
by Haloperidol

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“The race of wyvern-folk that call themselves Triniads are an ancient group of people, descendants of dragons, not like the iconic dragonborn you're probably used to seeing by now in the old world. No, these people are different, and honestly, it's a nice change of pace to live among them, instead of humans. This new world has so many things to discover, and the natives here are my first discovery yet - they're a kind, gentle community. If you find yourself lucky enough to happen upon them, enjoy your stay, take a rest, and make some friends - adventuring doesn't have to be all blood and gore."

.-Research Commission Explorer, Diana Rensglow


Most commonly mistaken for elves by their pointed tip ears, Triniads are humanoids descended from wyverns, noted by their 4 fingered hands and 4 toed digitigrade feet. They lay eggs, despite being mammals, making them monotremes.

When a Triniad is hatched, they do so with a "semblance". This semblance often determines their role in the community. Though mostly comprised of intellectuals and spiritualists, Triniad leaders are often selected based on physical strength or martial prowess.

Triniad Traits

Your Triniad character has the following traits.

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age. Triniads mature slightly faster than humans, reaching maturity in their early teens, though they live very long lives, anywhere between 600 to 1000 years. Triniads maintain a youthful appearance until the late 200 years of their life, where they age quite slowly.

Alignment. Triniads worship dragons, and provide them with offerings, in return, the dragon a community of Triniads worships will keep a vigilant watch over the land they inhabit. A Triniad's alignment is more often than not influenced by the alignment of the dragon they worship, though not all Triniads worship dragons. Without the influence of a dragon, most Triniads tend towards good alignments.

Size. There are height differences of great magnitude among Triniads, from the very small to the quite immense (a rarity for Triniads). Regardless of your height, your size is medium. It is not uncommon for male triniads to be a great deal larger than their female counterparts.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Survivor You add half your proficiency bonus to death saving throws.

Calm Minded You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. If you are already proficient, you can choose either Intelligence or Charisma.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Draconic, and one other language of your choice.

Hotblood Semblance

The young Triniad girl was picking flowers at the base of a tree, humming a soft tune as she picked out her favourite colours. A huff, followed by a snort, she spun around on her feet, standing up, back against the tree. A boar.

The girl had not been in such a situation before, so she froze. It was only after the beast took a few steps forward that her legs started to kick into motion. She began to run, and the hog gave chase.

She didn't run very far, turning head over shoulder when she heard a squeal. A black haired man, also a Triniad, had picked the beast up by the scruff of it's neck with one hand, as it flailed around, trying to gore him with it's tusks. He looked at her, with a smile. "Hows about pork tonight, Kala?"


Most commonly the leaders of Triniad communities, Hotblood Triniads display physical prowess unmatched by most others. Despite their namesake, most are calm and kind, though not all. They are typically quite large, and most Hotblood Triniads consist of males, though its not unheard of to see a female Hotblood. Jovial and lighthearted, these folk tend to be great friends, displaying unconditional loyalty to those they trust, cracking jokes to lighten the mood, and nursing you back to health when you've caught dragonflu, Hotbloods are the face of the Triniad race.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength score increases by 2, or your Strength and Constitution score increase by 1.

Together. When a creature you can see within 10 feet of you is damaged by an attack, you can use your reaction to give that creature resistance to that instance of damage, and you take damage equal to the damage the creature took. This damage cannot be reduced in any way.

Unbreakable. When you are below half your maximum hit points, your AC increases by 2, and you gain +2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.

Brawn. You are proficient with heavy melee weapons and the athletics skill.

Quickblood Semblance

Blake was born with horns, an incredibly rare trait for a Triniad, and thought to be bad luck. Even so, his family, his community, his dragon, they were in need. In need of a skillset only he possessed. He'd show them that these horns of his were a blessing, not a curse. He'd repay them for their kindness.

A thick fog settled at his feet as he pulled his scarf down, exhaling. Clouding his face from view as his breath evaporated in the chilled air, he opened his eyes. Through the fog, he saw two piercing orange orbs, watching him. He rested his hand on the broadsword at his hip, recalling memories of the village back home. Ken, his best friend, Jodi, his sweetheart, Renata, his mother.

He smirked. No use thinking back on it, he'd return for sure, safe and sound, and see them all again. Confidence on his face, he drew his sword, and lept at the creature in the fog before it could do the same to him.


Quickbloods are without a doubt the most adventurous of all the Triniad semblances. Brimming with confidence, bravado, and charisma, Quickbloods typically take on a hunter gatherer role for their community, using their innate dexterous ability to aid them in the hunt. Quickbloods have the shortest lifespans of all semblances, typically only living to 600 years. Whether that's because of genetics or their bombastic, speedy lifestyle is still unknown. While quickbloods are quick to boast, they are genuine and honest. They'll admit when they're wrong, and when they've lost. They are not prone to giving up in any capacity, and believe themselves both worthy and capable of taking on any challenge.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity or Charisma score increase by 2, or both by 1.

Quickblood Blessing. Your horns are natural melee weapons with the finesse property, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Wildheart. You know one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. Your movement speed is 35 feet.

Evasive. You can choose Dexterity instead of Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma for your Calm Minded feature. In addition, if you did not move on your turn, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws until the start of your next turn.

Weapons Training. You have proficiency with shortbows, longbows, hand crossbows, and shortswords.

Softblood Semblance

A young man, from the research commission, took a deep breath as he approached the wrecked boat. It was told to be inhabited by an ancient Triniad who held knowledge his human lifespan could not hope to achieve. He gulped, and pushed his glasses up as he stepped inside.

Marvel dawned on his face as he saw the myriad books, piled on top of each other, the various wildlife roaming the inside of the boat. Butterflies, birds, even a few mice. Despite the presence of nature, the place was the opposite of decrepit, no - it was extremely well kept. At the top of the ship sat a Triniad woman, laying in a hammock, reading a book. As he approached he felt more relaxed, he stopped sweating - the calming incense she was burning saw to that.

The woman shut her book, turning her head to gaze upon the man. Rays of sunlight piercing through cracked wood rested on her face, revealing a set of glasses, and a smile. "Well, are you not going to indulge me? It's not as if I have an eternity." She asked, eager to share her knowledge with another person of the study. He took a deep breath in, set his bag down on the floor with a thud as books spilled out, and he returned the smile.


Softbloods are the scholars and intellects of Triniad villages, some even become druids, attuned with nature instead of the quill. They are slow and meticulous in their actions, and are considered to be the most rational among the humanoid races. Softbloods will often seek each other out, so that they may share with each-other the knowledge they have amassed over their lives, for they are not selfish with their knowledge, and sharing it brings them great joy. Near the end of their lives, Softbloods typically live in seclusion, away from the world, though they are not unwelcoming to visitors.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 2.

Strong Minded. Your mind is like a fortress, you have resistance to psychic damage.

Curious. You gain proficiency in the investigation skill.

Application of Intellect. Once per short rest, you can use Intelligence or Wisdom in place of another ability score when making a skill check.

Hint of Magic. You can cast mage hand requiring no components, and it is invisible. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast Identify requiring no components, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again. Starting at 5th level, you can cast Borrowed Knowledge requiring no components, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Spells of the Study. If you have the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Spells of the Study Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class.

Spell Level Spells
1st Detect Magic, Unseen Servant
2nd Locate Object, Vortex Warp
3rd Tongues, Intellect Fortress
4th Arcane Eye, Fabricate
5th Telekinesis, Legend Lore

Firstblood Semblance

Koga thought he was alone in the world. He was the only one in the entire village who didn't have a semblance. There was nothing special about him, he was just some kid. He wasn't particularly good at anything at all, he felt... useless...

He slouched against the wall, tucking his head between his knees, stifling tears under folded arms. He heard something to his left, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful woman. She was smiling with a face so gentle that it could stay the heaert of even the cruelest of gods. She didn't say anything, she didn't have to. Being next to her made him smile, he knew then that she was a Firstblood, he knew that she could feel his sadness, he knew that it was pointless to hide it.

She rested her hand on his head, and stood, offering him her hand to help him up. "You're special, you're unique." She looked at the ground, as if she were thinking of what to say. "I saw you fishing at the beach yesterday, I don't think I've seen anyone else catch something that big!" He wiped the tears from his cheeks and managed a grin. It was true, not even his father, the village elder had ever caught a bounty that size before. He was shaping up to be the best fisherman in the village, maybe even the world.

Maybe he was special, in his own way. And he certainly didn't feel useless when the woman revealed the less graceful side of herself as she chowed down on the seafood he made her from the catch he made.


Firstbloods are incredibly empathetic people, they understand how others feel almost at simply a glance, and they're almost always willing to do something about it, for better or for worse. Most Firstbloods are kind, and do their best to make good on their gifts. Some, however, are quick to take advantage of a vulnerable person, one who has recently suffered from loss for example.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Empathy. You can cast Detect Thoughts three times per long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier for this spell. In addition, you gain proficiency in the insight skill.

Resonance. Firstblood Triniads possess an incredible power, to share thoughts and feelings with those they have bonded with. Over the course of a long rest, you can bond with a number of willing creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down.

When you are bonded with a creature, you can understand their basic thoughts, ideas, and emotions via telepathy, and whether they are conscious or not. This effect takes place regardless of the dimension you and the bonded creature are in, an inert creature, such as one in a coma, unconscious, or sleeping can still communicate with you in this way. Bonded creatures do not need to speak the same language or any language to understand each other in this way. A creature must have an intelligence score of 3 or higher to be bonded with, and if you try to bond with a creature when you are already bonded to as many as you can, the oldest bond you have is broken.

You know the exact location of a bonded creature at any time, provided the creature is within a number of feet of you equal to 5 times your level.

You can end a bond with a creature at any time.


Created by

  • Haloperidol

Inspired by Wyverians


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