Weapon Master Fighter [New Dawn]

by Rachayz

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Fighter: Weapon Master

Fighter: Weapon Master

Fighters are knowledgeable in most every weapon out there, and often wield the strongest weapon they can find, mastering its intricacies. But some prefer to master every tool in their arsenal, leaving not even the smallest instrument un-tuned. These fighters are known as weapon masters, and surprise each foe they face with a dozen weapons instead of just one.


At 3rd level when you take this archetype you gain proficiency in all weapons including improvised and exotic weapons. You also gain proficiency in Smiths Tools.

Additionally, you are skilled in rapidly swapping your tools. Before or after you make a weapon attack you may stow a weapon and draw another.

Weapon Techniques

You learn a number of specialized techniques which can be used to perform special moves with your weapons. Choose three techniques from the Weapon Techniques table below. You can choose one additional technique from the table at 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th level. Each time you learn a new technique, you can also replace one technique you know with a different one.

Each technique has a passive, active, and critical effect. The passive feature of each technique is unlocked at level 7. You can use a technique's active feature once, and regain the ability to use it once you complete a short or long rest. Rolling a 20 on an attack roll with a weapon of a technique you know lets you choose to use the technique's critical effect.

Weapon Master DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your

Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)

Master of a Menagerie

At 7th level, you have become more comfortable with your weapon techniques, allowing you to benefit from the passive feature of each weapon technique you know. You gain a chosen technique's passive effects as long as you are using a weapon of the technique's type.

In addition, you can turn even the smallest of tools into a weapon of destruction. Any weapon you wield that only deals 1d4 damage now deals 1d6.

Grandmaster Style

At level 10, you have learned a special fighting style, known only to weapon masters. Choose one of the following features to gain. You gain the other feature at level 18.

Natural. All weapons you wield are considered to have the Finesse property if it does not already have it, allowing you to use your Strength or Dexterity modifier for every weapon.

Calculating. If you miss with a weapon attack, you can use your reaction to immediately make another attack with a different weapon against the same target.

Practiced Reflexes

At 15th level, when a creature makes a weapon attack against you, you can use your reaction to give the attack disadvantage. If the attack misses, you gain advantage on all weapon attacks against that creature until the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you may use it again.

Additionally, you can use each weapon technique's active feature twice per short rest instead of once.

Flash of Weapons

At 18th level, you can show the world how skilled you are with every weapon. As an action, choose up to 6 creatures you can see within 30 feet of yourself. In the blink of an eye you make a weapon attack against each creature using a different weapon for each. You can choose to end this action within 5 feet of one of the targets, or back where you started.

Each attack made with this feature deals 4d10 additional damage of the weapon's damage type, and is considered a critical hit on a result of 17-20. This range also applies to activating a weapon's critical effect if you have that Weapon Technique.

Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you may use it again.

Weapon Techniques


Handaxe, Battleaxe, and Greataxe

Passive (Lv 7). When you hit an object made of wood, the hit is a critical hit. If you miss a creature with an attack with an axe, your next attack before the end of your turn has advantage.

Active. As a reaction to missing a creature with an attack, you lower its guard with your strike. Until the end of your next turn, the creature suffers a -2 penalty to its AC.

Critical Effect. Your bonus damage due to critically hitting deals the maximum possible damage.



Passive (Lv 7). During a short or long rest in an area with plant life, you can apply poison to 2d6 of the blowgun's ammunition. A creature hit by this takes an additional 1d4 poison damage and must make a Constitution save against your weapon master DC or become poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on success.

Additionally, you can fire a blowgun as a bonus action.

Active. When you make this attack, you are not revealed if you are hiding, and the creature is unaware of from where it was struck.

Critical Effect. The target becomes paralyzed until the end of your next turn.


Shortbow and Longbow

Passive (Lv 7). When making a ranged weapon attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature or while attacking at long range, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Active. When making an attack, you load an additional arrow. Choose two creatures in a 60 foot cone, attempting to hit each creature as part of this single attack. Any benefit that would apply to your next attack applies to both arrows.

Critical Effect. The target becomes pinned to the ground, having its speed reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn. If the target is airborne, it instead looses its flying speed until the end of its next turn, causing it to fall.


Hand Crossbow, Light Crossbow, and Heavy Crossbow

Passive (Lv 7). You can fire a crossbow while prone without suffering disadvantage. In addition, if you roll the highest possible value on a crossbow's weapon damage dice, the target must make a Strength saving throw against your Weapon Master DC or fall prone.

Active. On hitting a target, you pin its arm to its torso with your bolt, causing it to be unable to use that arm to effectively wield any item. The target or a creature within 5 feet of the target can use an action to pry the bolt from its position, ending the pin. Doing so deals 1d10 piercing damage to the target creature.

Critical Effect. The bolt pierces the target, altering its path slightly as it passes through the creature. Choose another creature within a 30 foot cone directly on the opposite side of the creature from you, and make an attack roll with the crossbow against that target.



Passive (Lv 7). Ammunition you create for firearms is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances or immunities.

Active. You load a special bullet in your firearm and shoot it with an action. It fragments upon being fired, creating a 30 foot cone of shrapnel in the direction you fired. A creature in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your weapon master DC. On failure, the creature takes damage equal to twice the damage dice of the firearm you used, or half as much damage on success.

Critical Effect. The ammo used to land this critical hit explodes upon impact, forcing all creatures within 10 feet of the target to make a Dexterity saving throw against your weapon master DC. On failure, a creature takes half as much damage as the critical hit dealt.

These rules should work with any firearm rules you wish to use, but are more built with my own rules in mind. Firearms Reloaded, Again.


Light Hammer, Maul, Warpick, Warhammer, and Greatclub

Passive (Lv 7). When attacking a creature that is wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or is wearing a shield, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack roll using maces.

Active. As a bonus action you make a strike against the creature's head with a hammer. On hit, you deal no damage, but the target becomes stunned until the end of your turn.

Critical Effect. If the target creature is wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or is wearing a shield, you reduce the AC granted by one of those by 1. This reduction remains until the target can take time to repair its armor or shield. If this reduces the AC bonus granted by an armor to 10 or shield to 0, it becomes irreparable.



Passive (Lv 7). You no longer have disadvantage to hit a creature within 5 feet of yourself. In addition, you can use a lance with one hand while not mounted, but the weapon's damage die becomes 1d10 when used in this way.

Active. If you have moved at least 20 feet directly towards the target before making an attack, you gain advantage on the attack roll. If you hit, the attack is considered a critical hit.

Critical Effect. You impale the creature upon your lance. If the creature is at least one size larger than you, you deal one additional die of damage with this attack. Otherwise, the creature is considered to be grappled by the lance. While the creature is grappled in this way, you can expend an attack to deal 1d12 piercing damage to the creature.

Large Blade

Greatsword and Longsword

Passive (Lv 7). Your reach with this weapon increases by 5 feet. When you hit a creature, you can deal damage to another creature within 5 feet of it within your reach equal to your Strength modifier.

Active. When you hit a creature, you can also make another attack roll at disadvantage against a creature you can reach within 5 feet of the first creature as part of the same attack with the same weapon.

Critical Effect. The creature must make a Strength saving throw against your Weapon Master DC or be pushed 5 feet away from you and knocked prone.


Club, Flail, Mace, and Morningstar

Passive (Lv 7). Once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack using a mace, you can force the creature to make a Strength saving throw against your Weapon Master DC. On failure, the creature is pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice.

Active. When you hit a creature with a mace, you force it to make a Strength saving throw against your weapon master DC. On failure, the creature is knocked prone.

Critical Effect. The target becomes stunned until the end of your next turn.



Passive (Lv 7). The DC to escape the net and the AC to break the net becomes your weapon master DC instead of 10. You can repair or create a net over a short rest with various plant materials. Over a short rest you can combine four nets to create a net which can be used against huge creatures.

Active. You attempt to bind several creatures together. Target two creatures within 5 feet of each other within range. You make one attack roll. If this attack would hit both targets, they are both restrained by the net.

Critical Effect. The target is also incapacitated.


Glaive, Halberd, Pike, and Quarterstaff.

Passive (Lv 7). Your reach with polearms increases by 5 feet. In addition, when you hit a creature larger than you, you deal 2 additional damage.

Active. As a bonus action you swipe at the legs of the creature within reach that is at most Large to try to knock it down. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Weapon Master DC or fall prone and take an additional 1d4 damage.

Critical Effect. As part of the critical hit, you move backwards up to 10 feet from the target without provoking attacks of opportunity. Until the end of your next turn, your reach with this weapon increases by 10 feet.

Quick Blades

Dagger, Rapier, Scimitar, Shortsword, and Sickle

Passive (Lv 7). You gain a +5 bonus to initiative if you have a quick blade weapon drawn.

Active. When you draw a quick blade weapon immediately after making an attack with another weapon, you gain advantage on the attack roll. If this attack hits, the creature becomes unable to use its reaction until the start of its next turn and the next attack made against it before end of your next turn has advantage.

Critical Effect. Chose another creature within reach, dealing damage to it equal to the weapon damage dealt from this attack.

Simple Ranged

Dart, Javelin, and Sling

Passive (Lv 7). You can use this weapon as a bonus action when making a ranged attack with it.

Active. You cause the weapon to become embedded in the creature. The weapon can be removed by the creature using an action, or by you while within 5 feet of the creature as a bonus action. When you remove it, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage.

Critical Effect. The weapon becomes lodged in a vital location of the creature. Choose one of the following effects which last until the creature removes the weapon with an action; if the creature has a flying speed it looses the flying speed, the creature has disadvantage on all weapon attacks, the creature becomes unable to concentrate on spells as the pain is too distracting, or the attack deals 2d4 additional damage.


Spear and Trident

Passive (Lv 7). You can benefit from wielding a shield while also wielding a spear with two hands. Additionally, your reach with spears increases by 5 feet.

Active. After hitting a creature, you step back 5 feet. This movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. If the targeted creature moves within 5 feet of you before the start of your next turn you can use your reaction to hit the creature, without needing to roll an attack.

Critical Effect. You injure the creature, causing it to have disadvantage on all attack rolls until the end of your next turn.


Improvised Weapons, shield, natural weapons

This technique only applies to improvised weapons which are not being considered as another weapon.

Passive (Lv 7). The first attack you make on your turn has advantage, as your foe doesn't know what to expect from this tool.

Active. When making an attack, you unleash blow so quick that no creature can dodge it. If you hit with this attack, it is considered a critical hit. If you miss this attack, it is considered a hit.

Critical Effect. You add 1d8 damage to the weapon attack.



Passive (Lv 7). Your reach with this weapon increases by 5 feet, and you can choose to deal 2d4 damage with the whip when attacking a creature at your maximum reach.

Active. You target something the creature is holding that it can drop. You suffer a -3 penalty to the attack, but on hit you damage the creature and cause it to drop the targeted held item. As a bonus action, you can then pull the item to yourself and grab it if you have an open hand.

Critical Effect. You can choose to restrain the target with your whip. While you restrain a creature in this way, you cannot use the whip. A creature can use its action to attempt to break free, making an Athletics (Strength) check against your Weapon Master DC.


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