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## Hengeyokai *THESE SPIRITS ENCOMPASS EVERY KIND OF supernatural creature; from malign to monstrous, demonic to divine, and everything in between. Most of them seem strange and scary — even evil — from a human perspective. Normally, we keep to our world and they keep to theirs. However, there are times and places where the boundaries between the worlds thin, and crossing over is possible.*
-- Matthew Meyer, The Hour of Meeting Evil Spirits
___ Hengeyokai — also known as henge — are shapeshifting animal spirits, capable of changing between humanoid and animal forms as naturally as they breathe. Although some see them as nothing more than trickster spirits, their diversity is as great as the number of species on the world. ### Animal Souls While hengeyokai are able to assume any humanoid form they want, their bestial nature always shines through. For example, dog henges usually retain their love for playing, and cat henges still have their hunter instinct. Their animal origins also show in their humanoid appearance, even when they try to hide it. A fox tail may be present, or its face might have markings reminiscent of a raccoon dog. These details can be difficult to deal with for \columnbreak
those who wish to live among humans and other races, but older, wiser hengeyokai are able to control their transformation better. ### Independent From People Hengeyokai are animals that have transcendend earthly limitations, being now considered nature spirits. While that doesn't make them all immortal, it's common for henge to grow to despise mortal animals and people, or at least to not like being around them. This can come from being hunted or mistreated by them, or from a natural rivalry — such as with cats and dogs. Whatever the reason, this usually results in a solitary life and a strong sense of independence. However, there are cases where the opposite happens and the hengeyokai becomes curious or attached to animals and people, either because they're a sociable animal or because of being well-treated by them. These henge may stay in animal form with their favorite person or pack, or even protect a small community using their inherent magical power. ### Hengeyokai Names Since they don't generally have a good grasp on human concepts such as names, most hengeyokai received their names from other people, sometimes even before they \pagebreakNum became a spirit. If the henge and the person, or persons, who gave the name are particularly close, the spirit may consider them their owner, creating a bond closer than family. This happens more often with cats, dogs and other animal kept as pets. In general, the names of hengeyokai are short and simple, and based on one of their traits. For example, a white fur henge may be known as Yuki (meaning snow). **Hengeyokai Names:** Akari, Aki, Aoi, Azuki, Hanako, Haruki, Matcha, Mei, Momo, Nami, Pochi, Sakura, Sora, Tadeo, Umi, Yoshi, Yuki. ### Hengeyokai Traits Hengeyokai characters gain the following traits as part of their spiritual heritage. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Charisma score increases by 1. ***Age.*** It is said that hengeyokai are born from animals who have lived for more than 100 years, at which point they are considered mature and gain the ability to transform. Hengeyokai have very long lifespans, being able to live up to 1000 years. ***Alignment.*** Most henge are chaotic, prefering an independent lifestyle instead of following the laws of society. Carp, dog and sparrow henge tend to be good, helping the honest and just. Cat, fox and raccoon dog henges tend to be evil, serving their selfish needs before others'. ***Size.*** In your humanoid form, you are Medium or Small (your choice). ***Speed.*** Your base walking speed in humanoid form is 30 feet. ***Nature Spirit.*** Your creature type is fey. ***Darkvision.*** You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ***Spirit Form.*** You have both a humanoid form and an animal form. Your humanoid form may be any Medium or Small humanoid, with certain details of your animal form, such as dog ears. If you wish, your humanoid form can instead be a hybrid between a person and your animal form. As an action, you can transform into your animal form. While in animal form, you retain your game statistics; only your appearance changes, except for characteristics such as scars or missing limbs. When you transform, you choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your animal form, or is worn by it (the equipment doesn't change shape or size, and if it can't be worn, it must fall on the ground or merge with your animal form). Equipment merged in your animal form don't have any effects until you revert the transformation. You can't cast or concentrate on spells (except for Yokai Magic) and you gain certain traits depending on your subrace. Additionaly, you can speak with animals of the same type of your animal form, as if under the effects of the Speak with Animals spell, and you can do so in both your humanoid and animal forms.
***Yokai Magic.*** You know one cantrip of your choice from the Sorcerer spell list. You can cast it while in Spirit Form. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it. ***Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice. ***Subrace.*** There are six main subraces of hengeyokai, each based on a different animal: carps, cats, dogs, foxes, raccoon dogs, and sparrows. However, those are far from the only hengeyokai that exist, so feel free to change these to suit your needs. #### Carp Henge (Koi) A proud and hardy fish, the koi are easily recognized by their bright colors, but that also makes them easier for predators to spot, forcing them to face more danger. However, when a koi is able to become a hengeyokai, its resilience in the face of danger is rewarded with great power. Legends even say some dragons are descended from koi henge. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Dexterity and Constitution scores each increase by 1. ***Perseverance.*** You gain proficiency in the Athletics and Survival skills. ***Carp Spirit.*** When you use Spirit Form, you transform into a carp. As a carp, your size is Tiny, your base speed is 0, you have a swim speed of 40 feet, and your unarmed strikes are bites, which deal piercing damage equal to 1 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You also only breathe underwater in carp form. In your humanoid form, you have swim speed equal to your base speed, and can breathe above and underwater normally. #### Cat Henge (Neko) Cunning and vicious, neko are not to be messed with. Many have fallen victim to their own cats who, unbeknownst to them, had become a yokai. However, neko also remember those who treated them well, and will do whatever they can to enect vengeance upon whoever hurts their beloved owners. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Dexterity score increases by 2. ***Sneaky and Flexible.*** You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics and Stealth skills. ***Cat Spirit.*** When you use Spirit Form, you transform into a cat. As a cat, your size is Tiny, your base speed becomes 40 feet, and your unarmed strikes are your claws, which deal slashing damage equal to 1 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You also have keen smell and climb speed equal to 30 feet in both your forms. #### Dog Henge (Inu) The most loyal and well liked of all henge. Inu have strong bodies and can intuitively know the feelings of others, making them incredible combat partners, or just really good friends. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Strength score increases by 2. ***Man's Best Friend.*** You gain proficiency in the Athletics and Insight skills. ***Steadfast and Loyal.*** You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or knocked prone. ***Dog Spirit.*** When you use Spirit Form, you transform into a dog. As a dog, your size is Small, your base speed becomes 40 feet and your unarmed strikes are bites, which deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You also have keen smell and hearing in both your forms. #### Fox Henge (Kitsune) Known for their trickery, these fox spirits are the most widely recognized henge, though not always for good reasons. Evil kitsune have been known to deceive others with attractive forms to steal their gold, while more neutral kitsune usually only play pranks and pester commoners. Either way, it's always best to just avoid them when possible. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Charisma score increases by an additional 1 (for a total of 2), and your Dexterity score increases by 1. ***Trickster.*** You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills. You also double your proficiency bonus in Charisma (Deception) checks. ***Fox Spirit.*** When you use Spirit Form, you transform into a fox. As a fox, your size is Tiny, your base speed becomes 40 feet and your unarmed strikes are bites, which deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You also have keen smell and hearing in both your forms. #### Raccoon Dog Henge (Tanuki) Greedy spirits moved not by their hearts, but by their pockets. Despite their reputation as charlatans, they have an amazing way with words, knowing exactly how to get you to buy something — even if you know it's broken. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Charisma score increases by an additional 1 (for a total of 2), and your Constitution score increases by 1. ***Charm of a Merchant.*** You gain proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills. You also have advantage to Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Deception) checks regarding money, such as asking for a discount or convincing someone to pay more for your products. ***Raccoon Dog Spirit.*** When you use Spirit Form, you transform into a raccoon dog. As a raccoon dog, your size is Tiny and your unarmed strikes are your claws, which deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You also have keen smell and climb speed equal to 30 feet in both your forms. #### Sparrow Henge (Suzume) A small but wise bird, knowing evil when it sees it. The suzume helps those who accept their help, getting rid of pests and bringing prosperity in return; but are just as able to strike down those who want more than they need. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Dexterity and Wisdom scores each increase by 1. ***Friend of the Honest.*** You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics and Insight skills. ***Sparrow Spirit.*** When you use Spirit Form, you transform into a sparrow. As a sparrow, your size is Tiny, your base speed becomes 10 feet, you have fly speed equal to 50 feet, and your unarmed strikes are your beak, which deals piercing damage equal to 1 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. \pagebreakNum
# Thank you for Reading!
##### And thank you to the homebrewing community and The Homebrewery for all the resources that made this project possible.
> ##### Art Credit > **First Page** > > "[Danzaburou Recolor 2 - SMITE](" by Ramza Ardyputra >___ > **Second Page** > > [Nate Artuz]( >___ > **Fourth Page** > > "[The Dog and the Blind Girl](" by Lorenz Basuki \columnbreak
> ##### Inspiration Credit >___ > "[[WIP] Oriental Adventures Subrace, race, and subclass](" by u/NoskcajLlahsram >___ > "[Hengeyokai - The Struggle to Create a Balanced Shapeshifter for 5e](" by u/beardify \pagebreakNum # Changelog - Minor flavor changes - **Added:** *Steadfast and Loyal* (inu). - **Changed: *Trickster* (kitsune):** You now also gain Expertise in Deception checks. - **Changed: *Charm of a Merchant* (tanuki):** You now also advantage to Persuasion and Deception checks regarding money.