Blood hunter: Order of the Blood

by Hammer

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Order of the Blood

Disclamer this is made before Blood Hunter 1.2 so some things are not equal, Hemocraft die is damage taken and not hp removed. Because that is what makes the most sense with this build

Let the Blood flow

Learning about this order usually only falls to those who fall to insanity over their abilities or in obsessive search of the true origin of the Blood Hunter. Rarely written down, only found in forbidden libraries or on in the darkest of allies dealing with Black Market.

Taking this route doesn't mean you're chaotic or evil as person, but more that you have found the power in yourself and chooses to do something with it. Taming the powers of long forbidden magic imbued in your body, you are one of the few Hunters that have given in to the way of the Blood. You hunger for more knowledge about it and lives by rules of the Blood; Shed it and Cherish it. You use it for fighting in battles, like it uses you for living and thriving. Its feels like its alive in your body, and almost like it has its own will?.

Not many have chosen this way of the Hunter, because its frowned upon by the other orders, primarily because of the grotesqueness. Its the Order closest to the original way of the Blood Hunter and therefor the most vulgar and extremist of the ways when the old Hunters first started using their abilities.

But those that have gone down this path speaks of it as the true way of the Hunter.

"We are born of the Blood, Made men by the blood, Undone by the Blood"

Rite of the Blood:

When chosen, this order requires a sacrifice of life. To accept this, you plunge your weapon (or a given sharp object) into your heart and cut it out. If the Will of the Blood accepts the sacrifice, the event will not kill you, but the will of Blood now grants you its power and overtime you will learn to use it to its fullest.

When you choose this subclass, you have no choice as to what rite you want to choose. It chooses you. Whenever you activate your Rite, the blood now clings to your weapon to help in actions of attacking the enemy. Furthermore you are unable to wield shields anymore, if a shield is equipped it will not add to AC and will give you disadvantage on attack rolls.

Starting at 3rd level you Hemocraft die is increase by 1 die size for each step (seen in the table below) and your Rite damage is no longer a specific magical type, its what your damage archetype is with the weapon you attack with. (Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning).

While your Rite is active, your weapon is considered magical.

Hemocraft Die
Level Die Type
1-4th 1d6
5-8th 1d8
9-12th 1d10
13-16th 1d12
17-20th 1d12 + 1d4

Bloody strikes:

Beginning from 5th level, whenever you damage a creature with your active Rite, you gain life equal to the Hemocraft Die result + Strength or Dexterity bonus. This requires the target has blood in its veins, as you draw the blood from your target into you.

Also when attacking a target within 5feet of you with an active rite, you can change the attack to a bloody cleave instead. You swing your weapon in a half circle in any direction, hitting all targets within 15 feet. Targets hit needs to make a acrobatic (DEX) save of (8 + DEX/STR bonus + Proficiency), or take rolled rite damage multiplied by 2. Saves take non multiplied rite damage. The Hunter heals for the total rite damage dealt. The action expels your rite, and needs to be reactivated, if a target is killed in the process, it gets reapplied automatically.

This feature can be used equal to proficiency bonus and resets on long rests.

Pool of Blood:

At 6th level you can choose to use your Blood Maledict Feature on yourself, forcing out a volume of blood in your veins, splattering it all over nearby targets and the ground. It lasts for 10 minutes and follows the Hunter when moving (like an aura) and can be canceled with the use of a bonus action.

You take damage equal to your Hemocraft Die, and causes the ground around you to get covered in blood. This area is increased for 5Feet for every 2 rolled on the die rounded up, with a minimum of 5 ft radius.

Everyone that is in the pool has considered difficult terrain when moving, and has disadvantage when attacking the Hunter. This changes to only targets considered hostile at 11th level.

Amplify (Double the damage from the roll): Anyone caught in the splattering has to make a wisdom saving throw of (8 + Wisdom Modifier + proficiency bonus), or be frightened of the Blood Hunter. Afterwards the affected targets can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of their turn of (8 + Wisdom Modifier + proficiency bonus) to get out of this conditioning.

Blood Shield

Starting from 7th level: When damaging enemies that are standing in your Pool of Blood, you can choose to roll 2 Hemocraft Dies instead of 1. Pick one used for the Rite damage and the other one siphons back into you and grants you Temporary Hit Points equal to the roll + you proficiency bonus.

The Blood Hungers:

Upon reaching 10th level the blood is now almost living around you and it will help you when fighting and communicating. You now add your Proficiency Bonus to the Rite Damage and Hit Point gain.

Because of you connection with the blood, you can feel it pumping in others veins. When talking to a creature with blood in their veins, they have disadvantage on Charisma (deception) checks against you, and grants you proficiency (or expertise if already proficient) in Wisdom (Insight) checks against others.

Your Pool of Blood now only counts towards hostile enemies and when canceling the Pool, the blood siphons back into you instead of the ground. This causes the Hunter to heal for (1* Hemocraft Die for every enemy in the pool when canceled (minimum of 1 die)). Anything going above your max Hit Points will add up as Temporary hit points, also any Temporary Hit Points you receive from Hemocraft Dies and Rite damage will add to the existing number. If Temporary Hit Points are already in place, which are not from this feature, you can choose to remove those and add the new gained instead. (This Feature only allows stacking of the Blood Hunter gained Temporary Hit Points and not from other sources)

Blood curse of Sanguine Hold

Starting at 15th level, you now has excessive control of the flowing Blood around you, and result in you having a 60Feet blindsight on any targets with blood in their bodies.

Also you gain access to the Blood curse of Sanguine Hold: When an enemy with blood running in their veins, within 60 feet of you takes an action or bonus action, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw of (8 + Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) or have its action cancelled and count as used. This does not count as the use of a Blood curse if the reaction fails. This is possible for you, due the mastery over not only your own Blood but also the blood running in the veins of everyone around you, forcing the muscles to spasm and the body of the victim to stop their action.

Amplify (Double the damage from the roll): Adds +5 to the save roll, as you body goes under extreme pressure by trying to force the targets action to halt.

The Blood Moon Presence

Upon reaching level 18 you now have complete control over the blood in your body and almost everyone else. This has woken the attention of a God, the Blood Moon Presence, the God of the Blood Moon and blood lettering (not cannon). Upon sleeping the first time after reaching level 18, this god takes contact with you in your dream which becomes nightmares. From now on, when ever you sleep you only have nightmares. The god has now lent you the power of complete control of blood, meaning you no longer age, or grow. This will in time cause you to go insane over the span of your life time (DMs or players choice of how)

You now have access to unlimited uses of all learned Blood curses (action economy boundaries applies and limited to 1 each turn) and whenever a Hemocraft Die is rolled, it will always count as the maximum number rolled (also when rolled against yourself).

Whenever you take damage, after calculations and damage dealt, you will gain temporary Hit Points equal to (Proficiency Bonus + Half of the damage taken (rounded up)). If death occurs after calculations, trigger next part:

If you should ever reach die completely to damage or other effect than aging. The moon presence wont et it happen and revives you to 1 health, with the rest of your maximum health added as temporary Hit Points, as the blood coming out of your body coats your entire being and defends you. Doesn't matter how you died (except Wish, DMs choice) This feature refreshes once every month on the full moon, which you no longer see as the colour it usually was and now only see it as blood red.

Image Credits

Cover Page - Re-Dye Deviantart / Last Page - Orito - Pinterest


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