Warlock: Cloak and Dagger v1.2

by driftvvood

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Warlock: Cloak and Dagger

The Knife In The Dark Patron
Pact of the Cloak
Invocations For All

Winter by Janna Sophia

Image: 06, Luka Kawashima

How does one steal the power of a god? Known only as 'Knife In The Dark' before attaining greater power, they were a master thief.

A true genius of theft and subtlety, they stole the power of a god and got away scott free. Knife In The Dark acts through a special dagger, the Dusknife, that only you can summon, which grants the talents and abilities any thief would need to accomplish whatever the job requires.

Expanded Spell List

Knife In The Dark lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to your warlock spell list.

Knife In The Dark Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spell
1st alarm, fog cloud, identify
3rd enhance ability, pass without trace
5th blink, nondetection, sending
7th greater invisibility, private sanctum
9th passwall, skill empowerment

The Dusknife

At 1st level, by utilizing and expending a handful of metal equal to or greater than 1gp of worth, you summon a special knife made of solidified shade, as an action; this is the Dusknife. It is a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. The Dusknife deals 1d4 psychic damage on a hit and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60). When you use the attack action with the Dusknife, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.

The Dusknife may be used to pick locks and disarm traps as if you were using and had proficiency with Thieves’ Tools.

If you drop or throw the Dusknife, you can use a bonus action to cause the Dusknife to reappear in your hand. If it is taken or lost, it must be resummoned using new materials and the previous Dusknife disappears after being resummoned.

At higher levels, the Dusknife becomes more powerful. Starting at warlock level 6, once per turn when you deal damage with your Dusknife, you may add an additional 1d4 to the damage, increasing to 2d4 at level 10, 3d4 at level 14, 4d4 at level 10, and 5d4 at level 18.

When you pick your Warlock Pact at level 3, the class changes. Please see the next page for what improvements occur.

Thief’s Intuition

Also at 1st level, your patron imparts some of their grace, choose either Sleight of Hand or Stealth to gain proficiency in.

Additionally, prior to making a skill check or saving throw that you don't have proficiency in, you may use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to that the roll. This feature can be used a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a rest.

Thief’s Talents

At 6th level, your patron grants you abilities they knew in life. You learn Thieves Cant, as per the Rogue feature. Additionally, you may allow your Dusknife to guide you for the next minute (no action required), you gain Thief’s Talents. While you have Thief’s Talents, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws; additionally, once on each of your turns you may use one of the following abilities:
Lifeline: Cast levitate without expending a spell slot which lasts until the end of your next turn.
Subtle Arts: When you cast a spell, you may cast it without any somatic or verbal components.
Honed Reflexes: As a bonus action, take or plant an item on a humanoid or perform the Hide or Search action.

Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again unless you have taken a long rest or have expended a warlock spell slot to use it again.

Den of Thieves

At 10th level, your patron can help you in the subtle arts, as well as your companions. When you or an ally you can see within 30 feet is making a skill check, prior to the roll, you may use your reaction to make give advantage on the roll. You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

Additionally, you may cast tiny hut without using a spell slot once per long rest. When cast this way, each creature within the tiny hut is under the effects of the nondetection spell.

Thief’s Shadow

At 14th level, your Dusknife shrouds you in mist and shadow. After using the Hide action, you may become invisible. Your invisibility ends when you cast a spell, make an attack, or at the end of your next turn. You may use this ability a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

Additionally, whenever you or a willing creature you can see rolls a 1 on a Dexterity check or Dexterity saving throw, you may use your reaction to reroll the skill check or saving throw, taking the new roll instead.

Pact of the Cloak

Your patron gives you cloak, a sheet of patternless cloth warn over the shoulders that can range from floor-length and to mid-back in length. You decide if it has a hood and can change the size, texture, color of your cloak when you finish a long rest.

A number of times per short rest equal to your proficiency bonus, when attempting to Hide, you do not need to break line-of-sight to perform your Hide action.

If you lose the cloak, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous cloak. The cloak turns into mundane threads that unweave and blow away when you die.

Knife In The Dark Pacts

When you take different pacts with the Knife In The Dark patron, you gain the following for each pact:
Pact of the Cloak: once per turn, when you attack with your Dusknife and roll with advantage or with an ally within 5 feet of your target, you may add 1d8 plus your warlock class level to the damage.
Pact of the Blade: You may use your pact weapon as the base weapon for the Dusknife. The additional damage dealt starting at level 6 may only be applied once on your turn and continues to be a d4.
Pact of the Chain: You can use your action to verbally command your familiar to take the attack action using the attack and damage modifiers as if you had made the attack.
Pact of the Talisman: In addition to using the talisman after failing an ability check, you may also use the talisman after missing an attack roll.
Pact of the Tome: You may use the Dusknife as an arcane focus. Additionally, you may change the damage type of a spell of any 1st level or higher to psychic or necrotic damage once per short rest.


Adler's Blade of Chemotaxis

3rd-level, Knife In The Dark Patron, Pact of the Cloak

If you have dealt damage to a creature within the last minute, once per long rest you may use your action to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of that creature as long as they are still within 60 feet of you. You can also cast misty step once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Arrow in the Dark

Knife In The Dark Patron, Pact of the Blade

Instead of summoning a Dusknife, you may summon the Blackbow, a +1 longbow with which you are proficient in. The Blackbow deal psychic damage on a hit and you can use your Charisma modifer instead of Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls.

Starting at warlock level 6, once per turn when you deal damage with your Blackbow you may add an additional 1d6 to the damage, increasing to 2d6 at level 10, 3d6 at level 14, 4d6 at level 10, and 5d6 at level 18.

Image: Cabal Ritual, Kieran Yanner

Armored Cloak

15th-level, Pact of the Cloak

You may cast shield at will while you have your cloak on.

Door of Shadows

13th-level, Pact of the Cloak

You may cast arcane gate. You may not cast that spell using this invocation again until you have finished a long rest.

When you use this invocation to cast arcane gate the range become 1 mile.

Mantle of the Shadows

5rd-level, Knife In The Dark Patron, Pact of the Cloak

When you roll initiative, you may use your reaction and expend a warlock spell slot to add your proficiency bonus to your initiative and gain temporary hit points equal to 4 times the level of spell slot expended. For the next minute, your walking speed increases by 10 feet, you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and your jump distance is doubled.

Marconi's Cloak of Traversing

5th-level, Pact of the Cloak

A gust of wind picks As a bonus action, you may fly up to 20 feet before the end of your turn. You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus. If you are still aloft at the end of your turn, you float gently to the ground. You may cast feather fall once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

McGuffin's Map of Value

7th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

After casting a divination spell, you have advantage on checks to maintain concentration on spells until an hour as passed since you cast that divination spell .

You may cast locate object and locate creature once each per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Pact Tactics

Knife In The Dark Patron, Pact of the Chain

You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if your familiar is within 5 feet of the creature and your familiar isn’t incapacitated.

Once per short rest, if your familiar is within 5 feet of you and isn’t incapacitated, you may reroll a failed ability check or unsuccessful saving throw (no action required).

Pickpocket's Pal

7th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron, Pact of the Cloak

When you are within 5 feet of a humanoid or creature that wears clothing, you may make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Charisma (Deception) check with advantage versus the target's passive perception as a bonus action. If you are successful, you may either pick from 3 random items to steal, as determined by the DM, or plant a single item.

You can also cast tiny servant once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Plank's Penumbra

Pact of the Cloak

You may take the Hide action as a bonus action once per short rest.

You can also cast invisibility once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Poisoned Blade of Paracelsus

Knife In The Dark Patron

You inject an eldrtich poison as you stab with your Dusknife. Once per turn when you hit a creature with your Dusknife, you can expend a warlock spell slot to deal an extra 1d6 poison damage to the target, plus another 1d6 per level of the spell slot. The creature damaged must make a successful Constitution save against your spell save or be poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Senses Attuned

3rd-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

You have advantage on saving throws triggered by traps.

You can also cast find traps at will.

Shade's Delight

Pact of the Cloak

When you roll a d20 while perform any Dexterity check, you may choose to treat any roll below 8 as a roll of 8 a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus.

You can also cast pass without trace once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Shepard of the Darkness

11th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

You may expend a warlock spell slot as an action to brandish your Dusknife and gain an aura to aid your allies. While maintaining concentration for the up to an hour, any ally that can see you within 30 feet gains a bonus to their Dexterity (Stealth) checks equal to half your warlock level. While within your aura, no creature searching for you or your allies can roll their search with advantage.

Silver-tongued Devil

Knife In The Dark Patron

You gain proficiency with the Disguise Kit and may add your Dexterity modifier to ability checks related to verbally lying.

You may also cast charm person once per long rest without expending a spell slot.


7th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

You gain proficiency with Smith's Tools and once per short rest, you may change the damage dealt by your Dusknife from psychic to either acid, cold, fire, necrotic, or radiant.

Additionally, you may use a dagger instead of a handful of metal to summon your Dusknife; if that dagger has any special properties such as being made of silver, carrying a curse, or enchanted by magic, then your Dusknife takes on those properties in addition to the Dusknife's normal attributes.

Soref's Blessing

5th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

You gain proficiency in Thieves' Tools. When attemtping to pick a lock causes you to make a saving throw, you may use your reaction to add an your proficiency bonus to the saving throw for yourself and any ally within 15 feet of you.

You may also cast arcane lock and knock once each per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Speed of Shadows

7th-level, Pact of the Cloak

After taking the Hide action, your movement speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.

You can also cast dimension door once per long rest without expending a spell slot.

Image: Unshaken by the Darkness of the World, katorius


Knife In The Dark Patron, Pact of the Cloak

Your cloak consumes and redirects magic into your Dusknife. A number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus, you may use your reaction to halve the damage received from a spell or other magical ability. The first time you roll damage with your Dusknife within the next minute, the target takes an extra amount of force damage equal to your warlock level.


11th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

As an action, you may a warlock spell slot to make one attack using your Dusknife, then use a second warlock spell slot to cast a spell you know with a casting a time of 1 action.

If you cast a spell that targets the creature you attacked with your Dusknife, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw or you roll with advantage if the spell requires a spell attack roll.

The Guided Knife

9th-level, Knife In The Dark Patron

Your Dusknife gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage; additionally your attacks with the Dusknife score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

The Skill Gatherer

Special Prerequisite

You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice. Additionally, choose one of your skills that you are proficient in; your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that chosen proficiency.

You may take this invocation multiple times depending on your warlock level. At 3rd level you may take this invocation once, you may take this invocation again starting at warlock level 7, and a third instance of this invocation at warlock level 14.

Thief's Eyes

Knife In The Dark Patron

You can see in darkness as if it is dim light out to a distance of 30 feet.

After taking the Hide action, if you are moving at half your normal pace, you have a +5 bonus to your passive Intelligence (Investigation) and passive Wisdom (Perception) scores.

Additionally while moving steathily, you gain advantage on ability checks reliant on vision.

Vault of the Consuming Cloak

Pact of the Cloak

Your cloak consumes an object you are holding, causing that object to vanish. The object, which only you can be holding and can weigh no more than warlock level multiplied by four pounds, is transported to an extradimensional space, your private vault within your cloak, where it remains until recalled; if you die, the items held within your vault spew forth around your corpse in 1d4 days.

Your vault can hold up to 500 pounds, not exceeding a volume of 64 cubic feet. Retrieving an item from your vault requires an action. Your cloak will not consume an object that has an extradimensional space

Image: Duskmantle Operative, Anna Steinbauer


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