Expanded Greater Undead

by Sonixerse

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Expanded Greater Undead


At first glance, draugr seem to be indistinguishable from a zombie. However, draugr are eternally bound to the service of a supernatural entity such as a fiend, dragon, or even the gods themselves.

This eternal service is often a consequence of pledging a pact to these entities. Others may have aided in a ritual or even provided an entity enough power through worship to grant that creature the power to bind the souls of its followers to its own will.

Because of this supernatural link, draugr tend to be much more powerful than the typical zombie. Because these undead are animated and controlled by the power of such an otherworldly entity, these undead possess an uncanny resilience against effects that turn the dead as well as magical effects.

Draugr typically can be found as guardians to protect the lair, temple, or tomb of a powerful entity. Since many supernatural entities can live for centuries or even millennia, draugr have been known to be stored in ancient barrows or tombs, lying in wait for their master to command them.

Draugr Tactics

Draugr have no will of their own, as they are eternally bounded to serve their patron or deity. Since they largely are extensions of their patron's will, their tactics often vary depending on the purpose. Some merely serve as simple guardians that will relentlessly hunt down the enemies of their master.

However, despite their thrall-like servitude, they are reasonably intelligent by the standard of most undead. Although they follow through with the commands of their patron, they still possess reasonable autonomy to allow them to adapt to the situation.

More powerful variants of draugr have been imbued with a spark of supernatural power, granting them the ability to cast spells. These spells primarily are used defensively to counter magical effects and to sow chaos and fear amongst enemy ranks.

Draugr Types

Draugrs can be divided into three categories. Each category represents the relative strength of a draugr, each of which is dependent on how much of a creature's essence is imbued into its corpse.


The weakest form is the draugr thrall, which are the most numerous of all their kind due to their relative ease to create. Draugr are typically created when a powerful entity binds the souls of those who may have worshiped or participate in dark rituals, with such entities binding their souls even beyond death. Although they possess no magical abilities, they still possess a natural resilience to many magical effects.

Draugr Cryptguard

Draugr cryptguard are a more powerful type of draugr that is typically created by one who directly served their patron. These individuals could have been priests or paladins that's exchanged their soul for power directly from their patron.

Draugr Cryptlord

Draugr cryptlords are the most powerful variant of draugr. In life, these individuals were powerful champions for the cause of their patron. However, upon their death, they were still charged to carry on their master's bidding. These draugr rarely awakened except when directly summoned by their master or when trespassers attempt to steal from the ancient barrow that they guard.

Draugr Variants

There are numerous varieties of draugr, each differing according to the entity that bound them.

Celestial Draugr

Celestial draugr are eternally bound to the will of celestial or divine deity. Some of these draugrs are used to safeguard holy relics or sinister artifacts from those who would attempt to misuse them. Others safeguard the fanes that would attempt to seal away a powerful fiend. In fact, many religious order view such a fate as divine blessing to forever safeguard the world from evil.

Dragonward Draugr

Extremely powerful dragons have learned to bind the souls of their servants as a means of protecting their lair. Due to their incredibly long lifespans, draugrs are a viable resource to use at their disposal, as they can be used an invasion force for conquest and a completely loyal and expendable means of defending their lair.

Primordial Draugr

Primordial draugr are a rare form of undead that have been bound to the service of a powerful elemental entity. These undead are relatively easy to recognize, as their forms resemble fusions of withered flesh and elemental mutations, such as undying flames or a jagged shell of ice.

Infernal Draugr

Infernal draugr are one of the most common type of draugr, simply due to the nature of most devils, attempting to bind a creature's soul. Infernal draugr are often created by clever wordplay and deceit in a fiendish contract. Even if one is able to weasel their way from selling their soul to become a fiend, there is still a high chance that they will end up as a draugr under the command of fiend upon their dying breath.

Feysworn Draugr

Feysworn are a rather uncommon form of draugr. Unlike other draugr, Feysworn are typically created from a curse from a powerful fey that was offended or slighted by an individual in life. As many fey tend to be quite fickle beings, Feysworn draugr can typically be found performing odd tasks such as serving as party guests for a fey or any bizarre command that fulfills that fey's interests.

Elder Draugr

Elder draugr are a strange variant of undead that are only believed to be bound to the service of ancient beings of madness from the Far Realm. Due to their alien origins, not much is known about these type of draugr. However, sightings of elder draugr is an omen for the possible incursion between the Material Plane and Far Realm.

Deep Draugr

Deep draugr are typically by those trapped at sea who call to higher powers for salvation. However, such salvation often comes at the price of eternal life in the service of a powerful entity such as a kraken or aboleth. Deep draugr are also believed to be the source of various myths and accounts regarding ghost ships helmed by the dead.

Deep draugr also make for the ideal thralls for these aquatic entities, as they serve as amphibious foot soldiers to assault the creatures of the land.


Medium Undead, varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
  • Hit Points 36 (4d8+12)
  • Speed 30ft.

15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)

  • Skills Perception +3
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered, Psychic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13
  • Languages Languages and one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Challenge 1(200 xp)

Life Sense The grave elemental can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Magic Resistance The draugr has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Turn Resistance The draugr has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the draugr can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the draugr regains 1 hitpoint instead.

It cannot benefit from this feature if it took radiant damage or was turned on its its previous turn.


Multiattack. The draugr can make two attack with its Grave Falchion. It can substitute any number of Grave Falchions strikes for a Grave Bolt.

Grave Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, 150ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10+2) necrotic damage.

Grave Falchion. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+2) slashing damage + 5 (1d8) necrotic damage.

Draugr Cryptguard

Medium Undead, Varies

  • Armor Class 16 (Breastplate)
  • Hit Points 72 (8d8+36)
  • Speed 30ft.

17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)

  • Skills Perception +5
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered, Psychic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15
  • Languages Languages and one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 8(3900 xp)

Life Sense The draugr cryptguard can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Magic Resistance The draugr cryptguard has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Turn Resistance The draugr cryptguard has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the draugr cryptguard can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the draugr regains 1 hitpoint instead.

It cannot benefit from this feature if it took radiant damage or was turned on its its previous turn.

Innate Spellcasting

The draugr cryptguard's spellcasting ability is Charisma(spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks)

At Will Detect Magic, Detect Good and Evil, Protection from Good and Evil

3/day each: Fear, Inflict Wounds, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Ray of Enfeeblement


Multiattack. The draugr cryptguard can cast a spell and make three attack with its Grave Falchion. It can substitute any number of Grave Falchion strikes for a Grave Bolt.

Grave Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, 150ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10+3) necrotic damage.

Grave Falchion. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) slashing damage + 5 (1d8) necrotic damage.

Draugr Crypt Lord

Medium Undead, Varies

  • Armor Class 18 (Plate Armor)
  • Hit Points 152 (16d8+80)
  • Speed 30ft.

20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 20 (+5)

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Con +9, Wis +8, Cha +10
  • Skills Perception +8
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered, Psychic
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 18
  • Languages Languages and one language of choice
  • Proficiency Bonus +5
  • Challenge 15(13000 xp)

Frightful Presence Each creature of the draugr crypt lord's choice that is within 120 ft. of the draugr crypt lord and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.

A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the draugr crypt lord's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Life Sense The draugr crypt lord can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Legendary Resistances(3/day) If the draugr crypt lord fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature the draugr crypt lord can make an attack with its Grave Falchion or a Grave Bolt.

Magic Resistance The draugr crypt lord has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Turn Resistance The draugr crypt lord has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the draugr crypt lord can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the draugr regains 1 hitpoint instead.

It cannot benefit from this feature if it took radiant damage or was turned on its its previous turn.

Innate Spellcasting

The draugr crypt lord's spellcasting ability is Charisma(spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks)

At Will Detect Magic, Detect Good and Evil, Protection from Good and Evil, Fear, Inflict Wounds, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Ray of Enfeeblement

3/day each: Antilife Shell, Circle Death, Enervation,


Multiattack. The draugr crypt lord can cast a spell and make three attack with its Grave Falchion. It can substitute any number of Grave Falchion strikes for a Grave Bolt.

Grave Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, 150ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10+5) necrotic damage.

Grave Falchion. Melee Spell Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage + 9 (2d8) necrotic damage.

Legendary Actions (3/turn)

The draugr crypt lord can take a legendary action at the end of each of every creature's turns

Movement (1 action) The draugr crpyt lord can move up to 30ft. to a spot that it can see within range without needing to make an ability check.

Grave Strike( 1 action) The draugr crypt lord can make a Grave Falchion or Grave Bolt

Spell(2 actions) The draugr crypt lord can cast a spell of its choice

Resilience(3 actions) The draugr crypt lord can end one status condition or spell effect on itself.

Celestial Draugr

  • Damage Immunities Radiant
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Celestial Beacon When creatures take radiant damage from the draugr, that creature cannot benefit from being hidden

Celestial Revival When the Celestial Draugr successfully uses its Undead Fortitude, it regains 10 hitpoints

Divine Blessing The draugr's attack can deal radiant damage instead of necrotic

Divine Light The draugr can emit bright light in a 20ft. radius and dim light an additional 20ft. This light counts as sunlight. This light banishes any non-magical or magical darkness.


Spells Guiding Bolt, Daylight

Crpyt Lord Only Spells Dawn, Flame Strike, Sickening Radiance

Primordial Draugr

  • Damage Immunity Cold, Fire, Lightning
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Primordial Demise Whenthe Draugr is killed, creatures in a 10ft. radius must succeed a Dexterity saving throw equal to 8 + the Draugr's Charisma modifier + its proficiency bonus. On a failed saving throw, creatures takes its choice of cold, fire, or lightning damage equal to a number of d8s as the draugr's proficiency bonus. On a successful saving throw, it takes half damage.

Primordial Aura When a creature first enters or starts its turn within 5ft. of the draugr takes its choice of 5 (1d8) cold, fire, lightning damage.

Divine Blessing The draugr's attack can deal its choice of cold, fire, or lightning damage instead of necrotic


Spells Burning Hands, Binding Frost, Witch Bolt

Crpyt Lord Only Spells Cone of Cold, Fireball, Lightning Bolt,

Dragonward Draugr

  • Damage Immunity (choose one) Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Dragon's Presence(Crypt Lord Only) Creatures frightened by the Crypt Lord drops all items it is holding, is incapacitated, and cannot has its movement speed reduced to 0 for the duration.

Dragon Scale When the draugr succeeds a saving throw against a magical effect, it takes no damage

Draconic Magic When the draugr deals damage according to its draconic element, it can ignore resistance and treat immunity as resistance.

Draconic Weapon The draugr's attack can deal its choice of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage instead of necrotic. This damage matches its draconic element


Spells Dragon's Breath

Crypt Lord Only Spells (choose one) Fireball, Cone of Cold, Lightning Bolt, Cloudkill, Vitreolic Sphere

Feysworn Draugr

  • Damage Resistance Force, Psychic
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Fey Presence(Crypt Lord Only) Creatures frightened by the Crypt Lord are considered to be charmed for the duartion as well

Avoidance If the draugr is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Displacement The draugr projects a magical illusion that makes it appear to be standing near its actual location, causing attack rolls against it to have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait is disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait is also disrupted while the draugr is incapacitated or has a speed of 0.


Spells Color Spray, Faerie Fire, Invisibility, Misty Step, Sleep

Crpyt Lord Only Spells Phantasmal Killer, Hypnotic Pattern

Infernal Draugr

  • Damage Immunity Fire, Lightning, Poison
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 2

Devil Sight The draugr's vision is not impeded by magical darkness

Fiendish Pact(Crypt Lord Only) Fiends commanded by the draugr do not become unfriendly towards the draugr if its concentration is lost.


Spells Hellish Rebuke, Ray of Sickness

Crypt Lord Only Spells Conjure Lesser Demons, Fireball, Cloudkill, Summon Greater Demon,

Elder Draugr

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Maddening Presence(Crypt Lord Only) Creatures frightened by the Crypt Lord takes 27 (5d8) psychic damage at the start of each of its turn

Psionic Reflection When the draugr takes psychic damage, is forced to to make a saving throw against being charmed or frightened, it takes no damage and is unaffected. Instead, the attacker suffers the damage or effects of that attack

Psionic Magic The draugr's attack can deal its choice of psychic instead of necrotic


Spells Confusion, Hypnotic Pattern

Crypt Lord Only Spells (choose one) Telekinesis, Synaptic Static

Deep Draugr

  • Damage Immunity Acid, Cold
  • Movement Speed 30ft. swim

Thalassic Shield When the draugr starts its turn underwater, it gains 10 temporary hitpoints

Thalassic Tendril The draugr's melee weapon attacks have an increased reach of 5ft.

Thalassic Gift The draugr's attack can deal its choice of acid or cold damage instead of necrotic


Spells Caustic Brew, Binding Frost

Crpyt Lord Only Spells Cone of Cold, Maelstrom, Tidal Wave, Vitreolic Sphere


At first glance, wights closely resemble zombies or even draugr. However, wights can set apart from their other kin as a superior form of undead. Wights possess absolute autonomy (akin to that of a ghost or spirit) while possessing an extremely durable corporeal form.

In fact, wights possess the memories and personalities of their former lives. However, this strange state of neither life or death, leave the wight a husk of its original form that possesses a special malevolence and hunger for the living creatures, especially its soul.

Although many scholars debate the true origins of wights, it is believed that these undead were the result of necromantic experiments to create the ideal undead that retained its former intelligence and knowledge.

These undead seemed to be a viable alternative to the otherwise resource intensive and unpredictably dangerous rituals involved for lichdom.

Wight Tactics

Unlike most forms of undead, wights possess an innate fear of the sunlight and lie dormant in their barrows or crypts during the day. At night, these undead awakened in large bands, seeking for souls to devour.

Upon consuming a creature's soul, the wight is able to bind a creature to its will as a zombie or skeleton. Because of their ability to control the dead, a wight incursion can quickly grow into an unstoppable force of death.

Although wights generally are not as powerful as many other greater undead, their true strength is in their ability to control zombies and skeletons, as they are able to control any creatures whose life essence they have consumed.

Thanks to their heightened intelligence, wights make full use of their minions by commanding them to protect it from harm and to guard their barrows while they sleep during the day.

Wight Types

Wights can be categorized into several categories based on how they hunger for the living.

Frost Wight

Frost wights can be identified by their pale or blue skin covered in frigid frost. These creatures emit a chilling aura that saps the very strength and vitality of a creature.

One must be extremely wary when engaging these undead, as one can quickly find themselves sapped of their strength and unable to find the strength to move their body.

Mana Wight

Of all undead, mana wights are the bane of all spellcasters. They seem to possess the unique ability to identify those with the ability to cast spells. Whenever a creature casts or falls under the effects of a spell, the wights will prioritize attacking that creature, draining their magical force of will with a single touch.

Mind Wights

Mind wights are believed to have been created through necromantic and psionic experimentation from mind flayers. The final result of these experiments were powerful undead that devoured psionic energy to regenerate its wounds.

A single touch from these wights is able to shatter the mind of its victims, leaving behind a mindless undead thrall under the wight's command.

Legion Wights

Legion wights were created to be the ideal undead soldier. In comparison to the rest of their kind, they possess the ability to command their undead thralls with deadly affinity. In fact, this necromantic link causes them to become incredibly hard to kill.

Wight Template

Medium Undead, neutral evil

  • Armor Class 16 (Breastplate Armor)
  • Hit Points 60(8d8 +24)
  • Speed 30ft.

15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)

  • Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks that are not silvered, cold damage
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
  • Condition Immunities exhausted, poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 60ft.
  • Languages languages it new in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Challenge 3 (700 xp)

Hatred of the Living When the wight takes the Attack action against a living creature, it can make one additional attack on its turn. It can choose from life drain, longsword, or longbow attacks.

Life Sense he wight can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Soul Hunger When the wight reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it regains 9(2d8) hitpoints.

Sunlight Sensitivity The wight has disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) that rely on sight.

Turn Resistance The wight has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Nature The wight does not need to eat or breathe

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the wight can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the wight regains 1 hitpoint instead.

Undead Legion Undead under the wight's control are immune to be turned. Thse undead can only benefit from this feature as long as the wight is not turned.


Multiattack. The wight can make two attacks on its turn, one with its Life longsword. Alternatively, it can choose to make two longbow attacks

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) slashing damage.

Longbow. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) piercing damage

Life Drain On target must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creatures takes 2d6 necrotic damage. Its hitpoint maximum is also reduced by this amount. This reduction lasts until the target finished a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hitpoint maximum to 0

Creatures that die from this attack returns to life as zombie in 24 hours under the wight's control unless its body is destroyed or returned to life. The wight can only control 12 zombies at a time

Bonus Actions

Wight Command The wight can use its bonus action to command an undead under its control that is within 60ft. of the wight to move up to half its movement speed to make a weapon attack against a creature in its reach.

Frost Wight

  • Damage Immunities Cold

Frigid Presence Non-undead creatures that first enter or starts its turn within 5ft. of the frost wight has its movement speed reduced by 10ft. until the end of its next turn.


Strength Sap (Replaces Life Drain) On target must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creatures takes 2d6 cold damage and until the end of its next turn its movement speed is halved and it deals half damage on its Strength or Dexterity based attacks.

Creatures that die from this attack returns to life as zombie in 24 hours under the wight's control unless its body is destroyed or returned to life. The wight can only control 12 zombies at a time

Mana Wight

  • Damage Immunities Force
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Magic Sight The mana wight can determine if a creature can cast spells.

Magical Resistance The mana wight has advantage on saving throw against spells and magical effects. If the mana wight succeeds its saving throw against a spell effect of 1st level or higher that deals damage, it takes none and heals for the amount of damage it would have taken instead.

Spell Break Creatures damaged by the mana wight have disadvantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on spell effects.


Mana Drain(Replaces Life Drain) One target must succeed a DC 12 Charisma saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creatures takes 2d6 necrotic damage. Its Charisma score is also reduced by 4(1d6). This reduction lasts until the target finished a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its Charisma to 1

Creatures that die from this attack returns to life as zombie in 24 hours under the wight's control unless its body is destroyed or returned to life. The wight can only control 12 zombies at a time

Mind Wight

  • Condition Immunities Charmed or Frighted
  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Psionic Consunmption When the mind wight takes psychic damage, it takes no damage and is instead healed by that amount instead.


Mind Drain(Replaces Life Drain) One target must succeed a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creatures takes 7 (2d6) Psychic damage. Its Intelligence score is also reduced by 4(1d6). This reduction lasts until the target finished a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its Charisma to 1

Creatures that die from this attack returns to life as zombie in 24 hours under the wight's control unless its body is destroyed or returned to life. The wight can only control 12 zombies at a time

Legion Wight

  • Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Legion Tactics The wight can deal an additional 7(2d6) necrotic damage on its damage rolls against a creature if at least one undead controlled by the wight is within 5 feet of the creature and the undead isn't incapacitated.

Life Link The wight has advantage on saving throws for its Undead Fortitude as long as it is within 5ft. of at least one undead controlled by the wight isn't incapacitated.

Undead Commander Undead under the wight's command has advantage on attack rolls as long as the wight is not incapacitated


Thrall's Retaliation When the wight takes damage from a creature, it can use its reaction to command an undead under its control to make a melee weapon attack


Mummies are created when undead are entombed and buried using various funerary rites and rituals that wraps a corpse in various linens lined with numerous runes and sigils. These glyphs imbue the corpse with necromantic magic that grants the mummy immortality under specified conditions.

These conditions often vary depending on funeral rites upon entombment. Some rituals cause the zombie to awaken to defend their tomb against trespassers or guard a long-lost artifact. Others are called to awaken as ancestral guardians that while arise again to defend a city from attack, or even serve as an undead army that awakens at the arrival or freeing of a powerful entity or god.

Oftentimes, the process of mummification is viewed as an eternal duty or eternal slavery, depending on the culture and situation. Some powerful warriors or rulers seek to become mummified to act as guardians or councilors to those that come behind them if the need arises. Others are stripped of their eternal life and bound to the service of the necromantic binds of the mummification process.

Mummy Tactics

Once awakened, mummies will relentlessly stop at nothing to fulfil its duty. Even if its body is destroyed, a mummy cannot be truly defeated until the necromantic incantations that bind it are satisfied or dispelled. These enchanted linens also shield the mummy from many effects that would hinder the dead. However, these linens, coupled with the withered corpse, can be quite flammable.

When awakened, their runic wrappings enable a mummy to identify and track a transgressor or object in question as long as it is on the same plane of existence. Despite, their slow and lumbering form, mummies are incredibly powerful undead and are nearly impossible to fully destroy.

Despite their slow gait, they are able to cause a creature to become paralyzed in fear from a single glance. The mummy's most potent weapon is its rotting touch that causes one body to begin to wither to dust. A single touch from the mummy is able to impart a necromantic hex known as the Mummy's Curse.

A creature under the Mummy's curse begins to slowly wither away. If a creature dies while in this state, it is turned to dust.

Mummy Variants

Although mummies differ depending on the culture and rituals involved, they can be broadly categorized into three groups based on the necromantic glyphs that bind them for eternity.

Coffin Mummy

Coffin mummies are the most common of all kinds of mummies. They can be found in barrows, crypts, and pyramids in large numbers. Each are covered in a thick layer of enchanted linens that glow with necromantic runes. These undead primarily serve as guardians of ancient tombs or ancient soldiers to be summoned in times of need.

Coffin mummies are typically created from slaves or sacrifices for necromantic rituals to bind one's soul and corpse to eternal servitude to a ruler or a higher power.

Sepulcher Mummy

Sepulcher mummies tend to be created from warrior who died in service to their ruler or patron. As part of their loyalty to their ward, these champions have been entombed to rise again in the time of need. Due to the power of their enchanted wrappings, they possess much of the martial skill they possessed in life. Due to their incredible skill, they have been known to actively hunt down transgressors, traveling miles to reach their target.

Mummy Hierophant

The most powerful of all mummies are hierophants. Whether by royal command or divine punishment, these individuals have been chosen for immortal servitude. Some hierophants are sought for council and aid by the living rulers or their time, while others serve as the dark harbingers of an even greater power.

Provoking the wrath of mummy hierophant is a dangerous task due to the immense power these entities possess. A mummy hierophants have been known to control the weather bringing plagues and ruin to entire countries and can seemingly teleport at will to find and destroy transgressors.

However, what makes these mummies extremely dangerous is their tenacity, for they will not stop trying to destroy their enemies as long as their necromantic bindings still hold true.

Coffin Mummy

Medium Undead, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 11 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
  • Speed 20ft.

16 (+3) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5
  • Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception
  • Languages language it knew in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Challenge 4(1100 xp)

Dreadful Glare At the start of each of its turns, one creature that the coffin mummy can see within 60 ft. of must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw against this effect or become frightened until the end of the coffin mummy's next turn. Creatures frightened by the coffin mummy are also Paralyzed for the same duration.

A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies (but not mummy hierophants) for the next 24 hours.

Eternal Unrest A destroyed coffin mummy regains a new body after 3 (1d4) days regaining all of its hitpoints and becomes active again. The new body appears within 5ft. of its original body. A coffin mummy can only be truly destroyed or be put to rest when the source of its Undying Vengeance is sated.

Flamable When the coffin mummy takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. The coffin mummy can use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, the coffin mummy's attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.

Life Sense The coffin mummy can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Magic Resistance The coffin mummy has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Mummy's Curse Creatures afflict with the coffin mummy's curse cannot regain hitpoints for the duration. At the end of every 24 hours, the targets hitpoint maximum decreases by 9(2d8) for every 24 hours that elapse.

If the target is reduced to 0 hitpoints while under the curse, the target dies and its body turns to dust.

The curse lasts until removed by Remove Curse curse or similar magic.

Turning Resistance The coffin mummy has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the coffin mummy can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the coffin mummy regains 1 hitpoint instead.

It cannot benefit from this feature if it took radiant damage or was turned on its its previous turn.

Undying Vengeance A coffin mummy only awakens when its tomb is disturbed or another triggering actions such as a transgression of an individual. As a result, the coffin mummy will relentlessly hunt down the source of this transgression. As long as that creature is on the same plane of existence, the coffin mummy knows the location of the transgressor(s).This effect can be ended when the transgression has be punished or the triggering event (such as a stolen artifact) has been restored to its original condition or location.


Multiattack. The coffin mummy can make two attacks with its Rotting Fist.

Rotting Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 6(1d4+3) bludgeoning damage + 9(2d8) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be afflicted with Mummy's Curse. Additionally, on a failed saving throw, that creature suffers vulnerability to the next damage roll against it until the start of the coffin mummy's next turn.

Rotting Dust(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 20ft. cone must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures are blinded and suffers vulnerability to the next damage roll against it until the start of the coffin mummy's next turn.

Sepulcher Mummy

Medium Undead, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 18 (Plate Armor)
  • Hit Points 85 (10d8 + 40)
  • Speed 20ft.

18 (+4) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Str +8, Con +8
  • Skills Athletics +8, Perception +8
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception
  • Languages language it knew in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Challenge 11(7200 xp)

Dreadful Glare At the start of each of its turns, one creature that the sepulcher mummy can see within 60 ft. of must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw against this effect or become frightened until the end of the sepulcher mummy's next turn. Creatures frightened by the sepulcher mummy are also Paralyzed for the same duration.

A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies (but not mummy hierophants) for the next 24 hours.

Eternal Unrest A destroyed sepulcher mummy regains a new body after 3 (1d4) days regaining all of its hitpoints and becomes active again. The new body appears within 5ft. of its original body. A mummy can only be truly destroyed or be put to rest when the source of its Undying Vengeance is sated.

Flamable When the sepulcher mummy takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. The sepulcher mummy can use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, the sepulcher mummy's attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.

Life Sense The sepulcher mummy can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Magic Resistance The sepulcher mummy has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Mummy's Curse Creatures afflict with the sepulcher mummy's curse cannot regain hitpoints for the duration. At the end of every 24 hours, the targets hitpoint maximum decreases by 9(2d8) for every 24 hours that elapse.

If the target is reduced to 0 hitpoints while under the curse, the target dies and its body turns to dust.

The curse lasts until removed by Remove Curse curse or similar magic.

Trespasser's Enmity The sepulcher mummy has advantage on attack rolls against a creature under its Mummy Curse or under its Undying Vengeance. Whenever it takes the Attack action against those creatures, it can make one additional Rotting Glaive attack as part of its action.

Turning Resistance The sepulcher mummy has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the sepulcher mummy can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the sepulcher mummy regains 1 hitpoint instead.

Undying Vengeance A sepulcher mummy only awakens when its tomb is disturbed or another triggering actions such as a transgression of an individual. As a result, the mummy will relentlessly hunt down the source of this transgression. As long as that creature is on the same plane of existence, the sepulcher mummy knows the location of the transgressor(s).This effect can be ended when the transgression has be punished or the triggering event (such as a stolen artifact) has been restored to its original condition or location.


Multiattack. The sepulcher mummy can make two attacks with its Rotting Glaive.

Rotting Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10ft., one target. Hit: 9(1d10+3) slashing damage + 9(2d8) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target must succeed a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be afflicted with Mummy's Curse. Additionally, on a failed saving throw, that creature suffers vulnerability to the next damage roll against it until the start of the mummy's next turn.

Rotting Dust(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. cone must succeed a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures are blinded and suffers vulnerability to the next damage roll against it until the start of the mummy's next turn.

Mummy Hierophant

Medium Undead, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 181 (18d8 + 90)
  • Speed 20ft.

20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 19 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Str +11, Con +11
  • Skills Athletics +11, Perception +8
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered
  • Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception
  • Languages language it knew in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +6
  • Challenge 19(22000 xp), 20(25000 xp) if in lair

Dreadful Glare At the start of each of its turns, one creature that the mummy can see within 60 ft. of must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw against this effect or become frightened until the end of the mummy's next turn. Creatures frightened by the mummy are also Paralyzed for the same duration.

A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies for the next 24 hours.

Eternal Unrest A destroyed mummy regains a new body after 3 (1d4) days regaining all of its hitpoints and becomes active again. The new body appears within 5ft. of its original body. A mummy can only be truly destroyed or be put to rest when the source of its Undying Vengeance is sated.

Flamable When the mummy hierophant takes fire damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. The mummy hierophant can use its action to put out the flames. However, while in this state, the mummy hierophant's attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.

Legendary Resistance(3/day) If the mummy hierophant fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed. Upon using this feature the mummy hierophant can cast a spell of 5th level or lower

Life Sense The mummy can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Magic Resistance The mummy has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Mummy's Curse Creatures afflict with the mummy's curse cannot regain hitpoints for the duration. At the end of every 24 hours, the targets hitpoint maximum decreases by 27(6d8) for every 24 hours that elapse.

If the target is reduced to 0 hitpoints while under the curse, the target dies and its body turns to dust.

The curse lasts until removed by Remove Curse curse or similar magic.

Turning Resistance The mummy has advantage on saving throws against effects that would turn the Dead

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the mummy can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the coffin mummy regains 1 hitpoint instead.

Undying Vengeance A mummy only awakens when its tomb is disturbed or another triggering actions such as a transgression of an individual. As a result, the mummy will relentlessly hunt down the source of this transgression. As long as that creature is on the same plane of existence, the mummy knows the location of the transgressor(s).This effect can be ended when the transgression has be punished or the triggering event (such as a stolen artifact) has been restored to its original condition or location.


Multiattack. The mummy hierophant can cast a spell and make two attacks with its Rotting Fist. It can replace any spell attack for its Dust Breath Attack if available.

Rotting Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 10(2d4+5) bludgeoning damage + 17(3d8) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target must succeed a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be afflicted with Mummy's Curse. Additionally, on a failed saving throw, that creature suffers vulnerability to the next damage roll against it until the start of the mummy's next turn.

Rotting Dust(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 60ft. cone must succeed a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take 54 (12d8) necrotic damage, are blinded, and suffers vulnerability to the next damage roll against it until the end of the mummy's next turn.

Mummy Spellcasting

The mummy is an 18th level spellcaster and has the following spells prepared. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma and its spell save is DC is 18, +10 to hit

  • Cantrips Chill Touch, Infestation, Toll the Dead
  • 1st Level (4 slots) Inflict Wounds, Ray of Sickness
  • 2nd Level (3 slots) Blindness/Deafness, Dust Devil, Hold Person, Web
  • 3rd Level (3 slots) Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Fear, Meld into Stone, Stinking Cloud
  • 4th Level (3 slots) Blight, Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement
  • 5th Level (2 slots) Antilife Shell, Contagion, Insect Plague
  • 6th Level (2 slots) Circle of Death, Eyebite, Harm
  • 7th Level (1 slot) Divine Word, Power Word: Pain, Whirlwind, Teleport
  • 8th Level (1 slot) Control Weather, Horrid Wilting, Power Word: Stun
  • 9th Level (1 slot) Power Word Kill

Legendary Actions (3/turn)

The mummy hierophant can take 3 legendary actions from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and can only use them at the end of a creature's turn

Blinding Sand(1 action) Creatures in a 10ft. radius around the mummy must succeed a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of its next turn.

Whirling Sands (1 action) The mummy hierophant transforms into a whirling cloud of dust and can move up to 30ft. in a direction of its choice. It remains in this form until the start of the next creature's turn. While in this state, the mummy is immune to all damage, cannot be grappled, petrified, knocked prone, restrained, stunned, or paralyzed.

Dreadful Glare (1 action) The mummy can use its Dreadful Glare on one creature it can see.

Cast a spell (2 actions) The mummy can cast a spell of 5th level or lower

Resilience (3 actions) The mummy can end one condition or spell effect on itself

Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the mummy hierophant takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; the mummy hierophant can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.

  • The mummy begins place a curse on all living creatures within its lair. Any non-undead creature in its lair is unable to regain hitpoint until the end of its next turn. For the duration of this effect, creatures have disadvantage on death saving throws.
  • Necrotic magic surges through the mummies lair wracking all non-undead creatures with tremendous pain. Whenever a creature take the Attack action or cast a spell of 5th level or lower, it must succeed a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take 14 (3d8) necrotic damage and wastes its action or spell.
  • The mummy conjures a swirling cloud of dust that obscures vision of all non-undead creatures in the lair. Until initiative count 20 or the next round, non-undead creatures must treat the area as difficult terrain and heavily obscured.
  • All undead are immune to effects that Turn the Dead until initiative count 20 of the next round.

Regional Effects

  • Food and non-magical liquids instantly molders or evaporates when brought into the lair.
  • Creatures that take a short or long rest in its lair cannot use hit die to regain hitpoints nor can they restore any expended hit die.
  • Divinatgion spells cast within the lair has an 25 percent additional chance to provide misleading results by the DM.
  • Creatures in the lair or possessing an item under the effects of the mummy's Undying Vengeance has disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws. This curse lasts until removed by a Remove Curse spell or the transgression has been resolved If the mummy hierophant is destroyed, these regional effects end immediately

Undead Elementals

The widespread use of necromancy in the multiverse has had numerous effects on the flow of magical energy throughout the planes. One of these side effects has been known to directly affect creatures made of pure magical energy, such as elementals. Although in most circumstance, elementals tend to be tied to elemental magics, several variants of necrotic based elementals have been known to develop.

Undead Elemental Tactics

Just like all elementals, undead elementals behave according to the aspect of nature that they represent. Undead elementals typically gravitate towards large populations of living creatures, seeking to eradicate any living creatures in its path. Despite, this apparent malevolence towards the living, the undead elementals are simply driven by their nature, just as a predator is bound to hunt prey.

Soul Elementals

Of all necrotic elementals, soul elementals tend to be the most common. These gigantic elementals are typically attracted to places full of death and necrotic energy, such as battlefields or ancient crypts.

From a distance, soul elemental seem to closely resemble extremely large elementals. However, their ethereal forms seemed to be filled of dozens of souls that silently scream in their eternal imprisonment.

As their name suggests, these elementals feast on the souls of living creatures, absorbing them into their physical forms. Creatures slain by the soul elemental is unable to pass to the afterlife, as its soul is forever absorbed by this entity. Only by using extremely powerful magic or destroying this elemental can any consumed souls fully be free to rest in peace.

Ichor Elementals

Of all necrotic elementals, ichor elementals can only be created through artificial means. The art of creating ichor elementals originates from an ancient hemamantic ritual developed by vampires. These elementals were created to serve as sentinels or shock troops for vampires to defend their territories during the day. Thanks to their liquid form and ability to sense the blood of living creatures, they make for quite capable assassins.

Ichor elementals are nearly impossible to kill, for they are able to feed off the pain of nearby creatures to heal their wounds. Additionally, the bloody form possess slight vampiric properties, granting it the ability to siphon the life from a creature that gets too close to it.

Grave Elementals

Grave elementals are powerful elemental created when the surrounding land is infused with sufficient necromantic magics. Grave elementals are commonly found in graveyards or battlefields that have been used for mass reanimation or the desecration of the earth due to dark rituals or the presence of a powerful undead.

Grave elementals resemble hulking masses of earth, bone, and flesh that emits a repulsive stench that causes nearby creatures to wither away. Due to the abundant amount of magic within its form, its attacks are extremely effective against creatures that are already injured.

Soul Elemental

Large Undead, true neutral

  • Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 102 (12d10+36)
  • Speed 40ft. fly (hover)

18 (+4) 18(+4) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Con +6, Cha +6
  • Skills Perception +5
  • Damage Resistances cold, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from magical attacks
  • Damage Immunities Acid, Necrotic, Poison, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
  • Senses Darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common and any languages it new in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 8 (3900)

Illumination The soul elemental gives off a dim light in a 20ft. radius.

Life Sense The soul elemental can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs

Incorporeal Form The soul elemental can enter a creature's space and stop there. Creatures that starts its turn in the soul elemental's space, it takes 5(1d8) necrotic damage and has disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of its next turn.

Incorporeal Movement The soul elemental can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends it turn inside an object

Soul Eater When a creature is reduced to 0 hitpoints by the Soul Elemental, that creature is instantly killed and the Soul Elemental regains 14 (3d8) hitpoints. Creatures killed in this manner cannot be revived by any means short of a Wish spell unless that Soul Elemental is killed.

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the soul elemental can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the soul elemental regains 1 hitpoint instead.

It cannot benefit from this feature if it took radiant damage or was turned on its its previous turn.


Multiattack. The Soul Elemental can make two attacks with its Soul Drain. It can replace any number of these attacks with a Soul Blast

Soul Drain Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 13(2d8+4) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have its hitpoint maximum reduced by that amount.

The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Soul Blast Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 90ft., one target. Hit: 13(2d8+4) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target must succeed a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of its next turn. Creatures frightened have their movement speed halved as they are harried by angry spirits.

Bonus Actions

Soul Harvest When a creature with 0 hitpoints is within 10ft. of the Soul Elemental, the target must succeed a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. On a failed saving throw the target dies and the Soul Elemental regains 14 (3d8) hitpoints.


Incorporeal Defense When the soul elemental takes damage from a creature, it can temporarily become completely incorporeal to take half damage instead.

Ichor Elemental

Large Undead, true neutral

  • Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 102 (12d10+36)
  • Speed 40ft. fly, 40ft. swim

18 (+4) 18(+4) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +7
  • Skills Perception +5
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks
  • Damage Immunities Acid, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
  • Senses Darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common and any languages it new in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +3
  • Challenge 8(3900 xp)

Blood Drinker When a creature that has blood and is not an Undead within 5ft. of the ichor elemental takes damage, the ichor elemental regains a number of hitpoints equal to half the amount of damage that creature took.

Blood Sense The ichor elemental can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs or any creature without blood

Liquid Body The ichor elemental can move through through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing

Vampiric Ichor The ichor elemental can enter a creature's space and stop there. Creatures that starts its turn in the ichor elemental's space, it takes 5(1d8) necrotic damage. The ichor elemental regains a number of hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage


Multiattack. The ichor Elemental can make two attacks with its Withering Touch. It can replace any number of these attacks with a Vampiric Drain

Withering Touch Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 13(2d8+4) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the target cannot recover hitpoints until the end of its next turn.

Vampiric Drain Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 90ft., one target. Hit: 13(2d8+4) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the ichor elemental regains a number of hitpoints equal to half the necrotic damage dealt.


Blood Tether When the ichor elemental takes damage from a creature, it can take half damage and force the attacker to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the attacker takes necrotic damage equal to half the damage dealt and half as much on a success.

Grave Elemental

Large Undead, true neutral

  • Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 126 (12d10+60)
  • Speed 40ft., 40ft. climb

20 (+5) 8(-1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Str +9, Con +9
  • Skills Perception +6
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks that are not silvered, cold
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses Darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common and any languages it new in life
  • Proficiency Bonus +4
  • Challenge 11 (7200 xp)

Aura of Death Creature's that first enters or starts its turn within 10ft. of the grave elemental take 9(2d8) necrotic damage and cannot regain hitpoints until the start of its next turn.

Death Burst Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures within a 10ft. radius of the grace elemental must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 27(6d8) necrotic damage and half as much on a success.

Life Sense The grave elemental can pinpoint the location of any living creature that that is within 120ft. of it. This feature does not detect Constructs.

Stench Creatures within a 10ft. radius of the Grave Elemental must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its next turn.

Siege Monster The grave elemental can deal double damage to buildings and objects

Spider Climb The grave elemental can climb difficult surfaces without needing to make an ability check.

Undead Fortitude Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, the grave elemental can make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10). On successful saving throw, the grave elemental regains 1 hitpoint instead.

It cannot benefit from this feature if it took radiant damage or was turned on its its previous turn.


Multiattack. The Grave Elemental can make two attacks with its Necromantic Slam. It can replace any number of these attacks with a Necromantic Blast

Necromantic Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 14(2d8+5) bludgeoning damage + 9(2d8) necrotic damage. If the target suffers from being blinded, exhausted, poisoned, or paralyzed, it takes an additional 9(2d8) necrotic damage.

Necrotic Pulse Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 90ft., one target. Hit: 12(2d8+3) necrotic damage. If the target is below half its hitpoint maximum, the target takes an additional 9(2d8) necrotic damage

Withering Breath(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. cone must succeed a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take 36 (8d8) necrotic damage. Creatures that are blinded, exhausted, poisoned, paralyzed, or possess less than half its hitpoint maximum takes an additional 18 (4d8) necrotic damage. On a successful saving throw, creatures take half damage and are otherwise unaffected.

A special Thanks to my Patrons

Mythic Patrons

Marcella V.
Jake C.
The Emcredible
Terra Nova
Kandros Vashtet

Legendary Patrons

Sir Prize
Steven K.

Epic Patrons

Brad E.
Alex D
Captain Blackwood
Jacob S.
Razi R.
Tallon M.
Douglas B.
John B.
Nathan S.
Joseph L.
Andrew W.
Glenn S.
Andrew C.
Justin R.
Particle Man

Art Credits

Cover Art: Josu Hernaiz

Draugr: David Rapoza

Draugr 2 : Randy Vargas

Wight : Slawomir Maniak

Wight 2 : Ryan Barger

Soul Elemental : Kieran Yanner

Soul Elemental 2 : Ryan Yee

Blood Elemental : Jaime Jones

Grave Elemental : Jesper Ejsing

Watercolor Stains: u/blckthorn

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