruntled with this method for a few reasons. Then a gnome named Cervus from the Prismcrafting guild perfected his design for a replacement. The beasts were replaced by constructs and the Isle (and the beasts) was better for it. More on the history and description of these constructs can be found in Chapter 5.

There is a Bulette station in each of the main clans except for Crystal Peak. Due to the position of the mining clan in the mountain, they decided not to potentially compromise the mountain. Lumbrax and Hollowpoint also have a Bulette station each. Each station has failsafes to close it off to the paths. These were installed after the Light Plagues resurgence proved them to be a potential weak point.

These Paths are free for the public to use. Their maintenance is payed for by Lumbrax while the actual work is done by the Architectural Guild. This was done as an effort to keep needless loss of life to a minimum. The constructs are not unending or constant however. Many choose to still brave the tunnels rather than wait on the constructs.

Ancestral Hill

Population: 25,000 (95% formians, 5% other races)

Government: Ancestral Hill is connected through a hive mind with the Queen at the top with total power.

Defense: An intricate tunnel system and completely in sync warrior caste defends the hive.

Commerce: Ancestral Hill has an extensive fungal farm. These are sold for medicinal and food purposes. Some sculpture work is also made by the worker caste and has gained some popularity.

Organizations: Everything found in Ancestral Hill is devoted to the development and strengthening of Ancestral Hill.

Similar to the weaverfolk, the people of the Ancestral Hill are closer to nature. Ancestral Hill's primary residents are formians. Many formian hives are almost warmongering in their nature. Ancestral Hill however, has had to adapt to the Isle around it and become more diverse.

Most formian nests are made up of one mind. The entire society is linked to one hive mind with the queen at the head. For many hives this means they never leave the nest except to defend, expand or, in rare instances, trade with other societies. The Ancestral Hill of the Hollowed Isle is different in this regard. Ancestral Hill was in close proximity to the other villages of the Isle and therefore had to foster good relations to not be wiped out. This slowly changed the Hill to more closely resemble the more civilized races, albeit still with the oddities inherent in their race.

Ancestral Hill is still bound by its hive mind however. So when a great threat came that attacked the mind, they were particularly vulnerable. With the Light Plague's influence spreading through the hive at breakneck speeds the Queen had to break the connection to most of the hive. They lost much of their number but were able to retreat and regrow. Now, to prevent such a threat from occurring again, the queen instilled a new tradition. Before a young formian has fully transitioned into an adult, they must undergo the Trial of the Individual. The young formian must spend a month cut off from the hive mind and survive. Upon survival, the formian is offered the option to rejoin the hive or become independent. This has led to greater variety amongst the hive and made it stronger as a result.

Ancestral Hill contributes to the Isle through its various mushroom gardens. These mushrooms are for a multitude of things; from cooking to herbs. They even have a small plot in Lumbrax itself. They also offer their architectural experience. The clan of Crystal Peak has always appreciated their input. Lastly, with their extensive tunnels to the surface, they can serve as support on the surface if the villages of the surface require aid.

Ancestral Hill has made some efforts to be cordial and accepted by the other clans. The main floor has been converted to a market and public area for people moving through the clan's territory. They have even made trinkets to gift to children as they leave the market so that they are not scared of the formians.

Figures of Interest

Formian lives are relatively short so the below entries are more general descriptions for roles that are always within the hive.

The Queen

Lawful Neutral, female formian

The Queen serves as the head of the hive mind. Since queen formians are born so rarely, they are set apart from their fellows and taught from birth by the current queen how to run. After their predecessor dies and the new queen takes over, the changes begin. Some queens can be a bit aggressive with their negotiations while others just want their children to prosper. But they all handle the hive with complete authority.


Lawful Neutral, formian

This name is typically given to the head myrmarch of the hive by outsiders. In reality, it is almost tradition for this formian to not take a true name. He is utterly devoted to the hive. His duties include training other warriors, directing the hunters and personally protecting the queen. This myrmarch can sometimes be sent as the representative to the Lumbrax council. This usually is evocative of an aggressive queen.


Lawful Neutral, formian

This name is typically given to the head taskmaster of the hill by outsiders. Like the guard, they are utterly devoted to the hive but they tend to be a little more individualistic due to interacting more with other clans. They are in charge of directing any expansion of Ancestral Hill, any true construction done for other clans and overseeing the hatchery. Taskmasters are often sent to represent Ancestral Hill on the Lumbrax council.

Crystal Peak

Population: 20,000 (53% dwarves, 25% gnomes, 10% dark elves, 5% formians, 4% weaverfolk, 3% other races)

Government: A council leads the mountain clan. It is made up of guild and family heads.

Defense: A militia is formed from the leading familes and guilds. This, plus arcane ballistas stationed at the entrances to main clan areas, provides ample defense against any threats.

Commerce: Crystal Peak's mine has access to some of the densest areas of elemental crystals. This and the usual mining operations have made it a wealthy clan.

Organizations: The Architectural, Excavator's, and Prismcrafting guilds make their home here.

The Crystal Peak clan resides in the mountain itself. They are spread throughout the mountain, with their largest population near the peak. Their population is primarily the dwarves of the Isle but the other races are found among them.

Crystal Peak is governed by a council comprised of their elders and masters of their crafts. There are seven members of the council. Four are the elders of the greater families and three are masters of the clan guilds. The four family elders are obviously hereditary but the guild masters are elected by whichever method the guild has decided upon. They process judiciary and economical matters. They also guide what research the guilds focus upon.

Architectural Guild

The Architectural guild deals with the resources from the other two guilds. They work to build houses, expand the clan, and install defenses for the Isle. They work closely with Ancestral Hill workers and some dwarven weaverfolk to better enhance their works. They are also called upon to work with Lumbrax for its own architecture and for the primary maintenance of the Bulette Paths. Cervus, the gnomish inventor, was a member of this guild. He wasn't well respected at the time, but his invention of the Bulettes of the Path has earned his name some high esteem. This guild will frequently contract the Excavator's to clear any dangers near to the Bulette Path terminals and frequent paths.

Excavator's Guild

The Excavators guild works with exploration and assessment. They have multiple small bases around the Isle that constantly explore and find potential revenues for profit. This can range from finding new planar caverns to discovering rare creatures that could be used in the Prismcrafting Guild. They include multiple arcane hunters among their ranks and do train new recruits in the practice. When the Isle sets into a new world, they also send out some teams to explore. They typically do not advertise this fact.

Prismcrafting Guild

The Prismcrafting guild researches into enchantment. They primarily work with the planar crystals but will also dabble into using other materials as well. This guild works directly with local mines and the Excavator's guild to get the cream of the crop from their findings.

Education is considered very important to this clan. They are surprisingly open and welcome the other clans to send their young if they wish to train in their ways. Not many of the surface partake in this but there has been a couple. Many city gnomes and dwarves are sent here for schooling, some weaverfolk make the choice to learn so they can better blend nature into the clans, and slowly more independent formians have been sent to learn their ways.

Families of Interest

These four families have a seat on the ruling council of Crystal Peak.


The Jadehearts had the humblest beginnings. They started in farming and have stayed there for the most part. The family cultivated a graduated terrace system on the north side of the mountain to grow crops outside of the mushrooms usually grown underground. Their unique crops bolstered their sales and they shot above the rest of their competitors to their current position.


The Onyxfists are a large and boisterous family. They contribute the most to the clans militia. Its not uncommon for one of their own to give up their family privileges to become mercenaries out on their own. One of their own, Zetri Onyxfist, lead a contingent of warriors in the final fight against the Light Plague.


The Prismspine is a small but wealthy family. They prosper off of private mithral mines. The most common use is this is of course armor but they also supply it to the guilds and Bulette Paths. This has kept them wealthy. Some would say too wealthy.


The Shardbeard family is perhaps the most well connected of the Crystal Peak families. They primarily fund the educational programs around the clan and have been earnest in their encouragement of the other clans to partake. This has lead them to be very well connected.

Perhaps their greatest connection was through one Sylvia Shardbeard, also known as Granny by the entire family. She was a council member when the Light Plague resurfaced and it was she that forged a bond with Ossassu and helped the adventurers forge ahead to the Radiant's defeat. This has led to a strong connection the Magus Tower in Lumbrax, which continues to bring prosperity to both.


Population: 25,000 (75% dark elves, 10% dwarves, 5% gnome, 10% other races)

Government: Threespire is ruled by the three Spirelords with their subordinates handling the various minutia of running the clan.

Defense: Threespire has a highly organized military that runs regular patrols of nearby tunnels and villages in its territory.

Commerce: Threespire's main profit is selling its mercenary services to deal with other clan's dangerous problems. They also have a sizable rothe herd and access to a large amount of air elemental crystals.

Organizations: The three Spires of the clan run almost everything and leave little room for anything else. The main stronghold of the Fourth is located on the edges of the main city.

In a sprawling chamber below the Green Caverns lies the clan of Threespire. The is home to community of warrior dark elves. In the main chamber of the city you can see three towers from any point. These towers represent the entire structure of the clan.

The first tower is the Spire of Arcane. Here new students are taught the way of magic to better society and themselves. Students are constantly being brought into the fold of the magi here. There is no set school year, each child is inducted when they come of age and choose this path. Every school of magic is taught at this spire, and some lesser known focuses of study as well. Once, a student has proven himself competent and graduated his main studies he goes up into the upper floors of the spire to conduct research and truly master his craft. The Spirelord of this tower is the Archmagi of Threespire. She pushes her craft and students to continually better their people and the Island itself. This spirelord is chosen by a council within the tower. They meet every two years to delegate who among them holds the burden to lead the magi.

Second of the towers is the Spire of the Lance. The spire trains and directs the warriors of the clan. Their warriors serve many roles. They hunt for the clan, guard their people against the darker creatures of the tunnels, and some believe others of this spire are used to gather intel on the entire Hollowed Isle. Most fighters from this school follow the path of the Lancegale. This fighting style was developed by the clan and is used for most of its hunters, guards and higher warriors. However, rangers, rogues and other martial paths are also taught. The Spirelord of this tower is chosen through contest every 365 days. It is celebrated 180 days before the Dusk festival. It is a big event spanning days to whittle down contestants to the finest warriors to face the current Spirelord. It is believed a true leader of warriors must always be tested.

The final, and largest of the three towers, is the Spire of the People. Here is where the general education takes place for most of the clan. The people of this tower are those that delegate the internal workings of the clan and deal with the other clans of the Isle. Courts, professions not of the other two spires, and legislation take place here. The Spirelord here takes council from the other two Spirelords. This third lord has the final say in matters. If the other two lords agree that the Spirelord of this tower is faltering they may hold a vote of all three councils to overturn his decision. The Spirelord of this tower is elected every three years through vote. The members of the other two towers are forbidden from voting in this election.

Strewn amidst these spires are the houses, barracks, and people of the clan. The clan has its own rothe herd but also profits greatly from the creatures surrounding their home. Just like many of the clans of the Isle, they have a water source coming in through one side of their chamber and have crystals present to ward off harm and pestilence. Some of these were natural, but many were a gift from the Crystal Peak clan.

One thing you may notice about this clan, is the total lack of any druidic presence. This leads into the tense relations with the Weaver's Nest clan. There is a strong belief among the Threespire clan that one of their founders gave herself fully into nature. They believe this is what created the weaverfolk. Seeing this loss of form disturbs many of Threespire and has led them to abandon the druidic ways. Instead, the Spire of Magi seeks to bend nature to their will, instead of letting it bend them. This keeps the relations between Threespire and Weaver's Nest amicable at best. Surprisingly, the treants of the Green Caverns are not offended by this. Most believe the wizards are simply deluding themselves into thinking it is not nature willingly helping them.

Most of Threespire's society is built around speed. Their trials are quick and honest. Unlike Crystal Peak, their councils meet in front of much of the clan and try to decide on a course of action in that one meeting. If they believe they don't have all the information, gathering said information becomes the number one priority.

Named by Deeds

Additionally, no family names exist for the denizens of Threespire. It is believed only individual accomplishments are of note for you. Being proud of your offspring is encouraged but the actions of your parent should have no bearing on your personal honor. Many either take names or are given them while growing up. When a great deed is performed people may put forth the claim for another to be named in honor of it. If officials recognize this great deed it becomes an official part of that individual's name. This "Naming" is a great honor that is a mark of pride for most of Threespire. Some that accomplish even greater deeds in their life can receive new titles that replace the old. Examples include Ebon PhaseCrusher, Mikon ChasmDiver, Puntil Rocksplitter, Spirelord Valendra ShadowdrakeSlayer, Spirelord Vinerion Negotiator, and Votan Cultender.

Weaver's Nest

Population: 12,000 (70% weaverfolk, 8% gnomes, 7% dwarves, 4% dark elves, 11% other races)

Government: The clan is lead by an Archdruid. She is counseled and elected by a group of elders.

Defense: Weaver's Nest has regular hunting parties that patrol. Its position on the side of a cliff also helps due to the weaverfolk's natural ability to scale this terrain.

Commerce: The fine silken clothes made here are what is mainly traded to the other clans. Enchanted clothes and metallic web also bring in a good profit.

Organizations: The Fourth has its second largest base here. There are not many here besides that.

The deepest clan of the Isle is that of the weaverfolk. Weaver's Nest is deep below the others. The closest clan to them is Threespire, something the leaders of Threespire do not care for. The actual village of Weaver's Nest is nestled on multiple cliffs on a cave wall. These various cliffs are linked by woven strands of silk that form bridges, ladders and the like. Traversing these are no problem for the weaverfolk but the strands that connect the various ledges have been woven into tube like structures to accommodate the other races of the Isle. The more vertical strands also include various resting areas for the less athletically inclined. Some also make an income ferrying thsoe who do not wish to traverse the webs.

To make this daunting architecture more welcoming, many measures have been taken. The entrance form the tunnels has people come out on the top of the cliff. Here there are many of the everflame lanterns found in the tunnels. They clearly mark the edge of the cliff. Looking below, one will see a celebration of color. The various webs connecting the cliffs have been enchanted to glow. They are done so to form the full spectrum of color. This a glowing web pattern on the cliff face, reed at the edges and violet at the center.

The actual people of Weaver's Nest are what most would call tribal in nature. They are lead by an Archdruid. She has led for long enough that many of the clan cannot remember the previous leader. Their culture emphasizes their connection to nature. Their stories of their founder speaks of their unwaivering connection to nature and how it brought them peace. With this in mind, they have used their own natural connection to nature to enhance their clan, home and their neighbors. They take their portion of nature through hunt and cultivation but have sought to give the natural state as much peace as they can.

They are frequent traders with the other clans. Threespire is the most reluctant but even they cannot dispute the quality of the fabric Weaver's Nest creates. Many of their folk weave for the majority of the day, while others take the fabric and weave natural magics into the strands. This helps create much of the basis for any magical garments or other items the other clans create.

Foreigners may find the people of Weaver's Nest monstrous at first. The people of Faerun in particular found them terrifying. They proclaimed how they resembled the dreaded driders rumored to haunt the Underdark. Ironically, the people here are probably the most accepting of the clans. All are connected by the strands of nature, so we should work together is said by some of the clan. That is not to say all of the clan are good. Some have been embittered by the mistrust of their closest neighbor and foreigners. Luckily, not many have been hurt this way.


Population: 170,000 (30% dark elves, 20% dwarf, 17% gnome, 8% tortle, 7% human, 7% treantling, 11% other races)

Government: Lord Cal rules the city. Archmage Ossassu is seen as the authority on magical matters. Lesser matters are delegated to District Leads.

Defense: The Lumbrax guard patrol all districts of the city. They use shadow magic to keep a keen eye out for the safety of their fellow people. A retinue of guards and a mid level mage is stationed at each entrance to the city.

Commerce: The city mainly thrives on being a center of trade. The Market district has many artisans that live their full time but many also travel to sell their wares from the clans. The Magus Tower operates as the largest provider of magical items and spell scrolls on the Isle but it is heavily regulated.

Organizations: Temples to the Serene King can be found in the city. The Lumbrax guard has their base here. The Magus Tower operates as a school for the arcane. The 3 Crystal Peak guilds have bases in the Market district. The Goldblood crime organization also makes its home here.

Lumbrax is the largest population center on the Isle and can be seen as a mixing pot for all the clans. Its position as the meeting place for all the clan heads has made it the unofficial capitol of the Hollowed Isle. It is located directly below Laketown and Crystal Peak by proxy. The city occupies a massive cavern with cliffs on every side and a ceiling that cannot be seen from the ground level.

People will enter the city from one of three main ways. The most common is the Bulette Paths. The terminal here is set in the middle of the city, right up against the wall surrounding the Palace district. The second most common is the arcane elevator descending from Laketown. This will descend from the middle of the roof and lower to the Bulette terminal. The third and least traveled is through a large tunnel on the West side of the main chamber. There is a large arcane elevator here as well that lowers people from the foggy cliffs.

Lumbrax has been a site for many climatic events through history. This is where the Serene King made his home, where the Shadow Siege took place and where the final fight against the Light Plague took place. Last but certainly not least, this is where the first signs of the Isle traveling to a new world can be spotted. Lights accompanied by a magical field slowly expanding that eventually covers the entire Isle.


Lumbrax is split into seven districts. The most prominent and obvious is the Palace district. This district is raised above the other districts and can only be accessed by teleportation circle or an arcane elevator found in the Bulette terminal. Found in the district is the Serene Palace. This grand structure is mainly colored with silvers and warm golds but the inside exhibits art found from all over the Isle and a garden inhabited by birds from allover as well. It is where the Serene King once resided and where Lord Cal now lives. A large chamber found in the heart of the structure is where clan representatives and Lord Cal meet in council. Due to its importance, many wards are placed on the palace to protect from scrying and similar magics.

Around the Serene Palace are six towers. These are places for the representatives to reside while also serving as a physical representation of their spot on the council. There is a tower for the Ancestral Hill, Crystal Peak, Green Caverns, Threespire, Weaver's Nest and for all the people residing on the surface. There has occasionally been some contention about the surface representation. Some believing that people so removed from the rest shouldn't have a say while the people on the surface arguing they should have more due to their diversity.

The largest districts are the two Residential districts. They are split into the North and South districts with the Lumbrax river between them. They are mostly the same but there has been a growing trend for the more well off to move to the North district. These districts also house parks and schools for the populace.

Nestled between the cliff wall and the Palace district are the Farming district and the Green district. The farming district is run primarily by formian emissaries from Ancestral Hill. The Green district is a forest in this cave. It houses all the local treants and offers sun stones for passing treants to bask in. Through their presence, the air in Lumbrax is much crisper than other areas of the Isle.

Behind the residential districts in size is the Market district. This district is organized into a circular pattern. The outer ring is mainly composed of vendor stalls that are temporarily while the actual ground is run by a landlord. As you get closer to the center of the market the shops get bigger and more extravagant. The very center of the market houses a statue honoring those who led the charge against the light plague. It shows Lord Cal, Zetyr Onyxfist (armored dwarf with a drawn bow), Valendra Shadowdrakeslayer (drow in armor with a lance), Abiete (pine treantling), Myrmarch (large formian), Kupa'a (female gnomish weaverfolk), Deek (snapping tortle with an eyepatch and a hammer), Aego (elf crouched with a drawn bow), Ossassu (human looking woman with a snake coiling out from a staff), Grim (human in plate armor wielding a glaive), Gloryhammer(half-orc with a lute), and a dwarven man wearing simple clothes. A point was made to include the adventurers that came and those that lead their clan's warriors in the fight.

Last but not least is the Magus District. The Magus Tower stands tall behind dark imposing walls. Through magical wards and confounding architecture, the Magus Tower is a stronghold unto itself. It was from here that shadows sprung forth to attack Lumbrax. Through Lord Cal's work and the bravery of countless Lumbrax guards and adventurers, this threat was put to rest. Now the Magus Tower has been put back to work. From here Archmage Ossassu dictates how magic is taught and how magic items are provided. The regulations are strict. Magic is treated as the dangerous thing it is and people need high recommendations to obtain access.

Foggy Cliffs

The chamber that Lumbrax sits in has two levels. The city itself sits on the lower level. The upper level forms a natural cliff around the city. Humidity seems to gather on these cliffs, leading to natural fog covering. The density of this fog may ebb and flow but it is always present. There is a small mining operation that takes advantage of an earth and water elemental cavern. The wildlife here is mostly uninteresting but there is a flumph population of significant size. There is a regular mage contingent near the flumphs as they are under the protection of the Archamge.

Figures of Interest

The city has the largest population density on the Isle and some interesting people leading it.

Lord Cal the Balanced

Lawful good, skeleton(former drow)

Lord Cal was the original general that led Lumbrax'es old guard against the shadows and was one of the main leaders against the Light Plague. He now leads the city itself. This constantly tired skeleton settles disputes between the clans, runs Lumbrax and heads the discussion when it comes to dealing with the outside world. Cal is respected among the clan heads and the people. He has strong ties with Ossassu, since they worked together to defeat the Light Plague and reestablish Lumbrax afterwards. Secretly longs just to relax and watch the sunset.

Archmage Ossassu

Lawful Evil?, female human?

The Archamge of the Magus Tower. She was instrumental in helping destroy the Light Plague and made many strong allies among Crystal Peak along the way. She is also known to be especially fond of the formian people and does not tolerate grievances made against them. She is usually embroiled in research and running her tower, but she is always ready to lend an arcane hand when necessary. She has commanded the Tower for far longer than a normal human should live. Rumors abound about whether she has stretched her lifespan with magic or if maybe a daughter has taken over in the original's place.

Raconin Goldblood

Chaotic neutral, gold dragonborn

For years the operator of the Hedon Pit was kept secret. But people always talk. The few who have seen the criminal boss claim he commands the room with an eccentric flair. Most are confused to the presence of a dragonborn, given that none were originally on the Isle.

Outside the Law

While the criminal element isn't overt, it is present. Some of these have noble motivations. Some have a chip on their shoulder from perceived slights. Others simply want more power. The information presented below is more detailed than an average citizen would know.

Of the organizations presented, the Fourth is the most publicly known, at least in Threespire and Weaver's Nest. Most of the public considers them ruffians that won't accept the way things are and bully to get their way.

While cults of the Void are a known factor, most have dismissed them as extremists that do not matter. Cults that have developed around the Radiant are thought to be extinct. If they are brought up, most would dismiss the idea as ludicrous.

Many know there is a crime family in Lumbrax. Fewer know its name but it is not a guarded secret. There is not too much bad blood about them but they are judged for being a haven for other criminals.

Their are rumors of a monastery in the mountains. Some might even connect them with the dwarven monk who helped save the Isle. But most either do not believe this or do not really care. The identity of Shifting Flame is really only known by higher ups in the government.

Cults of Radiant and Void

The more fanatical of the Void's followers tend to operate outside the law. Their goals tend to be either unearthing relics to be used to stretch the Void's influence or destroying targets given to them by their god. These targets can be as petty as someone establishing a new line of lights along a tunnel or as great as the Radiant itself. These cults tend to be hunted down by Lord Cal but occasionally they have worked together against threats when their targets align. For their part, these cults tend to refer to Lord Cal as the Betrayer. This tidbit of knowledge is not known by most but some in power may seek to understand the reasoning behind it.

Much smaller than the other cult, are those that follow the Radiant. Even with the entity destroyed, these cults persist. These people tend to be desperate, those that see those in power as oppressive, power hungry or perhaps those that were once gifted power by the Radiant before it was banished. They seek to bring back their idol and are sought out if the Radiant returns.

The Fourth

The Threespire government controls almost every facet of its peoples lives. Resources must be shared but those that push beliefs seen contrary to the accepted are not given the same opportunities as others. This has led to a criminal group forming called the Fourth. They see themselves as the fourth spire on which the community is built. They value change and profit.

This group tends to be made up of those that think differently from the masses in Threespire. So it will usually consist of minority races and druids. Its people do have some of the same beliefs of Threespire but they have been twisted so they tend to look down on those who cannot fight for themselves. Goal: Profit and overthrowing the Threespire government

Goldblood Crime family

The crime organization most prevalent in Lumbrax and its surrounding areas, the Goldblood crime family profits off of underground fights and information trading. In the Foggy Cliffs of Lumbrax, a fighting ring known as the Hedon Pit can be found where Goldblood does the majority of its business. Here many can come to fight monsters or other combatants. Besides the spectacle, the real pull are the numerous magic items sold here without the Magus Tower's regulations. With these two factors, Goldblood has made a wonderful place for deals and meetings. But entry is usually hidden behind some test or riddle, possibly for the boss's amusement. Goal: Profit and notoriety.

Shifting Flame

An organization founded years after the Light Plague was ended. A need was seen and filled by one Marteau Henkan. Bringing in those he trusted, he formed Shifting Flame. To truly have eyes and daggers where they were needed, Henkan trained those he trusted with his methods. Those taught this method exerted utter control over their bodies. They could blend among the crowds, survive in horrible environments, and extend themselves to better keep an eye out.

These shapeshifters are the main contingent of Shifting Flame agents but they are not the only ones. Others are taught how to better control themselves and survive in this harsh world even if they do not wish to be an agent. Others are already powerful in other ways before they become part of Shifting Flame.


Shifting Flame aims to aid those whose life has been an uneasy one. They also try to take out figures of power that actively endanger others. This can range from an abusive farmer to a queen. Their range has changed with every world the Isle comes to.


All agents are offered similar base skills but they will of course specialize into one of four groups. The first and most numerous are the Infiltrators. They are taught to blend in and listen. They identify threats, steal information, find those in need and function as messengers.

The second are the Brawlers. As their name would suggest, they function as the muscle of Shifting Flame. Their job is to be back up on any dangerous mission. Their secondary function is to infiltrate the seedier aspects of society such as criminal rings. They have also been known to eliminate threats of the more monstrous varieties.

The third are the Ambassadors. This group receives the most training and is the least numerous. Their training is on a more personal level. They are taught to help those in aid and bring them to a new home.

The last group is the least seen. They do not talk to potential recruits. They will not let you know they belong to this group. They exist solely to eliminate those in charge that have been deemed unworthy of such a position or those Shifting Flame has been tasked with eliminating for one reason or another. Only the head of this group and Master Henkan know who is counted amongst its number.

Agents in the Field

Shifting Flame agents are marked to show their loyalty. They will usually bear a tattoo of a humanoid arm splitting into three fists to signify the shifting and multipronged nature of Shifting Flame. The size and location of this tattoo varies but the most common place is on the forearm. When it would otherwise be awkward to show the mark or one is unsure if the other is truly an agent, code words are used. A common example would be:

Person A: "Does fate shift the flame in our favor?

Person B: "Its not fate, but our actions that shift the flame to surround us.""

The exact wording may change but it will generally involve flame and the defiance of fate.

Figures of Interest

There is a head of each group but not all are known to even those in Shifting Flame.

Marteau Henkan

Chaotic good, changeling

The Founder of the Shifting Flame and a monk that helped in ridding the Isle of the Light Plague. He has taught many his monastic tradition of the shifting form. With this technique he teaches many to hide their true self. He has broadened his teachings, guiding many to a greater understanding of themselves. With his connections to the heads of Lumbrax, he keeps Shifting Flame safe and employed.


Lawful evil, ????

A shadowy figure seen in glimpses at meetings of the group heads. Most believe they head up a group of assassins that is used to take out the groups targets.


Chaotic neutral, high elf

The chief Infiltrator stationed at Lumbrax. The only known elf on the island to not be a drow. He has so far kept his origins to himself. Known to frequent theaters.

Shifting Flame Village

Sadly rumors do get out. One of these rumors is that there is a monastery of monks hidden on the Isle. The actual basis of this rumor is Shifting Flame Village. This secreted away haven serves as a sanctuary for those that came under attack or could not get back into society. It also serves as the basis of operations for Shifting Flame. Magic performed by those trained there and done as favors for the group keeps this village safely hidden away.

Background: Spy (Shifting Flame)

Shifting Flame is an organization formed by those used to being pushed into the shadows. Society did not want them. Shifting Flame itself works to find those in need and offer help. This can often take the form of a safe haven but not always. Shifting Flame also takes more proactive measures. They take out those with abusive pasts and occasionally those that will be a threat. Of course they also pass along secrets and take jobs from people in power. Funding must come from somewhere.

You are a Shifting Flame agent. You were recruited to keep an eye on the world, an eye out for the little guy and a knife in those that deserve it. How you do so depends on which role you were given within Shifting Flame.

Optional Rule: Specialization

With your DM's permission, you may replace on of the skill proficiencies you gained through your background with one associated with your role in Shifting Flame.

Role Skill
Infiltrator Sleight of Hand
Brawler Athletics
Ambassador Persuasion
Assassin Acrobatics


Those that are brought into Shifitng Flame are usually those that are unique. Community may have thrown them out, the circumstances of their birth (tieflings, genasi and aasimar for example) made them stand out, or their actions thrust them into the Shifting Flame's eye. Choose how you were recruited or roll on the below table.

d4 Method
1 Ostracized. Your actions or your very nature forced you out of your community. The Shifting Flame gave you a new home.
2 Ability. Your abilities proved that you would be a superb agent for the Shifting Flame.
3 Sought. Hearing rumors of this organization enticed you. Who knows who found who first.
4 Tragedy. A horrible event changed your very being and the Shifting Flame taught you to hone this new you. A natural disaster? Monsters? Those in charge deemed you a threat? The dangers of the Feywild or other planes claimed loved ones?

Higher Beings of the Isle

Due to the displaced nature of the Isle the nature of the gods and other higher beings is a highly debated one but there are a few constants that are listed below.

The Void

When those in Lumbrax were searching for ways to combat the Light Plague, they descended deep into the island. Finding depictions of a great beast of shadow, they thought to harness and use it to control the terrible Light Plague. When the mages performed the rituals and reached out, they were granted power. The Void was awake. It spoke to them, promising to end the light. It too was hurt by the light and wanted allies. With the Void's power they enacted their plan to seal away the Light Plague.

After the plan was enacted and the Light Plague was sealed away, the Void slowly took over the Magus Tower and began to spread its influence. This eventually led to the Siege of Shadow that took over Lumbrax and prevented it from aiding the clans when the Light Plague resurged. After Lord Cal led the charge and the shadow receded, the Void's presence is still felt in the Isle. The Void itself is the closest to a god of death the Island has. No matter what world the Isle comes to, the Void is there. This has brought it some worshipers. They claim it represents what all will eventually become, the fate awaiting those who do not follow a path into the afterlife and ambition. Others claim its power can also represent the reprieve darkness can give you through sleep, relief from the harsh light, and hiding oneself away. Of course these qualities can be twisted to evil ways fairly easily.

The Void itself seems neutral at best. It encourages its followers and warlocks to actions both good and evil. Most likely whatever helps it the most. It is through a connection to this Void that the warriors of balance can fight by their shadows. They must come to the brink of death and stare it in the eye to use a specter of their own death as a tool for peace. Lord Cal has assured the populace that these warriors have no connection to the actual being but to his realm and the concept that he represents.

There are scholars out there, crazed people that put their whole lives into research, that ink they have unlocked some truths about the Void. No matter the scenario, no undead but shadows are seen in its service. Fiends may be bent to its will but never undead. The shadows come with small variances that speak of former lives. Perhaps these are not true dead but echoes of lives once had? Then with information garnered from warlocks and other wizards, some believe that the Void resides somewhere that used to be known as the Negative Energy plane. Details of this are scarce and those who seemed to push the boundaries usually end up dead.

The Serene King

Not much is truly known about the former ruler of the Isle. Some say he was an avatar of some celestial being. He came mysteriously to all the clan leaders, appearing as an elderly human and never divulged his origins. His words of wisdom were deeply respected, and he demonstrated power to back them up. Regardless, it was he who brought the clans together. He acted as an intermediate between the clans. He tried to teach them that unity would bring them greater power. This lesson would frequently need to be relearned every few years by the clans as old grudges die hard.

When the Light Plague came, it was the Serene King who brought the greatest minds of the Isle together to combat this threat. Not much is known about his methods and why he decided to use the Void the combat the plague. All that is known is that he disappeared along with the plague. When Lord Cal won against the resurgence of the Light Plague, he let it be known that it was through the Serene King's teachings that he was able to combat the threat.

Now that the Isle has moved years and worlds past that time, people still believe the Serene King lives. Many clerics and warlocks claim he guides them. There are often whispers that Cal himself only survives due to his blessing. The Serene Kings presence is still felt on the Isle and whether he be celestial or some other creature his impact can still be felt in the good deeds his followers accomplish, the unity of the clans and the canary garden he insisted be built in the Serene Palace.

Other Gods of the Realms

Due to the shifting nature of the Isle, there is a large variety of worship among the Isle's inhabitants. Many have forsaken their original god under the assumption that being in a different realm has disconnected them. Others still hold onto their original beliefs. Many on the Isle have come together, finding common ground in their beliefs. Some have taken this to mean that the gods exist above the realms and are still connected to the Hollowed Isle. This is still a wildly debated topic with conflicting viewpoints from different sects.

Chapter 2: People of the Isle

The inhabitants of the Isle are of a different mix than most civilizations. There are the dark elves of Threespire, dwarves of Crystal Peak, and gnomes spread among them. There is also a sparse amount of humans and orcs found on and in the Isle. Beyond these "traditional" races there are the formians of the Ancestral Hill, the weaverfolk of Weaver's Nest, tortles found on the surface, and the treants of the Green Caverns. These are just those native to the Hollowed Isle. Over the years it has acquired races from all over the realms, adding even more variety.

The various races found on the Hollowed Isle are listed below in alphabetical order.

Dwarves of the Hollowed Isle

There is a large population of dwarves found on the Isle. The nature of the Isle has led to a great mixing of culture among them. Dwarves of the mountain, hill and duergar variety are found in equal numbers among the Isle's people. Due to their sensitivity to sunlight, there are slightly more duergar inside the island than the other dwarves but it is not an overwhelming majority. Most are found in the clan of Crystal Peak but they are spread among the other areas of the Hollowed Isle. Many work in the mines surrounding Lumbrax, others tend to a small farm inside the city limits, while others can be found among the surface, Threespire, and sparsely amongst the other clans.

Dwarf Variant: Crystal Peak Training

For their tool proficiency trait, a dwarf of Crystal Peak may choose jeweler's tools.

Elves of the Hollowed Isle

The only elves native to the Hollowed Isle are dark elves. Their society is militaristic, with a focus on each members contribution to the clan. They are not people of Lolth like the drow of Faerun. Their society also places no emphasis on a matriarchal society like those drow. Each elf proves his or her worth through the work they put into their craft. Through a twist of fate, they are still associated with spiders. This association only exist due to their relationship with their close neighbors of Weaver's Nest.

Not all dark elves are found in Threespire. Like all the races, they have spread among the Ilse and its clans. Their second largest population is in the city of Lumbrax. They are found among the people of Crystal Peak, but not in high concentration. Some have tried living on the surface. Lord Cal himself says that he was a humble healer in the town of Hollowpoint in his past life.

Dark Elf Variant

You can allow a player to choose the following dark elf variant.

Dark elf variant: Drow of Threespire

The dark elves found on the Isle have innate magic just like any others. However some of the drow have their innate magic changed. Threespire is found near an abundance of air elemental caverns. This has had an effect on some of their people's magic. They also train with longer weapons to increase the distance between them and monsters while considering the tunnels they fight in.

A drow of Threespire uses the dark elf traits found in the Player's Handbook, with the following traits replacing the Drow Magic and Drow Weapon Training traits. At your DM's discretion, you can use both or just one of these traits in place of the standard traits.

Threespire Magic. You know the gust cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast zephyr strike once, and regain the ability to do so after a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast gust of wind once, and regain the ability to do so after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Threespire Training. You have proficiency with the glaive, halberd, javelin and lance.


The large antlike creature stood before her, barring her path. It was just under her height but had much more mass to it. Clicking insistently and stamping its spear down, the creature would not let her past. After a few moments, it tilted its head and looked at her.

Suddenly she heard, "Sorry, sorry, sorry. Forget that most don't speak our language. As I said, 5 gold to enter Mushrooom Garden. Less, no entry. More, not needed, but welcome." in her mind.

She was a little startled but rolled with it. Wizards had spoken to her telepathically, why should this be any different. She flipped the antlike creature 7 gold. It chittered excitedly and stepped to the side.

As she walked past, she heard that same voice in her mind. "Thank you for patronage. Tell Guide, Guard did good job. Yes, good, good, good job. Have nice, good, excellent time." Shaking her head at the strangely happy voice in her mind, she walked into the Mushroom Garden.

Life in an Anthill

Formians are insect like creatures living in vast colonies that resemble ant hills. The formians themselves are vaguely centauric in form with differences stark between the different castes. The formians are largely divided between two castes with some outliers. Most of the hive is made up of the worker caste and the warrior caste makes up the smaller percentage. The outliers include taskmasters, myrmarchs and the queen herself. The taskmasters come from workers, the mymarchs come from warriors, and the queen is set to be so from her birth. Some hives have divided this castes up into smaller portions. Hunters and guards from the warrior, and the architects and caretakers from the worker are the main distinctions found.

Regardless of their caste, all formians are born from the queen as eggs and mature rapidly from there. Once born, the formians have a fast paced youth. A great deal of hive life is known through innate knowledge but they must still be taught the more complex ways of the hive. As they grow and evolve it is possible that they go through a second metamorphosis. This leads to the presence of myrmarchs and taskmasterts. Myrmarchs are the largest and strongest of the warriors. They will guard the queen and direct the movements of the warriors. Taskmasters are typically the most cunning of the workers. They grow larger through this metamorphosis and their telepathic potential increases greatly to better coordinate the hive.

Most formian hives are completely one mind, and lack true individuality but some are different. The Ancestral Hill of the Hollowed Isle is one example. Because of the Trial of the Individual, some formians have broken off and started exploring on their own. Though, the formians that stay behind in the hive still have greater autonomy than most would expect. They mostly stay to their own roles but have expanded to have more outside interests. There may be other hives out in the world that have learned to strengthen in this way.

A formian myrmarch

Formian Names

Formian tends to be very direct with their names. Their names are descriptive of what they do the most and the best. At least this is true of some colonies. Other colonies don't have names at all and formians who leave the nest must make one for themselves. The names have no distinction between female and male. Most can't even tell the difference between the two.

Formian Names: Architect, Attacker, Caretaker, Chatter, Dancer, Digger, Drinker, Drummer, Gardener, Guard, Forager, Healer, Helper, Hunter, Packlead, Planner, Seller, Sentinel, Slasher, Smasher, Sneaker, Stabber, Strummer, Thinker, Tunneler, Yeller

Formian Traits

A formian character has certain characteristics in common with all other formians.

Languages. You can read, understand, and write Common and Formian. Formian is a language made up of a series of clicks since it was made for use by creatures with mandibles instead of lips. It uses its own unique script with longer letters representing longer clicks You can speak Formian and are incapable of speaking any verbal language besides Formian.


Workers serve as the architects and caregivers of the hive. They spend most days expanding the hive, caring for the young, and tending to the queen. They are the smallest of the hill's formians.


Warriors serve as the army, hunters and guards of the nest. They spend their days guarding the hive, hunting, and serve as the main contingent should the hive ever go to war. They are larger than the workers and are armed with a stinger.

Orphaned Queen

Rarest among the formians are the Queens. Most hives only have one queen but there are exceptions. Even rarer are queens who are given the chance to explore outside of the hive before their full metamorphosis. The queens who decide to stay cut off from the hive mind don't fully develop into queens and usually hide their nature from other formians.

They still have the innate power that formian queens wield and can form powerful telepathic networks. They mostly resemble warriors but have an extra set of antennae and small ridges on the back of their carapace.

Gnomes of the Hollowed Isle

The gnomes of the Isle are similar to the dwarves in that they are of mixed heritage. Forest, rock and svirfneblin are all mixed together. They are spread out more than the dwarves however. Forest gnomes are widespread on the surface and the Green Caverns. The rock gnomes and svirfneblin can be found spread throughout the other clans and predominantly in Lumbrax.

The different gnomes of the realms mix together readily and have no solid clan of their own but contribute their own ways to each clan, especially to Crystal Peak. They've contributed to the architecture of Lumbrax and Threespire. The Sol Factorem was originally founded by forest gnomes. A deep gnome by the name of Cervus is also credited with the creation of the Bulettes of the Path.

Humans of the Isle

Different from most places, humans are a minority on the Isle. They weren't native to the Isle but traders and other adventurers eventually came to settle here. Like is typical of their kind, they mixed readily among the other inhabitants and carved out a life for themselves. Half elves and and half orcs are counted among their number and make up a sizable portion of their population. Enough that they are counted among the population of humans given in Chapter 1.

The largest concentration of humans is found in Docktown. It speaks to their inherent desire to explore. It was also founded by sailors that chose to stay behind when their Captain Grim left the Isle before it disappeared to its next world after the Light Plague.

Orcs of the Hollowed Isle

Orcs came to the Isle at the same time as humans and in mostly the same manner. They are however an even greater minority. Half orcs are much more common. The few pure orcs deal with some bigotry but most just shrug it off and see their heritage as a thing to be proud of.

Planetouched of the Hollowed Isle

Given the nature of the Hollowed Isle, it is only natural that people touched by the planes would exist on the island. Entities cross through the planar crystals and other means to get to the Hollowed Isle. While there, they may strike bargains with, grant power to or perhaps grow fond of people.

This has lead to aasimar, genasi and tieflings all existing here. Genasi are more common than the other two but they are all a rarity. Most will have to deal with some prejudice. Genasi get the least of it. They are seen as just another heritage, while many see the other two as possible plots by the celestial and fiendish.

Will, The Fermenting Stump owner

Tortles of the Hollowed Isle

The tortles of the Isle are most numerous on the surface. They make up most of the numbers for the villages and the village of Hollowpoint has been lead by a tortle elder for generations. Some are in the city of Lumbrax and a few live among the Forest of AdVitam and the Green Caverns.

Most lead a simpler life and don't bother with the higher magics the rest of the clans deal with. There is a smaller clan of blacksmiths found among the village of Hollowpoint however. They claim their founder Deek studied with the masters of Crystal Peak. These tortle blacksmiths supply many of the smaller magic items that help the lives of the smaller villages.


After a long day on the road, Nala was relieved to see the tavern. She could already feel her muscles relaxing when she pushed open the door to the Fermenting Stump. Then they immediately stiffened again, when she saw that behind the bar was no bartender, but a willow tree that brushed up against the roof.

"Is that the namesake of the bar or something?" she wondered out loud. Speaking more to herself, she wasn't really expecting the deep lingering response.

"Ha, you could say that." Following her ears, she found the source of the voice in a face on the tree. It resembled on older human's and had a warm smile. Branches of the tree swung out and started to methodically mix liquids around the trunk. "Are you going to stare, or do you wish to drink? You look like as if you could use it. Ha Ha Ha. And no finer drink than one mixed by Will. Makes it easier, being a plant myself, I think. Ha." The tree, Will She guessed, slowly winked at her. More of a blink really.

Glancing down at her blue scaled hand, Nala shrugged. Who was she to judge? At least this world still had surprises for her. Smiling, she walked forward determined to have a top shelf drink and to discover everything she could about this "Will".

Young Trees on the Move

Treants themselves resemble the trees around them. The youngest of them are no bigger than a simple bush. As they grow into their treelike self, they begin to explore more as they gain the energy and bravery to venture off. Most stay in their own forests but some do wander outside, seeking new soils, sights and life.

Most are slow in action and speech but there are as many varieties of treant as there are breeds of tree upon the world. No two treants look the same, especially when their age factors in. Treants are born from simple seeds. As they mature they reach the size of most humanoids and stay that way for a while. During this time, they are typically referred to as treantlings. As they approach their later years they go through another growth spurt and start to resemble the towering elders of the mightiest forests. Travel becomes difficult for these massive treants, so they tend to pick a spot and stay there unless dire circumstances force them out.

Treantling Names

Treantlings often go countless years before they receive or think of names. Being born from a seed, they might find themselves all alone, amongst countless humanoids, or just around their own kind. As such their names tend to lean one of two ways. They are either a combination of Sylvan words that denote their calling in life or they go by a name reminiscent of plant life in the area.

Treantling Names: Birch, Cornifer, Crescere, Cultus, Exida, Folig, Gall, Linnaeus, Oaken, Quercus, Maple, Praesideo, Tannic, Vivet, Will

Treantling Traits

A treantling character has certain characteristics in common with all other treantlings.

An oak Treantling with the beginnings of Fungal Symbiosis


Many lands have heard tales of driders. Monstrous creations in most worlds. They were doomed to a form between that of a dark elf and a giant spider. Most see it as a curse. There is a race of people that bear a strong resemblance to driders, but see their form as nature's gift instead.

Weaverfolk society is typically close to nature and accepting of others. They know how their appearance can frighten some. The great variety among them also enforces this characteristic. Weaver's Nest of the Hollowed Isle is an example of one such place.

Weaverfolk Traits

A weaverfolk character has certain characteristics in common with all other weaverfolk.

Elven Weaverfolk

Elven weaverfolk are the largest in number and bear the most resemblance to the driders that many people have heard tales about. The majority of Elven weaverfolk are the tallest but also the tend to be the most lean.

Dwarven Weaverfolk

Dwarven weaverfolk are second in number. They have the heartiness of their dwarven heritage and lean toward building structures out of their webbing.

Gnomish Weaverfolk

Gnomish weaverfolk are the smallest in number and stature. Most are the seamsters of the community but they have been known to dabble in other aspects of the village. Their inquisitive nature has led them uncover many ways to modify their silk.

Racial feats

These feats are available to a player at the DM's discretion. They change your character in a significant manner. They show a weaverfolk's greater skill with their respective talents, formians pushing themselves hard enough to trigger a transformation, and a treantling's deeper connection to the natural magic that connects them to the world.

In a hive these formians lead the warrior and worker castes respectively. Myrmarchs and taskmasters still connected to the hive are somewhat different as the Queen's influence helps bring more of these traits to the surface. These feats represent independent formians undergoing that transformation.

Races of the Other Realms

The options listed here are those that are native to the Hollowed Isle. As the Isle passes through the realms, some of its people leave the Isle for these new lands. The reverse is also true. When inserting the Isle into your campaign, decide what worlds it has visited previously and what people of those worlds have become integrated into the Isle.

Chapter 3: Class Options

The material in this chapter describes the place of the classes on the Isle. The chapter also includes new subclass options for most of the classes.


Articifiers are a rare find among the Isle's inhabitants but not unheard of. Most are found at Crystal Peak, working alongside the blacksmiths, excavators, and sorcerers of the clan. Working with the abundant amount of magical crystals does great things for their work. Alchemists, armorers, artillerists and battle smiths are all found on the Hollowed Isle. Alchemists can be varied. Some work with the crystals to bottle their effects while others are closer to medicine men of the clans. Artillerists help arm the clans and work to integrate their runes into magical weapons. The very few battle smiths are usually found foraying into the tunnels with the mining parties. Some of the battle smiths have even taken to having their own crystal golem with them on these trips.


Barbarians are not too common among the Isle's people. Typically they are found among the people of Weaver's Nest and the Ancestral Hill. Some have taken up the style and philosophy in Threespire, although this is frowned upon by the elders of the clan. The extensive mountains on the surface of the Isle is home to many that do not wish to be a part of society. Barbarians upon these mountains are not uncommon but most people of the Isle seldom see them. Most barbarians of the Isle follow the path of the totem warrior but some in the mountains on the surface follow the path of the storm herald. The magic of the Isle has given rise to warriors imbued with its raging arcane force as well and many of these follow the teachings of Gloryhammer.

Primal Path

Barbarians of the Hollowed Isle have the following Primal Path options, in addition to those in the Player's Handbook.


If you follow the Path of the Totem Warrior from the Player's Handbook, you have access to the options presented here.


Bards are as common on the island as they are anywhere else. They are often seen as lights in the darkness. During the Light Plague they were seen as beacons of hope in troubled times. This reputation has helped them stay well paid and well fed wherever they went. There are many of them that dabble in the politics of the island. They seek information to make the highest profit for themselves.

The only official college on the Isle is found in Lumbrax. The Theatre between the Streams. The theatre is known for its plays and lovely singers that inspire awe in their audience. Less popular are their tragedies, which have been known to send children running out of the audience screaming. There is however, an unofficial college that roams about the island.

The Band of Glory was founded during the Light Plague. A foreigner named Gloryhammer came to the Ilse came to the city of Lumbrax during its battle with shadow. The warrior sang and beat back the shadows from a group of formians. With no hive mind or lasting orders they latched onto this symbol of leadership. He took them under his wing and taught them his philosophy on life. They patrolled tunnels around the City at the behest of Lord Cal and helped save many lives from the undead scourge. Sadly, Gloryhammer gave his life in the final fight to vanquish the Light Plague. His students spread his teachings and roam the Isle. They protect who they can and bring merriment in their wake.

Bard College

At 3rd level, a bard gains the Bard College feature. The following option is available to a bard, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: Band of Glory.

Band of Glory

Bards of the Band of Glory have learned to live in the moment. Whether it be in a tavern song or in the midst of a battle. They follow the teachings, that every moment must be enjoyed to its fullest. These bards get lost in the song and heat of the moment. Time must not be spent pondering life's meaning but getting all one can out of life.

As such, they throw themselves into battle with reckless abandon. The excitement and emotion of battle is one of the greatest thrills one can experience. This trance may be their utmost focus on the battle, losing themselves in the excitement, or entering a primal ferocity much like their esteemed founder.

Presentation in

battle and song is paramount.


Clerics are not too numerous on the Isle but they are found there. At least, not true clerics. While there are not many clerics, there is a good variety among them. Life, light and grave clerics are found among the people of Lumbrax. Nature clerics can be found in the Green Caverns. Tempest Clerics may be found at the mountain peaks and among the sailors that live on the Isle. Finally, there may be a few forge clerics among the dwarves of Crystal Peak.

There has been some unrest among these followers after the Light Plague. The occurrence of benign undead has caused a dispute among many of the sects. Some believe they must be wiped out, while others see this as a blessing. They believe it is a new way for life to alleviate the darkness that plagues life so much. Lord Cal of Lumbrax himself is a hot debated topic among many.


Druids are widespread among the island. The weaverfolk are led by them, the Green Caverns are entirely populated by them in a way, and the villages of the surface value their services very highly. Some even believe there a few cropping up among the Ancestral Hill. Of course, there are also a few in Lumbrax, tending to the farm, grove and mushroom garden.

The only clan that does not count druids among their number is that of Threespire. Holding onto the belief that becoming one with nature is what birthed the people of Weaver's Nest they instead choose to bend nature to their will.

Druid Circle

At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature. The following option is available to a druid, in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook: the Circle of the Weave.

Circle of the Weave

Everything is connected in nature. Most druids believe this but some have taken this concept to a more practical level. They looked to the spiders and myriad number of other creatures that weave connections in nature and use them to fuel the grand cycle of life and death that is nature. These druids have learned to pull on the weave of nature and use it to their advantage. These druids are found mainly among the people of Weaver's Nest but they have been known to teach their ways to outsiders if asked kindly enough.

There is talk of druids of this circle that gave too much of themselves to the weave, that were forever changed by the weave.


Fighters are the most common type of warrior found on the Hollowed Isle. Threespire and Crystal Peak have the most fighters but they are fairly common amongst all the clans of the Isle. There is a large variety of fighters on the Isle. Threespire has developed its own fighting style and many of the City guards are taught the way of the Warrior of Balance.

Warriors of Balance

During the siege of shadow many were killed and brought back many times over. Going through this ordeal countless times in such close proximity to the living shadows they fought slowly enabled them to gain control over their own shadows. These warriors have fully learned to fight back to back with their own shadow.
Warriors of Balance use the rules for Echo Knights found in the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount.

Martial Archetype

At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype feature. The following option is available to a fighter, in addition to those offered in the Player’s Handbook: the Lancegale.


The Threespire clan sought to emulate the wind with their speed in combat since most foes they faced in the tunnels around their home could end them in one blow. Through this speed they have mastered a weapon traditionally saved for mounted combat: the lance. Practitioners of this style use their speed to evade and confound their enemies. Some think they practice wind magic to enhance their abilities since masters of this art have been known to leap over vast ravines, charge through fire unharmed, and even bend the wind to bite at their foes. How they accomplish these feats are a secret only the clan knows and their ways are closely guarded. But

A warrior of Threespire


There are no official monasteries known to the public on the island. There are however rumors of a few remote ones located in the mountains. During the Light Plague some spoke of a traveling monk that participated in the Arena and assisted Lord Cal in ending the plague that terrorized the Hollowed Isle. There are rumors that he has since settled on the Isle. Some say he has started teaching his ways to both denizens of the Isle. Others believe he works as a spy for the leaders of the clans, both on the lands they find themselves in and each other.

Monastic Tradition

At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Tradition feature. The following option is available to a monk, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: Way of the Shifting Form

Way of the Shifting Form

All monks have learned how to control their bodies more than most mortals. A select few have learned to utilize their ki to mold their very flesh. Some find the right teachers to learn this art, some are exposed to freak magic accidents, and others are born natural shapeshifters who must learn to extend their control. You may find these monks subtly changing their form to accomplish the monks usual capabilities. They may discreetly change their body to increase their speed or slow their fall but they can use their ki to push themselves even further.

Regenerating Form

Beginning at 11th level, you are now considered a shapechanger for the purposes of spells and other effects. A game effect must work on both of your creatyre types to affect you. Additionally, your body can heal from heinous wounds. If you lose a limb, or another body part, you will regrow it in a number of days equal to 1d20 - your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).


There are not many on the island that follow the path of the paladin. Some are found among the Green Caverns, Lumbrax, Threespire and a few scattered on the surface. Those that follow the teachings of the Serene King vehemently have taken the Oath of Unity. But an oath is a fickle thing to many mortals, so any flavor of paladin might be found if you looked hard enough.

Sacred Oath

At 3rd level, a paladin gains the Sacred Oath feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The following option is available to a paladin, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: Oath of Unity.

Oath of Unity

Paladins who take the Oath of Unity have seen that standing by themselves is folly. True strength comes from the bonds they form with others. A band of lowly farmers bringing down the evil tyrant, a hoard of orcs rallying against the avenging hero and hundreds of other examples show that standing together is the path to victory.

Tenets of Devotion

Stronger Together. You may be strong, but you are so much stronger with the help of allies and friends.

Supporting Pillar. Your allies will not fall. You will make sure of it.

One for All. An option that helps you, but hurts your allies, is not an option.

All for One. Together our friends will not fall. If one cannot support an ally, many can.

Divided Foes. Your strength is your allies. Your enemies will not have that same strength.




Alone, you are strong. Together,

you are mighty.


Rangers are exceptionally common to the island. Defending yourself and providing for your clan are a top priority for most that dwell on the Isle. There are of course those that dwell in the tunnels of the island, living off of what they can find and defending both creature and person from each other.

There are countless varieties of ranger. The most common found on the island is the gloomstalker. Stalking the endless tunnels beneath the island takes up most of their time and proves an ample training ground for their skills. Most of these hunters are solitary creatures but there are those that have formed "packs" that relentlessly stalk the tunnels between the clans to keep passage safe for those that cannot afford the money or time for the Bullete Paths. A variety of ranger found near Crystal Peak is the Arcane Hunter. The threats that arise from the dense magic at the peak gives them plenty of work.

They are most often found between clans. There are however rangers among Weaver's Nest, Ancestral Hill, and the City of Lumbrax. Rangers tend to be discouraged among the Threespire clan for their connection to nature magic but they are tolerated for their service to the clan in warding off the creatures found in the tunnels surrounding their home.

Ranger Archetype

At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger Archetype feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The following option is available to you when making that choice: Arcane Hunter.

Arcane Hunter

Arcane Hunters have developed their skills specifically to hunt down arcane threats. Whether it be against magical creatures or powerful spellcasters, Arcane Hunters specialize in taking them down. Their magic cannot hide them. Their magic cannot shield them. Their magic only bolsters the hunter. It only ensures a successful hunt.

An Arcane hunter finds a clue to his prey


Rogues are found as commonly on the Isle as they are anywhere else. Threespire trains some of their warriors in this art. They claim it is for a better ambush. They are, of course, found in the City of Lumbrax, spying on the representatives of the clans, cutting purses, or maybe they're fighting for the little guy that the guard cannot help. Many are in the villages of the surface.

All manner of rogues are found on the Isle. From your typical thief to an assassin, and to the scouts on the surface and in the tunnels. Some areas where the veil has thinned, especially in Lumbrax, has let phantom rogues awaken to their power. Some are deployed when the island makes fall in a new land. Better to know what and who might be making its way to the shore.

Uniquely among the Isle is the Galemaster rogue. These rogues have leaned into wind magic. Some discover this through venturing into air elemental caverns while others are taught this style in the windy caverns of Threespire.

Roguish Archetype

At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature, which offers you the choice of a subclass. The following option is available to a rogue, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: Galemaster.

The right price gets the right blade.


A biting wind can chill you to the bone. The stabbing wind of a galemaster brings death with this chill. These swift rogues have learned to harness the wind to let their daggers ride the wind and stab at those beyond the range of others. These turbulent assassins can even use the wind to evade their foes. The true masters of this craft can be seen letting bursts of wind propel them through the sky.


Sorcerers are a common thing amid the island's inhabitants. The crystals that dot the peak of the surfaces largest mountain and spread throughout the caverns below are to blame for this. Their strong varied magical aura is believed to have a slight effect on those born near them. For this reason, sorcerers are most commonly found amid the dwarven clan at Crystal Peak. Theses sorcerers display innate power over crystal and are able to replicate the effects of those crystals found strewn around the island.

Not all sorcerers on the island are of this variety. Draconic sorcerers and wild magic sorcerers can be found in smaller numbers. Sorcerers of the storm can be found on the surface, sorcerers of shadow can be found near the City of Lumbrax, and there are always more ways for magic to find its way into this world.

Sorcerous Origin

At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin feature. The following options are available to a sorcerer, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: Crystalline Soul.

Crystalline Soul

Born near magical crystals, you have been subtly influenced by their magic. The crystal's magic is part of you, guiding you. Ioun stones, elemental gems, naturally occurring magical crystals and others all give off magic. They can enhance those around them or bring the elements to bear. Regardless of their aura, they all act as magical conduits. With their magic as part of you, these traits become yours as well.

It may have left a small mark on you. Your irises may resemble gems, you might have slight tint to your skin resembling a gem's color, your hair is rigid like stone, or light might be refracted when it bounces of off you. Regardless, the crystals have left their mark upon you. Some may take pride in this mark. Others are ashamed of it. Many are just self conscious of their distinctive traits.


Warlocks are an interesting case on the Isle. Before the Light Plague they were a rare breed. Fey, demon, and other powers lent their power but did not let it be known. Then the power of the Void was tapped to restrain the plague that threaten the Hollowed Isle. This led to countless warlocks of the void before they were consumed by the shadow. To fight this shadow, celestial warlocks began to make themselves known on the front of the battles.

Since the end of the Light Plague, many celestial warlocks are found among the City Guard, some believing that Cal the Balanced himself is one of these. Most of these warlocks are bound to a patron of light or life but some claim their patron is an avatar of the Serene King himself. Warlocks of this variety are not the only new breed however. Warlocks of the Void can still be found on the Isle. They play a dangerous game. Can they resist and work with the Void for their fellow people or will they give into its craven desire in their lust for power? Regardless, they are pushed to destroy any trace of the Radiant.

Otherworldly Patron

At 1st level you strike a bargain with an otherworldy being of your choice. The following option is available to a warlock, in addition to those offered in the Player's Handbook: The Void.

The Void

The Void is ancient. The Void is emptiness given form. It seeks to cover the realms, cover the light that bites at it; that dares to limit its power. It can only reach so far out of the abyss into this world, but it has found others that seek to cover the light and quiet the world. Unfortunately, it has found you.

Some have managed to use the Void's ambition for good. They have recognized the good that the darkness can bring. But they must always be vigilant of the temptation to give into the desires that the Void whispers of.

This subclass can be used to represent any patron that uses darkness. Many have recognized its potential.


Wizards are found spread amongst the island's inhabitants. They range from the humble village magi of the surface to the Archmagi of Threespire. Threespire teaches a basic understanding of magic to most of its inhabitants. Crystal Peak encourages the practice (especially the use of constructs). While not common, there are those among Ancestral Hill, the Green Caverns and Weaver's Nest that study the arcane arts. Among the City of Lumbrax, the Magus Tower welcomes many and funds expeditions into the lower tunnels to explore and find new ways to advance their research. For this reason, they are constantly expanding and creating new ways for their magic to improve the lives of those on the Isle.

A subset of wizards in Threespire have a very niche area of study. Due to Threespire's lackluster view of druids, they have conspired to twist nature to their will through arcane means. These wizards are known as Ecomancers.

Wizard Variant: Ecomancers

Ecomancers are wizards that have devoted their minds to bending nature to their whim. They study and progress like most wizards but it has had a profound effect on their spellcasting.


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