Barbarian Path of the Buto

by Maskappi

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Barbarian Path of the Buto

Barbarian Path

Path of the Buto

A child runs in the middle of the forest, behind him the earth shakes as gigantic foot fell on the earth. The monster's bellowing laugh echoes through the forest, instilling fear in the mind of all that hears it. Tired, the child tripped and fell on its knees. As the monster nears, the trees creaks as it effortlessly push all obstacles away. The Buto's smile as it towers over the child. The forest was its domain and the child made a grave mistake disturbing it.

A Buto is said to be malevolent forest spirits or fiends that instills fear upon all that sees it. Those who live near a Buto's domain will quickly learn to fear and respect it. Rituals would be held to appease the Buto, offering prizes, food and even people so that the Buto let them live in peace. Leaders of such rituals may be able to channel the power of the Buto itself. Barbarians in the Path of the Buto may be able to tap into the powerful magical wellspring that the Buto has, and allow the Buto to possess them during their rage.

Path of the Buto Features

Barbarian Level Feature
3rd Fanatical Leader, Fear Manifest
6th Spiritual Conduit
10th Dominating Presence
14th Buto's Possession

Fanatical Leader

You've trained in practices useful to uphold rituals to appease the Buto. At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you gain proficiency in either Religion, Nature or Intimidation. At 6th level, your proficiency bonus for the chosen skill is doubled.

Fear Manifest

At 3rd level when you adopt this path, you allow the Buto's presence to partially manifest through your body. When you rage, you may choose to become Large and gain an extra 5ft of reach for your Melee Attacks. While raging your weapon attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

In addition, whenever a creature hits you with an attack, you may use your reaction to instill debilitating fear on that creature. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier), or become Frightened of you. The condition ends if the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to you or if you end your rage.

Spiritual Conduit

Starting at 6th level, you're able to manifest the overwhelming power of the Buto. While raging, nonmagical weapon that you wield becomes magical. Whenever you make a weapon attack using Strength, you have a +1 bonus to the attack and damage roll.

Terrifying Presence

Starting at 10th level, your presence instills debilitating fear upon those who face you on battle, almost as if they are facing a Buto itself. Whenever a creature makes an attack roll against you and misses, they must immediately do a Wisdom Saving Throw or be Frightened of you as if frightened by Fear Manifest.

In addition, creatures that starts its turn within 15ft of you and is Frightened must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or become Blinded until the start of their next turn as they close their eyes to not have to look at you.

Buto's Possession

At 14th level, you are able to fully manifest the Buto's presence through you when you rage, almost as if you and the Buto is one and the same. When you rage, you may choose to become Huge and gain an extra 10ft of reach for your Melee Attacks instead. While raging, you have advantage against all spells and magical effects.


  • v1.0 Path of the Buto made.
  • v1.1 Dominating Presence changed to blind instead of reducing speed and renamed to Terrifying Presence.
  • v1.2 Give a 5ft and 10ft reach when becoming large and huge.


  • Cover Art (Colossus Buto by Xeno-Agito)
  • Buto Ijo Art (Buto Ijo by Xeno-Agito)

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