A Guide to Baby Dragons

by unbrokenwishbone

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How to train your dragon


Part one- Identifying your hatchling.

How to care for a hatchling

How to identify your dragon egg

Part 2: Bringing your dragon into the world:

The birth Process

Part 3: Imprinting and dragon marks

How to ensure a successful imprint

Dragon marks

Diffrent types of dragon marks and the theories behind them

Part 4: Naming your Dragon

Step by step- The naming ritual

Names have meaning!

What can be used as magical objects

What can be used as elemental objects

Part 5: Raising your dragon

Morality and raising a dragon

Taking care of your dragon

Stat sheets for hatchlings

Contents page | How to train your dragon

From Birth-Adulthood- Being a responsible caretaker:

Any child takes some looking after. See this book for responsible tips from the moment the egg hatches to making sure there are no burned villages!

How to care for a Hatchling:

Incubation Periods:

Colour Incubation time Size
Red 660 days Medium
Blue 600 days Small
Green 480 days Small
Silver 660 days Small
Black 480 days Tiny

there has been talk in the past about a copper dragon but nobody knows if this is true or not. We do not have the information for it in this book

How to Identify your Dragon Egg:

Colour Type of Damage and Type of elemental: Size
Red Fire/Fire Medium
Blue Water/Lightning Small
Green Earth/Poison Small
Silver Cold/Ice Small
Black Necrotic/Acid Tiny

The diffrent types

A red dragon egg

The diffrent types

A blue dragon egg

The diffrent types

A Green dragon egg

A Silver dragon egg

A silver dragon egg

Part 1- Identifying your egg | How to train your dragon

The Birth process:

Hatching a dragon is not as simple as just waiting you know! You need a step by step guide! Luckily we are here to help.

  1. First you need the breath of an adult dragon, given willingly.

  2. Second, you need to give it a name. There is a guide for naming here later!

  3. Third, You need to carry around and give the dragon your warmth for 10 days. A dragon also egg needs sustained heat of over eighty degrees for at least twenty-four hours in order to get the process going

  4. The dragon needs to know that thier guardian will be there for them! it needs to think that its mother is carrying it around with her and will be there to care for it when it hatches. To a dragon egg, no movement means no mother.

  5. You need to provide the egg with the stimulation of its heritage. For example- a Red dragon is immune to fire, a blue dragon is immune to lightning. Therefore, provide a red egg with fire and a blue dragon with lightning :)

  6. and this is the hardest. When the period of time is over, you will need the bite of a vampire spider from the Abyss Please be very careful when this happens for it to only bite the shell and not the inside of the egg. And as we all know, creatures from the abyss do not always give bites easily. Take care!

*Here is an image of one of Sara, the imprinted dragon to one of the first members of the order of history *

Part 2- Bringing a dragon into the world | How to train your dragon

Imprinting and Dragon Marks:

When the dragon hatches, it will imprint on the first character/creature it sees. This person becomes its provider and establishes a connection regardless of race and language. This person becomes responsible for the hatchling's wellbeing. A successful imprint will result in a dragon tattoo and a psychic connection. Many dragons in society have developed personalities and morality that are influenced by thier hatcher.

How to ensure a successful imprint

A successful imprint provides that the creature responsible for the hatching process is the same one it sees first. A hatchling requires the parent to be there for it! When your baby dragon hatches, it will attempt to bite your finger, to gain your imprint to to speak, allow this to happen and give it a name. You now have your very own hatchling!

Dragon Marks:

Many diffrent species have started imprinting with dragons, as well as the new subspecies of dragon starting to populate the world, this researcher has noticed that imprinting leaves behind a dragon mark. This mark gives the user the ability to communicate with the dragon telepathically despite any language barrier. Recently its been commented on that many of these provide a small resistance to the damage type of the dragon although this is yet to be tested. knowledge of these dragon marks are very new. Some other researchers claim that such marks are a blessing by the holy mother Celeste.

However this researcher was able to find and document the marks that are avaliable in order to start to research this topic.

*See Pansie Schrodinger and Sara below: *

This is a painting drawn of the Dragon mark of Sara and Pansie. I was told in the ancient dragon language it means the one who is brave.

Diffrent types of Dragonmarks and the theories behind them:

It has been considerly noted that each dragon has its own unique mark. It has been discussed and noted that each dragon has a marking that will bear some element of its personality on there. There have been multiple studies done on the Second High priestess of the order of history, Pansie Scrondinger, grandaughter of the prestigious goddess of light and her own dragon, Sara. It has been said that she made a deal with the dragons to store thier eggs safely in the observatory of time. Nobody knows why she did this and she refuses to tell anyone but claimed that the knowledge will be needed one day and asked me to write this book for the time it will.

I have compared Sara's markings to other dragons i have found and knowledge of dragons and come to a conclusion that the dragon markings, not only replicate on their imprinter but are completly unique in themselves a little like markings on fingers, there never seems to be one the same. It is discussed that the markings have a symbolic meaning in draconic, about the dragon's nature, personality or destiny but this doesn't seem to have any evidence to it. It has been noted that each of the dragon markings though contain the colour and element that which they are born from, for example, a black dragon, will contain a acid, black coloured mark.

Part 3-- Imprinting and dragon marks | How to train your dragon

Naming your Dragon:

A dragons are very proper creatures. They like things to be done formally and the right way. Any mostly decent scholar would learn that names are really important and hold great meaning. You will need to name your Hatchling, otherwise it will end up Nameless. A nameless dragon would both be very difficult to look after and will start to slowly grow insane. It will not be able to be summoned and be very upset with its imprinter figure.

Luckily, this doesnt have to happen! This book will take you through the formal ritual to give your hatchling a name.

Step by Step- the naming ritual:

  1. first you need a object or item based of the element that the dragon is from.. For example, a blue dragon would need a water/ocean or lightning based object. Give this to the dragon as an object of affection.
  2. You then need an element of magic that binds the dragon to the realm of Celeste. For some this is a rope infused with magic, others a collar. For some this is giving the dragon a magical toy. It is up to the imprinter. With Black dragons however, most items connect to the Abyss, as it is a diffrent source of magic.
  3. For the third step, bring together all those who are going to be involved in the upbrining of the dragon together. Decide a name between you all. The magic of naming comes from this discussion
  4. 4th say to the dragon while holding the element of magic in one hand these Exact words. "Faithful friend and companion to the end, child of (celeste). welcome to this world. I name thee.. (name)" The magic of the ritual should carve the name into the item that you have chosen.

*Below is the specially made Ball this author used in the naming Process. Winter is engraved on the back. *

Names have meaning!

Nobody really knows why the original dragons were named the way that they were, but we do know some names! It has been suggested multiple times that the elemental goddesses had a say in the names of them. We know that the name for the first Red dragon is Rose, Green is Robyn, Silver- Selene, Blue- Aquaveria, Black- Desdemona and there is a record for a Yoseph, although nobody really knows if that was a name put in reserves, or a descendant of these dragons. These names also seem to appear in holy texts of the various different dieties.

What can be used as magical objects?

Any object with a connection to the magical realm. Its easy to go and get an object from the realm, just portal in and out again! If this does not work and your abilities are not strong enough for planar travel, then you may use any celestial object. Beware though, any celestial object that is connected to a god or goddess that is not Celeste will have an impact on the dragon's personality. Most objects in the material plane can be infused, some are already. At the basis of it, a single piece of rope could be used as long as it has the connection. To establish the connection would require belief and prayer.

What can you use as an elemental object?

Any object that connects to an element, for example, a twig for earth, a pot of water for.. well water, a flame for fire, a feather for air, a torch for light and darkness is the hardest, but im sure you will find something!

Part 4 Naming your dragon| Raising a Dragon

Morality and raising a dragon:

A dragon is very much influenced by its own elemental nature and its imprinter's nature. Dragons are very intelligent creatures. The Hatchling will spend a year observing the imprinter's actions, thoughts, words and morals and exploring the elemental world around them. It is believed the mark will help the imprinter determine what the dragon might become, although as mentioned before, details are very minimal on this. However after some careful observation there is a pattern towards elemental dragons and their nature.

Colour Type of elemental: Alingment
Red Fire/Fire Chaotic Neutral
Blue Water/Lightning Lawful good
Green Earth/Poison Lawful Neutral
Silver Cold/Ice Lawful good
Black Abyssal/Acid Chaotic Evil

The actions of the Imprinter will teach the dragon to either embrace its nature or fight against it. Do not underestimate impact your actions have. The dragons are also born protectors of thier imprinters and the mortals in the world, even if they do not know why.

Taking care of your dragon:

A dragon requires a very meat based diet. Some dragons have learned to adapt in the environment and do not eat people anymore, but many of them, especially the black dragons still do. A dragon will need to learn how to hunt, fly, drink, play and fight in order to have a productive life. It is probably best if dragons learn how to hunt land animals. A lot of this will come naturally to them, as part of a genetic memory, but will require great encouragement from the Imprinter, especially learning how to fly. It is also worth teaching your hatchling not to do things like burn down forests in the process. The author has seen many times where this has nearly happened and it has angered the followers of the flower goddess.

Dragons need play and encouragement! Winter has many times learned how to do new things by playing with her special ball.

They also need to learn how to behave independently and to fight well in a battle, especially against the dark forces that threaten the world. As people are starting to develop things called cities, many of the core dragons are having to intervene more there to help the people than in the outside of the world. I have heard talk recently of a silver dragon helping a person learn how to do something called sing. What a world this is!

Just like most creatures of the land, a dragon needs a good diet of water and meat in order to keep healthy. You will be able to tell if they are not, because a dragon who does not eat regularly gets very cranky and starts to lose some of its scales. Dragons usually have a very big appetite and can eat multiple chickens at one time!

A cranky dragon is not a happy Dragon

Stat sheets for Hatchlings (Generic)

Dragon Hatchling:

Dragon Hatchling

*Small, No alignment *

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armour)
  • Hit Points Hitpoints 4 (1d8)
  • Speed 15 ft., burrow 15 ft., fly 30 ft., swim 15 ft.

Str (10) Dex (10) Con (10) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (10)

  • Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +2, Wis +2, Cha +2
  • Skills Perception +2, Stealth +2 Proficiency Bonus (PB): +2
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances see Draconic Heritage
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 12
  • Languages Draconic, Language of Imprinter
  • Challenge 1/8 (25 xp)


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) draconic heritage damage.

Breath Weapon (Recharge 6). The dragon exhales at a target in a line 10 feet long that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking 11 (2d10) draconic heritage (see below) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Dragons older than hatchlings and Wrymlings take on the appropriate stats for their type and age as seen in the monster manual.


Medium Dragon Child

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)
  • Speed 30 ft., burrow 15 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 30 ft.

Str (14) Dex (10) Con (14) Int (5) Wis (10) Cha (11)

  • Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +2
  • Skills skills
  • Damage Vulnerabilities See Draconic heritage
  • Damage Resistances See Draconic heritage
  • Damage Immunities See Draconic heritage
  • Condition Immunities See Draconic heritage
  • Senses Blindsight 10 Ft., Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 14
  • Languages Languages: Languages of Imprinter, Draconic
  • Challenge See specific stat blocks for details


Multiattack. The Creature Name makes Number and type of attacks

Breath attacks:

see specific stat block for type of damage

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 2) piercing damage plus (1d4)cold damage

Part 5 Raising your dragon| Raising a Dragon

How to raise a dragon:

Want to learn how to raise a dragon? Now you can! A book wrote by a NPC who raised a dragon himself, with step by step guides to take you from identifying the type of egg you have found to teaching it how to hunt. A glimpse into the world of Ereteria is at your fingertips!

Any comments please talk to Bea! Hope you enjoyed.